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    Causes and consequences of a complex nature: how to build communication with such people. View from Ilinskaya Mountain. People with complex character: types

    Each person is individual: everyone has its own appearance and its own character, their own and various features. But still you can make an analogy and allocate some common features Psyche that will make the classification of people by type. What type of personality is one or another person useful to know under any circumstances, especially if it is critical time. What are the individuals around us? Which of them are harder to communicate? Further, we will try to determine the typical categories of "difficult" personalities.

    We are all different from each other not only by certain innate individual features, but also the peculiarities of the development related to the course of life. A lot of human behavior is influenced: in which family he brought up, who works, what kind of environment.

    People with complex character: types.

    1. Extroid

    People who mood can change instantly. "Hysteria" or "hysteria" - so called their surrounding.

    Hysteria is an example of a complex psyche disorder. A person suffering from such a disease is very emotional, tries to attract attention and is able to "play a role." He constantly needs support and praise from outside.

    A woman who has a hysterical disorder is a certain caricature of femininity: it is too dependent, selfish, vain, immature, superficial and demonstrative. She may have psychosomatic reactions and diseases. An Estheroid man is often hiding under the mask of antisocial trends.

    The main essence of such people lies in the fact that they are not able to learn how to live on their own, and therefore they are trying to make others care about them. Exteroidal women from childhood rewarded for beauty and charm, and not for the efforts for which patience and thinking are required. Men - for the courage, the coolness of the wrongness and strength, and not for the ability to solve problems. External people are so passionate about to like that they are able to lose their real goal.

    At first glance, the exteroids seem very charming people. Although after time they are considered too demanding and needing in support. They are cunning, can manipulate, blackmail and even force. Their reaction is intense and spontaneous, conclusions are made hastily.

    2. PEDANTIC.

    People inclined to doubt and caution, concerned about the details and rules, too kind and stubborn. These are people who are so passionate about the details that they cannot allocate the most important thing. They always have a lot of work. Because of their standards, they will be unfortunately to torment them, they will punish themselves and others. With any serious "failure" can be in depressive state. Such people are valued at work: they know their work, you can rely on them.

    3. excitable.

    People prone to impulsive actions. They rule the wishes, ideas and interests. They are often annoyed, scandaling. In anger, they may even go to the manual design. Such people cannot exchange thoughts. Many of them consume alcohol.

    Sometimes an excitable personality smoothes a little from nature, but the instinct strength still prevails. She is especially pronounced in children.

    4. Avoiding.

    These are personalities who believe that they are incompetent and socially unsuitable. The reason lies in fear to suffer defeat, be rejected, humiliated or convicted. These are inactive people who avoid even communication.

    People with such a disorder believe in the fact that they are bad and uninteresting. Their behavior moves the slogan "It is better not to take part in risky affairs."

    5. dependent.

    These, who consider themselves helpless people who try to find a strong guardian for themselves, a defender who helps them survive, and it is next to which they will act successfully. For example, a dependent woman often says that he cannot live without a man.

    6. Paranoid.

    Persons who are constantly experiencing fears (fear of attacks, humiliation, critics). In any life situations, these people relate to distrust to others, behave extremely carefully and are always trying to find signs of "insidious plans" of their opponent. It seems to them that others hide something or plot.

    7. Antisocial.

    People suffering from antisocial disorder consider themselves lonely, independent and strong. It seems to them that others abuse them and are cruel. Such personalities can be insidious, can manipulate and operate others, can even show aggression. In their understanding, others are either exploiters (because they deserve "operation") or weakli (that is, deserving the role of the victim).

    Their emotions are manifested in the form of anger on the fact that the surrounding owns something like that they do not own, but what they think they deserve more.

    8. Narcissical.

    A narcissistic personality disorder is a disorder, in which a person exalted himself, believes that they should admire everything, because he is so unique and special. In this case, there is no prerequisites for him.

    Narcissa consider other people with their subordinates, although at the same time they are dependent on them, how much is waiting for some admiration from the outside. They are convinced that people should recognize their special position, otherwise they should be punished.

    Their most frequent reaction is irritation or anger that arise when other people do not respect, do not admire them, or argue.

    How to behave with "complex" personalities.

    1. Take a person as it is. Any of us is almost impossible to change. By offering cooperation, you can help change behavior.
    2. Develop skills. Perhaps a person likes how he behaves. Therefore, it is necessary to be more decisive and to behave with him on an equal footing (that is, to express your opinion and be honest).
    3. Watch yourself calmly. The expression of your emotions will not lead to anything good. You need to be able to express your opinion so that the interlocutor goes to contact.

    There are also many common approaches to communicate with all types of "not simple" people:

    • smile;
    • learn to listen;
    • empathize;
    • show respect;
    • advise;
    • take care;
    • consider someone else's opinion and ideas.

    People who are in extraordinary behave in different situations and are generally allocated from the total mass, often differ in the so-called "complex" or "heavy" character. Every person has its own, individual features and features found in the course of life; The family in which he received upbringing; Surroundings, that is, friends, colleagues or classmates. All this affects the formation of a person as a person and his behavior.

    What character is considered difficult?

    "A person with a complex character" is a frequently used phrase in the description of someone. But what exactly is this "complexity"? There is no unambiguous response, exactly describing the difference between complex or, as often spoken, "heavy" character, and light.

    People with a difficult character do not come to compromises, differ in the abuse, clear list of requirements for themselves and others; So it is very difficult to find your place in life and society. The owners of the "light" character, on the contrary, are much better adapted to life, they are distinguished by condescension and ease towards everything, speaking by modern slang, - pofigism.

    Causes of complex nature

    Life circumstances are influenced by the people: the fact that one may seem the trifle, the other will drastically change. Family troubles, problems in studying or work, loneliness or moral emptiness in life - all this in the end changes human, and not for the better.

    It closes in itself and its complexes, communication with other people becomes difficult. "Sociopath", "SociFob", "introvert" - so often call such personalities.

    Consequences of complex nature

    Whatever the reasons, complex character greatly complicates the life of its owners. Most often, this affects the lives of young women dreaming about the satellite of life, but, by virtue of their personal features, they only repel the surrounding.

    A girl with a complex character is under the severity of its own complexes, the negative perception of the world, low self-esteem and contrived problems. The result is often becoming alienation, closure and unwillingness to enter into contacts.

    "If you can't change the situation, try to change the attitude towards it." Many who fell into the trap of their own thoughts heard this phrase, but what is easy to say is not easy to do. It is sometimes very difficult to change its attitude to any situation if a certain serious experience of the past is affected.

    For example, the girl with a difficult character most likely there will be problems in personal life. The Father, who threw the family, resentment on the guy or an overlooking an intellectual approach to simple joys of life, all this will leave a subconscious imprint in memory, which will change the concepts of morality and confidence.

    Types of "complex" characters

    Holders of complex nature can be divided into 8 types:

    Estheroid - unnecessary emotional people who attract attention with their leaks; Their mood is changing lightning, but often the manifestations of this are a certain idea that satisfies egoism and vanity;

    Pedantic - to this type belongs to people prone to perfectionism. Very cautious and meticulous, always perfectly perform the chosen task, but the slightest failure can turn them into depression;

    Excitable - people managed by momentous desires. They manage their own desires and interests, and in extremely irritation can even go to the manual attracting;

    Avoiding - those who in other words can be called "victims". These are people with understated self-esteem who avoid communicating with others, so that it is known to protect ourselves from humiliation and rejection by others;

    Dependent - morally weak and irresponsible people wishing to find a strong guardian for themselves and shifting responsibility for him for their lives;

    Paranoid - those who pursue fears, so in any life situation Such people show marginal caution and with distrust relate to others;

    Antisocial - loners, able to manipulate, can show aggression and despotism;

    Narcissical - people who consider themselves unique and special.

    Communication with each of the above types is a problem, however, if you understand the cause of certain behavior, the contact establishes will be much simplified. Probably the only correct decision will be the perception of a person as it is, and an example of his own positive attitude to life will be able to change for the better and any complex character.

    Video on the topic

    Probably, you have repeatedly heard how a person gave such a characteristic - "complex" or "difficult" character. I hearing is not even knowing any examples, everyone understands what it means. With such a person it is difficult and difficult to communicate, with it uncomfortable, since it is difficult to predict his thoughts and actions. Very often, this character is a manifestation of impaired psyche and nervous disorders.

    Complex character is a medical problem

    Notorious transitional age»Also characterized by a change in the nature of the teenager not for the better. During this period, most of them have exactly such a character - complex and difficult. But when the hormonal restructuring ends, the guy or the girl again becomes quite adequate, and the epithets that the surrounding them describe them no longer include these definitions. Hormonal perestroika, the cause of menopausal changes is also often accompanied by a change in behavior and deterioration. But it is all temporary order phenomena. There are people whose character is for the surrounding "difficult" life.
    People with a complex character, as a rule, have a strong energy, creative potential and the ability to take non-standard solutions, which, in some cases, makes them good workers.

    This behavior is a psychopathic disorder and, most often, it is a hereditary disease and one of the parents of this man also had a difficult character. A child who since childhood perceived such manifestations as properly, will also not learn how to restrain himself emotionally. But this problem is not only pedagogical, but also medical. Neuropathologists say that a difficult character is a consequence of small brain dysfunction. At an ordinary person in his crust there are special mirror neurons that help him understand the feelings of the people around him and predict their behavior and reaction. As a result, a person easily predicts what will be pleasantly surrounding, and what can hurt them. According to one of the medical theories, people with a complex character, and, more simply, psychopaths, there is a deficiency of mirror neurons, especially in the frontal shares of the brain.

    Take the complex nature of the partner as a givenness and do not try to remake it, just consider it in everyday life.

    Manifestations of complex character

    Inability and unwillingness to understand the feelings of other people makes owners of a complex character of sociopaths, they are not refused by generally accepted norms of behavior. Therefore, it seems to them that they can allow themselves anything: it is possible to crime moral principles, arrange promial hysteries and not control the attacks of anger or irritation. They can arrange a scandal in a family or at work because of any nonsense and then, when the rest are knocked out of the rut and drink "Corvalol", absolutely sincerely wonder - what did they say or did it? From a person with a complex character, it is difficult to expect sympathy, moving towards his goal, he does not recognize moral obstacles, so you should not expect from him adequate, from your point of view, behavior.