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  • Scientists talked about the beginning of the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano. Yellowstone volcano in America: forecasts and the latest news How the collapse of the USA and Canada from the volcano will turn out for Russia

    Scientists talked about the beginning of the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano.  Yellowstone volcano in America: forecasts and the latest news How the collapse of the USA and Canada from the volcano will turn out for Russia

    23:36 18.06.2017

    Recently, the number of earthquakes in Yellowstone National Park has increased.

    For several years, the Yellowstone volcano has been causing active controversy among scientists and fear in the eyes of ordinary inhabitants of the Earth. This caldera is located in the United States, and it does not matter in which state, because it is capable of destroying an entire nation in a matter of days. Forecasts for the alleged explosion change over and over again with the arrival of new data on the behavior of natural phenomena in the Yellowstone Park area, but the latest news makes you think about the future of every person on the planet.

    102 earthquakes hit Yellowstone National Park in three days
    In this regard, the leadership of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) urgently raised an aircraft equipped with special equipment for infrared photography.

    Seismologists warn that there are only a few days left before the apocalypse. The supervolcano located in Yellowstone National Park is considered the largest and most dangerous on the planet. If he wakes up, the Earth is threatened by a real apocalypse. The thing is that supervolcanoes, in addition to magma and gases, emit colossal amounts of ash into the atmosphere, which can lead to the development of events according to the scenario of "nuclear winter". The planet is threatened by a sharp climate change that will lead to the death of plants and animals. Moreover, the air can be so polluted that it becomes unfit for breathing. WITH

    On June 12, in the Yellowstone caldera, there were as many as 102 earthquakes with a magnitude of two points and above, 44 of which occurred directly on the territory of the national park. In addition, the temperature of the water in the thermal springs has risen, and in general the water level has risen, which indicates an increase in the temperature of the soil in the caldera, which means that magma rises closer to the surface and can escape outward at any time. Over the past few days, the number of earthquakes has increased dramatically. So, since June 14, there were 17 of them in the caldera, which exceeded the average monthly norm. Seismologists are seriously alarmed. In their opinion, the eruption of the supervolcano may begin in the coming days.

    Since Monday, June 12, 2017, Yellowstone National Park in the United States has experienced more than 30 magnitude 2 or more earthquakes. A push of 4.4 points was recorded on Thursday. This sequence is alarming as there is a supervolcano in the park.

    The supervulcan has not erupted for the last 640 thousand years. But if he wakes up, his emissions can affect climate change on the planet. Two million years ago, the supervolcano emitted 2.5 thousand cubic kilometers of rock and ash into the atmosphere, the last time half as much. For comparison, the Indonesian volcano Tambor in 1815 threw out 160 cubic kilometers of material, which led to the largest geological catastrophe of modern times and a “year without summer”. However, scientists say that earthquakes in Yellowstone are quite common. The most powerful was in 2014 - then the magnitude of earthquakes reached 4.8 points.

    Seismologists are concerned about the situation around the supervolcano Yellowstone, located in the heart of the United States. In the event of its eruption, North America will virtually cease to exist, turning into a lifeless desert, reminiscent of the surface of Mars. And the worst thing is that this misfortune can happen at any moment.

    No one knows when the supervolcano will explode, since no source has a reliable description of the behavior of such a giant. According to geological data, it is known that there have been three eruptions in history: 2.1 million years ago, 1.27 million years ago and 640 thousand years ago. According to calculations, the next explosion may fall to the lot of contemporaries, but no one knows the exact date.

    The monitoring revealed an increase in the activity of geysers, as well as an increase in the amplitude of earthquakes. In September 2016, a video appeared on YouTube that the caldera began its eruption, but the state of the Yellowstone volcano has not changed significantly yet. True, tremors are gaining strength, so the risk is getting higher.

    How much do we have left?

    The Yellowstone volcano has long worried not only scientists, but also ordinary people. He attracted the attention of scientists around the world. They roughly named the time when one of the most dangerous volcanoes on the planet might erupt.

    Scientists have written many articles and put forward many theories about Yellowstone's behavior.

    There are speculations that the volcano will wake up in the coming years, but most are of the opinion that this disaster will happen within a millennium. It is difficult to say what to believe, each theory reinforces its correctness with a set of certain data.

    As you know, Yellowstone is located on the territory of the reserve. Here, at almost every step, various equipment is placed, including all kinds of sensors that record every breath of the volcano and even the slightest slight changes.

    Scientists, based on the analysis of the latest data, concluded that the Yellowstone eruption will occur in this century. Nobody can name the exact date of the beginning of the eruption. This can happen at any time.

    Magma under Yellowstone rises

    And now we are told that "a piece of molten rock with a length of 750 kilometers rises" just below Yellowstone:

    “Scientists are monitoring a 750 km piece of molten rock rising beneath the Yellowstone Caldera. The supervolcano in Yellowstone National Park has erupted three times in Earth's history - 2.1 million years ago and 640,000 years ago. Volcanoes usually explode when molten rock, known as magma, rises to the surface, melting the Earth's mantle due to tectonic plate shears. However, geologists reported how the magma chamber, located above the magma plume, slowly rises from year to year.

    Let's hope that nothing significant will happen to Yellowstone for a very long time.

    But experts say that one day there will be a full-scale eruption, and when it does, it will be able to create a "volcanic winter" that will make it nearly impossible to grow crops and ultimately lead to dire famines in many regions.

    Scientists have found out when the Yellowstone supervolcano will provoke a large-scale catastrophe

    A group of scientists have made predictions as to when the Yellowstone supervolcano will cause a massive catastrophe on Earth. The US-based facility may be fully operational in the not too distant future.

    According to researchers, Yellowstone may come to full "readiness" in less than 100 years. For the Earth, this implies a catastrophe frightening in scale, since the eruption of this supervolcano can be compared with the explosions of about a thousand atomic bombs... If this happens, the United States will become a "dead zone" completely covered with ash. The rest of the earth's continents can plunge into darkness. Scientists from Russia in this regard are voicing no less pessimistic forecasts.

    How Yellowstone Explosion Will Occur

    Volcanologists suggest that before the start of the explosion of the Yellowstone volcano, the earth will rise by several tens of meters. In parallel with this, the soil temperature will heat up to 70 ° C.

    The explosion will immediately release volcanic ash, which will rise into the sky for about 50 km.

    Following this, an ejection of magma will occur, which will cover a gigantic area. All this will be accompanied by powerful earthquakes.

    In the first minutes after the explosion, about 200 thousand people will die from the hot lava alone. Then people will die from subsequent earthquakes and tsunamis.

    Ultimately, the number of deaths will reach 10 million. All this will resemble the legendary Armageddon.

    It is worth noting that volcanic ash particles are so tiny that respirators cannot prevent them from entering the lungs. Once in the human body, the ash begins to harden and turn into stone.

    Thus, people living even thousands of kilometers from the volcano will also be in mortal danger.

    In addition, the explosion of the Yellowstone volcano will provoke the formation of an ozone hole, as a result of which the level of radiation will rise sharply.

    The territory of North America and southern Canada will turn into a scorched desert.

    The Yellowstone explosion will cause hundreds of other volcanoes to erupt across the earth. Within a few days, all living things will die from earthquakes, magma emissions and suffocation.

    In a few weeks, huge masses of ash will cover the sun, and cosmic darkness will descend on the Earth.

    Many have heard of the constant danger posed by the Yellowstone supervolcano. Here you can find out what the supervolcano itself is, where it is located and what consequences its eruption can have. Also here you will learn the latest news about the Yellowstone volcano.

    Yellowstone volcano in America: latest news 2020

    According to the latest data, during 2018 there has increased sharply seismic activity and gas outlet.

    Seismologists admit that the eruption will lead to massive destruction.
    Thus, the Steamboat geyser woke up, which had been inactive since September 2014, and suddenly burst out on March 15, April 19, April 27 and May 4.

    Prior to this, from June 12 to June 20, 2017, 464 earthquakes were recorded in the volcano area, with a power of up to 5 points (then its strength was reduced to 4.5 points). Of these, 3 earthquakes - the third magnitude, 57 - 2 magnitudes, 137 - the 1st magnitude. Another 157 shocks were rated as zero. Only last year recorded more than 1000 earthquakes.

    Volcano yellowstone- this is not the usual volcanic cone, but a huge funnel in the ground, the so-called caldera. They learned about the existence of a supervolcano only with the launch of satellites into space.

    If you still do not know where the Yellowstone volcano is, then I will clarify - in the Yellowstone National Park in the USA. The caldera is located in the state of Wyoming. Its dimensions are striking - 55 by 72 kilometers, and this is a third of the entire territory of the park. Caldera area 4000 sq. km. - 4 times larger than New York and 1.5 times larger than Moscow. In terms of popularity, it rivals.

    Yellowstone itself is considered one of the seismically active points of the planet - earthquakes constantly occur here.

    Supervolcano Yellowstone: previous eruptions

    In total, science knows 3 powerful volcanic eruptions, which occurred approximately every 600 thousand years. As a result, the Island Park and Henris Fork calderas were formed. The most powerful was the first eruption, which was 15 times the power of the eruption of the Tambor volcano in 1815.

    Scientists expect that in the coming years the volcano will wake up and cause major climate changes and the destruction of most people and species of plants and animals.

    In recent years, many earthquakes have been taking place in his area, which may become the final shock.
    Therefore, I propose to watch a short video, which tells about what awaits the planet in an eruption and what the disappointing consequences will be. In fact, America will be destroyed, and most people will die of hunger and epidemics.

    Yellowstone volcano in America today: latest news

    In late August, an increase in the number of earthquakes was noted around the Long Valley Caldera in California. All this can be the impetus for a supervolcano. And the destruction will be much more powerful than the 2004 Sumatra earthquake that caused the same.

    Also during that period, there was a massive pestilence of fish in the Yellowstone River, originating near the caldera. 4,000 dead fish (trout and whitefish) were found on 19 August. Therefore, the authorities closed a fairly large area to the public.

    According to one of the versions, on October 12, 2016, a lot of UFOs were seen over Yellowstone, filmed on a webcam. But, with the help of a webcam, you can watch live geysers in the valley of the volcano.

    In view of the events that have taken place over the past 2 years, scientists think that the explosion could take place much earlier:
    1 The water temperature in rivers and lakes has risen (in some places up to the boiling point), geysers have become more active.
    2 The number of earthquakes has increased.
    3 The soil in the caldera area rose by 178 cm in mid-2014; later data are not published.
    4 Cases of helium-4 gas that formed before the eruption began to be noted in the park.

    5 The general seismic activity has also increased in recent years.
    6 In May 2015, an aggressive movement of magma was noted.
    7 In April 2014, many animals began to flee from the park, such as bison, deer and bison.

    These are the pro.

    It is possible that there is some truth in this all, but in any case, humanity is unlikely to be able to prevent a catastrophe.

    Read detailed information about the supervolcano and the Yellowstone National Park itself further.

    Yellowstone volcano on the USA map

    Yellowstone is an alpine plateau at an altitude of about 2.5 kilometers. Itself is located at an altitude of 2805 meters.
    There are many other interesting places in the park:

    • geysers;
    • waterfalls.

    The park is home to the Upper Valley of Geysers, where 150 fountains operate. Among them is the "Old Faithful" Old Faithful.

    There are even more waterfalls in the park - 290, and the largest of them - Nizhniy reaches a height of 94 meters, but still yields to many waterfalls.
    The park itself is so named because golden stones were found in the Yellowstone River canyon. Yellowstone translates to "yellow stone".
    In 1872, on March 1, the first national park in the world was founded here, which included the Yellowstone Volcano. The total area of ​​the park is almost 9000 sq. km. and is divided into 5 parts:
    - Mammoth;
    - Roosevelt;
    - Canyon;
    - Lake;
    - The country of geysers.

    The photo below is a view of the Mammoth geothermal springs.

    There are many entrances to the park, but only from Montana (near Gardinger) you can drive all year round Yellowstone volcano, latest news about which you can read on our website in this thread.

    Yellowstone National Park is located on the border of the 3 states of the northwest:
    - Idaho;
    - Montana;
    - Wyoming (this is where the famous Yellowstone caldera).

    Yellowstone Volcano 2020 - The first major magma ejection to occur a few days ago, indicates that the eruption is beginning.The latest news for today and the opinions of GCD experts eloquently indicate that over 70% of cities on the US map can be destroyed.

    In this article:

    • The scale of the disaster
    • Latest news 2020
    • Chronicle of events and signs of the eruption
    • When will the eruption begin (predictions and predictions)
    • How the collapse of the USA and Canada from the volcano will turn out for Russia

    Yellowstone National Park. The most beautiful canyons, waterfalls, geysers. A virgin, but sometimes dead forest.

    When you walk along the scaffolding to a water-filled caldera, from time to time the earth makes a hum, and tremors occur. The wooden flooring is cracking, and a shiver runs through my body.

    Like a giant rectum affected by polyps, a volcanic nozzle filled with green water goes deep into the depths. From time to time, smoky hydrogen sulphide bubbles burst out of the water with an eerie sob.

    There, at the bottom of the caldera, under a thin partition of rocks - DEATH... And few people imagine HOW DANGEROUS IT IS for the whole earth.

    The scale of the disaster

    The power of the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano is about 1,375,000 megatons in TNT equivalent, or about 23 thousand copies of the famous nuclear "Tsar Bomb".

    The amount of ash that will rise into the air will be about 300 billion cubic meters. The scattering area of ​​large fragments will be about 3000 kilometers. Scientists predict a shift of the lithospheric plate 12 kilometers to the west, total flooding due to a short heating of the ocean and melting of glaciers.

    The light fractions will settle in the air, which will lead to a volcanic winter for 10-12 years.

    The temperature on Earth in the first days will increase by 10-15 degrees, and then drop by 20-30 degrees. Northern part The Pacific within the first three years will be frozen. The Bering Strait will freeze completely.

    As a result of the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano, 200 million people will die immediately, another 4 billion (!) Will die within 5 years as a result of floods, hunger and food wars.

    10-12 years after the eruption of Yellowstone, the population of the Earth will return to the level of the 18th century, most of the countries will disappear from the map of the earth. Mexico, USA and Canada will become completely dead regions. America can go under water for 1-2 years.

    Latest news 2019-2020

    March-April 2020. Experts from Geological Research-Solid Earth published measurements according to which the volcano rose to a record height in a year. The soil has risen due to the penetration of magma under the Chuck Norris geyser, which indicates the imminent start of a tectonic western.

    January-February 2020. Psychic Vera Lyon may have predicted the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano... And she has never been wrong. She calls the volcano affectionately "Yelik". The head of the Statue of Liberty will be ripped off.

    November 26. On one of the November nights, a huge reproductive organ crawled out of the lava from the caldera... The appearance was accompanied by hum, earthquakes and lightning. Representatives of the local Indian diaspora brought gifts to the stone priapus, but they were dispersed by the American police, which since the 15th century have been oppressing local peoples with violent capitalism.

    28 of October. Scientists have recorded another rise in magma... The period of getting rid of the ash suspension in the atmosphere was also calculated - according to experts, it will take about two years.

    September 19th. Rothschilds and Rottweilers will flee from Yellowstone volcano in Liberia... There they build an underground bunker and employ local African Americans as servants.

    August 1... A group of American LGBT activists who drove a 24-hour homosexual dance around the Steamboat geyser suffered from the sudden eruption. Ejection hot water forced the protesters to urgently leave the event, two were hospitalized with thermal burns.

    June 10th. More and more tremors are found in the vicinity of Yellowstone... Portland University professor Scott Burns noted that this means that "the magma began to move."

    The 1 of May. Yellowstone Park Walkways Reach Record Temperature... A group of tourists from Taiwan melted slippers

    20 April. New thermal zone discovered near Lake West Tern... It is formed as a result of the approach of the magma layer to the surface of the earth. A forest began to die near the thermal zone.

    April 2. The Pentagon buys gas masks en masse.The amount is shocking - almost $ 250 million, but in fact this is very small, and not enough for the entire population of the United States. Gas and volcanic dust protection kits will only be available to 2.5 million people.

    March 16. American Mormons fleeing from the Yellowstone volcano are detained in the Kuban. They will be deported back.

    28th of February. Experts from the US Geological Survey USGS noted high volcanic activity in neighboring California. According to them, the probability of an eruption of the Long Valley supervolcano, the Shasta and Lassen volcanoes is 16%. In turn, the activity can provoke the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano, which is located in the zone of influence of the North American lithospheric plate.

    February, 15. In the Yellowstone River, they began to find the corpses of desman. Biologists believe that this is a consequence of an increase in the sulfur content of the water and its temperature due to volcanic activity.

    February 4th. Scientists have recorded a partial release of magma from the bottom of the volcano. The rise in the soil and the temperature rise in the magma chamber are also worrying experts.

    Jan. 7. VNASA has admitted powerlessness in preventing the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano. The project to drill wells for water injection and magma redirection has been deemed futile. Scientists are frantically looking for new solutions.

    December 24. Yellowstone Steamer Geyser Broke 1964 Record... The recently dormant geyser became more active in 2018 and erupted several times more than 54 years ago. This is the most powerful geyser in the park, it throws boiling water to a height of over 120 meters.

    Chronicle of events and signs of the eruption

    A number of signs indicate that the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano is beginning, its activity is increasing, so a global catastrophe is just around the corner. 2020 could be last year the prosperous existence of mankind.

    Chronicle of activity of the Yellowstone Caldera:


    Fragments of magma from the Sheridan fumarole were found in the Wapiti River. The death of small animals. The Pentagon buys gas masks. A new thermal zone has been found at Lake West Tern.

    The increase in the activity of geysers, the "Parokhod" breaks a record in 1964. The concentration of sulfur in the atmosphere has exceeded the norm for the first time. For the first time, a powerful earthquake with a magnitude exceeding the calculations was recorded - 7.8 points, stronger than in 1959.

    New cracks were found on dead trees near thermal springs - a consequence of the increased temperature. The area of ​​the endangered forest has increased by 34 hectares. In March, the Old Faithful geyser threw out a sheaf of sparks with lumps of magma instead of boiling water.

    Landslides on the Signal and Humpback Mountains, the death of two men in the tent. The increase in the concentration of hydrogen sulfide is close to the norm. The soil uplift rate reached 10 cm per year.

    Mass migration of small animals from the vicinity of the volcano. American lake rats, desman and muskrats began to leave the places inhabited for centuries. In January, recorded the strongest gas release on the northern shore of the lake.

    The growth of soil 5-6 cm per year has been noticed. Mass death of bison from the release of gas. Complete extinction of the lynx, reduction in the number of foxes and coyotes. Geyser "Steamer" woke up, almost 200 new thermal springs were discovered in a year. The beginning of an increase in panic over the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano.

    The growth of seismic activity forced the authorities to build a volcanic observatory. NASA has been tasked with creating a project to neutralize the volcano.

    The beginning of the decline in the number of animals. The US authorities have begun activities for the artificial maintenance of fauna, in the nat. Yellowstone Park has been run by wolves, grizzly bears and other species.

    Catastrophic fire due to sudden release of magma from the mountain sphincter them. Kennedy. Almost 4,000 km2 of forest burned out, the city of Dildostown was destroyed.

    More than 3000 earthquakes per year. The subsidence of the caldera was recorded, which may indicate a reduction in the thickness of the protective layer of hard rocks between the magma and the atmosphere.

    The volcano began to wake up. An earthquake of 7.4 magnitude, the destruction of the dam on Lake Hebgen. Fractures and cracks formed in the ground, and 30 people died. A new lake appeared - Quake.

    It is the growth of seismic activity dynamics, the increase in gas emissions and the emergence of new geysers that cause the greatest concern. Such signs always precede awakening volcanoes.

    For the United States and Canada, the eruption threatens with complete extinction.

    When will the eruption begin (predictions and predictions)

    Predictions about the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano were made not only by famous astrologers and prophets, physicists like Newton and Jose Ramon Espinoza laid out the prerequisites for this in their calculations.

    Nostradamus prophesied about signs of the end of the world in the form of earthquakes, a flood and a great famine, which fully fits into the concept of the Yellowstone supervolcano. Vanga talked a lot about the fact that "America will freeze" and will be "chained by a cloud" for many years.

    From the point of view of the theory of probability, it was calculated that the Yellowstone catastrophe could be 0.00014% per year. The last eruption was 640 thousand years ago.

    That is, today in 2020 the probability is ... 89,6% !

    The exact date of the eruption is probably already known to NASA specialists, who have stuck sensors around the National Park in Wyoming since the early 2000s and are monitoring the situation around the clock. However, they are naturally silent about this, since the resulting panic can cause much greater damage to humanity, provoke wars and migration collapse on the eve of the eruption. More detailed scientific rationale.

    World government at the same time it will suffer, the world will plunge into complete chaos and anarchy. Post-apocalyptic scenarios realized in films will become reality. It is important to preserve at least the basic laws formed in the UN, international conventions, and so on.

    In the next two years, humanity is simply obliged to find a way out, otherwise it is threatened with extinction.

    How the collapse of the USA and Canada from the volcano will turn out for Russia

    Russia will not be directly affected by the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano. Cold snap and floods will not bypass it, there will be a strong food crisis, but V.V. Putin and D.A.Medvedev overcame more difficult times, and now Russia has almost no national debt, has rich gold and foreign exchange reserves and a strong ruble. There will be enough oil and electricity to run autonomous greenhouses for growing food. For the first two years, the strategic food reserves of the Ministry of Defense will be enough, then, through the surplus appropriation and austerity policies, food will be fairly distributed through a special commission from the United Russia party.

    The biggest problem is the flow of refugees from Canada, the United States and Mexico. Given the freezing of the Pacific Ocean, they will massively run across the ice to Russia. And no machine guns will be able to stop them, all hope is for Iskander, which will make giant holes in the ice.

    Escaping Americans will bring Russia a lot of trouble. They will drag their national debt, juvenile justice and gay rights. In overcrowded Khrushchevs, scandals will begin because of tolerance. But in the end, Putin will give them the right to live in exchange for the recognition of Crimea.

    The Internet will die out due to the demise of Microsoft, Intel, Android and the largest American servers. People will exchange information in queues for palm oil and coarse grains, which will be issued on ration cards.

    Of course, in view of the acute crisis, the retirement age and gasoline prices will have to be slightly raised, but Russia will lose its big enemy - America, which was still facing a slow extinction due to obesity and the collapse of the dollar.

    The Yellowstone volcano in 2020 should serve as a motivator for the preparation of food, the construction of shelters, the purchase of watercraft, warm clothing and respirators, clever man can save his family if he starts preparing for the eruption right now.

    The past year is already behind us, but researchers from various fields are still taking stock of the past months. For example, 2017 may not have been the most active year in the history of observing volcanoes, but it was certainly quite spectacular.

    Of the roughly 1,500 active volcanoes in the world, nearly 50 erupt each year, emitting clouds of smoke, ash, toxic fumes and fiery lava. In 2017, their list included Shiveluch from Russia, Villarrica from Chile, Mount Sinabun and Agung from Indonesia, Turrialba from Costa Rica, Piton de la Fournaise from Reunion Island, Kilauea from Hawaii, Mexican volcanoes Colima and Popocatepetl, Bogoslof from Alaska, Sicilian Mount Etna, Manaro-Vui from Vanuatu and many others. In this collection you will find 40 unique pictures taken right during the eruption of these angry peaks!

    1. Before you are clouds of ash erupting from the Russian volcano Shiveluch from the Kamchatka Peninsula. The photo was taken at dawn on December 5, 2017.

    Photo: Gennady Teplitskiy / Shutterstock

    2. A local resident from the village of Tiga Pankur (North Sumatra) watches the eruption of Mount Sinabun on November 3, 2017. Sinabun woke up after a long hibernation back in 2010, and for the first time in 400 years! The next eruption took place in 2013, and the volcano has remained quite active since then.

    3. Taken on the night of February 12, 2017, this unique image shows the ash clouds erupting from Sinabun reflecting the glow of hot lava.

    Photo: AFP / Getty

    4. Pupils primary grades play in the schoolyard right during the eruption of the famous Indonesian volcano Sinabun. The frame was taken on February 10, 2017.

    Photo: AFP / Getty

    5. Residents from the village of Tiga Pankur, close to Sinabun, are forced to protect their faces and respiratory tract from a dense layer of dust and ash that covered the entire district of North Sumatra. The island was in this state on August 2, 2017 after another strong eruption of the mountain.

    Photo: Ivan Damanik / AFP / Getty

    6. This photo was taken with a slow shutter speed (shooting mode), so you can enjoy the view of lightning piercing clouds of ash, and the reflection of hot lava flowing from the mouth of the volcano Piton de la Fournaise. This volcano is one of the most active in the world, and the spectacular image was captured on the night of February 3, 2017 on Reunion Island.

    Photo: Gilles Adt / Reuters

    7. Reunion Island (overseas territory of France), July 14, 2017. Piton de la Fournaise spewed real fountains of lava that day.

    8. In this aerial photograph, you can easily see the lava slowly flowing down the slope. Apparently, the researchers don't care about their lives at all. Probably because the lava is really in no hurry to cover them with a deadly heat. Piton de la Fournaise, February 1, 2017.

    Photo: Richard Bouhet / AFP / Getty

    9. Bogoslof is an underwater stratovolcano on the Aleutian Islands, barely rising above the water. On May 28, 2017, a satellite flew over Alaska, filming what the eruption of Bogoslof looks like from space. The eruption began about 18 minutes before this photograph was taken, and by the time the satellite appeared directly above the volcano, the cloud had already reached a height of 12 kilometers above sea level. The cloud turned into White color(instead of the usual ashy) due to the large amount of water that got into the low mouth of the volcano, and actively evaporated due to high temperatures... Bogoslof erupted several times during the first months of 2017.

    10. More detailed image of the eruption of Bogoslof. Note the areas at the base of the volcano where tephra plumes are especially visible, consisting of volcanic material ejected into the air.

    Photo: Dave Schneider / Alaska Volcano Observatory & U.S. Geological Survey

    11. Meteorological satellite Himawari 8 was also overflying the Alaska area when Bogoslof began spewing clouds of smoke on 28 May 2017. The volcanic cloud then rose to a height of 12 kilometers above sea level and then dissipated due to winds and the movement of other air masses.

    Photo: Japan Meteorological Agency

    12. Before you is the same volcano Bogoslof, but already on June 23, 2017. So the eruption looked from a distance of 67 kilometers - on the island, Mutton Cove Bay (Unalaska, Mutton Cove). The local research observatory has estimated the height of the volcanic cloud at as much as 11 kilometers.

    Photo: Masami Sugiyama courtesy of Allison Everett / Alaska Volcano Observatory & Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys / Masami Sugiyama

    13. Volcanic caldera Bogoslof, taken from the plane on August 15, 2017. According to old records, the highest rocky teeth appeared over the sea as early as 1796, and earlier the volcano was completely resting under water.

    Photo: Janet Schaefer / Alaska Volcano Observatory & Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys

    14. A tourist watches the eruption of clouds of ash and smoke, Costa Rica, province of Cartago, January 6, 2017. Local authorities declared a green hazard code for the entire municipality in those days.

    15. View of the Costa Rican forest, burnt by the pyroclastic flows of the Turrialba volcano, February 3, 2017.

    Photo: Ezequiel Becerra / AFP / Getty

    16. View of the Villarricao volcano, filmed in Pucon, a city 800 kilometers south of Santiago (the capital of Chile). On December 6, 2017, the volcano again showed signs of activity. Last time in 2015, due to ash emissions, local authorities even had to evacuate 2 cities closest to the mountain.

    Photo: Christian Miranda / AFP / Getty

    17. A jet of lava breaks down from a cliff into the sea from a height of 21 meters, January 28, 2017. Kilauea Volcano began erupting molten rock at the beginning of the year, and in appearance this sight resembles a giant fire hose flowing into Hawaiian waters. On February 2, the stream bed collapsed and the lava changed its route.

    18. The Hawaiian coast of Kona Kohala suffered a lot from the eruption of Kilauea. On December 16, 2017, lava flows even reached the ocean itself, absorbing a large part of the forest on its way.

    Photo: George Rose / Getty

    19.On 6 December 2017, geologists from the Hawaiian Observatory noticed a fresh lava breakout on the frozen slopes of Kilauea. Basalt lava, flowing down the slopes of the mound, quickly cools and becomes covered with a rough, dense crust of dark color, but in the end it is still unable to contain new flows of hot rock, as you can see in this picture.

    Photo: Hawaiian Volcano Observatory / USGS

    20. Volcanoes play an important role in the formation of relief around the world. So on the Hawaiian island of Kamokuna, the eruption of Kilauea led to a series of coastal collapses. The photo was taken on October 4, 2017, but prior to that day in previous months, the island was split into pieces at least 3 more times. The island itself was formed precisely due to the activity of the volcano, and new lava flows are constantly transforming the forms of this young and fragile land. Photo taken on Oct 4 using long exposure mode in moonlight.

    Photo: Hawaiian Volcano Observatory / USGS

    21. Sometimes fumaroles appear in the crater area - cracks or holes on the slopes of volcanoes emitting hot gases. In some of these fumaroles, scientists often observe bright yellow sulfur deposits. The picture shows the vicinity of the Kilauea crater, where fumaroles are increasingly covered with a dense carpet of "Pele's hair" (strands of volcanic glass from solidified lava). The moisture released by fumaroles accumulates on these very threads, like dew or frost on the grass. The frame was taken on May 28, 2017.

    Photo: Hawaiian Volcano Observatory / USGS

    22. On January 28, 2017, a powerful lava flow reached the ocean again off the Kamokun coast in Hawaii Volcanic National Park.

    Photo: U.S. Geological Survey via AP

    23. This is how the clouds of ash and smoke erupted by the Popocatepetl volcano looked like, on November 10, 2017 for observers from Tepehitec commune, Mexican state of Tlaxcala (Tepehitec, Tlaxcala). Popocatepetl, located 55 kilometers from Mexico City, has been agitated more than once since the end of last September, but significant eruptions have not yet occurred here.

    Photo: Emmanuel Flores / AFP / Getty

    24. Before you is steam and ash emanating from the vent of Manaro-Vui. The volcano is located on the Ambae island of the Republic of Vanuatu in the south of the Pacific Ocean. The sudden awakening of Manaro-Vui in September 2017 worried the local authorities and residents of the entire area a lot, because of which, by mid-October, almost all of the islanders were evacuated for safety. According to local media reports, the Vanuat leaders made a march to the shores of the crater Voui to conduct a religious ritual there and offer a highly prized animal (a pig) to the keeper of the lake as a solemn sacrifice. On the banks of the Vuya, the leader Tari One uttered special words, and only after that the pork dish and other gifts were thrown into the water to appease the elements.

    Photo: Ben Bohane / Reuters

    25. Mount Agung is a stratovolcano on the island of Bali, and on November 26, 2017, it again reminded of its natural power to all local residents and numerous tourists.

    Photo: Emilio Kuzma-Floyd @eyes_of_a_nomad / Reuters

    A tourist on Amed Beach, Bali, poses against the smoke-puffing Mount Agung on November 30, 2017.

    Photo: Juni Kriswanto / AFP / Getty

    28. Residents of Karangasem County watch the river as it sweeps away streams of volcanic ash and debris during the eruption of Agunga on November 28, 2017.

    Photo: Johannes Christo / Reuters

    29. Clouds of volcanic ash in the light of the rays of the rising sun, November 30, 2017. The eruption of Agung forced the local authorities to order the evacuation of tens of thousands of islanders within a radius of 10 kilometers from the epicenter of the volcano's activity.

    Photo: Firdia Lisnawati / AP

    An Indonesian fisherman poses on a traditional boat as Agung erupts in the background, Karangasem district, Bali, November 28, 2017.

    Photo: Sonny Tumbelaka / AFP / Getty

    31. Spectacular eruption of Etna and the silhouette of an impressed spectator.

    Photo: Marco Calandra / Shutterstock

    32. Mount Etna covered with snow. It is the most active European volcano, and in the early morning of March 16, 2017, Etna again showed its power to the Sicilians.

    Photo: Salvatore Allegra / AP

    33. Sometimes you can get very close to boiling lava and even take pictures of its hot streams. In this picture, the researcher is just capturing the slopes of the erupting Etna.

    Photo: Wead / Shutterstock

    34. Etna is the highest and most active European volcano, and on February 28, 2017, this mountain once again gifted the Sicilian island with hot fire in the middle of a snowy winter.

    35. This huge volcanic stone was recently pulled out of the bowels of Etna, and now it is slowly cooling down on the snowy slopes of the awakened mountain.

    Photo: Wead / Shutterstock

    36. Night view of Mount Etna erupting, February 2017.

    Photo: Wead / Shutterstock

    37. Surprisingly, on February 28, 2017, fire and ice literally met in the same place. The orange gleam covered literally all the snow-covered slopes of Mount Etna, creating an unforgettable sight for connoisseurs of extreme beauty.

    Photo: Antonio Parrinello / Reuters

    38. In the early morning of March 16, 2017, Etna, still covered in snow, again emitted clouds of smoke and spewed lava flows.

    Photo: Salvatore Allegra / AP

    39. The Mexican volcano Colima is visible even in San Antonio, and on January 23, 2017, locals had the opportunity to watch an incredible eruption of ash and smoke.

    Photo: Hector Guerrero / AFP / Getty

    40. This is exactly what the eruption of Colima looked like on January 19, 2017 for the residents of the commune of Komala. Colima is one of the most active volcanoes in Mexico.

    Photo: Sergio Velasco Garcia / AFP / Getty