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  • Universal and accessibility of higher education. The problem of accessibility of higher education for people with disabilities. The role of educational career planning

    Universal and accessibility of higher education. The problem of accessibility of higher education for people with disabilities. The role of educational career planning

    The consequences of all the above processes for the availability of education to citizens of the country are ambiguous. If you consider aggregated quantitative indicators of the development of a higher education system in Russia, they indicate an increase in the availability of vocational education. Thus, the number of universities students doubled over the past ten years, while the number of people aged 15 to 24 increased by only 12%. The data of state statistics on the number of graduates of graduates of graduates and admission to universities in recent years is close: in 2000, the issue amounted to 1.5 million schoolchildren, reception - 1.3 million students. Russian legislation establishes that at least 170 students for 10 thousand population should be trained freely. In fact, in 2000, 193 students were trained at the expense of budget funds for 10 thousand people.
    However, changes in the availability of higher education appear quite in a different light, if we take into account changes in the financing structure of education and as provided educational services. The increase in the total number of students was mainly provided by expanding paid reception. For admission to universities for free places, parents of many applicants have to produce informal payments. All this makes doubt on the conclusion about improving the availability of higher education.
    The growth of non-state expenditures on education, although it was very significant, did not compensate for a completely reduction in government financing. This gives grounds for concluding that the quality of educational services as a whole decreased. The dynamics of the development of the education system in Russia in the last decade and numerous observation data indicate strengthening the differentiation of higher education services in terms of their quality. So, significant changes occurred in the ratio of training in day, evening and correspondence. The highest pace is growing the number of students who use the correspondence form of training, especially in not state universitieswhere the reception at the correspondence branches in 2000 exceeded the reception on day offices. Correspondence education is becoming increasingly important, its expansion is naturally due to the relevance of the problem of continuous education; But it is impossible not to admit that now the domestic correspondence educationUsually inferior in full-time quality. Meanwhile, according to the correspondence form of study, approximately 40% of students are now engaged (in the early 90s - about a quarter).
    Two subsystems were formed in the Russian higher education system: one - elite education characterized by the high quality of the services provided, and the other - mass higher education of low-quality quality. Higher low quality education can be called relatively affordable with some assumptions. The possibility of obtaining education that ensures high quality of professional training of future specialists seems to have decreased for most of the population.
    Differences in the availability of higher education are determined by differences between people on a variety of characteristics, which include:
    - level of abilities;
    - the quality of the obtained general education;
    - the scope and quality of additional educational services obtained (additional items in schools, courses for training in university, services of tutors, etc.);
    - awareness of educational opportunities for various specialties in various universities;
    - physical capabilities (for example, the availability of disability that does not affect the ability to assimilate knowledge, but limiting the possibility of participation in the educational process);
    - the composition of the family, the level of education and the social capital of its members;
    - Economic well-being of the family (level of income, etc.);
    - place of residence;
    - Other factors.
    Existing studies show that the factors of socio-economic differentiation are very significantly limited to the availability of universities, especially universities that provide high-quality educational services. At the same time, the greatest limitations arise in connection with differences in:
    1) Members of low-income families possess the worst admission capabilities of the households in universities;
    2) Living place: in the worst position, residents of countryside and small cities are found, as well as residents of depressive regions; The effect on the availability of higher education also has the differentiation of regions for universities;
    3) the level of the total secondary education obtained: there is a differentiation of schools on learning quality, while the decline in the level of training in some is combined with the presence of a limited number of "elite" schools, the quality of the preparation of graduates of which is growing.
    The family income level has an impact on the availability of higher education as directly by defining the possibility of payment of the trading itself and indirectly. Indirect influence is due, firstly, with the possibilities of exercise, in addition to the cost of training, the cost of passing to the place of study for non-resident, expenditures to ensure the life of student during training - housing costs, food, etc. For most families living in rural areas and cities who do not have their universities are inaccessible are the costs of passing an applicant to the location of the university and for accommodation in another city. Secondly, this influence is expressed depending on the level of family well-being and social and human capital, which are inherited and advocated the differentiation factors for access to higher education.
    The following categories of persons can be attributed to the number of socially disadvantaged in the possibilities of obtaining quality education.
    - graduates of rural schools;
    - graduates of "weak" schools in different settlements;
    - residents of remote settlements and regions;
    - residents of regions with a weak educational infrastructure;
    - residents of depressive regions;
    - members of poor families;
    - Members of incomplete families;
    - members of socially disadvantaged families;
    - street children;
    - Graduates of orphanages.
    - disabled;
    - migrants;
    - Representatives of national and religious minorities.

    UDC 378.013.2.

    Accessibility of higher education as the institutional basis of modern society

    E.A. Anikina, Yu.S. Nehormal

    Tomsky politechnical University E-mail: [Email Protected]

    Analyzed the relationship of the availability of higher education, payability and loan. The classification of the forms of accessibility of education, which helps determine the priorities for the development of the education system as a whole. An analysis of the possibility of developing the Russian system of higher professional education along the way to increase individual costs, as well as an assessment of ways to overcome financial restrictions of families in obtaining higher education. It is concluded about the need to create optimal educational lending programs.


    System of higher vocational education, accessibility of higher education, universal, mass, financing of education.

    System of Higher Education, Higher Education Accessibility, Universality, Large-Scale Participation, Funding Education.

    The modern economy, positioned as an innovative, largely depends on the quality of the human capital of the country, the formation of which, in turn, implies a qualitative and diverse educational system, which includes, thanks to market expansion, both formal and informal variations, which are generated changes. Such a transformation of education, solving the problem of accessibility, leads to a contradiction of goals, questioning the quality and effectiveness of the services provided.

    In this regard, the availability of higher professional education system is particularly relevant, since in the context of the market, the receipt of higher education is not guaranteed by the state to all citizens, and its role becomes decisive from the standpoint of the country's exit to the trajectory of stable economic development and the introduction of new technologies.

    The achievement of Russia acceptable economic growth and modernization of the economy is impossible without solving the problem of modernizing the educational system and expand its coverage of all age and social segments of the population. As a result, there is a need to analyze interconnection accessibility - payability - credit.

    Under the availability of the Higher Professional Education System (SVTO), we will understand the availability of the main structural elements of SBPO, A, precisely, the highest educational institutions that provide high quality services, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, types and species that implement educational programs and state educational Standards of various levels and focus for the majority of the population, regardless of socio-economic factors (economic accessibility), as well as the availability of entrance exams, educational programs

    and educational standards with intellectual positions for the bulk of the population (intellectual availability). Economic accessibility suggests that the financial expenses of households for the acquisition of high-quality higher professional education services (including related costs) should be characterized by such a level that will threaten and will not undermine the satisfaction of other paramount needs, i.e. these costs should be such part of their income which is not burdensome.

    Essentially, the availability of SVTO can be interpreted even easier as the level of costs for overcoming obstacles to which financial (economic accessibility) and mental (intellectual accessibility) costs can be attributed.

    In addition to direct inequality in access to SBPO, we will single out the inequality of intentions (social availability) - the dependence of the likelihood of intention, the desire to enter the university from social differences. The inequality of intentions is generated by socio-economic factors, which cause the availability of higher education as a whole, and, in particular, the social environment in which a person has grown (social networks), as well as less significant factors, such as confidence, certainty and knowledge that A person has the right to certain actions.

    It is necessary to determine which of the availability is primary, and which is secondary. To begin with, we note that in Russian education, world trends are repeated for the transformation of higher education from an elite into universal. It is not selected, and most of the young people who graduated from a secondary school. As a result, on the modern market of educational services, the declared universal accessibility of higher education is mainly slogan, since in many countries it transforms

    in excess mass. It is important to emphasize: Universal and Massiness - Districted Concepts. Under ultimateness, we will understand the availability of SBPO for anyone who has talent, interest, intellectual abilities for higher education, regardless of socio-economic factors (involves a high criterion for selecting students on intellectual abilities). And under the massability of the SBPO for all who are able to carry the costs associated with obtaining higher education, regardless of talent, interest, intellectual abilities (Low criteria for selection of students on intellectual abilities).

    Thus, in the Russian system of higher education, today there are two subsystems: one - "elite" education, characterized by the relatively high quality of the services provided, and the other - mass higher education of low quality. Higher education of poor quality can be called relatively affordable both in financial and intellectual plan. The possibility of obtaining education that ensures high quality training of future specialists has decreased for most of the population on both positions.

    As a result, the analysis of higher education access must be focused in relation to two existing systems providing educational services according to low and high quality. Obviously, the expansion of the availability of a massive low-quality higher education cannot act as a task of social and economic policies.

    However, even taking into account the differences in the quality of the services provided, the primary to date is the economic accessibility, which is generally determined by the availability of SBPO.

    These sociological studies show that as motivations of refusal of higher education are often called insufficient financial resources of the family, more than a third of households put this factor in the first place. It is worth noting here that among students of universities the so-called "middle class" prevails (53% of the families of entrepreneurs, managers and specialists). But even they, most often (73%), declare that the payment of student's study is very sensible for the family budget, as it requires serious restrictions on other expenses.

    It turns out that the most selective (high-quality) part of higher education is available for a relatively small number of students, while others are emitted, drop out of the competition.

    Preserving differences in the possibilities of obtaining a higher level of education,

    the differences in learning abilities and in their spent individual efforts to master knowledge are reasonable. The availability of higher education should be determined by the level of abilities, talent, high personal investments in human capital, and not the level of financial and social capital of the family.

    In addition, as the results of annual sociological studies show the last 5 years, an increasing number of parents seek to "give higher education" to their children. Since 2002, the Barrier "School-University" overcomes more than 1.5 million people. .

    Obviously, in the face of growing demand for higher education services, previous financing methods are not able to provide large-scale training at a high level. This puts the problem of creating such financing mechanisms to the higher education system, which would ensure the expanding production of highly qualified personnel with rational use Society resources and reducing the scale of redistribution processes. In fact, it is understood by the refusal of full budget financing and the transition to a private investment system, that is, the transition from a system with a partial reimbursement of the cost of the system with full cost reimbursement as the prevailing, which can already be observed in modern Russian conditions. The system with a partial reimbursement of costs is a system of financing a higher education in which the state fully pays the cost of student learning in high school, and partially reimburses (or does not reimburse at all) costs for related expenses (accommodation, teaching materials, additional services, food, and t . d.). The system with a complete reimbursement of costs assumes that all the above costs fully carries directly the consumer of the educational service (student and / or his family).

    However, the question of the ratio of education costs for all stakeholders and on the possibility of developing Russian SVTOs towards an increase in individual costs is ambiguous and controversial from the point of view of ensuring its availability and quality.

    Education is an economic benefit, so it cannot be "free". If the costs fall not on someone who learns, or his parents, then they are distributed in all other citizens of the country. Moreover, in the conditions of a market management system, higher education is a "mixed economic benefit," combining features of both public and private goods, that is, the consequences of the consumption of educational services turn out to be good not only for the direct consumer, but also for economics and society generally. From this, another important feature of higher education as a mixture

    the chalky economic benefit, which is that it has positive internal and external effects.

    This allows you to make an important conclusion that higher education should be paid to one way or another and shape to be paid by all interested parties to which the student and his family applies, the entrepreneurial sector, universities, the state and society as a whole. It should be considered very important moment, the highest school does not exist in itself, it is part of a social whole and should correspond to him. Therefore, the introduction of the market in the field of education should follow the development of the market in the economy.

    In this sense, the market in education, understood as an absolutely free, completely uncontrollable and unlimited game of private interests, is unacceptable. Education, as already noted, is the benefit of "mixed", that is, not only private, but also public. But the social value of education has a defining, important value. If education will follow only the logic of the development of a market economy, then during competition in education the same as in the modern business sector will be observed. What will lead to a violation of the main tasks and functions of higher education in society. Thus, market competition in this field is fully inexpedient. And the market mechanisms existing here require the intervention of society and the state. The market itself is unable to bring order in the training of specialists, since the worst universities are able to offer their "goods" at the lowest price.

    Thus, higher education cannot be focused only on the needs of the market, that is, private, mercenary and short-term interest, it should also remain public good and serve the strategic goals of the development of personality, society and the state.

    In addition, education refers to the category of trusting goods, that is, to the goods and services, the quality of which the buyer himself is practically unable to evaluate directly even after their acquisition and is forced to rely on the information he receives from someone, in particular from the university . In other words, the confidence nature of education determines the uncertainty of its quality. However, for education, this is not the only form of uncertainty. Another source is the absence of an applicant at the time of making information about how much the profession chosen by him will be. Accordingly, here it is forced to rely on signals from the outside.

    The confidence nature of this good opens up ample opportunities for the opportunistic behavior of more informed market players. At the same time, even the established fact of opportunism in the form of providing an understated quality of educational services is not necessarily

    let the buyer get compensation from the university - because the consequences of such education are not immediately detected. That is why the educational market, as anywhere, are relevant mechanisms that disciplined sellers and did not allow them to use information asymmetry. These must not be contractual, but institutional mechanisms. And the problem of designing such mechanisms and their effectiveness is directly related to the problem of financing education.

    Thus, an educational policy that does not take into account the institutional environment leads to negative economic consequences for higher education. In general, it can be concluded that the inevitability of the parallel coexistence of two education systems with partial and complete reimbursement of costs. So it is in reality and exist, there is not a single country in the world, where the higher education for the population would be completely free, and there is no one, wherever it is fully paid. Proportions differ, but probably largely predetermined by the singularities of social systems; In socially oriented states (developed countries of Europe, for example, in Germany), a system with partial reimbursement of costs is dominated, and in the market-oriented countries, the share of places with full reimbursement of universities is much higher.

    As for Russia, the funds for improving the quality of training, on the modernization of universities and a worthy remuneration to teachers in the state budget is clearly not enough. In this regard, there is a gradual predominance of a system of higher professional education with full cost reimbursement.

    Based on the current situation in the field of higher education in Russia, it can be concluded that the problem of economic accessibility of SBPO in the future will only increase, which can lead to extremely undesirable consequences for the country's socio-economic development. To avoid this, it is necessary to provide ways to solve these problems. One of these methods is the development of a system of state (or private) educational loans and subsidies, which in the modern world experience in the development of higher education are considered as mechanisms for ensuring equal access to the SOPO of the population belonging to different layers of society. But the question arises here: can Russian families allow this?

    Unfortunately, most population has a level of income below average. As a result, only 25 ... 30% of families can potentially participate in financing the education of children. According to experts, by 2010 the number of such families will grow to 40.45%. Therefore, most Russians believe that education, including higher, must be free. In connection with which 70% of families

    Focus, first of all, the possibility of receipt of their children to the budget department, and training for a fee is viewed as a backup option, that is, the payability for consumers of educational services acts as a compensatory mechanism.

    Thus, we obtain a visual confirmation of the fact that the decisive cause limiting the availability of high-quality higher education is the costs associated with its receipt. In general, for the average Russian, the proportion of training costs per family member is about 35% of its income. Therefore, it is not by chance that three quarters of families of university applicants (73%) believes that children's studies will require serious restrictions in their family budget. At the same time, for most of them (54.6%), the load on the family budget will be very tangible, and for 28.5% intelligent. A practically inconspicuous load on the family budget will be only for 3.4% of parents.

    As can be seen, the financial capabilities of Russian households are clearly insufficient in order to ensure that the system with full reimbursement of costs ensure that students pay for all students in the conditions of gradual prevalence.

    Of course, to introduce an ubiquitous system of higher education with a complete reimbursement of costs the state is not going, moreover, today it is not able to do this, because in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Art. 43, paragraph 3) "Everyone has the right to receive free on a competitive basis Higher education in state or municipal educational institution and in the enterprise. " Based on this, it should be assumed that the state will pay for training for such a number of people who, first of all, is needed to him for the purposes of effective functioning and fulfilling its main tasks related primarily to ensuring the national security of the country. Secondly, that part of talented young people who want and can learn. For the rest of the citizens, the receipt of higher education will be, and already, in fact, is their personal question, in the decision of which the state should help them, as is done in all developed countries, for example, due to special grants and training loans.

    Indeed, in the conditions of the inevitable reduction in budget places in universities and actualization of the economic accessibility of SBPO for most Russians, a logical solution for the solution of this problem is the development of the Institute of Educational Lending, as a damper method of transition from a system of education with a partial reimbursement of the cost of the system with a complete reimbursement of costs as prevailing. This will cause an increase in the economic accessibility of SBPO, which in turn can cause ambiguous and contradictory consequences:

    1. The universities put in the tough conditions of the competitive struggle for applicants, with other things being equal, will be forced to take all those who will have quite a lot, since the financial problem, which is today the main deterrent factor in obtaining higher education will be solved Using a loan. As a result, we obtain a system of mass higher education of low quality with all the ensuing consequences.

    2. It is possible to otherwise develop a situation that is more likely option than the first, given the current trends. The predominance of a training system with a complete reimbursement of costs can cause a significant reduction in those who want to receive higher education, since for most financial problems will not be solved with the help of an educational loan due to its high cost and / or conservatism of the Russian society, expressing in the reluctance of the population due to sociocultural and mental Features to take any loans. The confirmation is the following fact: Today, each second family (57%) of university applicants is ready, if necessary, take a large amount for the payment of training. Half (51%) - knows about the existence of an educational loan, but to use it on acceptable conditions is ready only by just over a third of families (35%), and in fact used only 1.2%. At the same time, most of the heads of households believe that such a loan should be interest-free and must be written off if a person is sent after receiving a diploma to work in those places and for the salary that will be offered by the state.

    In general, the specified features in the field of educational lending correspond to the overall relations of Russians to loans, namely, the reluctance to take loans and fear of the prospects for life in debt. So, according to the research of the Foundation "Public Opinion", only 36% of the population has been made in the last 2-3 years (take a loan in a bank or buy goods on credit). At the same time, 61% in principle does not allow for itself in the future the opportunity to use any loan. From those who are ready for loans, only a few (3%) consider the loan option for educational needs.

    As a result, in this situation, it is possible either a massive reduction in universities, as a result of which the country will receive high-quality SBPO, affordable and in financial, and intellectual plan only a limited number of citizens; Or, if the number of universities remain the same, there will be a low-quality software in the country, available financially and intellectually. In fact, these trends are already observed in modern society, so if you do nothing, they will enhance.

    Thus, it can be concluded that in modern conditions most of the population is not yet ready for educational loans in any financial or mental plan. By virtue of the identified features of Russian society, we conclude that the educational loan can only be a partial mechanism for increasing the economic accessibility of SSPO, capable of assisting mainly wealthy segments of the population ("middle class" and higher), if they need this generally. For a "minority", under which a certain part of society is understood, characterized by the presence of less power, which often, but not always, is small compared to the dominant (numerous) group and has a relatively worse choice of choice, the educational loan practically does not solve the problem of economic accessibility Many reasons associated mainly with their negative attitude to the possibility of loans are not so much due to personal economic calculations, as because of hostility to debts. Therefore, such students need special decisions aimed at improving the availability of SBPO. What, however, does not testify to the unnecessaryness of educational lending as an institution.

    The need to develop new approaches to engaging private resources to education is due to the generally low level of income of the population and the need to provide convenient and profitable accumulation schemes for it.


    1. Household costs for education and social mobility. Newsletter. - M.: GU-HSE, 2006. -56 p.

    2. federal Service State statistics. 2009. Find: (date of handling: 01/22/2009).

    3. Abankina I.V., Domnense B.I., Levshina T.L., Osovo N.Ya. Prospects for educational lending in Russia // Education issues. - 2004. - № 4. - P. 64-88.

    4. Andrukhuk G.V., Prakhov I.A., Yudkevich M.M. Strategies for choosing a higher educational institution and preparation for admission to the university // Project "Educational strategies of applicants". -M.: Top, 2008. - 88 p.

    5. Educational trajectories of children and adults: family incentives and costs. Newsletter. - M.: GU-HSE, 2007. - 40 s.

    It should be noted that there are differences in family strategies. Families experiencing material difficulties more often pay training from the accumulations of the older generation (parents) or take money in debt. Families with higher incomes ("middle class" and higher) pay for their studies mainly from the current earnings of parents.

    All this puts on the agenda of the development of mechanisms for private investment in education. In our opinion, the main problems of their formation are:

    Lack of mechanisms for direct state support for private investment through the development of both private and state lending programs and subsidies;

    The underdevelopment of the system of financial instruments of target savings, allowing to distribute costs in time related to obtaining education, and thus reduce the burden on the family budget (educational securities, educational insurance, educational lending).

    From the analysis of the stated material it follows that for most students, training in a qualitative university is associated with very high costs; With the opportunity to receive higher education is not the highest quality, but accessible in finance and intelligence, many households make a choice in favor of the latter. In the current situation, well-planned student loans can contribute to solving these problems.

    6. Constitution of the Russian Federation // Garant-student. Special issue for students, graduate students and teachers [Electronic resource] .- 2009. - 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD).

    7. Borrowers: loan payments during the crisis. - Population survey: report // Foundation Public opinion. 2009. Find: (date of handling: 01/22/2009).

    Introduction to the problem

    1. The role of educational career planning

    2. The problem of paying higher education

    3. The role of the USE in the availability of higher education



    Introduction to the problem

    The development of education in our country is hot questions, they now affect the interests of almost every Russian family. One of these issues is the availability of higher education.

    Since 2000, the number of adopted in universities exceeds the number of those who successfully graduated from 11 classes and received a certificate of maturity. In 2006, this gap reached 270 thousand people. Admission to universities in recent years has exceeded 1.6 million people.

    But no longer around the corner of the number of applicants due to demographic reasons. Another year or two, the number of graduates of schools will exceed 1 million people, and then drop up to about 850-870 thousand. If you judge the situation of recent years, there should be a huge excess place in universities, and the problem of availability will cease to exist. So this or not?

    Now have a higher education has become prestigious. Will this situation change in the next perspective? A significant relevant attitude to the problems of higher education is under the influence of the trends that we observe - and it is quite inertia. In 2005, it is difficult to believe that in the early 1990s, the youth thought to go to the university or not. Many then preferred to make a choice in favor of the "real case", and now "get" education to consolidate the social status that has received, postponing its studies at a later date.

    But a significant part of entering universities go there in recent years is already because not to have higher education becomes simply indecent. Moreover, since obtaining higher education is made by the social norm, the employer prefers to take on the work of those who received it.

    So, everyone learn - before or later, but learn, although in different ways. And in conditions of educational boom, it is difficult to imagine that in a year or two positions in the higher education system may change and, accordingly, our perception of many problems associated with entering the highest school will change.

    1. The role of educational career planning

    June 30, 2007 Independent Institute social Policy (NEKS) held an international conference on the results of a large-scale project "Accessibility of higher education for socio-vulnerable groups". Speaking about the availability of higher education, we will largely rely on these studies that are unique to Russia. At the same time, we will focus on the results of another interesting project "Monitoring Education Economics", which for the third year leads GU-HSE.

    As the results of both studies show, the desire to obtain a higher education and willingness to pay training is characterized by almost all Russian families: for families with high incomes, and for families with very modest sufficient. Ready to pay parents and with a high level of education, and low. However, different families of families lead children to different results. This causes not only what the university will eventually enter the child, but also what work he will be able to apply after receiving higher education. But different financial opportunities of families begin to influence the education of the child much earlier than it comes to admission to universities.

    These opportunities are already determined by the school in which the child went to learn. If another 20 years ago it was possible to just give the son or daughter to the neighboring school, now the school must now choose. True, and 20, and 30 years ago, the quality of the school was largely assessed by how her graduates came to universities: everything or almost everything came in a good school. No matter how many educational figures now have said that the school should not be prepared in the university that the installation on the admission deforms the educational process, kalets the child's psyche and creates wrong life attitudes - the school continues to prepare in the university. But if it was used to be said that a good teacher does all come, and this complemented the characteristics of the school, now a good school is needed, but, as a rule, not a sufficient condition for the university, in which the child wants to do or Wants to define his family. And the teacher now almost and do not remember. At the same time, in recent years there is a formation of educational networks of universities, and depending on whether the school has a school to the near or long circle of such a network, the possibility of entering the child's chosen university increases or decreases.

    However, the child's really educational career begins before school. Parents now have to think about it literally from his birth: which kindergarten he will go, how to get to a prestigious school, which one to finish. It can be said that now from early childhood is the accumulation of "credit" educational history of the child. It is not only important how he studied, but where. Admission or non-notification into a specific university is a logical continuation of the educational career, although the university does not end.

    Consequently, on how early a family thinks about the prospects for the education of his child, there are now very much. And it is access to a good kindergarten and good school Largely determine access to a good university. When we talk about the problems of a rural school, we, above all, focus on the fact that in rural schools the quality of learning is lower than in urban. This is usually true, but this is not the whole truth. In the village, the child goes to that kindergarten, which is: his family has no choice. He goes to a single school, he has no choice again. Therefore, his parents do not think about his educational career; More precisely, they can think about it enough late when the question is, to go to the university and, if so, in what, it will rise already in full growth.

    A similar problem in children from small and even medium cities. The possibilities of choosing are small with them from the very beginning, and the limitations of the selection of the university is only fixes and confirms.

    If we talk about the possibilities of choosing a school for children in the capitals (Moscow and St. Petersburg), then they are higher here. The role is played not only by higher incomes of the population, but also the availability of a developed transport network that allows a schoolboy, especially high school students, to get to school at the other end of the city.

    At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize that the educational opportunities provided by Moscow are significantly higher than in other regions of the country. This, in particular, indicates the volume paid servicesprovided to the population of the city in education compared to other Russian regions

    So, the presence or absence of choice or pushes parents to planning an educational career, or postpones this problem in a long box. And a separate question is the price of such a choice.

    Is such a situation exclusively Russian? In general, no. In developed countries, parents start planning the educational career of children very early. Naturally, the quality of this planning depends on the educational and material level of the family. It is important one thing - a modern university begins with a kindergarten.

    2. The problem of paying higher education

    In a study on the project NEP E.M. Abrahamov showed that children from families with low resource potential are now in a massive manner enter universities, but this receipt ceased to perform the role traditional for higher education - the role of social elevator. As a rule, at the end of the highest educational institution, they discover that higher education does not give them no income or social status.

    Table 1

    Communication of household resource security with the possibility of obtaining a promising profession

    There is disappointment. This is especially hard for low-income families, since they, sending a child to a university, as a rule, have already exhausted all the possibilities for a social barrier. More wealthy families, finding the inconsistency of the education gained their expectations, make a bet on obtaining a second (other) higher education or some other prestigious educational program (for example, MBA programs).

    A.G. Levinson in his study within the framework of the NEP project revealed that in Russian society, obtaining two higher education becomes a new social norm. About the desire to receive two higher education declare 20% of persons aged 13-15 years, including 25% of young people in the capitals and 28% in the families of specialists.

    Thus, educational careers are becoming increasingly difficult, involving a constant choice. Accordingly, the problem of accessibility of higher education changes, embedded in a new social and economic context.

    It is also important to take into account that admission to the university does not solve all problems - it is only the beginning of the path. The prestigious university must still be finished. And this in recent years becomes an independent problem.

    The availability of higher education depends on how the state will finance it. Currently, spears also break. Most of the population (based on the results of the study of A.G. Levinson) continues to believe that education, including higher, must be free. But in fact, in state universities pays more than 46% of the total number of students. In the first year in state universities on a fee basis, 57% study today. If we take into account the contingent of non-state universities, it turns out that in Russia now every second student pays for higher education (56% of Russian students already learn on a paid basis). At the same time, the cost of learning, both in the state and in the non-state sector of higher education, is constantly growing.

    Already 2003, the fee for training in state universities exceeded the training fee in non-state. In prestigious higher educational institutions, the training fee may exceed the average indicators 2-10 times depending on the type of university and the specialty, as well as from the location of the educational institution.

    Significant means are spent by families not only for training in the university, but also to enter the highest school. According to sociological research, the School-University transition is spent about 80 billion rubles. This is a lot of money, so the change in the rules of admission to universities (for example, the introduction of a single state exam - the USE) will inevitably affect someone's material interests. In the above amount, the largest share is for tutoring (approximately 60%). It is unlikely that the tutoring itself can be considered an absolute evil. First, it was, for example, even in Tsarist Russia, was practiced in Soviet times, bloomed in the present. Secondly, with mass production - and modern education is a mass production, the need for an individual fitting of a product or service for the needs of the consumer is inevitable. This is exactly the normal role of the tutor.

    But in recent years, for many tutors (although not for everyone), this role has been substantially transformed: it began to conclude that the tutor was not so much to teach something within school program, and not even enough to give knowledge in accordance with the requirements no longer universities, but a particular university, how much to ensure admission to the selected university. This meant that the board was not taken for the country and skills, but for certain information (on the features of examination tasks, for example, or on how to solve a specific task) or even for informal services (soapy, trace, etc.). Therefore, the tutor must be taken only and exclusively from that educational institution that a child was going to act (this applies to the provision of some exclusive information, so to the provision of informal services). This does not mean that admission to all universities has been associated necessarily with tutors or informal relations, but in prestigious universities or on prestigious specialties to enter without relevant "support" it became increasingly harder and more difficult. In general, the introduction was the idea that good education at school is no longer enough in order to enroll in that university, who allowed to hope for a successful professional career in the future.

    Sociological studies have shown that parents are still inclined to believe that "studying in a well-known university is possible for free, but it is impossible to enter it without any money." Compliance with alternative money. In the "ordinary" university, there can still be enough knowledge, but the knowledge themselves are already differentiated on just knowledge, and knowledge, taking into account the requirements of the "specific university". And these knowledge gives only either courses at the university, or again tutors.

    Only on knowledge are targeted 38.4% of applicants. At the same time, the orientation only on knowledge when admitted in this context means that the applicant and its CE5Mya are not inclined for admission to the university to enter into informal relationships. But this does not indicate that such applicants will not resort to the services of tutors, just the perception of the tutor in this case is other - this is a person (teacher or teacher of the university, just a certain specialist), which gives knowledge, and not "helps with admission" .

    The orientation of knowledge and money or / and communication in 51.2% of the incoming says that the applicant (his family) believes that some knowledge can be a little, and it is necessary to be substruped by either money or connections. In this case, the tutor performs a double role - it must also teach and provide support to his client upon admission. Forms of this support may be different - from the output to necessary people Before transferring money. Sometimes, however, the tutor can only learn, and the mediators for transferring money are searched independently of it. And finally, the third category of applicants already extends only for money or communication. At the same time, the tutor can also be taken, but its payment is the actual fee for admission fee: This is the person who pushes into the university - the transmission of knowledge is no longer coming.

    The extremely high proportion of those who consider it necessary to use during admission to the university money and communication (more than 2/3) indicates that there are sustainable clichés in public opinion, which university you can do "without money", and in what "only with money or with connections. " Accordingly, the admission strategies are lined up, the selection of universities is made, and ideas about the availability or inaccessibility of higher education in various populations are formed. It is characteristic that the concept of accessibility is increasingly complemented by the words of "high-quality education". In this context, it is not important that higher education has become affordable in general, and the fact that its certain segments have become even more inaccessible.

    3. The role of the USE in the availability of higher education

    By virtue of this one state exam Must be perceived in society extremely ambiguous. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe exam as a tool to combat corruption at the adoptive exams or with a tutoring (which is far from the same thing) does not exhaust even small tool understanding (or misunderstanding) of this tool. When they say that the EGE increases the availability of higher education, then in a situation where it has become available, this statement costs little. The most important is the answer to the question of who exactly and what kind of education will become accessible as a result of the introduction of the USE. It is obvious that prestigious education will never be enough for everyone - it is also prestigious (which includes a certain access limitation). Create a massive good higher education in a short time will not be possible (and in Russia for 15 years the contingent of universities students grew 2.4 times). The process of massization of higher education goes in the country unparalleled rapidly rates (similar processes in the republics of the former USSR, as well as other transition countries, did not yet acquire such a scope), and the quality of education in its traditional understanding in these conditions will inevitably fall. Therefore, if earlier it was possible to talk about fixing a certain quality and extension of accessibility, now the achieved level of availability should be ensured at least some acceptable quality. At the same time, this task with the limitations of both budgetary funds and the effective demand of the population cannot be solved simultaneously for the entire higher education system. It would be more practical and more honest to legitimize the differentiation of universities, especially since at the moment the fact that they are different in the quality of education are known to everyone. It is obvious fixation of differences in quality educational program Could be the basis for setting the problem of accessibility, since the issue would be raised at all about the availability of higher education, but in relation to the specific category of higher educational institutions. But to legalize the differentiation of universities in prestige or quality of the educational program (which, generally speaking, does not always coincide) means simultaneously legalizing the differences in their budget financing. They are these differences - there are currently now, but they are informal (exclusive). Make them formal and clearly defined - this is, on the one hand, consolidate, some rules of the game, and on the other hand, explicitly register the duties of those universities that are upstairs. In other words, formalization will affect the rights and responsibility of the parties, and whether the parties are ready to be a big question. The idea of \u200b\u200bhyphaos - state-owned financial obligations - no matter how controversial it was in itself this problem allowed to fix it extremely convex: many prestigious universities in which all the applicants would come even with the highest category of Gifo - the 1st category would not receive those budget funds that they currently receive. And, moreover, it could turn out to be and so that they would have come with lower categories of GIFO, which would supply the financial well-being of these universities.

    At the same time, the informalization of differences in the position of universities leads to the fact that teachers even very prestigious educational institutions receive a very small wage, and the tutoring for them becomes a practically mandatory means to remain taught in the university. Our calculations show that on average, the tutor receives about 100-150 thousand rubles per year. or approximately 8-12 thousand rubles. per month. Considering that the budget salary even the professor is an average of 5.5 thousand rubles, we obtain that the tutoring "incursions" ensures the income of the university teacher somewhat higher than the level of average wage in industry or average wages in such a branch as non-ferrous metallurgy. Naturally, in this sector, rates and income are extremely differentiated.

    If you look at the problem of the exam from these positions, it will perform in a few other perspective. Currently, during the experiment, an active redistribution of tutoring income began in the direction of the teacher's corps during the EXAMPER. In general, the rates for tutoring in those regions where the exam is held, they begin to fall. At the same time, it can be expected that at the same time the rise in prices for paid training in universities will begin, otherwise, the problem of personnel composition of universities, which is so sufficiently acute, will exacerbate. It should be noted that the fee for training in the state and municipal universities of the country is growing by 15-25% annually, while in non-state universities the rate of growth in the cost of learning began to markedly fall behind the state.

    The experiment on the exam revealed another regularity - the results of a single exam depend strongly depending on the size of the school: the more students in the school, the more equal, above the average score obtained by its graduates when passing the USE. In the Samara region, only for schools with the number of students above 500 people received by graduates of the score exceeds the average score on the exam. This situation is easy to explain - a large school has a better personnel composition and a better training base. It follows that with a full-scale transition to the EE, primarily graduates of large schools will receive access to prestigious higher education. Since such schools are mainly focused in the city, then for children from the village, the path to prestigious higher education will be less affordable. In the wrong position, children of small and medium cities are also rendered. At the same time, it is extremely difficult to predict what the impact on the quality of school education and the availability of high-quality higher education may have a policy enlargement policy. At the same time, without carrying out such policies in the developing demographic situation, the contingent of schools will be reduced, and the results of training may be very low. True, the decline in the average score of the EGE will again change the situation with access to the highest formation, which will be considered qualitative.


    In general, it can be concluded that the problem of accessibility of higher education in recent years is acquiring new perspectives. "On average" higher education has become much more affordable. But for a specific graduate school, this is "on average" is not very important. For him, the availability of the university is important, where he wants to do. And it may well be that this university did not become more accessible to it. Therefore, it is time not easy to look for the tools to increase the availability of higher education as such, but finally go to the individuals and evaluate how many graduates, although they entered higher educational institutions, but they have not reached their goals. In other words, it is not about to go not so much about the volume of higher education, how much about its structure, and according to the compaffection of volume, the structure, which is very noticeable, does not correspond to the requests and expectations of the population. It does not correspond to the needs of the labor market, the employer. However, this is the topic of another conversation.


    1. Antonov A.S. Accessibility of education as a social problem (differentiation of access to higher education and the attitude towards it of the population) / Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 2009.

    Drohobitsky I.N. On the issue of predicting the development of the educational sector / Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 2007.

    KRABENOVA G.F. Modern condition and prospects for the development of scientific and teaching personnel higher School. M., MGAPI, 2006.

    4. Kravchenko A. I. Basics of sociology: tutorial. - M.: Ed. Center "Academy", 2005.

    Radugin A.A., Radugin K.A. Sociology: course of lectures. - M.: Center, 2008.

    Sociology: Fundamentals of general theory / edited by G.V. Osipova, L.N. Moskvichov. - M.: Aspect Press, 2006.

    "In the aspect of the study of value orientations, special attention is paid to the values \u200b\u200bof" education ".

    Speaking of education, it should be noted that today there are several specific promising development trends of the modern university:

    1. The attitude of students and their parents to university education is becoming more consumer. Such components of the university choices are great importance, as a widely known brand, a beautiful and convincing directory, good advertising, the presence of a modern site and so on. In addition, and perhaps, first of all, the principle of "price-quality" turns into a leading to the definition of a higher educational institution to future students and his parents. The university must be a megomarket for knowledge consumption with all the ensuing consequences.

    2. For most students, university education has lost the characteristics of "fateliness". Learning at the university is just an episode in their lives, deploying on a par with other, no less important episodes: parallel work, personal life, and so on.

    3. The university must be on the crest of the technical and technological process, offering students the newest achievements in the organization of the educational process and student life.

    4. A gradual university education is included in the virtualization process, i.e. All greater weight acquires distance education programs, teleconferences, education via Internet sites and so on. For any student, the university and the teacher must be promptly available. "

    However, in the last 15-20 years in the system russian education A lot of problems have accumulated maintaining the preservation of the high educational potential of the nation.

    One of the serious negative trends in the Russian education system was the strengthening of social differentiation in terms of the degree of availability of different levels of education, as well as the level and quality of education obtained. The differentiation of interregional, between urban and rural areas, as well as differentiation of opportunities for obtaining high-quality education by children from families with different income levels, continues to grow.

    "There is a problem of the availability of higher education for the disabled, associated with the reform of the education system and social policy in relation to disabled.

    Despite the current federal legislation, guaranteeing benefits for applicants with disabilities, a number of factors make the receipt of persons with disabilities in the university problematic. Most universities of Russia are not provided even with minimal conditions necessary to teach them disabled. Higher education institutions do not have the ability to reconstruct their premises on the principles of universal design from their own budget funds.

    Currently, applicants with disabilities have two alternatives. The first is to enter the university at the place of residence, where there is hardly an adapted barrier medium, where teachers are unlikely to be prepared for working with disabled people. And the second is to go to another region, where there is such an environment. But then another problem arises due to the fact that the disabled person who came from another region should "bring with you" financing its rehabilitation program, which is difficult due to the incrugality of departments. "

    In the borders of the pan-European educational space, students and teachers will be able to freely move from the university to the university, and the receiving education document will be recognized throughout Europe, which will significantly expand for each labor market.

    In this regard, in the sphere of Russian higher education, complex organizational transformations are coming: the transition to a multi-level training system; the introduction of test units, the required number of which the student must gain to obtain qualifications; Practical implementation of students' mobility, teachers, researchers, etc.

    Any education is a humanitarian problem. Education, of course, means awareness and professional competence, and characterizes the personal qualities of a person as a subject of the historical process and individual life.

    Currently there is a tendency to commercialize higher education, to turning universities in commercial enterprises. Relations between the teacher and the student are increasingly acquired by market character: the teacher sells his services - the student buys them or orders new if they are not satisfied. The disciplines taught are reoriented to the momentary needs of the market, as a result of which there is a "reduction" of the significance of systemic fundamentality. There is a reduction in the specific gravity of fundamental sciences, which give way to the so-called "useful knowledge", that is, knowledge of applied, primarily numerous special courses, sometimes esoteric.

    Inheritance from Soviet times, Russia received a free higher professional education, one of the basic principles of which was a competitive selection of entering the university. But existed and especially reveals itself in modern conditions, along with the official, completely different practice of selection of applicants for higher education. It is based on the one hand, on the social relationships of families of applicants, on social capital, on the other, - based on cash relations, in other words - on the purchase of the necessary results of competitive selection, regardless of the actual level of preparation of applicants and their intellectual Development. Not those who are better prepared and better converted to study, but those who have been able to pay the necessary amount of money for whom.

    The university is at the same time an intellectual and information center for local institutions of civil society, as well as the forge of leadership qualities for them. The highest school, primarily universities, can play a key role in the deep evolutionary transformation of regions, the country as a whole, in the formation and development of civil society in it. This requires the formation of interest both in university structures and in a student environment.

    "The first paid places in state universities appeared in 1992. The demand for paid services of higher education began to form exactly from this time, i.e. Even before the opening of the first non-state universities (1995) in 2001-2002. 65% of respondents considered paid formation more prestigious, and 75% of respondents expressed among the "Picknames group". In 2006-2007 The total number of students who deny the greatest prestigiousness of commercial education compared to education in state universities increased to 87%, and the share of those who adhere to the same opinion among the "Picknames" amounted to 90%. Among the reasons for which one or another training system is selected, the main, still, are the ease of receipt and the desire to reduce the risk of failure on exams to zero (more than 90% and in 2001-2002, and in 2006-2007) . Other reasons are the level of training of teachers, the best technical equipment of universities - there is no significant impact on the process of choice. Studying the attitude of students to a raid education, it is important to take into account what the opportunity to pay for their studies.

    Also, on the basis of the study of Türyukanova E. V. and Ledneyeva L. I., it can be noted that now the prestige of higher education is now among the combustion of migrants and in each individual region. At the same time, the whole family of migrants differ in limited adaptation resources: both material and information and communicative and social. They are bought out of the usual life context, are limited to access to social services and cultural values. Successful integration of migrants to Russian society, turning them into the organic part of the population of Russia will be in particular, to promote the implementation of educational orientations of their children

    Holding sulfur, gasoline with lead additives, some species of paints, varnishes, solvents, etc. A variety of environmental tax can be considered and fee for emissions in environment pollutants.

    7. Ecological deposit. Thus, since 1991, in Germany, there is a system involving the inclusion in the price of goods sold in packages, a deposit premium, which returns after passing the packages to the points of their reception. In a number of countries, such a system acts in relation to cars, batteries, glass containers, etc.

    S. Markets for the sale and sale of savvy resources. Their action is assumed if some enterprises exceed the planned standard of electricity consumption and thereby get the right to sell saved surplus to other enterprises who failed to meet the standards established for them. Note that the principle of combining policy planning with indicative is quite clearly manifested here. As a directive, the plan for selling energy by energy companies is indicative, the planned volumes of energy consumption by industrial companies and institutions are indicative.

    The expansion of the considered practice of a combination of the plan and the market puts Western countries to a qualitatively new level of development, characterized as stable.

    Obviously, their experience is especially necessary Russia until its economy has turned completely into the raw materials appendage of developed countries of the West. This necessity is intensified and the growing resource cost of production, its high material intensity and energy intensity. The scientific and personnel potential survived in the country, it is possible to transition to target planning.


    1 See: Selin S., Chavez D. Developing a Collaborative Model for Environmental Planning and Management // Environmental Management. 1995. №2. P.23.

    2 Vaizzekker E., Like E., Like L. Fair Four. Costs - Half, return - Double: New report to the Roman Club. M.: Academia, 2000. p.220.

    Criticism and bibliography

    S. S. Smirnov

    Who is not available higher education?

    (About the book V.N. Kozlova, E.N. Martynova, L.P. Maltseva, etc.

    "Higher education: the problem of accessibility in the region." Chelyabinsk, 2000)

    Published in the publishing house of Chelyabinsk state University The book is undoubtedly relevant and interesting. It is based on a specific sociological study conducted in 1999 by the Laboratory of Applied Sociology in conjunction with employees of the Center for Disabled Persons. It is devoted mainly to two categories of youth - disabled students and students of university classes, that is, exactly with whom the university has a focused work in the field of education organization. Such a choice is fully justified both in applied and in general theoretical plan, because, indeed, scientific research implies not only good ownership.

    its technique and methodology, but also, not less important, excellent knowledge of the object and the subject of study. Both conditions are observed, and therefore the book "turned out."

    It consists of three independent parts. The first reveals methodology and research methodology are revealed. The second is considered in sociological perspective the importance of education for young people with limited physical and social opportunities, as well as preparations for admission to university in university classes. In the last part, the authors offer some ways to solve the raised problem.

    At the same time, the book is somewhat overwhelmed with an unfounded material. In it, for example, a lot and correctly talks about the role of education in modern public life, how university is, and what is not classic and what exactly the classical university owns the future. There is information about modern information information technologies. There are retelling of the law of the Russian Federation "On Education". All this, of course, you need to know the future student, but it is not directly related to the survey conducted, and therefore it seems something in the thorny, too much and, in our opinion, only spoils the impression of a really good specific study.

    Let's notify immediately, no sociological survey can give a complete picture of the problem studied if only because it is impossible to ask an infinite number of questions. Their number is always limited, so you have to select the most significant. In addition, the human mind is designed in such a way that in any of our question, even if not explicitly, contains a response or one of its options. What we ask, then we answer. In this regard, the selection of asked questions is no less important than calculating the interpretation of the responses received. So what did the respondents researchers asked?

    Given the specifics of the problem, it would probably be logical to ask about how they understand the term "accessibility of higher education", what is its criteria, what factors increase or weaken the availability of education for Russian youth in particular and for young people with disabilities in particular. Questions, of course, not simple, can be said fundamental, methodological. From what will be the answer will depend on them, it depends essentially the result of the entire survey. But they were not asked.

    Not entrusted to future applicants and their parents to answer the main question, the authors decided to do it themselves, more precisely, to "interview" the Committee of Ministers of Education of the European Union. Referring to the latter, they scrupulously listed the whole eleven factors that make higher education inaccessible. Among them and the various types of discrimination on ethnic, age, sexual signs, and the lack of awareness of the government "On the preferences of the population in relation to higher education", and the archaic forms of training. "Forgotten" the truth about one "trifle", making in a market state (depending on the presence or absence of this "trifle") available or inaccessible, including all higher education.

    It is clear that if the respondents asked directly about it, they would receive one direct answer, and not eleven indirect.

    Go authors on the specified path, many questions could be omitted. What, say, ask what place is the highest education in the system of life values \u200b\u200bof young people from rural areas, if it does not directly affect the degree of accessibility of education? Probably, it would be necessary to put a question much wider, for example, how does young people apply to the commercialization of education, would she like to receive educational loans, what does she think about the substantive part of vocational education?

    The value of any scientific work is determined not only by what facts and phenomena have become clearer and clearer for us, but also by what thoughts and questions arise from the reader after acquaintance with this difficulty. It did not exception in this case and the peer-reviewed book. The study clearly showed that during the bourgeois reforms, the availability of higher education from the problem of mainly intellectual-pedagogical transformed into a social and even political factor.

    The authors rightly indicate that education is part of the socialization process that it creates favorable opportunities for "vertical mobility". "... a diploma of higher education becomes evidence of social status, and education - means of struggle of social groups for mastering wealth, power, prestige. All this generates powerful incentives for its receipt and expansion "(p. 3).

    However, this is only one part of objective reality. The second party is that a diploma of higher education may also testify to the social status of the unemployed or the following teacher's poverty line, a military personnel. It is well known that the "educated" teacher receives fourwise less "uneducated" driver of the trolleybus and ten times less than the owner of the trading stall. So is or not professional education "The means of struggle of social groups for mastering wealth"? This question, due to its problematic, probably, would also notice to respondents.

    What is the desire of young people, and even having big health problems, in universities?

    Unfortunately, the questions on this topic in the questionnaire formulated not quite clearly. Answers can be sounded accordingly: "I want to become a specialist" (52%), "I want to have an interesting job" (42%), etc. At the same time, the answer "education is value" was given only 17% of respondents. What is happening? Be a specialist, have a good job - is it for most not value?! (p.52).

    It may seem strange, but the formation of independent value does not consider not only many disabled respondents and their parents, but also the authors of the survey. It is indirectly confirmed by those and others consider the study of the disabled person in high school mainly from the standpoint of its rehabilitation. Undoubtedly, study at the university is one of the important ways to reintegrate into the society of young people with physical health problems. But what happens as a result of a specialist, in fact, few people are interested. Yes, apparently, and few people expect to work on the specialty received (about 30% of parents, a little more than the young people with disabilities). How many of them in practice will be able to work out in the face of tough competition in the labor market, the researchers were deeply defined about this.

    Most of the respondents would like to receive a legal or economic education. Now it is prestigious, fashionable, but therefore it is easily accessible, especially for the disabled person (refer to above all employment). "Low-income families are more focused on medical, pedagogical and agricultural areas," they agree to humanitarian and even "free" professions. The wealthy is only interested in the first two (p.85). Why is that? Is this connected with the problem of availability? (Who is the coolest, that product chooses better?) There is no answer. You can only guess. However, it is not difficult to guess. It should be thought that the poorest at all is not available at all, since the scholarship has long lost its economic content.

    As you can see, after acquaintance with the book, I did not diminish, perhaps even more. But, unlike the reference book, the task of a good book is in that and is to wake the thought of the reader, to force it to think independently, and not formulate ready-made answers. Far from all the provisions and conclusions of the authors can and need to agree. But the fact that they managed to prepare good material for reflection - undoubtedly.


    on the book of Academician RAS A.G. Granberg "Fundamentals of the Regional Economy", admitted by the Ministry of Education as a textbook for students

    universities studying in economic areas and specialties

    Currently developing scientific direction and the practice of organizing and developing a regional economy. The number of publications is growing, scientific and practical conferences are held on the development of territories of different levels. The number of economic specialties, and, accordingly, students studying the regional economy increases. Therefore, the release of this book, which summarizes the Russian experience in creating a regional economy, is necessary.

    Prior to the publication of the reviewed textbook in Russia, work was published on individual issues of the regional economy, and, above all, in the direction of economic geography. Academician A.G. Granberg, in our opinion, considers these problems at a qualitatively different level.

    The book is undoubtedly a great contribution to the successful study of the regional economy, it is built on the use of modern theoretical achievements in this area. In subsequent publications, the author can be recommended to expand the issues of regional efficiency and institutional development of the regions.

    The book is a big theoretical and practical interest not only for students, but also professionals involved in teaching and research activities.

    A.Yu. Davankov, Director of the Institute of Socio-Economic and Regional Problems of Chelya T.A. Vereshchagin, Dean of the Economic Faculty of Chelgu A.A. Golikov, Professor of the Department of World Economy,

    First publication

    I.A.Komarov Reproductive health of students as a medical and social problem

    The reproductive health of students deserves attention due to large social expectations from this youth group. The need for realizing himself as a spouse and parent applies to the basic needs of a person at the age of the student. Young people are now often starting to live in a sexual life rather early and do not look at obsolete, in their opinion, moral conventions. Sexual behavior and reproductive installations often disagree with each other, however, they should not be considered in a single complex, speaking of the reproductive health of the population.