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  • How many atmospheres at the day of the Mariana Vpadina. Mysterious "thirst" of Mariana depression: the deepest place on Earth absorbs anywhere in anywhere. Or whether to explore the depression

    How many atmospheres at the day of the Mariana Vpadina. Mysterious

    Mariana Vpadina is considered the most mysterious and mysterious place of our planet. Located in the Pacific Aquatorium, this deep-water chute unsuccessfully "attack" by scientists from around the world, but detailed information There is still no accurate map of the depression and its inhabitants.

    Where is Mariana Wpadina

    In southwestern surroundings Pacific OceanThe group of Mariana Islands is located. Some of them formed due to volcanic processes of our land, the second part is the eastern edge of the Philippine lithospheric plate, which, faced with a more massive Pacific, partially rose above the water. It is in this place that Mariana Vpadina is located.

    Originally, no one guessed about the depth of his alarund, and, as was found during the times of Middle Ages, less developed community education became the colonies of Western European countries:

    • 1521 - Spanish expedition planted on the island. Due to the conflict with local tribes, the geographical discovery was called the Ladron Islands for a long time (translated from the PC. - land of thieves);
    • 1668 - The property of the Spanish crown received a new name - Mariana Islands (in honor of Queen Marianna Austrian).

    After the Spanish-American War, a part of the US pass. In 1875, the British vessel "Challenger", whose team included scientists from America and England, installed a record gutter depth - more than 8,000 meters by means of hydrographic lot. It was decided to call the depression Mariana.

    The bottom of the Mariana Vpadina

    The Mariana Wpadina has a V-shaped form, and the width of the base (bottom) is greed, does not exceed 3-5 km. Such a discrepancy in the data, and concerns this not only the widths, but also the depths of the depression itself, which is associated with the proceedable pressure - at the extreme point it reaches 108 MPa, which gives measurements of the echo sounder some error:

    • 1875 - the British Corvette "Challenge" establishes a depth of 8.3 km;
    • 1951 - Another Expedition of the British, complements the information with new data - 10.86 km;
    • 1957 - The Soviet Research Expedition updates the previously obtained results: Length - 11.03 km, the width of the bottom is 3.57 km;
    • 1995 - 10.92 km long, foundation width - 4.12 km.

    The latest studies of the DNA of the Mariana Wpadin were produced by oceanographers from the University of New Hampshire in 2016:

    • Width - 4.41 km;
    • Area - 403701 square meters;
    • Shelf - rocky, found 4 mountain range with a height of 1.8 to 2.51 km;
    • Flora and fauna - Plants, mulberries, jellyfish and fish.

    With the help of an underwater apparatus launched from the Okeanos Explorer research vessel, the whole world learned about previously unknown organisms, the habitat of which exceeds the depth of 6000 meters.

    Life in the bottomless darkness

    For an accurate picture of the pressure distribution, we will go through the vertical of the Mariana depression from the surface of the ocean until the bottom, and learn about its inhabitants:

    • 100 - 120 meters: The pressure exceeds the mark of 10 atmospheres. Depth is an extreme point of immersion of blue whale;
    • 1000 meters: Maximum daylight penetration point. Here you can find:
      • Cachelot;
      • Luminous octopus;
      • Predator from the Chordovy family.
    • 4000 meters: Abyssial zone is characterized by low water temperature (about 2-3 C˚), and is a habitat for:
      • Deep-sea octopus;
      • Known by the animation film "In search of a Nemo" of the terrible (sea damn).
    • 5000 - 11000 meters: Despite solid darkness and high pressure, even at the bottom of the depression, scientists recorded anyone before the previously known, giant ameb and.

    Animal world, populating the Mariana Wpadin, is truly unique. For example, some types of fish are accumulated by luminous liquid, and at risk - "spit" by it on a predator, thus blinding their offender for a while.

    Mariana lizards: True or Fake?

    The case that occurred in the Mariana abyss in 2003, presented the world of a real rival the monster of Loch Ness known as Nesssey:

    • 2001 - a German expedition, through the deep-water device "Haifish", investigated the waters of the gutter at a depth of 7500 meters. Hearing sharp sounds, the crew turned on the infrared chamber and for a few seconds numb - everyone saw a huge prehistoric lizard;
    • 2003 - American scientists lowered an unmanned vehicle into the water. Powerful spotlights and video systems, allowed to fix huge monsters with a body length of 14-16 meters. After the Batiskof was raised aboard the ship, the researchers noticed interesting fact - Steel cable, on which the device was held, more than half was erased or fell off.

    Three years later, Journalists of the New York Times newspaper conducted an investigation, which still made to doubt the authenticity of the pictures.

    Mariana Wpadina: 5 interesting facts

    Do you know that:

    1. The bottom of the gutter is covered ("black smokers"), which, under the influence of pressure, is distinguished into the ocean liquid carbon dioxide. This allows you to keep the water temperature in the range of 2-4 C˚;
    2. Most fish living at a depth of 4000 meters and below are devoid of organs of vision or see very weak;
    3. Only three people in the world were attended by the Mariana Wpadin: American Don Walche (1954), French Jacques Picar (1960) and the famous Hollywood film director James Cameron (2012);
    4. The bottom of the gutter is covered with a dense viscous il, the layer reaches 1 km to the assumptions of scientists;
    5. Wpadina is a national natural monument by the USA.

    About maternal depression, which is also called the "bottom of the earth", from school programProbably heard each. Deep chute the depth of which by different sources varies from 10950 to 11037 metersis nothing more than a tectonic fault formed at the western point of the Pacific Ocean. Despite the high pressure, which in places exceeds the mark of 100 MPa, there is life in a dark abyss, about the diversity of which we will surely find out in the very near future.

    Video: Incredible deep-water gutters

    In this video, Fedor Miroshnikov will talk about the riddles of the Mariana depression, which is known to science at the moment:

    Mariana Wpadina is the deepest place on our planet. I think almost everyone heard about her or studied at school, but I myself, for example, have long forgotten her depth, and the facts about how she was simply developed. So I decided to "refresh" my own and your memory

    Title This absolute depth received thanks to the Mariana Islands located nearby. All Wpadina stretched along the islands per one and a half thousand kilometers and has a characteristic V-shaped profile. In fact, it is an ordinary tectonic rift, a place where the Pacific stove enters the Philippine, just Mariana Trench - This is the deepest place of this kind) the slopes of its cool, on average about 7-9 °, and the bottom is flat, wide from 1 to 5 kilometers, and separated by thresholds into several closed areas. Pressure at the day of the Mariana depression reaches 108.6 MPa - this is more than 1100 times more than the usual atmospheric pressure!

    The first who dared to challenge the abyss were the British - the Military Three-Mail Corvette "Challenger" with sailing equipment was rebuilt into the oceanographic vessel for hydrological, geological, chemical, biological and meteorological works in 1872. But the first data on the depth of the Mariana Globra were obtained only in 1951 - according to the measurements, the depth of the depression was announced to be declared 10,863 m. After that, the deepest point of the Mariana depression began to call "Abyss Chalenger" (Challenger Deep). It's hard to imagine that in the depths of the Mariana, the highest mountain of our planet is easily placed - Everest, and there will also be more than a kilometer of water to the surface ... Of course, it will not fit on the area, but exclusively in height, but the numbers are still affecting ...

    The following researchers of the Mariana depression were already Soviet scientists - in 1957, during the 25th flight of the Soviet Research Ship "Vityaz", they not only declared the maximum depth of the depths of 11,022 meters, but also established the presence of life at depths of more than 7000 meters , thereby refuting the appearance of the impossibility of life at the depths of more than 6000-7000 meters at that time. In 1992, "Vityaz" was transferred to the newly formed Museum of the World Ocean. Two years, the vessel was repaired at the factory, and on July 12, 1994, a museum berth in the very center of Kaliningrad

    On January 23, 1960, the first and only immersion of a person on the bottom of Mariana deep-water gutter was carried out. Thus, the only people who visited "at the bottom of the earth" were Lieutenant Navy USA Don Walsh and Researcher Jacques Picar

    During the diving, they were protected by armored, thickness of 127 millimeters, the walls of the Batiscopa called "Trieste"

    Batiskof was named after the Italian city of Trieste, in which the main works were made to create it. According to the instruments on board "Trieste", Walsh and Pichari plunged into a depth of 11,521 meters, but later this figure was slightly corrected - 10,918 meters

    The immersion took about five, and the rise - about three hours, at the bottom of the researchers stayed only 12 minutes. But this time was enough to make a sensational discovery - at the bottom they found flat fish in size up to 30 cm, similar to Cambalu !

    Studies of 1995 have shown that the depth of the Mariana depression is about 10,920 m, and the Japanese probe "Kaik?", Lowned in the abyss of Challenger on March 24, 1997, recorded a depth of 10,911.4 meters. Below is a depression scheme - when clicking it will open in a new window in a normal amount

    Mariana Vpadina frightened researchers mocking at her depths of monsters. The first time the expedition of the American Research Ship "Gombom Challenger" was faced with unknown. Some time after the start of the device, the device registering the sounds began to transfer to the surface of some metal grinding, resembling the sound of the sawn metal. At this time, there were some unclear shadows on the monitor, similar to gigantic fairy dragons with several heads and tails. An hour later, scientists were worried that the unique equipment made in the NASA laboratory from the beams of heavy-duty titanium-cobalt steel, having a spherical design, the so-called "Yozh" with a diameter of about 9 m, may remain in the abyss of the Mariana depression forever - so it was decided to immediately raise Apparatus on board the ship. "Herge" removed from the depths of more than eight hours and as soon as he appeared on the surface immediately put it on a special raft. The camera and echo sounder raised on the deck "Gombus Challenger". The researchers were horrified when they saw how deformed the strongest steel beams of the design were deformed, which concerns the steel 20-centimeter cable, on which he had lowered the "hedgehog", the scientists were not mistaken in the nature of sounds transmitted from the aqueous bunch of sounds - the cable was half a pilot. Who tried to leave the apparatus at a depth and why - so forever and will remain a mystery. Details of this incident were published in 1996 by the New York Times newspaper

    Another encounter with an inexplicable in the depths of the Mariana depression happened to the German scientific research apparatus "Haifis" with the crew on board. At a depth of 7 km, the device unexpectedly stopped movement. To clarify the cause of malnutrition, the hydronauts were included in the infrared chamber ... What they saw in the next few seconds seemed to them by collective hallucination: a huge prehistoric lizard, drinking his teeth in Batiskof, tried to spoke him as a nut. Friendly from shock, the crew pulled the device, called the "electric gun", and a monster affected by a powerful discharge, disappeared into the abyss ...

    On May 31, 2009, the Nereus automatic underwater apparatus was plunged into the bottom of the Mariana Wpadin. According to measurements, it dropped 10,902 meters below the world ocean level

    At the bottom of Nereus removed the video, made some photos and even assembled samples of deposits at the bottom

    Thanks modern technologies, researchers managed to capture a bit of representatives Mariana VpadinaI suggest to meet them and you :)

    So, now we know that different octopuses live in Mariana depths

    Scary and not very scary fish)

    And different other incomprehensible creatures :)

    Perhaps not so much time left until the technologies allow all the diversity to get acquainted with the inhabitants Mariana Vpadina and other ocean depths, but while we have what we have

    Mariana Wpadina (or Marianic Groit) became known in 1875, when the British research ship Challenger first studied the depth of this place with the help of deep-water lot.

    Probably the ship's team was very surprised when the rope kilometers wrapped out so that the lot was finally able to reach the bottom. According to the results of the study, it was determined that in the deepest point the bottom is at a distance of 8,367 meters from the surface of the ocean.

    In 1951, the new British expedition on the Chellenger-2 vessel with a echo sounder determined the depth of the depression at 10,863 ± 100 meters. The bottom depth varies depending on its relief. Since then, the deepest point on the planet began to be called an abyss challenger.

    Progress moved forward, and the person began to think about visiting the bottom of the Mariana depression with the help of a piloted deep-water apparatus.

    The first immersion of a person on the bottom of the Mariana depression. Project "Nekton"

    The first two people in the history that could reach the deepest point of the globe - the Swiss scientist Jacques Picar and Lieutenant US Navy Don Walsh.

    The device, which made a dip in extreme pressure, wore the name "Trieste" and was originally built by the forces of two Swiss enthusiast scholars - an unwasted pickar and his son Jacques Picar. After a series of successful dives in the Mediterranean, Trieste was bought by the US Navy, which were interested in studying the oceanic depths. After the modernization of the Batiscopa, the installation of heavy-duty gondolas and modern navigation and electronic systems, Trieste was ready to conquer new depths.

    The goal for immersion was chosen a lot of neither the deepest point of the globe. Within the framework of the project, the name "Nekron", it was planned to deliver two people to the bottom of the abyss of the Challenger in the Mariana Wpadin and carry out on the site of scientific research. On January 23, 1960, at 08 hours 23 minutes of the Local Time "Trieste" with Jacques Picar and Don Walsh on board began a slow dive into darkness. After 4 hours 43 minutes, Batiskof touched the bottom at a distance of 10,919 meters from the surface of the ocean.

    For the first time, a person was at the bottom of the deepest places on the planet. Pressure, 1072 times higher than the rules, with terrible force squeezed Baatiscopian gondola.

    At the bottom, the researchers stayed 20 minutes, during which a number of scientific experiments were carried out on the measurement of radiation, measured the temperature of the water, which was 3.3 ° C (the air temperature in the gondola was 4.5 ° C), made a large number of photographs of the oceanic bottom and even Saw a small fish similar to Cambal.

    After dropping the ballast, Batiskof began the rise that lasted 3 hours 27 minutes.

    For a long 52 year, no one has conquered Mariana Wpadin, limited to the automatic robots in the abyss of the challenger.

    Conquest Mariana Camery James Cameron

    Who would have thought that the next person who for the first time in many years would decide to visit the day of the Mariana Wpadin, there will be a not any scholar oceanologist, but the famous Hollywood director James Cameron! On March 26, 2012, Cameron at the deep-water device Deepsea Challenger made a dive at a depth of 10,908 meters.

    Batiskof Deepsea Challenger |

    The Batiskof Deepsea Challenger, containing the latest scientific equipment and 3D camera, implies the presence of only one pilot in the cabin, but it allows you to be under water up to 56 hours and freely maneuver at the ocean day with 12 electric motors. Its creation, given the design stage, took almost 7 years, and the construction of a private Australian company was engaged in construction.

    During the study of the DNA of the Mariana Wpadin, the director spent a video and photography, as well as the help of manipulators, made a fence of the ocean soil samples, where, as it turned out later, there were previously unknown science of microorganisms.

    At the moment, James Cameron is the third and last person who visited the very deep point of the planet - in the abyss of the Challenger at the very bottom of the Mariana depression. In total, only two submarine apparatus with people on board were descended to the bottom of the Mariansky gutter.

    Illustration: | Tolokonov.

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    Marian chute is one of the most famous places on the planet. But it does not prevent him from being the keeper of secrets and mysteries. What is located on the day of the Mariana depression and who of living creatures can withstand these incredible conditions?

    Unique depth of the planet

    The bottom of the earth, the abyss of the Challenger, the deepest place on the planet ... Which titles were not assigned to the little studied Mariana Wpadin. It represents a faction of a V-shaped bowl with a diameter of about 5 km with steep slopes located at an angle of only 7-9 ° and a flat bottom. According to the measurements of 2011, the chute depth is 10, 994 km below sea level. It is difficult to imagine, but in its depths can easily fit Everest - the highest mountain of the planet.

    Deep-sea variation is located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. The unique geographical point has received its name in honor of the Mariana Islands located in the immediate vicinity. Along them, she stretched 1.5 km away.

    This amazing place on the planet was formed as a result of a tectonic fault, where the Pacific cooker partially enters the Filipino.

    Secrets and riddles "Hirva Gay"

    A lot of secrets and legends around the poorly studied Mariana depression. What is hiding in the depths of the chute?

    Japanese scientists, long time studied shark goblins argue that during bait of predators saw a giant sizes of the creature. It was a 25-meter shark, which sailed to gobly sharks. It is assumed that they had the happiness to see the direct descendant of the Megalodon shark, which, according to the official version, extinct 2 million years ago. In confirmation that these monsters could well be preserved in the depths of the gutter, scientists provided the gigantic teeth found at the bottom.

    Much of stories are known to the world about how on the shores of nearby islands found the corpses of unknown giant monsters thrown by waters.

    An interesting case describe the participants in the descent of the German Batiscopa "Haifish". At a depth of 7 km, a sudden stop of the self-propelled apparatus took place. To find out the cause of the stop, the researchers included spotlights and were horrified by what he saw. Before them was a prehistoric deep-water lizard, who tried to span the underwater vessel. The monster scared only a tangible electropulse of the outer sheaving of the self-propelled apparatus.

    Another inexplicable case occurred at the immersion of the American deep-sea vessel. At the time of lowering the apparatus on titanium cables, the researchers heard the metal grinding. To find out the reason, they removed the device back to the surface. As it turned out, the vessel beams were bent, and the titanium cables were practically virtuous. Who of the inhabitants of the Mariana Vpadin tried their teeth, and remained a mystery.

    Amazing gutter inhabitants

    Pressure at the day of the Mariana depression reaches a mark of 108.6 MPa. This parameter is more than 1100 times higher than ordinary atmospheric pressure. It is not surprising that people for a long time believed that at the bottom of the gutter with an icy cold and there is no unbearable pressure of life.

    But contrary to all at a depth of 11 kilometers there are deep-water monsters, who managed to adapt to these terrible conditions. So who are these representatives of the animal world, successfully mastered the deepest place on the planet and comfortably feeling in the walls of the Mariana depression?

    Sea mucus

    These amazing creatures dwelling at a depth of 7-8 km, in appearance more resemble not familiar to us "superficial" fish, but rather tadpoles.

    The body of these amazing fish is an oily substance, the density parameter of which is slightly higher than water. Such a feature of the device enables sea slugs to swim with minimal energy costs.

    The body of these deepwater inhabitants are preferably dark colors from rose-brown to black. Although colorless species are found, through the transparent skin of which the muscles are shouted.

    The size of an adult individual of the marine slug is only 25-30 cm. The head is pronounced pronounced and very much. A well-developed tail is more than half of the body length. Powerful tail and well-developed fins fish use for movement.

    Jellyfish traditionally dwell in the upper aquatic layers. But Bentocodon feels comfortable at a depth of about 750 meters. Externally, an amazing resident of the Mariana Wpadin reminds the red flying plate of D 2-3 cm. The edges of the "plates" are framed by 1.5 thousand thin tentacles, who help the jellyfish orientate in space and quickly move around, overcoming water strata.

    Bentocodon is powered by unicellular and crustaceans, which in the seabed show bioluminescent properties. According to sea biologists, the red color is presented by the nature of these meduzams for the purpose of masking. If they had a transparent color, as their ridges to gather, then when swallowed in the dark, the raschkov became immediately noticeable for larger predators.

    Macropin bargro-eyed

    Among the amazing inhabitants of the Mariana depression, an unusual fish called Maluta Macropin causes genuine interest. It is awarded the nature of a transparent head. Fish eyes located deep inside the transparent dome can rotate in different directions. This makes it possible to bargain, without moving from the place, to search in all directions even in conditions of dim and scattered light. Located in the front of the head, false eyes are in fact the sense of smell.

    Suggested from the sides of the body of fish in shape reminds a torpedo. Thanks to such a structure, it is capable of "hang" in one place for several hours. To give the body to accelerate Macropin simply presses against the body of the fins and begins to actively work the tail.

    A pretty animal living at a depth of 7 thousand meters is the deepe-water octopus among famous science. Due to the wide bell-shaped head and squeezed elephant "ears", it is often called no other than the octopus of Dumbo.

    A deep-sea creation has a soft semi-satiest body and two planing mantle located on wide membranes. Farming movements over the surface of the bottom octopus carries out the work of the siphon funnel.

    Steam along the seabed, he is looking out for the prey - bivalve mollusks, dwarf animals and crustaceans. In contrast to most chasing Dumbo, it does not smell prey similar to the beak by jaws, but swallows it entirely.

    Little fish with scattered telescopic eyes and huge open mouths dwell at a depth of 200-600 meters. They received their name for the characteristic body shape, having a similarity with a gun for cutting, equipped with a short handle.

    Five-living fish-hatchers in the depths of the Mariana depths have photophors. Special glow bodies are located in the lower half of the body with small groups along the abdomen. Emitting scattered light, they create an opposite effect. This makes toporists less noticeable for predator dnowling.

    Eaters of Kosti Sedakssee

    The number of those who live at the day of the Mariana depression include multi-minded worms. They reach the length of only 5-7 cm. In the role of food, Odedaxes use substances contained in the bones of the dead sea inhabitants.

    Singing the acidic substance, they penetrate the skeleton, removing all the accuracy of trace elements from it. Bastter's tiny eaters are breathing through fluffy processes on the body that can produce oxygen from water.

    No less interesting is the method of adaptability of these creatures. The males whose size is ten times less females, live on the body of their ladies. Inside the framing the body of a dense gelatin cone can simultaneously get along to hundreds of males. They leave their refuge only at the moments when the female maker finds a new food source.

    Active bacteria

    During the last expedition, the Danish scientists have discovered at the bottom of the depression and colonies of active bacteria, which are of great importance in maintaining the carbon cycle of the ocean.

    It is noteworthy, but at a depth of 11 km, the bacteria is 2 times more active than their collerse, but inhabitants at a depth of 6 km. Scientists explain this to the need to recycle the colossal volumes of organic material that fall here, dropping from smaller depths, and as a result of earthquakes.

    Underwater monsters

    A huge ocean thickness in the Mariana groove is full of not only cute and harmless creatures. The most indelible impression is left by the depth monsters.

    Unlike the above mentioned inhabitants of the Mariana depression, the player has a very formidable appearance. Its long body is covered with slippery skinless skin scales, and the terrible face "decorated with" huge teeth. It dwells monster at a depth of 1800 m.

    Since in the depths of the gutter practically do not penetrate the sun's rays, many of its inhabitants have the ability to glow in the dark. The game is not an exception.

    On the body of the fish there are photophors - glands of glow. Their deep-water resident uses at once for three purposes: to protect against large predators, communicating with itself similar and bait of small fish. During the hunt, the player involves a special mustache-luminous thickening. The potential victim takes the luminous strip for fine fish and eventually comes across "on the fishing rod".

    Fish is amazing not only in appearance, but also in a lifestyle. The nickname "Fishilla" she received for a remarkable process on the head filled with bioluminescent bacteria. The potential sacrifice attacked by the glow "rods". The beautiful worker remains only to reveal to meet her.

    These deep-water predators are very voracious. To accept prey, which exceeds the size of the predator itself, the fish can stretch the walls of its stomach. For this reason, in the event of an attack of a rude to a too large victim, both may die.

    Predator has a very unusual appearance: Long torso with short fins, frightening muzzle with a beak giant nose, nominating ahead of huge jaws and unexpectedly pink leather.

    As biologists believes, the long increase in the form of the beak is necessary for the predator for finding food in the pitch darkness. For such an unusual and even terrible appearance of the predator, shark-goblin is often called.

    It is noteworthy that the shark-house there is no swimming bubble. This is partially compensated by an enlarged liver, the weight of which in relation to the body can be up to 25%.

    It is possible to meet a predator only at a depth of at least 900 m. It is noteworthy that the older than the individual, the deeper it will dwell. But even adult individuals of shark-houses cannot boast of impressive sizes: body length is an average of 3-3.5 m, and weight of about 200 kg.

    Sleepy shark

    This is a dangerous being, inhabiting the depths of the Mariana Vpadin, is rightfully considered to be the king of the underwater world. The most ancient appearance of the shark has a snake-shaped body shape, covered with folded skin. The gummy membranes intersecting in the throat area form a wide bag from skin folds, an externally resembling a wavy cloak with a length of 1.5-1.8 meters.

    Prehistoric monster has a primitive structure: the spine is not divided into vertebrae, all fins are concentrated in one area, the tail fin consists of only one dopada. The main pride of the plasticity is its mouth, destroyed by 3 hundred teeth located in several rows.

    5 / 5 ( 1 vote)

    12/16/2016 at 13:32 · Pavlofox. · 17 650

    The deepest depressions of the World Ocean

    Earth's crust It has in the waters of the world's ocean the deepest faults that are called by marine depressions or gutters. These places are thoroughly studied by science, due to their incredible depth.

    In the top 10 entered The deepest depressions of the World Oceanknown to date.


    Opens the top ten of the deepest depressions of the World Ocean. It takes on the southern coast of Alaska and stretches to the coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula. Length is 3400 km, the maximum depth is 7679 m. It is the boundary between lithospheric plates. North-American stove, filled with a Pacific plate, forms aleutian islands along the gutter. In the West in the area, the column of Wpadina goes into the smoke-Kamchatsky chute, which has a south-west direction.


    One of the deepest in the eastern part of the Indian Ocean. It extends 4-5 thousand km along the southern part of the Zonda Island Arc. The chute begins at the foot of the Mianma mainland slope in the form of a shallow deflection with a width of up to 50 km. Then, towards the island of Java, gradually deepened and the bottom of it is narrowed to 10 km. Maximum depth Reaching 7730 meters, which makes its deepest depressions of the Indian Ocean. The bottom of the gutter southeast of Java is a row of depressions separated by thresholds. The slopes are steep, asymmetrical, island above and cooler oceanic and more dismembered by canyons and complicated by steps and ledges. In the northern and central parts, the bottom of a wide up to 35 km is aligned with a layer of terrigenous precipitation with a large admixture of volcanic material, the capacity of which in the north reaches 3 km. In the Zordskaya groove, the Australian stove dates under the plate of the Sunda, forming the subduction zone. It is seismically active and is part of the Pacific Fiery Ring.


    Deep oceanic wpadina, located on the border of the Caribbean and the Atlantic Ocean. The formation of the gutter is associated with a difficult transition between the subduction zone from the south along the island arc of the small antillest islands and the zone of the transform fault (the boundaries of the plates) extending to the east between Cuba and Haiti through the Cayman's gutter to the coast of Central America. The studies have confirmed the possibility of the emergence of significant tsunami as a result of earthquakes in the area. Puerto Rico Island is located directly from the south of the depression. The length of the gutter is 1754 km, the width of about 97 km, the greatest depth is 8380 m, which is the maximum depth of the Atlantic Ocean. Measurements made in 1955 from the American vessel "Wima" showed the depth of Puerto Rico 8385 meters.


    or Izu-Ogasavar's chute is one of the most deep-water Pacific Ocean, located along the eastern foot of the Nampo Islands Range, stretching from Honshu Island to Bonin Islands. In the north, connects to the Japanese gutter, in the south is separated from the trunk of a high narrow ridge. The length of the gutter is 1030 km. Narrow, plane, flat bottom of the gutter is separated by thresholds into several closed depressions with depths of 7000-9000 m. The maximum depth - 9810 meters was established in 1955 by the Soviet expedition on the Vityaz vessel.


    One of the most deep-water depressions, in the north, connected with a tonga gutter. Located in the eastern foot of Kermadek Islands in almost the meridional direction. Length about 1200 km. Kermadek was opened in 1889 by the Expedition of the British Ship "Penguin". The maximum depth of 10,047 meters was measured in 1958 during the flight of the Soviet Research Ship "Vityaz". Vpadina is named after Jon de Kermadek


    Deep Wpadina in the west of the Pacific Ocean east of Honshu Island, south of Hokkaido and north of Bonin Islands. The length of the gutter exceeds 1000 km. The transverse gutter profile has a V-shaped form. The maximum measured depth is 10504 m. Wpadina is the southern continuation of the smoke-Kamchatsky gutter. Three researchers on the apparatus Shinkai 6500 August 11, 1989 reached the depth of 6526 m. In October 2008, the Japanese-British expedition managed to fall at a depth of 7,700 m nautical slugs - the most deep-sea fish. The bottom and walls of cracks often become epicenters of earthquakes.


    It takes the fourth line in the top of the deepest depressions of the World Ocean. It is located in the eastern underwater slopes of the Kuril Islands and the southern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula. Length 2170 km, average width 59 km. The maximum depth is 10542 m. The boundaries of the depressions approximately coincide with the exhaust 6000 m. On the slopes - numerous ledges, terraces, as well as valleys, descending to maximum depth. Investigated mainly in the 50s of the XX century soviet expeditions On the vessel "Vityaz".


    Opens the top three deepest depressions of the World Ocean. Located in the east of the Philippine Islands. Its length is 1320 km, from the northern part of Luson Island to Mlow islands. The deepest point is 10540 m. Philippine chute is the result of the collision of earthly layers. Oceanic, with a 5-kilometer width, but with a characteristic specific gravity (basalt), the Philippine sea plate moves at a speed of 16 cm per year at 60-kilometer, with less specific weight (granite), Eurasian slab, and melts due to the land mantle on Depth from 50 to 100 km. This geophysical process is called subduction. In this zone and is the Philippine Vadina.


    It occupies the second line in the list of the deepest depressions of the World Ocean. The total length of its length is 860 km. It extends along the foot of the eastern slope of the same name of the submarine ridge from the islands of Samoa and Kermadek. The depth of the exhaust of about 6000 m is about 80 km. The maximum depth is 10,882 m - the greatest depth of the oceans in the southern hemisphere.

    The deepest Wpadina of the World Ocean. The deepest point is "the abyss of the Challenger", which is 10,994 meters below sea level. Recent studies conducted by the American Oceanographic Expedition from the University of New Hampshire (USA) discovered the most real mountains on the surface of the bottom of the Mariana depression. Studies passed from August to October 2010, when the bottom of the bottom was studied in detail in detail the bottom area equal to 400,000 square kilometers. As a result, at least 4 oceanic mountain ranges were found at least 2.5 kilometers high, crossing the surface of the Mariana depression in the place of contact of the Pacific and Philippine lithospheric plates.