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  • Facial arch in Russian. Facial arch. The front chronicle of the XVI century - biblical history - from the publisher

    Facial arch in Russian. Facial arch. The front chronicle of the XVI century - biblical history - from the publisher

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    Facial chronicle of the XVI century

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century

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    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. The World History. Book 1.

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    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. The World History. Book 5.


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. The World History. Book 6.


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. The World History. Book 7.


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. The World History. Book 8.


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. The World History. Book 9.

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    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Accompanying volume


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 1. 1114-1151


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 2. 1152-1173.


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 3. 1174-1204


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 4. 1205-1216


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 5. 1217-1241


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 6. 1242-1289.


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 7. 1290-1342


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 8. 1343-1372.


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 9. 1373-1380


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 10. 1381-1392


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 11. 1393-1402.


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 12. 1403-1424.


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 13. 1425-1443.


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 14. 1444-1459.


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 15. 1460-1474.


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 16. 1475-1482


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 17. 1483-1502.


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 18. 1503-1527.


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 19. 1528-1541


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 20. 1541-1551


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 21. 1551-1553


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 22. 1553-1557


    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 23. 1557-1567


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    Facial chronicle of the XVI century

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Biblical history. Book 1.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Biblical history. Book 2.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Biblical history. Book 3.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Biblical history. Book 4.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. The World History. Accompanying volume

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. The World History. Book 1.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. The World History. Book 2.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. The World History. Book 3.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. The World History. Book 4.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. The World History. Book 5.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. The World History. Book 6.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. The World History. Book 7.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. The World History. Book 8.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. The World History. Book 9.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. The World History. Book 10.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Accompanying volume

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 1. 1114-1151

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 2. 1152-1173.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 3. 1174-1204

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 4. 1205-1216

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 5. 1217-1241

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 6. 1242-1289.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 7. 1290-1342

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 8. 1343-1372.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 9. 1373-1380

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 10. 1381-1392

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 11. 1393-1402.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 12. 1403-1424.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 13. 1425-1443.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 14. 1444-1459.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 15. 1460-1474.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 16. 1475-1482

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 17. 1483-1502.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 18. 1503-1527.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 19. 1528-1541

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 20. 1541-1551

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 21. 1551-1553

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 22. 1553-1557

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Russian chronicle story. Book 23. 1557-1567

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    Facial chronicle of the XVI century

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Biblical history. Book 1.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Biblical history. Book 2.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Biblical history. Book 3.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. Biblical history. Book 4.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. The World History. Accompanying volume

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. The World History. Book 1.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. The World History. Book 2.

    Facial chronicle of the XVI century. The World History. The book 3Det the company "Akteon" together with the keepers for the first time carried out a scientific facsimile edition of the "Facial Chronicles of the XVI century".
    The proposed edition with the translation - as an addition within the framework of the scientific apparatus of the above facsimile - presented by three sections: Biblical history, the World History, Russian chronicle story.
    In this edition, lists are located in the chronological order of the narrative
    The external field contains transliteration and translation to modern Russian.

    Russian chronicle history 1114-1567 - reflected on 6010 facial chronicle of the XVI century in the following volumes:
    G - Golitsynova (department of manuscripts of the Russian National Library, F.IV.225),
    L - Laptevsky Tom (department of manuscripts of the Russian National Library, F.IV.233),
    O-I - Osterhanovsky first volume (department of manuscripts of the library of the Academy of Sciences, 31. 7. 30-1),
    O-II - Osteranovsky second that (department of manuscripts of the library of the Academy of Sciences, 31, 7. 30-2),
    Sh - Shumilovsky Tom (department of manuscripts of the Russian National Library, F, IY. 232),
    C - Synodal Tom (Department of Manuscripts of the State Historical Museum. Sin. No. 962),
    Cercidory book (department of manuscripts of the State Historical Museum. Sin. No. 149).

    In the footnotes, the discharges of PSRL movement are died - the full assembly of Russian chronicles is fundamental to study the history of the ancient and medieval Rus book series (its texts, mostly, were published, in the spelling of the XIX century).


    Toms are grouped in relatively chronological order:

    • Biblical history
    • History of Rome
    • History of Byzantium
    • Russian History

    Facial chronograph

    Royal book

    1. Museum collection (GIm). 1031 liters, 1677 miniatures. The presentation of sacred, Hebrew and ancient Greek history from the creation of the world before the destruction of Troy in the XIII century. BC e.
    2. Chronographic Collection (Ban). 1469 l., 2549 miniatures. Statement of the history of the Ancient East, Hellenistic Peace and ancient Rome From the XI century BC e. until the 70s. I in. n. e.
    3. Facial Chronograph (RNB). 1217l., 2191 miniatures. Statement of the history of the Ancient Roman Empire from the 70s. I in. Until 337 and Byzantine history to the X century.
    4. Golitsynova Tom (RNB). 1035 liters, 1964 miniatures. Appearance domestic history for 1114-1247 and 1425-1472.
    5. Laptev Tom (RNB). 1005 liters, 1951 miniature. Statement of domestic history for 1116-1252.
    6. Osterian first volume (ban). 802 liters, 1552 miniatures. The presentation of the domestic history for 1254-1378.
    7. Osteranovsky second volume (ban). 887 l., 1581 miniatures. The presentation of the national history for 1378-1424.
    8. Shumilovsky Tom (RNB). 986 liters, 1893 miniatures. The presentation of the domestic history for 1425, 1478-1533.
    9. Synodal Tom (GIm). 626 l, 1125 miniatures. The presentation of the national history for 1533-1542, 1553-1567.
    10. Royal Book (GIm). 687 l., 1291 miniatures. The statement of national history for 1533-1553.

    History of creating an arch

    Miniatures from the arch are widely known and used both in the form of illustrations and art.

    Fax Edition (2008)

    With a copy of the complete facsimile edition of the facial chronicle, you can find the library of the Department of Manuscripts of the State Historical Museum in Moscow and in the Pushkin House in St. Petersburg.

    Currently, the facial chronicle arch is published in the charitable and educational purposes "by the society of lovers of ancient writing." Apply for free.


    • ARSIKHOVSKIY A.V. Old Russian miniatures as a historical source. - m., 1944.
    • Olp O. I. Miniatures of Russian historical manuscripts: to the history of the Russian Facial Chronicles / Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the Institute of Art History of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR. - M.: Science, 1965. - 336 p. - 1,400 copies.
    • Pokrovskaya V. F. From the history of the creation of the facial chronicle of the second half of the XVI century. // Materials and communications on the funds department of the handwritten and rare book of the library of the USSR Academy of Sciences. - m.; L., 1966.
    • Amosov A. A. The facial chronicle arch of Ivan the Terrible: a complex codicological study. - m .: URSS, 1998. - 392 p. - 1,000 copies. - ISBN 5-901006-49-6 (in per.)
    • The facial chronicle of the XVI century: a description of the description and study of the scattered chronicle complex / comp. E. A. Belokon, V. V. Morozov, S. A. Morozov; Ot. ed. S. O. Schmidt. - m.: Publishing house RSU, 2003. - 224, p. - 1 500 copies. - ISBN 5-7281-0564-5 (in per.)
    • Presnyakov A. E. Moscow historical encyclopedia of the XVI century // Yoryas. - 1900. - T. 5, KN. 3. - P. 824-876.
    • Morozov V. V. The facial chronicle of the campaign of Igor Svyatoslavich // Todrl. - 1984. - T. 38. - P. 520-536.
    • Kloss B. M. Chronicle List facial // Dictionary of Books and Book Ancient Russia. Vol. 2, h. 2 (L - I). - L., 1989. - P. 30-32.


    For the first time in open and free access on the ADDP website (Society of Amateur Writing) appeared the legendary facial Chronicle arch Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Manuscript with hundreds of colorful miniatures can be downloaded on the links below.

    The facial chronicle arch was created in the XVI century by order of the Russian king Ivan the Terrible for the training of royal children. He headed the work on the compilation of this veil an educated person of his time - St. Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia. The best scribes and the icon painters of the capital worked on the preparation of the arch. The fact that they are executed: a collection of all reliably known sources from the Holy Scriptures (text of the Septuaginti) to the history of Alexander Macedonian and the writings of Joseph Flavia - the entire written history of mankind from the creation of the world to the XVI century inclusive. All times and all nations that have written writing are reflected in dozens of books of this assembly. A similar chronicle assembly, decorated with a huge number of highly artistic illustrations, did not create any civilization of humanity: neither Europe nor Asia, nor America or Africa. The fate of the Russian king and his children was tragically. The facial chronicle of Tsarevichi was not useful. According to the reading of the facial arch, part of which is devoted to the period of Grozny, becomes clear - why. Over the next hundreds, official historiography appeared, often conjuncture and politically engaged, and therefore reliable chronicle sources were doomed to destroy or correction, that is, falsification. The facial chronicle housing survived these centuries due to the fact that after the death of Ivan the Terrible in the period, during the period, this folitic was the desired object for "enlightened" biblies. His fragments were pulled by their libraries of the most influential Venels of their time: Osterman, Sheremetev, Golitsyn and others. After all, and then the surning collectors understood that such a folitant with sixteen thousand miniatures prices are not. So lived the arch before the revolution and was piles in several museums and storage facilities.

    Already today, the efforts of enthusiasts are scattered books and sheets were collected together from different storage facilities. And the revived society of lovers of ancient writing made this masterpiece affordable for everyone. Not having analogous historical source, can now receive many large educational establishments Peace, National Libraries different countries And, of course, our compatriots to raise children on this treasure of experience and wisdom of millennia. In such an amazing way, the work that was made for royal children five hundred years ago went to our children, dear contemporaries, with what we are from all our hearts and congratulate!

    First Tom

    The second volume

    Third volume

    Fourth Tom


    A source -

    Fifth Tom (Troy)

    Sixth Tom (Earth Life Isus Christ)

    Seventh Tom (Joseph Flavius \u200b\u200bJewish War)

    Eighth volume (Rome. Byzantium)

    Part 1 (81-345 from VK) -

    Part 2 (345-463 from V.Kh.) -

    Ninth Tom (Byzantium)

    Part 1 (463-586 from V.Kh.) -

    Part 2 (586-805. From VK) -

    Part 3 (805-875 from V.Kh.) -

    Part 4 (875-928 from V.Kh.) -


    Faxes of the Slavic and Byzantine manuscripts of the XI - XVI centuries. - The priority direction of ADDP activities. The foundation has begun to form perspective Plan Editions based on the already received proposals. At the same time, we are ready to cooperate with the archives of Russia and countries of abroad in the implementation and financing of facsimile publications of other rare monuments of Slavic and Byzantine writing. Editions will be carried out at a high printing level and implemented considerable circulation. Preference is given to early manuscripts (by XVI century. Inclusive), having illustrations needing facsimile due to low availability and (or) poor safety.

    To the attention of readers of the Katar Commissioner Group

    Ladies and Gentlemen.

    You have a unique opportunity among the first to get acquainted with the work of my comrades from electronic library Society of lovers of ancient writing, who fired on the pages of the Internet a unique heritage of our ancestors. What opens, truly great and the study of the material will help to understand how the epics of Russian land really looked. You are waiting for the discovery and amazing events of the past, most of which were never covered by the Adepts of Torah - historians. Before you truth, that is the most that many of you painfully looking for a lifetime. Read and proud that you belong to the great Russian people.

    Grand Art Project: The facial chronicle of Ivan the Terrible, the king book - the chronicle of the events of the world and especially Russian history, which was probably in 1568-1576, especially for the royal library in a single copy. The word "facial" in the title of the arch means illustrated, with the image "in the faces". It consists of 10 volumes containing about 10 thousand rag paper sheets, decorated with more than 16 thousand miniatures. Covers the period "from the creation of the world" until 1567.

    Facial chronicles - Russian chronicles, decorated with illustrations, transmitting the ester. events not only with the help of a word, but also means visual arts. Using the ability to transfer a detailed narration, medieval scribes and compilers of chronicles with pie lines and paints and compilers often considered an image of an equivalent text. Traditions of facial chronicles 11-16 centuries are established on the basis of three manuscripts preserved to our time: Tver List of Chronicles George Amartol (Getting Started 1304-1307, Completion - 1368-1377), Radzivilovskaya, or Königsberg Chronicles (90s 15th century) and Facial chronicle arch. Each of the named monuments of facial chronicles carries traces of the oldest illustrated chronicles who missed our time. In the monuments of facial chronicles, there is a deep correspondence between the style of the text and illustrating its miniature. The conventional language of the miniaturist is subordinated to the main goal: visually show where, when and how this event was made. The need to tell about a variety of events, transfer the socio-historical representations of medieval Russia, caused a slender iconographic system for several centuries. The iconographic diagram of the image of diving or receiving investments, the start of the replacement of the Great or Specific Prince, bringing an oath (cross kissing), the conclusion of contracts, sending or receiving embassies, image rati, etc. In the facial chronicle, historical symbolism was used (for example, a raised sword or Saber - Military Threat Sign, Kyiviy - Place Sign Sign). The attributes of the royal and princely dignity are preserved. A complex "feudal table of rank" is strictly observed primarily when depicting clothing, hats, shapes of thrones, etc. Facial chronicle arch The 2nd half of the 16th century can be viewed as a kind of culmination in the addition of iconography of historical illustration. Subsequent facial chronicles - Kungur chronicle and numerous lists of "Kazan history" - follow a common tradition of historical illustration.

    O. I. Satestov. Moscow.

    Soviet historical encyclopedia. In 16 volumes. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1973-1982. Volume 8, cat - Malta. 1965.


    Presnyakov A. E., the royal book, its composition and origin, St. Petersburg, 1893; His, Mosk. East. Encyclopedia XVI century, "Izv. Oyash", St. Petersburg, 1900, t. 5, kN. 3; ARSIKHOVSKIY A.V., Hedna. Miniatures like East. Source, M., 1944; Alshitz D.N., Ivan Grozny and the episions to the facial arrangement of his time, "from", vol. 23, 1947; Its, the origin and features of the sources telling about the boyars of 1553, ibid, vol. 25; Schmidt S. O., Miniatures of the royal book as a source on the history of Mosk. Uprising of 1547, "Pi", vol. 5, M., 1956; Lovely O. I., Miniatures Rus. Historic. Manuscripts. To the history of Russian facial chronicles, M., 1965.

    2010 for specialists who study the ancient Russia, and simply lovers of history marked very an important event: On the Internet in open access laid out the facial chronicle arch (in the people they call the king book). Scanned him and put representatives of the Society of Amateurs of Ancient Writing in the World Network.

    What is the importance of this event?

    Agree that the most important thing in the work of each historian is the original sources: written, works of art, architecture, household items and other artifacts. Unfortunately, in our time, not so many researchers of the past are addressed to them. Often they are studying and quoting the work of other historians, and those third and so on. As a result, if you start to understand, the majority of such scientists have never enjoyed the original sources, and all their works have created on the basis of other people's words and opinions. It turns out that these work can be compared with a bad copy of a copy of some "blockbuster". If you open and read what is written in ancient document, and compare information with what modern historians write, you can often find not only minor inaccuracies, but sometimes completely opposite facts. That's so, and the like that happens completely and next.

    Ancient artifacts of Russia

    Unfortunately, not so many genuine primary sources have been preserved to this day, as I would like. If we consider architectural monuments, they remained quite a bit, and, moreover, most of them belong to 18-19 centuries, because in Russia the main building material is a forest, and regular wars and fires do not spare such structures. If you take household items and jewelry, so it's not so simple: what we managed to save is all the artifacts of 15-19 centuries. And this is also quite explained, because precious metals and stones have always been the goal of various kinds of fans of profit and black archaeologists. Almost all the ancient burials (mounds and other) on the territory of our country were looted even in the time of Catherine the second.

    Oral legends

    The most fully historical information about the history of our land has been preserved in the memory of the people - these are legends, legends, fairy tales, epics, etc. However, scientists categorically deny the possibility of consideration of oral creativity as a source of information, at least about what is associated with the Pedas Rus, although they are ready to fully accept legends, say, Scandinavian or British peoples. But in our fairy tales and legends have been preserved interesting factsThe definite interpretation of which confirms one of the popular modern theories (A. Sklyarov "Inhabited Island Earth"). For example, we all know about such a fabulous wonder, like a magic silent with a bulk apple, in which the whole world is visible - what is the "iPhone" with his logo - thumb fruit? And carpets-aircraft, and boots-booms? Yes, you never know what else ...

    However, we were very distracted, it's time to return to the main topic of our article, and this, we recall the facial arch of King Ivan (IV) of Grozny.

    Written sources

    The main written sources of ancient Russia are the chronicle. From the 19th century, the complete collection of Russian chronicles began to be published. Everyone could familiarize himself with this printed publication by contacting the library. However, work is underway under the project "Handwritten Monuments of Ancient Russia" on the translation of it into digital format, and in the near future he, as well as the facial arch of Ivan the Terrible, will be laid out on the Internet for universal use. Beginner researchers should be aware that in ancient manuscripts is not only text, but also pictures. We are talking about illustrated documents. The main one is the facial arch. It consists of ten thousand sheets and seventeen thousand illustrations.

    Facial chronicle arch

    This document is the largest chronicle-chronographic arch of ancient Russia. He was created by order of the king in the period from 1568 to 1576 years. The facial arch contains the statement of world history from the creation of the world to the 15th century and Russian history until 67 years of the 16th century. Amosov A. A. It calculated that this ancient artifact consists of ten volumes with a total number of 9,745 sheets that are decorated with 17,744 color miniatures. Historians are not helpful believe that the king book contained the eleventh volume. Now it is lost, and this is understandable, because it was discussed about the most ambiguous period of Russian history - until 1114.

    Facial arch: Content

    In the first three volumes, there are texts of biblical books, such as the Pentateuch, the books of judges, Jasina, Kingdoms, and the books of Ruth, Esther, the Prophet Daniel. In addition, they present full texts of Alexandria, two narrations about Trojan War ("The Tale of Creating and Anti-Troisky", extracted from the "Russian chronograph", and the "History of Troy Destruction" - the translation of the Roman Guido de Column) and the work of Joseph Flavia "History of the Jewish War". For subsequent world events, the sources of obtaining information served as the work "Chronicler Illinsky and Roman" and "Russian Chronograph".

    The history of Russia, the facial arch describes in 4-10 volumes, the source served mainly according to researchers (for example, Kloss B. M.), starting from the events of 1152, there are also additional sources in the document, such as Novgorod Arch (1539), Resurrection chronicle, "Chronicler of the beginning of the kingdom" and others.

    Ancient editing

    The king book has a number of edits, it is considered (evidence of this, however, no) that they have been made approximately in 1575 to indicate the king of Ivan the Terrible. Recycling already ready-made text raised mostly from 1533 to 1568 years. The unknown editor made advertises in the fields of the document, some of them contain accusations against persons repressed and executed during the Officials.

    Unfortunately, work on the facial arch was not over: part of the miniature was performed only in the ink essay, they did not have time to paint.


    The facial arch of Ivan Grozny is not only a monument of book art Rus, but also a very important source historical events: Miniatures, despite all the convention and rather symbolic nature, give a rich material for research on the realities of that time. In addition, the study of editorial entities, which are made to the last volume ("royal book"), provide the opportunity to gain deeper information on the political struggle of the afternoon. They allow you to judge and about the changed estimates of the king of the activities of those or other companions. As well as about new views on the events themselves during his reign.


    Thanks to the activities of the company of lovers ancient historyNow everyone will be able to familiarize themselves with this invaluable artifact. After all, earlier in order to gain access to this document, it was necessary to make a lot of effort, and only historian scientists could get it. But today it is available to everyone. All that is needed is to have access to the worldwide network, and you can plunge into an exciting world of studying our past. To see everything with your own eyes, folded your opinion about certain events, and not reading the finished stamps of historians who, perhaps even ever discovered the original source.