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  • Hike in morgue. Last Way: Photo Skurssion in Morg (79 photos) Excursion to morgue

    Hike in morgue. Last Way: Photo Skurssion in Morg (79 photos) Excursion to morgue

    Morgov employees can tell a lot of unusual and acute stories from their practice. Most episodes are associated with the dead, who attended to file the "signs of life." More often with them is brought to those who remain in the morgue for night duty.

    "I worked at one time in resuscitation. By sending the dead in the morgue, we always wrote the number of the history of the disease on the body of the deceased to avoid confusion.

    Once, after midnight, we have a hopeless patient. Leaving a partner in the ward, I ran away to another our separation on the urgent instrument of the doctor. When I returned, the corpse was already taken away. Only after some time it turned out that the "ordinal" number on the body to write to the nippers forgot.

    Given the malicious nature of the pathologist, the scandal seemed inevitable. I tell her - forgot, go now, catch up. And the girl is in the hysterics, new, not yet used to everything, and who will go to the morgue at night? I had to argue with a bundle of keys, descend into the underground transition, as the morgue was merahm in a hundred from the hospital.

    In the refrigeration chamber, I began to capture sheets on the catalogs to identify the corpse on the face. Suddenly she caught a rustle. I turn around - and I see that a hand flop on the neighboring bank at the corpse. Well, I think you never know, you didn't put it. I corrected my hand and looked at him. A completely young guy with a grimace of torment on his face and half-open eyes, but not the one I'm looking for.

    I went on between the stocks. Found, finally, "his" dead man. I am writing a number and again I hear a quiet rustle ... I look around: on that bonus hanging around the edges of the sheet slightly pegs, as from the wind, and this time the body of the corpse slowly swears.

    For some reason it did not work out, I was joined in the wall and got to the door. Slammed the door and could not get the key to the castle for a long time. After a few steps, I heard a deaf blow, as if this damned catcher crashed into the chamber's iron door.

    Once at the top, I could not bite a cigarette - I was shaking hands. When I learned that this guy was after autoavaria, fought for life for a very long time, but lost. "


    Typical "Morgo" horror starch looks like this. A new employee comes to the morgue, it remains for a night shift, and something terrible and non-explained with it is happening with him.

    Here, for example, such a story.

    "Somehow I had to get a night duty at one of the morgues. The work is not dusty, day after three, the clientele is a downtry, without any complaints. At first, of course, it was scary and disgusting. Then nothing, used to.

    Once standing on duty. By evening, Mithrich appeared. He in the morgue of this years, probably twenty worked. It comes and says: "You are on the night at night in the duty room and do not come out, no matter what happens there. The night is bad today. The first night of the full moon, anything can be. "

    Here I naturally broke through. What is the epithets I have not awarded the epithets! It's a shame, it seemed to me that a poorly educated watchman me, a person with higher education, scare it. Mithrich silently listened and answers: "As you know, I warned you." Turned around and went to himself.

    After work, the senior prosector was delayed with me to talk to various topics. Late in the evening, my interlocutor went. I locked the door behind him and one remained. I checked the freezer, looked, whether everything is in the same order in the transactory, I put out the light and returned to my duty.

    There: the entrance door, next to the duty room and a long T-shaped corridor, at the end of which are the doors leading to the carpentry, transactors and other premises. All night in the corridor burns a few lamps. In the duty room, too, the light should burn, but the guard, if you go to bed, always turn off it.

    Doors, except input, do not close anywhere, just covered tightly. In the duty on the door of the catch, but always the door left the manner open. It was also that night. On the street quietly: neither wind, no noise cars. Low moon in the sky. I read Grimeshausen, from time to time and listen to silence.

    At midnight in the dream pulled. I decided to lie down. And here I hear how the door creaked in the corridor. Caution, almost not heard, but creaked. Look out from the duty: in the corridor the light is dim, scattered, and where the doors are dark, nothing can be seen. Somehow not in itself. However, I think I'll go, I'll see why the door opened.

    I went, and in order to assure myself to give, step firmly, the steps are given to the deaf echo. And then I notice, no, even, rather, I feel - ahead, in the dark, some barely catchy movement. I distinguish the words of Mithrich: "Close and do not come out, no matter what happens!" "

    Slowly departing in the duty room, slam the door and clicking the valve. According to the corridor, the rustle of the fast steps climbing at the door itself. Then outside the door is very dragging behind the handle. It gives back several millimeters, then does not allow the valve. An unclear dark silhouette flashes in the crack, and an obvious sweet scent of the corpse is seeping into the duty.

    Next for a moment, I clung to the door handle. And from the corridor, something insanely terrible trying to penetrate me! The door scratches, pulls the handle, shake on shoals and walls, and all this happens in complete silence. Only pulls due to the door of the smell of formalin and cold.

    Silence is coming in the corridor with dawn. No one else scratches, does not break into the door. But I still can not release a handle for a long time: it stands, clinging to her fingers whiskers from tension.

    The persistent call returns me to reality and makes open the door. The corridor is common and empty, it seems that everything that happened at night was wild, nightmare. The castle, as always, hesitates, and I can not open it for a long time. Finally, I manage it. On the porch mercenary merger rone: "Well, you're healthy! Both an hour call! "

    I am not chance that I had a great went over alcohol, I did not hear anything and that I didn't touch me better today. The working day is in full swing, and I can't get myself to go home. I nervously smoke on the porch at the service entrance and desperately try to understand what was at night - reality or sleep. Near the senior prosector, he asks me about something, I answer him something, and only one thought in my head: "It was a dream, this can not be!"

    Here on the porch is a trainee: "Andrei Andreevich, a strange case. I am preparing for an opening of a drowned corpse, well, what brought the day before yesterday, and under his nails full of white paint. "

    "What is strange here?" - Lazily asks the senior prosector.

    "The paint is dried, old, but the devils and broken nails on the hands of the corpse, in my opinion, posthumous, fresh."

    They go, and I come to the door to the duty room. At the height of human growth, semicircular scratches and uneven chips clearly appear on the smooth white surface.

    Ghosts in Trusperal

    "It was a couple of years ago. I then worked as a night guard in the morgue. In the first one shift, the men began to intimidate me with all sorts of stories. And the anti-shifter said that I could not cover the door in any case. For some reason, he did not seem to me a joker.

    Of course, I would never leave the door open, if one woman had not reassured me. The name of her hope of Solnev. She said that in addition to me here, other people remain in the night shift.

    In the first night, everything was true: a man remained three, including Solntse itself. They all were in the repository of the bodies (the heels of Solidol smeared), and I am in the guardhouse. Everything was calm, except somewhere the parquet creaks, but I dumped all the fool's smashed me. Two nights passed comparative

    And then I accidentally caught the dossier on my changer. I am a curious man and decided to look there. I remember I was struck - it was written there that he was only 37 years old, but he looked at all 75-80. And it was still said that he was in a civil marriage with the Sold.

    On the eve of my third duty, the surgeon approached me and said that he would stay with me today, because the wife allegedly left and did not leave the keys to the apartment. I was surprised, because Solntheva was at that moment in the dining room, I saw her there five minutes ago. Well, hell with him, I think.

    And on this night no one stayed in the morgue, except for us two and the sunshine. But I got something nervous. The old man remarked this and said: "Calm down, if you drink, then go to the store and take vodka, I also refuse you." I thought that this is a good idea: I am also distracted, it will be calmer.

    I was not in a hurry, there was no minutes of the gas forty. On the approach to the morgue heard wild female screams thrown into a shiver. I ran faster, you never know what, my duty!

    When I ran into the inside - everything was aged, my removal was sitting in the corner and breathing heavily. In her hands, he kept the rosary and quickly read the prayer. His gray hair was closed, on the face of bruising, eyes empty.

    Deciding to figure out what was the matter, I ran into the storage to see what's wrong there. But it was not inside. I returned to the secreter and began to ask him, but he continued to pray. I remembered the vodka, opened it, began to pour him into a glass, he saw it, he began to mock helplessly, like a dumb, and pull his hand to the bottle.

    After I gave him a bottle, he began to eat greedily and moved a little. Then he led me to the repository of bodies, led to one of the refrigerators, and I saw that it was written on the label: Sunntheva Nadezhda.

    Here I broke through shock. I quickly took my backpack and left. The next day I came to find out what, yes, but it turned out that no one even heard about anyone or about this old man! "

    Excursion to an abandoned hospital

    But what exactly happened to encounter the heroes of this story, it is difficult to even assume.

    "My name is Vitalik. I am 11 years old, I live in the city of Sevastopol. I and my friends are lovers to take a walk in all kinds of wastehouses and construction workers. One day they found one place, a five-story abandoned building - the former tuberculous branch with a morgue. After the lessons, we drank a soda there, ate crackers, etc.

    Once we all failed the control and went to bad mood In this abandoned hospital. We were somewhere a person five or six. Since we studied in the second shift, it was already dark. My friend Serge offered to go to the morgue. First, the guys were frightened, but then we all went there.

    Inside it turned out to be scary: dark corridor, scratched walls and all sorts of columns. But the worst awaited us ahead: there was some kind of creature on the bed. When it moved, I was able to see a strait shirt. That was exactly the man.

    We all rushed to the exit and never approached this hospital. Only in six months we learned that there were eight eight dispersed bodies in that morgue. It turned out that they were laying there for about a year. It shocked us so much that we didn't go walk somewhere somewhere. "

    Charge for the accuracy of all the above stories, of course, it is impossible. But it is impossible to deny the fact that there is a lot of strange and incomprehensible in life. And where the fragile line between life and death passes, it is especially striking.

    Morg - as much in this word: for some - fear, for others - grief, and for third - work. A young doctor of Olga Kisonkova's pathologist told the "big village", for which he loves his profession than dangerous openings and is close to reality the life of the morgue in the Russian series about the cops.


    For two years I have been working as a pathologist in the Chapaev Central City Hospital. He dreamed of this profession from the 8th grade and already at the time of receipt of all other specializations in the meduliper. So no one forced me and did not ask, the doctors in the family were also not. All relatives thought I would finish politechnical University, I will become an engineer-technologist and will work at the factory. But I'm not looking for easy ways.

    I was Manila Patanatomy. This is a fundamental science that allows you to thoroughly learn and get to the bottom, to know what other doctors cannot see, simply because they are not able to climb so deeply. We give the final and most accurate diagnosis we only. It must be said that among my fellow students - and the stream of students of the medical faculty is about three hundred people - I am the only one who chose Patanatomy. At the same time, my aligns were among the specialty with interest, respected by my choice and always supported me.

    The first time on the autopsy we fell during a pair of patanatomy, which is quite logical. The occupation took place in the morgue of the Pirogov Hospital. Watched the opening of a man of 70 years, who deceased from ischemic stroke. It was at the same time fascinating and a little frightening spectacle, all stood with open mouths. Nobody flooded, because first of all, we moved interest.

    I believe that every student medical university Must visit an autopsy. How can a cardiologist deal with heart disease, if he did not see the very organ, did not touch his hands, but just admired the picture in the textbook? Nevertheless, the teacher does not have the right to force the student to come to an autopsy, even if the cause of unwillingness is fear. I had a friend who studied at the Pediatric Faculty. When her group led to an autopsy, she refused to visit this occupation, because she was pregnant - did not want extra experiences.

    I come from Chapayevsk and starting from the third course all summer spent in Chapaev Morga. No one was secret that I am going to work there. We knew about my experience in the internship, where I was held specialized training, therefore was immediately entrusted to conduct an autopsy on my own, under the supervision of the head.

    There, I understood that my expectations from work and reality coincide. I expected that every day I would go to work with anticipation and desire, and it happened. There was no one day when I didn't want to go to the hospital.


    My work lies not only in the study of the bodies of the dead, but also in the study of biopsies ( tissue samples - approx. ed.) Living people. Each sample is unique - the same glass does not happen, so every day I see something new.

    The process of studying tissues is true: First, the samples taken in humans must lie in the formal solution during the day, then they are poured with paraffin - so that after get a thin-thin slice. It is fixed on the glass, and then paint - the colorless drug I will not see in the microscope. All these manipulations produce laboratory technicians. When the drug dries, the glass bring me - I look at it under the microscope and I will render my conclusion. The whole process usually takes three to four days.

    The pathologists from the harmfulness of vacation a little more than other doctors - 42 days a year. This is due to the fact that we work with chemicals, for example, with formalin, laboratory technicians use different paints, acids. Sometimes you come home and feel that the clothes are adapted by chemicals. Naturally, all these evaporations we breathe - it's like being in factory chemical production.

    However, disgusting smells, as everyone thinks, in the sectional ( the room where the openings are carried out - approx. ed.) No, if all the rules of sanitation are observed. There are certain smells that depend on which pathology was the deceased - but during operations are the same in the operating room. If you hold a person blindfolded, he will not understand which of these two rooms it is located.

    Operating procedure

    I go to Chapaevsk every day from Samara. I try to be at work to 7-45. I change clothes in work clothes - this is the safety technique, and our own interests: I think, no one wants the biological fluids of the deceased remaining on his daily clothes. Then I leave the office for the time of mandatory processing - quartzing. I go to the laboratory, I greet my colleagues, I recognize the front of the future work: how many dead did how many biopsies. We are discussing with the chief questions about openings, we invite you attending physicians. In theory, they must be present at the autopsy of their patients. It happens that the doctor does not come - for example, he is a surgeon and conducts operation at this point or is located on around. This is not criminal - all the same after the opening we call him to voice the cause of death.

    Before you start, be sure to study the history of the disease: when a person entered the hospital with what complaints, what treatment is appointed, which happened later, which resuscitation activities were rendered. Then the head of the department distributes to whom what an autopsy will get. And proceed to work.

    At the autopsy, the most important thing for the doctor is your own security: you will not apply harm, but you can get to infected very easily. From here the corresponding form of clothing: plastic apron, cap and safety glasses or screen. The screen protects the whole face, and if you are in glasses, it is necessary to close the respiratory organs with something - at least put on the mask. Mandatory gloves and sleeves, rubber shoes. Under all this defense, a surgical suit must be put on, which is constantly in the department and is erased in the hospital laundry.

    Also in the department must be an anticipated costume - in case of very dangerous infections transmitted by air-droplet. It completely protects all skin cover, mucous and respiratory tract, fits tightly to the skin. The costume consists of a jumpsuit, two bathrobes, hoods, shocks, protective glasses, cotton-marelie mask, rubber gloves, boots, stockings and towels.

    We work five days a week from 8-00 to 14-00 on weekends on Saturday and Sunday. A duty officer comes on Saturday: it makes an opening of the newly admitted, so that they have not accumulated them for the weekend. We died on Sunday we do on Monday. Opening are made in the first half of the day, after lunch we do not work.


    During the opening, several pieces of fabrics are taken from each organ for histological examination. It is made to confirm the diagnosis and allows you to accurately determine the presence of pathologies in other organs and tissues. Thus, the autopsy protocol consists of two parts: actually an autopsy and histological examination of drugs.

    In the first section, the pathologist describes in detail what he saw at autopsy, starting with an outdoor inspection and ending with the state of all organs and tissues. It must be done immediately after the procedure, until everything is in memory. When histology is ready, they look under the microscope, estimated, contribute to the protocol, give conclusion, print it, sign and transfer to the attending physician.

    In addition to the protocols on openings and biopsies, I make a report on mortality from myocardial infarction per week - every Tuesday represents a summary of Nachmed, which then reports the chief doctor. Once a month I make a reconciliation of mortality with the registry office, in order to identify errors and inconsistencies in medical certificates of death. We also issue certificates on request: people come for information about deceased relatives who, for example, requested the bank.

    I sometimes say: "You're lucky - you do not meet scandalous patients." I can argue: the dead patients have relatives - different temperaments, behavior too. Sometimes there are conflicts due to misunderstanding: someone something misunderstood or we did not explain so. I always try to prevent such situations, I never speak at elevated colors, for example, looking for peace negotiations.


    Depending on the diagnosis, there are five categories of autopsy complexity. To the fifth, the most difficult, categories include, for example, people with AIDS and HIV. First, this is an increased danger. Secondly, HIV infection gives complications to many organs, and it is necessary to recognize in which authority what happened. But patients with strokes are the second category. There are no great difficulties here - the stroke can be seen immediately.

    If I have doubts, I can postpone the diagnosis prior to histological studies - everything is visible much better under the microscope. Or I can put an estimated diagnosis, and then change it on the basis that histological studies gave a different picture.

    It is morally difficult to open young guys and women, especially those who died during childbirth - in a patch I was a couple of times to take part in such openings. It is a pity and insulting for these people, but death is death: we can not solve our fate.

    The opening of children under 14 years is held only in the first children's city hospital, these are engaged in these specialists - children's pathologists. We mainly bring people 60-80 years old. There are different diseases, most often the causes of death are stroke and heart attack. These are sharp and sudden states, and doctors do not always have time to prevent death.

    On average, we spend 2-3 per day, sometimes 4 autopsies. Biops, of course, much more. There is still a concept of tenderloin - when the organ, such as a gallbladder or the uterus, is cut out during the operation. It is definitely sent to us, and we describe in detail: color, size, thickness, which can be seen on the cut, also take samples on histology.

    There are days when there is no openings at all, and it happens on the contrary: once on Saturday, no one had the opportunity to dudge, and on Monday we were waiting for 13 corpses. But you need to take into account that we take on the whole south Samara region: Pokhvistnevo, Pestuchka, Volga region, Holorostyanka, Krasnoarmeysky district. In many hospitals there are no His Morgov, and the corpses are lucky to us. Biopsy is also sent from all the hospitals adjacent to Chapaevsk, where there is no potanatomy branch.


    In our department, three doctors of the pathologist: the head, I and the doctor who works in the morgue for a long time, now he is more than 70 years old. It is mainly engaged in histological studies, because it is already physically hard to carry out the autopsy. Three laboratory girls work in the laboratory. We have good relationships, we find out all the misunderstandings immediately.

    Head of Our Department is such an impressive uncle. Its appearance fully complies with stereotypical ideas about the huge gloomy peasants-pathologists. However, my observations do not confirm this stereotype: for example, in the morgue of the oncological dispensary, very beautiful girls work - slender, smiling. In the patch, too, all the pathologists, mostly women - intelligent, highly educated people. There are no contradictions here: a considerable part of our activity - work with a microscope in the laboratory - heavy physical work does not imply, and at the autopsy can always be called to the aid of Sanitar.

    With ridiculous deaths, we do not face - this is to forensic medicine. In general, it must be said that Patanatomy and Sudekspertiza are two absolutely different industries. The forescapesperts have a clear division on autopsy doctors ( openings - approx. ed.) and histologists, the ability to fence the blood and biological fluids of the deceased. We have no such. All their death, in contrast to our hospital, criminal or perceptible. According to the result, only the fact that we make the openings and histology are looking. But it is so common features - I don't really say that all doctors are the same, because they are treated.

    Rumors that the mortars are stealing in the morgue, it is generally nonsense. Most often, the dead in the hospital people bring in hospital clothes, without things.

    People often ask if our corpses came to us and is not afraid of being in the morgue. They can be understood: they face the dead infrequently, in some kind of bounty moment of their life. When you see the dead every day, it becomes ordinary for you. You get used to everything. About the live dead - no, guys, this does not happen.

    Morning call woke me ..
    "Allo, who is it?"
    - "Is it Yuri, are you going to the morgue?"
    "Maybe it's better tomorrow?" as always asked, trying to pull the time ..
    - "Look myself .. tomorrow you can not get, and then wait a long time .."
    "Yes, of course, I will be in two hours, I need to get together ..."

    "Life, this is the beginning of death, and the death, this is the beginning of life"

    Konstantin Evgenievich Nemirov - Head of the Pathoanatomy Department. And how you probably already understood, today's photo report from the series "How it works" will be about the morgue.

    Morg is a special premises for hospitals, institutions of forensic medical examination for storage, identification, opening and issuing corpses for the disposal.

    Morges are divided into pathologist (for the study of corpses when death from the disease) and forensic (for research and examination of corpses in case of violent death, if it is suspected, when the patient's death, the identity of which is not established, or in the presence of relatives for the treatment) .
    In modern practice, the name "Morg" has been preserved only for forensic medical institutions; In the opening hospitals are carried out in pathologists.

    The morgue consists of a hall for the study of corpses (sectional) and auxiliary premises.

    By the way, the pathologist is engaged not only by the dead people, they still conduct pathological studies of "samples" from living people in order to confirm or refute the preliminary diagnosis of the attending physician. Right with me, Konstantin Evgenievich "denied" one of these "diagnoses"! Now "Vasily" can live calmly, suspicion of a cancer tumor has been removed.

    Here, a microscope is placed "material" obtained from the patient for research. If you wish, you can take a picture of the "whole process" of the truth of special microscopes with the photographing function from Konstantin Evgenievich no and it uses for these purposes a "dig perimple" leaning to an eyepiece of a microscope!

    Go ahead. Laboratory, ordinary working day, immediately you can get a certificate that you died

    And so my arrival is all very happy))

    all sorts of jars with nat. solutions.

    Hall for testing corpses

    I expected to see what will be "like in the movie" but no, everything is simple and without any automation and glamor

    tools for opening are also the most ordinary, without automation and electric drive. All work is made so to speak manually and in the old manner.

    Door to freezer for troupes ..

    (Photos if desired, you can enlarge)

    Earlier in one of his posts, I already wrote about such "exhibits"
    The project "Fashionable to be healthy. Drugs. "

    So do not drink, do not smoke and do not use drugs! etc.

    On the last Path

    We planned an event for 3 days and time to prepare (to bring references, establish contacts) was extremely few. From the inventory we had only a list of morgues. Since in the central district, the concentration of MORGs is the greatest, we decided to get around them systematically ("in one will send, in the other I will go"). We immediately decided that it was not true for anything: "The man must at least see the corpse" :).

    At first we were, got into the infectious hospital, the local guard was not particularly agreed:

    Can you get to the morgue?

    On a tour.

    No, the morgue is closed.

    But in general, in principle, is it real?

    No, today Sunday and Morg are closed!

    And we flew to the hospital on the foundry. Successfully walking through the passage, we easily found the morgue. There was the back door and the hall of issue. We did not like it in the issue hall, it seemed to be boring, and we decided to knock on the back. A decently dressed guy years of thirty, asked what we want.

    And in the morgue you can get?

    In principle, you can, why do you need it?

    To strengthen the Spirit.

    Well, let's go ... only there it smells bad.

    There were wreaths, crustics, other inventory. The man came up to the door closed on the banks, removed the goals and opened ... All my ideas about the morgue were instructed. In a small room, the corpses were lying on the tables, almost a stack, naked, unnatural greenish-gray, thin, semi-folded ... seen completely interrupted the smell. I looked at all minutes 2, peered into the details so that the consciousness would not pushed the picture.

    And it is still necessary to open ... - said the guide.

    Is it possible to get to the autopsy?

    Opening makes a doctor ...

    Where can I get input tickets?

    You guys need to be on Ekaterininsky 10, in the city morgue: there are drinkers, and firearms, and knife ...

    On this we thanked the guide, recorded the address and left. They agreed to think that they were like non-real, like wax figures. Otherwise, namely, in the "shock" seen, we did not come together. Then I went through Nevsky, feeling the unnaturalness of the world, where even the corpses are not like themselves.

    Alexander, 03/19/2006

    This report is a good example of how you can "tune in" to awareness of death. Make sure that we are all mortal. And we all sooner or later "Play the box." An example is good because Alexander, who proposed and made this campaign in Morg, very creatively approached the practice of a realization of death :). What I, as lead trainings, in general, pleases (always nice to work with people, ready to try and look for your knowledge). This is not just an example of "configuration to death awareness", but also an example of self-search.

    The only drawback that can be noted on this report (dedicated to the practice of awareness of death) is a weak use of the results of this experience for a deep and serious study of the theme of death. In my opinion, most of this, undoubtedly, more valuable experience, was simply not used.

    This experience could serve as a strong impetus, incentive to find internal knowledge regarding death, as well as deepening and strengthening the idea of \u200b\u200bdeath. In this case, I can state a weak reflection on this experience - "Internal excavations were never carried out" :), as well as a weak transfer of this to your life. If this experience was used later, it was used for rarity inefficiently. It floated at the subsequent lesson, where the results were discussed in the week. However, in fairness, it is worth noting that it was the beginning of the practice of a realization of death. In any case, this is another step forward.

    Valery Chugreyev, 03/23/2005

    huravi. 25.03.2009 17:39

    i study in honey college. Literally yesterday went to the morgue after a trip. There was a taste for life. It was all the sharper thing that you live, but sooner or later also browsed on the table for openings.
    In short, we will live

    Evgeny 26.09.2010 23:36

    Guys to be shock, you need emotions.
    And not just the corpses.
    Emotions - this is to take the body of the deceased / deceased and under the painful cry of loved ones and relatives - to take out on the street and carry on the cemetery (or - to carry).
    And then - to shrink.
    You will receive the biggest shock - when it will be your family and relatives or relatives of your favorite people. Or your friends. That's then you will understand Hu from Hu.
    And so - you are just small yet. And they did not see death, although they looked at her all eyes.

    [Reply] [Cancel Reply]

    Nina 13.06.2012 11:25

    Fully agree with Evgeny
    And also - for awareness, you must independently go home to the deceased (just on the street, with you) to a person and report my deal - and fully experience the gravity of such news ...
    After all, dead, apparently, not fundamentally - hard living, lost close man...

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    _-Shadow-_ 10.10.2016 10:32

    He studied in Honey, were at the opening once.
    In parallel, I read Lobsang Rampo for several days. It was easier to tune in to the fact that I would simply see the body. And the autopsy is the type of cutting on the rags of old special specials.

    As the above was written - in fact, the corpse looked like a perfect wax doll (there was a girl about 6 years old. It's enough to look at the foot or hand. It instantly rushed into the eyes. Wax doll with the feeling that she is almost live . Here is a little bit and she will start moving itself (the corpse was fresh, almost from the hospital bed).

    I noticed that when they cut the body, I had a nasty feeling. As if it is cut me ... under anesthesia. Sensations exactly in-point. There are no pain, but the feelings are nasty. Who should be anesthetic, he knows.

    All this is a snack and wet, all this requirement is unpleasant. But strong disgust did not notice. I was more afraid of smell than the content of man. When there is no smell - then it is not so disgusting)))

    However ... the expected awnings was not (it is still good that the body was young, and not some trumper and stuck adult / old man)))
    There was a specific smell. I remembered him well. I will clearly hear it when I go past the meat department in the market)))

    There was a vague and incomprehensible attitude towards all this. The obsessive fears came from the old thing that this piece of meat has its own life (some hostile entity that can suddenly wake up and start moving). I had the same garbage towards TV in childhood - there was an obsessive fear that something inhabits something. Fear that it can come around, "turn on".
    From the new - that it is just a unwashed manicane or the "A la Lego" constructor. True, without much opportunity to assemble it back))
    There was some kind of anxiety for this abandoned body. "What will happen to him next?" I noticed in myself a bustle and a hurry, as if you could still fix something or do better.
    There was some sadness. Something ended, something broke, it became empty and boring - that's how it can be defined. The main thing is not to indulge)
    I still understand that this sadness is an abnormal phenomenon. Something is wrong here, there should be no such gravity. Death should be easier and easier than we are accustomed to perceive.

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    The work of the forensic expert traditionally enters the list of the most unwanted classes around the world, and the ideas about it in many are on the basis of bearded taques and cinema stereotypes. We know little about this specialty, because in principle we are afraid to think about death. And in vain, because it, if neither paradoxically sounds, part of life.

    website He asked to tell about his profession of Jewish Expite with a 30-year experience. Alexey Kurrushin 20 years was the head of the regional forensic morgue. Now he combines the work of the draft expert and the pathologist, and also is engaged in non-state forensic examination. Recently, Alexey began blogging where he calls his work "alive and interesting." And we cannot disagree with him.

    About choosing a profession

    • The main reason why I became a forenswhell, research interest. He is like a drug. Without him boring to live. What is your interest? No one except you knows how a concrete person is arranged. What's there for external species, Skin and bones? You know only you. Often only you understand why a person died.
    • Sometimes experts become those who could not work by another doctor. For example, I could never become a surgeon. It is unacceptable to interfere in lively nature for me. Maximum that I can do with a living person is an injection.
    • The forenswhelters and pathologists are often confused, but this is not the same thing. Pathological anatomy and forensic examination are different specialties. But they have a lot in common. The general object of research is a corpse. General technique of autopsy. Differences only in detail. Many common tasks. Goals are different. Patanatoms are promoting a medical and diagnostic process. Covern has promotion of justice.
    • Sanitars in the morgue can be found very difficult. A person comes, will work for a month - it does not stand up and leaves, despite stable and, in general, a good salary. One day a month of Sanitar could not find. The wife (she is a pathologist) rushed somehow in a taxi, talked to the driver. Apparently, so interestingly told about the work that he wanted to come to try. Medical education Sanitation Morg is not required, they are trained in place. The taxi driver came and remained. Still works.

    About labor weekdays

    • Approximately 300-400 bodies open one forenswhelter in the city of millionth. It happens that 500. This is a lot: the recommended norm is only 100, but it turns out only from the district CME. This is very bad. There is a shaft for which there is no time to think. Jewelecperts are not enough, doctors' students do not rush in the morgue.
    • The forensic expert spends more time in the office than in the section room. The study of the corpse is not the only one and not even the most complete way to obtain information. In my practice there were cases when the study lasted several hours, and his analysis and formulation of conclusions - a few days.
    • A good sense of smell gives a forenswhelpert some advantages when you need to establish how man poisoned. During the study, you can feel different odors. In poisoning with ammonic alcohol, the smell of carbolic acid and ammonia, dichloroethane - heavy mushrooms, blue almonds or nitrobenzene - bitter almond, amyl alcohol - the smell of fuse oil, butyl alcohol - fruit, chlorophos or carbofosomes - garlic.
    • In my first morgue, for many years Sanitary Anna Nosov worked. I caught her old woman. Always in a scarf and boots, with a hooked nose, huge brushes, she reminded me Baby Yagu. We, young experts, often called her to sniff the corpse. She brought his "Baba-Yagy" nose to the body and a quiet hoarse voice clearly and solemnly uttered: "acetone" or "technical fluid".
    • Quite often, grandmother-psychics come to the morgue and asked to give water that washed the body. They need to be damaged, not the spell. Sanitars are poured from under the tap - it is a pity that? Also enjoy the demand of the rope from the neck of the Handers, Linen, personal things of the dead.
    • When in the 90s brought bandits, their colleagues were to the morgue, threatened, tried to pick up the body by force. The brother believed that the autopsy was not according to the concepts. It happened that I had to call the riot police and chatting morgue.
    • Sometimes our work can be deadly. You never know what you can face with research. There were cases, and a lot when experts, sanitary and laborants were infected with tuberculosis. As well as plague, cholera, siberian ulcer - But this is no longer in our latitudes.
    • In the province of Jewelsecpert with 10 years of experience receives about 50 thousand rubles. In Moscow - there are 100 thousand, but also need to work even more.

    About deaths that could not be

    • I believe that starting with high schools in schools you need to teach the basis of human health. People by year 15-20 should know when they are healthy, and when not. If there are symptoms that were never before, or something hurts and does not pass, you need to go to the doctor. In no case should not tolerate and hope that it will take place. Of course, if you do not want to say: "What a strong person! How sick, but did not say anyone! "
    • Most often, an invisible "soft" killer is an increased blood pressure. What a fool will be at a young age to measure? What I would objone this: "Fools do not measure him!" Hars the head - drink a pill of pain. Or maybe do not drink. The pain is not strong. And so - a few years. Over the years, the elasticity of the arteries wall is lost, including the brain. And the next increase in pressure leads to a rupture. The result is intracerebral hemorrhage and death.
    • Once I explored a student's corpse. She died, standing by the window. Two weeks before the sad event, the girl was transferred to the respiratory and viral infection. The disease passed. There is a slight ailment, light shortness of breath and tingling in the chest. All this was bothering her, and she did not appeal to the doctor. It turned out that in vain. Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) was an complication of ARVI.
    • When working with any source of increased danger, for example, electric shockYou must always follow safety. People are usually very frivolous to this issue.
    • If the fire happened, do not look for money, jewels and documents - they will earn it, buy and restore. Sawn yourself and save others. To form a burn you need only a moment. Also, in the fire quickly distinguished carbon black gas. It happens so much that, making a few inhales, a person loses consciousness and dies, and then he burns.
    • Water and alcohol is a dangerous combination. A lot of drowning occurs in a state of alcoholic intoxication. Here it can play a very fast supercooling role. Extended leather vessels are sharply reduced. The heart should push the increased amount of blood, and it does not cope. A person loses consciousness. On earth, after some time, he could have won, and in the water, the lungs are quickly filled with liquid and the person dies.
    • Several times I had to explore the corpses of drivers who died in the city from a collision with an obstacle at low speed - about 40 km / h. Death fell instantly from the break of the heart. At the moment of impact it was maximally filled with blood. This heart work phase is called diastole. Because of the hydrodynamic strike, the blood burst the heart. If the belt was fastened, the blow would be less power. There would be a few ribs - it's not dying.
    • At high speed, the feeling of protected by iron parts of the car is imaginary. When you hit the cab, it is deformed, like a cardboard box, if you come on it. Therefore, when you go with an endime, correctly imagine that the body is made of cardboard.
    • During the fight, people often beat each other on the head. Serious consequences, except bruised on face, usually does not happen. But I work in the morgue and see only deaths. Anyone who hit the other on his head did not think that hemorrhages and swells could appear from his blow in the brain. Most likely, I did not want it. And if I stopped and thought? Would not hit. One person would stay alive, the other - would be on freedom!
    • In A. P. Chekhov, in the story of the drowned, who had filmed signs of life, injected and tame to death. But when was it? In those days, people did not study the burden, did not see the medical broadcasts on TV, did not read the first aid brochures. Now all this is, but also - Internet and YouTube. But who knows how to properly make an indirect heart massage? To return the person to life, and not finish it.

    About the professional form

    • The first time, when I just started working as foremented, I could not get rid of the habit of representing that in other people. I'm going on the bus, I see a beautiful girl - and I think what her looks internal organs. After a while passed.
    • My wife and I got acquainted in the morgue. That day there was a terrible accident on the highway in the city, and I worked in an avral mode. She was a doctor and was to be present at the opening of his patient. So we met. Our first New Year They celebrated in the morgue - I had duty. Then the wife became a pathologist, and, of course, we often talk about your favorite work.
    • I am lying on my back, looking at the sky with campus clouds. I think something they remind me. I remembered: if you cut the wall of the heart along, parallel to the front or rear surface, it will look like a trace after myocardial infarction. Only instead of the blue sky along the edges of the whores, a red-brown heart muscle can be visible. Post-infarction cardiosclerosis is called.

    About stereotypes

    • There is a lot of ladies about the dead tricks in the morgue, but I only met two such cases. Both times was an alcohol coma. Alcoholics were placed in the refrigerator, where they later woke up, and then, rubrev, they themselves left the morgue.
    • It is not true that we are cold cynics. We are not big and no smaller cynics than all other doctors.
    • There is no death from old age! There is a death of an old man from illness.
    • More than once it was necessary to hear the opinion that our work compared to the work of surgeons is not as responsible and tense: whatever the mistake you allow - a person will no longer hurt. This particular person is not, but you can harm the other. Can land innocent or not to plant the perpetrator. The fate of many people is often dependent on my work.
    • Previously, alcoholism was considered a professional disease of forensic medical experts. I do not know about before. I most often met non-alcoholics experts than alcoholics. As in the usual life, larger than Alkash.

    We hope that now you do not consider the work of the Jewead Expite boring and gloomy. We are grateful to Alexey Kryushin for allowing you to look at the profession with his eyes and wish him success in this difficult, but very necessary and interesting business.

    What other unusual professions would you like to know from first?