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  • How not to be afraid to get another job. Panic fear of work, anxiety attacks and lethargy. Our big and scary boss

    How not to be afraid to get another job.  Panic fear of work, anxiety attacks and lethargy.  Our big and scary boss

    But they did not mention the fear that almost all people experience when entering a new job. It is unlikely that he has any scientific name, but this fact does not prevent the beginner from worrying and being afraid to shiver in his knees, going over in his mind the possible options for the development of events and presenting chilling pictures: either the team does not accept him and builds all sorts of intrigues, then the boss turns out to be a tyrant, giving out stupid orders. It is not surprising that the first day at a new job, as well as its anticipation, is a serious test for any of us. How to overcome it with the least emotional loss - in the reasoning of the author of "Cleo".

    Maybe I am especially impressionable, or maybe this happens to almost everyone, but the first day at a new job is always difficult for me, and even waiting for it is exhausting. It usually begins in a couple of days, bringing a lot of unanswered questions and activating a rather rich imagination. The latter does not spare me at all: I imagine my colleagues arrogantly laugh at any of my awkward actions, do not want to help in anything, and at dinner they pretend that I do not exist at all. Needless to say, the day before going to work, I almost hate her? The fear of the unknown kills absolutely all the positive emotions that I have experienced until recently, and all I feel is a lump in my throat. I am afraid to misunderstand the first task, I am afraid to become the subject of ridicule and jokes in an already established team, I am afraid, in the end, that this team will not accept me into their "family" and I will, crying bitterly, dine alone in a toilet stall, as they show in American youth comedies. Of course, the latter is nothing more than irony, and schoolchildren are more likely to feel such fear than adults, but we are not alien to the feelings of being forced to communicate with new colleagues. Even the most confident person is worried when they find themselves in an unfamiliar environment.

    Even the most confident person is worried when they find themselves in an unfamiliar environment.

    Since I had changed jobs more than once, I also went crazy with fear on the eve of my first working day more than once. And at some point I decided that it was impossible: it’s stupid to be afraid in advance of what might not happen. Such "empty" emotions become only a source of stress and certainly do not help us to work productively and to win people over to us. If you also lose your appetite at the thought that tomorrow you will go to a new office with new colleagues and a boss, then try to pull yourself together with the help of the tips below. For me, they really work.

    Separate the wheat from the chaff

    When you are afraid of something, you feel uncomfortable. When you are afraid of something incomprehensible, it is even more uncomfortable. Based on this, I decided that from now on I will always determine whether my fears have any basis. It helps a lot to get rid of far-fetched fears, which are exhausting no less than real ones. To understand if there is a real threat, I write all my fears on a piece of paper and critically assess what can actually come from it, and what is a figment of my rich imagination. When there are half the number of "enemies", it becomes much easier to fight.

    When you are afraid of something, you feel uncomfortable. When you are afraid of something incomprehensible, it is even more uncomfortable.

    Win mentally

    So, we understood what situations really should be feared. But we also know that there is no guarantee that events will develop according to this negative scenario, perhaps everything will turn out in the best possible way. What does “best” mean to you? Imagine how you come to work and see that this is a real dream. Colleagues are friendly, the boss is understanding and tactful, your workplace is comfortable and modern. What more could you ask for? Set yourself up in a positive mood today, mentally conquer all your fears so that tomorrow you will come to work in a good mood and not expect a catch from everywhere.

    Costume with a needle

    Prepare your first day's clothes in advance. Firstly, those around them will clearly not be delighted with a new colleague who will come to the office in a crumpled skirt and a washed blouse. Secondly, you yourself will feel more confident, knowing that you are dressed up to date. Great importance has the same and what kind of clothes you choose. Of course, if the company has a dress code, then everything is quite simple: comply with it, and there will be no problems. But if there are no clear rules, you should be careful: no miniskirts, children's T-shirts and low-waisted jeans. Think: you yourself would be wary of a newcomer who showed up for a job in what she most likely wore to the club yesterday.

    Smile but don't bore

    Show that you are interested in this work and really want to understand what is here and what.

    Now let's talk about the first working day. Your behavior is no less important than yours. appearance... You know that smiling is disarming and being overly helpful is alarming, so be nice to new colleagues, but don't go overboard: don't deliberately try to please someone and go overboard so that your new boss will notice you today. Perhaps he will notice, thinking: “Who did I hire?”, But this one is not at all what you need. Therefore, do not take on everything at once (no one expects that on the first working day you will begin to grab stars from the sky), do not boast of success and knowledge, but rather absorb new information like a sponge. Show that you are interested in this work and really want to understand what is here and what.

    There are fears that are incompatible with life. ... No, not with being in your physical shell, but with a life full of joy, a sense of satisfaction, happiness and a sense of fulfillment. And people who dare to admit to themselves: yes, I'm afraid to work, understand this better than anyone else.

    Fear of work deprives a person of one of the main things in life - realization.

    Anyone who is concerned about how to overcome fear of work wants with all his heart to be a full member of society. He wants to be independent. Wants to use material goods, and to know that these benefits were obtained by him, and not by someone else, on whose neck he has to hang, catching reproachful glances on himself.

    He tries. He tries to write his resume and realizes with bitterness that by his 20+ years he has nothing to write in the “previous work experience” column.

    Some people, saying “I'm afraid to start work,” say that they go to interviews, meet with potential employers. And when, it would seem, all the stages have been passed, the cherished goal has almost been achieved, they with all their hearts begin to wish that they would not be invited to this work. So that the standard answer "we will call you back" and hangs in the air, as is often the case. They can look for a job for months, go through options, spend hours, days, weeks of their lives ... And without achieving the desired result.

    There are also those who say: I am afraid to look for a job. They do not even get to interviews, as they experience, for example, fear of their boss. The mere thought of having to sit in a chair across from a potential employer, or HR employee, makes them fearful, turning into horror. And even if they force themselves to come for an interview - trembling in their voices, dry mouth, squeezing sensations in the chest area, self-talk and insecurity do not allow them to express themselves. It is worthy to present yourself as a good specialist, a promising employee. Although, it is quite possible that this is exactly what they are. They would only have to cross this threshold ...

    The life of such people is also darkened by misunderstanding on the part of loved ones. The fear of going to work is perceived by them as unwillingness to work, ordinary laziness or an empty whim. They do not understand that a person who admits that I am afraid to go to work really suffers from this fear.

    And those who understand, and seem to even try to help, do it so awkwardly and incorrectly that their actions annoy and sometimes just disappoint.

    Often in responses left on psychological support forums for people who are afraid of new job, you can read the message that begins with the following words:

    - Such fear, the new team frighten many ...

    This is a favorite technique of many "advisors", even professional ones. They believe that the main thing is to make it clear to a person that he is not alone.

    But no ... not many people ask themselves the question: how to overcome / overcome the fear of a new job. Yes, many have worries, worries associated with work. But very few people experience fear of work so strong that it prevents them from taking place in this life.

    Other counselors, assuming that fear of work is the fear of not being able to do the job, try to neutralize its significance:

    - Do you think others are doing 100%? We all have failures. The bosses are yelling at everyone. Anyone can make mistakes. There are no perfect employees. And everyone understands this, even the bosses.

    Some explain this anxiety as fear of not coping with work and believe that if you show that there are simply no ideals, it will be easier for a person to cope with their fear. But do such words of support and seemingly very logical explanations help?

    No, they do not help ... and the question of how to overcome fear of the boss, before work, remains open.

    I'm afraid to go to work: there is a solution

    ... I want to change jobs, but I'm afraid

    ... I'm afraid of losing my job

    ... I'm afraid to work

    Who are all these people who suffer from such an incomprehensible form of fear? Where does this fear come from and how can you deal with it? All these questions are answered by the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

    All these "I want to change jobs, but I'm afraid", "I'm afraid of the boss, the new team" ... are rooted in the unconscious. Most often, such fear can be in people with an anal vector. And if fears inherent in the visual vector multiply on such uncertainty, we risk getting a depressing picture ...

    Why is a person with an anal vector afraid of work? Not because he does not want to work, on the contrary - people with an anal vector are the most persistent, diligent, they will not be scared by a large amount of work. But the psyche of an anal person is very interestingly arranged. Such people do not know how to lie, and even slightly embellish the truth. These are not leather workers who can declare themselves mega-professionals, having only superficially familiarized themselves with some profession. Analists are self-critical, even if they know their job well, but they do even a tiny part of it with difficulty, they will consider themselves insufficiently qualified, and simply cannot call themselves a good specialist.

    Of course, they perfectly understand what and how to say at an interview. But, even trying to do everything correctly, according to the read-out instructions, they do not just give themselves up, but stigmatize themselves. Here visual fears in conjunction with the love of truth of the anal vector drive a person into a trap. Fear, deep in the unconscious, interferes so much that a person, without realizing it, does everything to prevent him from being hired.

    "Yes, I worked on the previous project for a year, but I haven't learned anything." And what? It's true.

    It is difficult for an anal person to start, to take the first step, he is afraid to do something wrong, he is afraid to be embarrassed. Sometimes this fear reaches such a degree that it completely refuses to act, endlessly postponing "for later." I will look for work from Monday, from the beginning of the month, from spring ... But the more time passes in inactivity, the more difficult it is for an anal person to start doing something. The more self-doubt he has.

    Another reason for fear of work

    In the presence of an insufficiently realized visual vector, endowed with the ability to vividly experience all emotions, any experience takes a form close to tragedy, and unconscious fears intensify.

    Spectators are impressionable creative personalities, prone to deep emotional experiences, that's from whose lips we can hear the phrases: I'm afraid to change / change jobs. This is the fear of not being liked, not creating an emotional connection with colleagues.

    System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan not only reveals the roots of fear, but also exterminates them, as evidenced by more than 400 reviews of people who conquered their fears during the training. The fears associated with work also go away, bringing the person great relief:

    “After Yuri Burlan's training in system-vector psychology, first after free trainings, and then backing up free skin and anal lectures with a full course, I had some kind of regrouping of attitudes and efforts within my being. I decided that in my place I can explain and teach people no worse than others ... And it so happened that my inner critics-cockroaches were caught by a sudden death.

    I came under the control of my own inner witness, whose advice became benevolent guidance and development in a given direction. And most importantly, this oppressive lump is gone, this nasty suffocating toad, who was holding back his breath and squeezing my chest with nasty, tenacious paws. I suddenly felt that I can quite calmly communicate with foreigners, even if I don’t know something, and I am not yet able to express and not feel the oppressive feeling of guilt from my incompetence. I see and feel that I make mistakes, factual, grammatical, phonetic, lexical and so on, but this awareness does not create a deficiency of "oxygen" in my lungs and energy in my brain. On the contrary, working with the language and shortcomings in this work began to strengthen me. " Pavel Shirmanov

    “I began to understand what I want. I realized that at my previous job I would not achieve this. She left without regret. Now I am working on my own projects, trying what is interesting, looking for. Here again, to the question of fears: there are also much fewer of them in work. " Maria Petrova

    Do you want to stop being afraid of work, bosses, change of team and take place in this life as a socialized, useful person? Then sign up for free lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. For many, these trainings have become an impetus to reveal their potential, to conscious action. After all, when you know what is the cause of the problem, and you understand what needs to be done to change your situation, it is much easier to take action. See you at free trainings! .

    The article was written based on the materials of trainings on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

    Fear of a new job is a pretty serious phobia. It prevents people from living a normal life, building a successful career and, of course, getting a good salary. Anyone wants a comfortable life, but it is not always possible to get what you want. Problems at work, in a team, disrespect from the authorities always cause negative feelings. And the sediment remains for many years. As a result, the person develops ergophobia.

    What is ergophobia, how does it manifest

    Employment is practically the most important part of everyone's life. Today, work is not only financial independence, but also a chance to show oneself, become prosperous and famous. People spend almost their entire lives on it, constantly disappearing in offices or factories.

    Because of this, fear of employment has recently been very common and can be observed in many. Ergophobia is an example of disorders that occur in people associated with mental stress: fear of a new job and the implementation of new tasks. The person is afraid to take responsibility and fail to complete the assigned task on time.

    Many people find it difficult to overcome fear in a new job. Those around them consider such people to be idlers and losers. And this opinion is wrong. Each phobia is stronger than the desires of the individual. A person cannot see himself from the outside, therefore he experiences nervousness and simply goes crazy. An often considered fear is felt by people in high positions and applying for good wages.

    It often manifests itself in those who already have a mental disorder.

    Ergophobia combines fears in one way or another related to work. They are listed below.

    1. Fear of looking for a new job and the first day of entering a new job. This fear occurs in many people. A person can work for a long time only at one job and not try to find something better. The thought that you can become unemployed and have to look for a new business causes intense fear and emotional stress. Such people have low self-esteem, deprive themselves of the chance to find a better offer and earn normal income. Fear prevents you from building a career and showing everyone what he is capable of.
    2. Fear of poor performance on assigned tasks. Basically, this fear has those people who work in one place and perform only one type of responsibility every day. They will not master the new position, because they may not cope with it. Such people are quite responsible, often suffer from inability to rest, are prone to poor sleep and heavy stress. Also, fear can appear in those on whom there is a lot of responsibility.
    3. Phobia of getting injured at work, or conflict with other employees. Such fears can negatively impact performance. If they overwhelm a person, then he urgently needs to establish communication with employees or start looking for a new place. The same goes for fear of injury: it is better to minimize risks or find a new job.
    4. Inability to work can also occur due to the presence of other phobias. They have a bad effect on a person and his life. For example, a person may be afraid of a large crowd of people, which can negatively affect work, and it will be difficult for her in a large team.

    Phobia reasons

    Any situation that happened a little earlier can become the cause of fear. Phobia can even occur in successful person, it's just that its manifestations will not be so bright. Possible reasons include abrupt dismissal, which was unfair, negative criticism from colleagues and superiors. It can also be caused by frequent fatigue, depression, and health problems.

    Frequent fatigue leads to the extinction of emotions, stress and neuroses. And these problems become the source of the phobia. There is a fear of work, a fear that he will perform the task incorrectly. And it is important for him to be responsible and not to worsen the situation, especially if he occupies a high position.

    An interview you don't have to fear

    Anyone can be afraid of an interview. When a person is invited for an interview, he must find out in advance as much as possible about the company or plant: field of activity, responsibilities. You need to be confident. But overcoming this fear is not easy. It is important to think in advance what questions will be asked, and to prepare at least a little. Usually the interview is of a standard nature, so all the questions are easy to find on the Internet.

    When a person is ready, he will be convinced of his abilities, and it will not be difficult to find a new job. The main thing is not to joke with strangers: they are potential future employees and bosses. You should take your work seriously. Self-confidence will help you quickly integrate into the team, prove yourself from the good side and cope with fear at work.

    Phobia symptoms

    Ergophobia symptoms can be both physiological and somatic. The main ones include the following:

    • increased sweating;
    • cardiopalmus;
    • the appearance of headaches and dizziness;
    • great excitement and panic;
    • sharp redness or blanching of the skin of the face.

    Such symptoms are more often referred to as psychological disorders. A person is not self-confident, overly self-critical. He may also deliberately avoid performing a task or stop going to work altogether. This reaction is a serious symptom. Therefore, the phobia needs to be treated urgently.

    Phobia treatment

    It is not difficult to get rid of the fear of work, it can be treated on its own, but only in the case of a mild form. You need to get rid of isolation and achieve your goals. But if the situation is serious, you cannot do without the help of a psychologist.

    The psychologist will conduct several hypnosis sessions, talk to the patient, or engage in cognitive behavioral therapy. At first, it is difficult for a patient to tell a specialist about their problems and the presence of a phobia.

    Treatment can be done in groups. Professionals often use motivational training to help a person achieve success. Through such meetings, people have the opportunity to overcome their fear of changing jobs, learn to think and not be led by other people.

    To overcome the fear of a new job, you need to take medication and undergo a course of psychotherapy. Usually sedatives, antidepressants and tranquilizers are recommended. The advice of a psychologist constitutes a course of therapy, and such treatment can last for a long time. The medicines will work much faster. But in comparison with the course of psychological therapy, the pills only remove the symptoms of the disease, while the psychologist helps to completely recover.

    Consultations with a psychotherapist do not help immediately, so people have to wait and attend more than one training. To achieve positive results, a person must want to be treated and be sure to reconsider their views on their life and what they do. Sometimes you just need to change your occupation, try to be with your family more often and have a lot of rest. You need to understand that health cannot be bought for any money.


    There are many types of phobias, many of which are closely related. Fear of a new job is common, and almost everyone has this disorder. Each phobia is at a different stage of development and affects life in different ways, but it must be treated in any case. And the sooner you start doing this, the better.

    You need to ask yourself what is important: money and a career or love and family. It is necessary to correctly determine your level of aspirations. The main thing is not to be afraid of change. If work brings discomfort, you need to think about a new one: start from scratch or change the field of activity.

    Fighting fears at work can and should be done. Experienced specialists will help in this matter and suggest which method will be the most effective.

    How to overcome your fear of a new job

    People who are about to get a new job, as a rule, experience a certain fear of leaving, associated with several reasons.

    To begin with, I propose to figure out what makes us look for a new job. It could be absence career growth in the same place, low wages, decreased interest in the work performed, routine and other reasons. Each person evaluates their abilities in their own way.

    The fear of moving from one job to another can be associated with an interview, a new team, a new environment, new responsibilities that you did not have to perform before.

    Psychologists advise dealing with your fears simply by facing them directly. That is, if you are afraid of something new and unknown, you just need to meet this face to face and after passing this stage, the fear will disappear by itself. This requires a certain amount of willpower, but it needs to be done in order to assert itself and feel more confident.

    The main reason for fear of a new job is uncertainty. That is why you need to find out everything that you will have to face when applying for a new place, and then there will be no more reasons for fear. You can imagine ways of developing the situation and find ways of compromise in the case of difficult or conflict situations.

    Fear is a natural part of being human. But as soon as you cross the threshold of a new company, feel the friendly attitude of its team and your future colleagues, assess the growth prospects for yourself, it will go away.

    Some people find it quite difficult to get used to a new team and assert themselves in it. But if you managed to earn a positive reputation and respect for yourself at your previous place of work, it is unlikely that something will prevent you from feeling free and confident in new organization after some time, meeting colleagues and learning new responsibilities.

    Everything happens once in our life for the first time. You, for sure, also experienced a certain fear before going to the sandbox for the first time, then to first grade, then to professional educational institution... Proceeding from the fact that you have been able to successfully pass all the previous stages of life, and you will cope with this with no less ease. Sometimes it is the feeling of fear that helps people do the impossible. So let a dizzying take-off in your career be this impossible at this stage.

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    Fear of work (ergophobia) deprives a person of the possibility of social realization and financial independence. Ergophobe is afraid to take on additional responsibility at work, missing out on the opportunity to show talents. Experiencing severe stress when communicating with superiors and colleagues. In severe forms of the disorder, a person does not even find the strength to go to an interview and get a job. The situation is aggravated if relatives and friends look at the ergophobe reproachfully, believing that the problem is banal laziness.

    Causes of fear

    It is necessary to identify the true causes of psychological discomfort associated with the process of work and its search, and work with them. Fear of work is generally a symptom of social anxiety disorder. That is, the ergophobe is scared not by the need to work itself, but by unpleasant social situations that you can get into during an interview or in the process of work.

    Behind the words "I'm afraid to get a job" may hide fears:

    • assessing your personality and abilities;
    • to be rejected, to be rejected;
    • hearing uncomfortable questions practiced during stress interviews.

    Behind the complaints “I'm afraid to work” there are fears:

    • to be subordinate to someone;
    • not get accustomed to the team;
    • do not live up to the expectations.

    Make the interview process a chore. Whether you're interviewing for the first time in your life or after a long break from work, your excitement is understandable. Try interviewing firms you don't really want to work for. Lack of attachment to the outcome will help you cope with anxiety. The experience gained from unsuccessful interviews will help you learn how to cope with rejection, successful ones will raise your self-esteem.

    If you're taking the job of your dreams, remind yourself that whatever is done is for the best. Remember the stories successful people who did not achieve what they wanted on the first try. For example, film actor Heath Ledger failed auditions for the lead role in Batman Begins, but ended up playing an antagonist character in the sequel and was awarded an Oscar. If it hadn't been for bad luck, he wouldn't have gotten his starring role.

    Break the task down into small goals. Don't think too far ahead. Here you need to call and arrange an interview. Pick up the phone and call. It doesn't matter at the moment whether you are hired or not. You just need to make a call and make an appointment. At each stage, focus on the present moment. Focusing in this way significantly reduces anxiety, because your thoughts are focused on the current task, and not on possible failure.


    If you cannot cope with your fear of work on your own, you need to work with a psychologist. You can also conduct it online with a psychologist-hypnologist.