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  • Claus background staucheffenberg. Biography. Hero or traitor

    Claus background staucheffenberg. Biography. Hero or traitor

    Nina was born in 1913 in the city of Kovno (now Kaunas) in the family of diplomat Barona von Lehernefeld and his wife Anna. She attended the boarding school Baroneles Elizabeth von Tadden, which later in the years of war was executed for hiding the Jews.
    From the 20s, the family of Lerrenfeld lived Bamberg.

    In 1930, in his native Babmerge, 17-year-old Nina met with a 23-year-old Claus Shankon, Stauffenberg. Nina immediately fell in love with a pretty lieutenant. And Klaus liked this audorous girl, similar to the boy. She was very "advanced" at the time: smoked, enjoyed lipstick, he didn't climb in the pocket, disassembled in politics. And in general, he immediately appeared the feeling that he found his half.

    Claus Shank Graf von Stauffenberg (1907-1944). He was the third son in the family. It is noteworthy that his mother had 4 children, although he gave birth to "only" twice - and both twin times. The twin brother Claus died shortly after birth. Claus was younger of three brothers.

    But Nina's parents believed that the daughter was too young for marriage, which should be waiting for a couple of years.
    Couple got married in three years in Bamberg.

    The wedding in 1933 coincided with the arrival of the Nazis to power in Germany. Claus deeply imbued with patriotic aspirations and flame speeches Adolf Hitler.

    A young couple settled in the generic estate of stafenbergs.

    One after another they had children were born: Bertold (1934), Highimeran (1936), Franz Ludwig (1938), Valerie (1940) ...

    All children were baptized by Catholic ritual, although Nina was Lutheran, like her mother-in-law. Men Staugnenbergs could marry Lutheran, but children in the family on tradition were always Catholics.

    Claus was engaged in Berlin his military career, which was rapidly in the mountain. In 1939, Major, since 1943, Lieutenant Colonel, since 1944 - Colonel ...

    He visited home every 3-4 weeks. He came, played with the children with a clock, rolling them on his back, launched an air serpent with them. Children of the soul in it did not care and looked forward to another arrival. And Nina jealous children to her husband. She was disappointed that all the upbringing lies on her, and the husband sees only the "festive" side of family life. But so it was brought up - to be a faithful wife and keeper of a homely hearth.

    Claus generally approved the policies of national socialism, although in places and found it wrong, especially what the Jews concerned. And after bullying over the civilian population of the occupied Poland, he strengthened in the thoughts that the Nazis bear his homeland. By 1942, he understood the hopelessness of the war, a dead-minded policy of Hitler and began to look for like-minded people .... The first like-minded people were members of his family - a wife, senior brothers and uncle on the mother ... Gradually, the circle of conspirators rummaged to several hundred.

    Father Stauffenberg with his three sons (Claus in the pullover):

    The group's kernel was representatives of the German aristocracy and Prussian officer families.

    During the campaign in North Africa In 1943, Staugenberg was seriously injured, lost her eyes, right hand and several fingers on the left. During the holiday on the injury, he told his wife " The time will come when I save Germany "

    Here he is already without his eyes. So the photo is not earlier than 1943.

    Spouses realized that if the Hitler's murder plan fails, the payback would affect not only conspirators, but also their families and friends. Immediately before the attempted Stauffenberg advised Wife: "Everyone may happen. In the event of failure, play the role of a stupid housewife engaged in children and housekeeping.»

    Despite the high risk of Nina supported her husband during the planning of the attempt. Claus Biographers Background Stauffenberg often described Nina as a grumpy and ignorant housewife. Even if Nina and did not manage to play a significant role in the resistance movement, it was aware of what her husband did. And she was ready for possible defeat. She knew that she could be arrested or even executed.

    She later did absolutely clearly said that at that moment she realized that it was necessary for him and the country, she supported him with all his heart and with such a loyalty that today we can even be very clear. But she was clear that it was necessary to behave like that, and not otherwise.

    Once, Stauffenberg brought documents from Berlin and asked his wife to burn them (there was no condition in his Berlin apartment). Before sticking them to the fireplace, Nina looked around them .... These were leaflets and NPSG plans (the National Communications Freedom of Germany), which they intended to create conspirators, dealt with Hitler.

    In July 1944, Nina was in the third month of pregnancy, and Stauffenberg did not decide to tell her that it would carry out the operation himself. And Nina hoped that it would be someone else ... Still, Stauffenberg was a disabled person - without one hand, and on the other just three fingers, it would be difficult for him to adjust the detonator in the bomb. But on the other hand, she probably guessed that her husband was one of the very few conspirators who participated in meetings at Hitler's bet.

    As we know, the Operation "Valkyrie" fell on July 20, 1944. The case saved Hitler - he was only easily wounded in the shoulder, and four other present were killed.

    Stauffenberg, his brother, uncle and many others executed the same day. Other participants of the July 20 group (about 200) were executed in the following weeks. Among 200 executed was 1 Feldmarshal, 19 Generals, 26 Colonels, 2 ambassadors, 7 Diplomats of another level, 1 Minister, 3 Public Secretaries and Head of the Criminal Police of Reich. By order of Hitler, most of the convicts executed not through the execution of the military, but hung on the piano strings attached to the butcher's hook on the ceiling. Unlike the usual hanging, death occurred not from the neck fracture when falling and not from a relatively fast choking, but from stretching the neck and slow suffocation.

    July 21, 1944 (day after the attempt) was one of the most tragic and heavy in the life of Nina. She informed the elder children that their father made a mistake and was executed by last night. And added: " But thank God Fuhrer stayed alive" She said it intentionally to defend them, as well as the younger, still unborn, because the Gestapo will undoubtedly interrogate the children. She was just forced to lie. Only after the war, children will find out that, in fact, their father is a hero, and the mother had to lie to them to save.

    In accordance with the "ancient-member" laws on blood fault (Sippenhaft), relatives of conspirators were also subjected to repression. Another brother of Stauffenberg and Nina's mother fell into a concentration camp Buchenwald, on July 23, the Gestapo came for Nina. Her clock was interrogated, then they took into a single camera, where bright light was constantly burned. She did not sleep and began to smoke a lot again.

    Children were sent to the shelter for "children of traitors" in Bad Sasha, for re-education and "peroves" in the national socialists. Relatives were not allowed to pick up children and did not even report their location. There were also other children of executed participants in the July 20 group.

    Shelter with houses for different ages:

    Children selected all family letters, photos, they received other names and surnames, they were divided by age, and the first months they did not see each other. But completely "erase" their memory failed - at least the elders remembered their names and parents and with rare meetings constantly reminded of this younger.

    For pregnant Nina, Odyssey of wanders began on single cameras of prisons, then - Ravensbrück concentration camp, and in January 1945, in the hospital, she gave birth to a daughter, who gave the name of the Constance that the Latin means "resistant".

    Constance in childhood:

    Later, Nina found out that literally a few days after birth, her mother Anna died in the concentration camp.

    The last months of the war were marked by chaos, bombing, robbery .... On April 12, 1945, Nina with a small daughter was sent to Bavaria under the convoy of wildened gendarme. After a long walking march, she managed to persuade the gendarme to let her go, because the outcome of the war was already predetermined. She found the relatives of the Father, who sheltered her with her daughter.

    In June 1945, Nina found his older children who had not seen almost a year. And they began to live again.

    After the war, Nina and children returned to the generic manor of Lautlingen's husband ..

    "For my mother, everything changed from day to day. The whole family was again together in Lautlingen, as if collected here by the hand of God. Not enough only father. It was finished with a wandering, but what was waiting for her ahead? Liberation and return to the family were relieved for her. But at the same time, it was the beginning of an extremely difficult period, the period of reflection and attempts to aware of all that she experienced and laid down. And before it was the task of re-laying out its existence. What remains from her former life, the one she lived until July 20, 1944? The husband was executed, mother died in a camp in terrible conditions, her parents' house in Bamberg was badly damaged by the war. Her life was destroyed. " (from the book of the daughter of Nina Constance)

    After the war. Nina with children.

    The penalty of the husband and subsequent tests have greatly changed it. Previously, the cheerful and nonsense, she became closed and silent.

    She was engaged in public operation: collaborated with Americans and new German winning on denatation and arrangement post-war life, troubled about the restoration and preservation of the historical appearance of bamberg ...

    As for personal post-war life, she was devoted to her husband's memory. Sometimes even to the detriment of children. Nina had a phase when she left himself, and the children had not seen her for a long time. Often she left for a few weeks. And when she was at home, left her chambers only to give orders to the servant.

    In 1966, Nina buried the 26-year-old daughter Valerie, deceased from leukemia.

    1994. 81-year-old Nina Schenk Countess Background Stauffenberg on the 50-year anniversary of the events "July 20":

    Nina died in 2006 aged 92 years.

    Her kids:

    1. Bertold (* 1934), Senior Son Claus Background Stauffenberg. He became General Bundeswehr. I expressed my disagreement that the role of his father, a believer Catholic, will play Scientologist Tom Cruise.

    2. Heimer (* 1936) Second Son. I did not find photos and information about him.

    3. Franz Ludwig (* 1938), younger son. Became a lawyer and deputy of the Reichstag

    4. Valerie (1940-1966) was married, died from leukemia, a daughter remained. I did not find the photo.

    5. Constance (* 1945), the youngest daughter - before the birth of which the father did not live. The journalist and the writer wrote a book about the mother.

    All children (except haimer, did not find anything about him) created families with aristocrats and have children and grandchildren.

    The book about the mother written by Constance:

    Interesting facts associated with the family of stacknership:

    The elder brother of Claus - Bertold, a lawyer for education, was married to immigrant from Russia Maria Sladen (most likely ethnic German). He was executed in the case "July 20", the widow brought his son and daughter alone.

    Another older brother of Claus - Alexander (twin with Bertold), Professor of Antiquity, was married to Mellita Schiller - legend, the famous pilot testing and aircraft designer, a semi-rounder, which special decree was "equated" to Arya. He fell into a concentration camp in the case of July 20. After the tragic death, Mellites in the plane crash married again and in the second marriage had children.

    Grandson Claus Background Stauffenberg, Actor Philip von Schultest, played an episodic role in the film "Operation of Valkyrie".

    The filming of the film "Operation" Valkyrie "with Tom Cruise in the lead role was called in Germany a storm of indignation. The Germans were offended by the fact that Colonel Stauffenberg, their National Hero, Tom Cruise will play, follower of Sanki citizens sectors. The FRG Ministry of Defense did everything to make it difficult to shoot. For example, the military department did not allow the film crew to work in the territory of the historical buildings belonging to him, where the events of the conspiracy took place. The film nevertheless was removed, and in the end, even German critics admitted that for the popularization of the main German saga about Hitler's resistance, this fighter made more than all previous attempts to film this events (Note: I personally like the 2004 movie with Sebastian Koch in the role of Stauffenberg)

    "Family of stoolbergs will be completely destroyed."- announced Himmler on August 3, 1944. Survived everything. And Nina von Staheffenberg died on April 2, 2006 at the age of 92, surrounded by children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

    stauffenberg Claus Shank Fonbet, Stauffenberg Claus Shank Backgrounds
    November 15, 1907 (1907-11-15)

    Place of Birth

    Yettingten, Baden-Württemberg, German Empire

    Date of death Place of death

    Berlin, Third Reich


    Hermann Empire
    Third Reich

    Years of service Rank


    Battle / War

    The Second World War

    Awards and Prize
    Claus Shank Background Stauffenberg on wikisklad

    Claus Philip Mary Shank Graf Background Stauffenberg (it. Claus Philipp Maria Schenek Graf Von Stauffenberg, November 15, 1907 (19071115), Yettingan - July 21, 1944, Berlin) - Wehrmacht Colonel, one of the main participants of the group of conspirators planning a conspiracy on July 20 and those who realized the attempt on the life of Adolf Hitler on July 20 1944.

    • 1 biography
      • 1.1 Aristocrat
      • 1.2 War
      • 1.3 participation in the conspiracy
        • 1.3.1 Preparation
        • 1.3.2 attempted
        • 1.3.3 Powed conspiracy
    • 2 hero or traitor
    • 3 films
    • 4 cm also
    • 5 Notes
    • 6 literature
    • 7 Links



    Count Claus Shank von Staheffenberg was born in one of the oldest aristocratic families of South Germany, closely connected with the Royal House of Württemberg - the Father of the Graph held a high post at the court of the last King of Württemberg.

    Claus was the third son in the family. His older brothers, Bertold and Alexander, later also participated in the conspiracy.

    Brought up in the spirit of Catholic piety, German patriotism and monarchy conservatism. He received an excellent education, had literary inclinations. 1923, together with Brother Bertold, entered the circle of Stephen George (where I was not allowed by Josef Goebbels) and before the end of my days bowed to this poet.

    On April 1, 1926, Pereffenberg was enrolled in the 17th Cavalry Regiment in Bamberg. 1927-1928 He studied at the Infantry School in Dresden. April 1932, on the occasion of the presidential election, opposed Hindenburg in support of Hitler.

    In May 1933, he received the title of Lieutenant. Stauterberg took part in military training of attack aircraft and organized the transfer of the illegal arsenal of weapons to the ReichSwear. September 26, 1933 married Baroness Nina von Lehernefeld.

    In 1934, he received a appointment to the Cavalry School in Hannover. This time of Cavalry was gradually reorganized into motorized troops.

    October 6, 1936 launched study at the Military Academy general Staff in Berlin. 1938 after the end of the Academy appointed the second officer of the General Staff under the top of Lieutenant General Erich Hepner. Participated in the occupation of the Sukan region.

    Stauffenberg in 1926.


    In 1939, with the beginning of World War II, as an Ober Lieutenant in the Tank Division, Pereffenberg participated in the Polish campaign.

    From Poland, he wrote to his wife:

    The population is an incredible chaw. Many Jews and half-breeds. These people are good when they drive the whip. Thousands of prisoners will be useful for agriculture in Germany. They are hardworking, obedient and undemanding.

    Peter Count York von Vartenburg and Ulrich Count Schwerin von Schwanenfeld turned to Pereffenberg with a request to accept the appointment to the post of adjutant of the commander of the Ground Forces Walter von Brahich to participate in an attempt. But Stauffenberg refused.

    In 1940, the General Staff participated in the French campaign officer. He received an appointment in the department of the command of the land forces. December 1941 supported the concentration of command power in Hitler's hands.

    In 1942, due to the massacres of the Jews, Poles and Russians, as well as the urgent conduct of hostilities, Pereffenberg joined the resistance participants.

    In 1943, he received a appointment to the 10th tank division, which was to ensure the retreat of General Erwin Rommel in North Africa. During the plated, it was hardly injured, losing the left eye, brush the right hand and two fingers on the left.

    After recovery, returned to the system. By this time, he has already realized that Hitler leads Germany to a catastrophe.

    Participation in plotting

    Main article: Conspiracy July 20


    Anticipating an inevitable defeat in the war, the group of German generals and officers went on a conspiracy, the purpose of which was the physical elimination of Hitler. The conspirators were calculated that after the elimination of the Fuhrer, they will be able to conclude a peace treaty and thus avoid the final defeat of Germany.

    The unique opportunity to ensure the success of the conspiracy was associated with the fact that at the new service station - in the headquarters of the reserve of the land forces on Bendlerstraße in Berlin - Pereffenberg was engaged in the preparation of the so-called Plan "Valkyrie". This plan, developed by the officially agreed with Hitler himself, provided for the transition of the country to the headquarters of the reserve of the land forces in the event of internal unrest, if the connection with the Supreme Command of the Wehrmacht will be broken.

    According to the plans of conspirators, it was on Pereffenberg that the task was to establish a connection with the commanders of the regular military units throughout Germany after the attempt on Hitler and give them orders on arrests of the leaders of local Nazi organizations and the Gestapo officers. Same time, Pereffenberg was the only conspirators who had regular access to Hitler, so in the end he took over and the realization of the attempt.


    From left to right: Stauffenberg, Jesko Puttkmer von, unknown (standing back to the lens), Adolf Hitler, Wilhelm Keitel. July 15, 1944.
    Photo from the federal archive of Germany

    On July 20, 1944, a regular meeting on the status of the fronts was appointed in Hitler's bet. Participants in the conspiracy General Major Henning Von Codkov and his subordinate Major Joachim Kun, a military engineer for education, prepared for the attempt two explosive devices that Stauffenberg put in his portfolio. Activate detonators was to be the most stacknership directly before the attempt.

    Pereffenberg was summoned to the field rate of the High Command of the Hermann Army "Wolfshanz" ("Wolf Lair") under the city of Raslabourg in Eastern Prussia (now the city of Kentshin on the territory of the Varminsky-Mazury Voivodeship of Poland), where he had to make a report on the formation of reserve parts. The challenge to the meeting, Himself of Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, head of the Supreme Command of the Wehrmacht, Chief Advisor to Hitler on military issues.

    Before departing in a bet, Claus, Stauffenberg met with his brother Bertold and told him the words that he recorded in the diary: "Who will find the courage to do it, will enter the story as a traitor, but if he refuses it, he will be a traitor before his conscience. "

    Stauffenberg hoped that the meeting would be held in one of the bunkers. The explosion of two kilograms of explosives in a closed room did not leave the Führer with almost no chance of salvation. However, upon arrival in the stack of Pereffenberg found out that the meeting was postponed at earlier time. In addition, it was not carried out in the furera bunker, but in one of the wooden buildings, since additional strengthening works began in the bunker.

    Being under almost continuous observation, experiencing a time deficit and acting one crumpled hand, Stauffenberg was able to activate the detonator only on one explosive device. Despite the fact that the explosion of one device would have led to detonation and the second, stabenenberg for unknown reasons did not put back into his portfolio of explosives, remaining without a detonator. Therefore, the force of the explosion was two times lower than the expected. True, Stauffenberg managed to put a portfolio next to Hitler and under a faithful pretext to get out of the room when five minutes remained before the explosion. But literally in seconds before the explosion, Colonel Heinz Brandt rearranged the portfolio, and the massive oak table saved Hitler from the explosive wave.

    In total, 24 people were in the barrack. 17 of them were injured, four more died, and Hitler himself miraculously got into a mild contusion and injury. The failure of the attempt gave him another reason to argue that he keeps his "Providence".

    Powed conspiracy

    At this point, Pereffenberg has already left the territory of the bet and saw an explosion from the distance. Being confident in the success of the attempt, he reached Rowlerburg and flew to Berlin, where he told General Friedrich Olbricht (participant of the conspiracy) that Hitler was dead, and began to insist on bringing the Walkira plan to execution. However, the commander of the reserve of the ground troops Colonel-General Friedrich Fromm, who had to sign the plan, decided to make sure the death of Hitler himself and got through to the bet. Having learned about the failure of the attempt, he refused to participate in the conspiracy and was arrested by conspirators. The actions of the conspirators were supported by opposition-minded commander in places. For example, the Military Governor of France, General Stewlpnagel, began arrests of the SS ranks and Gestapo.

    Certificate of death of Pereffenberg, issued at the place of residence in Bamberg in 1951; The date of death is indicated "July 20, 1944, an unknown hour"

    Trying to fulfill its plan, Stauterberg personally called the commanders of parts and connections in Germany and in the occupied territories, convincing them to fulfill the orders of the new leadership - Colonel-General Ludwig Beck and General Field Marshal Wisleben - and hold arrests of SS officers and Gestapo. Some of those to whom he applied, really performed his instructions and started arrests. However, many military commanders chose to wait for official confirmation of the death of Hitler. Such a confirmation, however, did not follow - moreover, Goebbels soon announced the radio that Hitler is alive.

    As a result, by the evening of the same day, I preserved the loyalty to Hitler, the battalion of guarding the Military Commander Berlin controlled the main buildings in the center of Berlin, and closer to midnight captured the building of the Staff of the Land Forces on Bendlerstraße. Claus Background Stauffenberg, his brother Bertold and other conspirators were captured. With arrest, Stauffenberg was injured in the shoulder.

    Committed from under arrest General Colonel Fromm, trying to hide the traces of his own involvement in the storage, immediately announced a meeting of the Military Court, who immediately sentenced five people to death, including Claus Background Stauffenberg. The convicts were shot in the courtyard of the headquarters between 0.15 and 0.30 on July 21, 1944. Before the death of Staffenberg managed to shout: "Long live sacred Germany!"

    The rest of the conspirators were transferred to the Gestapo. The next day, a special commission was created from high-ranking SS leaders to investigate the conspiracy. Thousands of alleged and real participants of the "conspiracy July 20" were arrested, subjected to torture, executed. The execution was specifically shot at the film to show the Führeru.

    Throughout Germany, the arrests of suspected of conspiracy began. Many prominent military leaders were arrested, for example, Feld Marshali-General Weizleben (executed by the court sentence) and the Evald von Kleyst (released), Colonel-General Stülpnagel (tried to shoot, but survived and was executed), Franz Halder and many others. The legendary commander of Erwin Rommel, who caught under suspicion, was forced to take poison on October 14. Many civilians of the conspiracy were killed - Karl Friedrich Görder, Ulrich von Hassell, Julius Leber and others.

    Hero or traitor

    Memorial plate at the place of the house in which Stauffenberg lived in the Wupperthal

    In the split post-war Germany, the attitude to the attempt on Hitler on July 20, 1944 was ambiguous. West Germany means mass media And politicians described the participants of the conspiracy as heroes. GDR This date was not noted at all.

    Although Pereffenberg was brought up in a conservative, monarchical and religious tradition, during the war its political positions were noticeably moved towards the left. The environment of antihytler conspirators, he became close to Social Democrats Julius Leber and Wilhelm Löischner; In addition, he believed that all anti-fascist forces should be connected to the post-war arrangement of Germany, including the Communists. The East German and Soviet historiography of the conspirators were divided into "reactionary" (conservative) wing under the leadership of the former Burgomistra Leipzig Hebris and Patriotic (progressive) headed by Patriotic. According to this concept, the first intended to conclude a separate world with the West after the coup and continue the war with the Soviet Union, the second set as its goal for Germany and established contacts with left-wing politicians - Social Democrats, and even with the leaders of the Communist underground. A number of Western authors share a similar point of view.

    But until the mid-1960s, many in Germany considered conspiracy participants not heroes, but traitors.

    In modern Germany, on July 20, the Day of Mourning was announced on the executed and annually accompanied by the holding of solemn events. At the site of the execution of Count, the background of Stauffenberg and his comrades are held solemn taking oath with servicemen.


    Postage stamp FRG, dedicated to Count Stauffenberg (from above) and Count Helmuto Background Moltke (bottom)
    • 1951 Rommel History / The Desert Fox: The Story of Rommel. Roles Eduard Franz.
    • 1955 This happened July 20 / ES Geschah Am 20. Juli (Germany, dir. Georg Wilhelm Pabst) Roles Bernhard Wicks
    • 1955 July 20 / Der 20. Juli (Germany, dir. Falk Harnak) Roles Wolfgang Prediss
    • 1966 No Wrestling No Victory / Ohne Kampf Kein Sieg (TV GDR, Dir Rudy Kursz) Roles Alfred Strodve
    • 1967 Night of the Generals / The Night of the Generals (Dir. Anatoly Litvak) Roles Gerard Buchre.
    • 1970 Claus Count Staucheffenberg - Portrait of the Powder / Claus Graf Stauffenberg - Porträt Eines Attentäters (ZDF, TV FRG, Rudolf Nusgruber) Roles Horst Naumann.
    • 1970 Liberation. Direction of the main strike (USSR, dir. Yuri Ozerov) Roles Alfred Strodve
    • 1971 Operation Valkyrie / Operation Walküre (WDR, TV FRG, dir. Franz Peter Wirth) Roles of Joachim Hansen.
    • 1974 Fliegen und Stürzen - Porträt der Melitta Schiller-Stauffenberg. Roles Wolfgang ARPS.
    • 1974 Hitler / Hitler. Roles William Sergent.
    • 1989 War and Remembrance. Skye Du Mont
    • 1990 Conspiracy against Hitler / The Plot to Kill Hitler (TV, Dir. Laurence Schiller) Roles Brad Davis.
    • 2004 Stauffenberg / Stauffenberg (Ard, TV FRG, dir. Yo Bayer) The role of Sebastian Koh.
    • 2004 What really happened July 20, 1944? / Was Geschah Wirklich Am 20. Juli 1944? (RBB, TV FRG, dir. Artem Demenok)
    • 2004 An hour of officers / Die Stunde Der Offiziere (ZDF, TV FRG, dir. Hans-Erich Vit) Roles Harald Slott.
    • 2006 Rommel and a conspiracy against Hitler / Rommel and the Plot Against Hitler. Roles Stefan Jacobs.
    • 2008 Operation "Valkyrie" / Valkyrie (Dir. Brian Singer) in the role of Tom Cruise.
    • 2009 Stauffenberg - Genuine History / Stauffenberg - Die Wahre Geschichte (ZDF, TV FRG, Dir. Oliver Halmburger) In the role of Peter Becker.
    • 2009 "Switch Reloaded". Roles Michael Muller.

    see also

    • List of major conspiracy participants on July 20, 1944


    1. P. hofmann. Stauffenberg: A FAMILY HISTORY, 1905-1944. - Second Edition. - McGill-Queens University Press, 2003. - P. 115. - ISBN 0-7735-2595-5.
    2. Y. Nerses. Circumcision for Valkyrie. APN North-West (February 19, 2009). Tested on October 3, 2009. Archived from the original source on August 22, 2011.
    3. Shirer W. takes off and fall of the Third Reich - M.: Milivdat, 1991.- 528 p. - P. 447.
    5. Das Attentat Vom 20. Juli 1944 - Nachrichten Politik - Die Welt
    6. Chronologie: Das Attentat Vom 20. Juli 1944 | ZeitgeSchichte - Frankfurter Rundschau
    7. Der Mythos Stauffenberg - Nachrichten Welt Am Sonntag - Die Welt
    8. Reading a book (July conspiracy. The history of the failed attempt on Hitler's life). Roger Manwell, Heinrich Frenkel. Page # 38.
    9. For example, see here: D. Melnikov, L. Black. Criminal number 1. Nazi regime and his Fuhrer. - ed. 3rd, copy. and add. - M.: Publishing House "News", 1991. - P. 412-417. - 464 p. - 100,000 copies. - ISBN 5-7020-0080-3.
    10. R. Manwell, Frankel. July conspiracy. The history of the failed attempted the life of Hitler. - M.: Centerpolygraph, 2007. - 270 p. - 50,000 copies. - ISBN 078-5-9524-3062-4.


    • Milshtein M. A. Plot against Hitler. M., 1962.
    • Finker K. Conspiracy July 20, 1944. The case of Colonel Stauffenberg. M., 1975.
    • Evgeny Berkovich lonely heroes. History of attempted Hitler
      • Part One "Large Wolf"
      • Part of the second "the time will come when I save Germany"


    • Wikisklad has media files on the topic Claus Shank Background Stauffenberg
    • Es Geschah Am 20. Juli on IMDB
    • Der 20. Juli on IMDB
    • Stauffenberg on IMDB
    • Valkyrie on IMDB
    • Stauffenberg Stauffenberg - Son of the German People
    • Claus Awards Background Stauffenberg

    stauffenberg Claus Shank Background for, Stauffenberg Claus Shank Fonbet, Stauffenberg Claus Shank Fontanka, Stauffenberg Claus Shank Backgrounds

    Stauffenberg, Claus Shank von information about

    Claus was the third son in the family. His older brothers - Bertold and Alexander - later also took part in the conspiracy.

    Claus Shank Background Stauffenberg was brought up in the spirit of Catholicism, German patriotism and monarchical conservatism. He received an excellent education, had literary inclinations, but in the end chose military career. The military service entered in 1926. Enthusiasm took the arrival of Hitler to power in 1933, believing that the Nazi regime will provide the revival of Germany. Later, however, his attitude to national-socialist ideas has changed. The reason for this was atrocities for the Jews and the persecution of religious ministers in Germany.


    At the beginning of World War II, Pereffenberg was an officer of the Bavarian Cavalry Regiment, participated in the occupation of the Sudetykan region, in the Polish and French campaigns, was at the German-Soviet front, and in 1943 - in North Africa. Having received the hardest injury in Tunisia, Stauterberg miraculously survived (losing the left eye, the right hand and two fingers on his left hand) and returned to the system. By this time, he has already realized that Hitler leads Germany to a catastrophe.

    Wanting to save his homeland from shame and dishonor, Stauffenberg joined the participants of the conspiracy against the Fuhrer. Anticipating an inevitable defeat in the war, a group of German generals and senior officers went on a conspiracy, the purpose of which was the physical elimination of Hitler and the seizure of the General Staff in Berlin. The conspirators were expected that after the elimination of the Fuhrer, a peace treaty could conclude and thus avoid the final defeat of Germany.

    Participation in plotting

    The unique opportunity to ensure the success of the conspiracy was associated with the fact that at the new service station - in the headquarters of the reserve of the land forces on Bendlerstraße in Berlin - Pereffenberg was engaged in the preparation of the so-called Plan "Valkyrie". This plan, developed by the officially agreed with Hitler himself, provided for the transition of the country to the headquarters of the reserve of the land forces in the event of internal unrest, if the connection with the Supreme Command of the Wehrmacht will be broken.

    According to the plans of conspirators, it was on Pereffenberg that the task was to establish a connection with the commanders of the regular military units throughout Germany after the planned attempt on Hitler and their disposal about arrests of the leaders of local Nazi organizations and the Gestapo officers. At the same time, after the appointment of Stauffenberg, the head of the Staff of the Reserve of the Ground Forces, he was the only conspirators who had regular access to Hitler, so in the end he took over and the realization of the very attempt.


    On July 20, 1944, a regular meeting on the state of affairs on the fronts was appointed in Hitler's bet. Participants in the conspiracy General Major General Genning von Codovkov and his subordinate Major Ioachim Kun, a military engineer for education, prepared two explosive devices to attempt and mounted them to the stackingberba portfolio. Installing detonators and timer was to be the most stacknership immediately before the attempt.

    Best days

    Stauffenberg was invited to the field rate of the High Command of the German Army "Wolfshan" ("Wolf Lair") near the city of Raslaburg in Eastern Prussia (now the city of Kentshin on the territory of the Varminsky-Mazur Voivodeship of Poland), where he had to make a report on the formation of reserve parts. The challenge of the Feldmarshal General Wilhelm Kaitel, head of the Supreme Command of the Wehrmacht, Chief Advisor to Hitler on military issues, vouted himself.

    Before departing in a bet, Claus, Stauffenberg met with his brother Bertold and told him the words that he recorded in the diary: "Who will find the courage to do it, will enter the story as a traitor, but if he refuses it, he will be a traitor before his conscience "

    Stauffenberg calculated that the meeting would be held in one of the underground bunkers. The explosion of two kilograms of explosives in a closed room did not leave the Führer with almost no chance of salvation. However, upon arrival in the stack of Pereffenberg found out that the meeting was postponed at earlier time. In addition, because of the heat, Hitler decided to hear reports not under the ground, but in a light wooden barrack on the surface.

    Being under almost continuous observation, experiencing a time deficit and acting one crumpled hand, Stauffenberg was able to install a detonator only on one explosive device. True, he managed to put a portfolio next to Hitler and under the favorable pretext to get out of the room. Five minutes left before the explosion. But literally in seconds before the explosion, someone from those present removed the portfolio, and the massive oak table saved Hitler from the explosive wave.

    In total, there were 23 people in the barrack. 17 of them were injured, four more died, and Hitler himself miraculously got into a mild contusion and injury.

    Powed conspiracy

    At this point, Pereffenberg has already left the territory of the bet and saw an explosion from the distance. Being confident in the success of the attempt, he reached Rowlerburg and flew to Berlin, where he told General Friedrich Olbricht (participant of the conspiracy) that Hitler was dead, and began to insist on bringing the Walkira plan to execution. However, the commander of the reserve of the ground troops Colonel-General Friedrich Fromm, who had to sign the plan, decided to make sure the death of Hitler himself and got through to the bet. Having learned about the failure of the attempt, he refused to participate in the conspiracy and was arrested by conspirators.

    Trying to fulfill your plan, Stauffenberg personally called the commanders of parts and connections in Germany and in the occupied territories, convincing them to fulfill the orders of the new leadership - Colonel-General Ludwig von Beck and General Field Marshal Weixleben - and hold arrests of SS officers and Gestapo. Some of those to whom he applied, really performed his instructions and started arrests. However, as a result of confusers, rush and unspecified actions of conspirators, they could not fulfill or missed a lot of the planned, did not establish control over strategic clauses in the capital. Many military commanders were in no hurry to execute the instructions of the new manual.

    As a result, by the evening of the same day, the faithful of the Military Commander Berlin's security battalion was preserved by the Führer controlled the main buildings in the center of Berlin, and closer to midnight captured the building of the Staff of the Land Forces on Bendlerstraße. Claus Background Stauffenberg, his brother Bertold and other conspirators were captured. The Colonel Froms, released from under arrest immediately announced a meeting of the Military Court and immediately sentenced to death five people, including Claus Background Stauffenberg. The convicts were shot in the headquarters. Before the death of Stauffenberg managed to shout: "Long live, Holy Germany!".

    The rest of the conspirators were transferred to the Gestapo. The next day, a special commission was created from high-ranking SS leaders to investigate the conspiracy. Thousands of alleged and real participants of the "conspiracy July 20" were arrested, subjected to torture, executed. The torment was specifically shot at the film to show the Führer.

    Hero or traitor

    In modern Germany, on July 20, it was announced in the afternoon of mourning for the executed and annually accompanied by the holding of solemn events. At the site of the execution of Count, the background of Stauffenberg and his comrades are held solemn taking oath with servicemen. Since 2004, the status of the hero of the resistance was officially fixed from 2004 for Klaus.

    At the same time, both in Germany, and abroad, not all belong to Claus. Stauffenberg, as a hero or a valid member of resistance.

    Immediately after the war in Germany itself, for a long time, the participants in the conspiracy were considered not heroes, but traitors, as stupnevenberg foresaw. This was facilitated by the fact that during the judicial processes of the defendants subjected to public shame and humiliation.

    The foreign historians indicate that most of the participants in the conspiracy in fact initially welcomed the arrival of Hitler to power and the idea of \u200b\u200bnational socialism, including claims to the "living space" and the need to solve the "Jewish question". For many of them, only cruelty and atrocities worked in Germany and in the occupied territories were unacceptable.

    Chapter 28.

    The conspirators who unsuccessfully tried to blow up the Hitler plane with bottles from cognac, filled with explosives, or undermine the Fuhrer with explosives hidden in the pockets of Sineli, did not give up. In the period from September 1943 to February 11, 1944, four more attempts to attempt to the life of the Führera were undertaken. General Stalif was to put a bomb with the watch mechanism during one of the meetings in the "Wolf Lair", but at the last moment I smell. A month later, Captain Bursseh agreed to blow himself and Hitler during the demonstration of the new sample, but the fate and this time ordered otherwise: the day before the planned operation, the warehouse with new sinels was destroyed during the English airway.

    On the eve, 1944, another officer entered the meeting room with a portfolio, where the bomb was hidden. But for some reason, the scheduled meeting at the last moment was canceled. A few weeks later, another "shin" attempt was made. This time, the "mannequin" caused to be Evald von Klyst, the son of General. And again, the English aviation "saved" Hitler: The air flare forced to cancel the action.

    Two weeks later, Hitler gave instructions to Himmler to combine Abs and SD. This actually meant the destruction of the heart of the conspiracy. General Oster was dismissed on suspicion of unreliability. Although he remained free, permanent surveillance was established behind him, and he could no longer bring benefit. It seemed that the fate itself keeps Hitler. In the ranks of the conspirators prevailed the mood of hopelessness.

    Perhaps this would be the end of their secret war against Hitler if a new leader did not appear on the stage - Count Claus Shank von Staheffenberg, a staff officer in the rank of lieutenant colonel, the greatness of Gnisenau, the hero of the liberation war against Napoleon. In his youth, he dreamed of becoming an architect, but in 1926 he joined the Reichsver. Like many others, a young officer welcomed the introduction of a general military service by Hitler, approved Austria's Anshlus and the occupation of Czechoslovakia, his fame won in Holland and France. But the Barbarossa plan put an end to his illusions. Independently thinking Fabricist fully approved Rosenberg's attempts to release the non-Russian peoples of the Soviet Union, but after this policy was replaced by terror and mass murders, said to one colleague-officer that now the only way out for Germany is to eliminate the Fuhrera. By chance, he met the conspirators who did not make much difficulty involve it in their ranks. It seemed that the role of a novice in a conspiracy was short-term: once his car hit the mine, and Stauffenberg lost his eyes, the right hand and two fingers left hands. In his place, the other would have resigned, but Stauffenberg was convinced that only he would be able to kill Hitler, and at the end of 1943 again began to serve. It was he who brought a bomb in the portfolio to a meeting at the Führera before the New Year. Failure prompted him to a new, more ambitious attempt to attempt. This time, the murder of Hitler was to follow a well-planned seizure of power by the military in Berlin, Paris and Vienna.

    The appointment of the headquarters of the army commander in Berlin allowed Stauffenberg to restore the weakened rows of conspirators. He took the brazers of the board from the hands of the tired, the elderly officers and their dynamism managed to lend a strong group in the Wehrmacht, which included his own chief, the first-general apartment of the army, the head of the troops of the General Command of the Wehrmacht, General, whose troops were required after the murder to seize Berlin, And other middle rank officers.

    So far, however, no Field Marshal joined the conspirators. The clue was an unreliable figure, and Manstein refused to associate itself with any obligations, as it believed that any rebellion would lead to the collapse of the Eastern Front. The most promising candidate was Rommel, but he had reservations. "I consider myself obliged to help save Germany," he said, but nevertheless strongly objected to the murder, which, in his opinion, would only make Hitler a martyr. The Fuhrer must be arrested and attract to the court for his crime, considered Field Marshal.

    In the spring of 1944, Rommel was even deeper into a conspiracy thanks to his new headquarters of Lieutenant General Hans Schape, who received a doctoral degree in philosophy in Tubingen University. Schapydel persuaded Feldmarshal secretly to meet near Paris with the Military Governor of France by General Carl Stülpnagel. Here, with the help of the energetic head of the headquarters, they developed a plan for the cessation of war in the west by truce. Agree to this plan, all German troops must be assigned to Germany, and the allies will stop the bombing of German cities as a response. Hitler will be arrested, the military will temporarily take power. In the meantime, the war in the east will continue on the fact that the American and British troops will join the Cross campaign against Bolshevism. Rommel was so fascinated by this plan, which tried to involve Rundstedta in the conspiracy, but he alleviated the idea, refused to participate in his exercise, referring to his age.

    Stauffenberg and his group were far from delight about the participation of Rommel, as they considered him Nazi, which only because of military failures is ready to divide with Hitler. They resolutely opposed the continuation of the war with Russia. In their opinion, there was no reason to believe that the West would go to the Separate World. In addition, the Stauffenberg Group insisted on the murder of the Fuhrera. To implement it, counted conspirators, it is necessary before the allied landing. As soon as the enemy invades Germany, it will be impossible to achieve more or less acceptable conclusion conditions. By this time, they had already a certain metering scenario, based on the irony of fate, on the plan approved by the Führer himself. The official operation under the codenate name "Valkyrie" provided measures to combat the possible uprising of prisoners of war and foreign workers engaged in slave labor in Germany. It was planned to declare a state of emergency and instantly mobilize troops to suppress the uprising. The design of Stauffenberg was to use the signal from "Valkyrie" to start the mouse over the entire Rehhi and on all fronts. Hitler granted the right to give an order to "Valkyrie" by the commander of the reserve army General Friedrich Frommu, who was joined without particular enthusiasm.

    The landing of allies led conspirators to the state of shock. Older people argued that even a successful military coup will not save Germany from enemy occupation. It is best to rely on the west. He is humanely reacted to Germany and will prevent Russia to empty it. But Pereffenberg was determined to take another one, the last attempt of Vyatia, and the case almost immediately helped him in this. The head of conspirators was unexpectedly produced in Colonels and became the head of the headquarters of the Frome army. Now he could give orders on the reserve army and thus seize Berlin. The new post facilitated him and access to Hitler.

    A convenient case introduced himself on July 11, when Hitler summoned Stauffenberg for the replenishment report. Colonel arrived in Berghof with a portfolio, in which the explosive device was hidden among the papers. Entering the hall, where the meeting was appointed, Stauffenberg, to his horror, saw that it was empty. Hitler never appeared. Fate asked the Furere again ...

    The new opportunity introduced itself in four days: Stauffenberg was again summoned to Hitler, who by this time moved to the "Wolf Lair". Colonel arrived with a bomb in the portfolio, made a short report to the Führer, then came out and called Berlin, saying that Hitler was in place and he puts the bomb. But, returning, Stauffenberg found out that the Führer was forced to go urgently and today will not return.

    The conspirators were leaning by this failure, but Stauffenberg did not lose hope for success. In his Berlin apartment, he met with young colleagues, and they listened to the inspirational report of the cousin of Stauffenberg, who was associated with the Rommel group - Speatida in France. He said that Rommel would support a conspiracy, regardless of how the successor of the RandStedta Feldmarshal von Toulja. But fate again seducing Hitler again: the next day the Rommel car fell under the shelling of the opponent's aviation, and he himself was seriously wounded.

    Returning to the "Wolf Lair", people hardly learned this place. At the site of squat bunkers grown with colossal reinforced concrete structures, their roofs were carefully disassembled by turf and transplanted trees. It was so hot that most of the time Hitler spent in the bunker. The Führer was in a bad mood, recalled the Jung's tour, complained about insomnia and headache. Adjutants did everything to distract him from worries, inviting fun guests. The photographer Hofman, who drank more than always, coming soon, and here the architect Gizler his funny parodies raised the mood of others. Hitler, perhaps, was very worried about the failures of the last days, but externally remained an optimist and assured Goebbels that the pendulum of history would soon swing in favor of Germany.

    Stauffenberg received an order to arrive at Wolf Lair on June 20. He was to be given to Hitler about the replenishment for the East, where the central front was on the verge of collapse after the defeat of both flanks. Colonel finished the last preparations and 19th after dinner convened a meeting of participants in the upcoming operation. Conditional signals were stipulated. Most messages had to be transmitted orally due to the procedure. Code words will be used by phone and telegraph and only in the most necessary cases, since the entire communication system has been listened to the Gestapo.

    The conspirators were aware of this, they included several secret police officers, including General SS, who headed the Headquarters of the Gestapo in Berlin. The SS had strong antihytler moods. For example, General Felix Steiner advanced his plan for the abduction of the Fuhrera and the announcement of him insane and together with a number of other SS commanders recently assured Rommel in supporting any uprising against Hitler. The rebel spirit was permeated and the top of the SD, in particular the head of the foreign intelligence service Walter Shellenberg. Back in late 1942, he tried to attract Himmler to support the secret plan for the conclusion of the Separate world with the West, if it is necessary, the Hitler's removal. With the approval of the Himmler, one of the civil participants of the conspiracy, Karl Langben, met with English and American representatives in Stockholm with the goal of proliferation opportunities to organize peace negotiations, and then went to Berne for a personal meeting with Assistant Allen Dulles, a representative of the US strategic service department in Switzerland. But nothing happened. The Gestapapo managed to intercept and decipher the radio that "Gimmler Lawyer" arrived in Switzerland to negotiate the world, and transfer it to Hitler. The Himmler caused to the Führer was swore in his innocence and in selfless devotion to the Führer. Hitler chose to believe him probably because he needed his services. For their part, Reichsfür arrested Langbena, sharpened him to the concentration camp and hastily interrupted all ties with the resistance movement. But Schellberg continued to intrigue the SS's chef, engaging in contact with the American military in Spain, and even discussed the plan for the abduction of Hitler and transfer to its allies.

    Incredibly, neither Shellenberg nor Himmler knew about the preparing conspiracy. True, they were informed about anti-Hitler's sentiments among the conservative leaders of the right sense, retired officers and young intellectuals, but they did not have the slightest suspicion of Pereffenberg and his colleagues. A few months before that, the head of conspirators consulted with the Astrologer Wilhelm Wulf, who was on the maintenance of the SS, about the possible elimination of Hitler. Wulf said that simple furera removal from affairs will not change the course of events. "Too much water flowed to it," the astrologer added. - I'm learning Hitler's horoscope for twenty years. I have a pretty clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat his fate is. The Fuhrer will probably die from the killer's hand under mysterious circumstances to which a woman will be involved. The world is likely to never recognize the exact circumstances of his death. "

    In Berlin, on the evening of July 19, Pereffenberg completed preparations for tomorrow's operation. He gave an indication of his shovel who did not know anything about the conspiracy, go to Potsdam and take a portfolio from one colonel, in which, according to Pereffenberg, there were two important secret packages and which the driver should keep all the time with him. Following the instructions of the colonel, the chauffeur kept the portfolio all night at the head of his bed. It had two bombs.

    During the evening tea in the "Wolf Lair", Hitler was, so restless and nervous, that Froilain Schroeder asked the Fuhrera than he was so concerned

    At the beginning of the seventh in the morning, Stauffenberg left at home and captured an adjutant with him along the road. At the Rangsdorf aerodrome, they met with a general pin, and all set off as a plane provided by the apartment general. At 10.15, he landed at the aerodrome in the vicinity of Rowlerburg. The pilot received an instruction to be finished after noon to fly with passengers back to Berlin.

    After half an hour, three conspirators drove through the first gate of the Fuhrer rates. Then followed three kilometers of minefields and the rings of fortifications, finally - the second gate. They opened entry into a major complex, surrounded by barbed wire, through which was missing electricity. After a half kilometer, they drove up to the officer checkpoint. As usual, they checked the pass, but not briefcases. After two hundred meters, they drove up to the third fence. It was a "safety ring A", where Hitler and his nearest employees lived and worked. The internal complex surrounded by a barbed wire fence was constantly patrolled by the protection of the SS. Before entering here, even Feldmarshal was supposed to present a special pass, discharged by the head of special security management under the department of the Himmler. But the briefcase with bombs was not subjected to inspection. This portfolio carried an adjutant, in Stauffenberg was another, with official papers. He calmly proceeded in the dining room, where he slowly had a betrayal rate with an adjutant. Then I found the commander of the communication troops of General Fel-Misception, who after the explosion should have reported to Berlin, which came the moment to act, and isolate the "wolf of the lair", turning off the phone, telegraph and radio communication.

    Making sure that Felbille is ready for action, Stauffenberg briefly spoken with one familiar officer and at noon entered the Cader's office. Feldmarshal met him not very pleasant news: after lunch, Mussolini will arrive, so the meeting will start half an hour earlier, i.e. Exactly half an hour. Keitel advised Stauffenberg to keep a portfolio with a report with him, as Führer wants to leave early. The Keitel impatiently glanced at the clock and at 12.30 set off at the meeting. In the corridor, Pereffenberg approached the adjutant of the Kaitel and asked where it was possible to put himself in order. He showed the Colonel to the door of the nearest toilet. There he was already waiting for an adjutant with a brown portfolio. However, the toilet was not a suitable place to actuate the explosive mechanism, so they returned to the reception room and asked the adjutant Kaitel, where you can change the shirt. He took them to his bedroom and left one. Pereffenberg took three fingers with his only hand forceps and started pushing a fuse into a bomb. A glass ampoule with an acid was crashed, which in fifteen minutes should have been driving a thin wire, after which an explosion will occur. Adjutant took the second, "spare" bomb.

    They did not have time to plot the bombs in the brown portfolio, as the duty officer entered to hurry them.

    They went out. Stauffenberg carried a brown briefcase under his arm. Adjutant Kaitel kindly offered to take a portfolio from him, but he refused. On the way, they chatted on different topics and passed through the checkpoint to the "safety belt". When approaching the building, the adjutant again proposed his help. This time, Pereffenberg agreed and asked a helpful colleague:

    "Could you put me closer to the Führer?"

    He was somewhat deaf as a result of a recent injury.

    Keitel impatiently waited for them at the entrance. The meeting has already begun. They proceeded along the corridor, through the communication room and entered the meeting room. It was hot weather, and all the windows were open. Meeting participants gathered around a long narrow massive oak table. Singled one Hitler - in the middle of the table, back to the door. The map was glasses. Führer kept a magnifying glass in his hand. To the right of him, General Adolf Hoisinger reported on a difficult situation on the Eastern Front. Hitler looked at the included things, answered their greetings. Stauffenberg approached the table to the right of Hoisinger and carelessly put the portfolio under the table as close as possible to the Hitler, in the massive leg of the table, at a distance of two meters from the Fuhrer. It was 12.37, in five minutes the explosive device will work ... Everyone was so absorbed by the gloomy report of Hoisinger, that Pereffenberg managed to slip out of the hall unnoticed. He hurriedly passed along the corridor and slipped out of the building.

    Hoisinger sympathized with the antihytler station, but nothing specifically did not know anything about the terms. When the general saw the included stauchenberg, he never occurred to him that a few minutes would follow an explosion. Hoisinger noticed that Stauffenberg put a brown portfolio on the floor, and thought was flashed: "Something can happen." But then, seeing his attention to Hitler, the general threw his fears. His assistant bent over the table to consider the card, but the brown briefcase interfered with him, and the officer mechanically pushed his foot.

    Admiral von Puttkamer approached the window, where it was a fresher, and sat down on the windowsill, thinking whether he should not get out of time to have time to change to the upcoming meeting with the Mussolini Fuhrer arriving at the rate. It was 12.41. The Führer bent over the table, peering into the map. Hoisinger said:

    - If ultimately a group of armies are not allocated from Paipus, a catastrophe ...

    The next moment the explosion loud. The flame broke out, a hail of glass fragments, chips, pieces of plaster struck everyone. Falling on the floor, Puttkamer heard someone shouted: "Fire!" - And crawled to the door.

    The door planted by an explosion was lying on the floor, Admiral jumped up and stepped over her. Then suddenly thought: "Where are everyone else?" Just at this moment, Hitler came to him, in pants that turned into rags, with face, black from soot, and Kaitel. They passed by, as Lunatika, not paying attention to anyone, and stunned admiral, choking, followed them on a long corridor. On the street he passed nerves, and he fell to Earth. Then he began to greedily grab the air and managed to notice that Hitler and Kaitel were sent to the bunker ...

    Adjutant Fuhrer Günche did not even hear the explosion - he immediately burst the drumpipes. Blood flowed from his forehead, the hair burned. The room was dark from smoke, the floor took up at least a meter. The adjutant dropped through a broken window, went around the house and ran into Hitler and Kaitel.

    - What happened? - asked Hitler when Günche helped him get on the road. - Bomb from the Russian aircraft?

    Coming out of the meeting room, Stauffenberg hurried to the Office of Communications. They with General Felbelle stood at the entrance to the bunker, where control was, waiting for an explosion. The officer's approach was told Pereffenberg that the car is waiting for him, and recalled that breakfast has breakfast at the commandant. Stauffenberg said that he should first return to the meeting. And then there was an explosion.

    - What is it? - asked Felbille.

    The officer replied that, probably, some beast again blew up on Mine. And Pereffenberg suddenly changed his decision, saying that the meeting would not return, but would go to the commandant for breakfast.

    The chauffeur stopped at the first checkpoint. Hearing an explosion, the guard closed the gate. Then Pereffenberg went into the guard room and asked the Lieutenant, with whom he was familiar, to call permissions. He scored the room, said something, put the phone and calmly stated:

    - Lieutenant, I was allowed to drive.

    The gate opened. It was 12.44.

    After a minute and a half, the siren anxiety took up. Stauffenberg drove up to the next post. The protection categorically refused to skip it. He answered again, this time adjutant the commandant bet.

    - says Colonel Count Graph Stauffenberg, "he said," from the external post "South". Captain, you remember, we have breakfast in the morning. Because of the explosion, the protection does not miss me, but I am in a hurry: I will have a Colonel-General Frome on the airfield.

    He hastily put the phone and appealed to the officer's duty:

    - You heard, I was allowed to drive.

    But the guard properly carried his service and decided to call himself. Fortunately, Stauffenberg, the passage permission was confirmed.

    About 13.00,, accompanied by an adjutant, drove up to his Heinkel, and a few minutes later the plane was already in the air.

    Hitler probably would be killed if the brown portfolio accidentally did not turn out to be shifted from his own place. The Furera was lucky in that the door behind him led into a long and narrow corridor, which absorbed the explosive wave. Again, luck in the form of a pure chance saved Adolf Hitler ...

    A few minutes later, doctors and rescuers arrived at the explosion. The wounded were delivered by ambulance machines at the field hospital in Rowling. Personal Physician Fuhrera von Hasselbach was the first to help him, told the wound.

    "Now I will get to these guys," Hitler threatened, "they will receive their own!"

    Morel came, he listened to the heart of Hitler and made an injection. The patient was in an excited state, repeating the same thing:

    - You just think, nothing happened to me, you just think!

    To the surprise of Morel, his patient's pulse was normal. Three secretaries have come true to make sure the Führer is alive. Jung's tour was barely kept from laughter at the sight of his hair standing like a dickery. Hitler greeted them with her left hand.

    "Well, my ladies," he said, smiling, "everything over for me again." Another proof that I am the elect of fate. Otherwise, I would not stay alive.

    The Fuhrer was unusually chatted, laying the blame on the "coward" from the construction workers.

    "I do not allow anyone," he stressed and turned to Borman for confirmation.

    The one, as usual, nodded his head as a sign.

    Appeared with congratulations Himmler. He also suspected that the bomb was posted construction workers. Incredible, but a genuine culprit established the ordinar of Fuhrer Ling. From the duty officer of a non-commissioned officer in the room of communication, he accidentally found out that Stauffenberg expected an urgent phone call from Berlin here. Then someone remembered that the colonel left the portfolio under the table. They called the airfield - turned out to be Stauffenberg in a matter of minutes after the explosion hastily flew to Berlin. Hitler has no doubt about who posted a bomb. Führer ordered to arrest stackinglyberg immediately.

    But by the will of the case, the order was not transferred to Berlin. Immediately after the explosion, Adjutant Hitler ordered the officer to disable telephone and telegraph communications. The duty officer, Colonel Zadders, did it and reported to his head of Felbiel. General, participant of the conspiracy, who took the task to isolate the Fuhrer's bet, willingly approved the actions of the posters. But learning that Hitler did not die, he urgently called his headquarters.

    "It happened terrible," said the general. - Führer is alive. Block everything!

    The head of the headquarters understood his chef with a half-word, as it was also dedicated to the plans of conspirators. After a few minutes, the main communication centers both at the Fuhrer rate and the army headquarters were disabled.

    This gave conspirators time to capture the capital, but they did not take advantage of a happy case. Not being confident, Hitler killed or not, they were not solved to enable the Walkiya operation plan developed in advance. The information from "Wolf Logova" was too unclear.

    Everyone was nervously packed by headquarters, waiting for stabenberg. Two official leaders of the conspiracy - General Beque and Field Marshal von Wezleben - should have been published in advance prepared proclamations and orders. They could perform on the radio with the report that tyranny Hitler finally ended. But none of them did not even consider it necessary to arrive at the headquarters of the conspiracy on Bendlerstraße. It was lost in a gift of precious time, all in indecision expected further news from Felbilele from "Wolf Logov". But they were not.

    Hitler refused to relax before dinner and went for a walk, demonstratively friendly talking with the construction workers whom he first suspected in involvement in the organization of the explosion. At lunch, Froilain Schroeder noted with surprise that the Führer behaves again as if nothing had happened.

    "I'm incredibly lucky," he repeated, explaining how a thick leg of the table was protected. - Amazing thing! I had some kind of premonition ...

    After lunch, Hitler went to the station to meet Mussolini. Looks shoes no matter. He managed to restore the fascist regime, but for this I had to make concessions to Hitler and execute a number of "traitors", among which the dictator himself was also the title, Count Chiano. The Führer absently listened to the dead, again and again mentally returning to the events of this insane day.

    - DUCH! - he excitedly said, stretching his left hand. - A few hours ago, I survived such luck, what I have never had!

    He suggested immediately go to the place of attempt and on the way told the guest about what happened. Then he brought a deadly to the destroyed meeting room, showed torn pants and jicely noticed that he is sorry for a couple of new pants. Mussolini laughed wounded. Finally, Hitler showed the guest of the head with burnt hair.

    Mussolini was horrified. How could this happen in the rate of the Fuhrer? Hitler meanwhile again and again reported various details of the recent incident - as other participants in the meeting were injured, as one threw over the window ... his wonderful salvation was not tired of repeating the Führer, proves that his business will win. Hitler's enthusiasm Priocted Mussolini.

    "Our position is almost desperate, but what happened today gives me a new hope," said Duche.

    They came out of the bunker and for tea resumed a conversation. But in the "Tea House", the mood of Hitler changed dramatically: his ordinary nervousness returned to the Führera. Soon the connection was restored, and the conversation of two dictators was often interrupted by the telephone calls of the generals wishing to make sure whether rumors about the death of the Fuhrera are correct. Hitler fell into gloomy silence. He looked at the interlocutor a missing look, sometimes sucking the pills and not paying attention to the fierce dispute between Goering, Kaitel and Ribbentrop, who accused each other in errors, which led to the current desperate position. Swaru intensified when Denitz arrived and accused the army top in treason. When Gering with heat supported him, the admiral had wrapped his anger and on Reichs Marshal Luftwaffe, whose planes are not able to protect Germany from enemy bombs.

    Only the reference to the straight of Rem revived Hitler. The Führer began to repeat the chief of fate again. Then she got up and angry said:

    - Traitors whom the motherland-mother focused on their breasts, deserve the most shameful death, and they will receive it!

    The rage of the Fuhrera dried as suddenly, as arose. It seemed that he was completely devastated, the eyes cloudy, the face became ash-gray.

    At 15.42, Stauffenberg finally landed in the vicinity of Berlin. He was surprised that no one met him. The adjutant called on Bendlerstraße, found General Olbricht and reported a code word, meaning that the attempt was successful. Olbricht gave a foggy response, from which he had that the signal to the beginning of the Walkiya operation was not yet served. Stauffenberg grabbed the phone and demanded to do it before his arrival. Then I got into the car and rushed to Berlin.

    Photo from the federal archive of Germany

    Olbricht made a decisive step only at 15.50. Berlin Military Commander General Corrugalis received an order to raise the security battalion, garrison in Spauau and two military schools. To speed up the case, Olbricht personally gave an indication by the Commander of the Berlin Garrison General Backhand Haze, the participant of the conspiracy, declare an alarm in the troops. Commanders of the security units already raised on the alarm, was given an order to apply force if part of the SS would try to the city. Street traffic was stopped.

    Olbricht did what she should take another three hours ago. He broke up to General Fromma, who knew about the conspiracy, but evaded to take a clear position, and told him that Hitler was really dead. He suggested a ferrym to announce the commander of military districts on the beginning of the Walkiya operation. Fromm, a vain man with aristocrat hats, continued to jower and said that he would call the Kaitel to make sure whether Hitler was really dead. "Here everything is as usual," Kaitel replied from the "Tea House".

    A few minutes later the organizers of the conspiracy gathered in the spacious office of the Olbricht, nervously waiting for Stauffenberg. Soon the colonel went into the office with a solid step.

    "Apparently," he said, "Hitler is dead." Now it is necessary to act decisively and quickly, without losing a second. Even if Hitler is alive, you need to do everything to overthrow the mode.

    Stauffenberg contacted the phone with the headquarters of General Studylpnagel in Paris, where his cousin served.

    - The path is open! - the colonel said the conditional phrase.

    Stüdulpnagel ordered to turn off all lines of communication between France and Germany, except for the channels needed for their own contacts with Berlin.

    And at that time, on Bendlerstraße, Stauffenberg tried to lead to the sense of General Fromma.

    "Keitel, as always, lies," said Stauffenberg doubting General and licked for persuasiveness: "I saw the dead Hitler carried on a stretcher."

    - Given this, "Olbricht intervened," we will send a code signal about the internal unrest of the commander of military districts.

    Fromm jumped, crashed his fist on the table and shouted:

    - This is a gross disorder of subordination! Who are we"? Stauffenberg once again tried to form ferryma, but he stubbornly stood on his own.

    - Graf Background Stauffenberg, "he said," the attempt failed. You have to let me up a bullet in the forehead.

    Olbricht did not help. Fromm was even more broken, it came to the fight between him and Olbricht, got and stacknership, who tried to disperse the fighting. In the end, under the threat of weapons of the swirl, the general managed to calm down, and he was planted under arrest in the next room. By 17.00, all entrances to a huge building were arranged. For the entrance and exit, it was required to be a special pass for the signature of Stauffenberg.

    Although the headquarters on Bendlershtrasse was finally under the full control of the conspirators, their colleague General Backhand Haze on Unter-Den Linden was in a difficult position. At 16.00, he, as the head of the Berlin garrison, ordered the security battalion to block the government quarter. Commander of the battalion Major Otto Remer, a former leader "Hitlergenda", wanted to know whether the Führer really is dead. Background Haza assured him in this. But the meticulous major did not lose:

    - And who is his successor?

    General irritably noticed that it was necessary not to ask stupid questions, but to fulfill the order. The belt crept suspicion that something was unclean here. His comrade, Lieutenant Hans Hagen, who read in the battalion of a lecture on national socialism, was the same feeling. He even expressed the idea that the events would look at the military rebellion, and suggested finding out this question in Goebbels, in whose apparatus was worked before the war. Remer agreed and gave him a motorcycle for this trip, and he himself began to execute the order of blocking the government quarter.

    In the department of Goebbels reigned the atmosphere of confusion. Officials came and called, confusing with contradictory rumors. Goebbels did not move away from the phone, called the party leaders and generals. The troops from Potsdam and other places were tightened to the capital. The situation seemed desperate, but Goebbels encouraged the fact that the conspirators did not make any statements on the radio. Hagen appeared. After listening to his story and having received the assurance that the rear is absolutely a reliable person who can be trusted, Goebbels suggested Hagen to bring a rear to him no later than in an hour and a half. Otherwise, it will assume that Remer is a provocateur, and orders the MS troops to seize the building of the Berlin garrison headquarters on Unter-Den Linden.

    At 17.30, Gibbels called Hitler and ordered immediately transferring a message on a radio that would disquite rumors about his death. The Minister of Propaganda immediately contacted the house of the radio and dictated the text of the message. The Radio Center was already engaged in rebellious cadets of the infantry school, but their commander was so confused or intimidated by Goebbels's voice, which did not even try to prevent the transfer of transfer to the ether.

    Rumors about the death of Hitler caused hysterics and tears in telephones. When a message was told on the radio that the Führer was alive, there were also tears, but already of another kind. In the "Wolf Lair" a stream walked congratulatory telegrams and postcards. Most Germans really believed that the future of the country depends on the Fuhrer.

    And in Berlin, Major Remer, having finished the operation on the overlapping of the government quarter, felt bad. Nothing was clear, the bosses gave foggy answers. Haged Returned from the Ministry of Propaganda told the Major that Goebbels wants to see him immediately. Remer reported on this to his boss, General Background Haza, who ordered him to stay in the reception. But another conspirator, too, Major, suggested that the Remer appears to Goebbels and arrested him. He came out in full confusion. Capturing twenty people with him, he went to the building of the Ministry of Propaganda.

    About seven o'clock in the evening, Remer came to Goebbels. He did not admit that he received an order to arrest him, but did not believe when Goebbels reported his recent conversation with Führer. Remer gave to understand the ReichSminist, which would like to hear the voice of Fuhrer with his ears.

    "As you wish," Goebbels agreed and called Rowlesburg.

    After a few seconds, he was already talking to Hitler:

    "I have a commander of the security battalion Major Remer," and handed over the phone.

    "Do you listen, Major Remer?" Hitler asked. - Do you really doubt that I am alive?

    The answer was not quite confident "Javol." Hitler said that she gives Remer all powers to ensure government security. He ordered immediately restore order.

    "You are responsible only in front of me," Hitler repeated and immediately announced the dumbfounded Major, which produces it to the colonels.

    Remer turned the Ministry of Propaganda to his command post. First of all, he called General Background Haze and said that he had just talked to the Führer, who appointed him to the commander, and ordered the Haza to immediately appear to him. That indignant Tan demanded an explanation. Remer replied that in case of refusal, he would order to arrest General, and sent a soldier to capture the garrison committee. The rear informed all military units in the Berlin area that they all pass into his submission. Objections did not follow.

    Soon the defeated head of the Berlin garrison was arrived, which began to make subordinate compliments to his recent subordinate. Responding to Goebbels questions, he was embarrassed, stumbled and finally asked for permission to call his wife, and also expressed the desire to have a snack. When the general came out, Goebbels mockingly noticed:

    - Here they are, our revolutionaries. All about what they think are to eat, drink and call mom.

    The switch on the bendlershtrasse was overloaded by calls due to a recent radio message. Commanders who received the order of the beginning of the Walkiriya operation, asked direct confirmation by General Froms of the initial messages about Hitler's death. Stauterberg answered all these calls, which said that Hitler is really dead, and if the participants of the conspiracy called them, he assured them that everything goes on the planned plan. A message that sounded on the radio is that the Führer is alive, he thoroughly refuted.

    Finally, one of the formal leaders of the uprising appeared - Feldmarshal von Wizleben under all regals - and took the lead. All day, he drove somewhere somewhere, but compensated for his delay in mailing in 19.30 decisive directive. In it, he reported on the death of Fuhrer, announced an emergency martial law and appointed himself supreme Commander Armed Forces of Germany.

    This directive cited Feldmarshal von Kulia, who suggested immediately enter into negotiations with the West on the conclusion of the world. But his enthusiasm immediately dried out, as soon as the Kaitel telegram was received, in which it was reported that the Führer was alive, and instructed to ignore the orders of the treacherous clique of Wizleben - Beck.

    "Gentlemen," said the background of the clue to his colleagues-conspirators, "don't let me in this matter anymore.

    Meanwhile, in Berlin, the ranks of the conspirators left the man who signed the order of taking power. Incompanying in Bendlershtraße, Feldmarshal von Weizleben went to the headquarters of the land forces in Zosssen. There, he stated the apartment general to Vanera, that everything was lost, and left for his country villa.

    From the "Wolf Logova" at 20.20, Keitel sent a telegram to Berlin with an order for the appointment of the commander of the reserve army of Himmler. Ten minutes later, Borman sent urgent deposits to Gailyaratra, where informed them about the "criminal attempt to assassinate some generals for the life of the Fuhrer" and gave them an instruction to fulfill only the orders of Hitler himself. At 21.00, a message was told on the radio that soon the Führer will speak to the people. However, this speech had to be transferred to a later date: in the "Wolf Lair" there were no special technical means that would allow transfer to live in direct ether. I had to wait for the arrival from Königsberg mobile radio stations.

    In Berlin, she accidentally turned out to be the favorite of Fuhrer Otto Sorrow. Having learned that Hitler was alive, he decided to make a previously planned trip to Vienna for inspecting the school of underwater saboteurs. When he entered the car in the evening, an officer ran into the coupe, who said that a military insurgency was told in the city and the sorrow was ordered to establish order. The hero of the release of the release of Ducheus hurried to the headquarters of the SD, where Schellberg confirmed this information.

    Sorrow raised the school of saboteurs in the suburbs of Berlin and went to the city's suburb. In the government quarter everything was calm. He returned to the headquarters of the SD, where he was very invited to the phone very soon. I called iodle.

    - How many people do you have? - asked General.

    - Only one company.

    - urgently go on the bendlershtrasse and support Major Rememer and its security battalion, they are ordered to surround the building.

    In the headquarters of conspirators, in the meantime, the mood of despair was intensified. The units of the security battalion on the orders of his commander were allocated from the headquarters building to the residence of Goebbels, and only 35 soldiers at the main gate remained for guard. At 22.30, General Olbricht convened its officers and announced that they should take on the guard of the building. Each of the six inputs should be put up from headquarters officers.

    No one objected. But among the conspirators they matured counterpart. At 22.50, eight armed with grenades and accidents officers broke into the Cabinet of the Olbricht. He tried to calm them down. Suddenly, stabeffenberg entered. Understanding what was the matter, he turned and ran out to the reception. He began to shoot. Wounded, he managed to jump in the nearby office. But soon he was grabbed together with Beck, Olbricht and other conspirators. Then the front appeared in front of them, freed from the arrest.

    "Well, gentlemen," said the general, swinging the gun, "now I will handle you as you with me."

    He ordered his prisoners to fold the weapon.

    "You can't take it from me, your former chief," Beck quietly. - I myself will do what I think necessary.

    The aged Feldmarshal pulled a gun from the holster and, putting a dutch with a trembling hand to the temple, pressed the trigger. The bullet slid over the surface of the head, leaving a light scratch.

    "Help the old man," ordered ferry to his officers.

    Those tried to snatch a gun from Feldmarshal, but the old man desperately resisted.

    Fromm turned to other conspirators.

    - Well, you, gentlemen, if you want to write letters to wives, you have a few minutes.

    He came out, returned in five minutes and announced that the Military Court "Führera" sentenced to the death penalty of Olbricht, Stauffenberg and their adjutants. Arrested led to the courtyard. Stauffenberg with bloody left sleeves was a solid gait.

    Beck left in the reception. He was heard shot. Fromm opened the door and saw that the former chief of the General Staff again missed.

    "Help the old man," repeated from.

    The immediate Unter-Officer pulled the semi-dimensional Bek from the room and shot him in the head.

    The courtyard was lit by the headlights of cars. Four sentences put in bags with sand. Olbricht was calm. When the "Fire!" Team sounded, Stauffenberg managed to shout:

    - Long live our sacred Germany! ..

    When everything was over, the mighty figure of General Fromma appeared in the doors of the black stroke. He walked around the courtyard, greeted the smaller team and shouted loudly:

    - Hail Hitler!

    In the center of Communication on Bendlerstrasse, telegram was contlected: "Attempt by the coup of irresponsible generals is suppressed. All instigators are shot. "

    The headquarters of the reserve of the Ground Forces, where stabeffenberg and three of his friends were shot

    When the frome came out of the gate, the white sports car sharply slowed down in front of him. Steeper was sitting behind the wheel, River was located nearby.

    - I have just executed criminals! - proudly stated frome.

    Remer noted that it was not in a hurry.

    "What are you going to give me orders?" Frome was indignant.

    - No, but you must be responsible for your actions, - followed the answer.

    Steeper brought Frochma to the Ministry of Propaganda. The general demanded it to tie him with the Führer, but Goebbels asked him to go to another room, offering a glass at the time to go out, and called Hitler. After a conversation with the Fuhrer, he ordered to put the guard at the door of the room where Frome was located.

    Himmler appeared. He arrived from "Wolf Logov" with the order of the Fuhrer crush the rebellion.

    "Shoot anyone who resists, whoever he is," Hitler said.

    But Reichsführer SS was clearly late. Goebbels presented a case as if he was almost alone suppressed the rebellion.

    "If they were not such a stretchable!" He said to Himmler. - They had a huge chance. What boobs! I would act wrong. Why did they not capture the radio station and did not let the very wild lie on the broadcast?!

    The calm Himmler politely nodded his head, having silent that even before arriving at Berlin, he had already launched a terror car.

    In the "Wolf Lair", General Felbille understood that his fate was decided, but did not hurry to part with life, because he wanted to explain the motives of his participation in a conspiracy in court.

    Hitler was looking forward to the arrival of the mobile radio station. He convened his "Family Circle" and read the need for a written speech. Attended secretaries, adjutants, Keitel and Banging iodl. Führer continued to lead.

    - Briefs! He shouted. "If they had enough courage to at least shoot me, I would have any respect for them!" And they were afraid to risk their lives!

    Finally, the machine with the necessary equipment arrived, and almost at night on July 21, on all German radio stations, fanfares were sounded, which argue that an important message is expected. After a short pause, Hitler began speech facing compatriots. He announced the suppression of the rebellion, emphasizing that the conspirators have nothing to do with the Wehrmacht and the German people. This is a tiny gang of criminal elements that will be mercilessly destroyed.

    - I am spared from the fate, which personally does not suffer me, but which would have terrible consequences for the German people. I see the sign of providence that I must and therefore I will continue my work, "Führer graduated.

    Then, Gering and Denitz were made with brief speeches, condemned conspirators and swear on behalf of the Luftwaffe and Fleet in loyalty to the Führera. In conclusion, an official message was transferred to the fact that conspiracy instigators or committed suicide, or shot, and all other persons, one way or another, involved in a crime, will be involved in strict responsibility.

    These last words frightened the Paris Participants of the conspiracy who gathered at the radio. By this time they occupied the CC barracks and arrested two high-ranking SSEs - Charles Oberga and Helmut Knochen. Listening to the radio, General von Stüdulpnagel was almost sure that they themselves signed their death sentence. But the last, desperate hope remained. Perhaps Obourg and Knokhen - decent people and protect them. Both prisoners were released and led to the Hotel Rafael, where the generals stopped. When the Stühlpnagel got up to greet them, Oberg attacked him with fists. Intervened Ambassador Otto Abets.

    "What happens in Berlin is one thing," he said. - It is also completely different. In Normandy, there is a battle, and here we, the Germans, should be at the same time.

    Oberg calmed down and agreed to submit a matter so that the arrest was simply insisted to mislead the ticks.

    After the speech on the radio, Hitler returned to the bunker, where Morl looked around him again. A few minutes later he declared the approximate Fuhrer at the "Tea House" that the health of the leader does not cause concern. Hitler himself, shocked by the events of the day, did not yet know about the genuine scale of the conspiracy and was in joyful excitement about the wonderful getting rid of death. He ordered to send torn in the shredded trousers Eve Brown to Berghof. It will be a historic relic, he decided the Führer, the evidence that Providence really wishes to give him a sufficient time to complete the work begun.

    On the night of July 21, in one of the cabinets of the Ministry of Propaganda, Goebbels and Himmler interrogated a number of generals, including fromm. Some after the establishment of their innocence was released. At 4 o'clock in the morning, interrogations ended. Shining Goebbels warmly said goodbye to his old rival with Himmler and said that he would give an instruction to the press to smuggle a conspiracy. And Himmler, with a technique characteristic of him, has already activated the punitive machine, including 400 investigators into it.

    In Paris, traces of comprehension have hurriedly slowly. But the Stülpnagel, having received an order to urgently arrive in Berlin, decided that his position was hopeless. Instead of in the morning, as usual in such cases, to go to the airfield, the general village in the car and drove in places of battles in which he participated during World War II. Near some river, he ordered the shofer to stop and left the car. Soon he heard a shot. The chauffeur discovered the bloody general in the river and pulled off ashore. Stüdulpnagel waited for the gallows.

    In the "Wolf Lair" soon became obvious that the injury of the head of Hitler was not so superficial. The Führer stopped hearing on the right ear, and when walking it was brought to the right. Dr. Brandt advised him to spend a few days in bed, but did not want to listen to the Führer. He has too much work. And then, how can he accept foreign guests in bed?

    The next day, despite the ongoing pain in the ear, Hitler visited the wrestled hospital of the wounded comrades. Two were with death, including General Schmundt. The Führer sat in the chamber of Admirals Puttcamers and Asman and expressed regret that they were victims of conspiracy. "These gentlemen had only one goal - me," he tried to console the wounded Hitler.

    The pain in his ear intensified so much that Morel decided to call the famous Otolaryngologist Professor Van Aikena from Berlin, who in 1935 operated on Fuhrera. But finding the professor urgently failed. Then, Dr. Erwin Gizing, who worked two years in the Van Aiken clinic was invited from the nearest field hospital. He found that the Fuhrera burst the drumpot and the inner ear damaged. It was necessary to make an ignition of the membrane.

    Although Hitler feared that he would never hear on the right ear, he continued to remain in a relatively cheerful mood. He chose the time to write a letter to his "dear crumb". Fuhrer assured Eve, which feels good, but a little tired. "I hope I will come soon and rest, giving yourself in your hands. I really need calm, "Hitler wrote.

    Eva immediately answered, confessing that she was deeply unhappy: "I am half americum, realizing that you are in danger. From our first meetings, I gave me an oath to follow you anywhere, even to death. You know that my whole life is in love for you. "

    On July 23, in the ruins of a broken bombing house, the Gestapov agents accidentally found documents testifying to the involvement in the "Saerow of the Generals" of Canary and other important officials. Admiral arrested. Soon found himself in prison and the former minister of the miner of the mines. Hitler just could not believe that such high-ranking faces were conspiracy participants. One secretary heard the Führer jokingly spoke his dog for not listening to him:

    - Look in my eyes, Blondie. Maybe you are also a traitor, how are my generals?

    At the Day Meeting on July 24, Hitler said that Stauffenberg is the British, and tried to convince the listeners that units participated in the conspiracy.

    - It is important to explain to the whole world, "the Führer emphasized, - that the vast majority of the officer corps do not have anything in common with these pigs. In the press, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that the army commanders refused to follow a handful of traitors and even themselves shot at the place of four of them. If I had died all the headquarters, it would be a genuine disaster.

    Goebbels built his next performance on the radio in accordance with the guitler instructions. He portrayed Stauffenberg as a satanic leader of a relatively insignificant handpiece of the sprawers. He argued that Stauffenberg was in collusion with the British, and has led four evidence: permanent links to the British press on the group german generalswho opposed Hitler; Use of an explosive device of English production; Communication of stuppenberg with English aristocracy; Pronounced in London newspapers after receiving the first messages about the attempt, hope that Germany is about to fall ...

    Propaganda Goebbels had an action. In the hospital in Braunschweig, the wounded themselves decorated portraits of Hitler with flowers. In many cities, a demonstration of loyalty to the Führera took place. In the schools of the teacher, they explained to the disciples that military defeats in Africa and Russia are explained by the mistress of conspirators.

    July 25, Professor Van Aiken arrived from Berlin. He warmly welcomed the Führer, who expressed the assumption that he "live only two to three years with all his problems." He hardly sat down in a chair and described his symptoms in detail.

    Gizing, who had a good memory, imperceptibly wrote into his notebook everything that Hitler said. So that no one can decipher his records, he wrote the code using Latin and various signs. Van Aiken confirmed the diagnosis of Gizing and his treatment tips, but the Führer refused to comply with the bed regime at least a week.

    "Are you talking to make a sick person from me ?!" He feigned.

    Two days later, Hitler complained about insomnia, but when Gizinga recommended to cancel the everybody vigil in the "Tea House", the Führer replied that he had already tried to do it, but she became even worse.

    "I have to relax in bed and talk about something abstract," he explained to the doctors. - Otherwise I see a card in front of myself, and the brain continues to work. When I turn on the light, I can outline the exact position of each group of armies on the map. I know where every division is worth - and it continues for hours. I fall asleep only in five or six in the morning. I understand that it is harmful to health, but I can not change the habit.

    On July 21, Hitler replaced the patient of the headquarters of the Ground Forces of Tsaiscera Guderian, who at one time removed from the command position. One of the first steps of the new headquarters was the publication of an order with an oath of loyalty to the Führer. A few days later, Guderian went on: he ordered all staff officers to be members of the National Socialist Party and "actively cooperate in the political education of young commanders in accordance with the teachings of the Führera." The officers who did not make this were dismissal. But there were no such, and the subordination of the military elite Nazis, which began in 1933, ended with a shameful surrender.

    Meanwhile, the Western Front collapsed under the blows of the American troops. On July 31, American tanks broke through the fragile line of German defense and rushed forward. Hitler wanted to take the leadership of the Western Front's leadership, but the doctors were forbidden to leave him, and the Führer was forced to stay in the "Wolf Lair". France was actually lost for conquerors. On this trouble did not end. On August 1, 35 thousand poorly armed Poles attacked the German garrison in Warsaw, and the next day, Turkey ruined diplomatic relations with Reich.

    Hitler health condition was unimportant. The head often spisled his head, and he was forced to walk wide arranging legs like a sailor on a ship with a strong swing. However, he insisted at a meeting with Gailyarators on August 4. Hitler came to them, shaking hands. Many, including Gaulyuter Düsseldorf Florian, could not resist tears, looking at the sufferer figure of the Fuhrera. He talked about his premonitions on the eve of the attempt and talked about his historical mission.

    Himmler assured the audience that he mercilessly declare not only with criminals who were attempted on Hitler, but also with their families.

    "Family Stauffenberg," he said, "will be destroyed with the root and branches!

    Stormy applause followed.

    Himmler really ordered to arrest relatives of conspirators. They grabbed even the old woman. The first process began on August 7. Before the "People's Court", chaired by Roland Freisler appeared eight generals and officers. Freisler Hitler called "Our Vyshinsky" and gave him an instruction to act quickly and rigidly.

    The defendants looked depleted and untidy. They were filmed by filmmers, so that the German people could see what was with traitors. Feldmarshal Font Witleben selected dentures, besides, he had slipped his pants all the time ... Fraisler, like the Soviet judges, which he admired, shouted:

    "You, dirty old chrych, why do you pull your pants all the time?"

    Such was the tone and the level of this indicative process. "Never in the history of German justice," said stenographer, - with the accused did not appeal with such cruelty, with such fanatical heartlessness, like on this court. "

    The sentence was predetermined, and the Freisler has announced the eight of the eight guilty of treason to Führera and the German people. In accordance with the specific instructions of Hitler, they were taken to prison pitch. There they were brought into the chamber, in which eight hooks for meat carcasses hung from the ceiling. Here sentenced to the belt and hung on the piano strings. Their agonizing convulsions were filmed on film and the same evening were reproduced on the screen in the "Wolf Lair". According to Shpera, "Hitler liked the film, and he often watched him," but the adjutant von Belov and other members of the Family Circle say that the Führer never seen him.

    The investigation continued, there were other lawsuits, but only the court and the execution of the first eight were shown to the public. A total of 5,000 men and women executed, most of whom did not take direct participation in the conspiracy.

    On August 15, the allies landed in southern France. In his report, Guderian stressed that tank troops acted strongly and boldly, but did not receive support from aviation and fleet, and this is the reason for failure. Fuhrer adhered to other opinions, and a fierce dispute was broken between them ...

    Hitler swept rage when he learned that the Feld Marshal background was disappeared. In the morning, the Commander-in-Chief of the Western Front was supposed to go to the location of the tank troops, but did not arrive at the agreed place. Hitler shouted that the clue, probably, was a conspiracy participant, and now she snapped into secret negotiations with the enemy ...

    In fact, everything was wrong. The clue was under the bombing, his car with two radio transmitters was destroyed. He fell into the Western and in the literal, and figurative sense. Doing everything to warn the breakthrough of the Allies, he was convinced of the hopelessness of this case.

    In the end, late at night, the clue arrived at the location of his troops, but Hitler had already managed to replace his Feldmarshal models. On August 17, the model assumed the command of the Western Front. The glare perceived the dismissal very painfully. The next day, like the Stülpnagel, he drove in the car in the places of the past battles in France. On the way, Feldmarshal ordered to stop the car, handed an adjutant farewell letter and swallowed potassium cyanide.

    Shortly before that, the clue sent a letter to the Führer, in which he begged him to finish the war and put an end to the suffering of the people. In the "Wolf Lair", Hitler read a letter and silently conveyed it to iodine.

    No one could stop Hitler, obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bcleaning the world from the Jews. This task was carried out strictly. In a conversation with Himmler, Eichman reported that six million Jews were already eliminated: four million in death camps, the rest - in "punitive promotions". Retired by the rapid advancement of the Red Army and the ongoing investigations of the tireless conrad of Morgen, who also estimated the number of killed Jews at least six million, Hitler gave instructions to Himmler to conduct preparatory measures to dismantle all death camps, except for Auschwitz. Its gas cameras have been reserved for the final decision of the Jewish question. "

    The martial law of Hitler Germany was so desperate that only an obsessed person could discard all the idea of \u200b\u200bthe surrender. From the Baltic to Ukraine, the coming red army threw and surrounded German troops throughout the Eastern Front. Almost completely clearing the territory of the USSR, the Soviet troops entered Europe.

    In this emergency Goebbels August 24 announced new Draconian measures: all theaters, musical halls, theatrical schools and cabaret should be closed within a week. He also warned that all orchestras, music schools and conservatory (except for several leading) will be eliminated in the near future, and the musicians will be sent to the front or military factories. Elease will be stopped fiction And almost all illustrated magazines.

    The next day, the Allies liberated Paris. Romania and Finland requested a truce. A year later, Romanians, overthrowing Marshal Antonescu, declared war in Germany. But Hitler did not flinch. In order to prevent decomposition in the army, he ordered to arrest deserters' relatives.

    On the last day of August, the Führer told Kaitel and two other generals that for political decisions of the uranial problem the time was not yet: "Such moments arise only when you defeat. There is also hope for success. The tensions between the allies will soon increase that it will be split. It remains only to wait for a suitable moment, no matter how difficult it is. "

    Then he spoke about himself: "For me, this war is not fun. Five years I cut off the world, never was in the theater, at a concert and in the cinema ... Death would be delivered from these sleepless nights and terrible nervous. Just a share of a second - and the person is free from everything, going into a calm and eternal world. "

    These fatalistic moods may have been the result of the deterioration of his health. Although Fuhrer and joked with secretaries about his sick hand, which was so shown that he could not shave, he was tormented by a constant pain in the ear. A few days later, this state was aggravated by the feeling of pressure on the head, especially in the area of \u200b\u200beyebrows. The Fuhrera hoarse voice, he began to complain about pain in the stomach, but I ignored the warning of Gizing, that all this could be the result of countless tablets, prescribed by Morella. But in early September, Hitler agreed to take a decade-free solution of cocaine to relieve pain in the chest and spent on the inhaler every morning.

    Gizing's visits have recently become more frequent. Hitler experienced a sense of gratitude to him as to the ferris. After treatment, they talked to different topics. Today - about the future of Reich, tomorrow - about the dangers of smoking ... At the same time, the maning continued to mark in his notebook. He began to hold psychological tests. He did it for a long time and so unnoticed that Hitler did not suspect anything. Gizinga put the Führera diagnosis: "Neurasthenia with Majesti Mania."

    No matter how irritated is Hitler in these days of illness and depression, he never raised the voice to his young secretary of the Jung's speaking and touching her. But one day, at dinner, the Führer behaved somehow strange: not to say a word, stared at his secretary seriously and testing. She thought, doesn't anyone dissolve dirty rumors about her. But later she called General SS Otto Fegelin and asked to go to him. Out of hugging a tour, he said that her husband was killed at the front. The Führer, explained the general, knew about it since yesterday, but could not force himself to tell her this sad news.

    Then she invited Hitler to himself. Taking the secretary of his hands, he said with feeling:

    - Oh, child, I'm so sorry! Your husband was a good guy.

    Führer asked the Jung's tour to stay at work and assured that she could always count on his help.

    In early September, Professor Van Aiken arrived at the next examination of the patient. Having learned about the injections and tablets of Morel, he was alarmed not a joke. His concerns were shared and maning, and both personal Surgeons Hitler - Brandt and Hasselbach. But all four understood that it was difficult to change anything: Morel was used by Hitler's full confidence.

    A week later, Hitler complained that he almost stopped sleeping, suffering from spasms in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach and severe headaches. His serious condition was aggravated by the roar of pneumatic drills around the clock used by the builders in the work of the bunker to strengthen the bunker against the expected Soviet air raids. By-effect The worsening of the health of the Fuhrer was a worsening memory. Previously, he could look at a long document and repeat his word into word; Now I began to forget even names.

    On September 12, after Gizing gave him a solution of cocaine, Hitler felt dizziness. He complained that everything was darkened in his eyes, and grabbed the table not to fall. The pulse was frequent and weak, but after a minute and a half the Führer came to himself. It was a mini-heart attack. He repeated September 14th. This time Hitler was injured cold sweat. He called Morel, who made him three injections that brought temporary relief. However, on September 16, the heart attack was repeated. This time Hitler agreed with the proposal of Gizinga to make an X-ray picture of the head, on which the doctor insistently insisted for a whole month.

    Stauffenberg, Claus Shank Background

    (Stauffenberg), (1907-1944), Lieutenant Colonel of the General Staff of the German Army, Count, Key Figure of the July Counting 1944. Born on November 15, 1907 in the castle of Greifenstein, Upper Franconia, in the family, has long been serving the Royal Houses of Württemberg and Bavaria. His father was a chamber of the Bavarian king, and the mother - the granddaughter of the Prussian general of Count Augustus Wilhelm Anton von Gneisenau (1760-1831).

    A brought up in the spirit of monarchy conservatism and Catholic piety, Stauffenberg, however, did not accept the bourgeois Weimar Republic and with the time penetrating socialist ideas.

    Having believed at the dignity of the Nazi regime, to ensure the revival of Germany, Stauffenberg with enthusiasm perceived the arrival of Hitler to power in 1933. At the beginning of the 2nd World War, Pereffenberg was an officer of the Bavarian cavalry regiment, served in Poland, France and South. Africa. Having obtained the hardest wound in Tunisia (I lost his eyes, the right hand, crocheted the leg), Stauterberg miraculously survived thanks to the skill of the largest German surgeon Ferdinand Sauerbroha and returned to the system, becoming later chief of the headquarters of the reserve army. From this time, his attitude to Hitler and Nazis changed sharply; He realized that Hitler would lead Germany to the catastrophe. Wanting to save his homeland from shame and dishonor, Stauffenberg joined the participants of the conspiracy against Hitler, in order to overthrow the Nazi regime, to create a new social society in Germany.

    December 26, 1943 Stauffenberg was invited to the Hitler's bet in Rasserburg for the report. He brought there in the portfolio of a delayed action. However, Hitler, according to his usual, canceled the meeting at the last moment, and Stauffenberg had to take the bomb back to Berlin. Having enlisted if not supported, then a friendly neutrality of some of the high-ranking military (the head of the Crime - the Criminal Police - Heaven, the prefect of the Berlin Police of Count Gelldorf, his deputy Count Schulenburg, the Military Commandant of Berlin General Background Gaza et al.), Stauffenberg developed the plan "Valkyrie", who envisaged the murder of Hitler and the immediate organization of the military government in Berlin, which was supposed to neutralize the most dangerous organs of the Nazi regime: SS, Gestapo and SD.

    At the end of June 1944, Pereffenberg received the rank of colonel and was appointed headquarters of the reserve army, which opened it access to meetings at the Führera rate. On July 20, an important meeting was scheduled at the rate to summarize the Soviet offensive in Galicia. Kaitel invited Stauffenberg to Zolbentburg, where he had to make a report on the formation of parts of the internal army, intended for the organization of defense of each settlement Germany and subsequently received the name "Volkssturm". Stauffenberg arrived in a bet with a portfolio, in which a delayed explosive device was again styled by an exogen - an English explosive from the secret warehouses of the Abver. Leaving the portfolio under the table, he left the room under the favorable pretext. The explosion after a few minutes did not cause much harm to Hitler. Falling in Berlin Stauffenberg was absolutely sure that Hitler was dead and demanded from his commander of the commander of the backup army fromma to immediately enforce the plan "Walkiya". However, when it became known that Führer was alive, Fromm renounced his subordinate, who was immediately arrested, was sentenced to the People's Tribunal for the death penalty and the same night shot in the courtyard of the military ministry on Bendlerstraße.

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