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  • How to read poetry correctly with expression. Expressive reading, teaching, workshop

    How to read poetry correctly with expression.  Expressive reading, teaching, workshop

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    All children are taught to read poetry even in kindergarten, every child can just learn, but not everyone can read it with expression. Why? Because no one taught them how to do it. Teachers simply lower grades if you can't read a beautiful verse. In this case, intonation plays the main role. It must be observed even when you are reading a simple text, but in the case of poetry, this is the most important thing. But how to learn this and what can be done, what rules to follow? TeachIt will tell you about it in this article.

    1. The first thing to do in order to read a verse out loud in public is understand its meaning... Try to analyze who it is dedicated to, what emotions the author wanted to convey to the reader, what he wanted to say and what he was talking about in general. Then be sure to learn the text. Even if you think that you can spy it on a piece of paper, you shouldn't hope so much.
    2. Because with excitement, you simply may not see the text. Yes, and the public is better for speakers who do not try to peep. In this case, the audience perceives the performance more sincerely. It is necessary to practice reading the verse as much as you need to remember, where to pause, and where, on the contrary, to accelerate. Also, before speaking, think about where to put emphasis.
    3. Naturally, any speech is perceived better if it is comprehensible and clear. In order not to make a reservation, it will be useful prepare the speech apparatus for the upcoming event. There are a huge number of all kinds articulatory gymnastics which you can use. People whose work is connected with public speaking are advised to do these exercises every day, and "warm up" the articulation apparatus before the performance itself.
    4. When you learn to read poetry, you can practice in front of the mirror... So you will see your facial expressions. It often seems to people that at a certain moment they are trying to display one emotional state, but from the outside it looks different. When you read a poem, you often need to say a long phrase in one breath. That is why professionals are engaged in breathing exercises.
    5. Before the performance itself, the main thing deal with the excitement, otherwise it will be heard in your voice, even if you try to show that you are not worried at all. The voice best conveys our state. To try to calm down, you can take a couple of deep breaths and exhalations, imagine that you are in a place where it is calm and comfortable.
    6. A poem is, first of all, emotions. For example, if you analyze a verse called “How Good To Read,” you can see how the author talks about the joy of a child who has mastered reading skills. And it would not be correct to read this poem monotonously and calmly. Rather, it needs to be done vigorously and vigorously. And, of course, the speech should be faster than, for example, when reading Tatyana Onegin's letter.

    Video lessons

    Shock words

    In every phrase up to lies to be one vertex, one logical center, which will emerge la is the main one. Then sequentially, according to Art ep The rest of the words are highlighted in importance. And with ov this does not emphasize secondary words. For in NS divisions of logical centers are amplified, increased sounding voices, and sometimes by lowering it and s by slowing down the tempo. Define drums with lo A number of rules for logical reading will help in the text. Uda NS they are mainly words, baggage on concepts that were not previously in the text tr Were there, that is, new concepts. This is one of the wasps but clear rules.

    V simple sentence oud R the feeling falls either on the subject or on the predicate; obs h but for the second word in order:

    Made a Elk confusion... Gate creaked.

    When the meaning of say zue what is implied in the subject itself, then on such a tale ye my stress doesn't drop if there is no opposition:

    All of a sudden lightning the whole thicket lit up.
    Surf makes noise.

    If the text contains contra in position, then the opposed words are highlighted:

    Grandpa on balcony and grandma under the window is sitting.
    Burned on milk blowing and on the water.

    Opposition can undermine and zoomed

    AND fool it will understand (not only smart).

    The rule of logical q yen fucking when opposed subjugates others. So, if the subject is expressed by a pronoun, it does not ol You must be a stressful word:

    I AM I will not touch his.
    And that's it sad she.

    But when opposed a the pronoun stands out:

    Today - you, and tomorrow - I am.

    If the verb has a complement n second words, they take on the stress.

    A weak wind pulled along tops.
    I love the fellow for sincerity.

    If the definition is expressed by the name, exist l in the genitive case, the stress is transferred to this noun.

    Eyes turned to her men.
    The noise merged with the dialect guests.

    But when opposed n and the stress is not transferred.

    Towards the north Aurora
    Star come from the north!

    According to the rule, the stress should have been b NS be on the word "north". But so the star is opposed to Aurora, then the emphasis falls on the o "star".

    Definition expressed by the addendum and those flax, does not happen under stress.

    Black clouds hung above the sea.
    In small rooms warm and cozy.

    But if "small rooms" are opposed that “big” are added, the stress will move.

    In small the rooms are warm and cozy.

    If a noun is preceded by several la gels, the nearest to it does not stand out, but merges with it.

    He is a calm, reasonable, positive person.

    But if one or more adjectives with then yat after the noun, as predicates, then the stress goes to the adjectives.

    He is a human proud and wayward.

    If after the noun st oya t adjectives-definitions, then the stress falls on both the noun and the attached body.

    Her face protruded from the darkness - thin, wrinkled, drunk.

    The stress falls on the words expressing Wed service.

    Moaned like beast.
    How doe the forest is fearful.

    If the comparison and the related sl ov o do not stand next to each other, then the stress falls on both words.

    How he was like poet,
    When I sat in the corner one.

    If the concept is expressed in several words, then you de The last word is given. For example, with a given name, patronymic and surname, the surname is most important. However, if you say a few words Ms there is not a single concept, but a whole thought, then there may be several stresses.

    Belinsky - a wonderful Russian critic.

    When opposed in a verbose concept to a blow nor e can move.

    Comparing Moscow operetta theater and Odessa operetta theater ...(The accent moves from the end to the beginning of a wordy concept).

    Logical and psychological pauses

    The expressiveness of the head and sieve not only from shock words highlighted voice O m. Its influence on the emotionality of reading the eye s there are pauses. They make sense you mi, i.e. logical and pauses dictated by the feeling i.e. psychological. Logical pauses can NS be of different duration: from instantaneous, which is aet Xia before a word to highlight it, to long, from cases which contains the semantic parts of the phrase.Observations over live p ech were allowed to draw up several rules to help determine units Add places for logical pauses. They are made:

    1) after the subject, which carries in s
    eb e logical stress:
    2) after the subject, when it is expressed in two or more words:

    This Angelo is haughty, |
    This wicked man, | this sinner | - was loved;

    3) before an adjective that follows su sches decisive and explains it:

    Finally a woman appeared, | wrapped up to the point of impossibility;

    4) before a noun that defines another being with the following:

    Artist Serov | notice l new Russian portrait painter ...

    But if the noun is ahead of the spruce pause is not needed:

    Wonderful russ ki 1st portrait painter Serov;

    5) before connecting unions: a, and, but, yes, so ka To they refer to the following words, with which they should be in the same group:

    He is a troublemaker, | and the owner is bad.
    We dined in silence | and sun hoisted from the table rather than usual.

    6) With dash and prop at ske words:

    Book - | friend of human.

    7) Before and after the introductory sentence (so that more than once ee pull the thread of thought):

    She would be ready to pay off, | and told the master, | yes, he does not announce any decision.

    8) Between explanatory words, as well as between for living, predicate and explanatory words.

    9) In complex common sentences
    same niyah:

    Pacing with heavy steps up and down the hall, | he accidentally glanced out the window | and saw a troika stopping at the gate ...

    10) The longest pause is the break during the break about two parts:

    There is a lot of game in his estate, | house n
    wasps triune according to the plan of a French architect, | people are dressed in English, | lunches he sets are excellent, | receives guests affectionately, | but still you are not willing to go to him.

    Examples of logical parsing from the weight many aphorisms about oratory.

    If to determine lo geche pause there are a number of rules, then about psychological pause you can only say that it is to them e has the right to suspend the flow of speech in any sl O ve and depends on creativity, based eg axis for the analysis of the text and the emotion that determines it and about cash content. Psychological pause can be with ov fall from logical, but may not coincide. V excellent from a logical, psychological pause cannot would just silence. She is "eloquent". In not th as if surviving, thinking out, examining what was expressed in the previous words and railway What is new is what will be expressed in the subsequent speech.

    Most difficult to express it personal reading material consisting of length n semantic parts (periods), in which it is easy to "forget oud go "and lose the main idea. Important scientific it be also able to handle introductory words and give in person my suggestions. They should be shaded, floor b sounding by changes in voice, pauses and the pace of reading. Ying a what the speech turns out to be heavy, and this will interfere with cn acceptance of the material.

    To learn how to speak correctly, competently and beautifully, in addition to expressiveness, you need to be proficient in the technique of speech. Exercise to improve your voice. To develop diction well in the project, you will find

    Expressive reading Is a special art that needs to be learned from early childhood. It's too late to learn this art at school. Some modern children and adolescents are indifferent to the word and poetry. The poet's name means nothing to them. They read poems of great poets on stage casually, loudly or monotonously, without delving into the plot of the poem, without feeling the mood of the author, the main idea ... This indicates a lack of taste, imagination, deep perception.

    How to explain to a child that expressive reading of high poetry is a great responsibility? The reason for the lack of correct perception of poetry lies in the traditions of education, which we often forget. Unfortunately, oral folk art, which has been passed down from generation to generation for many centuries, is now a thing of the past. Not every modern mother owns folklore and folk poetry.

    It is known that love for the word is born at a very early age. From birth, a child hears native speech, learns the beauty of the word through nursery rhymes, dog songs, jokes. A one-year-old baby listens with pleasure to children's folk poems, learns to imitate sounds, play. At this age, children are interested in the following topics for expressive reading: animal behavior, bird life, beauty of the surrounding world, regime activities: washing, bathing, eating ...

    By the age of two, he repeats simple poems and correctly conveys their intonation. The child listens to the simple poems of Boris Zakhoder, Valentin Berestov, Elena Blaginina, Sergei Mikhalkov, Emma Moshkovskaya, comprehends them, expresses his feelings. He perceives what he has heard as something personal, close. From short poems, you need to gradually move on to long ones. It is important to pay attention to the purity of sounds, pronunciation of each syllable, intonation.

    Any poem by B. Zakhoder gives the child joy and surprise. In a poem about a hedgehog, the baby asks a question for himself and answers on behalf of the hedgehog in a thin plaintive voice.

    - What are you, hedgehog, so prickly?
    - This is me, just in case:
    Do you know who my neighbors are?
    Foxes, wolves and bears!

    Memorizing the poem by E. Moshkovskaya "Sour Poems" is work on the formulation of a beautiful figurative speech, the expression of emotion with facial expressions and gestures.

    Sour verses (E. Moshkovskaya)

    The sour sun has risen,
    Looks - the sky is sour,
    In the sour sky, the sour cloud hung ...
    And the unfortunate sour passers-by hurry
    And they eat horrible sour ice cream ...
    Even the sugar is sour!
    All the jam is sour!
    Because the mood was sour.

    From the age of two, the child also learns great poetry, which is a reflection of his attitude to the world. A small child is fascinated by the magic melody, the magic combination of sounds, the beauty of the words in the fairy tales and poems of A.S. Pushkin. In the works of Alexander Pushkin, the child draws amazing images ("invisible moon", "ruddy dawn", "squirrel-entertainer", "flying snow", "noisy caravan geese" ...), which will further serve to awaken imagination, enrichment inner peace.

    K. I. Chukovsky wrote in his book "From Two to Five":

    "Poems for children are the norm of human speech, a natural expression of their feelings and thoughts."

    Little children are happy to repeat their favorite children's poems after their mother. As soon as the mother reads the first line, the child immediately takes the initiative into his own hands and recites the poem to the end. The process of memorizing a poem is not imposed on the child. This is a game in the form of verse communication with a mother, who constantly offers something new, amazing, beautiful, understandable, dear. So, the child's speech. The mother emotionally recounts poetry to the child (on a walk, while bathing, while awake ...) the child listens with interest, wonders, repeats and rejoices at his success.

    Expressive reading brings aesthetic pleasure to preschool and school children, adults. In fact, the process of memorizing a poem is a pleasant experience.

    Poems are easy to learn due to their inherent rhythm.

    The entire learning process consists of certain stages, which are followed depending on individual characteristics person. People with a good memory memorize poems immediately after several readings.

    The first step is familiarity with the text: Read the poem out loud 3-5 times. Think about its name. You must understand the meaning of each line. Read slowly and clearly, pause, try to experience every sound, every word. Feel the buildup of emotional tension on separate lines. Think about the plot of the work, comprehend the logical connections. Choose the pace and rhythm of your reading. Put logical pauses in place of punctuation marks (such stops add completeness to the statement).

    After a comma, pause for a short time, after a period or ellipsis - a long pause. Mark the places of psychological meaningful pauses before or after a phrase, before and after a sentence. This technique of expressiveness helps to accurately convey the essence of the sentence.
    Get acquainted with the history of the creation of the poem in order to get complete information about the author and the circumstances that prompted the writing of this work. This will help to more accurately convey the image created by the author. Determine the motives of the heroes' actions, imagine their feelings, experiences.

    Second step: Imagine the image, feelings, mood of the work ... Develop the ability of imagination for completeness of perception. Read the poem with the feelings that you felt in yourself.

    Third step: Think if you have reached full understanding? Did your feelings match those of the author?

    Fourth step: Read the poem to your loved ones. Invite them to read the book to find differences in reading individual lines. Discuss the difference in reading, choose the correct one.

    Fifth step: Break the poem into several parts (blocks). Learn the poem by blocks (first the first block, then the second, etc.) Memorize the poem not by lines, but by stanzas. This will preserve the logic between the individual parts of the piece.

    Sixth step: Read the poem by heart until you achieve accuracy, brightness, sincerity of reading.

    Seventh Step: Use Expressive Reading: Correct Breathing (a teaching technique used in public speaking). ... Adjust the volume and frequency of inhalation and exhalation. Take a deep breath while paused. The drawn air should be sufficient until the next pause. Breathe out the air inaudibly, imperceptibly, evenly. Do not try to accelerate the tempo or artificially "hold out" to the pause - the lack of air distorts the voice.

    Intonation and timbre- the most important tools for expressive reading. Learn to convey the author's feelings and emotions with the timbre of the voice. The poem, where the author's speech is present, itself indicates intonation (raising or lowering the voice). The reader must pass the text through himself in order to convey its content to the listener.

    Facial expressions and gestures. These expressive reading tools help to grab the listener's attention, master the audience. To overdo it with facial expressions, to make a grimace means to spoil the impression of the audience from reading. The facial expressions should exactly match the emotions of the reader. Playing with your face and focusing on your voice at the same time is difficult. This is real acting skills... The reader's gestures should not contradict the text. Sweeping and active gestures can completely change the essence of a poem, turn a performance into a clownery.

    There are videos of actors reading poems by famous poets on the Internet. However, everyone's reading is completely different. Listening to someone else's reading is an opportunity to find a middle ground.

    Beautiful expressive reading is the result of the joint work of children and parents. I told the parents about how the perception of the word begins and how to teach the child to read poetry expressively so that they open the world of harmony and beauty to the child in time, the world of poetry.

    Dear Reader! Who do you think should teach the child the correct perception of poetry?

    I advise you to subscribe to blog updates and recommend the article to your friends using the buttons social networks and also leave your comments. Until next time!

    The phrase "expressive reading" began to be actively used in the middle of the 19th century and implied the skill of the artistic word and the discipline of teaching this skill to children. Expressive reading is the skill of reflecting in the word the feelings and reflections with which highly artistic work is filled, showing an individual assessment by the performer of the author's work.

    Expressive reading means reciting from memory or reading from a book while adhering to the principles of literary pronunciation. At the same time, the figurative and ideological essence of the work is most fully expressed. Expressive reading is used as a language teaching technique.

    Reading is characterized by four criteria:

    • Fluency is speed of reading. Determines the perception (comprehension) of the read text. Fluency is usually measured by the number of words or characters read per minute.
    • Correctness implies unhurried reproduction without altering the essence of a literary composition.
    • Consciousness is an understanding of the author's idea, comprehending the artistic methods with the help of which the idea is embodied, understanding one's own attitude to the work.
    • The expressiveness of reading is formed during analysis literary work.

    To read a text expressively means to find a way through oral speech to truthfully and accurately convey the ideas and feelings embodied in the composition. Such a means of transmission is intonation.

    Intonation represents the interaction of the components of oral speech (tempo, sound, stress, rhythm, pauses). The components support each other. The interaction between them is generated by the content and emotions of the text, the goal that the author sets for the reader.

    Characteristics of the principles of teaching expressive reading

    The principle of expressive reading is comprehension of the artistic essence and design of the composition. It is important to identify the extent to which the text is clear to the audience. To make reading effective will help the awareness of the task, the goal that is pursued when reading. The success of the transmission of a work largely depends on the beauty, literacy, and brightness of the reader's speech. Content allows you to accurately identify which means to use when transmitting text.

    Expressive reading implies persistent, time-consuming work on the means of conveying the idea, feelings and content of the work. Correct breathing, distinctness of pronunciation of sounds, skills of correct transmission of emotions through speech are important.

    Expressive reading involves the use of means of brightness, such as:

    • Intonation.
    • Logical stress.
    • Pause.
    • Pace.
    • The height and strength of the voice.


    The importance of intonation and its elements when reading is very high, therefore, when forming speech expressiveness, special attention should be paid to the development of intonation brightness.

    Intonation components:

    • The strength that manifests itself in stress and determines the dynamics of oral speech.
    • The direction that predetermines the melody of speech and is shown in the following of the voice over sounds with different heights.
    • The hue or timbre that determines the emotional coloring.
    • The speed, which is expressed in the continuous sound of speech and pauses. Determines the rhythm and tempo of speech.

    The recitation of literary work by a teacher, a student and an actor is different, since the conditions of expressiveness are different for them. The actor is fluent in the voice and other means, and also has the opportunity to thoroughly prepare for reading. Other requirements are imposed on the student. By watching the video of the speeches of professional readers, you can learn to read a work with the correct intonation coloring.

    Principles of expressive reading

    Expressive reading rules are a set of guidelines that help students quickly and effectively develop literary reading skills in schoolchildren. The reading memo is aimed at developing a culture of handling the book, contains recommendations on the preparation and correct reading.

    The lesson of expressive reading should arouse interest in literary creativity, foster love for the figurative word.

    Tips for Parents to Build Your Child's Reading Interest

    • You should purchase books for your child that are colorfully designed with fascinating content.
    • It is not the length of the reading that is important, but the frequency. That is, it is better to read many times for 15 minutes than once for an hour and a half. The mode of reading for a child is preferable sparing - read three lines, rested.
    • To form the habit of communicating with a book, you need to read to your child every day.
    • The read work should be discussed with the family, and the child should be told about the author.
    • Remembering the work, you need to change the text a little, this will help to understand whether the child remembered the content well.
    • Advise your child about the works of your childhood, share your impressions about them.
    • Buy books by authors you like the child, create his own library.

    Many years later, already in adulthood, the child's books will be associated with loved ones and dear people, with the warmth of their home.

    Memo to parents

    • Reading is the entrance to the world of knowledge, it is a guarantee of the child's progress in school.
    • The child will love books only through the combined efforts of the school and family.
    • Check out the essential requirements for expressive, fluent, mindful reading.
    • A recommendation list will help you find books for your child.
    • The own children's library will allow you to exchange books with friends, which will increase your interest in reading.

    Knowledge of the works of children's literature and the work of children's writers and poets makes it easier for parents to choose books for their child. Such knowledge is also an irreplaceable part of the professionalism and competence of a teacher or educator, a specialist working with children.

    The discipline "Children's literature with a workshop on expressive reading" is intended to acquaint parents and teachers with the works of literary creativity of children's poets and writers. The purpose of the subject is to improve the skills of analyzing children's literary works, the importance of literary reading in the formation of a child's personality is considered.

    The structure of the discipline "Children's literature with a workshop on expressive reading" is a historical, chronological way of presenting material on literature for children. It also includes a logical expressive reading workshop.

    Student Reading Guide

    Memo # 1: Reading Rules

    • It is necessary to devote at least a quarter of an hour a day to reading, sitting comfortably, preferably not lying down.
    • If you read with the TV or music on, it will be difficult to understand what the text is about. Therefore, you should turn off the TV, music, remove all distracting objects.
    • There is no need to rush while reading and focus on time, otherwise the meaning of the text or poem will remain incomprehensible and slip away.
    • It is necessary to take breaks, pauses, physical education minutes.
    • It is necessary to analyze the actions and deeds of the heroes of the work, draw conclusions for yourself. Discuss what you read with your friends.
    • Mark the point at which reading was interrupted by placing a bookmark between the pages.
    • Entertaining and interesting information can be written out in a notebook. It will come in handy in the future.

    Memo # 2: Expressive Reading

    Expressive reading is impossible without understanding the meaning of the content of the work.

    • Adhere to the correct tempo and rhythm when reading. Haste is not needed here.
    • Diction - pronunciation should be intelligible, loud, distinct.
    • Be sure to pause if punctuation marks are encountered.
    • With the help of logical stress, highlight the key words of a literary work.
    • Poems or text, when reading, should have an emotional connotation.
    • Comprehension of the content is imperative readable poem or prose.

    Memo number 3: Working with the book correctly

    The ability to work correctly with a book, to process information from printed sources, is of exceptional importance for high school students. Inability to act with a book will affect school performance, as homework and class work will be time-consuming. This state of affairs will lead to the fact that the student will be tired, while the ability to assimilate knowledge will decrease.

    • It is necessary to develop the skills of correct, fluent, meaningful reading.
    • Expressive reading. Read the text or poems, determine the main idea of ​​the creation, find individual elements in the content and their semantic significance, read again.
    • Determine the chronological order of actions of a literary work.
    • Extracurricular activities involve keeping a diary of read works, using a list of books recommended by the teacher, the skill of writing data about a work from the title page.

    Expressive recitation of a poem

    Poetry is the best way for the child to understand the essence of expressive reading. When a good reader recites a long-familiar verse or text, listeners begin to understand it in a new way. They are imbued with the mood of the person speaking the words.

    Actors, thanks to their talent, knowledge and professional skills, recite poetry, captivating the audience. By carefully watching the videos of performances of famous artists, you can borrow interesting techniques for reading poetry and prose.

    A literature lesson at school is designed to arouse interest in the artistic, figurative word, to foster love for the book. Expressive reading is an important skill that allows you to convey to the audience the idea of ​​a work, its ideological content. To reveal the subtlest nuances of feelings, experiences of sensations of the heroes artistic text or poetry. Finding a way to get into the very heart of the listeners by reading the text will help the video of speeches of professional readers.

    This is not only mastering the technique of reading: the ability to read necessarily includes the emergence of this or that attitude both to the work itself and to the reality that is depicted in it. And this skill must be developed from a very early age.

    Of course, a full reading comprehension is possible only on the basis of a strong reading skill that allows you to quickly and fully perceive the content. I practice my reading skill in every lesson. The most important thing is to prevent reading errors.

    In my lessons, the guys read a lot under the supervision of the class. Children follow a friend's reading and correct mistakes. I improve my skill constantly - every day, at every lesson.

    The lesson usually begins with a speech warm-up (grade 1):

    The plane takes off: oo-oo-oo.
    Cars are going: f-f-f.
    The horses galloped: click, click, click.
    A snake crawls nearby: shhhh.
    The fly beats against the glass: s-s-s.

    The teacher can come up with material for speech workouts himself. In reading lessons in all grades, we memorize poems, tongue twisters, and phrases with children, which contribute to the development of speech and clear pronunciation of sounds.

    In reading lessons for second grade students, I use a consonant table. Students take a deep breath and, as they exhale, read one row of consonants:


    Children love role-based reading. The following exercise games are very useful:

    • "Hide and Seek" (I read anywhere, the guys must find and connect to reading),
    • "Tug" (I read, and the children try to keep up with me).

    I pay great attention to retelling. In grades 1–2, students retell without a plan, in grades 3–4 - using a plan that they often draw up themselves.

    And, of course, reading "to oneself" plays a huge role. Before that, I will definitely give a few questions that children should answer after reading the text. Thus, they learn to highlight the main thing, learn to read meaningfully, learn to formulate their thoughts. But I try to use this kind of reading in high school. primary school(3-4) when the reading skill is more developed, children make fewer mistakes when reading.

    Simultaneously with the development of reading technique, it is necessary to work on expressiveness - methodically, calmly, unobtrusively. Work on expressive reading is carried out only after the text has been read many times and in a variety of ways. I will dwell on the development of expressive reading in more detail.

    By expressive reading we mean: logical stress, pause, intonation.

    Usually in an utterance (oral or written) there are words, phrases, and sometimes sentences that are its logical and emotional centers and which must be somehow highlighted, otherwise the meaning of what we are talking about or reading may be misunderstood or not entirely true. This is the logical stress (one of the most important means of intonation and sound expressiveness), which K.S. Stanislavsky called "the trump card of expressiveness of speech, the index finger" that distinguishes the most important word in a sentence or text. "The highlighted word contains the soul, the inner essence, the main points of the subtext."

    In the texts placed in educational books on reading for primary grades, the main thing in individual works is highlighted with spacing and large indentation before and after the main lines. For example, S.Ya. Marshak "Lesson native language"(L. A. Efrosinina" Literary reading. Grade 1 "):

    “... They write in black and white,
    They write with pens and chalk:
    “We need

    In other works, children's attention is drawn to words by emphasis. For example, K.G. Paustovsky "What rains happen" (MV Golovanova, VG Goretsky, LF Klimanova "Literary reading. Grade 4"):

    “... But now the first drops begin to sprinkle. The popular word "speck" well conveys the occurrence of rain, when even rare drops leave specks on dusty roads and roofs. "

    But, unfortunately, there are no such highlights of the main thing in the text and verses.

    In oral speech or reading, the following intonation-sound means help to perform its distinguishing function for logical stress: voice strength, tempo, pauses, lengthening of individual sounds (both vowels and consonants), syllable pronunciation, etc.

    For example, N. Nosov "Patch" (L.A. Efrosinina "Literary reading. Grade 2"):

    “Bobka had wonderful trousers: green, or rather, khaki. Bobka loved them very much and always boasted:
    Look, guys, what my pants are like a soldier! "

    Fables, the main idea (morality) of which must be emphasized when reading, are fertile material for teaching schoolchildren a logical emphasis.

    In grades 3-4, I suggest that the children identify themselves important information in the text using the logical stress of words, phrases and sentences.

    Also, huge role pauses play in living speech and reading. A speech pause is a stop dividing the sound stream into separate parts.

    I begin the work on placing semantic pauses with the proverbs that are given in reading books. A large number of proverbs are included in Russian language textbooks for grades 1 and 2. (S. V. Ivanov, M. I. Kuznetsov UMK "21 century"). It is imperative that when doing the exercises, I teach children to emphasize the main thing with the help of pauses and logical stress. In high school, I suggest doing this work on your own. Children themselves highlight the main words and prepare for reading, understand the meaning of the proverb. At the call of the teacher, they explain the proverb, read it expressively.

    There are several types of pauses. A psychological pause most often coincides with an ellipsis in the text, which signals some kind of great emotional excitement. And in oral speech - to indicate such a state or the desire to hint at something, to interest the listener, a pause is made in these places.

    For example, A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" (MI Golovanova, VG Goretsky, LF Klimanova "Native speech. Grade 4"):

    “The coffin was smashed. Virgo suddenly
    Has come to life. Looks around
    With amazed eyes
    And swinging over the chains
    Sighing, she said:
    "How long have I slept!"
    And she rises from the coffin ...
    Ah! .. and both burst into tears. "

    To draw the attention of children to the ellipsis, I ask the question: "What would happen if we read this passage without pauses in the places where there is an ellipsis?"

    After listening to the children, I summarize. And I suggest making sure that the pauses are necessary. Children read without pauses, making sure that speech is getting poorer.

    It is impossible to properly organize the process of teaching expressive reading without the ability of students, on the one hand, to accurately capture thoughts and feelings by the intonation of the speaker or reader, and, on the other hand, to accurately convey them using intonation during their own reading. In addition, it should be remembered that intonation is generally one of the aspects of speech culture, the thought of which should not leave the teacher in any lesson.

    Intonations are: narrative, interrogative, exclamatory, enumeration, etc.

    Narrative intonation does not cause much difficulty in children.

    Much more difficult is interrogative and exclamatory. Work on intonation begins with grade 1. Preparations include the following tasks:

    For example, L.E. Zhurova, O.A. Evdokimova "Primer":

    Acquaintance with the word "Ay".
    Children spread this word with the help of the letters cash register, learn to read it correctly. I help children: “If you get lost in the forest, what will you do? So let's call for help now. "
    In parallel, work is underway with this word in the "Recipe". Children learn to read and write it correctly.

    Children get acquainted with the intonation of the enumeration in more detail in grade 4 when studying homogeneous members of the sentence. We begin our acquaintance with them in the Russian language lesson with simple sentences:

    "There they played, swam, worked in the garden".
    I invite the children to read this sentence expressively. As a result teamwork the markup appears: "There they played, / swam, / worked in the garden."

    Together, it is concluded that the reading of homogeneous members of a sentence is characterized by the tone of enumeration, the presence of pauses, each homogeneous member is pronounced with a raising of the voice. After the first special acquaintance with enumerative intonation, I require students to strictly observe it in any phrase they pronounce or read with homogeneous members, I am not limited to reading lessons and the Russian language. Work with intonation begins with the elementary period and continues until the end of grade 4, but gradually becomes more difficult.

    Practicing the correct intonation is carried out by me when reading the roles. The material in the reading books for this is varied and rich.

    All the work carried out will give the desired result if the children are drawn to the book, love to read. Extracurricular reading lessons help this. At the end of the 1st grade, the children, together with me, must visit the library, register and choose their first books. The purpose of my extracurricular reading lessons is to teach children to choose books on their own, to work with a book professionally, to find their friend and helper in the book, to make the children love the book.

    In the lessons of extracurricular reading, children's stories about what they have read, expressive reading of excerpts, reading poetry by heart are heard. Often I give the task to draw a picture for a book, but I do not force it to do so. Many children express a desire to have special notebooks, where they write down the passages they like, poems, write a review of the book they have read. I encourage these attempts in every possible way. In extracurricular reading lessons, I try to listen to "weak" schoolchildren, to praise them. I always remember that the worst thing is to extinguish the interest of these children in reading, in the book.

    2007-2008 academic year I began to work on the 21st Century teaching and learning method, edited by N.F. Vinogradova: teaching reading and literature occurs in unity - there is no traditional division of reading into classroom and extracurricular, but it is provided special work with a children's book.

    Hearing lessons are held in grade 1. The traditions of literary listening have a long history. This includes many years of experience in family reading, and the methods of "folk pedagogy" (LN Tolstoy), and various systems created by the great teachers of Russia, who focused the school teacher on the formation of artistic taste, aesthetic and mental development of children.

    Literary listening is the most important link in the teaching, upbringing and development of first graders. The purpose of listening lessons is to enrich the reading experience, develop the reader's interest, aesthetic taste of students, and their desire for independent communication with the book. To introduce a child to reading, it is necessary not only to learn to listen to the reading of a work by another person, but also to perceive and understand it. Listening to the artistic word, the child absorbs the music of his native speech and wants to hear the text he likes again. Literary listening lessons are not only a necessary stage in preparation for mastering the literature program in the next grades, but also a condition for entering the world of the art of speech and educating a sensitive and thinking reader.

    The main task of literary listening lessons is to teach the art of listening - a fairy tale, story, poem. This skill will allow the child to emotionally perceive the work, think about the moral categories - good and evil, friendship and enmity, love and hate, as well as experience joy, fun, pride, sadness, sadness, tenderness, admiration and other feelings. Listening lessons are a daily school for enriching moral and emotional experience, spiritual and aesthetic development. I prepare for the lessons of literary listening especially carefully: I define the intonation pattern, pauses, logical and psychological stresses. Perceiving the teacher's expressive reading, six-year-old first graders enrich their reading experience, learn to listen and hear a work of fiction, and then begin to imitate the teacher.

    I will cite a fragment of a literary listening lesson, where children get acquainted with the poem by A. Blok "Bunny" (LA Efrosinina "Literary reading. Grade 1").

    1. Listening to a poem (read by the teacher). This poem is very close to the children in their mood and perception of the world around them, since the lesson is held in late autumn. While reading, I observe children, their facial expressions, gestures. After reading, I ask the question: “Did you like the poem? Why?". Each student expresses his opinion about the piece he listened to.

    2. Working with the work. Revealing the author's point of view, the poet's feelings. At this stage of the work, modeling is used: "How does the poem begin?" Students remember. I read the first lines again:

    "Little bunny
    In a damp hollow
    Before the eyes amused
    White flowers ... "

    Children are modeling the first picture on pieces of paper: they draw a summer landscape (the sun) and a circle with the letter "Z" with colored pencils.

    "Gloomy, rainy
    Autumn has come,
    All the cabbage was removed,
    There is nothing to steal.
    Poor bunny jumping
    Near wet pines
    Scary in the paws of the wolf
    Gray get ... "

    Schoolchildren simulate the second picture: they draw changes in the world around the bunny (rain) and a circle with the letter "B".

    The students recall the last lines:

    “Only it would be warmer,
    If only drier ...
    Very unpleasant
    Walk on the water. "

    They simulate the third picture, in which the dreams of a bunny are conveyed: "Thinking about summer."

    3. Work on expressive reading.“How should one read each picture painted by a poet? What feelings should we awaken in our listeners? " The guys try to read the poem expressively, and those who still cannot read appreciate their classmates.

    Work on expressive reading does not stop in any lesson. I always try to achieve correct and expressive reading. I remember this in my extracurricular work. Every year I take part in the "Theater Week". I show various works, prepare costumes with children, invite parents. Children participate with interest. I take part in all school activities with my class.

    “... Make you respect yourself without pride;
    love and help your neighbor without cunning and calculation;
    appreciate the family;
    imbued with love and the desire for good for their homeland even
    until you are ready to lay down your head for her;
    to comprehend your life and your work, no matter how it is,
    apparently insignificant, and in this work to see more than one
    burden, but to some extent also pleasure,
    show the reasonable use of leisure ... "

    It is these goals, teaching children to read, that the primary school teacher must be able to implement.


    1. Vokhmyanina L.A., Ignatieva T.V., Fedosova T.A. Programs educational institutions... - M .: Primary classes, 2004.
    2. Lomizov A.F. Expressive reading while learning syntax and punctuation. - M .: 1986.
    3. Svetlovskaya N.N. Methodology for conducting extracurricular reading lessons. - M .: 1993.
    4. Stanislavsky K.S. Collected Works. - M .: 1955 .-- v. 3.
    5. Proceedings of the First Congress of Russian Language Teachers in Military Educational Institutions (December 22–31, 1903). - SPb .: 1904.