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  • Japanese submariners Kamikadze. "Kaitena" - Japanese underwater kamikaze. Soldier is obliged to perform his obligations

    Japanese submariners Kamikadze.

    Popularized and strongly distorted image of the Japanese Kamikaze, who formed in the minds of Europeans, has little in common with whom they actually were. We present Kamikatse as a fanatical and desperate warrior, with a red bandage around the head, a man with a furious look behind the steering wheel of an old aircraft, carrying towards the goal with the shouts of "Banzai!". But Kamikadze was not only suicide-born warriors, they acted under water.

    Before proceeding directly to the story of "living torpedoes" it is worth a briefly immersed in the history of the formation of schools and ideology of Kamikadze.
    The education system in Japan in the middle of the 20th century did not differ much from dictatorial schemes for the formation of a new ideology. From an early age, children inspired that, dying for the emperor, they arrive correctly and their death would be blessed. As a result of such academic practice, young Japanese rose with the motto "Jusshi Reisho" ("Donate Life").
    Plus, the state machine in every way hid any information about the defeats (even the most insignificant) Japanese army. Propaganda created a false idea of \u200b\u200bJapan's capabilities and effectively inspired little educated children that their death is a step towards the total victory of Japan in the war.

    It is appropriate to recall the Codex Buusido (Warrior's path), which played an important role in the formation of ideals of Kamikadze. Japanese warriors since Samurai considered death literally as part of life. They bored with the fact of death and were not afraid of her approach.

    Educated and experienced pilots flatly refused to go to the detachments of Kamikadze, referring to the fact that they are simply obliged to stay alive to teach new fighters who are destined to become suicide branches.

    Thus, the more young people sacrificed by themselves, the younger were the recruits who occupied their places. Many were practically adolescents, not wondered and 17 years old who fell a chance to prove their loyalty to the empire and show themselves as "real men."

    Kamikadze was gained from poorly educated young guys, second or third boys in families. Such a selection was due to the fact that the first (that is, the senior) the boy in the family was usually becoming the heir of the state and therefore did not get into the military sample.

    Pilots-Kamikadze received a form for filling and received five oath items:

    Soldier is obliged to fulfill his obligations.
    The soldier is obliged to comply with the rules of decency in his life.
    The soldier is obliged to highly read the heroism of the military forces.
    Soldier must be an highly moral person.
    The soldier is obliged to live a simple life.

    So simple and just all the "heroism" of Kamikadze boiled down to five rules.
    Despite the pressure of ideology and the imperial cult, not every young Japanese rushed to take a suicide death bull with a clean heart, ready to die for his country. Schools of Kamikadze really built queues from young guys, but it is only part of the story.

    It is difficult to believe it, but today there are still "live kamikadze". One of them, Koenichiro Onuki, told in her records that young people could not not sign up in the detachments of Kamikadze, because it could bring trouble on their families. He recalled that when he was "offered to become Kamikadze, he took the idea of \u200b\u200blaughter, but he changed his mind per night. If he dare not to fulfill the order, then the most harmless thing that could have happened to him - this is a stigma "coward and traitor", and in the worst case - death. Although everything can be exactly the opposite for the Japanese. Will the case of the case, his plane did not start during a combat departure, and he stayed alive.
    The history of underwater kamikadze is not so funny as the story of Kenichiro. There are no living in it.

    The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a suicide tarted was born in the heads of the Japanese military command after a brutal defeat in the battle of the Atoll Midway.

    While in Europe, the famous drama world unfolded, in Pacific Ocean There was a completely different war. In 1942, the Imperial Fleet of Japan decided to attack Hawaii from the Midway's tiny atoll in the Western Group of Hawaiian Archipelago. The atoll was located in the US Air Base, with the destruction of which the Army of Japan decided to start its large-scale offensive.

    But the Japanese are strongly calculated. The battle of Midoue has become one of the main failures and the most dramatic episode in the part of the globe. When attacking the imperial fleet lost four major aircraft carriers and many other ships, but accurate data on human losses from Japan was not preserved. However, the Japanese never really considered their warriors, but without the loss very much demoralized the Military Spirit of the Fleet.

    This defeat marked the beginning of the scope of the failures of Japan to the sea, and the military command had to invent alternative ways of warfare. Real patriots were supposed to appear, with washed brains, brilliance in the eyes and not afraid of death. So there was a special experimental division of underwater kamikadze. These suicide bombers differed from pilots of aircraft, their task was identical - sacrificed, destroy the enemy.

    Underwater kamikadze to fulfill their mission under water used torpedoes-kites, which translated "will of the heaven". In essence, Kaiten was a symbiosis of the torpedo and a small submarine. He worked on pure oxygen and was able to develop speed up to 40 knots, thanks to which almost any vessel of that time could hit.
    The torpedo from the inside is the engine, a powerful charge and a very compact place for a suicide pilot. At the same time it was so narrow that even by the standards of small Japanese, the places were catastrophically lacked. On the other hand, what's the difference when death is inevitable.

    1. Japanese Kaiten in Camp Dealy, 1945.
    2. Burning ship USS MississineWa, after hitting Kaitena in Ulithi Harbor, November 20, 1944.
    3. Kaitena in a dry dock, Kure, October 19, 1945.
    4, 5. Sneaken by American aircraft submarine during the Okinawa campaign.

    Right in front of the face of Kamikaze is the periscope, next to the speed switch of the speed, which in essence regulated the oxygen supply to the engine. In the upper part of the torpedo, there was another lever that is responsible for the direction of movement. The dashboard was stuffed with all sorts of devices - fuel and oxygen consumption, pressure gauge, clock, depth heel, etc. At the foot of the pilot there is a valve for intake of intricate water in a ballast tank to stabilize the weight of the torpedo. To control the torpedo was not so simple, besides, the training of pilots left much to be desired - schools appeared spontaneously, but also spontaneously and destroyed by American bombers.

    Initially, Kaiten was used for attacks of opponents moored in the bays. The underwater carrier boat with the excited kaitena (from four to six pieces) found enemy vessels, built the trajectory (literally unfolded relative to the place of finding the goal), and the captain of the submarine gave last order suicide bombs.

    Through a narrow tube, suicide bumps penetrated Kaitena's cabin, the hatches were treated and managed on the radio from the captain of the submarines. Pilots-Kamikadze were absolutely blind, they did not see where they were sent, because it was possible to use a periscope for no more than three seconds, because it led to the risk of discovery of the torpedo opponent.

    At first, Kaites were horrified on the American fleet, but then the imperfect technique began to fail. Many suicide bums fell up to the goal and torn from the lack of oxygen, after which the torpedo was simply tone. A little later, the Japanese have improved the torpedo, providing it with a timer, not leaving no chance of either kamikadze nor the enemy. But at the very beginning, Kaiten claimed humanity. In Torpeda, a catapulting system was provided, but it worked not the most efficiently, more precisely did not work at all. At high speed, no kamikaze could be safely erected, so it was refused to be refused in later models.

    Very frequent raids of submarines with Kaitenes led to the fact that the devices rust and failed, since the casing of the torpedo was made of steel thickness no more than six millimeters. And if the torpedo dive too deep to the bottom, the pressure simply flattened the thin case, and Kamikadze died without proper heroism.

    The first testimony of Kitenov's attack, fixed by the United States, dates back to November 1944. The attack participated three submarines and 12 torpedo-kaitenov against a moored American ship off the coast of the Atolla South (Carolin Islands). As a result of the attack, one submarine simply sank, of the eight remaining kaitenov two failed at the start, two climbed, one disappeared (although later he was found thrown ashore) and one, without reaching the goal, exploded. The remaining Kaiten crashed into the Mississineian tanker and sank him. The Japanese command regarded the operation as successful, which was immediately reported to the emperor.

    More or less successfully used kaitena managed only at the very beginning. Thus, according to the results of nautical battles, the official propaganda of Japan stated 32 across the American courts, including aircraft carriers, linear ships, cargo ships and the Squaded Mission. But these figures are considered too exaggerated. American sea fleet By the end of the war, combat power increased significantly, and Kiteitov's pilots were more difficult to hit targets. Large combat units in the bays were securely guarded, and it was very difficult to sees that even at a depth of six meters, to attack the ships scattered in the open sea. Kaitenov also did not have the opportunity - they simply could not have endured long swims.

    The defeat with Midoue pushed the Japanese to the desperate steps in the blind revenge American fleet. Torpedoes-Kaiteen were a crisis solution to which the imperial army lay high hopes, but they were not justified. Kaitena had to solve the most important task - to destroy the vessels of the enemy, and no matter what price, however, the further, the less effective there were their use in hostilities. Vlaper attempt to irrationally use the human resource led to the complete failure of the project. War is over

    Today, Japanese Kamikadze is familiar with everyone, their image is very popular, but at the same time is very distorted. The image that was formed in the heads of people often has little common with the one they really were. For the absolute majority of Kamikaze, these are pilots who guide their aircraft on enemy ships. But Kamikadze was not only suicide-born warriors, they acted under water. At the end of the war in Japan, various, even irrational projects were implemented, one of these torpedoes-Kaitena. While inside the steel capsule, controlled torpedoes, Kamikaze should have destroyed the enemies of the emperor and Japan and in the sea, giving their lives for it.

    About the phenomenon and ideology of Kamikadze

    Before the story about living torpedoes, which were not so long ago shown in the American film "Cruiser", telling about last hike The Indianapolis cruiser and the fate of his team, it is necessary to discuss the phenomenon of Kamikadze and their ideology, the history of the formation of their schools.

    The education system in Japan in the first half of the 20th century did not differ much from dictatorial schemes aimed at creating the necessary ideology. From an early age, Japanese children inspired that, dying for her emperor, they arrive correctly, and their death would be blessed. As a result of such treatment, starting with school bench, the young Japanese grew up with the motto "Jusshi Reisho" (sacrificing life).

    Additionally, the State Empire's state car in every way tried to hide any information about the defeats of the Japanese army and the fleet (even the most minor). The propaganda machine created a false idea of \u200b\u200bthe country's capabilities and effectively inspired little educated children that their death can be a step towards the total victory of Japan in the war. It is appropriate to remember about the famous Becido Code, which also played an important role in the formation of ideals of Kamikadze. Japanese soldiers since the times of Samurai considered death as part of life (literally). They just got sick with the thought of death, without experiencing fear before her approach.

    Kamikadze was usually gained from poorly educated young guys who were second or third boys in their families. Such a selection was due to the fact that the first (that is, the senior) the boy in the Japanese family was usually the heir of the state, therefore, excluded from the military sample. At the same time, educated and experienced pilots flatly refused to record in the detachments of Kamikadze, referring to the fact that they are simply obliged to preserve their lives to engage in the training of new fighters, which are destined to become suicide borneers. Thus, the more the number of young people who sacrificed themselves, the younger became the recruits who came to their place. Many of them were practically adolescents, not even 17 years old, but who fell a chance to prove their dedication to the country and the emperor, to express themselves as "real men."

    At the same time, some pilots-kamikadze were lucky - they remained alive, such examples really have. One of them Kenichiro Onuki later recalled that he was alive by the will of the case. During the combat departure, his plane simply did not start and did not take off. The history of submarine kamikadze did not know such examples. The man who sat down in the controlled torpedo did not have a single chance to stay alive after her start. "Kaitena" were one-way ticket.

    Device "Kaitenov"

    Underwater kamikaze to fulfill their mission used special torpedoes-kaitenes, translated from Japanese this meant "The Will of Heaven". For the Japanese in this title, a deep meaning was hidden, Kaiten is something that should have made a cardinal change in the usual course of affairs.

    The idea of \u200b\u200bthe development of people managed by people appeared in 1942, after the Japanese fleet suffered a very painful defeat in the battle of Midway's Atoll, which determined the entire outcome of the campaign in the Pacific Ocean. After that, the battle of two Japanese submarine sailors, Lieutenant Hirosy Kuroku and the younger lieutenant Sakio Nisin, came the idea to use against the American fleet of underwater kamikadze. The officers gathered to cross the small submarine with the largest Japanese torpedo at that time on the basis of the Type 93. Holding the creation of the drawings, they quickly understood that they would not be able to realize their plans themselves.

    Then they decided to seek help to Hiroshi Shzuzuzupawa, who was a designer of the Naval Arsenal. He liked the idea of \u200b\u200bsubmariners, and by January 1943 the project of the new weapon was ready. But only to convey the idea to the higher management was not so simple. To the inventors at this difficult time, it was simply no case. In such conditions, the officers went on the truly samurai path: they wrote an appeal to the naval minister of the country with their own blood. According to the traditions of Japan, the letter that is written by the author's blood will certainly be read. It happened this time. The letter of submariner officers and their suggestions read, I liked the idea by Japanese admirals, after a year in Japan, the construction of the first samples of unusual weapons began.

    At its essence, Kaiten represented a torpedo symbiosis and a small submarine. He worked on pure oxygen, under water, such a torpedo could accelerate to 40 knots, which guaranteed the possibility of defeating almost any warships of the time period. Inside the torpedoes were a very powerful charge, the engine, and a pretty compact place for a suicide pilot. Workplace It was very narrow even by the standards of not the biggest bodies of the Japanese, the places were catastrophically lacked. On the other hand, what's the difference when the death of a man's control torpedo was inevitable.

    Immediately in front of the face of Kamikaze, a periscope was located, as well as a speed switching knob, which regulated the oxygen supply to the torpedo engine. In the upper part of the torpedo, there was another lever, which was responsible for the direction of movement. The dashboard was saturated with various sensors showing oxygen consumption, also there were a depthioner, clock, pressure gauge and so on. Directly at the feet of Kamikadze there was a valve for intake to the ballast tank of the wicked water, it was necessary to stabilize the weight of the torpedo. To manage the torpedo was not easy, and the training of suicide pilots left much to be desired. Schools of preparation of Kaitenov appeared spontaneously, but also spontaneously became victims of American bombing.

    Well-controlled torpedo modification "Type 1" was designed on the basis of a 610-mm torpedo "Type 93" model 3, with a wide borrowing of its structural elements. The main difference was the vertical and horizontal steering wheel of an increased area. To the fodder, motor part, the designers staged a central part of a slightly larger diameter (0.99 meters), in which the pilot cabin was placed, as well as two differential tanks.

    In the nose of the controlled torpedo there were two compartments. In the first there was a combat charge - 1550 kg of an explosive (according to the plan of developers, this should have been enough even in order to sink the battleship), and in the second compartment there were two nasal differential tanks, an additional fuel tank and cylinders with compressed air control systems in depth And the course, also here was the "air balloon", which was taken from the Type 93 torpedo. The cumulative stock of oxygen on board was 1550 liters. Oxygen consumption at a speed of 12 nodes - 1 kg / min, at a speed of 20 nodes - 3 kg / min, at a speed of 30 nodes - 7 kg / min. The stock of 9 cylinders with compressed air, which was intended for steering control, was 160 liters.

    The length of man-torpedoes was 14.75 meters (Torpeda Length "Type 93" - 8.99 meters), the largest diameter - 1 meter (torpedo - 0.61 meters). The maximum immersion depth is 60 meters, the working depth of the stroke is up to 35 meters, the maximum calculated immersion depth is 100 meters. During the tests, it was at a depth of 100 meters, Kaiten gave flow. Underwater displacement was 8.3 tons, the mass of combat charge - 1550 kg (Torpeda "Type 93" - approximately 500 kg). The maximum speed at the speed of 30 nodes was supposed to be at least 23 kilometers.

    The undermining of the combat charge occurred either with the help of an electric fuse (main and spare), which was activated by a manually by a pilot from his cabin, or with the help of a torpedo fuse type 2. Also on the torpedo, "automatic" fuse, which was installed on a certain depth and triggered By a signal coming from hydrostat when immersed to a depth, which was more given.

    At the same time, man-torpedoes were continuously modernized. In the summer of 1944, new types were prepared in Japan, which differed in a more powerful charge, which almost three times exceeded the one that was installed on "Kaiten 1". Turbines operating at hydrogen peroxide should be used as engines. But with them the Japanese industry has serious problems.

    The failure of the project "Kaitenov"

    Underwater kamikadze, which were to conduct Kaitena to goal, were prepared in several stages. On the first of them, the cadets took place for three months special training on footplant football boats. The main purpose of this stage of learning was to teach them to control the boat, using only a magnetic compass and periscope. The second phase of preparation was held on simulators that mimicized the internal device of Kaitenov. At the simulators, cadets have worked out skills and skills to the touch to find any of the devices and mechanisms located in the cab, as well as perform all thections along the way to a given area and the attack on the ship, working out them until automatism. And only at the third stage of training, Kamikadze went to the sea on real kaitenes.

    Initially, the Japanese planned to use kaitenes for attacks on the enemy ships, located in the battles in the bays. The underwater carrier boat with the kaitena closer (usually from 4 to 6) discovered the enemy trial, and then built the trajectory (the boat unfolded his nose to the goal), and the captain gave suicide the last order. In a narrow pipe, they penetrated the cabin-managed carbonate, treated hatches behind them and received the last orders from the captain of the submarine. After that, Kamikadze launched the engine and independently moved towards the enemy at a depth of 4-6 meters. At the same time, they were almost absolutely blind, as they did not see where exactly flooded. It was allowed to use the periscope for no more than 3 seconds, as it led to the risk of detecting torpedoes by the enemy. After discovering the torpedo, it could be shot from rapid machines or guns of the mine caliber existing on an attacked target, not even time to get to it.

    For the first time, the Japanese used Kaitena in November 1944. The purpose of the attack was the base of the American fleet on the Sluta atoll (Caroline Islands). In the attack, three Japanese submarines were to participate, on which there were 12 kaitenov, but one of them did not reach the destination. The boat was discovered and attacked by American destroyers who sink her deep bombs. As a result, on the night of November 20, 1944, only two submarines attacked the base. Of the eight remaining kaitenov managed to launch only five, the remaining three had to drown because of the technical problems that had arisen, having previously removed from them prepared by Kamikaze.

    Of the five elected Kaitenov, it was guaranteed to struck only one goal. He crashed into a squadron Mississineian tanker and sank him. On board the tanker was aircraft gasoline. The explosion was very strong, along with the tanker killed 50 American sailors. With Japanese submarines, a huge post of fire and smoke was seen, which rose in the atoll lagoon, and heard several powerful explosions. The Japanese command evaluated this first operation with the participation of Kaitenov, as successful, the Japanese believed that they managed to sink aircraft carrier, although in fact the goals achieved only one of the five elected Kaitenov, and the tanker was a swapped ship.

    More or less successful Kaitena managed to use only at the beginning. As a result of the completion of marine battles, official Japanese propaganda declared 32 across their help American ships, including battleships, aircraft carriers, ascendar destroyers and cargo ships. However, these figures were very exaggerated. The American fleet on the Pacific Ocean by the time of the completion of the war greatly increased the battle power, and Kamikadze was increasingly harder to hit the goals. Besides large martial vehicles In the bays were securely guarded, it was difficult to get to them even, being at a depth of 6 meters. And the kaitena ships scattered into the sea were not able to, long swims they simply could not stand.

    The development of Kaitenov was a desperate step, which in Japan went after the defeat of the Midway atoll. Controlled torpedoes were a crisis decision, the imperial fleet had a high hopes that did not justify. With its main task, they did not cope with the guaranteed destruction of American ships, the efficiency of Kaitenov was low. Vlaper attempt to irrational use of the existing human resource eventually ended with a complete failure of the project.

    It is worth noting that managed torpedoes created on the ambulance hand were very imperfect equipment. Very often they gave failures and broke. Many kamikadze simply did not fit the goals to the intended goals, suffocating from the lack of oxygen, and the torpedoes were simply tone. Even the trimmer timers installed on Kaitenes did not always lead to the death of enemy ships, since often Kaitenes exploded, without going to the goal. Also, long and frequent hikes of Japanese submarines with kaitenes on board were led to the fact that their thin case (no more than 6 mm thick) rust and became unsuitable for use at a depth. Rusthasha could cause the pressure just flattened the rusted body, and Kamikadze died ingloriously.

    At the very end of the war, in the framework of defensive measures, 100 kaitenov and 400 ultra-long submarines were prepared against the possible invasion of the American army in Japan, which were intended for action from the coastal bases against the American Fleet. With the same purpose, in secret places along the coast, as well as in the harbors of the southern part of the country, the Japanese launched 1,000 small boats, which carried the charge of explosives weighing 550 kg. All these forces were never used, the invasion of the Japanese islands did not happen. The bombardment of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the American atomic bombs and the defeat of the Soviet troops of the Kwantong Army led to the total defeat of Japan in the war. Change it could neither the kamikadze pilots, nor Kaitena, who left their mark in history, without changing the course of the conflict.

    回天, letters. "Changing fate") - the name of several types of torpedoes managed by suicide bilots (Tesintai). Used by the Japanese imperial fleet for defeating the enemy at the end of World War II.

    The first projects of torpedo- kaitean. Provided the mechanism of capultation of the pilot. However, due to the fact that the catapultation in the immediate vicinity of the affected goal during the explosion practically did not leave the pilot of the chance to survive, and due to the fact that there was not a single one-known case when Kaitean's pilot tried to use the means of salvation, late modifications of torpedoes No longer had a catapulting mechanisms. The pilot simply was placed in a slam, the hatch in her was delayed. The search for the pilot was carried out using a periscope at a small depth. After entering the target and aiming, the pilot switched the torpedo to the attack mode: the periscope was cleaned, the depth increased and the complete move was turned on. To leave the torpedo in the case of a mischief, the pilot could not and died against the lack of oxygen, the mechanism of self-destruction was subsequently added to the construction.

    Torpeda "Kaiten" showed itself ineffective weapons. Preparation for the launch was long and rather noisy. As Kaites were calculated on a small maximum depth Immersion and was attached to the outside of the boat, the permissible immersion depth of the boat itself was decreased accordingly, and the vulnerability of anti-submarine means increased. Accuracy and reliability in starts to a large range were unsatisfactory. Commanders of Japanese submarines understood it. I-58, sulking the cruiser "Indianapolis" (three days after he delivered to Tinian atomic bomb "Baby", later discharged at Hiroshima), attacked by ordinary torpedoes, despite the presence of four "Kaitenov" and contrary to the requests of their pilots.

    see also


    • Yutak Okota. Submarines suicides. CenterPolygraf, 2005, ISBN 5-9524-1959-3 - Memories of the Pilot "Kaiten"

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


    Watch what is "Kaiten" in other dictionaries:

      - (Japanese) torpedo, controlled by a suicide bomb (human-friendly); acted during the 2nd World War. Initially, Kite's drivers were volunteers, then appointed orders ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

      Thusintai, Summer Summer, Torpeda dictionary of Russian synonyms. Kaiten Sostor., Number of synonyms: 3 Summer bomb (10) ... Synonym dictionary

      The name of the torpedo, driven by the driver of a suicide branch, used in the Japanese Navy during the 2nd World War. Started from a submarine. Edwart. Intelligent maritime dictionary, 2010 ... Maritime Dictionary

      - (Japanese), Torpeda, controlled by a suicide bomb (personotrbed); acted during the 2nd World War. Initially, the drivers of Kaitenov were volunteers (Kamikadze), then appointed orders. * * * Kaiten Kaiten (Japanese), Torpeda (see Torpeda), ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

      - (Jean. "Heavenly Change") Torpeda, controlled by a supereman (see Tesintai). It was used during the 2nd World War of 1939 45 in the Japanese armed forces to strike an opponent's surface ship. Torpeda K. Started ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

      kaiten. - To Aita, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

      kaiten. - A, h. Name of the Japanese Diversion Summer Leader, Shah Keruvav Torpedo ... Ukrainian Tlumachny Slovenik

      - 伊 四六型 潜潜艦 ... Wikipedia

    Popularized and strongly distorted image of the Japanese Kamikaze, who formed in the minds of Europeans, has little in common with whom they actually were. We present Kamikatse as a fanatical and desperate warrior, with a red bandage around the head, a man with a furious look behind the steering wheel of an old aircraft, carrying towards the goal with the shouts of "Banzai!". But Kamikadze was not only suicide-born warriors, they acted under water. Canned to the steel capsule - a controlled Torpé Kaiten, Kamikadze destroyed the enemies of the emperor, sacrificing for Japan and in the sea. About them and will be discussed in today's material.

    School Kamikadze

    Before proceeding directly to the story of "living torpedoes" it is worth a briefly immersed in the history of the formation of schools and ideology of Kamikadze.

    The education system in Japan in the middle of the 20th century did not differ much from dictatorial schemes for the formation of a new ideology. From an early age, children inspired that, dying for the emperor, they arrive correctly and their death would be blessed. As a result of such academic practice, young Japanese rose with the motto "Jusshi Reisho" ("Donate Life"). Plus, the state machine in every way hid any information about the defeats (even the most insignificant) Japanese army. Propaganda created a false idea of \u200b\u200bJapan's capabilities and effectively inspired little educated children that their death is a step towards the total victory of Japan in the war.

    It is appropriate to recall the Codex Busido, who played an important role in the formation of ideals Kamikadze. Japanese warriors since Samurai considered death literally as part of life. They bored with the fact of death and were not afraid of her approach.

    Kamikadze was gained from poorly educated young guys, second or third boys in families. Such a selection was due to the fact that the first (that is, the senior) the boy in the family was usually becoming the heir of the state and therefore did not get into the military sample.

    Pilots-Kamikadze received a form for filling and received five oath items:

    1. Soldier is obliged to fulfill his obligations.
    2. Soldier is obliged to comply with the rules of decency in his life.
    3. The soldier is obliged to highly read the heroism of the military forces.
    4. Soldier must be an highly moral person.
    5. The soldier is obliged to live a simple life.

    So simple and just all the "heroism" of Kamikadze boiled down to five rules.

    Japanese warriors since Samurai considered death literally as part of life. They bored with the fact of death and were not afraid of her approach.

    Educated and experienced pilots flatly refused to go to the detachments of Kamikadze, referring to those, they simply must be alive to teach new fighters who were destined to become suicide bonuses.

    Thus, the more young people sacrificed by themselves, the younger were the recruits who occupied their places. Many were practically teenagers not wondered
    and 17 years who fell a chance to prove his dedication to the empire
    and to show yourself as "real men."

    Despite the pressure of ideology and the imperial cult, not every young Japanese rushed to take a suicide death bull with a clean heart, ready to die for his country. Schools of Kamikadze really built queues from young guys, but it is only part of the story.

    It is difficult to believe it, but today there are still "live kamikadze". One of them, Koenichiro Onuki, told in her records that young people could not not sign up in the detachments of Kamikadze, because it could bring trouble on their families. He recalled that when he was "offered to become Kamikadze, he took the idea of \u200b\u200blaughter, but he changed his mind per night. If he dare not to fulfill the order, then the most harmless thing that could have happened to him - this is a stigma "coward and traitor", and in the worst case - death. Although everything can be exactly the opposite for the Japanese. Will the case of the case, his plane did not start during a combat departure, and he stayed alive.

    The history of underwater kamikadze is not so funny as the story of Kenichiro. There are no living in it.

    Midway operation

    The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a suicide tarted was born in the heads of the Japanese military command after a brutal defeat in the battle of the Atoll Midway.

    While in Europe unfolded the well-known Drama world, in the Pacific, there was a completely different war. In 1942, the Imperial Fleet of Japan decided to attack Hawaii from the Midway's tiny atoll in the Western Group of Hawaiian Archipelago. The atoll was located in the US Air Base, with the destruction of which the Army of Japan decided to start its large-scale offensive. But the Japanese are strongly calculated. The battle of Midoue has become one of the main failures and the most dramatic episode in the part of the globe. When attacking the imperial fleet lost four major aircraft carriers and many other ships, but accurate data on human losses from Japan was not preserved. However, the Japanese never really considered their warriors, but without the loss very much demoralized the Military Spirit of the Fleet.

    This defeat marked the beginning of the scope of the failures of Japan to the sea, and the military command had to invent alternative ways of warfare. Real patriots were supposed to appear, with washed brains, brilliance in the eyes and not afraid of death. So there was a special experimental division of underwater kamikadze. These suicide bombers differed from pilots of aircraft, their task was identical - sacrificed, destroy the enemy.

    The attacked Japanese aircraft carriers of Soryu, Kaga and Akagi during the battle for Midway.

    From the sky

    Underwater kamikadze to fulfill their mission under water used torpedoes-kites, which translated "will of the heaven". In essence, Kaiten was a symbiosis of the torpedo and a small submarine. He worked on pure oxygen and was able to develop speed up to 40 knots, thanks to which almost any vessel of that time could hit.

    The torpedo from the inside is the engine, a powerful charge and a very compact place for a suicide pilot. At the same time it was so narrow that even by the standards of small Japanese, the places were catastrophically lacked. On the other hand, what's the difference when death is inevitable.

    1. Japanese Kaiten in Camp Dealy, 1945. 2. Burning USS MississineWa, after hitting Kaitena in Ulithi Harbor, November 20, 1944.
    3. Kaitena in a dry dock, Kure, October 19, 1945. 4, 5. Skilled by American aircraft submarine during Okinawa campaign.

    Right in front of the face of Kamikaze is the periscope, next to the speed switch of the speed, which in essence regulated the oxygen supply to the engine. At the top of the torpedo, there was another lever - responsible for the direction of movement. The dashboard was stuffed with all sorts of devices - fuel and oxygen consumption, pressure gauge, clock, depth heel, etc. At the foot of the pilot there is a valve for intake of intricate water in a ballast tank to stabilize the weight of the torpedo. To control the torpedo was not so simple, besides, the training of pilots left much to be desired - schools appeared spontaneously, but also spontaneously and destroyed by American bombers.

    Initially, Kaiten was used for attacks of opponents moored in the bays. The underwater carrier boat with the excavation vessels (from four to six pieces) found enemy vessels, lined up the trajectory (literally unfolded relative to the place of finding a goal), and the captain of the submarine gave the last order to suicide bonuses.

    Through a narrow tube, suicide bumps penetrated Kaitena's cabin, the hatches were treated and managed on the radio from the captain of the submarines. Pilots-Kamikadze were absolutely blind, they did not see where they were sent, because it was possible to use a periscope for no more than three seconds, because it led to the risk of discovery of the torpedo opponent.

    First, Kaitena was horrified on the American fleet, but then the imperfect technique began to give failures. Many suicide bums fell up to the goal and torn from the lack of oxygen, after which the torpedo was simply tone. A little later, the Japanese have improved the torpedo, providing it with a timer, not leaving no chance of either kamikadze nor the enemy. But at the very beginning, Kaiten claimed humanity. In Torpeda, a catapulting system was provided, but it worked not the most efficiently, more precisely did not work at all. At high speed, no kamikaze could be safely erected, so it was refused to be refused in later models.

    Very frequent raids of submarines with Kaitenes led to the fact that the devices rust and failed, since the casing of the torpedo was made of steel thickness no more than six millimeters. And if the torpedo dive too deep to the bottom, the pressure simply flattened the thin case, and Kamikadze died without proper heroism.

    First, Kaitena was horrified on the American fleet, but then imperfect technique
    became to give failures.

    The failure of the project "Kaiten"

    The first testimony of Kitenov's attack, fixed by the United States, dates back to November 1944. The attack participated three submarines and 12 torpedo-kaitenov against a moored American ship off the coast of the Atolla South (Carolin Islands). As a result of the attack, one submarine simply sank, of the eight remaining kaitenov two failed at the start, two climbed, one disappeared (although later he was found thrown ashore) and one, without reaching the goal, exploded. The remaining Kaiten crashed into the Mississineian tanker and sank him. The Japanese command regarded the operation as successful, which was immediately reported to the emperor.

    More or less successfully used kaitena managed only at the very beginning. Thus, according to the results of nautical battles, the official propaganda of Japan stated 32 across the American courts, including aircraft carriers, linear ships, cargo ships and the Squaded Mission. But these figures are considered too exaggerated. The American Sea Fleet by the end of the war increased significantly in combat power, and the pilots of Kaitenov was more difficult to hit the goals. Large combat units in the bays were securely guarded, and it was very difficult to sees that even at a depth of six meters, to attack the ships scattered in the open sea. Kaitenov also did not have the opportunity - they simply could not have endured long swims.

    The defeat with Midoue pushed the Japanese to the desperate steps in the blind revenge American fleet. Torpedoes-Kaiteen were a crisis solution to which the imperial army lay high hopes, but they were not justified. Kaites had to solve the most important task - to destroy the enemy trial, and no matter what price, however, the farther, the less effective there were their use in hostilities. Vlaper attempt to irrationally use the human resource led to the complete failure of the project. The war ended with total lesions of the Japanese, and Kaitena became another bloody
    The property of history.

    Popularized and strongly distorted image of the Japanese Kamikaze, who formed in the minds of Europeans, has little in common with whom they actually were. We present Kamikatse as a fanatical and desperate warrior, with a red bandage around the head, a man with a furious look behind the steering wheel of an old aircraft, carrying towards the goal with the shouts of "Banzai!". But Kamikadze was not only suicide-born warriors, they acted under water. Canned to the steel capsule - a controlled Torpé Kaiten, Kamikadze destroyed the enemies of the emperor, sacrificing for Japan and in the sea. About them and will be discussed in this material.

    School Kamikadze

    Before proceeding directly to the story of "living torpedoes" it is worth a briefly immersed in the history of the formation of schools and ideology of Kamikadze.

    The education system in Japan in the middle of the 20th century did not differ much from dictatorial schemes for the formation of a new ideology. From an early age, children inspired that, dying for the emperor, they arrive correctly and their death would be blessed. As a result of such academic practice, young Japanese rose with the motto "Jusshi Reisho" ("Donate Life"). Plus, the state machine in every way hid any information about the defeats (even the most insignificant) Japanese army. Propaganda created a false idea of \u200b\u200bJapan's capabilities and effectively inspired little educated children that their death is a step towards the total victory of Japan in the war.

    It is appropriate to recall the Codex Busido, who played an important role in the formation of ideals Kamikadze. Japanese warriors since Samurai considered death literally as part of life. They bored with the fact of death and were not afraid of her approach.

    Kamikadze was gained from poorly educated young guys, second or third boys in families. Such a selection was due to the fact that the first (that is, the senior) the boy in the family was usually becoming the heir of the state and therefore did not get into the military sample.

    Pilots-Kamikadze received a form for filling and received five oath items:

    Soldier is obliged to fulfill his obligations.

    Soldier is obliged to comply with the rules of decency in his life.

    Soldier must be an highly moral person.

    The soldier is obliged to live a simple life.

    So simple and just all the "heroism" of Kamikadze boiled down to five rules.

    Educated and experienced pilots flatly refused to go to the detachments of Kamikadze, referring to those, they simply must be alive to teach new fighters who were destined to become suicide bonuses.
    Thus, the more young people sacrificed by themselves, the younger were the recruits who occupied their places. Many were practically adolescents, not a wondern 17 years who fell a chance to prove their loyalty to the empire and show themselves as "real men."

    Despite the pressure of ideology and the imperial cult, not every young Japanese rushed to take a suicide death bull with a clean heart, ready to die for his country. Schools of Kamikadze really built queues from young guys, but it is only part of the story.

    It is difficult to believe it, but today there are still "live kamikadze". One of them, Koenichiro Onuki, told in her records that young people could not not sign up in the detachments of Kamikadze, because it could bring trouble on their families. He recalled that when he was "offered to become Kamikadze, he took the idea of \u200b\u200blaughter, but he changed his mind per night. If he dare not to fulfill the order, then the most harmless thing that could have happened to him - this is a stigma "coward and traitor", and in the worst case - death. Although everything can be exactly the opposite for the Japanese. Will the case of the case, his plane did not start during a combat departure, and he stayed alive.

    The history of underwater kamikadze is not so funny as the story of Kenichiro. There are no living in it.

    Midway operation

    The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a suicide tarted was born in the heads of the Japanese military command after a brutal defeat in the battle of the Atoll Midway.

    While in Europe unfolded the well-known Drama world, in the Pacific, there was a completely different war. In 1942, the Imperial Fleet of Japan decided to attack Hawaii from the Midway's tiny atoll in the Western Group of Hawaiian Archipelago. The atoll was located in the US Air Base, with the destruction of which the Army of Japan decided to start its large-scale offensive. But the Japanese are strongly calculated. The battle of Midoue has become one of the main failures and the most dramatic episode in the part of the globe. When attacking the imperial fleet lost four major aircraft carriers and many other ships, but accurate data on human losses from Japan was not preserved. However, the Japanese never really considered their warriors, but without the loss very much demoralized the Military Spirit of the Fleet.

    This defeat marked the beginning of the scope of the failures of Japan to the sea, and the military command had to invent alternative ways of warfare. Real patriots were supposed to appear, with washed brains, brilliance in the eyes and not afraid of death. So there was a special experimental division of underwater kamikadze. These suicide bombers differed from pilots of aircraft, their task was identical - sacrificed, destroy the enemy.

    The attacked Japanese aircraft carriers of Soryu, Kaga and Akagi during the battle for Midway.

    From the sky

    Underwater kamikadze to fulfill their mission under water used torpedoes-kites, which translated "will of the heaven". In essence, Kaiten was a symbiosis of the torpedo and a small submarine. He worked on pure oxygen and was able to develop speed up to 40 knots, thanks to which almost any vessel of that time could hit.

    The torpedo from the inside is the engine, a powerful charge and a very compact place for a suicide pilot. At the same time it was so narrow that even by the standards of small Japanese, the places were catastrophically lacked. On the other hand, what's the difference when death is inevitable.

    1. Japanese Kaiten in Camp Dealy, 1945. 2. Burning ship USS MississineWa, after hitting Kaiten in Ulithi Harbor, November 20, 1944. 3. Kaitena in a dry dock, Kure, October 19, 1945. 4, 5. Sneaken by American aircraft submarine during the Okinawa campaign.

    Right in front of the face of Kamikaze is the periscope, next to the speed switch of the speed, which in essence regulated the oxygen supply to the engine. At the top of the torpedo, there was another lever - responsible for the direction of movement. The dashboard was stuffed with all sorts of devices - fuel and oxygen consumption, pressure gauge, clock, depth heel, etc. At the foot of the pilot there is a valve for intake of intricate water in a ballast tank to stabilize the weight of the torpedo. To control the torpedo was not so simple, besides, the training of pilots left much to be desired - schools appeared spontaneously, but also spontaneously and destroyed by American bombers.

    Initially, Kaiten was used for attacks of opponents moored in the bays. The underwater carrier boat with the excavation vessels (from four to six pieces) found enemy vessels, lined up the trajectory (literally unfolded relative to the place of finding a goal), and the captain of the submarine gave the last order to suicide bonuses.

    Through a narrow tube, suicide bumps penetrated Kaitena's cabin, the hatches were treated and managed on the radio from the captain of the submarines. Pilots-Kamikadze were absolutely blind, they did not see where they were sent, because it was possible to use a periscope for no more than three seconds, because it led to the risk of discovery of the torpedo opponent.

    First, Kaitena was horrified on the American fleet, but then the imperfect technique began to give failures.

    Many suicide bums fell up to the goal and torn from the lack of oxygen, after which the torpedo was simply tone. A little later, the Japanese have improved the torpedo, providing it with a timer, not leaving no chance of either kamikadze nor the enemy. But at the very beginning, Kaiten claimed humanity. In Torpeda, a catapulting system was provided, but it worked not the most efficiently, more precisely did not work at all. At high speed, no kamikaze could be safely erected, so it was refused to be refused in later models.

    Very frequent raids of submarines with Kaitenes led to the fact that the devices rust and failed, since the casing of the torpedo was made of steel thickness no more than six millimeters. And if the torpedo dive too deep to the bottom, the pressure simply flattened the thin case, and Kamikadze died without proper heroism.

    The failure of the project "Kaiten"

    The first testimony of Kitenov's attack, fixed by the United States, dates back to November 1944. The attack participated three submarines and 12 torpedo-kaitenov against a moored American ship off the coast of the Atolla South (Carolin Islands). As a result of the attack, one submarine simply sank, of the eight remaining kaitenov two failed at the start, two climbed, one disappeared (although later he was found thrown ashore) and one, without reaching the goal, exploded. The remaining Kaiten crashed into the Mississineian tanker and sank him. The Japanese command regarded the operation as successful, which was immediately reported to the emperor.

    More or less successfully used kaitena managed only at the very beginning. Thus, according to the results of nautical battles, the official propaganda of Japan stated 32 across the American courts, including aircraft carriers, linear ships, cargo ships and the Squaded Mission. But these figures are considered too exaggerated. The American Sea Fleet by the end of the war increased significantly in combat power, and the pilots of Kaitenov was more difficult to hit the goals. Large combat units in the bays were securely guarded, and it was very difficult to sees that even at a depth of six meters, to attack the ships scattered in the open sea. Kaitenov also did not have the opportunity - they simply could not have endured long swims.

    The defeat with Midoue pushed the Japanese to the desperate steps in the blind revenge American fleet. Torpedoes-Kaiteen were a crisis solution to which the imperial army lay high hopes, but they were not justified. Kaites had to solve the most important task - to destroy the enemy trial, and no matter what price, however, the farther, the less effective there were their use in hostilities. Vlaper attempt to irrationally use the human resource led to the complete failure of the project. The war ended with total lesions of the Japanese, and Kaites became the next bloody property of history.