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  • Carthage fell. Carthage. The story of the Phoenicians in North Africa. Rome goes to Carthage

    Carthage fell. Carthage. The story of the Phoenicians in North Africa. Rome goes to Carthage

    Carthage is an ancient city whose name perhaps for everyone is known. This is a rare phenomenon in history. There are no many cities, and their names are gradually forgotten, and their history and meaning. Carthage entered the list of exceptions from such a rule.

    Carthage - Phoenician (also called Punic) city-state, existing in antiquity in the north of Africa, on the territory of modern Tunisia. The foundation date of the Carthage is indicated exactly - 814 BC. e. Founded by the colonists from the Phoenician city of Tir headed by Queen Elissa (Didona), which fled from Tir after her brother Pygmalion, King Tira, killed her husband's husband to take possession of his wealth.

    Carthage's location

    Carthage was based on the Cape with the exits in the sea in the north and south. The location of the city made him the leader of the Maritime Trade of the Mediterranean. All vessels crossing the sea inevitably passed between Sicily and the Tunisia coast. The length of massive urban walls was 37 kilometers, and the height in some places reached 12 meters.

    Most walls were located on the shore, which made the city in impregnable by the sea. The city had a huge cemetery, religious places, markets, municipality, towers, and theater. It was divided into four identical residential areas. In about the middle of the city, there was a high citadel, which was called Birs. It was one of the largest cities in Hellenistic times.

    Ships were included in the shopping harbor through a narrow passage. For loading and unloading to the shore, you could pull up to 220 vessels at the same time. Military Harbor and Arsenal were located behind the trading harbor.

    The population in the city is unknown.

    Carthage, conveniently located in the center of the Mediterranean, at the crossroads of trade and sea routes, gradually began to strengthen and rich.

    Initially, it was a small city, a little different from other Phoenician colonies on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. The city's economy was founded mainly on intermediary trading

    The craft was small and in its main technical and aesthetic characteristics practically did not differ from Eastern.

    Agriculture was absent, land for agriculture was little.

    In the creation of works of art, Master Carthagene did not succeed. Their works did not have any specific features other than the Obshfinsky.

    Religion of Cartagen

    Carthaginians, like other Mediterranean peoples, represented the universe divided into three worlds located one over the other. Perhaps this is the same world snake, which the Ugartyans called Latan, and the ancient Jews - Leviathan.

    The Earth thought of the lying between the two oceans. The sun, getting out of the East Ocean, waging the earth, was immersed in the West Ocean, who was considered by the Sea of \u200b\u200bMraka and the dwellings of the dead. The souls of the dead could get there on ships or riding on dolphins.

    The sky was the place of stay of the Carthage gods. Since Carthaginians were immigrants from the Phoenician city of Tira, they worshiped the gods of Canaan, but not all. Yes, and the Canaan gods on the new soil changed their appearance, choosing the features of local gods.

    Needless Tira

    Only one feature of the new city is distinguished, which influenced its future fate: the founders of the city were representatives of the opposition group, the defeat in the dash. Therefore, the Carthage from the very beginning did not enter the Tire Power, but took an independent position, although she kept spiritual bonds with his metropolis.

    The political system of Carthage was originally a monarchy. However, she hardly existed the longest life of Elissa Didona, the sisters of the Tir king, who led the resettlement and became the queen of a newly founded city. Sources do not report children of the queen, and the context of Justina directly indicate their absence. With the cessation of the royal family in Carthage, the republic was established.

    As the richer city, its inhabitants and city authorities increased land ownership around the city, capturing the land or renting it from local tribes.

    Power in Carthage was in the hands of a trade and craft oligarchy. The imperative authority - the Senate, who conducted finances, foreign policy, declaration of war and the world, and also carried out the overall warfare. The executive branch was entrusted to two elected suffatov magistrates. Obviously, these were senators, and their duties were exclusively civilians who did not assume control over the army. Together with the army commander, they were elected by the People's Assembly.

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    In the VII-VI centuries. BC. Carthagean began active offensive policies in North Africa.

    Along the sea coast towards the Hercules Pillar (Gibraltar Strait on our), as well as for them on the Atlantic coast, the Carthaginian colonies were based. Already by the end of the VII century. BC. There were Carthaginian colonies on the Atlantic coast of modern Morocco (such a face at the current city of Al-Arais (Laroche). Also found the nameless settlement (Car wall?) In the city of Aceau (Mogador).).

    The emergence of concrete ambitions. Wars Carthagene

    In the middle of the VI century. BC. The Carthaginian, under the leadership of Malkha, he won the war against Libyans and, apparently, as a result of the victory, I made liberation from the payment of rent for the city land, which they had to regularly contribute to one of the local tribes. At the end of the VI century. BC. A long-term struggle with Kireni, Greek colon in North Africa, was completed for establishing the border between the two states. The border was significantly moved away from the Carthage to the East, towards Kyren.

    In the same century, Carthage strengthened on the Pyrenean Peninsula, where the Phoenician colonies led by Gades (now Cadiz) even before the stubborn struggle Tartessfor trading tracks to the British islands that were rich in Tin. Tir and Carthage provided the inhabitants of Gades all sorts of support. Defeating the tartess on land, they subjected to its blockade and captured the part belonging to it. In the middle of the VII century. BC e. Carthage founded his own colony Ebess (now Ivis) on the Balearic Islands near the shores of Spain. These islands Carthage also captured Tartesses.

    In the second half of the VII century. BC. Carthaginians decided to gain a foothold on the peninsula. Hades perceived such a step of Carthage as a threat to his monopolist position in international trade in non-ferrous metals and provided a stubborn resistance to Carthage. But the Carthaginians took Gades storm and destroyed his walls. After that, under the rule of Carthage, it was undoubtedly other Phoenician colonies on the Pyrenean Peninsula.

    Further promotion of Carthaginian in the area was stopped by Greek (Fokey) colonization of the Mediterranean coast of the peninsula. About 600 BC e. Fokes caused a Carthaginian fleet a number of serious lesions and stopped the spread of the Carthaginian influence in Spain. The foundation of the Fawkal Colony on the O-ve Corsica interrupted over a long time and carfageno-etrussous connections.

    Trade policy

    Carthage can be called a trade state, since in his policy he was guided by commercial considerations. Many of his colonies and trade settlements were undoubtedly based in order to expand trade.

    It is known about some expeditions taken by the Carthaginian rulers, the reason for which the desire for wider trading relations was also. So in the contract concluded by the Carthage in 508 BC. With the Roman Republic, who had just arose after the expulsion from Rome of Etruscan kings, it was envisaged that the Roman ships could not be swimming in the western part of the sea, but they can use the Carthage harbor.

    In the case of a forced landing anywhere else on the Punic territory, they requested official protection in the authorities and after the repair of the vessel and the replenishment of food reserves immediately sailed. Carthage agreed to recognize the borders of Rome and respect its people, as well as its allies. Carthaginians concluded agreements and, if necessary, went for concessions.

    They resorted to strength to prevent rivals in the western Mediterranean water, which were considered as their victob, except the coast of Gaul and the coast of Spain and Italy adjacent to it. They also won the fight against piracy. Carthage did not show due attention to the coin chasing.

    Apparently, the own coin here was not up to 4 V. BC, when silver coins were released, which, if you consider the preserved specimens typical, significantly differed in weight and quality. Perhaps the Carthagean was preferred to use a reliable silver coin of Athens and other states, and most transactions were made by direct commodity exchange.

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    Carthagen before the start of Punic Wars

    In the VI century BC e. The Greeks founded the colony mass and entered into an alliance with a tartess. Initially, the curioslets suffered defeat, but Magon I conducted a reform of the army, a union was concluded with Etrusca and in 537 BC. e. In the battle, Alalia Greeks were broken.

    The Carthagene-Etruscan Coalition significantly changed the political situation in the Western Mediterranean. After the battle of Alalia, off the coast of Corsica, the domination of the Greeks (Fokesers) on the Mediterranean routes was destroyed. After that, Carthage undertook a new offensive on Sardinia, where the colonies were founded on the coast and numerous minor runi settlements in the depths of the island.

    Victory for Alalia is isolated tartess in political and militarily, and at the end of the 30s - early 20s of the VI century. BC e. Carthaginian invaders literally erased the Tartess from the face of the Earth, so the search for archaeologists trying to discover its location still did not give satisfactory results.

    Trade remained the main source of welfare of the Carthage. Carthage merchants traded in Egypt, Italy, Spain, in black and red seas - and agriculture based on the widespread use of slave labor.

    There existed the regulation of trade - Carthage sought to monopolize trade; To this end, all subjects were obliged to trade only through the mediation of the Carthaginian merchants. During the Greek-Persian wars, Carthage was in alliance with the Persia, together with Etruscia, an attempt was made by the complete seizure of Sicily. But after the defeat in the battle at Himer (480 BC.) From the coalition of the Greek city-states, the struggle was suspended for several decades.

    The main enemy of the Bunny residents were Syracuse, the war continued with intervals for almost a hundred years (394-306 BC) and ended in almost the complete conquest of Sicily by the Bulletin.

    Rome goes to Carthage

    In the third century BC e. The interests of Carthage became conflict with a strengthened Roman Republic. Relations began to deteriorate. For the first time it manifested final stage Rome wars with a tarent. But in 264 BC e. Began First Punich War. She was mainly in Sicily and the sea. The Romans captured Sicily, but then the almost complete absence of Rome Fleet affected. Only by 260 BC e. The Romans created the fleet and, using the boarding tactics, won the sea victory from Cape Mila.

    In 256 BC e. Romans suffered martialctions In Africa, breaking the fleet, and then the land army of Carthaginian. But Consul Attil Regult did not use the received advantage, and a year later, the Banking Army under the command of the Spartan Mercenary Xantippa caused a complete defeat to Romans. Only in 251 BC e. In the battle of Panormra (Sicily), the Romans won a big victory by capturing 120 elephants. Two years later, the Carthaginians won a large sea victory and the calm came.

    Hamilkar Barka

    In 247 BC e. The commander-in-chief of Carthagen was the Hamilkar Barka, thanks to his outstanding abilities, success in Sicily began to be inclined towards the Bunny residents, but in 241 BC. e. Rome, gathering with the forces, was able to put a new fleet and the army. Carthage could no longer resist them and after the defeat was forced to conclude the world by losing to Sicily Rome, and pay the confinition of 3200 talents for 10 years. After the defeat, Hamilkar resigned, the authorities moved to his political opponents whom he headed Gannon.

    Not effective management led to the strengthening of the democratic opposition headed by Hamilkar. The People's Assembly belonged him to the authority of the commander-in-chief. In 236 BC er, conquering the entire African coast, he suffered a fighting in Spain.

    9 years he fought there until he fell in battle. After his death, the commander-in-chief of the army chose his son-in-law Gasdrubala. For 16 years, most of Spain was conquered and firmly tied to the metropolis. Silver mines delivered very large income, a strong army was created in the battles. In general, Carthage became much stronger than he was even before Sicily's loss.

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    Hannibal Barka

    After the death of Gasdrubal, the army chose Hannibal - the son of Hamilkar - Commander-in-Chief. All their children - Magona, Gasdrubala and Hannibal - Hamil okkar brought up in the spirit of hate to Rome, so, having received control over the army, Hannibal began to look for a reason for the war. In 218 BC e. He captured the Sagunt - the Spanish city and an ally of Rome - the war began.

    Suddenly, Hannibal had his army bypass through the Alps to Italy's territory. There he won a number of victories - with Titin, Trebia and the Trazimen Lake. Rome appointed a dictator, but in 216 BC. e. The city of Cannes Gunnibal inflicted the Romans crushing defeat, the consequence of which was the transition to the side of the Carthage of a significant part of Italy, and the second value of the city - Kapui.

    With the death of Brother Hannibal - Gouchrubal, who led him significant reinforcements - the Carthage's position very much complicated.

    Hiking Hannibala

    Soon Rome responded by combat actions in Africa. Having entered into an alliance with the king of Numidians by Massinissa, a number of lesions struck by BiPinets. Hannibal was summoned to their homeland. In 202 BC e. In the battle of the Zama, commanding a poorly trained army, he was defeated, and Carthaginians decided to conclude the world.

    In his conditions, they were forced to give Rome Spain and all the islands, contain only 10 warships and pay 10,000 conference talents. In addition, they did not have the right fight with someone without resolve Rome.

    After the end of the war, Hannon's hostile to Hannibal, Gisgon and Gasdrubal Gad - the heads of the aristocratic parties tried to see the condemnation of Hannibal, but, supported by the population, he managed to keep power. In 196 BC e. Rome won the war Macedonia, who was the Allied Carthage.

    Fall of Carthagene

    Even losing two wars, Carthage managed to quickly recover and soon became one of the richest cities. In Rome, there has been a significant industry in Rome, Carthage's competition prevented its development. Big concern also caused his rapid recovery. King Numidians Massiniss constantly attacked Carthage possessions; Realizing that Rome always supports the opponents of the Carthage, he switched to direct grips.

    All Carthaginian complaints were ignored and resolved in favor of Numidia. Finally, the curves were forced to give him a straight military rebuff. Rome immediately presented claims in connection with the start of hostilities without permission. Roman army arrived at Carthage. The frightened Carthagean asked the world, Consul Lucius Czanzorin demanded to give all the weapons, then demanded that Carthage was destroyed and that the new city was founded away from the sea.

    Asking the month for thinking, the Bunkers prepared for war. So started III PUNICAL WAR. The city was strengthened, so it was possible to capture it only after 3 years of difficult siege and severe fighting. Carthage was completely destroyed, from 500,000 people 50,000 were captured and became slaves. Carthage's literature was destroyed, With the exception of the treatise on agriculture, written by Magon. On the territory of Carthage, the Roman province was created, which was managed by a governor from Utica.

    Compared to many famous cities of antiquity, Punic Carfhagen is not so rich in finds, because in 146 BC The Romans were methodically destroyed the city. And then created its own, Roman Carthage, based on the same place in 44 BC. Intense construction was conducted in Roman Carthegen, which destroyed the traces of the Grand City. But the place is not empty and now, Carthage exists.

    Ancient Carthage is a major state of Phoenician origin, the capital of which is located in the same city of the same name. His name is translated as a "new city". The base of the carfagen belongs to the end of the 9th century BC. In those year, the Phoenicians traveled throughout the Mediterranean Sea, creating trading colonies, which later were formed into full-fledged cities.

    According to legend, Carthage was founded in 814 BC. Queen Didona. In the ancient records it is said that she was forced to escape from the city of Tir, as her brother Pygmalion killed her spouse sochy, seeking to capture his wealth. Since the city was founded by the people who developed active trade throughout the Mediterranean, then the Carthaginians themselves were distinguished by a business grip. The base of the carfagen is associated with various myths. For example, in one story it is said that Didon was allowed to take so much earth as far as bullish skins can cover. However, she resolved the skin on thin strips, and was able to take enough land to build a palace, called the name of Birsa - "Skura". Today, in the place where Carthage is, or rather, his ruins, created a kind of museum under open skywhere everything is done so that elements of modern life are hidden, and did not spoil the overall impression. Carthage Ruins are located on the northeast coast of the modern state Tunisia.

    When the chickens weakened, Carthage captured a large number of other Phoenician colonies, and already in the 3rd century BC. He was the most extensive and powerful state in the Mediterranean. It consisted of North Africa (except Egypt), Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica. The Carthage state, however, has not increased competition with the Roman Empire. During the three Punic Wars, his power was shaken, and was dispelled. In 146, the history of Carthage, as an independent state, was discontinued. Its territory in North Africa was turned into a province. Although the city was destroyed, Julius Caesar made a proposal to create a colony in its place, which was taken to attention already after his death. In 420-430 AD. Western Roman Empire lost control over the colony. In addition, the German tribes of the vandals were moved here, who founded her own kingdom here. Ancient Carthage still had some meaning after the capture of his Byzantine Empire, but soon he was captured by Arabs, after which the city was abandoned.

    The history of Carthagen became known to modern historians thanks to the records of the ancient Greek and Roman historians. At the same time I managed to learn how the Carthaginian society was arranged. The greatest power in the city had rich aristocracy. The Council of Elders out of 10-30 people led by all matters in the state. There was also a national assembly, but he was rarely convicted. In the 5th century BC. The genus Magnov tried to achieve absolute power, but this was avoided, creating the Council of Judges. This Council was to judge every official in the state in his activities in his post after the cessation of responsibilities, but later, the Council of Judges became the main state body in Carthage.

    The executive authorities belonged to two soffeth. You could only get this position thanks to a direct purchase of votes. There is probability that other officials existed, but the information about them was not discovered. The so-called Council of a hundred and four (just so many people were part of the Council of Judges) was not an elected body. Each participant of the Council was appointed so-called pentarchy - special commissions, whose members belonged to one or another aristocratic clauses. The form of government in Carthage was largely reminded by Roman - military leaders were not kings, they were appointed on the recommendation of the Council of Elders. The term of destination remained uncertain, Carthaginian military leaders often have inherited their post. The authority of military leaders were wide enough, but their uprisings were not recorded in history. The Carthage state was not democratic, but the democratic opposition was present. She was able to strengthen only during the Punic Wars, which led to the death of the Carthage.

    Brief about the religion of Carthage

    Fall, capture, death, Carthage destruction

    Carthage arose for several centuries before the small Gallic settlement of Lutection, which later became Paris. He existed already in those days when Etruscans appeared in the north of the Apennine Peninsula - the Romans teachers in art, navigation and crafts. Carthage was the city already when the Bronze Plow around the Palatinsky Hill was held a furrow, thereby committing a ritual of the founding of the eternal city.

    As the beginning of any of the cities whose history goes into the depths of the centuries, the foundation of the Carthage is also associated with the legend. 814 BC e. - The ships of the Phoenician Queen of Elissa moored near Utica - the Phoenician settlement in North Africa.

    They were met by the leader inhabited Berber tribes. The local population did not have the desire to let the whole detachment for a permanent settlement arrived from the sea. However, on the request of the Elissa to allow them to settle there the leader answered consent. But with one condition: the territory that aliens may occupy should be covered with a skin of only one bull.

    The Phoenician Queen was not at all embarrassed and commanded his people to cut this skin on the finest bands, which after decomposed on Earth into a closed line - the tip to the tip. As a result, it came out pretty big square, which was enough to bookmark a whole settlement, called Birsa - "Skura". The Phoenicians themselves called him "Cardhadasht -" New City "," New Capital ". After the name, it was transformed into Cartage, Cartagena, in Russian, it sounds like Carthage.

    After the brilliant operation with the skin of the bull, the Phoenician Queen made another heroic step. The leader of one of the local tribes was launched towards it, to strengthen the Union with the Phoenicians. After all, Carthage Ros and began to conquer respect in the district. But Elissa refused from female happiness, chose another destiny. In the name of the approval of the new city, in the name of the elevation of the Phoenician people and that the gods consecrate the Carthage to their attention and strengthened the royal power, told the queen to dilute the big bonfire. For the gods, as she said, ordered her to make a rite of sacrifice ...

    And when a huge bonfire broke out, Elissa rushed into a hot flame. The ashes of the first queen - the founder of the Carthagen - lay down in the land, at which the walls of a powerful state, surviving the century of the heyday and the deceased, as the Phoenician Tsarina Elissa, rose, in fiery agony.

    This legend of scientific confirmation has no, and the most ancient finds, which are obtained as a result of archaeological excavations, date back to the VII century BC. e.

    The Phoenicians brought knowledge to these land, handicraft traditions, a higher level of culture and quickly established themselves as skillful and skillful workers. Along with the Egyptians, they mastered the production of glass, succeeded in weaving and pottery, as well as in the stretch of the skin, patterned embroidery, the manufacture of bronze and silver products. Their goods were valued throughout the Mediterranean. The carfagen's economic life is based on trade, agriculture and fishing. It was precisely in those days on the shores of the current Tunisia, olive groves and fruit gardens were planted, and the plains of decays were planted. The agrarian knowledge of Carthaginian was even roman.

    Hardworking and skillful inhabitants of Carthagented artesian wells, built dams and stone tanks for water, grown wheat, engaged in breeding gardens and vineyards, built multi-storey houses, invented various mechanisms, watched the stars, wrote books ...

    Their glass knew in the whole ancient world, perhaps in yet more thanthan Venetian in the Middle Ages. Colorful purple fabrics of Carthaginian, the secret of the manufacture of which was carefully hidden, was valued incredibly high.

    The cultural impact of the Phoenicians had great importance. They were invented by the alphabet - the same alphabet of 22 letters, which served as the basis for the writing of many nations: for the Greek letter, and for Latin, and for our writing.

    Already 200 years after the city was founded by the Carthage Power becomes prosperous and powerful. Carthageanians were founded by the factory on the Balearic Islands, they captured Corsica, eventually began to make sardinia to her hands. To the V century BC e. Carthage established already as one of the largest Empires of the Mediterranean. This empire covered the considerable territory of the current Maghreb, had its own possessions in Spain and Sicily; The Fleet of Carthage through Gibraltar began to go to the Atlantic Ocean, reached England, Ireland and even the coast of Cameroon.

    He was not equal in the whole Mediterranean. Polybii wrote that the Carthage Galers were built as "that could move in any direction with the greatest ease ... if the enemy, fiercely attacking such ships, they retreated, without exposing themselves danger: after all, light ships are not scary to the open sea. If the enemy persisted in the persecution, the galleys unfolded and, maneuvering before the construction of the enemy's ships or covering it from the flanks, again and again went to the ram. " Under the protection of such a gallery, heavy loaded Carthage sailboats could go out into the sea without feasts.

    Everything was successful for the city. At that time, the influence of Greece was largely decreased - this permanent enemy of Carthagene. The rulers of the city supported their power with the union with Etrusca: this union was one of its kind on the shield, which was blocking the Greeks to the Mesh-Mediterranean trade oases. In the East, it was also a good thing for Carthage, but Rome turned into a strong Mediterranean power in that epoch.

    It is known than the rivalry of Carthage and Rome ended. The sworn enemy of the famous city of Mark Portia Caton at the end of each of his performances in the Roman Senate, whatever they say, repeated: "And yet I suppose that!".

    Katon himself was in Carthage as part of the Roman embassy at the end of the second century BC. e. In front of him appeared a noisy, thriving city. There were major trading deals, the coins were changed in the chests different statesThe mines were properly supplied silver, copper and lead, ships came up with stapelters.

    Having visited Caton and in the province where the fat Niva, lush vineyards, gardens and olive groves were able to see. The estates of the Carthaginian knew nothing was inferior to Roman, and sometimes exceeded them in luxury and magnificence of the decoration.

    Senator returned to Rome in the gloomy mood. Going down, he hoped to see signs of decline of the Carthage - of this eternal and sworn rival of Rome. Already more than a century there was a struggle between the two powerful powers of the Mediterranean for the possession of colonies, comfortable harbors, for the domination of the sea.

    This struggle walked with varying success, but the Romans were able to forever oust Carthaginian from Sicily and Andalusia. As a result of the African victories of Emilian Scipion, Carthage paid Rome to the confibration of 10 thousand talents, gave all his fleet, combat elephants and all numidian lands. Such crushing lesions were supposed to exeve the state, but the Carthage was revived and the crepe, which means, will again be a threat to Rome ...

    So I thought Senator, and only dreams about the coming melt accelerated his dark thoughts.

    For three years, Legions Emilian Scipion deposited Carthage, and no matter how desperately resisted his inhabitants, they could not block the path of the Roman army. The battle of the city continued six days, and then he was taken by storm. For 10 days, Carthage was given to looting, and then demolished from the face of the earth. Heavy Roman plows plowed what remained from its streets and squares.

    In the ground they threw salt so as not to be fruited more Carthage fields and gardens. The remaining in living residents, 55 thousand people, sold to slavery. According to the legend, Emilian Scipion, whose troops took the bout of Carthage, cried, looking at how the capital of the powerful powers die.

    The winners took gold, silver, jewelry, ivory products, carpets - all that over the centuries accumulated in the temples, sanctuations, palaces and houses. Almost all books and chronicles died in fire fire. The famous library of Carthagen Romans handed over to their allies - numidia princes, and since that time she disappeared without a trace. Only the treatise on agriculture of Carthageanin Magona has been preserved.

    But the greed robbers who ruined the city and who yearned him from the ground did not calm down on it. It all seemed to them that the Carthaginians, the wealth of which went legends, before the last battle hid their jewels. And for many years, the treasure seekers digged along the dead city.

    24 years after the destruction of Carthage, the Romans began to rebuild a new city in its samples - with wide streets and squares, with blonde palaces, temples and public buildings. All that at least somehow could survive with the defeat of the Carthage, was now used in the construction of a new city, which was already reborn in Roman style.

    Almost several decades have passed, and Carthagen reserved from the ashes turned on beauty and meaning in the second city of the state. All historians who described the Carthage of the Roman period, talked about him as a city in which the luxury and pleasure "reign."

    But Roman dominion did not turn out to be eternal. By the middle of the V century, the city was under the rule of Byzantium, and after a half century, the first military detachments of Arabs came here. The Byzantine's opposite strikes again returned the city to themselves, but only for three years, and then he remained forever in the hands of new conquerors.

    Berber tribes met the parish of Arabs calmly and did not interfere with the spread of Islam. In all cities and even small villages, Arab schools were opened, literature, medicine, theology, astronomy, architecture, folk crafts began to develop ...

    During the Arabic dominion, when the dynasties were engaged in each other, very often, the Carthage moves to the background. Destroyed once again, he was no longer able to rise, turning into a symbol of the magnifying immortality. Nothing left people and ruthless time from the former majority of Carthage - the city who ruled over half ancient world. Neither the German beacon, no stone from the fortress wall, nor the temple of God Eshmun, on the steps of which defenders of the Great Ancient City were fighting to the latter.

    Now on the site of the legendary city - a quiet suburb of Tunisia. In the horseshoe harbor of the former military fort cuts a small peninsula. The fragments of columns and blocks of yellow stone are visible - everything that remains from the Palace of Admiral Carthaginous Fleet. Historians believe that the palace was erected so that the admiral could always see the courts he commanded. And just a pile of stones (presumably from Acropolis), the foundation of the temple of the gods Tanit and Baal testify that Carthage actually was a real place on Earth. And turn the wheel of history differently, Carthage instead of Rome could be the Vladyka of the ancient world.

    From the middle of the twentieth century there are excavations there, and it turned out that a whole quarter of the Carthage was preserved near the bears under the layer of ash. To this day, all our knowledge about the Great City is basically evidence of his enemies. And therefore, the evidence of the Carthage itself is becoming increasingly important. From around the world tourists come here to stand on this ancient land and feel its great past. Carthage is included by UNESCO to the World Heritage List, and therefore it should be saved ...

    Carthage was founded in 814 BC. e. Colonists from the Phoenician city of Tir. After the fall of the Phoenician influence in the Western Mediterranean, Carthage redeems his former Phoenician colonies. By the III century BC e. He becomes the largest state in the west of the Mediterranean Sea, subdued to South Spain, North Africa, Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica. After a series of wars against Rome lost its conquest and was destroyed in 146 BC. er, its territory is turned into a province of Africa. Julius Caesar offered to establish a colony in his place (was founded after his death). After the conquest of North Africa by Emperor Byzantia by Justinian, Carthage is the capital of the Carthaginian Exarchate. Finally lost its name after the conquest of the Arabs.


    Carthage is located on Cape with the entrances to the sea in the north and south. The location of the city made him the leader of the Maritime Trade of the Mediterranean. All vessels crossing the sea inevitably passed between Sicily and the Tunisia coast.

    Two large artificial harbor were died in the city: one for a military fleet, which can accommodate 220 warships, the other for commercial trading. A huge tower surrounded by a wall was built on the cage that separated the harbor.

    The length of massive urban walls was 37 kilometers, and the height in some places reached 12 meters. Most walls were located on the shore, which made the city in impregnable by the sea.

    The city had a huge cemetery, religious places, markets, municipality, towers, and theater. It was divided into four identical residential areas. In about the middle of the city, there was a high citadel, which was called Birs. It was one of the largest cities in Hellenistic times (according to some estimates, only Alexandria was more), and was among the greatest cities of antiquity.

    State device

    Carthagean has an aristocracy. The highest authority is the Council of Elders, at the head of which were 10 (later than 30) people. The People's Assembly formally also played a significant role, but in fact they were rarely treated. Approximately 450 BC e. In order to create a counterweight, the desire of certain kinds (especially the kind of muggers) to get full control over the Council was created by the Federation Council. He consisted of 104 people and originally had to judge the rest officials After the expiration of their powers, but later focused in his hands all the completeness of power. Executive (and higher judicial) Power performed two soffeth, they, as well as the Council of Elders, were elected annually by opening the purchase of votes (most likely there were other officials, but it was not preserved about it). The Council of 104rs was not elected, but was appointed by special commissions - the pentarchy, which themselves were replenished on the basis of belonging to a particular aristocratic race. The Council of Elders also elected commander-in-chief - for an indefinite period and with the most broad powers. The fulfillment of duties of officials was not paid, moreover, there was a valuable value. The democratic opposition intensified only by the time of Punic Wars and did not have time to play in the history of almost no role. The whole system was highly corrupt, but the colossal government revenues allowed the country to develop quite successfully.

    According to polybia (i.e., from the point of view of the Romans), the solutions in Carthage were taken by the people (plebs), and in Rome - the best people, that is, Senate. And this is despite that, in the opinion of many historians, Carthage Rules of the oligarchy.


    Although the Phoenicians lived scattered throughout the Western Mediterranean, they were united by common beliefs. Carthaginians inherited the Canaan religion from their Phoenician ancestors. Every year, throughout the centuries, Carthage sent Messengers to the TIR to make sacrifices there in the Temple of Melcart. In Carthage, the main deities was a pair of Waal Hammon, whose name means "Master-Zharovik", and tanit, identified with Astarta.

    The most sad-known feature of the religion of Carthage was a victim of children. According to Diodorus Sicilian, in 310 BC. E., During the attack of the city, to courage Waal Hammon, Carthaginians sacrificed more than 200 children from noble families. In the "Encyclopedia of Religion" it says: "The bringing an innocent child to the victim of the redemption was the greatest act of the context of the gods. Apparently, this act was designed to ensure the well-being of both families and societies. "

    In 1921, archaeologists discovered a place where several rows of urns were found with charred remains of both animals (they were sacrificed instead of people) and young children. The place was called Tofet. The burials were under the steles, on which requests were recorded, accompanying sacrifices. It is estimated that in this place are the remains of more than 20,000 children sacrificed for only 200 years. Today, some revisionists claim that the burial place was just a cemetery for children born dead or under the age, which allowed them to bury them in a necropolis. However, it is impossible to argue with complete confidence that the Carthage did not sacrifice people.

    Social system

    The entire population in their rights was divided into several groups of ethnic sign. Libyans were in the most difficult situation. The territory of Libya was divided into areas submitted to the strategists, taxes were very high, their collected was accompanied by all sorts of abuse. This led to frequent uprisings that were brutally suppressed. Libyans were forcibly recruited into the army - the reliability of such units, of course, was very low. Sicules - Sicilian Greeks - accounted for another part of the population; Their rights in the field of political governance were limited to Sidonian law (its content is unknown). Sikula, however, enjoyed freedom of trade. The immigrants from the Phoenician cities attached to the Carthage, enjoyed full civil rights, and the rest of the population (freedmen, immigrants - in a word, not the Phoenicians) similarly to Siculas - Sidonian right.

    The richness of Carthagene

    Built on the ground, which was laid by the ancestors - Phoenicians, Carthage created his trading network (mainly he was engaged in the import of metals) and developed it to unprecedented sizes. Karthagen supported his monopoly on trade through a powerful fleet and hired troops.

    Carthage merchants constantly looking for new markets. Approximately 480 BC. e. The navigator Gimilkon landed in British Cornwall, rich in Tin. And after 30 years, Hannon, a leaving of an influential Carthaginian family, headed the expedition out of 60 ships, on which there were 30,000 men and women. People planted in different parts of the coast so that they base new colonies. It is possible that by sailing through the Gibraltar Strait and along the African coast, Gannon reached the Gulf of Guinea and even the coast of Cameroon.

    Enterprise and business grip helped Carthage to become a general recognition of the richest city ancient Mira. "At the beginning of the III century [BC. E.] Thanks to technology, fleet and trade ... The city has moved to the advanced positions, "the" Carthage "book says in the book" Carthage ". The Greek historian Appian wrote about the Cartheginians: "Their power in militarily became equal to Elllinsky, according to wealth, it was in second place after the Persian."


    The carfagen army was mainly hired. The basis of the infantry was Spanish, African, Greek, Gallean mercenaries, the Carthaginian aristocracy served in the "sacred detachment" - a heavy connoisy Connection. The hired cavalry consisted of numidians who were considered in the antiquity of the most beautiful warriors, and the Iberians. The Iberians were also considered good warriors - Balearic prashas and centraliums (Caetrati - correlated with Greek peltas) formed a lot of infantry, banties (armed with a spear, dart and bronze shell) - severe, Spanish heavy cavalry (armed with swords) was also very valued. The celtyber tribes used the arms of Galov - long double-chain swords. An important role was also played by elephants, which contained in the amount of about 300. High was also "technical" equipment of the army (catapults, balleys, etc.) as a whole, the Bulinian army was similar to the army of the Hellenistic states. At the head of the army was the commander-in-chief, elected by the Council of Elders, but by the end of the existence of the state, this election was carried out and the army, which indicates monarchical trends.


    Carthage was founded by immigrants from the Phoenician city of Tira at the end of the IX century BC. e. According to legend, the city founded the widow of the Phoenician king named Didona. She promised the local tribe to pay a gem for a piece of land, limited to the skull of the bull, but provided that the selection of the place will remain behind it. After the transaction was concluded, the colonists chose a comfortable place for the city, sheltering it with narrow straps made from one bullish skins.

    The reliability of the legend is unknown, but it seems unlikely that without a favorable relationship Aboriginal, the handful of presets could consolidate in the territory allotted and to establish the city there. In addition, there is reason to believe that immigrants were representatives of the political party, unrelated in their homeland, and to hope for support for the metropolis, they were unlikely to have accounted for. According to Herodota, Justina and Ovid, shortly after the founding of the city, relations between the Carthage and the local population deteriorated. The leader of the Tribe Merciana Hyarb under the threat of war demanded the hand of the Queen of the Alissa, but she chose death. War than, no less, began and was not in favor of Carthaginian. According to Ovid, Hyarb even captured the city and kept him for several years.

    Judging by the subjects found during the archaeological excavations, at the beginning of its history, trading ties joined the Carthage with the metropolis, as well as Cyprus and Egypt.

    In the VIII century BC e. The position in the Mediterranean has changed much. The china was captured by Assyria, and numerous colonies became independent. Assyrian dominion caused a massive outflow of the population from the ancient Phoenician cities in the colony. Probably, the population of Carthage was replenished with refugees to such an extent that Carthage was able, in turn, to form colonies. The first Carthaginian colony in the Western Mediterranean became the city of Ebess on the island of Pitius (the first half of the 6th century BC. Er).

    At the turn of the VII and VI centuries. BC e. Greek colonization began. In order to confront the promotion of the Greeks, the Phoenician colonies began to be united in the state. In Sicily - Panam, Soluent, Moition in 580 BC. e. successfully opposed the Greeks. In Spain, the Union of Cities, headed by Gades, fought with a tartess. But the foundation of the Unified Phoenician state in the West was the Union of Carthage and Utica.

    Favorable geographical position allowed Carthage to Become the largest city The Western Mediterranean (the population reached 700,000 people), unite the remaining Phoenician colonies around themselves in North Africa and Spain and conduct extensive conquests and colonization.

    VI century BC e.

    In the 6th century, the Greeks founded a colony mass and entered into an alliance with a tartess. Initially, the curiosities were defeated, but Magon conducted the army reform (now the base of the troops became mercenaries), the Union was concluded with Etrusca and in 537 BC. e. In the battle, Alalia Greeks were broken. Soon the Tartess was destroyed and all the Phoenician cities of Spain were attached.

    The main source of welfare was trade - Carthage merchants traded in Egypt, Italy, Spain, in the Black and Red Seas - and agriculture based on the widespread use of slave labor. There was a rigid regulation of trade - Carthage sought to monopolize the turnover; To this end, all subjects were obliged to trade only through the mediation of the Carthaginian merchants. This brought huge revenues, but heavily slowed down the development of subjects under the territory and contributed to the growth of separatist sentiment. During the Greek-Persian wars, Carthage was in alliance with the Persia, together with Etruscia, an attempt was made by the complete seizure of Sicily. But after the defeat in the battle at Himer (480 BC.) From the coalition of the Greek city-states, the struggle was suspended for several decades. The main opponent of the Bunny residents were Syracuses (by 400 BC. E. This state was on top of power and sought to open trade in the West, fully captured by Carthagen), the war continued with intervals for almost a hundred years (394-306 BC. E.) and ended with almost the complete conquest of Sicily Banytar.

    III century BC e.

    In the third century BC e. The interests of Carthage became conflict with a strengthened Roman Republic. Relationships, first allied, began to deteriorate. For the first time, this was manifested at the final stage of the war of Rome with the Tarent. Finally in 264 BC. e. The first Punic war began. She was mainly in Sicily and the sea. Quite quickly, the Romans captured Sicily, but then the almost complete absence of Rome fleet affected. Only by 260 BC e. The Romans created the fleet and, using the boarding tactics, won the sea victory from Cape Mila. In 256 BC e. The Romans moved the fighting in Africa, breaking the fleet, and then the land army of Carthaginian. But Consul Attil Regult did not use the received advantage, and a year later, the Banking Army under the command of the Spartan mercenary of Xantippa inflicted the Romans a complete defeat. In this battle, as in many previous and subsequent, the victory was brought by elephants (even though the Romans had already come across them, fighting against Pierre, King Epirus). Only in 251 BC e. In the battle of Panormra (Sicily), the Romans won a big victory by capturing 120 elephants. Two years later, the Carthaginians won a big sea victory (almost the only one for the entire war) and the calm, due to the full exhaustion of both sides.

    Hamilkar Barka

    In 247 BC e. The commander-in-chief of the Carthagen was the Hamilkar Barka (zipper), thanks to his outstanding abilities, success in Sicily began to be inclined towards the Funaisians, but in 241 BC. e. Rome, gathering with the forces, was able to put a new fleet and the army. Carthage could no longer resist them and after the defeat was forced to conclude the world by losing to Sicily Rome, and pay the confinition of 3200 talents for 10 years.

    After the defeat, Hamilkar resigned, the authorities moved to his political opponents whom Gannon was headed. The Carthaginian government made a highly unreasonable attempt to reduce the fee of mercenaries, which caused the strongest uprising - Libyans supported the army. So the rebellion of the mercenaries began, which almost ended the death of the country. Hamilkar was again called up to power. During the three-year war, he suppressed the uprising, but the garrison of Sardinia joined the rebel and, fearing the tribes living on the island, recognized Rome's power. Carthage demanded to return the island. Since Rome was looking for opportunities to destroy Carthage, then under an insignificant pretext in 237 BC. e. declared war. Only paying 1200 talents to compensation for military spending, the war managed to prevent.

    The explicit inability of the aristocratic government to effective management led to the strengthening of the democratic opposition headed by Hamilkar. The People's Assembly belonged him to the authority of the commander-in-chief. In 236 BC e., conquering the entire African coast, he moved the fighting to Spain. 9 years he fought there until he fell in battle. After his death, the commander-in-chief of the army chose his son-in-law of Gouchrubala. For 16 years (236-220 BC. E.) Most of the Spain was conquered and firmly tied to the metropolis. Silver mines delivered very large incomes, a magnificent army was created in the battles. In general, Carthage became much stronger than he was even before Sicily's loss.


    After the death of Gasdrubal, the army chose Hannibal - the son of Hamilkar - Commander-in-Chief. All their children - Magon, Gasdrubal and Hannibal - Hamilkar brought up to the spirit of hate to Rome, so, having received control over the army, Hannibal began to look for a reason to start the war. In 218 BC e. He captured the Sagunt - the Greek city and the ally of Rome - the war began. Suddenly, Hannibal had his army bypass through the Alps to Italy's territory. There he won a number of victories - with Ticino, Trebi and the Trazimen Lake. Rome appointed a dictator, but in 216 BC. e. The city of Cannes Hannibal won a crushing victory, the consequence of which there was a transition to its side of the considerable part of Italy, and the second in the significance of the city - Kapui. The fighting was carried out in Spain and in Sicily. Initially, the success was accompanied by Carthage, but then the Romans managed to defeat a number of important victories. With the death of Brother Hannibal - Gasdrubala, who led him significant reinforcements, - the position of Carthage very much complicated. Magon's landing in Italy was unsuccessful - he was defeated and was killed in battle. Soon Rome suffered the fighting in Africa. By enclosing the Union with the king of Numidians by Massinissa, Scipipion was a number of defeats. Hannibal was summoned to their homeland. In 202 BC e. In the battle of the Zama, commanding a poorly trained army, he was defeated, and Carthaginians decided to conclude the world. In his conditions, they were forced to give Rome Spain and all the islands, contain only 10 warships and pay 10,000 conference talents. In addition, they did not have the right to fight with someone without the permission of Rome.

    After the end of the war, Hannon's hostile to Hannibal, Gisgon and Gasdrubal Gad - the heads of the aristocratic parties tried to see the condemnation of Hannibal, but, supported by the population, he managed to keep power. With his name, hopes for revenge were associated. In 196 BC e. Rome won the war Macedonia, who was the Allied Carthage. But another ally remained - the king of the Seleucid Empire Antioch. It was in the Union with him Hannibal hoped to lead new warBut before you should finish with the oligarchic authority in the Carthage itself. Using his powers of Suffeta, he provoked a conflict with his political opponents and practically captured the sole power. His hard action against corruption in the medium of aristocratic officials caused opposition on their part. Rome made denunciations on the diplomatic relations of Hannibal with Antioch. Rome demanded his issuance. Understanding that the refusal will cause war, and the country is not ready, Hannibal was forced to escape from the country to Antihau. There he did not receive practically no authority, despite the greatest honors accompanying his arrival. After the defeat of Antioch, he was hiding in Crete, in Viphinia and, finally, constantly pursued by the Romans, was forced to end with him, not wanting to fall into the hands of the enemy.


    Even losing two wars, Carthage managed to quickly recover and soon became one of the richest cities. In Rome, there has been a significant industry in Rome, Carthage's competition has greatly prevented its development. Big concern also caused his rapid recovery. Mark Caton, who was headed by one of the commissions investigating Carthage disputes, managed to convince most of the Senate that he was still dangerous. The question of the beginning of the war was solved, but it was necessary to find a comfortable occasion.

    King Numidians Massiniss constantly attacked Carthage possessions; Realizing that Rome always supports the opponents of the Carthage, he moved to direct grips. All Carthaginian complaints were ignored and resolved in favor of Numidia. Finally, the curves were forced to give him a straight military rebuff. Rome immediately presented claims in connection with the start of hostilities without permission. Roman army arrived at Carthage. The frightened Carthagean asked the world, Consul Lucius Czanzorin demanded to give all the weapons, then demanded that Carthage was destroyed and that the new city was founded away from the sea. Asking the month for thinking, the Bunkers prepared for war. So began III PUNICAL WAR. The city was greatly reinforced, so it was possible to capture it only after 3 years of difficult siege and heavy fighting. Carthage was completely destroyed, only 50,000 remained out of 500,000 people alive. On its territory, the Roman province was created, which managed the governor from Utica.

    Rome in Africa

    Only 100 years later after the destruction of Carthage, Julius Caesar decided to establish on the site of the city colony. These plans were destined only after his death. In honor of the founder, the colony was called "Colonia Julia Carthago" or "Carthaginskaya Colony of Julia". Roman engineers removed about 100,000 cubic meters of land, destroying the vertex of the birs to align the surface and destroy the traces of the past. In this place, temples and beautiful public buildings were erected. After some time, Carthage became "one of the most luxurious cities of the Roman world", in magnitude, the second after Rome is the city of the West. To meet the needs of 300,000 residents of the city, there were built: Circus for 60,000 spectators, theater, amphitheater, thermal and 132-kilometer aqueduct.

    Christianity reached the Carthage approximately in the middle of the II century n. e. And quickly spread in the city. Approximately 155 n. e. In Carthage, a famous theologian and Terertullian apologue was born. Thanks to his works, Latin became the official language of the Western Church. In the third century, the Bishop of Carthaginsky was Cyprian, who introduced a system of seven-step church hierarchy into everyday life and died with a martyrdom in 258 N. e. Another resident of North Africa, Augustine (354-430), the greatest Christian theologian antiquity, united the creeds of the Church with Greek philosophy.

    By the beginning of the 5th century, N.E. Roman Empire experienced decline and the same happened with Carthage. In 439 n. e. The city was captured and looted by vandals. After a hundred years, the conquest of the city by Byzantine for a while suspended its final fall. In 698 n. e. The city was taken by Arabs, his stones served as a material for the construction of the city of Tunisia. In the following centuries, marble and granite, once adorned the Roman city, were looted and taken from the country. They were later used for the construction of cathedrals in Genoa, Pisa, as well as the Canterbury Cathedral in England. Today it is a suburb of Tunisia and an object for tourist pilgrimage.

    Carthage of our days

    Just 15 km from Tunisia, on the shore, the lounge marine foam, opposite the guarding of his peace of the mountain range of Butornina, there is an ancient Carthage.

    Carthage was built 2 times. The first time - in 814 BC, the Phoenician Princess Elisa, and was called Carthage, which means the "new city" on the punic. Located at the intersection of the trade routes of the Mediterranean Sea, he rapidly grew, becoming the main rival of the Roman Empire.

    After the destruction of Carthage Rome in 146 BC In the course of Punic Wars, he was rebuilt anew as the capital of the Roman colony of Africa and continued to flourish. But in the end, he was postgraded by the sad fate of Rome: a powerful cultural and shopping center was overwhelmed by the crowds of barbarians, then he was captured by Byzantines in 533. After Arabic conquest, Carthage gave way to Kairhan, who became the capital of the new Arab state. So many times destroyed Carthage, but every time he rose again. No wonder when it was found, a skull of a horse and bull was found - symbols of strength and wealth.

    The city is interesting for archaeological excavations. When excavations in the so-called Bunior quarter under Roman structures, curls of which have shown the studies of which have shown in the so-called water supply, high (even six-storey) houses were carried out. At the beginning of our era, the Romans first crossed the place where the ruins were destroyed in 146 BC. Carthage, put expensive retaining strengthening around the hill and built a forum on its flat top.

    According to information from ancient history in this place by the patron of the city of God Waal-Hammon and the goddess Tanit sacrifice the firstborn boys starting with V c. BC. The whole ritual is expressively described by Gustave Flaubert in the "Salambo" novel. Archaeologists during searches on the territory of Bunny burials were discovered about 50,000 urns with the remains of babies. On the restored tombstones, the symbols of the gods, a sickle of the moon or a stylized female figure with raised hands can be distinguished - the goddess symbol is tannit, as well as a solar disk - Waal Hammon symbol. Nearby are the harbor of Carthagen, who later served and Romans: a trade harbor in the south and military in the north.


    Bourz Hill. Here is the Cathedral of St. Louis. Finds made during excavations are demonstrated in National Museum Carthage (Musee National De Carthage) on the hill of the Bourhouse.

    The most attention of tourists in Carthage is attracted to the terms of Emperor Antonina Kia in the archaeological park. They were the most largest in the Roman Empire after the Term Trayan in Rome. Carthage's aristocracy met here for recreation, bathing and business conversations. Only a few massive marble seats have been preserved from the building itself.

    Next to the terms is the summer palace Beeev: Today it is a residence of President Tunisia.

    Ancient city (near Sovr. Tunisia) and the state existing in 7-2 centuries. BC. In Western Mediterranean. Carthage (which means in Phoenician "New City") was founded by immigrants from the Phoenician Tire (the traditional date of the base of 814 BC, in fact, based on a little later, possibly approx. 750 BC). The Romans called him Carthago, Greeks - Carhead. According to legend, Carthage founded the Queen Elissa (Didona), which fled from Tira after her brother Pygmalion, King Tyr, killed her husband's husband to take possession of his wealth. Throughout the history of the Carthage, residents of the city were famous for business grip. According to the legend about the foundation of the city, Didon, which was allowed to take so much earth, how much will cover the bullish skiing, took possession of a large plot, cutting the skin on narrow straps. That is why the citadel delivered at this place was called the Birca (which means "skin"). Carthage was not the most ancient of the Phoenician colonies. Long before him, a somewhat north was founded by the Tit (traditional date - approx. 1100 BC). Probably approximately at the same time, Gadrummet and Leptis, located on the eastern coast of Tunisia to the south, Hippon on the North Coast and Licc on the Atlantic Coast of Modern Morocco, were founded. Long before the foundation of the Phoenician colonies, the Mediterranean Sea furked ships from Egypt, Mycken Greece and Crete. Political and military failures of these powers starting from about 1200 BC. Provided the Phoenicians freedom of action in the Mediterranean and a favorable opportunity to acquire skills in navigation and trade. From 1100 to 800 BC. The Phoenicians actually dominated the sea, where only rare Greek ships were drunk. The Phoenicians explored land in the west until the Atlantic Coast of Africa and Europe, which was useful subsequently and Carthage.

    City and Power
    Carfageu belonged to fertile lands in the depths of the mainland, he had a favorable geographical position, which favored trade, and also allowed to control the water between Africa and Sicily, not allowing foreign ships to swim further to the west. Compared to many famous cities of antiquity, Punic (from Lat. Punicus or Poenicus - Phoenician) Carthage is not so rich in finds, because in 146 BC. The Romans methodically destroyed the city, and in Roman Carthage, based on the same place in 44 BC, intensive construction was conducted. Based on scanty evidence of antique authors and their often unclear topographic instructions, we know that the city of Carthage was charged with powerful walls with a length of approx. 30 km. The population is unknown. The citadel was very strengthened. In the city there were bazaar square, the building of the Council, the Court and Temples. In a quarter, called megaard, there were many gardens, fruit gardens and winding canals. Ships were included in the shopping harbor through a narrow passage. For loading and unloading to the shore, you could pull up to 220 vessels at the same time (the ancient ships followed whether to keep on land as possible). Military Harbor and Arsenal were located behind the trading harbor.
    Board system. By its state device, Carthage was a oligarchy. Despite the fact that in the homeland, in Phenicia, the authorities belonged to the kings and the founder of the Carthagen, according to the legend, was the queen Didon, about the royal power here we do not know almost anything. Ancient authors, for the most part, admired by the device of Carthagen, compared him with the state system of Sparta and Rome. Power here belonged to Senate, who conducted finances, foreign policy, declaration of war and the world, and also carried out a general warmanship. The executive power was entrusted to two elements-suffetov (Sufetes called their Romans, this is the same position that "shine", i.e. judges, in the Old Testament). Obviously, these were senators, and their duties were exclusively civilians who did not assume control over the army. Together with the army commander, they were elected by the People's Assembly. The same posts were established in the cities under the rule of the Carthage. Although many aristocrats owned enormous agricultural land, the possession of the Earth was not the only reason for achieving a high social situation. Commerce was considered quite a guide, and weathered with respect to the wealth obtained in this way. Nevertheless, some aristocrats from time to time actively opposed the domes of merchants, as, for example, Gannon Great in 3 V. BC.
    Areas and cities. Agricultural areas in mainland Africa - the habitat of the actual Carthaginian - approximately correspond to the territory of modern Tunisia, although other land fell under the power of the city. When ancient authors talk about numerous cities who are in possession of Carthage, they undoubtedly imply ordinary villages. However, there were here and the real Phoenician colonies - Titch, Leptis, Gadrumet, and others. Information about Carthage's relationships with these cities and some Phoenic settlements in Africa or elsewhere else. The city of Tunisian coast showed independence in their policies only in 149 BC, when it became obvious that Rome intends to destroy Carthage. Some of them submitted to Rome then. In general, Carthage managed (probably after 500 BC) to elect a political line to which the other Phoenician cities joined both in Africa and on the other side of the Mediterranean. The Carthage Power was very extensive. In Africa, its very eastern city has been more than 300 km east of EC (Sovr. Tripoli). Ruins of a number of ancient Phoenician and Carthaginian cities were found between him and the Atlantic Ocean. About 500 BC Or a little later, the navigator Gannon headed the expedition, founded several colonies on the Atlantic Coast of Africa. He ventured to penetrate the south and left a description of the gorillas, tamatov and others rarely mentioned by the ancient authors of African attractions. The colonies and the factors for the most part were located at a distance of about one day of swimming apart. Usually they were on the islands near the shore, on the capes, in the mouths of the rivers or those places of the mainland country, from where it was easy to get to the sea. For example, Leptis, which was not far from modern Tripoli, served in the Roman era, served as the final seaside point of a great caravan path from the internal regions, from where the merchants were carrying slaves and golden sand. This trade began, probably in the early stages of Carthage's history. The Malta and two islands neighborly with her. Carthagen centuries led to the fight against the Sicilian Greeks, under his power were Lilibia and other reliably fortified ports in the West of Sicily, as well as various periodsAnd other areas in the territory of the island (it happened that in his hands there was almost all of Sicily, except Syracuse). Gradually, Carthage established monitoring and over fertile areas of Sardinia, while the inhabitants of the island remained uncompaired. Inrogen merchants access to the island was banned. At the beginning of the 5th century BC. Carthagean began to master Corsica. Carthaginian colonies and shopping settlements existed on the southern coast of Spain, while the Greeks were entrenched on the eastern shore. Since arrival here in 237 BC Hamilkar Barka and to the campaign of Hannibal in Italy were achieved great progress in submission of the internal regions of Spain. Apparently, when creating its scattered territories, the Carthage did not set other purposes, except for establishing control over them for the sake of obtaining the highest possible profits.
    Carthage Civilization
    Agriculture. Carthaginians were skilled farmers. From grain crops were the most important wheat and barley. Site grain was probably delivered from Sicily and Sardinia. For sale, the average quality of wine was produced. Fragments of the ceramic container found during archaeological excavations in Carthage testify that the wines of higher quality Carthagean imported from Greece or from the island of Rhodes. Carthagean was famous for their excessive interest to the guilt, even special laws against drunkenness were adopted, for example, forbidding wines for warriors. In North Africa, an olive oil was produced, although low quality. Here traveled figs, grenades, almonds, palm trees, and the ancient authors have mention of such vegetables as cabbage, peas and artichokes. In Carthage, raised horses, mules, cows, sheep and goats. Numidians who lived west on the territory of modern Algeria, preferred thoroughbred horses and were famous for riders. Apparently, the Carthaginians who had durable trade relations with numidians, and bought horses from them. Later, the gourmet of the Imperial Rome highly appreciated the poultry from Africa. Unlike Republican Rome, in Carthage, small farmers have not formed the backbone of society. Most of the African ownership of the Carthage was divided between the prosperous carfageans, in large estates of which the economy was conducted on scientific basis. Some Magon, who lived probably in 3 century. BC, wrote a guide to agriculture. After the fall of the Carthage, the Roman Senate, wanting to attract wealthy people to restore production on some of his lands, ordered to translate this guide to Latin. Excerpts from the composition given in Roman sources indicate that Magon used the Greek Agriculture Guides, but tried to adapt them to local conditions. He wrote about large farms and concerned all sides of agricultural production. Probably, local residents worked as tenants, Berbers, and sometimes slaves under the guidance of supervisors. The emphasis was made mainly on commodity crops, vegetable oil and wine, but the nature of the area inevitably assumed a specialization: more hilly areas were given to fruit gardens, vineyards or pastures. There were medium-sized peasant farms.
    Craft. Carthage artisans specialized in the production of cheap products, for the most part reproducing Egyptian, Phoenician and Greek samples and intended for sale in the Western Mediterranean, where Carthage captured all the markets. Production of luxury goods - for example, a bright purple paint, widely known called "Tirsky Purpur", is known in a later period when North Africa owned the Romans, but we can assume that it existed before the fall of the Carthage. Bagryanko, sea snail containing this dye, it was best to collect in the fall and in winter - in seasons not suitable for navigation. Permanent settlements were founded in Morocco and on the island of Djerba, in the best location for Murcs. In accordance with Eastern traditions, the state was a slave owner who used slave labor in arsenals, on shipperfins or in construction. Archaeologists did not find data that would testify to the presence of large private craft enterprises, whose products would spread on a closed for the outstanding Western market, while a lot of small workshops are recovered. It is often very difficult to distinguish among the finds of Carthage products from items imported from Phenicia or Greece. Craftsmen successfully reproduced simple products, and it seems, the Carthaginians did not too sought to do something except for copies. Some Punic Masters were very skilled, especially in carpentry and metal works. Carthaginsky carpenter could use cedar wood for work, whose properties knew from ancient times of the Master of Ancient Phenicia, who worked with the Lebanese cedar. Due to the constant need for ships both carpenters and metal workers consistently differed in high level of skill. There are evidence of their skills in iron and bronze processing. The number of decorations found in the excavations is small, but it seems that this people were not inclined to put expensive items in the tombs to please the souls of the deceased. The largest of craft production, apparently was the manufacture of ceramic products. Detected remnants of workshops and pottery furnaces filled with products that were intended for firing. Each Punic settlement in Africa produced ceramic products that are found everywhere in the areas of the scope of Carthage, in Malta, Sicily, Sardinia and Spain. Carthaginian ceramics from time to time detect on the coast of France and Northern Italy - where the dominant position in trade occupied the Greeks from the Massia (Sov. Marseille) and where the Carthaginians probably still allowed to trade. Archaeological finds draw a picture of the stable production of simple ceramics not only in the Carthage itself, but also in many other Punic cities. These are bowls, vases, dishes, cups, dirty jugs of various purposes, called amphoras, jugs for water and lamps. Studies show that their production existed with deep antiquity until the death of Carthage in 146 BC. Early products for the most part reproduced Phoenician samples, in turn, often were copies of Egyptian. Looks like in 4 and 3 centuries. BC. Carthaginians were especially valued by Greek products, which was manifested in imitating the Greek ceramics and sculpture and the presence of a large number of Greek products of this period in the materials from the excavations in Carthage.
    Trade policy. Carthaginians especially succeeded in trade. Carthage can be called a trade state, since in his policy he was largely guided by commercial considerations. Many of his colonies and trade settlements were undoubtedly based in order to expand trade. It is known about some expeditions taken by the Carthaginian rulers, the reason for which the desire for wider trading relations was also. In the contract concluded by Carthagen in 508 BC. With the Roman Republic, who had just arose after the expulsion from Rome of Etruscan kings, it was envisaged that the Roman ships could not be swimming in the western part of the sea, but they can use the Carthage harbor. In the case of a forced landing anywhere else on the Punic territory, they requested official protection in the authorities and after the repair of the vessel and the replenishment of food reserves immediately sailed. Carthage agreed to recognize the borders of Rome and respect its people, as well as its allies. Carthaginians concluded agreements and, if necessary, went for concessions. They resorted to strength to prevent rivals in the western Mediterranean water, which were considered as their victob, except the coast of Gaul and the coast of Spain and Italy adjacent to it. They also won the fight against piracy. The authorities contained in good condition the complex structures of the Cargo Harbor of Carthage, like his military harbor, which, apparently, was opened for shipping ships, but a few navigators came there. The fact is striking that such a trade state, like Carthage, has not shown due attention to the coin chasing. Apparently, the own coin here was not up to 4 V. BC, when silver coins were released, which, if you consider the preserved specimens typical, significantly differed in weight and quality. Perhaps the Carthagean was preferred to use a reliable silver coin of Athens and other states, and most transactions were made by direct commodity exchange.
    Goods and trading paths. Specific data on the subjects of trade of Carthage is surprisingly scuba, although the evidence of its trading interest is quite numerous. Typical in a number of such evidence is the story of Herodota about how trading on the west coast of Africa occurred. Carthagean planted ashore in a certain place and laid out goods, after which they were removed to their vessels. Then local residents appeared and put a certain amount of gold near the goods. If it was enough, the Carthagean was taken gold and walked. Otherwise, they left him untouched and returned to the ships, and the natives brought more gold. That it was for the goods, the story does not mention. Apparently, the Carthaginians brought simple ceramics for sale or exchange to the Western regions, where they were monopolists, and also traded amulets, decorations, simple metal utensils and uncomplicated glass products. Some of them were produced in Carthage, part - in cuneic colonies. According to a number of certificates, Punic traders offered to the natives of the Balearic Islands of Wine, women and clothing in exchange for slaves. It can be assumed that they were engaged in wide procurement of goods in other handicraft centers - Egypt, Phenicia, Greece, southern Italy - and transported them to those areas where they used the monopoly. Punic merchants were famous in the harbors of these craft centers. Finds of non-Archaene products in the archaeological excavations of Western settlements suggest that they were brought there on cunic ships. Some references in Roman literature indicate that Carthaginians have imported various valuable goods in Italy, where ivory from Africa highly appreciated. At the time of the Empire, a huge amount of wild animals was delivered for the device of games from Roman North Africa. Figi and honey are also mentioned. It is believed that the Carthage ships swam in the Atlantic Ocean for Tin Cornwall. The Carthagean themselves produced bronze and, perhaps, delivered some tin to other places where it was required for similar production. Through its colonies in Spain, they sought to get silver and lead, which could be checked on their products brought. Ropes for Punic military vessels were made from Esparto grass grown in Spain and North Africa. An important trading article, because of the high price, was a purple dye from the Bagryanka. In many localities, traders purchased the skins of wild animals, the skin and found markets for their sales. As in more late time, in the ports of Leptis and Ei, as well as the lying somewhere west of Gigtis, must have arrived caravans from the south. They were brought in ancient times ostrich feathers and eggs that served as decorations or bowls. In Carthage, fierce faces were melted on them and used as they say as masks to scare demons. Elephant bone and slaves also brought with caravans. But the most important cargo was golden sand from the Golden Shore or from Guinea. Some of the best Carthaginians imported to their own use. A part of the ceramics found in Carthage is brought from Greece or from Campagni in the south of Italy, where they were produced by the Greeks. Found during the excavations of the Carthage, characteristic handles from Rhodes amphoras show that wine was covered with Rhodes. Surprisingly, the high-quality attic ceramics is not detected here.
    Language, art and religion. We do not know almost anything about Carthaginian culture. The only precedes to us the lengthy texts in their language are contained in the plave of Float Washing, where one of the characters, Gannon, pronounces a monologue, apparently, on a genuine cuneic adverium, which immediately repeats his considerable part of Latin. In addition, there was a lot of replica of the same Gannon on the play, also with a translation to Latin. Unfortunately, did not understand the text of the correspondencers of him freer. In addition, the Carthaginian language is known only by geographical names, technical terms, names of their own and individual words given by Greek and Latin authors. In the interpretation of these scraps, the similarity of the Punic language with Hebrew is very helpful. Carthagean's own art traditions did not have. Apparently, in everything that can be attributed to the field of art, this people were limited to copying other people's ideas and techniques. In ceramics, decorations and sculptures, they were content with imitation, and sometimes they were sometimes copied. As for literature, we have no data on the creation of any other writings, in addition to purely practical practical, such as Magon farming guidelines, and one or two smaller compile texts in Greek. We do not know about the presence of something in Carthage, which could be called "elegant verbose." Carthage had official priesthood, temples and their religious calendar. The main deities were Waal (Baal) - the Semitic God, known in the Old Testament, and the goddess Tanit (Tinnit), the Heavenly Queen. Vergilia in Aneida called Junon's goddess who favored the Carthagean, because she identified it with tanit. For religion, Carthaginian is characterized by human sacrifices, especially practically practiced disaster periods. The main thing in this religion is faith in the effectiveness of iconic practice to communicate with an invisible world. In the light of this, it is especially surprising that in 4 and 3 centuries. BC. Carthaginians were actively involved in the mystical Greek cult Demmers and Persephone; In any case, the material traces of this cult are quite numerous.
    Communication with other peoples
    The ancient rivals of Carthaginian were the Phoenician colonies in Africa Trita and Gadrumet. It is unclear when and how they had to obey Carthage: no written evidence of any wars is available.
    Union with Etrusca. Etruscan Northern Italy was simultaneously allies and cargo rivals of Carthagene. These enterprising seawares, merchants and pirates dominated 6 c. BC. Above a significant part of Italy. The main area of \u200b\u200btheir settlement was directly north of Rome. They also owned Rome and the Earth to the south - until the turn, where they came into a clash with the Greeks of Southern Italy. Encuting the Union with Etrusca, Carthaginian in 535 BC. A large sea victory over the Fokeers - Greeks, who took Corsica. Etrusks took Corsica and about two generations held the island. In 509 BC Romans expelled them from Rome and Latia. Soon after that, the Greeks of Southern Italy, having enlisted the support of the Sicilian Greeks, strengthened the pressure on the Etruscans and in 474 BC. They committed with their power to the sea, making them a crushing defeat near Kum in the Neapolitan Gulf. Carthagean moved to Corsica, already having a bridgehead on Sardinia.
    The struggle for Sicily. Even before the major defeat of Etruscans, Carthage was able to measure with the Sicilian Greeks. Punic cities in the west of Sicily, at any case, no later than Carthage, were forced to submit to him, like the cities of Africa. The elevation of two powerful Greek tyrants, Gelon in Syracuses and Feron in Akraganta clearly foreshadowed the Carthaginians that the Greeks would take a powerful offensive on them to displace from Sicily, just as it happened with Etrusca in southern Italy. Carthaginians took the challenge and for three years actively prepared for the conquest of all Eastern Sicily. They acted together with the Persians who prepared the invasion of Greece itself. According to the late tradition (undoubtedly erroneous), the defeat of the Persians in Salamine and the equally decisive defeat of the Carthaginian in the land battle in the hymera in Sicily occurred in 480 BC. in the same day. By confirming the worst concerns of the Carthaginian, the farmer and gelon put out inextricable forces. There was a lot of time before the Carthagean reached the offensive on Sicily. After the Syracuses successfully reflected the invasion of Athenians (415-413 BC), the head of them defeating them, they sought to subordinate other Greek cities in Sicily. Then these cities began to seek help to the Carthage, who did not slow down to take advantage of this and sent a huge army to the island. Carthaginians were close to capturing the entire eastern part of Sicily. At this point, the famous Dionysius I came to power in Syracuses, which founded the power of Syracuse on cruel tyranny and fought against Carthaginian against Carthaginian. At the end of hostilities in 367 BC Carthaginians again had to come to terms with the inability to establish complete control over the island. For lawlessness and inhumanity, by Dionisia, were partly compensated by the help of the help of the Sicilian Greeks in their fight against the Carthage. The persistent Carthaginians took another attempt to subjugate Eastern Sicily in the times of Tirani Donia Jr., who became the successor to his father. However, this again did not reach the goal, and in 338 BC, after several years of hostilities that did not allow to talk about the advantage of any of the parties, the world was concluded. There is an opinion that Alexander Macedonsky saw his end goal In the establishment of dominion also above the West. After the return of Alexander from the great campaign to India, shortly before his death, the Carthagean, like other nations, sent the embassy to him, trying to bring his intentions. Perhaps the untimely end of Alexander in 323 BC. Saved Carthage from many troubles. In 311 BC Carthaginians made another attempt to take the eastern part of Sicily. In the syrupuses of the rules of the new Tiran Agafokl. Carthaginians have already besieged him in Syracuses and, it seemed that they had the opportunity to seize this chief reference point of the Greeks, but Agafokl sailed from the harbor from the harbor and attacked Carthage possessions in Africa, creating a threat to the Carthage itself. From now on until the death of Agafokla in 289 BC. The usual war with varying success continued. In 278 BC Greeks switched to the offensive. The famous Greek commander Pyrr, the king of Epir, arrived in Italy to fight against the Romans on the side of the Southital Greeks. Having won two victories over the Romans with a great damage for themselves ("Pierry Victory"), he crossed Sicily. There he pushed Carthaginian and almost cleaned the island from them, but in 276 BC With a characteristic fatal impermanence, he refused the further struggle and returned to Italy, where the Romans were expelled soon.
    Wars with Rome. Carthagean could hardly foresee that their city was destined to die as a result of a number of military conflicts with Rome, known as Punic Wars. The reason for the war was the episode with Mamerters, Italy mercenaries, who were in service from Agafokla. In 288 BC Part of them captured the Sicilian city of Mesan (Sovr. Messina), and when in 264 BC Gieron II, the ruler of Syracuse, began to overcome them, they asked for help from Carthage and at the same time in Rome. For a variety of reasons, the Romans responded to the request and entered into a conflict with Carthaginians. War was 24 years old (264-241 BC). The Romans landed the troops on Sicily and initially achieved some success, but the army landed in Africa under the command of the Regula was divided near Carthage. After repeated failures caused by storms at sea, as well as a number of lesions on land (Carthaginian's army in Sicily commanded Hamilkar Barka) Romans in 241 BC. We won the sea battle at the Egada Islands, near the west coast of Sicily. The war brought a huge damage and losses to both sides, Carthage finally lost Sicily, and Sardini with Corsica soon lost. In 240 BC The most dangerous rebellion of the displeased delay in the money of the Carthaginian mercenaries, which was able to suppress only in 238 BC In 237 BC, just four years after the end of the first war, Hamilkar Barka went to Spain and began conquering internal regions. The Roman embassy, \u200b\u200bwhich appeared with the question of his intentions, he replied that he was looking for a way to pay Rome as quickly as possible. Spain's wealth - vegetable and animal world, minerals, not to mention its inhabitants, could quickly compensate for Carthaginians a loss of Sicily. However, the configurity began between the two powers again, this time due to the unrelenting pressure from Rome. In 218 BC Hannibal, the great Carthaginian commander, went to the land from Spain through the Alps in Italy and broke the Roman army, having won several brilliant victories, the most important of which took place in 216 BC. In the battle of Cannes. Nevertheless, Rome did not request peace. On the contrary, he scored new troops and after several years of confrontation in Italy postponed the fighting in North Africa, where she achieved victory in the battle at replacement (202 BC). Carthage lost Spain and finally lost the position of the state capable of challenging Rome. However, the Romans were afraid of the revival of Carthage. It is said that Caton Senior Everyone's speech ended in the Senate with the words "Delenda Est Carthago" - "Carthage must be destroyed." In 149 BC The exorbitant requirements of Rome forced a weakened, but still rich North African State to join the third war. After three years of heroic resistance, the city fell. The Romans equalized him with the Earth, sold in slavery surviving residents and sprinkled with the soil of salt. However, the five centuries later, the Punic Republic was still used in some rural areas of North Africa, and in the veins of many people who lived there, probably flowed PuNic Blood. Carthage was rebuilt at 44 BC. And turned into one of the major cities of the Roman Empire, but the Carthage Power ceased to exist.
    Roman Carthage.
    Having a practical fold, Julius Caesar ordered to establish a new Carthage, because he considered it sense to leave so favorable place unused in many ways. At 44 BC, 102 years after death, the city began a new life. From the very beginning, he reached prosperity as an administrative center and port of the region with rich agricultural production. This period of the history of Carthagen lasted almost 750 years. Carthage became the main city of Roman provinces in North Africa and the third (after Rome and Alexandria) in the empire. He served as a residence of the province of Africa, which in the representation of Romans to a greater or lesser extent coincided with the ancient Carthaginian territory. Here was the administration of the imperial land possessions that made a significant part of the province. Many famous Romans are connected with the Carthage and its surroundings. The writer and philosopher Apuli in his youth studied in Carthage, and later achieved such fame there due to his Greek and Latin speeches, which the statues were erected in his honor. The native of North Africa was Mark Cornelius Fronton, the mentor of the emperor Mark Auraliya, as well as the emperor septimia north. Ancient Punic religion has been preserved in a nitrogenous form, and the goddess tanit worshiped as a Junon of Heaven, and the image of Waal merged with the crown (Saturn). Nevertheless, it was North Africa who became the stronghold of the Christian faith, and Carthage gained fame in the early history of Christianity and was a venue for a number of important church councils. In 3 c. Carthaginian bishop was Cyprian, and Tertullian held a majority of his life here. The city was considered one of the largest centers of Latin scholarship in the Empire; sv. Augustine in his confession gives us a few bright sketches of the life of students who visited the rhetorical school of Carthage at the end of the 4th century. However, Carthage remained only a major urban center and did not have political significance. Whether we are listening to the stories about the public executions of Christians, whether we read about the fierce attacks of Terertullian on noble carfageenyans who were in the church in lush worldly outfits, or we meet the mention of some outstanding personalities in Carthage in important moments of history, above the level of a large provincial city He never rises. For some time there was the capital of Vandals (429-533 AD), which, as once pirates, were sent to swimming from the harbor who dominated the Mediterranean strait. Then this area won the Byzantines, held it until 697 Carthage fell under the onslaught of Arabs.

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