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  • Head of the 1947 Expedition. Soviet destroyers in the Antarctic defended the Nazis from Americans. Who defeated Admiral Burda expedition

    Head of the 1947 Expedition. Soviet destroyers in the Antarctic defended the Nazis from Americans. Who defeated Admiral Burda expedition

    I love the conspiramic theories and their authors. Especially those who have problems with facts, arithmetic and the like. Why? Yes, how could the idea could be born that the Nazis in the last years of the war has crossed about 1-2 million people in Antarctica in recent years.

    The population of Germany in front of the war was 69 million people. This is how many flights it was necessary to make submarines, taking into account their passenger capacity to translate such a lot of people. And who fought then? And how did this etch of officials fed and served?

    I especially like their reference to the report of the Commander of the Navy Germany admiral Denitsa Hitler, that the task set by the submarine forces of the Reich on creating in the Antarctica from the Reich base was performed. At the same time, they so rest on the secrecy of these carriages, which must be taken this fact as proper. Well, since it is so secret, then what Lesheh Denitz clicked with heels and with his historical event with himself.

    In reality, when planning secret traffic, the underwater forces of the Navy Germany did not lead any entries, and if they were led, they hid them for family castles, and even more so did not shout about them with himself.

    Next write about bases Lemurian, aliens from a distant space and their friends of the Nazis (like a base of New Berlin, base 211, New Shvabia, (Nova Swabіya) (New Berchenthane), about the crossing of thousands of German scientists in the Antarctic and their work on various flying devices.

    Just like in the American film "Wild Wild West" Where the colonel of the Confederation on a steam wheelchair also collected scientists to work on weapons. They also write about various projects of Nazis, aliens, and now the CIA, ANB (National Security Agency), Ultra-SS, clones, cyborgs, their bases in the state of New Mexico and their connections with the Antarctic and so on.

    I have a simple question in this regard. Why the head of the German rocket program Werner von Brownand his colleagues were not taken to the cold Antarctic on smelly submarines? Apparently, for some reason he did not receive this honor for some reason, although in theory there was a direct relation to the development of mythical

    The roots of all these rumors and theories go to the events of the last months of World War II and after.

    They originated in Argentina around the middle of 1945 with the filing of the Hungarian immigrant Ladislas Sabo.

    After the order of Denitis about the delivery after a while in the Argentine Base of the Navy Mar Rota, the two German submarines U-530 and U-977 have arrived at a small time interval.

    Their crews were interned and interrogated by the special services of Argentina, the Americans and the British. It gave rise to many speculation and as a result, Possed by Sabo in one small newspaper that U- 530 brought to the Patagonia or to the Antarctic on the base New Berchentagen Hitler, Eve Brown, Borman and other Reich leaders.

    This duck was picked up by other newspapers, including the Canadian Toronto Dale Star, which published an article by Sabo in the room for July 18, 1945 under the heading "Hitlermen in the ice of Antarctica."

    The appearance of U-977 only strengthened these rumors. In 1947, Sabo again wrote the article "Hitler Located" and published in the same newspaper. In it, he writes that Hitler is alive and healthy and lives on the basis of " New Berchenthane"Created in 1938-1939 in Antarctica.

    Flight map over Antarctica

    Ilf and Petrov Conspirologists Buchner and Bernharter reported in their theory that U - 977 delivered the ashes of the ashes of Hitler and six bronze boxes with the treasures of the Nazis (and who considered the number of boxes) into the ice cave in the Muhling Hoffman mountains.

    This submarine in vain was generally tied with this theory. She was on the basis of Norway on scheduled repair and maintenance, when the order of Denitian came to surrender. Eye commander Henz ShafferHaving decided to try happiness in other parts, landed married and wished to return home to Germany sailors and went to Argentina.

    Their Odyssey lasted 104 days, of which the first 66 days they passed under the Schnorkel and on August 17, 1945, the boat entered the Market Bay. By the way, they heard the same rumors about Hitler. Crew at interrogations in Washington, where they were delivered, I had to convince your non-involvement for these rumors for a long time.

    It was not possible to start a new life under the southern sun, since they were all sent to Germany ...

    Of course, they did not pay conspiracy and the Antarctic Expedition control Admiral Richard Berd 1947. In detail, to describe that they hang at the counter-admiral Richard Bird takes a lot of time that the Nazis created a large base in the Antarctic and were extremely abandoned by this threat.

    Conspirologists Matten and Friedrich confirmed these rumors in 1975 by publishing a statement by Admiral Bird about this expedition, naturally without reference to the source of information. In him, he allegedly declared the following about the purpose of the expedition:

    Break the last desperate attempt to resist Adolf Hitler.

    If we find it in the new Berchenstag inside the new Swabia in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Queen Maud, they will destroy them. At the same time, no sources from where they took the words of the admiral, naturally did not specify.

    You can imagine that by the official representative of the United States and the Command of the Navy (and he was such a expedition) stated such things in the open, especially since the government of America officially recognized the fact of the death of Hitler.

    Further, deciding to commit to them, the US Navy command sent a group of warships and subsidiary ships to Antarctica, including the Philipin SI aircraft carrier. During the search, they were attacked by the Nazis and suffered losses in personnel and military equipment. This forced Americans to interrupt the expedition and return home.

    The American audience then another 20 had no idea about this expedition, it was so secret on tasks and results.

    So, about staying in the dark of the American public about the expedition of Admiral Bird. As part of the expedition, there were 11 correspondents of the leading American newspapers and radio stations, which would have illuminated her daily. They had full access to radio and teleteps for their reports and in American newspapers daily appeared reports on the expedition.

    The first few days Berd checked their reports, but then stopped when they were convinced of the reliability of their reports. Journalists for the time of the expedition transferred messages for their newspapers. By the way, along with other materials that I use for my article, I have in my hands "National Geographic Magazine" For October 1947 with a detailed description of this expedition, a mass of schemes and photographs.

    If she were such a secret, I probably would not have this number. And on the topic of the secrecy of this expedition. In 1948, the authors of the film "Secret Earth", Taking part in the expedition, got the Gold Oscar Hollywood in the category "Technical execution."

    After the end of the expedition, the Navy prepared a three-volume report on its results with 24 applications. He was assigned a vulture "for official use", so experts quite had access to its results.

    According to specialists of the Scottish Institute of Polar Studies, the report did not contain anything that was not reflected in the abbreviated form in the article I use. In addition, it has no mention of the Nazis, and only the USSR is mentioned as a potential enemy. So in vain to complain that the Americans did not know anything about the expedition.

    Martin Marines on Deck

    The problem with the conspiramic authors on this expedition is that by quoting the admiral, they are not based on the originals, and the sources are as many times rewritten that nothing remains from the sense of the original. It is also possible that they were translated with unqualified or unfair translators.

    Now I will explain what's the matter. As a military man, admiral Berd. Often used to strengthen the meaning of your words in articles and speeches by military terminology, like words and phrases " attack"or "Start the offensive" etc. Digured from context, and translated literally translates, words and phrases were used as a confirmation of hostilities to this expedition.

    In addition, the meaning of the words of Admiral Berd, the lower part of the phrase and enhancing the other part of it, is often intentionally distinguished. From his speeches, articles and speeches about the main objective of the expedition, it is clear that all the studies that were planned and were conducted during the expedition had the main goal to check the possibilities of the Navy to conduct hostilities in the Polar and Polar Areas North Pole, i.e. Arctic.

    All other tasks, such as searching for minerals or a statement of US claims to some of the Antarctic sites were secondary.

    So it's time to proceed directly to goals

    Operation "High jump" It was approved at the highest level of the US government. The overall management of the operation was carried out by the Minister of Navy (then there were such posts in the government), and direct management of the planning and implementation of the operation were assigned to the Commander of the Navy Admiral Chester Nimitz (now his name is one of the most modern US aircraft carriers) and his deputy vice-admiral Forrest Sherman and counter-admiral Roska Hood.

    The command of the HDS 68's impact group was entrusted to Captain Richard Kruzena, who was awarded the temporary title "Counter-Admiral". In those days, when performing military personnel on the stage above, he was assigned a temporary title corresponding to the rank of responsible for the fulfillment of the task.

    Amiral Berd was appointed responsible for the operation of a high jump and a representative of the Commander of the Navy during the preparation and implementation of the expedition.

    Strange oasis

    Now about the purpose of the expedition. Cherchil utters his speech, marking the beginning of a cold war after four years, but in the minds of the military-political leadership of the West, the Spirit of not only the Cold War, but the Third World War.

    The grouping of the Navy was on the way to Antarctica, as the President of the United States, the Truman delivered a speech in which he outlined his doctrine, called the Tubenman's doctrine, which called for the delay in the spread of communism, including military tools.

    The main enemy in this war, naturally was the USSR, and as a possible theater of hostilities in the future war, the area of \u200b\u200bthe and polar regions was considered. North Pole.

    I will attract you to the application of Admiral Bird on page 520 " National Geographical Journal for October 1947.

    "As noted many times over the past year, the world continues to shrink with threatening speed.

    The area adjacent to the North Pole, the shortest path between Eastern and Western hemispheres, will be the most important strategic area and the theater of military hostilities in the main future military conflict. "

    Ground troops and IUDs should be prepared for action in the most difficult conditions. The extreme extreme conditions that they can meet in the Arctic are two or more times more difficult in the Antarctic. There is much harder here. The average temperature here is about 40 degrees (Fahrenheit- P / P). The wind is stronger and constant than in other places in the world.

    The main areas do not have any natural landmarks. I and pilots who performed any tasks in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Southern Polar Circle will be better prepared for the implementation of similar tasks in areas North Pole.

    Airplanes on aircraft carrier

    Without a doubt, this expedition was primarily a military research and had the task to test the possibilities of conducting hostilities by the dissimilar forces of the Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and engineering troops in the polar regions. In addition, to experience various military equipment and technique in extreme conditions.

    Although everything is shy and call this event of combat training by the expedition, and in fact, 100% it was a naval doctrine with the involvement of aviation forces, marines, engineering troops.

    There was another aspect of this expedition. As is known, the governments of a number of countries, including Germany, Argentina, the UK have repeatedly stated their claims to this or that area of \u200b\u200bAntarctica to send their expeditions to the area. The US government has yet been indifferent to these complaints. All previous expeditions of Americans in Antarctic were private.

    Berd, I had to make a lot of effort to convince the US government (using my personal connections at the highest level), send an expedition on behalf of the US government and thereby declare the interests of America in Antarctica. Well, if it comes to American interests, the naval fist is the best argument.

    The personal motive was here. As they say, the country began to forget his hero, and beard, as a person obsessed and vain, as the air needed new difficulties and their overcoming and, of course, Glory.

    We now turn directly to the goals and objectives of the expedition, which as you see have nothing to do with the Nazis and the aliens.

    Objectives and objectives of the expedition of the expedition Admiral Bird to Antarctica

    Here is some of them:

    - The practice of commander and headquarters in organizing and conducting hostilities in the polar areas.

    - Treat issues of shipping and navigation in the polar areas depending on the ice environment.

    - To train the crews of the staff of the aircraft intelligence vehicles.

    - Check in practice the possibility of using aircraft carriers for delivery and use of severe bombarding and intelligence aviation.

    - Conduct practical training on takeoff and landing heavy intelligence aircraft from the aircraft carrier deck using rocket accelerators.

    - to train the crews of heavy aviation equipped with chassis wheels in the use of field ice airfields.

    - Training the crew in using reconnaissance equipment for aerial photography of the area. To the aerial photography of large areas of the Arctic in the interests of preparing and making maps.

    - Check in practice the possibility of using underwater forces in polar areas in the conditions of a rapidly changing ice environment.

    - Work out questions from finding and destroying submarines by anti-submarine aviation.

    - Check the possibilities of landing the marine infantry on the ice and marsham for long distances.

    - evaluate the possibility of using marine conveyors in low temperatures.

    - to train engineering units in carrying out engineering and subversive work under the conditions of extreme temperatures.

    Submarines of the Expedition Berdy

    In practice, the use of heat-insulating wetsuits, uniforms, tents and other livelihoods of troops.

    - Practically work out the issues of survival and rescue people in icy water.

    - Check the possibilities of creating and storing food and material reserves in low temperatures.

    - Conducting medical experiments relating to influence ambient on human activity.

    Check the possibilities of using magnetometers (reconnaissance equipment for submarine search) in order to search for minerals and determining the terrain area under the ice cover

    The composition of the forces and means of the expedition Admiral Bird to Antarctica:

    In total, the expedition included 13 VMS ships, including:

    - Aircraft carrier "Phillipin SI" . Usually, the group of 91 aircraft and 2682 people of the crew were based on its board.

    Conspirologists at the same time make big round eyes and traveling to the crew still almost two thousand people of the crew (only 4500 people), as if the aircraft carrier was made of rubber.

    This type of aircraft carrier has never had a fairly free crew and if during the war they found a place on the deck. Add facilities of air defense, then the instrumental calculation under the deck was content with a hammock as the 19th century. Such was the reality.

    The next, the aircraft carrier has an aviation group on board depending on the upcoming tasks. In this case, let's turn to Admiral Berdy and find out what he thought on this.

    Start from ice airfield

    "May ask why use the aircraft carrier to deliver a bomber, which has a combat radius of 8000 miles? It is known that within a radius of 4,000 miles will not be enough goals for him. But always need to keep in mind that the shorter the distance, the greater the bomb load.

    Hence the main lesson. The shortest distance between the new and old light is through North Pole. And in the future it will be the main theater in the future war.

    Our long-range bombers or other things are like, can be taken to the edge of the icy field of the Arctic Ocean and then sent to combat task through the top of the world. "

    It is not eliminated that the staffing aircraft remained at the location of the aircraft carrier's constant base, and together with it and its personal composition (about 630 people), in return, he had a squadron of sea scout aircraft R4D "Douglas Skytreyne" consisting of 6 units (30 people of the crew ), I have no sense to carry a full-time air group in this campaign, since the scouts were located on the take-off deck during the transition and the aircraft of the flight aircraft could not be used.

    In confirmation of this argument, I can give the first American flight to the territory of Japan, the so-called "Raid Dulittl", which was carried out by bombers B-25 Mitchell with aircraft carrier "Hornet."

    He who watched the movie "Pearl Harbor" remember this episode. So, due to the fact that the bombers were based on the deck during the transition, there was no possibility to use the staffing aircraft carrier group.

    So in this raid "Hornet" accompanied aircraft carrier "Enterprise" As a cover. It was wartime, and in peacetime there was no need to carry a complete air group on board with a complete margin of fuel, ammunition, material means and personnel.

    Unloading of the hydrosapolet

    Some authors write that by unconfirmed data on the expedition participated an escort aircraft carrier"Casablanca".Thank God, even though they do not insist on it. He was derived from the combat composition of the Navy since mid-1946, and in 1947 it was recycled on scrap metal. So, figured out with aircraft carriers.

    - Two squadron destroyers DD-868 "Brownson" and DD-785 "Henderson. And together, 672 people of the crew. Well, in the peaceful time the aircraft carriers do not go alone and need protection ships.

    - Submarine SS 408 Sennet, 60 people crew in peacetime.

    - Av7 aviation tenders "Kerritak" and AV12 "Pine Aylend", just 2494 people crew and six aircraft. According to the staff, they carried two squadrons of patrol aircraft, picking bombers (each 12 aircraft), but in this campaign only three amphibian aircraft "Martin Marin" had.

    - Transports Aka-97 "Merrick", and Aka-93 "Jansy", only 808 crew.

    - WAG 282 icebreaks "Nordwind" and Wag 283 Barton Island ", only 632 people.

    - Tankers "Canister" and "Cacapon", only 128 people.

    - The landing command - a boat ship "Mount Olympus", only 507 people. Crew and 368 people. Staff staff, who was absent on board. Instead, it was a small group of representatives of the Command of the Navy, Air Force, Marines, Suppets, scientists, correspondents and specialists.

    Test - cold-resistant water suits

    In total, in the expedition, as Admiral Berd noted, more than 4,000 people participated. My calculation of personnel does not coincide with the stated, due to the fact that I give the number of crews of ships in the states of military time (with the exception of the submarine "Senenet"). The number of peacetime, 25-30% less depending on the type of ship.

    The main grouping was divided into three groups: Eastern, Central and Western. The task of the Eastern and Western group, each of which had an air tender in its composition with amphibian airplanes on board, was to go through the coast as possible in order to study it and carry out aerial photography, while practicing pure military tasks assigned by the Navy command.

    The central group, which was the core of the expedition, was aimed at organize a field airfield and a base in the Bay of the Whales of the Sea of \u200b\u200bRoss, with which to conduct aerial photography of the continental part of Antarctica. The Ross Sea coast for a century was considered the best way to land the expedition for the continent's research.

    It was expected that this would allow the entire perimeter of the continent's coast and learn more than the previous century about it.

    Success completely depended on the weather. It was expected that one week of good flight weather per month during January - February would be enough to fulfill the task.

    Test of the amphibious intencel all-terrain

    So, what did Admiral Bird stopped?

    If we assume how conspiraologists declare, the purpose of the Berd expedition was attacked by the German base in the "New Swabia", "Operation High Jump" It was supposed to focus the strength and funds in the land area Dronning Maund (Queen modes), And not on the icy shelf of the sea Ross, where the base Little America-4 was organized, just on the opposite coast of Antarctica.

    In the course of research, the Eastern and Western groups planned to achieve the land of Dronning Mount to the end of the expedition, but landed land or ice was planned.

    In advance, that the ships of the expedition followed the Russian Sea and were constantly in the area, nevertheless, conspiraists argue that "this powerful grouping was anchored in the area of \u200b\u200bthe German territory" New Schwabia "and then divided into three groups." Maps of flights of aircraft and vessel movements in my article (and these official data) show that there was no such German territory at that time in Antarctica.

    Since the Eastern and Western groups did not have enough time (I will say about the reasons later), they only conducted an inspection of the coast of the earth Dronning Mount. So airplanes amphibians of the Western Group committed aerial photography of the eastern part of this area on February 22.

    The eastern group failed to make aerial photography of the western part of this area because of bad weather and lack of time and she went home on March 3, 1947. So the overlaps in aerial photography of this area did not work.

    Based on the false premise that the expedition planned to work in Antarctic for six months, conspiraologists stated that on secret reasons she interrupted their work. But the fact is that she was not planned at all for such a long time.

    Due to the fact that there was little time to prepare ships to the campaign, they were able to reach the sea only on December 2, 1946. In addition, the icebreaker "Barton Ayland" was not ready at all and joined the group much later.

    Approaching the Antarctic, the ships unexpectedly met an ice field with a width of 1000 km. At the same time, there was only one icebreaker Northward, which significantly delayed the whole group.

    Despite the fact that the Eastern Group took its position and start flight flights over the continent at the end of December 1946, the central group in the conditions of severe ice environment could not start equipment bases until January 15, 1947.

    Winter and the weather began to deteriorate sharply, and therefore all the works were minimized on February 23, which to have time to reach clean water without damage to the courts. By this time, Barton Ayland icebreaker came up and helped in the wiring of ships.

    What make a conclusion?

    Delayed with access to the sea, the lack of a second icebreaker, wider than the ice field was expected on the way, the rapid deterioration of weather with the approach of winter led to the fact that time "Operation High Jump" lasted as much as German in 1938 - 1939

    Nevertheless, military tasks were performed, despite the aircraft crash of the aircraft of the Eastern Group, and as for scientific, they were not achieved than Admiral Berd was very disappointed.

    The idea that the expedition was planned to attack the Nazi base of the "New Swabia" allegedly created on Earth Droning Maunda does not have any reason.

    The Americans had no interest in this area, did not have plans for landing there, aerial photography was also held as planned, without much interest in this area and turned home immediately with the deterioration of the weather.

    If they planned an offensive on this mythical Nazi base, the aircraft carrier had the full composition of the guard ships, not two destroyers.

    The aircraft carrier would have a complete air group of four squadrons (full state of 91 aircraft), and not six scouts.

    Avia tenders would also carry two squadrons and as part of the expeditionary forces would be landlining courts of marines, and not transport. With such a grouping and firing agents, they would not leave the stone from this base. Would not help the Germans and their "Flying discs."

    About these disks and others who have the relationship to them, I will stop in my continuation called "Admiral Berd and UFO".

    And although the Americans did not show interest in the area of \u200b\u200ban imaginary German base. They became unsolicited by the activities of Germany in the area, but completely for another reason, namely, to the process of fixing the territory and the legal substantiation of this issue.

    All subsequent expeditions of Americans in the Antarctic did not allocate this area and if they visited it, then no goals, except scientific persecuted.

    Experts, express Russia, almost a war for redone the spheres of influence in the Arctic and Antarctic. In the battle for resources every year, new and new strong players appear. 65 years ago, our country has already opposed attempts by the Antarctic expansion of the Germans and Americans, and opposed successfully.

    The attendance of the Antarctic contain a lot of minerals - iron ore, stone coal, reserves of copper, nickel, lead, zinc, molybdenum, rock crystal, mica and graphite. The British found considerable oil reserves on the Antarctic shelf and are going to start her prey. In addition, there is about 80% of the global stock of fresh water in Antarctica. And since this land is formally a draw, then wealth, incoming unlikely. This variety of great powers and their vassals are trying to eliminate from the late 30s of the last century.

    Admiral Dönits in 1943 reported to the Führer that his crigsmarine was founded in the Antarctic "Inspecific Fortress, Shangri-La Third Reich
    In November 1945, the three newest destroyed destroyers - "high", "impressive" and "important" were submitted to the Pacific Fleet. The sailors called these destroyers by ghosts - none of the simple mortals ever seen them near, today there is no single photo and a single scheme of the device of these ships in the equipped state.

    Formally, these destroyers submitted to the command of TOO, but never participated in the Fleet exercises or in Maenoors. They did not observe them and in ports where the Soviet warships usually came in. The project, in which these destroyers were built, was called 45-bis. Built the "ghost ships" in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, finished in Vladivostok, and working brigades at the 202nd plant were created specifically.

    It is known that kille structures were constructed at the "high" in order to ensure increased stability, the nasal towers were dismantled on the "important" and instead of them installed hangar for four hydrochamists and a catapult, and German rocket complexes of KR-1 were installed on the "impressive". In December 1945, three new extensive destroyers went with brief visits to Chinese Cindao and Chifa ports. Since then, no one has seen them. But archival documents on the write-off of these ships are dated 1964. Where were these destroyers for almost 20 years?

    In the summer of 1946, Juan Domingo Peron was elected President of Argentina. And the first country, where the future dictator sent his diplomats, became the Soviet Union, and not the United States at all, to whom everyone was sent to the predecessor of Peron. Relationships unexpectedly quickly improved: the formal agreements provided for the supply of Argentine Wheat and Beef in the USSR, as well as important strategic raw materials in the form of tungsten and beryllium ores. But Stalin was with Peron and informal agreements - to date, these documents are no longer present. The main thing is that Peron managed to negotiate with Stalin, - guarantees for the German military criminals at Argentina. The USSR pledged them no longer pursue them. Why did the perone needed such guarantees, it is clear. Running Nazis invested in the economy of Argentina about $ 30 billion - in 1946 it was unheard of, astronomical amount. And in return, Peron pledged to ensure their safety - even spoiling a relationship with America. And the Soviet Union received not only food and strategic raw materials, but also the so-called sub-autoctic base of Argentina Navy. It was the most southern naval base in the world at that time.

    At the end of February 1947, a strange scientific expedition was published from the United States towards Antarctica. Scientists as such in its composition were only 25 people - against 4 thousand military. The squadron - the 68th Operational Union of the US Navy, included the aircraft carrier "Philippines SI" with 25 aircraft on board and 13 warships of various types. He was a squadron Admiral Richard Ivlin Bird. The operation was called "Hai Jump" - "High Jump".

    The formal goal of the expedition was the opening of the American Antarctic Research Station, informal - the search for the so-called New Shvabia, the German colony in Antarctica, where, according to American intelligence, there were experiments on the creation of the latest types of weapons.

    Accidentally or not, but the beginning of the expedition coincided with the completion of interrogations of former commanders of German submarines U-530 and U-977 - these boats participated in the transport of secret cargoes from Germany to Antarctica in 1944-1945. The transfer wore the code name "Valkyrie-2". At the end of the operation, the U-530 boat openly entered the Argentine port of Mar del Plata, and her crew surrendered to local authorities who later handed over the prisoners of German intelligence. The actual testimony of the captain submarine SHEFFER and became the only real basis for the equipment of the Burda expedition.

    A lot of legends went about a new moisture. They said that the Nazis from the Secret Society of Anecherbe built there flying plates and almost came into contact with alien civilizations. There were rumors and that Adolf Hitler fled to a new moisture. In general, the myth-making around the new Swabia was the most implausible, but much, oddly enough, was confirmed by the reports of American intelligence officers. In particular, they confirmed the fact that the Nazis gathered in the New Swabia the secret weapons of the Third Reich - the flying plates of the project "Vril" and even the first spaceship "Tula" with a mercury engine. The Burda expeditions had to verify that in reports of the new Swabia, and what fiction. On March 1, 1947, the expedition reached Antarctica. And then the Americans have problems.

    Just in case, Bird instructed to check if there are no other people's ships in the area. Checked. In the waters of the sea of \u200b\u200bLazarev found a single Soviet research vessel "Glory". And no longer single floating. And here, right at the rate, whence, either taking two destroyers without identifying signs. And on the right at the rate of the Americans - one more. The destroyers open fire, they are supported from the air - whether aircraft, if you believe the official report of Burda 1947, or not very aircraft, if you believe in the same interview, which he gave the New York Times nine years later, shortly before his death. One ship goes to the bottom, fall into ice water four American aircraft raised into the air. Berd commands "Full back!" And he takes his squadron to the shores of America. Today, it is safe to say that the three destread by the US Navy, which launched the Antarctic Expedition of the US Navy, were the most "high", "important" and "impressive", who came out in the Squadre - with the Argentine "Sanctarctic Base" and from the Base of Riolond on the Fire Earth . But what it was for airplanes - it's hard to say.

    Today, Russia belongs to six permanent acting Antarctic stations and five canned. Seven seven stations are declared non-existent - "oasis" we passed Poland, and the rest were abandoned. One of these abandoned stations is called the "Pole of Inaccessibility". Closed it in 1958. At the station's airfield, several runways were equipped, and the strips are rather strange. One of them was intended for landing of Military Transport Li-2. And three more were too short in order to take a transport aircraft. But their width was almost twice as much normal. What the aircraft should have taken off and land in a pole of inaccessibility, unknown.

    Currently, the Antarctic Convention, prohibiting any work and actions, except for research, is currently in the territories of south of 60 degrees of South latitude. New Swabia is located just in this area, on the Earth Queen mod. Today, the German Antarctic Station "Neumayer" is valid here. Conspirologists argue that somewhere close to this German station, the relics of the Third Reich are hidden.

    The Germans mastered the Antarctic from the end of the 30s and found a lot of things there, which still go legends. For example, an oasis of shirmatera is a place where volcanic activity and hot springs created a warm microclimate. In which 5 thousand people can also live and work. " In the report, the maiden said that in the Antarctic there were several oasis with warm air - gigantic underground cavities, quite suitable for life.

    There is such a version. Certificates have been preserved that on April 30, 1945, Peter Baumgart, Captain Luftwaffe flew from Germany to Norway with Hitler on board. There the Führer plunged into a submarine that took the course to Antarctica. Assumption, to put it mildly, bold, but the grain of common sense in it are available. By the end of the war on the so-called base 211, about 4500 employees were neglected in the new Swabia. To the same database, 35 submarines were attributed from the connection of the Fuhrera convoy. It was Baumgart for the first time who voiced the version that Soviet destroyers did not allow the American expedition to Berd to New Shvabia. But why did they do it - it's hard ...

    In 1946-47, the United States held the Antarctic Expedition "High Jump" (eng. HighJUMP) under the guidance of the famous polar explorer and the retired counter-admiral of Richard Byrd (Richard Evelyn BYRD). In connection with this expedition, there are conspiramic theories that it was carried out with the aim of eliminating Nazi bases, the fight against aliens - the occult allies of the Nazis, etc. In particular, it is worth mentioning the words of the participants of the expedition, which stated that they were attacked by the disco-shaped objects, emitting some rays, why the ships and aircraft of Americans simply light up.

    The Operation "High Jump" was disguised as a regular research expedition and not everyone guess that a powerful naval escade went to the shores of Antarctica. Aircraft carrier, 13 ships of various types, 25 aircraft and helicopters, more than four thousand people, semi-annual stock products - these data are said for themselves.

    It would seem that everything went according to the plan: for the month, 49 thousand photographs were made. And suddenly something happened, about the official authorities of the United States are silent so far. On March 3, 1947, just the started expedition urgently turned together, and the ships hastily took the course home. In May 1948, some details emerged on the pages of the European magazine. It was reported that the expedition met the tough opponent's resistance. There were lost: at least one ship, dozens of people, four combat aircraft, even nine aircraft had to leave as unsuitable for use. About what exactly happened is, you can only guess. If you believe the press, the crew members talked about the "emerging from under the water" and attacked them "flying disks", about strange atmospheric phenomena that caused mental disorders. Journalists lead an excerpt from Richard Burda report, allegedly made at the secret meeting of the Special Commission:

    The United States needs to adopt protective shares against opponent fighters that make departures from polar areas. When new war America may be attacked by an enemy who has the ability to fly from one pole to another with an incredible speed!

    In almost ten years, Admiral Berd headed a new polar expedition, in which he died under mysterious circumstances. After his death, the print appeared allegedly from the diary of the admiral itself. It follows that during the 1947 expedition, the plane on which he flew to exploration was forced to land strange aircraft, "similar to the British soldiers' helmets." A high blue-eyed blonde approached Admiral and on Loman english language Passing appeal to the US government demanding to stop nuclear tests. Some of the sources claim that after this meeting between the Nazi colon in Antarctica and the US government, an agreement was signed about the exchange of German advanced technologies on American raw materials.

    An indirect confirmation of the base is called repeated observations of the UFO in the South Pole area. Often see the "plates" and "cigars" dependent in the air. And in 1976, the Japanese researchers were selected with the help of the latest equipment at the same time nineteen round objects, which "spicked" from space in Antarctica and disappeared from the screens.

    The story "Base-211" originates from the German Expedition of 1938/39 on the Schwabenland ship under the command of an experienced pilot, the polar explorer Captain Alfred Ritcher. Arriving to the banks of the Land of the Queen Mod in January 1939, declared before that by the Norwegians with their own possessions, the expedition began to be planned photographing the territory with the help of two hydroxps Dornier, which were on board the vessel. For the month, Mühliga-Hofman Mountains were opened, an oasis of shirmmera, as well as other geographical objects. The territory is examined nor not much, amounted to 250,000 square meters. km. (Almost half of German Square).

    No secret base like Vinnitsa "Werwolf" or Smolensk "Berenhalla" expedition then did not create - for this she had neither forces or necessary building materials or staff. But this expedition marked the beginning of the development of Antarctica by the Third Reich. The territory has been captured and stalled by pennants with a swastika was called New Swaby and declared possessions of the Third Reich.

    Map of New Schwabia (clickable)

    Specially equipped for swimming in the polar latitudes, the ships of the underwater fleet of Gross Admiral K. Grazni, began to be sent to Antarctica. Continuing research in the Oasis of Shirmatera, German scientists discovered the Warm Air Cave System. "My submariners found a real earthly paradise," said Dönitsa then. For several years, the Germans conducted carefully hidden work on creating a base under the code-211 code name. Minophodan equipment, rail roads, trolleys and huge cutters for tunnels were sent to the polar mainland. For the delivery of goods, at least 8 "thick" cargo submarines of type XIV "MILCHKUH" were built. This allowed the same Gross Admiral to throw the phrase: "Die Deutsche U-Boot Flotte IST Stolz Darauf, Daß Sie Fur Den Fuhrer in Einem Anderen Teil Der Welt Ein Shangri-La Gebaut Hat, Eine Uneinnehmbare Festung" ("The German underwater fleet is proud In the fact that at the other end of the world, an impregnable fortress of Shangri La "created for the Fuhrer).

    The most "thick" in the German underwater fleet were submarines of the XIV "Milchkuh" ("Dimine Cows"), which served as boats of supply in the Atlantic. They provided combat submarines with fuel, spare parts, ammunition, medicines, food. A total of 10 submarines of type XIV were built. All of them were sinking, and the coordinates of the death of each are known. They could not be "large cargo submarines", but boats, similar to this secret building, could be used for flights to Baza-211.

    There were no fundamental obstacles to creating a similar underground base. Many of the largest German plants, such as the Junkers factory in Mount Nordhausen, were placed under the ground, in salt mines and laid tunnels and gallery. Such factories successfully kept any bombing and stopped working usually only when the enemy's ground forces approaches.

    From 1942, thousands of prisoners of concentration camps were transferred to Bazu-211 as labor, as well as service personnel, scientists and members of Hitlergenda - a gene pool of the future "clean" race.

    According to some reports, Hitler and his wife Eva Brown did not commit suicide, and they lived to old age under the ice of the southern pole, and according to other data - in a secluded refuge in South America.

    Relatively recently it became known that during World War II, there was a high-secret connection of German submarines, which received the name of the "convoy of the Fuhrer". It consisted of 35 submarines, which were engaged in the delivery of secret cargo to Antarctica and other hidden places. At the very end of the war in Kiel with the submarine removed the armament and loaded containers with some things, documents. In April 1945, the last flights of the submarine to Bazz-211 were committed. Where they then share, still unknown. Only two of them, U-977 and U-530 discovered themselves in July - August 1945 in Argentina. In July 1945, the coast of Argentina appeared the U-530 Ober-Lieutenant Otto Vermut and July 10 surrendered to the Mar del Plata to the Argentine authorities. On August 17, the U-977 Ober-Lieutenant Heinz Schaffers surrendered there. Later, Stepner will write a book of memories of the last campaign. But no hint of a mission in Antarctica in it.

    Crews were arrested. Commanders submarine interrogated Americans. "One of the main reasons for making a decision to swim in Argentina was German Propaganda," Heaffer said at the interrogation. - We were told that in American and British newspapers they write, as if after the war of all German men, we must turn into slavery and sterilize. Another reason was the ill-treatment of German prisoners of war, which was kept in France after the end of the First World War, the long delay in sending them home. And, of course, we hoped for better living conditions in Argentina. "

    There are no other information about Hitler. It can be added that a piece of Gitler's skull stored in the archives of the KGB was not at all, but someone else, perhaps a twin.

    This theory largely explains the facts of numerous contacts with the German-speaking teams of flying plates, which occurred since then and occasionally. The first contacts with the UFOs of such people like George Adamski (one of the most famous contactors with UFOs in the United States, during the war of the war, was observed numerous UFOs, died in 1965), were described as meetings with high, blonde, with Nordic appearance (and in some cases who spoke in German!) People. It is possible that these were contacts with the Germans, and not with aliens similar to us. It is also possible that the secret Antarctic base exists to this day.

    Rumors about the German Antarctic base went not one year, and not one group of researchers disappeared in that area, not leaving the trace. Historian and publicist Vladimir Terzitsky tells details about the German colony in the South Pole:

    The Germans began to study the Southern Pole with the help of huge aircraft cruisers in 1937. The ship "Schwabenland" was sent to the Earth of the Queen of the Fashion, which to the south of South Africa, there the Germans immediately dropped their flags with the swastika from the aircraft and declared the rights of the Third Reich on these lands, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is comparable to Square Western Europe. They called this country with new Swabenland (New Swabia). In 1942, a massive secret operation on the transfer of people and materials on the secret underground base was carried out with the participation of the German marines. This base was to become the last Reich Bastion. Several hundred thousand prisoners of concentration camps, as well as scientists and members of the Hitlergenda, were transferred to the South Pole (with submarines) and on the actively colonized land in South America, to continue the Nazi experiment to create a clean race of Supermenzhen - "Superholders". It is said that today under the southern pole is a huge underground city with a population of two million people, which is called - Yes, you guessed - New Berlin. The main occupation of its inhabitants today is genetic engineering and flights to space. Admiral Bird, according to rumors, secretly met with the heads of the German Antarctic colony in 1947 after his inglorious defeat and signed a peaceful coexistence agreement between the Nazi Colon of the Germans under the southern Pole and the US government and the exchange of German advanced technologies on ... American raw materials.

    More detailed on the basis of the Nazis in the South Pole and their devices capable of making space flights, you can read in the book "UFO, created by a person: 1944-1994" Renato Vesko and David Hatcher Chayldress. It deals with the most detailed features of the first years of research of disc-party flying apparatuses.

    Some sources claim that closer to the end of World War II, the Germans managed to develop interplanetary aircraft without moving parts, which could fly to the moon and even on Mars. Some scientists lead video materials and print articles in evidence that the Germans really flew there either at the end of the war, or immediately after its end, and the flights were made from their Antarctic base.

    A number of military historians, such as Colonel Howard Buukher, the author of the books of the Sacred Spear and Praha Hitler's Secrets, insist that the Germans have already created bases on the Russian Queen. Subsequently, the German submarines of the class "y" (according to some data they were at least 100) took on board outstanding scientists, pilots and politicians and delivered them to the last fortress of Nazi Germany. Presumably, there were other Nazi bases in the hard-to-reach areas of South America, perhaps in the mountain jungle and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe fjords in the south of Chile. According to the book of the German journalist Karl Bruges "Chronicles of Akacora," one German battalion still found a refuge in the underground city on the border of Brazil and Peru. Karl lived in Manos and was killed in Ipanhe, a suburb of Rio de Janeiro, in 1981.

    Expedition US Navy

    The expedition was conceived by the US Navy leadership based on, most likely, from the political and economic situation in the country after the end of World War II. Before the war, the country could not fully recover after the Great Depression. War slowed down this process. At the same time, deliveries on Land Lisa (were not gratuitous), participation in hostilities (the second front, Pacific Theater of Combat Action) supported the economy afloat at the expense of military state promenes. But the war ended. The USSR still seems to be an ally of the United States, the Schurchill's speech was not once performed in Fulton, the arms race launched. State price of weapons is not needed, there are no worthy tasks and in front of army units, in particular, before the naval forces (US NAVY). Most warships are idle without a case. The moral spirit of Morpekhov, sailors and officers fall. And here, probably, the command of the Navy came a good idea - to equip an expedition to the Antarctic.

    CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS, CNO (CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS, CNO) ADMIRAL W. Nimitz (Chester W. Nimitz, in the photo) gave an indication of the development of "The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program", and his deputy Vice Admiral DeWitt Clinton Ramsey gave the appropriate directives to the commander-in-chief of the Atlantic and Pacific Fleets. The implementation of the expedition was placed on the operational connection of the special tasks of the Atlantic Fleet (Task Force 68). The group was allocated several ships of the Pacific Fleet. The project was assigned the code name "Operation HighJUMP" (Operation High Jump). Leading the Operation Commander "Task Force 68" Council Admiral Richard Kruzen (Richard H. Cruzen). And at the head of the expedition itself, the counter-admiral retired Richard Berd, an experienced polar star, a person legendary in the United States and not only.

    So, the US Navy Expedition in 1946-47 is really very unusual due to its scale - it was and remains the largest of all ever worked on the sixth continent. In the work of the expedition, 13 US warships were attended by a total tonnage of almost 174 thousand tons, 19 aircraft, including hydrosapolines and flying boats, helicopters, not to mention driving dogs. In total, about 4,700 people participated in the expedition. The main scientific goal was the basis of the Antarctic Research Station "Little-America IV".

    The official composition of the expeditionary squadron was divided into 4 groups, and from its composition was removed by the deceased destroyer "MARDOK":

    Western Group (Operational Group 68.1)

    Leader: Captain 1 rank C. Bond.

    Currician - U.S.S.S. SEAPLANE TEnder Currituck (AV-7)
    Displacement of 14,000 tons. Commissioned on June 26, 1944. Captain 1 rank J. Clark (John E. Clark)

    Esminets "Henderson" - U.S. Henderson (DD-785)
    Displacement 3 460 tons. Implemented November 17, 1945. Captain 1 rank K. Bailey (C.F. Bailey)

    Cacapon tanker - U.S. Cacapon (AO-52)
    Displacement of 25,500 tons. Commissioned on September 21, 1943. Captain 1 rank R. Mitchell (R.A. Mitchell)

    Central Group (Operational Group 68.2)

    Leader: Counter-Admiral R. Krizen.

    Flagship "HighJUMP", a landing ship Management "Mount Olimpus" - U.S. MOUNT OLIMPUS (AGC-8)
    Displacement 12 142 tons. Commissioned on October 3, 1943. Captain 1 rank R. Moore (R.R. Moore)

    Transportation vessel "Yansi" - U.S. Yancey (AKA-93)
    Displacement 13 910 tons. Commissioned on October 11, 1944. Captain 1 rank J. Kon (J.E. Cohn)

    Transportation vessel "Merrick" - U.S. Merrick (AKA-97)
    One type with aka-93. Captain 1 rank John John John Hourihan)

    Submarine "Senenet" - U.S. Submarine Sennet (SS-408)
    Displacement 2 391 tons. Commissioned on August 22, 1944
    Captain 2 rank Josheph B. Iceenhower)

    Icebreaker "Barton Island" - U.S. Burton Island (AG-88)
    Displacement 6,515 tons. Commissioned on April 30, 1946. Captain 2 rank J. Ketchum (Gerald L. Ketchum)

    Icebreaker Northward - USCGC Northwind (WAG-282)
    Displacement 6,515 tons. Commissioned on July 28, 1945. Captain 1 rank C. Thomas

    Eastern Group (Operational Group 68.3)

    Leader: Captain 1 rank J. Dufek.

    Squaded Mission "Braunson" - U.S. BROWNSON (DD-868)
    Displacement of 9,090 tons. Commissioned on July 7, 1945. Captain 2 rank G. Gimber (H.m.s. Gimber)

    Base of Pine Island Hydrosamets - U.S. Pine Island (AV-12)
    The USS Currituck (AV-7) is monitored. Commissioned on April 26, 1945. Captain 1 rank Caldwell

    Tanker "Canister" - U.S. CANISTEO (AO-99)
    Displacement 25 440 tons. Commissioned on July 6, 1945. Captain 1 rank E. Walker (Edward K. Walker)

    Aircraft Group (Operational Group 68.4)

    Leader: Counter-Admiral Resignation R. Berd.

    Escort aircraft carrier "Philippines C" - U.S. Philippine SEA (CV-47)
    Displacement: 27 100 tons. Length 271 meters. Commissioned on May 11, 1946. Captain 1 rank D. Cornwell
    Takes on board up to 100 aircraft, went to the expedition with the 6th aircraft R4D Skytrains

    Photo taken on board U.S. Philippine SEA in Panaman Canal, on the way to Antarctica

    Basic Group (Operational Group 68.5)

    Leader: Captain 1 rank K. Campbell.

    Base "Little-America IV".

    Frames for the construction of Little America IV base.

    Below are the violating stripes of members of the expedition. The first stripes used members of the operational connection of special tasks (Task Force 68). The second strip was used by the members of the shock-landing ship by the Yansi and contained the inscription "The whole world - our bridgehead" is a very demonitive motto for the American military.

    According to the report of the US Navy, the purpose of the expedition was:

    • Personnel training and equipment testing under Antarctic cold conditions.
    • The announcement of the US sovereignty over the practically achievable territories of Antarctica (officially this goal has denied even after the end of the expedition).
    • Finding out the feasibility of the foundation, maintaining and using Antarctic stations and the study of the territories suitable for this.
    • Development of base technologies, maintenance and use of Antarctic stations on an ice shield with special attention to the further use of these technologies in the inner regions of Greenland.
    • Expanding knowledge in the field of hydrography, geography, geology, meteorology, the propagation of electromagnetic waves in Antarctica.
    • Continuing studies initiated by the expedition "Nanook" in Greenland.

    Some Matten and Friedrich in 1975 published materials where the additional purpose of the expedition was indicated: "break the last desperate attempt to resist Adolf Hitler. If we find it and minions in New Berchenstag, inside the new Swabia, in the region of the Queen Maud, will destroy them. "

    Be that as it may, but on December 12, 1946, the Western Group reached the Marquis Islands, where the destroyer "Genderer" and the Kakapon tanker installed meteorological stations. On December 24, the aircraft for airfaches began to take off the aircraft for aircraft. At the end of December 1946, the eastern group reached the island of Peter I. January 1, 1947, Captain 3 rank Tompmon and senior Michman Dixon, using Jack Brown masks and oxygen apparatuses made the first in the history of the USA immersion in Antarctic waters.

    William Menster, who served as an expedition, became the first priest who visited Antarctica. During the service conducted in 1947, he consecrated this continent.

    The Central Group arrived in the whale bay on January 15, 1947, which built a temporary runway on the glacier and founded Little-America IV station.

    According to Richard Burda and many members of the expedition, the Americans were attacked by devices resembling "flying plates". One of the participants of the expedition, John Saerson, recalled:

    They popped out from under the waters as caustic and slipped literally between masts of ships at such a speed that the flows of perturbed air pulled radiance. Several "Corsairs" managed to fly, but compared to these strange aircraft, they looked like a stronal.

    I did not have time and blinked with the eye, as two "Corsaars", which were struck by some unknown rays, splashed from the nasal parts of these "flying plates", burned into the water near the ships ... These objects did not publish a single sound, they were silent between the ships, Like some Satanic, Osin-black swallows with bloody-red beaks, and continuously spoiled by a murderous fire.

    Suddenly, "MARDOK", which was from us in ten cable (about two kilometers), slept with a bright flame and began to sink.

    From other ships, despite the danger, the rescue boats and boats were immediately sent to the place of disaster. When our "pancakes" (XF-5U "Skimmer" arrived in the battle area, shortly before that they were removed on the coastal airfield, they could not exercise anything. The whole nightmare lasted about twenty minutes. When "flying plates" dived again under the water, we began to count the losses. They were terrifying ...

    According to the admiral of Berd, these amazing aircraft were certainly produced on the Nazis's aircruit plants in the thickness of Antarctic ice, the designers of which were traded by some unknown energy used in the engines of these devices.

    Few people know, but in this story there were Russian-speaking witnesses. Konstantin Yalyarashkovsky became one of the participants in the events, and that's how he explained his stay at the expedition:

    During the Great Patriotic War I, like all the boys, dreamed of getting to the front. Even "added" to himself for almost two years and by the beginning of 1945 managed to finish the accelerated courses of junior offshore officers in Kronstadt. However, in serious combat actions almost did not participate - the war ended. The command drew attention to my knowledge of languages \u200b\u200b(thanks to teachers' parents, I owned English, German and French) and sent me to the allies - to the coordination group with the main headquarters of the US naval forces. At the end of 1946, the Americans and Colonel Yury Popovich are included in the counterpart of Richard Burda.

    Konstantin Yalyarashkovsky's story about what happened during an attack on the ships of the expedition:

    Officially, we went to the "Research Expedition" to Antarctica to assess and exploration of its minerals. But what struck us, the squadron included: an aircraft carrier with combat aircraft (fighters, bombers, attack aircraft and scouts), destroyers, travelers, couple of submarines, tankers, marine infantry. Swimming was long, and we and I just talked from longing and idleness. Only in the evenings, officers gathered in the cabins of the aircraft carrier and took the soul: they played cards, smoked, drank, communicated. Moreover, as we have convinced, none of them really did not understand where and why go.

    Somehow Captain Esmina "MARDOK" Cyrus Lafarg, with whom we moved to a glass, mentioned that I accidentally heard the phrase of Admiral Richard Burd that in Argentina was surrendered to the troops of the crews of two German submarines arrived from Antarctica. Our jetty company immediately put forward with a laugh: Say, go to look for fascist bases on the southern pole. Complete nonsense. Although myths then walked a lot. They talked about the fact that the escape fascists built their huge cities in South America, settled in ... Space, live under the ground somewhere in the Alps.

    Most recently, television showed a film about the attack on the Burd squadron, but it is in many ways inaccurate, and something directed by the director was naught. They attacked us if my memory serves me, January 27th. And Yuri and I stood on the bridge - talked, smoked. Here I heard a cry of an observer: "Air! On the right side! " And immediately there was a combat alarm. We were rapidly approaching literally over the water (and they did not emerge from it, as the television journalists argued!) About a dozen unknown aircraft. After a few seconds, they were already over the squadron and went to the attack!

    These were strange disco-shaped cars with ... fascist crosses on the side. And it is almost two years after the victory over Germany!

    The speed and maneuverability of the devices were just awesome! They shot like some red rays. Maybe it was a certain prototype of modern laser weapons? The rays easily punched fat ship armor, while the enemy "discs" could inconceve their course to sharply, leaving the hurricane fire of our anti-aircraft, and even ... to hang over us! With the deck of the aircraft carrier slowly rose several f-4 fighters, but they did not have time to join the battle. Immediately burned! The Americans tried to raise a couple of aircraft several times in the air, but it was not crowned with success. I had to shoot only anti-aircraft.

    My Yora and I brought the cartridges to the large-caliber machine guns. In our eyes, the red beam pulled off the gun-black hand and burned the deck. The aircraft carrier received significant damage, but here the enemy for some reason "lagged behind" from us and suffered all the power of attack on the Mordok destroyer. Creepy picture - they literally burned him! Fire, explosions, screams, shooting, sailors began to launch rescue boats ...

    By the way, in the film, it was stated that allegedly "disks" used some mental weapons in that fighting - "Sailors from pain grabbed their heads." Not this! Just the roar of the "plates" engines over our heads was so powerful that caused the strongest pain in the ears. Something similar I experienced when a modern jet combat aircraft took off nearby.

    The fight lasted ten minutes. As soon as the destroyer sank, "discs", do not touch other ships, boats and rescue boats, just as rapidly slept low above the water.

    We were all just stunned! The losses of Americans made a surrounded destroyer Maardok, about ten fighters and several hundred dead sailors. The wounded was even more. "Discs" damaged ships, especially our aircraft carrier. For a couple of days, we were repaired in augal pace. At this time, significantly increased the number of observers, the surviving aircraft continuously conducted long-range air intelligence, there were duty near the anti-aircraft gun. Fortunately, everything was calm.

    In early March we went to the place of basing the ships in the United States. After returning the aircraft carrier to the overhaul. As far as I know, none of the American sailors "subscriptions for non-disclosure" did not give. Congrall Richard Berry reported on the command and congressmen. Yuri and I returned to Moscow, reported on the American expedition to Kondamyrally Ivan Papanin and the Commander-in-Chief of Naval Forces Nikolay Kuznetsov. They listened to us attentively, they talked to each other, and ... This was over. Have they reported to Stalin, did Soviet ships sent to Antarctica - I do not know ...

    In this frequent battle, the US Navy lost one ship, thirteen airplanes (4 sheds, nine were out of order, including three "skimmer") and more than forty person (according to other data, there were up to 68 people) of personnel . Basically, these were sailors with a stealing destroyer. The remaining ships shelling with "flying plates", to a considerable surprise of sailors, were not subjected.

    The next day, as Sayerson told, Richard Berd on the Tigeget Two-Dial Fighter went to explore and disappeared along with his pilot and navigator. When Washington reached the news about this, then Admiral Stark, Deputy Burd, was ordered to immediately turn the expedition and, observing the utmost radio collections, follow in the states without any occasion to intermediate naval bases. After some time, Richard Beard returned and again headed by the expedition command. What exactly happened to him - then he did not tell anyone, and we can judge about what happened only from his diary, written by years later.

    The results of the expedition actually immediately classified, and all of its participants were forced to sign a lot of diverse documents on non-disclosure of secrets. And, nevertheless, in the seal Something leaked even then, you can judge at least for articles in the Savannaya newspaper "Adventure" or Chicago publications.

    Return expedition

    The expedition returned to the United States at the end of February 1947 due to the early onset of the Antarctic winter and the deterioration of weather conditions.

    Even on board "Mount-Olympus" Berd gave an interview to Van Atte (Lee Van ATTA) from International News Service, where he told about the expedition lessons. Interview published on March 5, 1947 in the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio. In it, he, in particular, said that the United States should make efforts to ensure protection against an attack of enemy aviation from the indolery regions. The speed with which the distances in the world are reduced is one of the lessons of this polar expedition.

    When the American squadron reached, finally, to his shores and the command was reported on the fate of the expedition, all of its participants - and officers, and sailors - isolated. Only Admiral Berd remained at freedom. He, however, was forbidden to meet with journalists.

    The government of the United States categorically denies the revelation of the admiral, and he himself was declared mentally ill and was subjected to forced psychiatric treatment. Burda was interrogated in the presence of a doctor, all said was transferred to the American president. Admiral received an order to "be silent about everything that recognized, in the name of mankind." Regarding the information that leaked from the team - it was publicly said that all this is the result of the nervous breakdown. Officials took care of the disinformation of the press and the public. The names of the persons participating in the expedition were changed. Information about human losses and technology losses was refuted. Pay attention to the fact that thanks to the expedition, 1,390,000 km² of the Antarctica coast was drawn up. More than the authorities were released several statements about the events speaking that only one person killed, whose plane fell into an accident. Each expedition participated in the expedition should have kept the secret.

    Then Berd began writing memories of this period of his life. It was not possible to publish the manuscript, but she fell into "high spheres". Burda retired, moreover, declared crazy. Last years Admiral lived almost under house arrest, did not communicate with anyone, he could not see even with former colleagues.

    Shortly after the end of the operation, the following expedition was organized under the name "Windmill Operation" (1948), which conducted an aerial photograph of the same territories of Antarctica. This private expedition financed Finn Ronn.

    Mystery of Richard Burda Diary

    Although there is no evidence of the authenticity of the diary, information on its pages is shocking. Richard Beard wrote: "It is amazing imagination, it may seem nonsense if it really happened."

    The flight began on February 19, 1947 at 6:10 to local time, nothing unusual foreshadowed and the first four hours everything went according to plan. At some point, however, the onboard equipment stopped work, and in the place where the icy desert was supposed to be, the pilot saw the valleys, overgrown with trees. Animals like mammoths grazed in the valley, there was not far from something resembling the city! It was light, although there was no sun in the sky. Berd tried to contact the base, but unsuccessfully.

    Suddenly, strange aircraft in the form of a disc appeared near the plane. The Dakota aircraft stopped responding to control, test equipment was useless. On the radio, there was a voice that speaks English with a German accent, barely audible: "Welcome Mr. Admiral in our kingdom. Please relax, you are in good hands. "

    The Burda plane was taken to Earth so that when landing the pilot suffered only from mild shaking. Several people came to welcome him. They were high and blonde. Burda led to the inside of one of the buildings, and one of the men said: "Do not be afraid of the admiral, you will have an audience with a master." In the diary, this "master" is described as a person with subtle features of the face, which is touched by the flow of time.

    Further discussion, during which the master raised all the main issues relating to our civilization, passed in a friendly atmosphere. The master said goodbye to Berdov, ordering him to return to his world to spread the message transmitted to him. The last words that Berd heard when I climbed into the air were: "We will leave you here, Admiral, your equipment works, Auf Wiedersehen." And again the admiral flew over the icy desert.

    What happened during the expedition? Until now, the general public is unknown that then happened in the ice. But we know that in 1954 the Committee of the headquarters of the US headquarters issued an order about the next expedition to Antarctica. Admiral Berd was recognized by the orders of Eisenhauer mentally healthy and appointed by the expedition commander. The operation had the code name "Deep Freeze" (deep freezing). This time the Americans did not hide that this expedition is military, and even possible use of nuclear weapons.

    The operation was completed in 1957. In the same year, Admiral Richard Berd died. The famous polar hero then no one remembered.

    The article uses a blogger materials under Nick Ecolimp and from sites

    Beginning of 1947. Another expedition of the legendary American polarist Richard Burda approached the banks of Antarctica.
    Very strange expedition. Unlike the first three, it is fully funded military forces USA. And has a military name - the operation of Hajam.

    Berd Richard, Admiral

    In submission of Admiral Burda, a powerful naval escade. Aircraft carrier Casablanca, 12 warships, submarine, two and a half dozen aircraft and helicopters. Almost five thousand people personnel. Unusual composition for research expedition.
    On December 2, 1946, before the exit of the squadron in the Antarctic campaign, Admiral Berd at a meeting with the press noticed: my expedition is military. He did not say a word about the details. At the end of January 1947, the airflow of the Antarctic continent in the region of the Koroleva mod began. Everything goes according to plan.

    Expedition emblem

    For the first weeks made tens of thousands of aerial photographs. And suddenly something mysterious happens. An expedition calculated for half a year, after two months, it rush to rush and leaves the bank of Antarctica. This is a real escape. Esminet Merdek, almost half of the deck aviation, 68 sailors and officers.
    Upon his return, Admiral Berd appears before members of the Emergency Investigation Commission of the US Congress. Fragments of his report leaked in the press. The United States needs to take protective measures against enemy fighters that make departures from polar regions. In the case of a new war, America may be attacked by an enemy who has the ability to fly from one pole to another with an incredible speed. Who is the flight to the American squadron? Once a year and a half before the expedition, Admiral Burda, in the summer of 1945, in the Argentine port, Middel Plata entered and surrendered to the authorities two German submarines.
    Not ordinary boats, but boats from the so-called convoy of the Fuhrera. This top-secret connection performed tasks, the details of which still remain in secret.
    Crews of submarine testimony gave reluctantly. Nevertheless, Americans managed to know something. So, the O-530 commander spoke about his participation in the operation under the code name Valkyrie-2. Through three weeks before the end of the war, his submarine delivered the Relics of the Third Reich to Antarctica, the personal belongings of Hitler, as well as passengers whose faces hiding bandages.

    Admiral Burda Expedition

    Inconsistent data on the secret base 911 in the ice of Antarctica prompted the American command to take decisive actions. After all, if the base of the Third Reich really existed, this circumstance could not not worry the United States. In this regard, in 1946, the escade was equipped with the banks of Antarctica under the command of Admiral Richard Burda, as the most experienced at the time of the polar explorer. The squadron composition was very impressive: aircraft carrier, more than a dozen cruisers and destroyers, submarine, icebreaker and 20 aircraft. Personal composition numbered about 5,000 people. Admiral Burda Expedition should have put a point in this story

    Upon arrival in Antarctica, the participants of the expedition began active studies: about 50,000 photographs were made, a polar station was founded, even the previously unknown mining plateau were opened.

    However, at a certain stage, the study of the squadron collided with a completely unexpected opponent. One of the destroyers made an educational torpedo volley for ice-skinned, after which disc-shaped aircraft was swamped in the sky.

    Anti-gravity: mystery of flying discs

    At that time, such a thing as a flying plate was not yet known, and therefore could not come up with this. According to the testimony of the participant of John Sierson's expedition, the devices flew directly between masts at such a speed that aerial vortices arising from the antennas. Interestingly, flying discs move silently: from a modern point of view, anti-gravity could lie at the heart of their movement. The squadron, despite the good power at that time, almost nothing could oppose the mysterious enemy. The enemy apparatus shot deadly fire. The attack stopped as suddenly, as started. The attackers disappeared under water, and the military remained to count the losses incurred in 20 minutes, which were tremendous.

    400 people died, almost all aviation was destroyed, the ship was lost, and two were seriously injured. Admiral Burda expedition faced an opponent who was impossible to resist.

    According to sniffing information, the plane on which the admiral was located was forcibly planted in a kind of zone, where he had a meeting with mysterious strangers. Outwardly, they looked like high people with blue eyes and blond hair. Admiral Berda was invited to immediately leave the mainland to avoid the complete destruction of the team. Berdo did not have anything to do how to obey. After an inglorious return of the squadron, the command appointed an investigation on this issue. Admiral expressed distrust, he was isolated and held almost all life under house arrest. The fate of the team is unknown, but according to available data, the personnel also tried to isolate.

    A year after the failed expedition of Admiral Burda, the expedition was again sent to the banks of Antarctica, which included ships with the latest equipment and weapons. The new squadron included special forces on everything it was clear that the report of Burd Military perceived seriously. However, it was not possible to detect mysterious aliens in Antarctica.

    The defeat of the American squadron in Antarctica

    Hello my dear friends and not friends.
    I continues to be interested in the topic of secrets Antarctica and I share with you.

    In 1946-47, the United States is sent to Antarctica. Allegedly, a scientific expedition. Why allegedly, but because Admiral Richard Berd himself. He headed her, said that she was military, and because of five thousand composition, there were only twenty-five scientists. In addition, it was the aircraft carrier "Casablanca" with 25 aircraft and 7 helicopters, 12 ships, submarine and icebreaker. The operation was called "High Jump". Most likely, the expedition was looking for a new Swaby and the base 211. They had to destroy them. The American squadron arrived in the Queen Fashion Earth area, and everything seemed to go well. Made thousands of photos. How suddenly it was on March 3, 1947. For incomprehensible reasons, Berd loses half of the squadron. There is a version that they were attacked and crushed with discollars rising from the water. What happened in fact the US Navy is kept secret.

    The expedition is urgently folded. Americans leave the ravoisi in two months, instead of staying there, as planned, six months. In Washington, Berd in his report said that after half of the squadron was crushed, three in fur jackets came to him and popularly explained what would happen if the Americans turn there again. After that, the United States did not send anyone for many years to Antarctica.

    In Antarctica there are graves of Soviet pilots dated 1946. How did they come from there? Maybe they attacked those who defeated the American squadron? Probably Soviet specials. Services were also interested in the district of the queen of the queen. Does this happen? What was needed by the base 211, for asylum or to create super-secret weapons - flying disks, similar to UFOs?

    Guys! Take the topic to the end:

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    Who attacked the American Antarctic Expedition in March 1947?

    So. You will not believe, but it is believed that the squadron of Admiral Berda attacked UFO. And not just UFO, but the most real flying plates!

    This story originates since 1945, when the captains of the Nazi submarines internounted in the Argentine portions told the "adopted by the American special services that at the end of the war they allegedly performed some specialists to supply a certain mysterious base of the Nazis in Antarctica.

    The American military leadership admitted this information so seriously that he decided to divide this very base that the Germans themselves called the base 211 or "New Swabies", a whole fleet led by the most competent to his polar explorer - counter-admiral Richard Bardom. It was the fourth Antarctic Admiral Expedition.

    Duration military operation Berd's squadr was planned by Washington within 6-8 months, but it was not all ended with a governance. Three weeks, a pretty embedded in the only battle of the squadron, left Antarctica's shores.

    For more than a year, no one had absolutely no idea about true reasons for such a hasty "escape" of Richard Bard from Antarctica, moreover, no one in the world even suspected that at the very beginning of March 1947 the expedition had to join the very real fight with the enemy , whose presence in the zone of his research was not expected. From the moment of returning to the US, the expedition was surrounded by such a tight sequence of secrecy, which was not surrounded by any scientific expedition of this kind, but some of the most definite newspaper still managed to identify that Berd's squadron, as I said, was not fully - At the coast of Antarctica, she allegedly lost at least one ship, 13 airplanes and about forty person of personnel.

    The Admiral himself had to give long explanations at a classified meeting of the Prometer Special Commission in Washington, and her resume was such: the ships and airplanes of the fourth Antarctic expedition were attacked. Strange flying plates that. They dare from under the water, and moving at a huge speed, caused expeditions considerable damage.

    According to the admiral of Berd, these amazing aircraft were certainly produced on the Nazis's aircruit plants in the thickness of Antarctic ice, the designers of which were traded by some unknown energy used in the engines of these devices.

    Here is a story. Believe it or not.

    Who defeated Admiral Burda expedition?

    In January 1947, the Research Expedition went to the banks of Antarctica. A very impressive squadron, which even entered the aircraft carrier and submarines, headed Admiral Richard Burd. True, evil languages \u200b\u200bargue that the only purpose of this scientific expedition was covering for the US Navy operation a high jump.

    Calculated for half a year, the expedition with great losses quickly returned back in two months.
    The reason for such an unexpected junction was shocked in shock - the escade of Burd was attacked and crushed. flying discs.

    Antarctica and Third Reich. UFO

    Happy viewing! Sorry for quite a low image quality - I did not find it better.

    Would have passed by the material, but ... he was still signed by a candidate of historical science. And since science - the degree of trust has grown a little). Yes, and there is no smoke without fire ...


    On February 1, 1947, the expedition under the leadership of the counter-admiral Richard Burda landed in Antarctica in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Land of the Queen mod and began to study the territory adjacent to the ocean. Studies were calculated for 6-8 months. But at the end of February, all works were suddenly discontinued, and the expedition immediately returned to the United States.

    The idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a naval expedition was born in the fall of 1945. Crews from the crews of several German submarine internounted in Argentina reported to American special services that before the end of World War II, they allegedly performed specialists to supply some Nazis base in Antarctica.

    Americans treated this information seriously. They decided to send a whole squadron to the mysterious base in search of the mysterious base at the very most experienced polar explorer, Admiral Burde.

    Richard Berd knew Antarctica well. In 1929, the expedition under his leadership founded in the Chittle-America whale bay.

    In 1929, he with a partner for the first time made a flight through the South Pole. In 1939-1941, he took an expedition to the West and South Antarctica: to the Ross Barrier District, Mary Berd, Earth, Eduard Peninsula VII. And when the second began world War, Berd commanded the so-called Greenland patrol and fought with the fascists in the Arctic.

    Admiral Berd again in Antarctica

    At the end of 1946, Admiral was staged at the head of the New Military and Scientific Expedition to Antarctica. The American Navy allocated serious forces for these purposes: aircraft carrier, 13 cruisers and destroyers, submarine, icebreaker, more than 20 aircraft and helicopters and only about five thousand people of personnel.

    During the month, the expedition participants managed to make about 50 thousand photos, to drive a few previously unknown mining plateau on a map, equip a new polar station. One of the destroyers conducted an academic shelling of the jacket of icy torosa torpedoes. And suddenly, the Americans were attacked ... devices resembling "flying plates". By the way, such a term did not exist then.

    Berry allegedly reported on the radio that after a short fight the unknown enemy sent parliamentaries. These were two young people, tall, blond and blue-eyed, tightened in a uniform of leather and fur. One of the parliamentarians in broken English demanded from Americans urgently, in a couple of hours, leave this area.

    Tragic collision

    Berd rejected these requirements. Then the parliamentarians retired in the direction of the snow ridge and seemed to be dissolved in the air. In an hour or two, enemy artillery hit the cruisers and destroyers. After 15 minutes, the attack from the air began. The speed of aircraft enemy was so great that the Americans who led a counter-bearing anti-aircraft fire could only be able to let the enemy at the distance of the sighting shelling of the ships.

    Member of the expedition John Saerson recalled many years later: "They popped out from under the waters as caustic and slipped literally between masts of ships at such a speed that radiance of perturbed air. Several "Corsars" managed to take off with Casablanca, but they looked like strandless steady aircraft compared to these strange aircraft.

    I did not have time to blink with the eye, like two "Corsaars", which were struck by some unknown rays, splashed from the nasal parts of these "flying plates", buried into the water near the ships ... These objects did not publish a single sound, they were silent between the ships, Like some Satanic, Osin-black swallows with bloody-red beaks, and continuously spoiled by a murderous fire.

    Suddenly, "MARDOK", which was from us in ten cable (about two kilometers. - approx. Auth.), I slew a bright flame and began to sink. From other ships, despite the danger, the rescue boats and boats were immediately sent to the place of disaster. When our "pancakes" flew to the battle area, shortly before that was removed on the coastal airfield, they could not do anything. The whole nightmare lasted about twenty minutes. When the "flying plates" dived again under the water, we began to count the losses. They were terrifying ... "

    By the end of this tragic day, about 400 Americans were killed, about 20 aircraft and helicopters were shot down, one cruiser and two destroyers were damaged. Losses would be even big, but the night came. Admiral Berd in those conditions took the only right decision: to turn the operation and the entire squadron to return home.

    Ufologists today are convinced that in this sector of Antarctica there were aliens bases. In any case, the bases of those who manage these "flying plates". And the aliens reacted accordingly to the arrival of uninvited guests. It is unlikely that aircraft with such crushing weapons were then among the Germans. And the German servicemen themselves after the surrender of Germany in May 1945 in Antarctica no longer left. They dispersed all over the world, most of them turned out to be in Argentina.

    When the American squadron reached, finally, to his shores and the command was reported on the fate of the expedition, all of its participants - and officers, and sailors - isolated. Only Admiral Berd remained at freedom. He, however, was forbidden to meet with journalists.

    Then he began to write memories of this period of his life. It was not possible to publish the manuscript, but she fell into "high spheres". Burda retired, moreover, declared crazy. In recent years, Admiral lived almost under house arrest, he did not communicate with anyone, could not see even with former colleagues. He died in 1957. The famous polar hero then no one remembered.

    New expedition

    It should be assumed that in 1947 the Higher American leadership reacted to the Admiral Burda report with due attention, since in 1948 the 39th Operational Union of Navy was sent to this area of \u200b\u200bAntarctica. It was equipped with the latest radar equipment and enhanced by sea special forces. Undoubtedly, the Americans expedited to take a revenge for the battle lost by Bard. But the new meeting with the mysterious strangers did not happen, although the helicopters scrupulously examined the coast, and the tracked conveyors went deep into the continent.

    The new expedition was able to explore only some ice caves on the shore. The results were modest. Construction and household trash, broken drilling rigs, some mining equipment, ripped mining overalls. The brand "Made in Germany" came across. It is surprising that not a single shooting sleeve was found that had to do with the German weapons of the Second World War.

    The fact that the Germans spent not one year here, no doubt caused. But when did they disappear from the Ice Continent? Where are the mythical underground plants who made it supposedly super-arrangement? Americans stumbled upon only dilapidated barracks. Admiral Gerald Ketch, without having met anyone, except penguins, ordered to swim home ...

    Until now, the expedition of Admiral Burda 1946-1947 is very reliably known. Information about the stay of the military and scientists in the region of the Queen Mod Earth in early 1947 is mainly classified. Most likely, the expedition participants collided there with aliens. And all the materials associated with them, and today in the US are under the vulture of secrecy.