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  • UFO structure Physicist-ufologist, comprehend the principle of operation of the engine UFO drawing of the model of the flying plate of aluminum foil

    UFO structure Physicist-ufologist, comprehend the principle of operation of the engine UFO drawing of the model of the flying plate of aluminum foil

    Dear edit!

    In the 9th issue of the magazine "Valna Ta Pratya" ("Valnea Ta Pratsy") in 1966 an article was placed on V. Rubtsova "Guests from Cosmo­ ca or atmospheric phenomena? "

    As can be seen, someone decided to seriously work on issues on "flying plates".

    I myself was not an eyewitness of this phenomenon. But I was told about two cases of appearance of such objects.

    I began to think about the principle of their movement since 1958, as soon asheard about UFO.

    What I wrote below is re­ the result of my reflection on this occasion.

    Cases of observation of wondrous aircraft objects do not find official recognition in the scientific community for a number of reasons.

    1. Objects appear most often where they are not waiting;

    2. They appear most often when there is no possibility to explore them with a certain objectivity.

    That is why numerous reports about the appearance of these objects are mainly subjective.

    And, moreover, there is still a whole chain of the reasons that are put forward for the argument of a non-serious attitude to reportsrO UFO:

    1. Absolutely unknown principle of engine operation that: a) works almost silently; b) makes it possible to move with any acceleration and speeds on Earth; c) makes it possible to vertical takeoff, landing, "hanging" above the ground.

    2. The weight of objects varies widely - from a dozen to several hundred tons. The weight was determined by dents on the railway canvas, as well as the soil, which remained after takeoff of objects.

    When landing on wet land (arable land) and during takeoff remains a circle of scorched soil. Increased radiation at the landing site was not detected.

    4. Objects have an unknown, powerful, but incomprehensible on the principle of action protective weapons, and it works at that moment when the striker decided to shoot, but did not have time to click on hectarechatter.

    5. Objects allow you to approach them no more than 30 - 50 meters. Pocket lights, portable receivers stop working for 30.

    Such information give rise to the birth of different hypotheses.

    1. Is it possible to arrive on earth of reasonable creatures from other worlds? If this is them, then why not do the official visit? This question was whipped most often.

    2. What principle do the engines of these objects work and is it possible to make such an engine at our level of science and technology?

    This question was raised much less. On both questions, George Adamski answered more or less logically, about which in our literature was not very pleasant reviews about his allegations that he seemed personally to meet the aliens and flew on their ships.

    1. Aliens have a chill similar body that can take any form. Adamski simply claims that human body It has an unusual ability to adapt to life in any, even injection conditions. But this does not contradict the data of science.

    2. Adamski also does not say anywhere that he flew around Venus or on.

    He tells that he flew to the moon and returned back throughout one night. But this task is our science and technique can unleash now.

    He claims (1956) that the reverse side of the moon is different from what we see from the ground - it is smaller, has fewer crater, below the mountain ...

    Photos made and transferred to the devices fully confirmed this assumption. In the same book, Adamski refers to photocumenical sources of well-known observatories, scientists, observers.

    * * *

    Questions about the principle of movement of unknown objects remain unleashed and, perhaps, that is why the messagesrO UFO la right in the borders of self-deception, mystics and are not studied with the necessary attention. I read everything I could get about observing these objects.

    Comparison of some phenomena known in science and technique gives the basis to describe the possible principle of movement of these objects.

    It is known that a magnetic field occurs around the conductor with a current, which is trying to surpassed the current tube with radial compressive force (Maxwell voltage - Faraday). In the technique, this phenomenon is known as the "pinch effect" - in plasma, flattening thin-walled pipes, for which a strong current is passed (see Fig. 1),

    H is the tension of the magnetic field.

    F is a compressive radial force, which is always directed normal to the axis of the conductor with a current I. No matter how the conductor would not be fused, it will always be in a state of equilibrium.

    If it was possible to rotate the total vector F relative to the conductor, then (see Fig. 2) it would be possible to get the movement of the conductor by the appearance of the component F 'along the conductor axis.

    You can solve the problem in this way: to break the conductor and in the break­ condenser, Conductor clamps connect to an AC generator and then a variable electrical field (so-called displacement current) appears between the condenser plates (Fig. 3).

    According to the electromagnetic induction law, the alternating electric field causes the magnetic field that surrounds it. The magnetic field (according to Lenza) prevents the change of the electric field - it tries to compress the electrical field to the center (Fig. 4).

    However, this force F remains radial, symmetric and self-sustained. But if you change the form of the condenser, then the power of the force F will unfold and appears (horizontal) component f ", which can cause the condenser movement in this direction (Fig. 5).

    The magnitude of the induction in the magnetic field H, which occurs around the ICM offset current, can be determined by the formula:

    B \u003d M e i (de / dt) \u003d 10 -13 (L (cm) / d (cm)) u volts * W (Gauss).

    We obtain the formula, converting the Maxwell equation

    w th \u003d e (de / dt)

    l. - contour, according to which it is determined by­ laying the tension of the magnetic field N.

    d. - distance between the plates of the disc­ condenser.

    w \u003d 2 p f, f - AC frequency.

    Since the electric field discovers the compressive magnetic field, the work that fields produce at any point is:E ad \u003d H AD

    The magnetic field is compressed with force p:

    P \u003d (B 2 S) / (25 * 10 6) (2)

    The electric field squeezes it with force F.

    For ring magnetic line R radius and lengthl \u003d 2 P R can write

    dA P \u003d DA F


    F d r \u003d p * 2 p d r


    F \u003d 2 p p (3)

    S. - area, normal to magnetic power lines between the disks of the condenser (Fig. 6).

    Combining formula (1). (2), (3) in one, we find

    F \u003d 4 * 10 -14 (L 2 / D)) U 2 * W 2 (kg).

    The result obtained cannot be considered the final, since the value of E andm. Do not remain constant with an increase in the density of the electromagnetic field in a unit of volume. But the formula shows that changing the sizes of the disk capacitor (l. ), Distance between discs (d), voltage (U) and current frequency (f ), You can get the necessary power to compress the electrical field with magnetic.

    Such an engine (electrodynamic) uses the forces that occur in the electromagnetic field with sufficient power.

    In this case, there is no need to take with you the "working body" (fuel), which then needs to be thrown out to get the power of return for the system movement. Energy for the operation of such an engine can be obtained from a small nuclear power plant.

    What external characteristics are possible for hypotheticaluFO engine?

    1. The powerful electromagnetic field has a narrow focus chart, which makes its effect on a short distance from it.

    If you make a condenser of three plates, the field outside the plates will be neutralized by adjacent, counter-oriented. But the force F is preserved (Fig. 7).

    2. The high frequency magnetic field causes the heating of the wet soil at the landing site of the apparatus. (The phenomenon is used in technique with thermal processing of metals).

    3. Since the capacitor plays will be a voltage of tens and hundreds of kilovolt, then in the atmosphere on top­ the device arises in the form of radiance or halo.

    4. The time and distance of the flight of such an apparatus is practically limited only by the reserve of nuclear fuel.

    5. Speed \u200b\u200band acceleration, which can develop the device, almost unlimited.

    It is possible that the principle of movement proposed by me may be unreal. Sorry. But to the stars on the ship­ lyas built on the principles of multistage, ion, plasma, as well as electronic, which take with them the body from which they repel, do not fly.

    The modern rocket, whatever perfect it, resembles an ordinary boat, which takes a supply of water with him, pushing it out by moving, using the power of return.

    Tsiolkovsky proposed an interesting way to go into space, but from the position of classical mechanics. The speed, unrelated with the initial and final weighing of the rocket, is necessary.

    A traction is needed, not limited to the speed of leakage of the working fluid.

    Interior room UFO

    As noted in his study on the design of the UFO, a famous Ufologist Vadim Chernobrov, the first thing that took eyes into the eyes of eyewitnesses, visited the UFO, is a great inner room, the entire setting of which most often make up several chairs, a control panel, a review screen and a star map .

    Here are just a few descriptions that are quoted according to the testimony of such witnesses claiming that they are "kidnapped" pilots of flying plates.

    Vladimir Kharitonov says (Pskov region, 1978):

    "... behind the chest logs stood their aggregate size with a large passenger car. The gesture invited me to this aggregate. The machine had a transparent dome with a diameter with a diameter of about 2 meters and 1.5 meters high. They entered the car on both sides, where there were no doors (both in buses that take passengers at airports), and sat on soft, comfortable with the back of the seating. Inside very spacious. The leader who invited me, leaned and silently manually switched the door. Before it was lit up white-yellowish (both from the incandescent lamp), the remote control from the transparent key-buttons height about 15 millimeters and each of the 30 millimeters each. I managed to recalculate that there were 9 rows of buttons vertically and 25 horizontally. The steering wheel, levers, the pedals did not notice. As the second door deployed, I also did not notice, but I felt that we closed from the external space. The leader laid his hand on the remote and began to press something. The car began to slowly climb up, while turning around the vertical axis ... "

    The employee of the Military Academy (Moscow, August 1989) is evidenced:

    "... I again began to ask them to return my home and lost consciousness again. I woke up when they twitched to the ship, which hovered in the air at a short distance from the ground. It looked like an inverted dark gray frying pan with a variety of small light bulbs, symmetrically arranged around the ship. I woke up inside, in a round hall, sitting in a red chair without armrests. The hall was equipped in such a way that the control panel was installed on all sides (in a circle) with flashing red light bulbs ... "

    Oleg K. (Arkhangelsk Oblast, November 1989) adds their testimony to the general list.

    "... I took the handrail and found myself in the corridor. He was wider opening, the smooth floor was made of some kind of metal, there were no doors, the walls and the ceiling were formed from above, on the reverse side of the trim, some gain and fastening were viewed. On a 7-8-meter corridor, I got into a large white room with a diameter of about 20 meters, on its perimeter there were still five of the same inputs, between which it was 5-6 racks with flickering light. The ceiling dome radiated soft scattered blue light. On one of the walls there was an information screen. Near another wall stood the console, which had a large number of switches with black handles and rectangular glowing buttons with drawn symbols. The same flashing buttons were on racks. I did not notice the devices and scales. Nearby there was a long straight sofa. Along all the walls in a circle there was a slit, apparently, the central part of the hall with a remote control and the sofa could rotate and stop near any rack ... "

    These observations are interesting in themselves. However, special attention should be paid to the fact that the UFOs at the look at them from the inside and appear differently in size from the outside!

    Not all objects have this property. For example, small UFOs calculated on one or two pilots, such a strange discrepancy is not observed.

    As for the cases when this difference became straightforwards, it was not about a difference of several meters, but about the difference at times and even in order !!! No optical or psychological effects of such a mysterious feature of the UFO cannot be explained, and therefore the hypothesis is suggested that the metric and the topology of the space change inside the UFOs. By the way, it is possible to explain the amazing flexibility that UFOs manifests itself, arbitrarily changing their shape.

    If the aliens do have such technology, it is not surprising that they managed to overcome huge interstellar distances, reaching the Earth.

    NLO equipment

    Most of those who found themselves in the "captivity" on a flying saucer indicate that they became the object of some experiments. This is understandable, because one of the challenges of the aliens should be to study the forms of life on Earth, including people and domestic animals.

    In this regard, eyewitnesses tell about a large number of different equipment located on board UFOs.

    "One of the most sensational experiments of aliens was the abduction of Hill's spouses. On the night of September 20, 1961, the spouses of Bartean and Betty Hill, who had been in their car in the state of Hampshire, noticed that they were haunted by some strange flying object in the form of" gingerbread "With two rows of portholes and a strong spotlight. Then they heard the strange sounds of Bib Bib, and what happened next, they did not remember. They woke up in a moving car only after two hours and drove further."

    Upon arrival home, they began to torment the nightmarish dreams, and they were forced to appeal to doctors. They did not tell anyone about what happened, but their health worsened, and in two years they turned to the famous psychiatrist Simopu, who decided to treat them with regressive hypnosis. And then the most amazing thing happened.

    "In a state of hypnosis, each of the spouses individually, with exceptional details, said that after the sounds of Bib Bib, the engine of their car stalls. The hloon landed near the car, and six unknown creatures were released from it, similar to people and dressed in black suits and pointed helmets . These creatures have headed Hillov inside and put in different rooms, where they were subjected to various medical research: they were carried out on the body with needles, they made injections, screamed the skin and so on, and the like. "

    Much more advanced equipment was applied in the case of the abduction of American workers Horson and Parker, which the Ufologist Herman Kolchin told the Russian reader.

    "This happened in October 1973 in the town of Pascagoul (Mississippi). During the fishing, two work shipyards of submarines, Hickson and Parker, saw the strange egg-shaped object approaching them, and published a buzzing sound. The object was about 5 2.5 meters. The door opened in the UFO, and there were three strange creatures from it with heads located directly on the tricks (without neck), and hands like paws with ticks. They had large ilon-like legs without feet, which did not move, and remained all the time pressed alone to the other. Bees had strange pointed similarities of noses and ears, and instead of the mouths - fixed gaps. "

    Gliding through the air, creatures approached the workers who were very frightened, and Parker even lost consciousness. Two creatures picked up Hickson under his arms, raised into the air and as it were, together with him into the object. At the same time, Hickson felt that some force completely paralyzed his will, he could not move a single part of the body, although he clearly perceived everything that was happening.

    "Inside the object there was no seats, no equipment, but was very light. Hickson says that he walked there in the state of weightlessness. The aliens gave him a horizontal position with the stomach down, after which some unusual was put forward out of the wall The device size with a basketball ball, and hung over Hickson. This device began to move forward and backward along the Hickson body, apparently, examining it thoroughly. Then the aliens turned Hickson face up and gave him an angle of tilt 45 degrees, and the device continued him examine

    Sometimes the "Research Equipment" of the aliens can deliver serious inconvenience to the abducted.

    So, widely fame in the United States received a case with Travis Walton, which began on the eyes of five eyewitnesses and was detailed in the American scientific and popular film "UFO" S Are Real ". It happened in November 1975 in Snowflake (Arizona), where six woodcutters who, in the car, saw a strange aircraft in the form of a two folded "pan" with a diameter of 6 meters. Stopping the car, they heard the sound "BIP-BIP". One of the woodcutters Trevis Walton jumped off the car and went closer to the object, but the flash is greenish -Forked ray from the object knocked him off his legs. The rest of the woodcutters were frightened and left, but moving off a quarter mile, they saw that there was some bright spot at this place. Returning back, they did not find a Walton or UFO, and searches Wood shop, which lasted for several days, turned out to be unsuccessful.

    Walton appeared only five days later. He was pale and weighed a few pounds less than his weight, and on his hand there were traces of some injections. He said that he was then hit something like a discharge, a darkness occurred. He woke up on the table in a large room with a bright light. Its coat was unsettled, and there was some object from an unknown metal on the chest, from which the woodcutter was experiencing severe pain. The room was three pieces in closely tight brown suits.

    Study experiments of aliens can deliver not only pain, but also to cause various chronic diseases from "abducted". However, this is a topic for a separate conversation.

    Outlook UFO

    According to some Ufologov, at the disposal secret Services Lands have long been fragrant UFOs collected on the site of the crash of these objects.

    On the evening of July 2, 1947, an unknown disc-shaped glowing facility flew at high speed over the city of Roswell in the northwestern direction. To the north-west of Roswell, he fell into a strong thunderstorm, and at 75 miles from the city in Him, apparently, hit Lightning, as a result of which a partial explosion occurred and a large number of lung fragments fell around the barbecue farm. After the explosion, the damaged object, apparently, changed the direction of flight to the West, flew another 150 miles and fell to the ground in the area of \u200b\u200bthe San Augustine fee west of the city of Sokcåne, where he was found in the morning of the Barnet engineer and a group of archaeologists.

    The bodies of human-like creatures were found in the same area. According to the testimony, the fallen object was a round-shaped metal aircraft with a diameter of about 9 meters, one edge of which was very damaged, and the navigation equipment and the motor set are completely destroyed by an explosion. The military hurried the place of falling UFOs and ordered everyone to leave him, forbid talking about what they saw here.

    "The wreckage of the HLO, found in the Breizel farm area, was delivered to the airbase of Wright-Patterson. Interest officer of the 509th bombing team Major Marsell, who was engaged in the collection of these wreckage in 1947, stated later that they were scattered by an explosion on the square near 3 square kilometers and included: a large number of pieces of very thin and lightweight material, resembling an aluminum foil, which was not burned and was so strong that it could neither bend, nor break or cut

    The current location of these items is unknown. However, indirect data suggest that earth scientists failed to go on to study. A special problem was a motor installation of UFOs, which was destroyed by an explosion.

    UFO engines

    On the engines used by the UFO to move above the ground, in water and in space, very little is known. But what is known, talks about the overwhelming superiority of alien equipment over the earth. There was no other similarity in human civilization and most likely, in the foreseeable future will not appear.

    An interesting case, opening the curtain of secrets over the principles of operation of UFO engines, occurred in August 1975 near the Hallman's airbase (Hew-Mexico) with a sergeant of the Air Force Charles Moody.

    When Moody left at night by car in the desert, a disk-shaped object with a diameter of about 15 meters and 6 meters high with three spheres on the bottom appeared in front of him. Frightened Mudi jumped into his car and tried to start it, but the engine did not work. And the UFO approached the car and stopped 15 meters from her. Then the Mudi heard someone's high voice, and an illuminated rectangle appeared at the facility, in which some foggy figures were visible.

    Subsequently, Mudi told the following:

    "When the car was surrounded by radiance, there is a sliding, two creatures approached the UFO. They laid hands on the door of the car, as if wishing to open it. Although I was scared to death, I turned open the door with all my strength, which sipped one of the creatures. And I got out of the car and hit another creature in my face, after which it fell, and the light in my eyes was dumb.

    After waking up, I saw that I was lying on the hard table, and someone else's creature studies me. His skull was a third more human, and there was no hair or eyebrows. The eyes were round, and the look is very shrill. Ears, nose and mouth were less than that of people, and the lips are very thin. The creature was an increase of 1.5 meters and looked very fragile. It was a tightly adjacent white suit.

    Then this creature asked me on clean english languagewithout moving lips, is I well feeling and will I not fight? And when I assured that I would not, it was touched by a metal wand, after which I immediately acquired control over my body and stopped being afraid. Then this creature helped me to get off the table.

    I was in a round clean room, similar to the operating room, in which there were three sink doors. Wanting to learn how this ship flies, I asked to show his motor system. To my surprise, it was agreed, and we went to another room, which was such a size as the whole ship. It seemed the impression that inside it was more than outside.

    In the second premises there were three more creatures, and a flat panel with levers was visible, and two armchairs for the crew members in front of it. In addition, we sank into the room that was under this. In it, the tops of the transparent spheres were issued from the floor, which I saw under the bottom of the ship. Inside them, large crystals were visible, which had a rod on every face.

    When I asked to explain how this engine works, I was answered:

    Do not try to understand. If you think about a little, then it will be able to invent your people. Next, they explained that it was watchmanwho arrived from the main ship, which is much more than the size and is now in space. Then it was said that at first they only planned a limited contact with humanity in order to further study. At the same time, aliens fear for their lives, for their ship can be destroyed by nuclear missiles.

    Then, this creature hugged me and said that it would never harm me, and that I would lose my memory for a while, after which I had darkened in my eyes again. And then I found myself in my car and looked at the flying ship. "

    The answer, this alien, about the UFO engine, is very evasive. However, based on such answers and their own experience, obtained in the study of OWLO fragments, American physicist Bob Lazar has prepared a memorandum, which gave a general description of the design of the motor installation of flying plates.

    This is what Lazar told. UFO energy supplies a compact reactor based on the radioactive decay of 115 element periodic table and selection of antimatter. The reactor is a sphere with a diameter of 30 to 40 centimeters. It consists of several shells surrounding the inner cavity. These shells are likely to represent the cooling and reactor protection system. The first (internal) shell may contain the protective field generators, the purpose of which is to prevent the decay products to the walls of the chamber. The second (average) shell is a set of cavities in which the coolant circulates. The need for cooling is probably caused by the fact that some part of the decay products is a stream of photons passing through the field that delays other particles. Finally, the third shell is a durable reactor housing.

    After decay 115 of the element during irradiation with its neutrons, a certain amount of antimatter is formed, which is transported through a channel-tube into a special chamber, where annihilation occurs in the gas environment, and the elevated energy in the form of photon flows is absorbed by the "refractory-energy collector", which apparently represents It is a photo, a thermal electric converter with kp.d., close to 100%.

    The UFO engine is a combination of amplifier and emitter of gravitational waves. According to the Lazar article, the source of weak waves of gravity is the same 115 element, and the rest of the equipment catches and enhances these waves as earth radio. Three emitters are usually installed on the UFO, independently from each other, depending on the flight mode: near the surface of the planet, in the stratosphere, in space.

    "The effect of emitter action is the coagulation of space near UFO."

    The disadvantage of the emitter system is a strong electromagnetic radiation that spreads down and on the side of the UFO, affecting environment. About his action can be judged by such famous factsAs: stopping the operation of internal combustion engines, violation in the work of electrical appliances when passing UFOs, charred prints on trees and grass, and, worst, ray burns that people get into the radiation action field.

    Despite the fact that we already know a lot about the design and properties of UFOs, their technology remains mystery for seven seals. In any case, it is clear that if humanity is able to penetrate this mystery, our life will change the most radically.

    31.07.11 Vasilya Petrovich Mikhailyuk, a physicist-ufologist, who finally comprehended the principle of operation of the UFO engine. His invention is patented in Ukraine as a magnetic transport machine (patent B64G1 \\ 00, 9 \\ 00. No. 60455 and F 04C5 \\ 00 No. 54238). Nowada lives in the village of the coastal Saksky district of Crimea.

    Airplane devices can turn on and disconnect from the influence of the magnetic pole of the Earth. And if there is not far from the flying plate, which, too, from different sides, inhomogeneous poles, and the plane falls into one pole with her, then the plane threatens or just drops.

    And UFO, it seems to me, refuel the energy of thunderstorms. And if both are in some storm clouds, all the relays will fail, and the plane is doomed. Because with a very powerful influence of magnetic power lines "Plates" a pilot cannot do anything.

    Especially if the aircraft flies not on the side, but from above or below. And there was a lot of controversy about the death of Gagarin. If I could set out my work somewhere ... But I need support, people who would have realized and saw in them the truth.

    I posted my patents on the Internet so that they could use and take into service. Not so long ago, I called Egorov, who rankled together with Medvedev for the presidency of Russia. He became interested in my materials.

    When I talk with a person and he carries nonsense, I understand that it is not. Everyone has its own big earth road and small corridors ... A scientist cannot be normal, he will inevitably "move" in his science. Yes, it happens that jumps ...

    White trail in real eternity

    What began your invention?

    On July 11, 1968, I returned at night with youth "Tusovka". On the one hand, the road was the steppe, with the other private buildings. Meters for three hundred to home I suddenly stopped something sharply. Looking around, I saw: in my direction, the increasing bright white light was moving silently. Flying at an altitude of about 80-100 meters at a speed of 60-80 km / h, he disappeared behind the steppe horizon.

    Another stronger struck me what the "light" on 4 - 5 kilometers stretched a bright loop with a diameter of about three meters. At the same time, he did not cover anything around. Soon began to disappear with a crackling, turning into a lot of individual white lumps.

    Subsequently, trying to understand what he saw, I reread the mountain literature, but nothing could explain such a phenomenon.

    Eight years later, two permanent magnets fell into my hands. Manipulating them, unexpectedly realized their lively involvement in a long phenomenon.

    So began my design of non-traditional power plants, completely new types of transport, including aerospace.

    You probably tried your theory on specific models ...

    Sure. The first successful "modernization" was a piston engine, the energy in which was laid at least 5-6 years of continuous operation.

    And how did he look?

    Two heads block from permanent magnets, between them magnetic piston.

    The homogeneous poles are repelled, and the piston was in the epicenter of strong pressure. Interrupting it with on-screen plates, we forced the piston to make reciprocating movements.

    In a modified rotary engine, we used the action of centrifugal forces due to the rubber-like material from which the basis of states and rotor was made. The design feature is that the magnetic rotor is not attached, but is constantly hanging on magnetic pillows of yuloid stains. When working, an induction field occurs, which with force repels the object from itself; His opposite pole, inside, with a lot of power attracts. The weight of the car becomes minimal at the expense of the centrifugal forces of the rotating shaft.

    In the same principle, I developed a high-precision combat system of Tyon-1 (a special purpose transportation object), which can hundreds of times cheaper and faster deliver specialsports to any point of the planet. Applicable even to neutralize a dangerous unearthly body (for example, meteorite). Not only physically, an explosion, but also by creating a powerful artificial magnetic field, thanks to which the body comes out from its course and removes without destruction.

    To the mystery of the movement of UFO

    For me, however, more importantly designed for the study of distant outer space magnetic transport car (MTM). Agree that the current bulky expensive devices that burn fuel and fully dependent on the attraction of the Earth have long been outdated. In the process of flight, almost the entire design is destroyed. Let's say, from the American apparatus, which started from the ground to the moon, was returned less than 1% of its total weight. My design without a lot of energy costs can at least take off at least ten times a day and come back to the whole.

    How was the development of a magnetic transport machine and its control system?

    Created by me Magnetic Machine in the form of Yula - Heavy Duty Source Inductive Field. To manage it, however, many years have failed - it does not accept a radio signaling, because it is surrounded by strong inductive magnetic field. The real case put everything in its place.

    Somehow, my wife and I paid attention to the "divergent" story of our son Taras: just with some uncle in brilliant costumes he flew on a round spacecraft, where there were a lot of blinking light bulbs and different buttons. Among them were highlighted two large red and two white. One of the whites was allowed to take advantage of. He clicked with difficulty - and the ship flew ...

    At first glance, the children's fiction pushed me to the idea that the car should be divided into two independent parts, and both halves will turn on and off with red and white buttons. After such innovation, the car began to create a controlled magnetic field around itself and, it means to make reciprocating movements between poles. I called this design with love and pride in honor of the wife name "Hope".

    A terrific confirmation of the correctness of the idea was the article in the "interesting newspaper" No. 8 for 2004 "Wunderkind of Alien Origin". It was about the eight-year-old boy Boris, who visited the UFO, very similar to "hope." There is no doubt that in the Galaxy we will certainly meet brothers in mind flying on such devices.

    The unique and cheap permanent magnet energy uses for a long time, but for some reason it is afraid to name this source with a battery of constant energy.

    Household example. The price of magnetic and electric suction cups of furniture cabinets is about the same. But if the cost of the magnetic over the years will not change, then the electric one has already been doubled by the current consumed. In other words,

    Permanent magnets are given when working many times more than they are laid.
    - What happens when using constant magnets? - When they turn to each other large squares and homogeneous poles, vector of power lines up to half are taken, and the remaining deployed in confrontation to each other, and is many years of unilateral pressure (movement) without interruption and "recharging".

    The use of artificial magnets and their ability to create a mechanical movement radically changes the global level of science, all of our life.
    MTM "Hope" is able to make any movement managed by man, completely replacing all our vehicles.

    Technologically mass production of the magnetic transport machine is not more complicated by the manufacture of a small car, with the addition of a computer processor, the cost of 10-15 times lower ...

    It's hard to imagine. Is it possible ... to touch ... do it yourself?

    I suggest the wishing to make the simplest prototype MTM. Put a permanent magnet on aqueous dam. Like the arrow of the compass, it will be fixed in the direction of the poles of natural magnetism. Now cover one of the sides of the magnet with an iron screen - and the dam will float to the north or south. If you put the screen on the other end of the magnet, the fleet will move in the opposite direction. This is the key to the secret of the movement of unidentified flying objects!

    When accelerating the flight due to interaction with natural magnetism, the car reserves a white loop ... So for me, the secret of the night white loop of 1968 was finally revealed, which I often watched in the night sky.
    Probably, the moisture is freezing with cold energy converters.

    The second modernization has become a turbine designed on the basis of steam, where the rotor pushes homogeneous, one-sided poles of permanent magnets. The use of such a principle in the airliner would reduce its weight at 25 - 30, a motor - by 35 - 45%.

    Then the rotary magnetic engine appeared, created on the basis of an ordinary electric three-phase. It can not only give energy to the output shaft, but also to produce electricity Thanks to the windows of the wire placed around, that is, in the induction field. Such microenergy can be, for example, put in the lamp, refrigerator, TV or vacuum cleaner as an energy source for many years, before the expiration of magnetic power lines.

    Running from hot shone?

    So is it necessary to burn petroleum products to mankind, if super-deputy energy converters are invented?

    If you apply them for the operation of the automotive engine, the energy will be enough for 60-70 thousand mileage kilometers; Airlines without landing and refueling can be in the air to 5 - 6 years. Think: Chubby without oil and gas Ukraine may (and should!) Become a global exporter of superdeshev energy technologies!

    In addition, I am sure that in the near future it is quite possible to stop the ecological catastrophe of our planet.

    If people had fully managed to apply the obvious effect of natural magnetism on earth bodies, and the designers of steam engines created pressure on the piston or the turbine walls by the power lines of permanent magnets, it would not have to mined coal, oil, gas, uranium, to build power plants, including Nuclear Compounds, Power Mainers with Substations, Iron and Automotive Roads ...

    Isn't it all fantastic?!

    - ... The burning of petroleum products accelerated the already disastrous warming process on Earth. In the near future, our sun will warm up the land by another 5-10 degrees, after which the vegetation will disappear, animals and people will die.
    - Why do you think so?

    Because due to the increase in temperature, the Earth will lose his magnetism, following the Mercury and Venus, it will come down with orbits and a spiral will merge with the sun.

    Sad perspective ... no rescue? How they write in fantastic novels, it's time to move

    To another planet, with the best living conditions?

    Even if such a planet is found, many centuries will go to the scientific and practical re-equipment of man, mass relocation and arrangement. To regulate the climate, you need to really understand the mystery of the movement of the Earth in orbit and its rotation around its axis.

    I will give a simple example: the tourist has become a fire. At first felt warm and comfort. But the fire broke out too much. What to do?

    So humanity for survival needs to push the planet from the Sun to a safe distance. And learn how to take it from a collision with other cosmic bodies.

    Is that possible?

    Yes. It is no secret that all bodies on Earth are surrounded by a magnetic field and are under the influence of natural magnetism. So, you can adjust the climate by temporary shielding of the Earth's magnetic poles by sections from iron plates. If necessary, they take a horizontal position. Partially closing such "blinds" on both poles, humanity will weaken the influence of the vortex magnetism of the space on the magnetism of the planet, and the earth will "move away" from the Sun, creating a new, remote orbit.

    But it is terribly expensive! And due to what such "blinds" will act?

    Energy source - superchard heavy duty generators of yulo-shaped machines. To develop climate improvement, it is necessary to start today, until the intensive melting of glaciers began.

    To manage the movement of the Earth, the intellectual efforts of all scientists and planet politicians are needed, a large economic and industrial potential. But the other way of survival in humanity is simply not.

    In flight - Baba Yaga

    I would like to understand why, let's say, while entering the landing passenger and military aircraft, even manned by experienced pilots, often find themselves very far from the take-off strip. Typically, the reason is searched in the "human factor". The same problems exist in astronautics, sea transport.
    - I will give a practical example. Throw two goals - the usual and plated plates from permanent magnets. The second will fall much later. Also inevitable difference in direction, distance, speeds, trajectories of movement.

    According to Galilee, in the fall, the body moves under the influence of earthly attraction and resistance of the air ... - One could agree with the great scientist, if there were no power of natural magnetism around the Earth. Outside the plates have one magnetic pole, inside - the opposite. Hence the global difference between ordinary bodies and the same aircraft around which a homogeneous magnetic field is concentrated.

    In many fairy tales, they say about the carpet-plane, which without any engine itself flies through the air ...

    Obviously, in antiquity it was known that the bodies surrounded by a homogeneous magnetic field can be managed to move, interacting with natural magnetism. I am surprised and others technical means"In fairy tales. Let's say the flying stupa at Grandma's grandmother had a cylindrical shape, resembling a rotary magnetic machine with an artificial magnetic pole around him, with a "cargo" in the middle.

    I assume that both UFOs in the form of a plate or cylinder is a free technological "license". Earthman observed UFOs even in the form of a pyramid, which is generally difficult to do so. I will express my assumption.

    According to my calculations, the pyramid is a high-proceeding design of four rigid generators capable of creating a magnetic field, which globally improves the reliability of "tri-fins" and simplifies the control system to a minimum. The efficiency with such a design is brought to 1.

    And what about your ideas thinks science?

    Generations of scientists only in the rigorous framework of physical laws moved along the path of scientific and technical progress. However, the phenomena were revealed, which came against the usual. Fearing ridicule and possible removal from your beloved case, rarely, which of them openly criticized the obvious flaws of the scientist. Simple intellectuals, "Kulibins" from the people, knowing only the original foundations, thought alternatively, which often led to amazing inventions and global discoveries. Although, alas, they harde them much more often on the root and mania of the grandihood of scientists. Because official science, having exhausted its resource, went to a dead end. For example, in the development of world aviation today there is nothing new. The laws of attraction of the Earth and the laws of aerodynamics are still dictated by the form of the apparatus, the force of a metal-machine thermal engine. To facilitate the weight of the machine, designers for some reason do not want to use centrifugal forces of rotating parts. But the disk-shaped form of the airliner would bring its total weight to zero.

    World spacecraft Also doomed, for gravity does not give them with minimal cost to break away from the ground and go into weightlessness. Without the use of centrifugal forces, you will never rise to space and fifteen per day. And in the open space, the devices need a permanent energy feeding. Turning on the site of scientists and designers led to the fact that there are no cheap, lungs, powerful, safe, universal and durable energy sources, including aerospace technology in the world. The dependence on the attraction of the Earth is not eliminated.

    But it is so easy.

    On Earth and the Moon, there is a different strength and form magnetic field, as well as a different stream of moving magnetism, dictated by the speed of rotation around the axis. Accordingly, different and attraction of bodies to their surface. Artificially surrounding the earth's body by the power of lunar magnetism and giving it the "zero" turnover, we will bring his weight to the lunar.

    Our planet holds and "pulls" the disproportionately magnetized Moon precisely at the expense of its own natural magnetism. In Periguee and the apogee, the moon clearly shows the presence of poles of magnetism on Earth. Which, in turn, strictly keeps on its orbit due to the cosmic vortex magnetism and the energy of the Sun. The powerful thermal and magnetic flow of the Sun pushes the Earth from himself, and one of the vortex cosmos fluxes, formed from the Milky Way spiral, presses it to the Sun through the natural magnetism of the Earth, forming a neutral earth orbit. Unlike the moon, the earth has proportional magnetic poles, and therefore the vortex flow of space rolls the land in orbit during the year. In the same way, unique rings around Saturn confirm the presence of magnetic power boundaries of the sun, Saturn and the vortex stream of space.

    Magnetized swallow

    All this is not easy for understanding non-specialists ...

    Here is a visual example of the influence of natural magnetism on the human body. In the Big Sport, you can achieve the desired result not only physical effort, but also with the help of fittings ... magnetic doping. From the outside one magnetic pole, inside - the opposite. My friends dubbed this phenomenon by a fair "magnetic breeze." As a result, as we already know, an abandoned horizontal ball with a homogeneous magnetic circle on the competition field will actually play your team ...

    In nature, this fact is clearly visible during seasonal migration of marine inhabitants and birds. I was always surprised by the "nonsense" flights of birds, say, from Europe to Latin America. It is not difficult to assume that our "winged brothers" has long learned how to create a magnetic pole around themselves and with the help of the magnetic flux of the Earth without stopping to overcome thousands of kilometers.

    Even at the beginning of the twentieth century Academician G.S. Landsberg wrote: "It is necessary to clearly establish that we neglect the deformations of a solid or liquid." And this phenomenon just opens up a new era of physical laws, allowing to solve the mystery of the UFO design.

    Copyright: Leonid Terentyev, 2010
    Certificate of Publication №21006070681

    Today there are more than 5 million cases of UFO observation, thousands of pages of previously secret documents confirming the reality of this phenomenon are declassified. But despite the fact that the UFOs are often visited by our planet, the majority of aspects associated with them remain for people a mystery.

    Ufologist Leonard Stringfild from the source received a document. The mediator who conveyed this document and which Stringfield knows well, preferred anonymity, fearing the persecution by government services. The document of July 16, 1947 is a preliminary report on the results of the inspection of a broken "flying disk". The accompanying letter to the report was signed by the Commander of the US Air Force in 1947, General Nathan Toying.
    « Preliminary report on Accidents with UFOs in 1947
    As stated in the presidential directive of July 9, 1947, a preliminary study of the selected "flying disk" and the fragments of a possible second disk was carried out at the main headquarters of the army [Headquarters of the 8th Army Air Force in Fort Werte, Texas. - approx. author]. Information for this report is provided by the headquarters of the 2nd and airustory of the 3rd Technical Department. Additional data is provided by scientific staff of the laboratory of the reactive movement and the Scientific and Advisory Department of the Air Force led by Dr. Theodore von Pocket.
    Further analysis was conducted by the Department of Science and Development.

    There is a collective opinion regarding the object under study that the aircraft selected by the structures of the army and the Air Force does not apply to American production due to the following reasons:
    but. The design in the form of a circular, disc-shaped "platform" is not similar to any of the designs developed, at present, within the framework of any project.

    The absence of any external motor system, power plant, ventilation and exhaust channels, as well as propellers or reactive engine confirms this opinion.
    German scientists from Fort Bliss and White-Sands Pruving Gardens cannot identify secret German weapons in these objects. True, the possibility remains that such a device is designed by Russians. The absence of any marking, identification numbers or instructions on Cyrillic caused a serious doubt among the majority in the fact that these objects are Russian production.
    The study of the inside of the apparatus revealed the presence of a separation similar to an atomic engine. At least this opinion was expressed by Dr. Oppenheimer and dr. Background Pocket. There is the possibility that part of the apparatus itself constitutes the motor system, the reservoir function of the heat exchanger, and, which plays the role of the energy storage. This process is not similar to the release of energy in our atomic bombs.

    Description of the NLO

    1) A donut tube, approximately thirty-five feet, made of material similar to the plastic, surrounds the central core. The tube was filled with purified substance, possibly heavy water. The massive rod in the center of the tube is immersed in the coil from the material similar to the copper alloy passing through the tube housing. It can be a reactor control mechanism or a cumulative battery. In the studied areas not detected moving parts.

    2) As the primary energy for the reactor, apparently acts activation of the electric potential, although, at present, it is only an assumption. It only remains unknown as a heavy water based reactor operates in such an environment.

    3) A spherical turret is detected under the power plant, approximately 10 feet in diameter. This turret is equipped with a number of devices with unusual characteristics, unknown to anyone from our engineers. Inside the turret there are four round cavities covered with unknown smooth material. The cavity data is symmetrical to each other, but they seem movable. True, it is not known as. This movement is associated with a dome-shaped room over a power plant. It is believed that the main motor system is a blind-free turbine similar to the current developments within the project "Magnat". Dr. August Steinhoff (head. Studies), Dr. Werner von Brown and Dr. Theodore von Pocket put forward the following theory: fluttering through the atmosphere, the aircraft somehow absorbs hydrogen and in the process of induction generates the reaction of atomic synthesis. To move the device, the air around it should be ionized. Captured with the surrounding "air foil", the aircraft presumably may have an unlimited range and flight speed. This may explain the reportable absence of any noise.
    The residential compartment is located at the top. It is round, with dome-shaped top. The lack of canopy, overview windows-portholes or any other optical projections confirms the opinion that the device is controlled remotely.
    1) a semicircular screen (possibly television).
    2) Residential premises were sealed by a special hardened composition.
    3) There are no traces of welding, riveting or soldering.
    4) The components of the apparatus are impeccable shape and quality.
    In conclusion, it remains to be noted that this document is of particular interest in a rather detailed description of the internal design of the "flying plate" and the principle of operation aircraft. If the document is genuine, the information contained in it can be a significant contribution to Ufology and in the formation of knowledge about the technical aspects of UFO. "

    How does the UFO act on earthly technique?

    The very recorded diverse species UFO influences different kinds Technique: from harmless rotation of the arrows of the computers to the death of the aircraft in. Power fields created by these objects are able to temporarily break the course of electrical and mechanical clock, the operation of radio resources, weapons management systems, and even the power supply of entire cities, to stop the internal combustion engines and, finally, to attract heavy items to objects.

    UFOs on the compasses of ships and aircraft was expressed in the fact that their arrows sometimes followed objects, as if attracted by them, or continuously rotated.

    There is a number of cases in the United States and in France, when the appearance of the UFO caused a stroke or stop the electrical and mechanical clock.

    In 1958 in Kazakhstan over a group of students sitting by the fire, at an altitude of 3 m swept a big disk, after which everyone has stopped hours . Such a case occurred in 1978 with the passengers of the ship "Shota Rustaveli" in the Atlantic.

    Very often, the appearance of UFOs led to the cessation of radio resources, which again began to work as soon as the UFO flew. The following examples can serve as a confirmation of this:

    In November 1957, at an altitude of 2-3 km over the city of Baskatong (Canada), the UFO, from which the Light beam proceeded. All shortwave receivers in the city immediately stopped working, but some of them were heard some signal , resembling ABC Morse. When the subject disappeared, all receivers earned again.

    In our country in October 1977, 260 km from Ryazan, when an unknown the object of the ellipsoid form approached the three military aircraft, the ultra-thorough radio telecommunications of airplanes with each other And with the ground completely ceased, and with the removal of the object recovered again. Cases of the termination of radio communications with the advent of UFOs were also observed in 1954 in the city of Marion (Virginia), in 1957 in Arrangua (Brazil) and in 1977 at the Volga Floa Base, which was in the Barents Sea.

    In the Moscow News newspaper (1978.33), with reference to a number of foreign agencies, it was reported that in November 1978, during the landing of a disc-shaped UFO with a transparent dome 40 km from the capital of Kuwait, not only all the radio was disabled, but also telephone Communication of the capital of Kuwait with the outside world.

    In 1957, in the city of Ringwood (Illinois), in 1959 Salssbury (Carolina), and in 1963 in the city of Victoria (Australia), with the advent of the UFO, there were failures of televisions.

    In other cases, in the work of the UFO, intensive interference was observed in the operation of radio and television stations. At the same time, it is characteristic that in the case that took place in 1968 in the city of Tisman (Romania), strong interference occurred only in the long-wave range whereas on average waves they were significantly less, and they did not feel at all on short waves.

    Cases of temporary termination of the operation of radar stations are recorded when the UFO appears, as it was in 1950 on two American aircraft in Korea, in 1973 in the city of Colombia (Missouri), and in 1977 - on our trawler "Vasily Kiselev "In the Atlantic.

    In 1957, the span of three disc-shaped UFOs over the Brazilian city of Urine-Mirim, the full blackout in the city was observed only under the trajectory of the flight of objects, and on both sides it was weakened by removal. Cases when the appearance of UFOs led only to reducing the voltage in the network , recorded in 1958 in Rome, in 1969 in one of the districts of Tallinn Butnik, and in 1961 in the city of Lekville (Massachusetts) and in 1973 in the city of Spice (Italy). Moreover, during a blackout in Rome, one engineer included a measuring device on the network and found that there is a voltage, but insufficient light bulbs. The example below shows that UFOs can have simultaneously effect on various sources of electricity.

    Masking UFO

    Many eyewitnesses of UFOs tell about such an amazing property of unidentified objects as invisibility. Then they appear from emptiness, then disappear.

    In June 1966, three fiery balls appeared near the farm in Aveiron (France), flying through the field to the farm. One of these balls was hung at 15 meters from the house and kept motionless for 3 minutes, after which it suddenly disappeared, and after a couple of seconds it appeared a few hundred meters from the house. Such instantaneous movements continued for some time.

    The print contains the case that happened near the city of Mulhouse (France), where three young people saw an orange-red ball with a diameter of 50 m, descended to the ground along a zigzag trajectory and landed in a glade 300 meters from eyewitnesses. But when they went to the ball, he immediately disappeared.

    In our country in July 1979, on the road from Zlatoust in Beloretsk, three eyewitnesses, who had been in the car, saw the fiery ball approaching a two-storey house. They looked at him for 2 minutes, after which the ball suddenly disappeared, and after 2-3 minutes it appeared again, but already ahead of the car, and still hangs for a while, after which it also suddenly disappeared.

    At first, attempts were made to explain these properties of UFO with the peculiarities of their kinematics. It was assumed that these objects unexpectedly disappear from the field of view due to the fact that they were drunk from a place at a huge speed. And their sudden appearance was explained by the arrival with the same lightning speed and instantaneous stop. The example below to some extent confirms the possibility of such an assumption.

    In June 1968, in Dakse (France), the wife of J., who had been on the car at a speed of 110 km / h, suddenly saw in front of the middle of the road a dark hemispherical object with red blinking fire. They sharply slowed down - the collision seemed inevitable - and as it were, this object was traversed, without feeling. Apparently, at the very last moment he really thoroughly broke off and disappeared. The traces of it, discovered later at the landing site, confirmed that it was not a mirage.

    The confirmation of the ability of the UFO becomes invisible for the human eye is also the case below when, after the photographs of the "clean" heaven or "clean" area, UFOs were found on them.

    In August 1979, the Riga operator Pypars, being on a fishing vessel in the Greenland Sea, at night, made 12 color shots of the night sky and the dark sea with lights of walking ships. What was his surprise when, after the manifestation, he saw on four pictures of twelve brightly oblong glow, which occupied almost half of the sky on the frames and gradually changing his outlines.

    In September 1983, there were five photographs of the surrounding area not far from Ai-Petri Rostovchanin, and when she showed a film, he saw a large dark object with surprise, hanging over the mountain peak and flew over the highway.

    In August 1979, the Polish fishing boat "Hel-127" was located near the Hel Peninsula. Suddenly, an unknown fire-red pulsating object with a soccer ball appeared above the sea surface. Skimborg Skipper Skomborg felt a strange stupor, the pain in the chest and began to lose sight. At the same time, he began to experience such fear, which did not know even in the strongest storm. The steering elvart is also numb and even threw the steering wheel, and the two other team member, figure and bon, coming to the bridge, felt the strongest pain in the temples. A strange ball was accompanied by a boat for 20 minutes, then lagging behind, but a sponter did not leave some incomprehensible fear for a long time.

    Perhaps this feeling of fear is caused by radiation emanating from the UFO. Conducted B. different countries Experiments have shown that, falling into an electromagnetic field of a certain, very high frequency, a person begins to experience a feeling of fear and depression. There are also cases when the UFOs or the rays outgoing from it brought eyewitnesses to the state of strong excitement. Sometimes close meetings with UFOs ended for eyewitnesses more severe consequences associated with a strong nervous shock causing general violation mental state.

    In February 1975, a resident of the French city of Reunion Saveren after a short stay at a short height of a strange object, similar to a hat, temporarily lost the gift of speech, and then vision. And only a week later, when his condition improved somewhat and was restored, Savern was able to tell the gendarmes that it happened to him.

    Sometimes UFOs, apparently, affect the subconscious of eyewitnesses, and this effect continues for some time and after meeting the UFO . It is expressed in the fact that in some cases people who were in close proximity to these objects remember everything with them to meet with UFOs and after it, but what was during the meeting, completely falls out of their memory. Sometimes this space can be restored using the so-called regressive hypnosis. In foreign sources, a number of examples are given when people subjected to regressive hypnosis recalled everything that happened to them during a meeting with UFOs. However, hypnosis specialists indicate that at the same time there is no complete confidence that the picture restored by hypnotized corresponds to the truth, and is not an induced subconscious. Along with this, there are also known cases when and with the help of hypnosis it was not possible to make eyewitnesses to remember that it happened with them during the time the consciousness was disabled. And in some cases, eyewitnesses themselves, without any hypnosis, gradually remembered all the circumstances of their meeting with UFOs.

    Types UFOs and their appearance

    A comprehensive study of the properties of "behavior" and the sizes of UFOs, regardless of their form, makes it possible to conditionally divide them into four basic types.

    First: Very small objects, which are balls or disks with a diameter of 20-100 cm, which carry out flights at low heights, sometimes fly out of larger objects and returned to them. There is a known case in October 1948 in the area of \u200b\u200bFargo's air base (North Dakota), when the pilot hormone unsuccessfully pursued a round luminous object with a diameter of 30 cm, which was very skillfully maneuvering, evading the chase, and sometimes he himself was moving rapidly Forcing hormone to evade collision

    Second: Small UFOs having an egg-shaped and disco-shaped and diameter of 2-3 m. They usually fly at low height and most often put planting. Small UFOs are also repeatedly seen separating from the main objects and returning to them.

    The third: The main UFOs, most often the disks with a diameter of 9-40 m, the height of which in the central part is 1/5-1 / 10 of their diameter. The main UFOs make independent flights in any layers of the atmosphere and sometimes land. They can separate the objects of smaller sizes.

    Fourth: Large UFOs, having usually shape of cigars or cylinders with a length of 100-800 or more meters. They appear. Headerly, in the upper layers of the atmosphere, do not make complex maneuvers, and sometimes freeze at high altitude. The cases of their landing on Earth were not recorded, but it was repeatedly observed, as small objects were separated from them. There is a suggestion that large UFOs can fly in space. There are also some cases of observation of giant disks with a diameter of 100-200 m. Taka, the object was observed during the test flight of the French aircraft "Concord" at an altitude of 17,000 m above the Republic of Chad during the solar eclipse of June 30, 1973. The crew and a group of scientists who were in an airplane, Filmed the movie and made a series of color shots of a luminous object in the shape of a mushroom hats with a diameter of 200 m and a height of 80 m, which followed the intersecting course. At the same time, the contours of the object were fuzzy, since it, apparently, was surrounded by an ionized plasma cloud.

    Stories eyewitnesses

    In February 1963, in the state of Victoria (Australia) at an altitude of 300 m over the tree, a disk with a diameter of 8 meters with a rod, similar to the antenna. In July 1978, the crew members of the Yargrora ship, which followed the Mediterranean Sea, was watched North Africa The spherical object at the bottom of which three designs were visible, similar to the antennas. Cases are recorded when these rods moved or rotated.

    Below are two such examples.

    In August 1976, Moskvich A.M.Thetitsky and six more witnesses saw a silver metal object over the Pirogovsky reservoir, the size of 8 times the moon disk, slowly moving at the height of several tens of meters. Two rotating stripes were visible on its side surface. When the object was over witnesses, a black hatch opened in its lower part, from which a thin cylinder was put forward. The lower part of this cylinder began to describe the circle, while the upper part remained attached to the object.

    In July 1978, the passengers of the Sevastopol - Leningrad train under Kharkov were observed for several minutes, as from the top of a fixedly hanging ellipseed UFO, some rod was put forward with three brightly glowing points. This rod deviated three times to the right and returned to the previous position. Then, from the bottom of the UFO, a rod with one glowing point was put forward.

    Inside the bottom of the UFO, three or four landing supports are sometimes located, which are put forward when landing, and during takeoff drawn inside. Here are three examples of such observations.

    In November 1957, Senior Lieutenant N., Returned from the Air Base Stand (Las Vegas), saw four disc-shaped UFOs with a diameter of 15 m on the field, each of which stood on three landing supports. When they took off, these supports in his eyes dragged inside.

    In July 1970, the young Frenchman Eryen J. Near the Zabrel-le-Bord village clearly saw, as four metal supports, ending with rectangles, gradually retracted inside the boiling round UFO with a diameter of 6 m.

    In the USSR, in June 1979, in the city of Zolochev, the Kharkiv region, Starchenko observed, as 50 m landed the UFO in the form of a overturned plate with a number of portholes and dome. When the object decreased to a height of 5-6 m, three landing supports with a length of about 1 m, ending with the similarity of the blades, were pulled out of its bottoms, telescopically advanced. After installing on Earth for about 20 minutes, the object took off, and it was seen how the supports were drawn into his body.

    What is the engine at UFO? This is very difficult question. Scientists and simply lovers held numerous "mental experiments" on how alien space ships can work (on paper, as well as amateurs, and scientists have no appropriate hardware).

    A lot of books on this topic were written by Paul R. Hill in 1995, James McCarebelle (70s), Leonard J. Kramp (1966), Tracier (1953). They all approached the phenomenon of UFO from the point of view of the crafts of the "crazy scientist", and their theory on explaining the maneuvering of alien ships were based on the idea that the source of their movement is tightly tied to the ship.

    You will be interested:

    Other engineers and physicists who show public and constant interest in the topic UFOs or reflect on how they can work are: Herman wan; James E. McDonald; James Harder; Harley D. Ratdlezh; Jack Sarfatti; Harold Putchoff; Claude Cheer, which in the late 1970s headed Gepan, the project of the French government to study unidentified objects, and many others. This article summarizes that we, people know about UFO engines.

    Physical aspect

    If we want to explain the UFO from the point of view of physics, which we understand, but at the same time we will rely on observations, it seems that it can be assumed that they can generate artificial gravitational fields (in terms of the general theory of relativity - to manipulate the curvature fabric space time), just as we produce magnetism using electrical currents.

    Bright light

    It is believed that the glow of different colors around the UFO occurs due to the ionization of the surrounding air. The atmosphere around them is like "lights up", it is very similar to what is happening in neon lamps. This is a kind of "plasma shell". Changes in the brightness and color of the "plasma shell" apparently associated with the operation of the engine.

    Ionization of air and radiation

    The ionization of the air appears to be caused by electromagnetic radiation emitted by the ships, and is considered the secondary effect of the motor installation. This includes ultraviolet radiation (as evidenced by many cases of irritation of the eyes and skin of people, the victims observing the aliens' ships) and soft X-ray radiation (it is evidenced by traces of the "burn rings" on earth where flying plates landed). Given the complexity of the establishment of plasma in normal atmospheric conditions in combination with other observations, such as the luminosity of underwater UFOs, the sudden appearance of condensate / fog at start-up under high humidity and no noise involves the presence of a shell with a lower density than the atmosphere around flying plates.