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  • The car moved from the road about d Ryazan. Crowdino Line - Ryazan: the slowest train near Moscow

    The car moved from the road about d Ryazan. Crowdino Line - Ryazan: the slowest train near Moscow

    About the train on the land line - Zharkovsky, who is called the slowest train in Russia. But in the suburbs there is its analogue. Only he walks more often: not twice a week, but three times a day. But also quite leisurely.

    So, we arrive in the crywedino. The train leaves on, in Cherusta:

    Old station building in 1912 Buildings:

    And near the house duty officer at the station of the late 30s. The same, for example, is on the BMO in Nurst:

    On the next way there is a maneuver with the composition:

    And behind him hid the second, low platform of the station, wherever almost everything came into a crywedino from the train. "All" is a five person. And I am among them. The platform was waiting for a rail bus RA1-0019:

    Do not ask me what makes a person on the right side of the frame :) By the way, I never went to RA1. The salon is the same as familiar R2:

    Seats are wider than in the train, and windows are wider. But on them to sleep, not very falling on, as in a second-class car, which went there fifteen years ago. Yes, and the sensations are completely different: the diesel started under the floor, the luggage shelves, beeps, drew - and we went:

    First, crystandino, warehouses and summer cottages stretched outside the windows. And then a thick pine forest began:

    Occasionally cutting by robusts:

    Train speed - no more than thirty kilometers per hour. Sometimes falls even lower. It is necessary to shoot, understandable, accounted for through the glass - but the windows are quite clean. Passengers in the car man six - seven, no more. Dachek houses run away from the forest:

    Although the trees and two-story buildings can be seen:

    This is the first stop - Osanovo. It not only gets half passengers, but two are sitting. It seems that all passengers of this train are familiar with each other - greet, ask how are things:

    Previously, the forest approached directly to the paths, but then, according to an involvement of Russian Railways, he was cut down along the line of meters for fifteen. Therefore, it was possible to see curves from the car, in which our trailer does not rush:

    Next stop - IGA. Plug-in linen:

    But here the building station has been preserved, possibly the time of construction of this line - 1944:

    Just below I will add one more photo. And on the outskirts of the village - the snow-covered football-volleyball field, in the middle of which it is worth it, as which caught in these SUGGROMS "Volga":

    But beautiful:

    Such places love very much eD4MK_0024. ;)

    Brake near the platform 29 kilometer. Man comes out of the car:

    And it goes on a barely noticeable path right in a dense forest:

    Well, here's the truth! Right into the forest! Where did he go?

    Then I looked at the map - there, in a semi-kilometer, the village of Maleich. As in the taiga ... But this is the Moscow region. It would seem, less than a hundred fifty kilometers from Moscow - and MegaFon does not catch at all, and MTS only two "sticks" shows.

    In the car, besides me there was one passenger. I initially did not plan to go to the final - there is a parking lot just ten minutes, what do you have time for this time? Make a couple of frames, yes, sorry, recover :) Therefore, it was planned to get to the Sazonovo - the former nodal station, from where the line came from to Radytsky - Pilevo. But, then, he judged that under the snow would not see a lot so much, and decided to go out, like fifteen years ago, at the Barmino station. There is at least any civilization there. And so, I tears on a narrow platform, and Raar rolled further:

    Very rush:

    I will quote the very ten years ago: Station Barmino is something fantastic. Rails, hidden by snow, platform from a pair of reinforced concrete slabs, laid on the mound, a small panel house manager with a muted light, flowing from one of the windows through dense curtains - and the endlessly snow-covered field around ... a few hundred meters from the station - destroyed and abandoned Brick factory, behind it begins thick, almost black in the upcoming twilight forest ... Nothing changed:

    Only, except that, from the DSP house, they disappeared there fifteen years ago attendants:

    The view towards the crywandino:

    I had a little more than an hour to walk to the village of Serednikovo located next to the station. Strolled, I walked, but it's almost late for the train. But, nevertheless, I managed. From Ryazan in the cabin was a single passenger, along with me either no one sat down:

    Again, the unhurried passage of the car, the measuring rumbling of the diesel engine, occasionally gaining momentum, loud crossing the wheels on the joints, and the rattling of the luggage shelves. And - the thick forest of the Meshchersky region outside the windows:

    Personally, I personally have a steady line with another railway, as well as the Meshchera's forests - the Tumskaya Tumskaya Line - Ryazan. That one, which was written about, once, Powesty and Yesenin. But the line was completely close to the line to Ryazan - in total in some thirty kilometers, and they even had a connection through the Sazonovo-Pyleovo branch. But alas, it all remained in the distant past. At the stops in the car were sitting on one, two passengers. So over former station Just.

    The original is taken by W. kirillfedorov4. In the Railway Line Crowdino - Ryazan

    East of the Moscow region - Meshchera - the edge of the forests and swamps rich in peat. Not so long ago, peat products were conducted here, an extensive network of railways operated. To date, only one low-thin line has been preserved. It employs passenger trains, but if it were not for the location in the prosperous Moscow region, the crystandino line - Ryazan, probably, would also be closed.

    The decision on the construction of the line between the Department of Clawanno on the Moscow - Kazan highway and the peat array of Radytsky Moss was accepted in the midst of the Great Patriotic War - In 1943. Construction was unplanned and carried out in an emergency. In importance and urgency indicates the fact that the construction of this line used rails from another railway (Verbilki - Dubna), which was restored after the war. The construction of the line to the Sazonovo station was completed in incredible deadlines - less than a year. The Sazonovo section - Ryazan was put into operation after the war (but it was possible that the construction was completed simultaneously with the Department of Clauswandino - Sazonovo). In the village of Ryazanovka (on the maps - Ryazanovsky), after the war, a large peatpource and the main station of a large narrow-sole railway, worked overload with a narrow gauge to wide.
    In the 1960s, the line "acquired" a side branch to the village of Radyitsky Moss, which was subsequently extended to the village of Pilovo. In Pilée, also acted peat-free narrow-chain, part of the famous Meshchersk highway.
    The main and almost only cargo until 2008 was a peat that was supplied to Shaturskaya GRES. The volume of traffic was colossal, and the line was profitable even in the 1990s (although since 1995 intermediate stations gradually began to close). But in 2008 the power plant abandoned the "local" fuel and moved to the use of gas. Perhaps economically, this step was justified, but the fact: the inhabitants of many villages of Shatursky and Egoryevsky districts were without work. Two large networks of peat-mounted narrow-sole railways were destroyed. The crystandino branch - Ryazan exists only because the Moscow region decided not to give up passenger traffic and compensates for huge losses. Cancellation of the train will mean conservation and subsequent destruction of the line. There was no single intermediate station on it (all closed), the line is a solid 53-kilometer distillation, on which it is impossible to carry out the crossing of the oncoming trains.
    We traveled along the Kryvidino - Ryazanovka on August 24, 2014. To the crywedino, I am moving the train from Lyubertsy-1 station.
    After coating along the two mainstream paths, the third, abandoned one appears. When there were many trains with a peat daily on Shatursk GRES, a special way was built between the Depositino station and the power plant so as not to load a short plot of overloaded trunk pathways. It's amazing that it is still intact. In the photo - the platform is booty.

    Initially, the way stretches on the left, then crosses the main move along the overpass, after which it turns out to be right.

    There is no train station at Kristino station, tickets are purchased at the platform ticket office.

    Not everyone knows that the former Krivandino station has been preserved nearby, and the pre-revolutionary building, however, is used to be used as a residential building. (Photo taken in March 2013).

    But how he looked a hundred years ago:

    At the low platform, aside from the main ways, we had already expected a "rail bus" - a lone car RA1. Before May 2012, trains were held here, consisting of FME3 diesel locomotive and one reserved car, who attached this road a unique flavor. In the people, such trains are called "cuckoo" and "podkin". However, Raar has already managed to become the same attribute of coarse low-thin rail branches.

    Passengers in the car was very small, a person is six, despite the country and Sunday.I was very surprised in the car ... Cashier! We have purchased a ticket to Ryazan at the ticket office on the platform, but there is no stopping points along the Cass line, that is, the train is actually free. It is possible that on that day we were the only one who "sponsored" the Ryazan branch.
    Departure at 14:40. On the left remains the main paths.

    And warehouses.

    "Civilized Area" gradually ends.

    And the amazing mesh bears landscapes begin.

    At the end of the summer of 2014, on the line of Clawanino - Ryazan was carried out repair of paths. Fresh rails have not yet been rolled out, so in places it was possible to hear an unusual sound, called "Singing Rail". It is characteristic precisely for low-loaded branches and only in the first months after repair, that is, the phenomenon is quite rare. Some, first hearing this "singing", perceive him for broadcasting Wagner's music :-)
    Especially beautiful views are opened on the curves, which are very much here because of the hilly terrain.

    The settlement of Osanovo near the station of the same name, closed in 2004.

    Station building, alas, not survived, but in the grass you can find concrete sleepers.

    Meschcher - one of those edges in which I want to come back also ...


    Soon the village of Zuzh is shown.

    The wooden house of the duty officer at the station has been preserved here, although the station was closed first on the line, in 1995. Before the closure here was the ultimate for one of the passenger routes. The sleepers of the second path are also noticeable.

    After the fires begin swamps. As can be seen in the photography, forests along the road suffered greatly during the fires of 2010.

    Sanitary cuts of forest along the road are underway.

    Forest stopping point 29 kilometer.

    At the station Barmino, the second path is still preserved (although it is cut off from the main, there is no shooter). Year of Closure - 2009. In the surrounding area, in addition to the Garmino Provisional village, there are large villages Terekhovo, Serednikovo and Samoilij.

    A boiled station building with a fitted door looks very ominous.

    Traces of former improvement:

    You can imagine what drivers are thinking about the car, an longer less than a dozen people.

    Periodically, rowan bushes come across the line.

    Above the weekend technique in the forest, apparently clears the space along the paths.

    Scenic relocation near the village of Sazonovo.

    According to the standards of the Moscow region, this place is a rare demeano. Permanent population is less than 10 people. Here is the last and at the same time, oddly enough, the largest intermediate station on our path, which acted longer than all. Also rusty rails cut off from the main path.

    Water tower. The railway is most likely no relationship.

    And the boat station building is exactly the same as we have seen at the Barmino station.

    Passenger platform on half a car.

    Once there was a lively cargo job.

    Traces of the disassembled side branch are left left - the sazonovo railway line. The line does not work since 2009, and gradually the rails were raised by local residents, as is happening now with the line of Valdai - the sacrings in the Novgorod region. In 2012, the rails still remained in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Prudy and between the stations of the fortieth Bor and Pyleko. In August 2014, they were no longer left anywhere. About this line I plan to write a separate photo report.

    Before Ryazan, it remains to go for only half an hour. The last plot looks the most deaf.

    This is how the stoppoint 47 kilometer looks like, located on the distance from settlements. No even platform. The location is determined by the tablet with the schedule. Actually passengers here are a very rare phenomenon, the train does not always stop.

    With difficulty, you can see a small abandoned hut.

    Finally, almost two hours later, the train arrives in the already familiar Ryazan. Station roads:

    The station looks very well-groomed.

    A rare phenomenon is now engaged in compositions. True, not cars with peat, but repair equipment.

    The driver of the diesel locomotive once again reminded me that it is forbidden to "remove the railway", although, of course, I did not violate any laws.
    We have already been to Ryazan in 2013, although the target was then to visit the Nikolo Radovitsky Monastery. I managed to make photos of moving. Right earlier, the path was going on peaturegregruz, now - only to the boiler room and the local cold processing plant. Movement is very rare.

    But what remains from the huge network of narrow-sole railways. Rails on moving south of Ryazan. By the way, the two-step plots are a very rare phenomenon for narrow oxoles.

    Thanks for attention. I would like to hope that the Line of Christian - Ryazan will work and attract travelers with their wonderful landscapes, and will not repeat the fate of the Sazonovo line - Pyleto.

    Current timetable of Kryvydino - Ryazan trains includes 3 trains (suburban trains, diesel engines), which connect these stations, among which there are morning, daytime, evening. The most high-speed train (suburban train) is recommended, which is sent at 21 h from the Covernino station and arrives at the Ryazan station at 22 h. 53 m. If you need to make a maximum time on the way, it is worth choosing a number 6694 in the schedule. Ryazanovka, in this case the trip will take 1 h. 48 m. Between the stations of Clawanino and Ryazan, this electric train is passing 7 stops. Among them are Osanovo (21.25), zoom (21.41), Barmino (22.15), 47 km stoppoint (22.38), where there is an opportunity to make a transplant to train from other destinations. On this page you can always find out the schedule of the Kristino - Ryazan trains, including a seasonal, summer and winter. Before planning a trip along the route Krivandino, Ryazanovka first read the schedule on our site, and also specify this schedule at the nearest station, as some operational changes are possible.
    Crowdino - Ryazan ticket tickets can be purchased at the ticket office of the nearest station.

    There is a remarkable murdrating railway on the outskirts of the Moscow region. Why not knowing? Even after the main purpose of the road - the carriage of the peat - went to the past, on a uninterrupted inelectricated line, a passenger train continues to run a passenger train, consisting of a Maneuveri CHMEZ and one second-hand car.

    The length of the railway line Crowdino - Ryazanovka It is 53 kilometers. The railway line runs through the territory of the Shatursky and Egorievsky districts of the Moscow region.

    The crystandino line - Ryazanovka was commissioned in 1944. Railway It was built in as soon as possible - For several months. During the construction, the labor of prisoners of war, near the railway line there are their cemeteries.

    In the first few years of the work of the Kristanino railway line, its length was about 5 km more - a plot from the current station Ryazanovka to the village of Radovitsa was acted. On the southern outskirts of Radovits on the initial project, the construction of the central settlement of large peat enterprises was assumed. The construction of the village began, but then it was decided to transfer it by 5 kilometers north. At this place, a central village was built, known for now called Ryazanovka (official name - Ryazanovsky).

    The main cargo on the Kristino railway line - Ryazanka from the date of its opening and until 2009 was peat. In the 1990s, the crywedino line - Ryazan was called among the few adolescent sites of the Moscow Railway, operating cost-effective. The volume of carriage of the peat has always been great. Every day the line missed several cargo compositions with peat. Cargo trains (like passenger) were exclusively locomotive CME3.

    Since the beginning of the 1990s, passenger traffic on the line of Christian - Ryazan has sharply increased due to the fact that in the vicinity of the station Ryazanovka there was a giant array of gardening sectors. The territory of the peat array between the villages of the Radovets and Alfrojo (peat mining on it ceased in the 1980s) was allocated for the placement of gardening sectors. The number of garden sites soon reached several thousand. Train Cristiano - Ryazanovka, which consisted of three cars, was often crowded into the country season.

    In 2008, due to the refusal of Shaturskaya GRES (the main consumer of the peat) from the use of peat fuel, the transportation of peat has ceased. The volume of "country" passenger traffic was also reduced, due to the fact that many dacities moved to cars. The existing minimum freight volume is insufficient in order to recoup the essential part of the cost of maintaining a 53-kilometer line. Passenger traffic - the likely "candidate" on cancellation. Now the "miracle train" consists of one car, the number of passengers is minimal - on the Sazonovo plot - the car is often empty. To see this "miracle train", go through the picturesque places of the Meshchersk lowland, where the railway runs - it became our goal in the past weekend. Our path was lying from Sazonovo station to pl.47 km.

    We reached the Sazonovo station by car. In the village of Serednikovo, the Church of Nicholas the Wonderworker is minimized from the asphalt road to the right (if you eat from Moscow). Further before us, the unconfalined road, but it is quite passable even for the city car, but keep in mind: if the clearance of your car is not more than 15 cm, then you will inevitably cling the grass to the bottom. We are going to the railway tracks, but do not turn to relocation, and take the left, in the next development turn to the right (despite the fact that the road will directly appear more than the risen - this is a dead end that will lead you to the panel barrier).

    Driving to the station, we saw two parked cars with near Moscow numbers: who is "geokesers" or hunters (in the Shatursky and Egoryevsky districts there are a lot of hunting grounds) - it is not known, but quite new cars did not fit into the flavor of the seammed village, so it was unlikely that it was Locals. We left our car near and went to the railway paths.

    On the paths of the Sazonovo station, there are quite a few old, who rotted through the wagons and platforms. Everything valuable with them was already removed, some platforms are still detained by "brake sleeves", and some already stand "by themselves" on overgrown with grass rusty rails.

    Traffic lights no longer have a signal value, the arrow is dismantled for a branch to pyleto. The Sazonovo-Pileo line, 33 km long, operated since 1976. This railway line was built mainly for the export of peat, mined by the Meshcherski peat enterprise (located in the village of Bologna, near the Pyleovo station), as well as for servicing the woodworking plant and other enterprises, the village of Radytsky Moss.

    During the construction of the Sazonovo - Pyleto line, it was assumed that it would be a passenger traffic. However, plans were not carried out, regular passenger traffic on the line was never. Railway line Sazonovo - Pilevo worked until the autumn of 2008.

    Now the railway line Sazonovo - Pilevo is mothing. The rails are still lying throughout, but the arrow transfers at the Sazonovo station are dismantled, the path will overgrow herbs.

    Our way along a more "living line" - towards Ryazanovka station. The railway passes on the embankment among the wetlands of the forest, so at first it was simply "sealed" mosquitoes and wheels, and then ... Then we used to not pay attention to them and moved on.

    Despite the fact that trains movement continues on this railway branch, the path is in a deplorable state. Concrete sleepers are broken in places, and wooden fired. Apparently, it has long been no way workers on this branch: bolts, binding sleepers and rails, have long been not twisted, the rails are nestably vibrate when the train is moving.

    After a couple of kilometers of the road, the road goes to the rise, the surrounding nature changes: instead of swamps, we see the "dry" forest with a predominance of Berez.

    From the Sazonovo station we passed about 5 km and saw the next platform on the way to Ryazan - 47 kilometers. The fact that the platform is here is, only a pretty fresh "stop of the first wagon stop" is notified, this place is no longer different from the rest of the way. However, the "miracle train" makes a stop here.

    Why do you need a stop among the deaf forest? Probably, there was once a settlement: this is also evidenced by the old lamppost, "hidden" in the branches of oak. Seeing barely a marked path, we moved along it, and soon stumbled upon the remnants of the fence with the gate! On the gate of large letters it is written: "Caution, angry dog." And then they saw an abandoned rustic house. The house remained some utensils in one of the rooms, in the second - the ceiling fell. Nearby we have discovered some more similar homes - an abandoned settlement, in view of their remoteness from settlements, which remained in the form in which he was thrown. Furniture, clothes remained in the houses, in one of the houses even discovered TV! But even if the object is hidden from the marauders, the time takes his own: roofs are broken in homes and wooden floors fail.

    On the outskirts of the "village" we found a celler under potatoes, made in the "classic Soviet style".

    The buildings are surrounded by nettle "by belt", but nettle is not feared: it is worthwhile to fear snakes that live here.

    This settlement is not applied to the cards, only on some maps a road that crosses this railway twice twice is fired. The first is slightly higher (north) the village of Sazonovo station, the second - just in the area of \u200b\u200bthe platform 47 km and the abandoned village. This road is on some maps, but in reality near the platform 47 km instead of the road you will see only a narrow barefoot path, so you should not try to drive it even on the SUV!

    Do not try to drive up before this place is not a bike: it is unlikely to have a pleasant, paths next to the railway on the bike to ride a bike.

    After examining the settlement, we moved on the way back. Only a little moved from the platform 47 km, as the distance was noticed by a diesel locomotive heading to Ryazan! Here it is - "Miracle Train"! One car was attached to the diesel locomotive, passengers did not see it.

    When we approached the Sazonovo station, we saw a "miracle train" again: now he was driving from Ryazan in the direction of Christian, made a stop in Sazonovo, stood there for about a minute and moved on.

    After watching the train, we moved to our car: Next, we had the way home ...

    Materials were used as historical references: