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  • Heavy character: signs and description of the negative qualities of a difficult person. View from the outside. She will not give a sentence of his advantages and talents

    Heavy character: signs and description of the negative qualities of a difficult person. View from the outside. She will not give a sentence of his advantages and talents

    A person with difficult character often suffers from those qualities that have developed during his life. He does not understand why people face it, and communication does not bring or pleasure, no benefit. Complicated character is manifested in sarcazme, conflict, envy and other features. However, even such people, stubbornly working on themselves, will be able to achieve mental harmony.

    Interaction of a complex personality with the world

    It is not easy to deal with a person who has a difficult character. Such people often offend others, spoil them mood. Often they begin to avoid, as communication with them rarely brings joy. If you had to face such a person, the easiest solution is - it is as little as possible to communicate with it. The main signs of severe, signaling the need to reduce the number of contacts, are:

    • Unwillingness to listen to the interlocutor.
    • The feeling of wrongness is even in those situations where there are no reasons for him.
    • Aggressiveness, conflict, failure.
    • A tendency to criticism and quit.
    • Depressiveness, tendency to dramatization.

    If it seems that only such people are around - this is a reason to think: perhaps personal problems are not peculiar to them, but to the person himself.


    Excessive irritability is one of the main signs of severe. One person will calmly behave in a traffic jam. The other will be brighter to signal and scold everyone around itself - and drivers, and pedestrians. If something does not happen according to plan - someone comes to the leg, or the child will bring a bad mark from school, it can turn into a real apocalypse for such a person. Psychologists believe that irritability as an innate character trait is inherent in only 0.1% of the total population. In other cases, this quality is a consequence of psychological problems acquired during the life.


    Often, people with severe character believe that truth is born in the dispute, and live in peace with other people will not work. On the one hand, constructive criticism helps to become better and benefits. But such people forget that it is not only important what is said, but also how this information is presented.

    By the way, the phrases like "he is a complete idiot, if this does not understand" or "her hands are not growing from there" are insults, and not criticism. This is useful to remember people with a difficult character.

    The cause of such picky is often the features of education in early childhood. A child who came from parents to listen to criticism for any act gets used to such behavior. Often, to adjust this trait of character, do not do without long work with a psychotherapist.


    This feature of a hard character is aimed at making painfully other people, to hurt their shortcomings. And it is always done in the most sophisticated expressions and often in front of everyone. From pleasant jokes mood can never spoil. As for sarcasm, he causes only some negative emotions. This phenomenon is a socially acceptable type of aggression. If a person cannot express to another all that he thinks about him, making it a target for his sarcastic statements.

    Often, the cause of sarcasm is in the desire to draw attention to others. Psychologists found out that such a feature is peculiar to people who have occurred from large families. And she suffers from those, in whose families, parents and other adults were not ashamed to communicate with each other through ridicule.

    To overcome cravings for acute crosses, you need to think about - why pronounce offensive words and what are their final goal? After all, in order to draw the attention of society, there is a lot of more positive ways. If the statement of a colleague or a relative seems to be stupid and causes a desire to reckon serious jokeIt is useful instead of setting the interlocutor somewhat clarifying questions. For example: "Why do you think so?", "How do you think, can it be otherwise?". This will help to show yourself a delicate and attentive person. The interlocutor will also save self-esteem.

    A tendency to dramatize events, anxiety, depression

    These qualities of people with severe character spoil their lives and themselves, and their surrounding. After all, they also have to constantly listen to complaints and whining on how bad things. The neighbors are expensive car, a friend is a beautiful wife, and familiar child managed to enter into prestigious university. The quality of life in the country is worsening, and salaries do not grow; Yes, and the weather every day is some kind of unimportant. Approximately so reflect on these people, infecting those surrounding their pessimism.

    To get rid of the habit of seeing everything in the dark light, it is useful to work on yourself. It is necessary to develop a habit of seeing things in more positive colors. Also, such a person needs to do everything on himself that his life becomes pleasant and comfortable, brought joy.

    Being a difficult person means to recover yourself to conflicts and loneliness. And the first step to overcome these difficulties will be the awareness of its shortcomings. People with such a personality structure are often inclined to notice only the disadvantages of people around others and not pay attention to their own. Even in the situation when the surrounding point to the wrongness, they will continue to believe that it misunderstood them and want to offend them.

    Having a difficult character is not easy, because you need to learn to keep yourself in your hands. In conflict situations useful for a while muted own feelings And ask what they are talking about you now. It is not necessary to hurry to be rude in response or justify: to begin with, it is better to impartially listen to criticism of other people. This will make it possible to understand what image has developed in their head and how they perceive such behavior. If this image is negative, it should be changed.

    Driving emotions

    But recognize your drawbacks is only the beginning of the fight against a difficult character. Often, people get stuck in half of the way, invent all sorts of excuses for themselves. "It's impossible to do anything, because I had such a character," they say. Such an excuse becomes universal for them. They use it in any conflict situation Or to justify your own weaknesses.

    In fact, difficult character is not a sentence. It is formed throughout the human life. Only from the very person depends on where she will send their natural inclinations. For example, everyone knows that people of choleric temperament are often unrestrained and irritable. But even they are quite capable of controlling their own flashes of aggression.

    If anger deprives the ability to think soberly, it should not seek to express it as soon as possible. On the contrary, you first need to slightly reduce the heat of emotions. To do this, it is useful to use relaxation techniques, deep breathing. Get rid of excess adrenaline well helps sports and fitness classes. Eastern martial arts are especially effective.

    If the beloved is a sophisticated personality

    The hard character of a man is a difficult test for each lady. At the beginning of the relationship, usually disadvantages of heavy sex are not manifested as explicitly, as after the end of the candy-bought period. When Kavaler understands that the girl no longer needs to be careful to achieve her favor, he gradually begins to show his true face.

    In any pair, people with time begin to learn about the shortcomings of each other. But the usual relationship is characterized by the fact that these disadvantages, with due effort by the man and women, can be overcome and level. For example, if the husband constantly scatters socks, it is not critical for family life. The wife can put the box to another corner of the room and offer to his faithful to play volleyball with the help of socks, trying to throw them exactly in target.

    But if the spouse is distinguished by stubbornness and heavy character, constantly provokes conflicts, God forbid his hand to his wife - here you should seriously think about the feasibility of continuing relationships and possible risks to health and life.

    Other cases of heavy people

    The same applies to those cases when complex character It has a man-boss. After all, constant interaction with such a person at work is no better than the need to endure the face of her husband at home. Therefore, those who wish to preserve psychological equilibrium, it is also recommended to minimize communication with those people who have a difficult character, in whatever the field of activity it is necessary to deal with them.

    If a difficult person is a relative, here the problem requires more detailed consideration. It may be necessary to go through joint psychotherapy to find the points of contact, make communication softer. But one must remember one thing: if the person himself does not want to take into account the interests of loved ones, it is hardly possible to influence herself.

    If the soul refuses to accept this person with its horrific disabilities is a signal to the fact that it is time to change its environment. Unfortunately, such people often have to strike out of life, as they themselves are extremely rare.

    "" - Nizhny Novgorod is always something personal, "the girl who was sitting nearby. In her hands, she kept the semi-empty bottle of Abrau, impoverished with a bike behind his back. I looked at her questioningly. She continued: - He seems to check for strength: you can or not, cope or hand over. "


    From Kazan to Nizhny, they put forward early in the morning, five hours. Marat confidently accelerated his crossover, slowing down at the sites known to him, equipped with Autodoria control systems.

    Marat under fifty. Incredibly alive and intelligent talkative, he constantly chewed comments about his amazing (on a variety) of the playlist. When I played "IT's My Life" Bon Jovi, he said, loud looking over the glasses:

    For this song, Lenin with Krupskaya was going to marry, but did not have time ... the revolution began.

    In five hours, the roads have relevant, it seems, everything: from "Aria" to Skrillex, from Strauss to Makarevich.

    There are a lot of children, each his music at the flash drive grew, so confused, - Marat was slightly embarrassed.

    The sun poured the banks of the Volga, in which the track is running in places. The reflections of water recalled Baikal, and with him - about August, close to the end. Time zones stopped tightening our regime, the arrows finally coincided with the Moscow Quarants.

    Day 1. City, History, Heroes

    In Nizhny, the Volga must come for us, in any way otherwise. And came, the truth is the "Volga-Syber" hybrid. Alexander from the press service took off sunglasses, cheerfully greeted and asked:

    Have ever been to the bottom?

    No, I did not have ...

    Sergey Vasilich, then in full, - she threw the driver who nodded with noticeable satisfaction, and Alexander explained:

    Now the whole city will show you, if not.

    Gray nine-story buildings were quickly changed by wooden mansions - it was that the lower one was initially: merchant, isolated, individualistic in spirit. However, the withdrawal and some self-sufficiency is associated with the situation - at the site of the merger of the two largest rivers of the European part of Russia, Volga and Oki; with a role in history - the capital of one of the strongest principalities, subsequently - the place of collecting the folk militia under the leadership of Minin and Pozharsky, one of the largest military-industrial centers in the period of the Great Patriotic War. Today Nizhny Novgorod shifts the center of gravity from the capital in sphere information technologies and the automotive industry, while remaining one of the most popular areas of internal tourism in Russia.

    Red Kremlin walls are distinguished vividly against the background of the Blue Volga Sky. The Nizhny pleased at least the weather and some farm arousal, revitalization on the streets reflected in the unprecedented paints at the domes of the Church of the Cathedral of the Most Holy Virgin and modernist ornaments on the building of the State Bank.

    Volga in the area of \u200b\u200bNizhny Novgorod

    Volga in Nizhny - perfectly special, Burlats, wide, promptly and hosting hugging city. It seems that the city appeared here is not because someone occurred to create it, but because the river allowed. In instinctive respect, the embankment is made gracefully and carefully, in two levels - Nizhnevolzhsky and Verineal.

    The psychology of any Russian city implies one pedestrian street in the historic center. Boyless, forever moving big Pokrovskaya is deprived of Arbatsky market and space vulgarity, local musicians are not lying in hats feet, and artists rarely sell drawn, more often - just enjoy the community and liveliness around.

    We have come to the Square of People's Unity, in the center of which is a monument to Minin and Pozharsky - the same stands on Red Square. Alexandra very inspectedly spoke of the events of the 17th century:

    Just think: a simple Zemsky headman organized fundraising - and this is in troubled time! Each resident donated something for the sake of the success of the militia, as a result, managed to attract soldiers to a constant salary of 30-50 rubles, depending on the title.

    The second Nizhny Novgorod militia, initiated by the Mini-headed Prince of Pierce, is an example of a Nizhny Novgorod nature. Kulibin, self-taught, who received the nickname "Nizhny Novgorod Archimedes", anticipated with its inventions many products modern scienceHowever, in the 18th century, only spectacular achievements of the Master - toys and fireworks had popularity.

    Monument to Minin and Pozharsky

    In the 19th century, the lower birth gives rise to another character - "Copernicus of Geometry". It was so called Nikolai Lobachevsky British colleagues on science. The author of Nevklidova, "Imaginary Geometry", did not receive recognition during his lifetime. Even Karl Gauss, the greatest mathematician of that time, expressed admiration for the works of Lobachevsky only in dialer records and letters to close friends.

    On the banks of the Volga nearby, on its streets and in his courtyards grew, was formed and went to "his universities" Maxim Gorky, a recognized creator of socialist realism. However, even a foreigner can guess about the connection of the writer with this city. Streets, squares, squares, museums and even the metro station seems to be the name of the bitter secretly wears every urban trifle. Globally, Nizhny Novgorod was bitter from 1932 to 1990, and during that time gave the name of the largest automotive plant - Gorky, for which the Americans in the joke called the city of Russian Detroit.

    See the bright yellow bus at the bus stop? - Alexander indicates a stop public transport. Near the pavilion parked several white buses and only one - yellow. - This is our public legend, IPE Kargin.

    The long history of the Nizhny Novgorod entrepreneur began in 1997, when Kargin decided to do passenger traffic. Routes gradually became "their" for each of the entrepreneurs. Industry Pretty calm - carriers ignore traditional marketing, the limit manifestation of their competitive spirit - to cut someone else's bus.

    Kargin began to develop 71 routes as powerful brands develop. Introduced the lowest fare (now, for example, 15 instead of citywide 20), in every bus hired a conductor so that the drivers are not distracted from the road, began to hold contests and draws among passengers (lower though a large, but provincial city - people love such things ). This was born a powerful community of users of this particular route, it was Kargin buses.

    And then Kagina began to press. We conducted a tender for 71 routes and, according to its results, the right to transport was sent to another entrepreneur. In total, the courts stretched four years, as a result of Karhigina deprived the right to carry passengers. He delivered buses to his native father, but did not leave the route. Then started a side business on maintenance

    Sometimes motorists helped, "says Alexander. - We saw that Kargin buses stop the police, drove, blocked the trips, even the fights arranged. And Kargin seems to be incremented: it works for a long time "in zero". Thinks to go to the Policy from the Communist Party ...

    View from Ilinskaya Mountain

    Day 2. Big conversation

    Morning on a large Pokrovskaya in the number of people does not differ from the evening. The sun fills a blocking. Woken hipsters come back home. The musicians as if did not leave their places since yesterday. On the threshold of the store "Motherland", that on Piskunova Street, very close to the cover, the young man is 25 years old, something brassly discusses with the Monter, which carries out the electrician over the entrance doors. This young man named Artem Malyshev and turned out to be the owner of the store and my interlocutor.

    How did it ever found funds and forces on something in the lower? Against the background of Moscow, all the province, of course, but you can't tell you about your store.

    The main problem is a search for money, of course. Forces and ideas were always, the more they need them more often just to see and be able to see them. And I traveled well, in particular, passed the practice in Germany. Abroad once twice a year exactly. And the clothes have always been interested in both the production and the concept of retail, let's say it is correct. I watched examples, I saw how people do it - beautiful, and not in the format of the shopping center, where people simply dig in a pile of clothes. Therefore, the idea of \u200b\u200bopening the store caught fire.

    And where did you start?

    First sewed themselves. I painted prints from hand, then you started typing in St. Petersburg. Subsequently found opportunities in the lower. It turns out that simple drawings on T-shirts rose to the upper clothes, raincoats - this is another level. And everything is sewn here in Lower.

    Where are the materials, resources are purchased? I know that in the regions with this there are often problems.

    Almost all the material is Turkish, buy through the capital. Sometimes we find something qualitative in Russia. For example, shorts sewed from Russian fabric. Not everyone do ourselves: there are a bunch of like-minded people, good Russian guys, Krasnoyarsk "log", for example, handmade glasses are made. Or watch masters from Elektrostal. Something from Ukraine is taken. In terms of procurement, we try to find rivally promoted brands in Russia, there is some kind of ... the spirit of supporting young people, or something. This is not at all about money: I myself, starting, faced the difficulties of accessing people.

    How luck is idea from the point of view of business? Will the store pay off?

    Well, do not complain (smiles). Now, with the opening of the store, almost on the central street of the city received a good stream of people, good interest. It's funny that first they were perceived as a clothing store for those who "in the topic" for their own. And today we carry into the masses. " Distributions, partly.

    Your store, however, cannot be called affordable. 4 thousand per hour, as much - for glasses, clothes - from 1 thousand rubles ...

    Well, it's just watch and glasses (laughs). Moreover, the prices for them sets the manufacturer. Clothes are not more expensive than the average market price. It is clear that for the quality you always need to pay the relevant price, it is simply accustomed to Russia: ours - it means cheap, because it is bad. We work differently.

    How old were you? When did you start?

    It was four years ago, but then it was something like a hobby. In 2011, no one did not talk about it at all, I was sold in "Laksheri" -Magazine, there was nothing else. And now the Russian "Streetar" - like trend, almost every second has his brand.

    Is there any hypercel in business? Capturing neighboring regions?

    Of course, there is including access to new markets. There is interest from Moscow, Samara, even Arkhangelsk. This is another trend - entrepreneurship among young people. And it seems like everything on the surface, but in fact everything is wrong, the initiative does not always find a real embodiment, I can say on my own experience. Therefore, the choice of partners come carefully.

    Do you see yourself in this area during the coming ten years?

    Already four years passed, as I started, initially not suggesting any earnings. All Doroszlo to the cause of life, for whom I left work, took a loan, risked everyone that was at that time ...

    And in the specialty you who left for work?

    Telecommunications engineer (smiles). Again, I wonder for the development of this topic as a socio-cultural. I am glad that Russian is in the trend, and we are moving in this trend. And no one will look at you on you if something in Russian is written on the T-shirt. I am glad that we are involved in this. After all, everything goes further than clothes: both artists, and musicians ... There is a dream to try to make it abroad, show that we really develop and soon be able to abandon imports. Today I will refuse to import clothes, tomorrow - from importing ideas. It is important.

    Street christmas

    At the location of the Volga and Oka, the "Arrow", usually there are always many people. Weddings, friendly evenings, ordinary boys are the burden of all amazingly beautiful and at the same time available. The sun slowly sat for the other part of the lower, where the stadium will be built to the World Cup (will be, we were accurately told, although there are no work - in the summer of 2015). Romance has become either objective or subjective, as a sign of fatigue and "Kaleidoscope syndrome" - suggestions of impressions. We started talking about the essence of Lower, who soon went into a logical deadlock.

    Nizhny Novgorod is always something personal, "suddenly she told us a girl sitting nearby. In her hands, she kept the semi-empty bottle of Abrau, impoverished with a bike behind his back. I looked at her questioningly. She continued:

    It seems to be tested for strength: you can or not, cope or hand over. Road.

    Chkalov staircase

    With the support of Blablacar and

    Probably, you have repeatedly heard how a person gave such a characteristic - "complex" or "difficult" character. I hearing is not even knowing any examples, everyone understands what it means. With such a person it is difficult and difficult to communicate, with it uncomfortable, since it is difficult to predict his thoughts and actions. Very often, this character is a manifestation of impaired psyche and nervous disorders.

    Complex character is a medical problem

    Notorious transitional age»Also characterized by a change in the nature of the teenager not for the better. During this period, most of them have exactly such a character - complex and difficult. But when the hormonal restructuring ends, the guy or the girl again becomes quite adequate, and the epithets that the surrounding them describe them no longer include these definitions. Hormonal perestroika, the cause of menopausal changes is also often accompanied by a change in behavior and deterioration. But it is all temporary order phenomena. There are people whose character is for the surrounding "difficult" life.
    People with a complex character, as a rule, have a strong energy, creative potential and the ability to take non-standard solutions, which, in some cases, makes them good workers.

    This behavior is a psychopathic disorder and, most often, it is a hereditary disease and one of the parents of this man also had a difficult character. A child who since childhood perceived such manifestations as properly, will also not learn how to restrain himself emotionally. But this problem is not only pedagogical, but also medical. Neuropathologists say that a difficult character is a consequence of small brain dysfunction. At an ordinary person in his crust there are special mirror neurons that help him understand the feelings of the people around him and predict their behavior and reaction. As a result, a person easily predicts what will be pleasantly surrounding, and what can hurt them. According to one of the medical theories, people with a complex character, and, more simply, psychopaths, there is a deficiency of mirror neurons, especially in the frontal shares of the brain.

    Take the complex nature of the partner as a givenness and do not try to remake it, just consider it in everyday life.

    Manifestations of complex character

    Inability and unwillingness to understand the feelings of other people makes owners of a complex character of sociopaths, they are not refused by generally accepted norms of behavior. Therefore, it seems to them that they can allow themselves anything: it is possible to crime moral principles, arrange promial hysteries and not control the attacks of anger or irritation. They can arrange a scandal in a family or at work because of any nonsense and then, when the rest are knocked out of the rut and drink "Corvalol", absolutely sincerely wonder - what did they say or did it? From a person with a complex character, it is difficult to expect sympathy, moving towards his goal, he does not recognize moral obstacles, so you should not expect from him adequate, from your point of view, behavior. The notorious "transitional age" is also characterized by a change in nature not for the better. During this period, most of them have exactly such a character - complex and difficult. But when the hormonal restructuring ends, the guy or the girl again becomes quite adequate, and the epithets that the surrounding them describe them no longer include these definitions. Hormonal perestroika, the cause of menopausal changes is also often accompanied by a change in behavior and deterioration. But it is all temporary order phenomena. There are people whose character is for the surrounding "difficult" life.
    People with a complex character, as a rule, have a strong energy, creative potential and the ability to take non-standard solutions, which, in some cases, makes them good workers.

    This behavior is a psychopathic disorder and, most often, it is a hereditary disease and one of the parents of this man also had a difficult character. A child who since childhood perceived such manifestations as properly, will also not learn how to restrain himself emotionally. But this problem is not only pedagogical, but also medical. Neuropathologists say that a difficult character is a consequence of small brain dysfunction. At an ordinary person in his crust there are special mirror neurons that help him understand the feelings of the people around him and predict their behavior and reaction. As a result, a person easily predicts what will be pleasantly surrounding, and what can hurt them. According to one of the medical theories, people with a complex character, and, more simply, psychopaths, there is a deficiency of mirror neurons, especially in the frontal shares of the brain.

    Take the complex nature of the partner as a givenness and do not try to remake it, just consider it in everyday life.

    Manifestations of complex character

    Inability and unwillingness to understand the feelings of other people makes owners of a complex character of sociopaths, they are not refused by generally accepted norms of behavior. Therefore, it seems to them that they can allow themselves anything: it is possible to crime moral principles, arrange promial hysteries and not control the attacks of anger or irritation. They can arrange a scandal in a family or at work because of any nonsense and then, when the rest are knocked out of the rut and drink "Corvalol", absolutely sincerely wonder - what did they say or did it? From a person with a complex character, it is difficult to expect sympathy, moving towards his goal, he does not recognize moral obstacles, so you should not expect from him adequate, from your point of view, behavior.

    "Heavy character" in medicine - psychopathy. Transferred by inheritance. Not adjusted by education, little depends on the social environment. It is manifested in the abnormally strong severity of some character traits.

    Wines in nature

    Heavy character is not the result of bad upbringing or childhood, as many think is heredity. If the "bad blood" of the great-grandfather was transferred to your offspring, then humble. Breaking and redo his character is useless. It is better to teach a child with some restraint in behavior and develop talent in every way. Surely, nature did not fit him.

    Among people with character a lot of high-pressure: Academician I.P. Pavlov, composer L. Bethoven, writers F.M.Dostoevsky, N.V. Hogol ... The descendants are interested only in the creations of Geniyev. And the burden of their personal drawbacks carry relatives and acquaintances.

    Together is not fun

    There is much more pleasant to have a Wunderkind baby than a hooligan, which will turn into a difficult teenager with age, and then the unpleasant type will grow out of it. For example, the scandalist, gossip or complainant. Such colleagues will easily refuse the desire to go to work.

    The first is ready to inflate the scandal for any reason, even on trifles. He has one desire to shout. In the face of the second you will gain " best friend" He will be happy to listen to the history of your family quarrels, unilent statements about colleagues and superiors, will understand, comfort. And make you eternal item gossip. The third will be without the end to complain and whine, causing sympathy. And you are badly working for two, linger in the evenings, while the complainant is engaged in their affairs.

    Plok or diagnosis

    In medicine, innate severe character is called psychopathy. It has certain signs: little changes for life, is equally manifested everywhere in any circumstances. And finally, his environment is constantly overcoming the vital problems.

    It is not easy to communicate with such a person: some traits of its character are expressed so much that they differ significantly from the norm. For example, it is extremely timid and shy among colleagues, he can tyranny his seven permanent flashes of anger and irritation from small offensive. Or an obsessed with his work, is ready to meet everyone in its path, aggressive, Avengean, is inclined to crimes. Surroundings suffer from such a purposefulness.

    Sometimes changes in the character are caused by chronic diseases that violate the normal operation of the hormonal system. In this case, adequate treatment, care and understanding of loved ones will help.


    • Hard adults (part 1)
    • What to do if you have "unpleasant type" at work

    Often, he says that he has a complex character. In this case, such a description does not always characterize the evil and terrible person. It is known that the leadership positions occupy most often people who have a difficult character in the opinion of others.

    What is a difficult character

    A complex character is a fairly extensive concept that may include a number of identity deficiencies or vice versa - the advantages that are seriously perceived by the surrounding people. For example, first you need to submit a person with a complex character and further disassemble it "in parts". The fact is that complex character is our evaluation of a person or another, he himself can feel great in his body. It's hard to find mutual language or something either agree. FROM simple person You can always easily solve, as its emotions are always visible, that is, there is a feeling that the conversation passes as if you know your interlocutor for 100 years.

    Owner man - a complex person

    Complex, as a rule, people are powerful, reasonable. They have their unshakable point of view and cannot be convicted. Also, such a person with a difficult character may be afraid of criticism or a negative assessment, because he is overly flashing. You do not know how to react to behavior. Strong people are often referred to as difficult, since their behavior is impossible to predict and the course of their thoughts has solid foundations.

    What is included in the concept of "complex character"

    So, complex character is the qualities that we are not able to influence or cannot explain. Man's behavior is hard for us. Among such people allocate strong and authoritative personalities that have their own rules, principles and solid soil under their feet. These qualities can be called positive, so complex in nature is not a sentence, but just a different point of view on the world.

    Back side of a complex person

    But there is also a negative person with a difficult character. For example, excessive sample, whim. Everything should be exactly how he said! This is usually gaps in education. The person is used to the fact that everyone around creates the conditions for his best life. Here it is necessary to work on yourself and embody your desires yourself, without requiring something from others. After all, each in this world is working on themselves.
    Excessive sample is a kind of manipulation method. After offense, psychos man seeks what he wants. And it can last for years. You can continue to live like this and that a person has a complex character, but it is best to help him overcome his weaknesses. Thereby improving not only life, but also everyone around.

    What if you have a difficult character?

    If you have a hard character, then think about how to create difficulties to others and if these qualities are negative, then try to improve!


    • Opinions of people about complex character

    Each person is individual: everyone has its own appearance and its own character, their own and various features. But still you can make an analogy and allocate some common features Psyche that will make the classification of people by type. What type of personality is one or another person useful to know under any circumstances, especially if it is critical time. What are the individuals around us? Which of them are harder to communicate? Further, we will try to determine the typical categories of "difficult" personalities.

    We are all different from each other not only by certain innate individual features, but also the peculiarities of the development related to the course of life. A lot of human behavior is influenced: in which family he brought up, who works, what kind of environment.

    People with complex character: types.

    1. Extroid

    People who mood can change instantly. "Hysteria" or "hysteria" - so called their surrounding.

    Hysteria is an example of a complex psyche disorder. A person suffering from such a disease is very emotional, tries to attract attention and is able to "play a role." He constantly needs support and praise from outside.

    A woman who has a hysterical disorder is a certain caricature of femininity: it is too dependent, selfish, vain, immature, superficial and demonstrative. She may have psychosomatic reactions and diseases. An Estheroid man is often hiding under the mask of antisocial trends.

    The main essence of such people lies in the fact that they are not able to learn how to live on their own, and therefore they are trying to make others care about them. Exteroidal women from childhood rewarded for beauty and charm, and not for the efforts for which patience and thinking are required. Men - for the courage, the coolness of the wrongness and strength, and not for the ability to solve problems. External people are so passionate about to like that they are able to lose their real goal.

    At first glance, the exteroids seem very charming people. Although after time they are considered too demanding and needing in support. They are cunning, can manipulate, blackmail and even force. Their reaction is intense and spontaneous, conclusions are made hastily.

    2. PEDANTIC.

    People inclined to doubt and caution, concerned about the details and rules, too kind and stubborn. These are people who are so passionate about the details that they cannot allocate the most important thing. They always have a lot of work. Because of their standards, they will be unfortunately to torment them, they will punish themselves and others. With any serious "failure" can be in depressive state. Such people are valued at work: they know their work, you can rely on them.

    3. excitable.

    People prone to impulsive actions. They rule the wishes, ideas and interests. They are often annoyed, scandaling. In anger, they may even go to the manual design. Such people cannot exchange thoughts. Many of them consume alcohol.

    Sometimes an excitable personality smoothes a little from nature, but the instinct strength still prevails. She is especially pronounced in children.

    4. Avoiding.

    These are personalities who believe that they are incompetent and socially unsuitable. The reason lies in fear to suffer defeat, be rejected, humiliated or convicted. These are inactive people who avoid even communication.

    People with such a disorder believe in the fact that they are bad and uninteresting. Their behavior moves the slogan "It is better not to take part in risky affairs."

    5. dependent.

    These, who consider themselves helpless people who try to find a strong guardian for themselves, a defender who helps them survive, and it is next to which they will act successfully. For example, a dependent woman often says that he cannot live without a man.

    6. Paranoid.

    Persons who are constantly experiencing fears (fear of attacks, humiliation, critics). In any life situations These people relate to distrust to others, behave extremely carefully and are always trying to find signs of "insidious plans" of their opponent. It seems to them that others hide something or plot.

    7. Antisocial.

    People suffering from antisocial disorder consider themselves lonely, independent and strong. It seems to them that others abuse them and are cruel. Such personalities can be insidious, can manipulate and operate others, can even show aggression. In their understanding, others are either exploiters (because they deserve "operation") or weakli (that is, deserving the role of the victim).

    Their emotions are manifested in the form of anger on the fact that the surrounding owns something like that they do not own, but what they think they deserve more.

    8. Narcissical.

    A narcissistic personality disorder is a disorder, in which a person exalted himself, believes that they should admire everything, because he is so unique and special. In this case, there is no prerequisites for him.

    Narcissa consider other people with their subordinates, although at the same time they are dependent on them, how much is waiting for some admiration from the outside. They are convinced that people should recognize their special position, otherwise they should be punished.

    Their most frequent reaction is irritation or anger that arise when other people do not respect, do not admire them, or argue.

    How to behave with "complex" personalities.

    1. Take a person as it is. Any of us is almost impossible to change. By offering cooperation, you can help change behavior.
    2. Develop skills. Perhaps a person likes how he behaves. Therefore, it is necessary to be more decisive and to behave with him on an equal footing (that is, to express your opinion and be honest).
    3. Watch yourself calmly. The expression of your emotions will not lead to anything good. You need to be able to express your opinion so that the interlocutor goes to contact.

    There are also many common approaches to communicate with all types of "not simple" people:

    • smile;
    • learn to listen;
    • empathize;
    • show respect;
    • advise;
    • take care;
    • consider someone else's opinion and ideas.