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  • Is there a holiday on August 20

    Is there a holiday on August 20

    The question of what a holiday is celebrated today, a large number of Russians continues to worry. After all, people realize that in our country it is customary to celebrate a huge number of holidays, which often in modern confusion has to be difficult to follow.

    Today is rich in festive dates and events of the corresponding sense. So, on August 20, the Day of the Air Fleet is celebrated in Russia. But the people's calendar indicates the next holiday: Marina Pimenas.

    The Day of the Air Fleet of Russia is the holiday of aviators and aviation infrastructure workers, it is celebrated in the Russian Federation in the third Sunday of August - in 2017 this holiday falls on August 20.

    In his professional feast, pilots, navigators, designer engineers and all those who decided to devote their lives of aviation, sky, take congratulations from government officials, colleagues, families, friends and loved ones.

    The holiday is noted not only by representatives of civil aviation, but also the military, despite the fact that they have their own holiday, which is celebrated on August 12th.

    The history of Russian aviation began a little more than 100 years ago - in 1912 the last Russian emperor Nicholas II signed a decree that led to the appearance air force Russian Empire.

    Civil aviation in Russia began its development since the beginning of 1923 - in Moscow, the first Aviation Society "Dobrole" was created in Moscow to organize the transportation of passengers, mail, the production of aerial photography and other work on a commercial basis.

    From July 15, 1923, the first regular passenger line of Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod opened, and the first passenger airproof in the country opened in 1931 in Moscow at the Central Airport (Khodyan field).

    All-Union Aviation Day, which subsequently became the Day of the USSR Air Fleet was established in 1933 - the holiday was established both for military and civil aviators and for developers and the creators of aircraft.

    First, the holiday was celebrated on August 18, but then over time he was transferred to the third Sunday of August - a day off, so that the pilots, both civil and the military, could relax in their professional holiday and please compatriots with colorful airsow.

    The airports dedicated to the Day of the USSR Air Fleet were conducted from 1935 to 1961 in Tushino. In the future, air shows of new samples of military and civil aircraft workers were held in Domodedovo - the latter was held in 1967.

    In the 1970s and 1980s, the central airports were not conducted, but the tradition of holding holidays dedicated to the Day of the Air Fleet of Russia was preserved at the regional level.

    Civil Air Fleet Aviators made a significant contribution and in victory over the enemy during the Great Patriotic War - special units of Aeroflot participated in combat operations.

    During the war years, the pilots committed more than one and a half million combat departures, of which about 40 thousand in the enemy rear, transported 1.6 million people, over 400 thousand tons of military cargo.

    On this day there are various airshows and other events devoted to both civil and military fleet.

    All employees of aviation participate in solemn events: pilots, flight attendants, auxiliary staff of airports, repair units. The celebrations are joined by workers of aviation factories, design bureaus, teachers, students and graduates of specialized educational institutions.

    On this day, management hands honorary certificates, valuable gifts with distinted staff. Festive feasts pass in cafes, restaurants or in nature, where the wishes are most often uttering that the amount of takeoffs coincide with the number of landings. Colleagues exchange experience discussing technical innovations.

    On television and radio stations are broadcasting about the history of aviation - pilots, flight attendants, dispatchers talk about their work pathway, cases during flights.

    Day at once of two saints - Martyr Marina and Rev. Pimen. Marin, who lived in the 3rd century, was executed by pagans through the clipping of the head. About Pimena from legends is known somewhat more.

    It also known as a multi-teased, lived in the 11th century and with children's age Different health and weakness. And once the parents heard the hot pleas from his son about what he needs to go to Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Deciding that Pimen feels the opportunity to heal, the parents took the son there and began to pray for his health, but the Pimen wanted not this - he prayed to God to be tonsured in Salt and not get rid of suffering. When the monks came to him, Pimen appeared before them already in the robe of the monk, as the angels themselves were tonsured. For many years, Pimen suffered painful ailments.

    Once he met a monk, as weak as he himself, and healed him. But he took the promise from him not to leave patients, help them until the very last day. When the monk began to be lazy, the disease returned. Pimen gave him healing again, under the same conditions. The reverend himself was miraculously healed just three days before his death, and he had time to say goodbye to the brothers.

    On this day, people looked at how storks behave. If they gathered in flocks, we were clearly hurry to fly away, it means that the autumn cold will not wait to wait.

    Malinic cakes traditionally bought, but the berries themselves in the forest almost did not remain, as jokingly used to say: "Marina are not looking for raspberry in the forest. The girls of the forest will arrive, the duplicate will obey "," Summer in the raspberry in the forest does not go. "

    The official birthday of Cheburashka is considered to be 20 August 1969: It was this year that Eduard Asspensky presented his creativity about the adventures of an unprecedented animal in the animation genre. However, the writer created his character back in 1966.

    The book of E. Asspensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends" and today does not lose its popularity. Not one generation of children and even adults with pleasure quotes the expressions of the heroes of the cartoon, for example, the "good" old women of the shapoklyak or a witty crocodile of genes. At the same time completely conquers and surprises the naiveness and endless kindness of the main character - charming Cheburashka.

    According to the preface to the book, Cheburashka was called a children's defective toy, depicting a strange beast: not that bear, not the hare with big ears. His eyes were big and yellow, like Filin, the head is round, hare, and the tail is short and fluffy, such that happens usually in small bears. According to the book, the parents of the author claimed that this was an unknown science of the Beast, who lives in hot rainforests.

    Vasily, Athanasius, Dmitry, Alexey, Mikhail, Mitrofan, Alexander, Anton, Peter, Nikanor, Ivan.

    • 1667 - Published Poem John Milton "Lost Paradise"
    • 1721 - Famous fountains and cascades of Peterhof
    • 1812 - commander-in-chief of all applicable russian armies Mikhail Kutuzov was appointed
    • 1915 - Eighteen Summer Georgy Zhukov was adopted to the army (Future Marshal Soviet Union)
    • 1945 - in the USSR, a special super secret committee was created for managing work on the use of uranium atomic energy
    • Vasily Aksenov 1932 - Soviet and Russian Prosiscript Writer
    • Slobodan Milosevich 1941 - First President of Serbia
    • Rajiv Gandhi 1944 - Indian Political Detector, Prime Minister of India
    • Boleslav Pruss 1847 - Polish Prose and Journalist
    • Benjamin Harrison 1833 - Twenty-third US President, Political and Public Worker
    • William Pokhlebkin 1923 - Soviet and Russian scientist, historian, geographer, journalist and writer
    • Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky 1937 - Soviet and Russian

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    On August 20, 1741, the opening of the first Russian navigator Captain-Commander Vitus Bering Alaska took place.

    Alaska is the largest in the territory of the United States, on the northwestern outskirts of North America. Includes the pool of the Peninsula, the Aleutian Islands, the narrow band of the Pacific coast together with the Islands of the Alexandrovsky Archipelago along Western Canada and the continental part. Alaska Square is 1,717,854 km², of which 236,507 km² accounted for a water surface. Population 731,449 people.

    Bering (Bering) Vitus Ionassen (Ivan Ivanovich) (1681-8.12.1741), navigator. Less from Denmark. In 1703, Bering entered russian serviceSince then, until the last days of his life, Russia served as Russia. In 1725, he was appointed chief of the 1st Kamchatka Expedition (1725-30), the purpose of which was to find out the presence of a coherence or a strait between Asia and America. In June - September 1728, the expedition of Bering on the vessel "St. Gabriel", bypassing the eastern shore of the Kamchatka, the southern and eastern shores of Chukotka, passed the strait called by the boring. In 1730 he received the Chin Captain-Commander.

    In 1732, Bering was appointed head of the 2nd Kamchatka expedition, its goal was to examine the coasts of the Ice Ocean, the study of Siberia and the Far East, the study of the North Pacific Ocean And swimming in Japan. Before the expedition, there was a task - finally establish the existence of a strait or a carriage between two continents. The expedition founded Petropavlovsky Ostrog (1740) (now Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky).

    In the 1740 panels "St. Peter" (Commander Bering) and "St. Paul" (commander A. I. Chirikov) came out from Okhotsk after wintering in the Avachinsky lip and headed to the east. June 20, 1741 ships diverged and no longer met. Courts passed by the sea, called later Bering, reached the coast of Alaska. On the way back, Bering discovered part of the Shumaginsky and Aleutian islands. The return was heavy, the crews suffered from lack of food and disease. Bering himself fell seriously and died on the island (now. Bering), next to which "St. Peter" was crasheled.

    Kamchatka expeditions left a huge cartographic inheritance. Morelodas created more than 60 general and regional cards. A part of the discoveries of the 2nd Kamchatka expedition reflected in the "Atlas of Russian" (1746), which had an impact on the development of Western European geography and cartography.

    1619 - The Dutch ship delivered to America the first 20 African blacks, which were sold to slavery in the inhabitants of the prison of Jamestown. Peak workers came to the next century, when it was put by the British on the flow. By the time of the proclamation of the independence of the United States in the country there were already about three million slaves.

    1634 - In Moscow, Vasily Bartsov published the first letterpress.

    1806 (August 7 under Art. Art.) - Following the "Neva" from the first Russian round-the-world swimming, the Slop "Nadezhda" was returned under the command of I. F. Kruzhenstern.

    1809 - Arrested by the French by the French Pope Pius VII was transmitted from Savona to Grenoble.

    1855 - The first issue of the magazine "Polar Star" A. I. Herzen. On the title page The magazine was a picture of the profiles of five executed Decembrists. Herzen took the name of the K. F. Ryleev and A. A. Bestuzhev old "Polar Star" and wanted to release the first volume of the new magazine 25 (13) of July - on the day of the execution of the Decembrists, but did not have time.

    1868 - In the US, the end of the war of the North and South is officially proclaimed.

    1884 - Closed Magazine "Domestic Notes". The protective policy of the authorities stops the slightest attempt to express their opinion, different from the official position of the St. Petersburg authorities.

    1896 - In the US, a patented phone with a typical disk.

    1906 - In St. Petersburg, the creation of a black-based union of the Russian people is officially registered.

    1916 - Austrian decryptors for 38 hours hacked a new cipher of the Italian army.

    1918 - A contract has been concluded on the formation of the publishing house "World Literature". The contract was signed by A. M. Gorky, A. N. Tikhonov, Z. I. Grierbin, I. P. Ladyzhnikov.

    1918 - the countries of the Antanka recognized Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

    1918 - in Soviet Russia canceled private property for real estate in cities.

    1922 - broadcast broadcast broadcasts began from Moscow.

    1925 - Mount Taras Shevchenko in Kanev is proclaimed by the state reserve.

    1925 - At the initiative of the Association of Revolutionary Cinematography and the GLVAP Looksproste, the Society of Soviet Cinematography Friends is created. For the next year, F. E. Dzerzhinsky was elected Chairman of the Board of the Company.

    1925 - Opened the first line of the Roman subway.

    1934 - Announcement of the exchange of party tickets. Ticket exchange passed under the slogan of the order of the order in the part of the part of the party.

    1941 - retreat soviet army Dneprogece blown up.

    1956 - DOSAAF (Voluntary Society for the Promotion of the Army, Aviation and Fleet) was created in the USSR.

    1956 - A nuclear power plant Calder Hall began to operate, the first nuclear power plant of Britain.

    1967 - British Checkmate Records has become the first firm using a lesion noise system for magnetic record.

    1969 - "Beatles" last met in the recording studio, having completed work on Abbey Road album. The last song above which they worked together was I Want You (She-S So Heavy). One of the assistants during the recording and installation of the album was the audio engineer Alan Parsons, who later created a popular group.

    1980 - The Ministry of Communications of Ukraine gave an order to the joy of radio stations "Voice America", "BBC" and "German Wave".

    1983 - The United States introduced the embargo for the supply of equipment to the USSR for the construction of pipelines.

    1991 - Estonia proclaimed its independence from the USSR.

    1991 - A failed event: In Moscow, five Soviet republics - Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus and Tajikistan - had to sign a new Union Agreement.

    1991 - Second day of the couch. In Leningrad, the Sv Palace Square and in Moscow, the White House held ambitious protest rallies against the GCCP.

    1991 - Semipalatinsky nuclear polygon is closed.

    1998 - The Supreme Court of Canada decided that Quebec could unilaterally decide to decide on the separation from Canada.

    2000 - The opening of the monument was held Nikolai second in the village of Tyaninskoye in the suburbs.

    2002 - General Motors Corporation announced the revocation of the seven hundred thousand cars. In the pickles and minibuses "Chevrolet" and "Ji Em-Si" produced in 2000 year, identified problems in safety pillows.

    On this page, you will learn about the significant and memorable dates of the Attachment on August 20, which in this august day the famous people were born, events took place, we also talked about folk signs and Orthodox holidays of this day, public holidays different countries from around the world.

    Today, as well as on any day, what are you seeing, for centuries events took place, something of them remembered, no exception and the day of August 20, who also remembered his own dates and birthdays famous people, as well as holidays and folk signs. We always have to remember and know about those who left their indelible trail in culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of development of man and society.

    Day of the twentieth of August, left his indelible mark in history, events and memorable dates, as which was born in this summer day, once again confirm it. Find out what happened in the twentieth August August 20, what events and significant dates he noted and what was remembered, who was born, folk signs characterizing the day and much more, which should be known, just interesting to know.

    Who was born on August 20 (twentieth)

    Boris Vasilyevich Tokarev. Born on August 20, 1947 in the village. Kiselyo Kaluga region. Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, film director. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1976). Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2001).

    Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov. Born on August 20, 1932 in Kazan - died on July 6, 2009 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian writer, film booking.

    Raymond Poincaré (FR. Raymond Poincaré) (August 20, 1860, Bar-le-Duke - October 15, 1934, Paris) - French State Affairs, who served France Prime Minister, French President (third republic in 1913-1920) . Also was the leader of the party of conservatives, directing activities to political and social stability.

    Boleslav Pruss (Polish. Bolesław Prus; real name and surname Alexander Glovaksky, Polish. Aleksander Głowacki; August 20, 1847, Horsewo near Lublin, the kingdom of Polish, Russian empire - May 19, 1912, Warsaw, the Kingdom of Polish, Russian Empire) - Polish writer.

    Slobodan Milosevic (Serb. Slobodan Milosheviћ, Slobodan Milošević; August 20, 1941, Fireshavatz, Kingdom of Yugoslavia - March 11, 2006, Hague, Netherlands) - Yugoslav and Serbian State and Political Worker, President of Serbia in 1989-1997 (initially Socialist Republic Serbia within the framework of Yugoslavia), and then President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) in 1997-2000. Milosevic was one of the central figures in the events of the decay of Yugoslavia and the bloody armed conflicts that accompanied this process.

    Andrei Sergeevich "Andron" Konchalovsky (Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky). Born on August 20, 1937 in Moscow. Soviet, Russian and American director, screenwriter, public and political figure.

    Vladimir Vishnevsky (20.08.1953 [Moskva]) - Russian poet;

    Ben Barnes (20.08.1981 [London]) - English actor;

    Amy Adams (20.08.1974 [Vicenza]) - American actress;

    Joan Allen (08/20/1956 [Roshchal Illinois]) - Hollywood actress;

    Patrick Kilpatrick (20.08.1948 [Virginia]) - American actor;

    Robert Plant (20.08.1948 [Bromoich]) - vocalist of the legendary group "LED Zeppelin";

    Rajiv Gandhi (08/20/1944 [Bombay] - 05/21/1991 [Madras]) - Indian politician, Prime Minister since 1984 (after the murder of his mother Indira Gandhi) until November 1989;

    Jean-Lu Kreten (20.08.1938 [La Rocher]) - French cosmonaut;

    Don King (20.08.1931 [Cleveland]) - American Boxing Promoter;

    Ruzhen Sikora (20.08.1918 [Novorossiysk] - 12/23/2006 [MOSCOW]) - soloist jazz-orchestra of all-Union radioomitis;

    Salvatore Quasimodo (20.08.1901 - 14.06.1968) - Italian poet, Nobel laureate of 1959;

    Georgy Vernadsky (20.08.1887 [St. Petersburg] - 12.06.1973 [New York]) - Russian historian, ideologue of Eurasianism;

    Benjamin Harrison (20.08.1833 [North Bend] - 03/13/1901 [Indianapolis]) - 23rd US President;

    Alexander Martynov (20.08.1816 [St. Petersburg] - 08/16/1806 [Kharkov]) - Russian actor, one of the founders of the Russian school of scenic realism;

    Yens Jacob Burtsellius (08.20.1779 [Lingooping] - 07.08.1848 [Stockholm]) - Swedish chemist.

    Below, at the end of this page, you will find a table with days (dates) Celebration of Orthodox holidays - Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord , Day of Faith, Hope and Love , as well as Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary until 2035 ...

    Dates on August 20

    In Morocco celebrate the day of revolution

    In Hungary - St. Ishthan's Day

    In Estonia, notes the day of restoration of independence

    By the people's calendar is Marina Pimen

    On this day:

    in 1721, Peterhof fountains launched

    in 1827, Charles de Bosier was born, in collaboration with the scientist owl who wrote the legend about the Ulynspigel

    in 1823, Friedrich Brockhauses died, publisher and encyclopedist

    in 1847, Boleslav Pruss was born, widely known for his pharaoh

    in 1868 ended Civil War in USA

    in 1890, Govard Lovecraft was born, the ancestor of the horror genre, the creator of necronomicon

    in 1932, Vasily Aksenov was born, who said Moscow Kva-kva

    in 1937, Andron Konchalovsky, fivefold husband and famous brother

    in 1944, Rajiv Gandhi, son of Indira and grandson Javaharlal Nehru

    in 1948, Robert Plant was born, he was born about the stairs to heaven as part of the LED Zeppelin Group

    in 1971, Stas Kostyushkin was born, for a long time he had tea together, but then lost Wi-Fi

    in 1980, Joe Dasssen died, speaking and about the Elysee fields and about the toy

    in 1992, Demi Lovat, Actress and Singer, One of the "Children" Disney

    in 1994, Robert Christmas, famous poet, author of Requiem died

    in 1998, Andrei Panov died, he is a pig, the first Russian punk

    in 2009, Semen Faraday died, one of the performers of the eternal hatman "Uno Momento".

    Events August 20

    August 20, 1812 - the appointment of Mikhail Kutuzov commander-in-chief of Russian troops in the fight against the French

    General Barclay de Tolly gave way to Kutuzov. The patriotic forces of the country were very vulnerable to the strategic retreat from Moscow, Barclay even declared a traitor.

    Under the pressure of the public, Alexander I suggested the place of the commander Kutuzov, pre-(just 10 days before the appointment) complaining the title of the brilliant prince. Kutuzov was very supported in the people, spreading his slogan - "We will not win Napoleon. We deceive it. "

    August 20, 1945 - the opening of a super secret laboratory for the use of uranium energy

    The Chairman of the Committee was Lavrenty Beria, he began to lead all the work, including the development and production atomic bombs. The explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki showed the power and strength of atomic weapons.

    In reinforced mode, the Soviet intelligence was also worked, which was able to produce 286 secret scientific documents and closed publications for the development and development of an atomic bomb. The first atomic reactor was soon built under Chelyabinsk, then the plant earned a plutonium. The nuclear bomb was first tested at the Polygon under Semipalatinsky in 1948.

    Watched the cranes on this day, which exactly at this time went to the warm edges. Start on August 20 to sow winter. It is time for summer thunderstorms, and from the birch starts the leaves. There are signs important on this day!

    The double name of the holiday on August 20 received on the names of two martyrs - Reverend Pimen and Martyr Marina. The Pimen on the nicknamer was born in the XI century and since childhood was exposed to various twigs, being a very weak child.

    Once, Pimen began to ask his parents to take him to Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Father and mother listened to her son and, having come to the insidency, began to warmly praying that Pimen recovered. However, Pimen himself asked God to extend his suffering and decided to knear in Salt.

    The legend says that the angels committed the assault, and when several inhabitants of the monastery came to meet Pimen, they found him in monastic clothes. For many years, the reverend sick, but once, despite this, he was able to heal a person with a severe ailment, taking a promise from him to serve him until his death. The monk was lazy enough, and soon he was hit by a heavy twist again.

    Pimen again cured man, giving him a similar instruction. Pimen recovered for three days before his death. It helped him complete all his affairs and say goodbye to relatives.

    In addition, on August 20, the memory of the Martyr Marina, who lived during the reign of emperors Gallien and Valerian in the III century. According to legend, he was executed by the pagans who cut off his head.

    Folk signs on August 20

    After Mary-Pimena in the forest for raspberries no longer go

    Storks are already preparing to fly to wintering - autumn, according to the signs, it will be cold

    Morning fog after sunrise on August 20 dissipated fast enough - expect good weather

    On August 20, the table was necessarily pies with raspberry filling - this was noted by completing summer.

    We hope you were interested to familiarize yourself with the material of this page and you were satisfied with the read? Agree that it is very useful to learn the story of events and dates, and still those who are famous people Born today, in the twentieth August Day on August 20, what a trace left for his actions and the affairs of this person in the history of mankind, our world with you.

    Also confident that the folk signs of this day helped you understand some subtleties and nuances. By the way, with their help, you can check in practice the accuracy and truthfulness of people will accept.

    Good luck to all in life, love and affairs, read the right, important, useful, interesting and informative - reading expands the horizons and develops fantasy, find out about everything, develop versatile!

    What is interesting and significant in world history on August 20, science, sports, culture, politics?

    August 20, what events in world history science and culture are famous and interesting this day?

    What holidays can be celebrated and celebrated on August 20?

    What national, international and professional holidays Marked annually on August 20? Kiye celebrates religious holidays on August 20? What is celebrated on this day on the Orthodox calendar?

    What kind of folk day is August 20 by calendar?

    What folk signs and beliefs are related to the day of August 20? What is celebrated on this day on the Orthodox calendar?

    What landmark events and memorable dates are celebrated on August 20?

    What a significant historical events 20 August and memorable dates of world history are celebrated on this summer day? Day of memory of what famous and great people on August 20?

    Which of the great, famous and famous died on August 20?

    August 20, the day of memory of what famous, great and famous people of the world, historical personalities, actors, artists, musicians, artists, athletes are celebrated on this day?

    Now we will present a table of interest to such information, with days (dates) of the celebration of three, close to each other of the Orthodox holidays, the first of which is the elimination of the Cross of the Lord, the second - the holiday of faith, hopes and love, the third - Pokrov (the cover of the Most Holy Virgin), and Next and already in another table, you can learn about the dates of the celebration of the Great Orthodox Easter (also Catholic), and another Holy Trinity - in reference...


    Cross of the Lord

    Day of Faith

    Hope and Love

    Pokrov to the Blessed


    Events of the day20 August 2017 - dates today

    Here you will read about the dates and events of August 20, 2017, learn who was born from the famous people, folk signs and so on, which is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the twentieth of the August number of the seventeenth year.

    Events of the day20 August 2018 - Dates today

    Here you will read about the dates and events on August 19, 2018, learn who was born from famous people, folk signs, and so on, which is needed, important and useful to learn about the twentieth of the August number of the month of the eighteenth year.

    Events of the day20 August 2019 - dates today

    Here you will read about the dates and events on August 20, 2019, learn who was born from famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the twentieth August number of the month of the nineteenth year.

    Events of the day20 august 2020 - dates today

    Here you will read about the dates and events on August 2020, you will learn who was born from famous people, folk signs, and so on, which is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the twentieth of the August number of the twentieth year.

    Events of the day20 August 2021 - dates today

    Here you will read about the dates and events on August 20, 2021, learn who was born from the famous people, folk signs and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the twentieth of the August number of the twenty-first year.

    Events of the day20 August 2022 - dates today

    Here you will read about dates and events on August 20, 2022, you will learn who was born from the famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the twentieth of the August number of the twenty-second year.

    Events of the day20 August 2023 - dates today

    Here you will read about the dates and events on August 20, 2023, learn who was born from famous people, folk signs and so on, which is needed, important and useful to learn about the twentieth of the August number of the twenty-third year.

    Events of the day20 August 2024 - Dates today

    Here you will read about the dates and events on August 20, 2024, learn who was born from the famous people, folk signs and so on, which is needed, important and useful to learn about the twentieth of the August number of the twenty-fourth year.

    Events of the day20 August 2025 - Dates today

    Here you will read about the dates and events on August 20, 2025, you will learn who was born from the famous people, folk signs and so on, which is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the twentieth of the August number of the twenty-fifth year.

    Events of the day20 August 2026 - dates today

    Here you will read about the dates and events on August 20, 2026, learn who was born from famous people, folk signs and so on, which is needed, important and useful to learn about the twentieth of the August number of the twenty-sixth year.

    Events of the day20 august 2027 - Dates today

    Here you will read about the dates and events on August 20, 2027, learn who was born from the famous people, folk signs, and so on, which is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the twentieth of the August number of the twenty-seventh year.

    Events of the day20 August 2028 - dates today

    Here you will read about the dates and events on August 20, 2028, learn who was born from famous people, folk signs and so on, which is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the twentieth of the August number of the twenty-eighth year.

    Events of the day20 August 2029 - dates today

    Here you will read about the dates and events on August 20, 2029, you will learn who was born from the famous people, folk signs, and so on, which is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the twentieth of the August number of the twenty-ninth year.

    Events of the day20 August 2030 - dates today

    Here you will read about the dates and events on August 20, 2030, learn who was born from famous people, folk signs and so on, which is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the twentieth of the August number of the thirtieth year.

    Events of the day20 August 2031 - dates today

    Here you will read about the dates and events on August 20, 2031, learn who was born from famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the twentieth of the August number of the twenty-sixth year.

    Events of the day20 august 2032 - dates today

    Here you will read about the dates and events on August 20, 2032, learn who was born from famous people, folk signs and so on, which is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the twentieth of the August number of the twenty-seventh year.

    Events of the day20 August 2033 - Dates today

    Here you will read about dates and events on August 20, 2033, learn who was born from famous people, folk signs and so on, which is needed, important and useful to learn about the twentieth of the August number of the twenty-eighth year.

    Events of the day20 August 2034 - dates today

    Here you will read about the dates and events on August 20, 2034, learn who was born from the famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the twentieth of the August number of the twenty-ninth year.

    Events of the day20 August 2035 - dates today

    Here you will read about the dates and events on August 20, 2035, learn who was born from famous people, folk signs and so on, which is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the twentieth of the August number of the thirtieth year.

    1619 - Dutch ship delivered the first 20 African blacks to America, which were sold to slavery in the inhabitants of Jamestown.
    1634 - In Moscow, Vasily Bartsov published the first letter.
    1667 - Published epic poem John Milton "Lost Paradise".
    1672 - "Year of disasters" (English): Street disarray in the Hague, during which the great Pennsionary Jan de Witt died.
    1704 - stormed the Swedish fortress of Narva.
    1721 - Pereguff fountains and cascades are beaten.
    1741 - Opening of the first Russian navigator Captain-Commander Vitus Bering Alaska.
    1794 - "Battle of false trees" between American settlers and the Union of Indian tribes.
    1806 - Following the "Neo" from the first Russian round-the-world swimming, the Nadezhda gate was returned home under the command of I. F. Kruzhenstern.
    1809 - Pope Pope Vii, arrested by the French, was transmitted from Savona to Grenoble.
    1812 - Patriotic War: Emperor Alexander I appointed commander-in-chief of all Russian armies and militia Mikhail Kutuzov.
    1829 - Russian-Turkish War: Russian troops switched the Balkans and took Adrianopol.
    1852 - After a collision with another vessel, in Lake Erie sank the paryaker "Atlantic" (USA). In the shipwreeling more than 250 dead.
    1855 - The first issue of the magazine "Polar Star" Herzen.
    1857 - the scandal around the publication of the "Evil colors": the bodler is imposed a fine for "insulting public morality"
    1868 - In the US, the end of the war of the North and South was officially proclaimed.
    1876 \u200b\u200b- Armenian massacre in Turkey.
    1882 - In the church of Christ the Savior, for the first time performed by Overture P. I. Tchaikovsky "1812"
    1884 - Closed Magazine "Domestic Notes".
    1896 - Patented phone with a dialing disc.
    1897 - Ronald Ross discovers malaria pathogens.

    1906 - in St. Petersburg officially registered the creation of a planned union of the Russian people.
    1912 - Thomas Edison patents a phonograph and an electricity.
    1914 - Russian troops broke the Germans near Humbinen
    1916 - Austrian decryptors for 38 hours hacked a new cipher of the Italian army.
    1918 - the countries of the Ententes recognized Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.
    1918 - Soviet Russia canceled Private property for real estate in cities.
    1918 - Education of the publishing house "World Literature".
    1922 - broadcast broadcast broadcasts began from Moscow.
    1925 - At the initiative of the Association of Revolutionary Cinematography and the Glavpilitus of the People's Commissariat of the USSR, the company of friends of Soviet cinematography was created.
    1925 - Mount Taras Shevchenko in Kanev was proclaimed by the state reserve.
    1925 - Opened the first line of the Roman subway.
    1934 - Announcement of the exchange of party tickets. Ticket exchange passed under the slogan of the order of the order in the part of the part of the party.
    1939 - Operation of the Soviet-Mongolian troops by defeating Japanese troops in the Khalkin Gol River area.
    1940 - Lion Trotsky is mortally wounded in Mexico City. Died the next day.
    - Arrest of the breeder N. I. Vavilov.
    1941 - Second world War: Hitler gave an orders to start developing Fau missiles.
    - Dneprognes threw back the Soviet Army.
    1945 - For the "leadership of all work on the use of uranium intransmental energy", a special committee was established under the USSR State Defense Committee.
    1945 - The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR ratified the UN Charter.

    1951 - DOSAAF (Voluntary Society for the Promotion of Army, Aviation and Fleet) was created in the USSR.
    1953 - The Soviet Union announced the successful tests of the hydrogen bomb.
    1956 - The Calder Hall nuclear power station, the first nuclear power plant of Britain acts.
    1960 - For the first time, living creatures launched into space were returned - dogs protein and arrow.
    - Senegal announced his exit from the federal state with Mali.
    1964 - Intelsate is based - a company that owns a grouping of telecommunication satellites.
    1967 - The British "Checkmate Records" became the first firm using a damage noise cancellation system for magnetic record.
    1968 - the beginning of the operation "Danube": the troops of the countries of the Warsaw Agreement entered Czechoslovakia.
    1969 - "Beatles" was last met in the recording studio in full, having completed work on Abbey Road album. The last song, over which they worked together was "I Want You (SHE SO Heavy)." One of the assistants during the recording and installation of the album was the audio engineer Alan Parsons, who later created a popular group.
    1975 - Viking program: NASA launched Viking-1 on Mars.
    1977 - Voyager program: USA launched spaceship Voyager 2 for the study of the distant planets of the solar system.
    1980 - Italian climber Reinhard Messen first conquered Everest alone without using a respiratory oxygen mask.
    - The Ministry of Communications of Ukraine has ordered the silence of radio stations "Voice of America", "BBC" and "German Wave".
    1983 - US introduced an embargo for the supply of equipment for the construction of pipelines in the USSR.
    1988 - ended Iran-Iraq war (1980-1988).
    1991 - Estonia proclaimed its independence from the USSR.
    - A failed event: In Moscow, five Soviet republics - Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus and Tajikistan - had to sign a new Union Agreement.
    The second day of the couch. In Leningrad on the Palace Square and in Moscow, the White House held ambitious protest rallies against the GCCP.
    1998 - In response to terrorist attacks against American embassies in Africa US Navy attack the estimated objects of terrorist infrastructure in Sudan and Afghanistan.
    - The Supreme Court of Canada decided that Quebec could unilaterally decide to decide on the separation from Canada.

    On August 20, 2018, Marina Pimen's Day is celebrated. Today, the church recalls the martyr Marina and the two reverend named Pimen (some of them are associated with the national holiday, it is unknown).

    According to legend, Pimen was a multiple all life. After his arrival at the Pechersk monastery once at night, angels came to him and accomplished the rite of taking out into the monks, warning that the day of recovery would mean intkbbch His ambulance. On the day of the death of Pimen was an image of three fiery pillars over the church. He died presumably in 1110.

    Pimhen Pechersky was the igumen of Pechersk Lavra until 1141, worked in the long-range caves. The post room was named for eating only once a day and in minimal quantity.

    Martyr Marine was executed after numerous torture during the time of paganism for the fact that the altar destroyed the satellite in the pagan church, it was extincting a sentence and declared his fiery love for the Savior.

    According to the signs, if spiders throw a web and hide, it means that the weather will deteriorate.

    If water is foaming in the river - rain will soon begin, and if the red rode is driving - to the raininess.

    Birthday Cheburashka

    Cheburashka birthday is celebrated on August 20. The holiday appeared in 2005, when at the next charity event for orphans Children's writer E. Wisensky called this day the birthday of his character.

    A small exotic animal with big ears is a fabulous reflection of a child. On the one hand, he is in need of protecting and guarding an adult comrade (crocodile gene), and on the other, it is children's wisdom and immediacy. Cheburashka acquired its popularity in 1968, after the screening of the book "Crocodile Gena and his friends."

    Vasily, Athanasius, Dmitry, Alexey, Mikhail, Mitrofan, Alexander, Anton, Peter, Nikanor, Ivan.

    • 1667 - Published Poem John Milton "Lost Paradise"
    • 1721 - Famous fountains and cascades of Peterhof
    • 1812 - Mikhail Kutuzov was appointed commander-in-chief of all applicable Russian armies
    • 1915 - Eighteen Summer Georgy Zhukov (future Marshal of the Soviet Union) was adopted to the army (the future Marshal of the Soviet Union)
    • 1945 - in the USSR, a special super secret committee was created for managing work on the use of uranium atomic energy
    • Vasily Aksenov 1932 - Soviet and Russian Prosiscript Writer
    • Slobodan Milosevich 1941 - First President of Serbia
    • Rajiv Gandhi 1944 - Indian Political Detector, Prime Minister of India
    • Boleslav Pruss 1847 - Polish Prose and Journalist
    • Benjamin Harrison 1833 - Twenty-third US President, Political and Public Worker
    • William Pokhlebkin 1923 - Soviet and Russian scientist, historian, geographer, journalist and writer
    • Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky 1937 - Soviet and Russian director of theater and cinema, Writer, People's Artist of Russia.