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  • Samara State Regional Academy Nyanova. Samara State Regional Academy (Nyanova). Faculties, specialty, specialization

    Samara State Regional Academy Nyanova. Samara State Regional Academy (Nyanova). Faculties, specialty, specialization

    The main feature of the academy is the concept of developing continuing education. Each of the stages corresponds to the levels of educational programs (pre-school, initial general, the main general, secondary general). From 1993 to 2018, the Academy has implemented higher education and graduate school programs.


    The educational institution was founded in 1988 as a laboratory of psychological and pedagogical studies at. May 15, 1989 was transformed into the basic school-laboratory of the Kuibyshev State pedagogical Institute them. V. V. Kuibyshev at the NO53 School of the Samara District. February 14, 1990 was transformed into college at the Samara Scientific Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

    From 1990 to 1999, SMUN was an experimental platform of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. By the decision of the board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 15/2 of 22.06.99, the experience of UNF is approved and proposed for the distribution of the country.

    In 1992, college students participated in the formation of humanitarian cargo for the project of the EUROPA-America-500 space flight.

    July 13, 1993 transformed into the Samara Municipal Complex continuing education "University Nyanova". At the same time, the Higher Program Working Room was opened higher education And the first five faculties.

    In 2003, the University divided the 21st place in the global finals of the International Student Programming Olympiad.

    On November 7, 2008, returning to the submission of the regional education system transformed into the Samara State Regional University (Nazhanova). July 26, 2010 transformed into the Samara State Regional Academy (Nazhanova).

    In 2013, the Moscow Center for Continuing Mathematical Education and the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation Included the Academy to the top 500 list best schools Russia.

    In accordance with the order of Rosobrnadzor No. 1341 of 01.10.2018, the Nyanovaya Academy was devoid of state accreditation for all programs of higher education and graduate school. In connection with this deprivation, students of the university received higher education (bachelors, specialists, masters and graduate students) were translated to study in other state universities (mainly SGTU and Samara University). According to the Minister of Education Samara region Viktor Akopyan as of February 2019 the Academy is in the process of conversion in general Education For working with gifted children.

    From May 1, 2019, by Decree of the Government of the Samara Region, the Academy was transformed and received the new name "State budget unptic general educational institution of the Samara Region" Academy for gifted children (NAYANOVA) ".

    The international cooperation

    The Academy participates in the Volunteer Exchange Program - "Swallows" / International Cultural Youth Exchange.

    The Academy is part of the Language Network of Universities of Partners of the Embassy of France.

    The Academy participates in the program of bilingual schools under the auspices of the Ministry of Education of France and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development.

    Since 2011, the Academy is part of the Network of Associates of UNESCO.


    From the very beginning of the existence, the Academy issues a magazine, which was originally called the College, and then was renamed the University Prospectus.

    Since 2000, the Academy publishes a newspaper for learning french - Fran Cité. The newspaper is recommended by the Department for the culture of the French Embassy in Russia.

    Since 2005, the Academy publishes a collection of students and teachers, participants of the annual scientific and practical conference "Science. Creativity. ", Passing in early April.


    1. Charter of the Academy (Neopr.) . Sguan. Candle date February 28, 2019.
    2. Conceptual grounds for the development of experimental activities in the field of educational services Theme of thesis and the abstract of VAK 08.00.05, Doctor of Economic Sciences Niana, Marina Venediktovna (Neopr.) . Disercat - digital library dissertation. Caption date March 6, 2019.
    3. Niaanova Marina Venediktovna, Panov Viktor Ivanovich. Dialogue as the principle and condition of the developing educational environment // Bulletin Russian University Friendship between nations. Series: Psychology and pedagogy. - 2003. - P. 146-154.
    4. Order of the Kuibyshev State Pedagogical Institute. V. V. Kuibysheva from 05/18/1989 NO 128-K
    5. Decision of the Executive Committee of the Kuibyshev Regional Council of People's Deputies from 14.02.90 NO 58
    6. Ministry of Public Education RSFSR 19.07.90 № 490/8
    7. General information about the university (Neopr.) . Council of University Rectors of the Samara Region. Date of appeal March 12, 2019.
    8. RCC Progress Press Release of November 22, 2012 (Neopr.) . Rocket and Space Center Progress. Date of appeal March 5, 2019.
    9. Resolution of the head of the administration of Samara from 13.07.93 NO 1043 with changes, registered by the decision of the head of Samara from 06.09.96 NO 1220
    10. ID Rodionova - about the journal "Career" archived on October 28, 2009.
    11. One hundred best universities in Russia (Neopr.) . Date of appeal March 4, 2019.
    12. THE ICPC RESULTS WORLD FINALS (Neopr.) . ICPC. Candle date February 28, 2019.
    13. And life, and fate - university. 30 Years University Nyanova (Neopr.) . .+
    14. The list of the best schools of Russia includes 15 educational institutions of the Samara region. (Neopr.) . Arguments and Facts. Date of appeal March 4, 2019.
    15. 15 schools of the Samara region got into the top 500 best in Russia (Neopr.) . TVNZ. Date of appeal March 4, 2019.
    16. Search for accreditation (Neopr.) . Date of appeal January 7, 2019.
    17. Defined the fate of the Academy Nyanova: an exclusive interview with the Minister of Education of the Samara Region Viktor Akopyan (Neopr.) . http: // Date of appeal February 25, 2019.

    GOU VPO "Samara State Regional University (Nazhanova)" (Sgreeh) was established by the administration of the Samara region in 1988. University - the peer of restructuring is an experimental platform, this is the first educational institution of continuous education in Russia; Its experimental materials formed the basis for the concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010 (national education doctrine in the Russian Federation). Sgreeh - university laboratory, the only author's highest educational institution in Russia.

    Sgreeh - a budgetary educational institution that prepares for programs of all levels of education (from preschool to postgraduate) inclusive and has all the necessary licenses (license for the implementation of educational activities № 001123 Registration No. 1118 of 03.02.2009 Exploration 03.02.2014), state certification and accreditation (№1822 dated 03/11/2009 Express time 03.02.2014) Forms of training in Sgreeh full-time and correspondence, including - in graduate school and faculties: mathematical, philosophical, chemical-biological, economic, legal, management, international relations, arts, initial university training, basic general and additional education. The university studys 1,300 people, 70% of the professorical and teaching staff has scientific degrees and titles.

    The university orients his students for education, not limited to any national or ideological framework, i.e. able to form a Russian-human world, a competitive young specialist, ready for professional decision-making in conditions of varying reality, with a fundamental scientific basis and the ability to implement the knowledge gained in the process of solving practical tasks foreign languages and the newest information technology. The Russian-man of the world is physically and morally a healthy, highly educated citizen of his country, able to adequately represent Russia in any language and cultural environment, actively contribute to the formation of a positive image of Russia in the world.

    By 2008, Sgreeh carried out 17 issues high School, 14 full issues higher School (The number of diplomas with honors stably exceeds 60%) and 4 graders (66% of the defense of candidate theses). The university cooperates with 33 international organizations and institutions. 30% of graduates by 23 years received the second diploma of the partner university abroad: in the USA, France, Ireland and the United Kingdom, some defend the dissertations in Russia and ph.d. abroad.

    Sgreeh students are repeated winners of the Olympiad, Spartakiad and Competitions of the City, Regional, Russian and International Levels. For example, for the first time in the history of Samara province, students of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences went to the final of the International Championship in Informatics (Los Angeles) and took a prize, leaving the St. Petersburg University, Harvard, and others; have become champions of the Debatam (Poland); occupied 1st place at the International Literary Championship (Japan). In international sports competitions, the university has an honorable place in the "Small" niche and extreme forms: among us there are 9-fold world champions, for example, by universal battle. A lot of victories and in the field of arts: at international festivals, in popular Russian competitions, including in the final of the Star Factory, etc.

    Already in 1999, Sgreeh entered the number 12 the best universities Russia and on the rating of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the journal "Career", marked by government and public awards. Created and acting educational model It has practical interest, since today all stages of continuing education are implemented. In addition, it represents the experience of a meaningful solution to those problems that take place when moving from one educational stage to another. Thanks to this built-in system, it was possible to reduce the total periods of training and, as a result, the rejuvenation of a graduate specialist, both for science and for the Russian and international labor market as a whole:

    In 19-20 years - a diploma of higher education;

    22-23 years - degree of candidate of science;

    When choosing an option to participate in international programs:

    21-22 years - a foreign diploma of higher education;

    24-25 years old - degree of candidate of science and phd.

    GOU VPO "Samara State Regional University (Nazhanova)" (Sgreeh) was established by the administration of the Samara region in 1988. University - the peer of restructuring is an experimental platform, this is the first educational institution of continuous education in Russia; Its experimental materials formed the basis for the concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010 (national education doctrine in the Russian Federation). Sgreeh - university laboratory, the only author's highest educational institution in Russia.

    Sgreeh - a budgetary educational institution that prepares for programs of all levels of education (from preschool to postgraduate) inclusive and has all the necessary licenses (license for the implementation of educational activities № 001123 Registration No. 1118 of 03.02.2009 Exploration 03.02.2014), state certification and accreditation (№1822 dated 03/11/2009 Term 03.02.2014) Forms of training in Sgreeh full-time and correspondence, including - in graduate school and faculties: mathematical, philosophical, chemical-biological, economic, legal, management, international relations , arts, initial university training, basic general and additional education. The university studys 1,300 people, 70% of the professorical and teaching staff has scientific degrees and titles.

    The university orients his students for education, not limited to any national or ideological framework, i.e. Capable to form a Russian-human world, a competitive young specialist, ready for professional decision-making in the face of changing reality, with a fundamental scientific basis and the ability to implement the knowledge gained in the process of solving practical problems owning foreign languages \u200b\u200band the latest information technology. The Russian-man of the world is physically and morally a healthy, highly educated citizen of his country, able to adequately represent Russia in any language and cultural environment, actively contribute to the formation of a positive image of Russia in the world.

    By 2008, Sgreeh carried out 17 high school issues, 14 full graduation of higher education (the number of diplomas with honors stably exceeds 60%) and 4 - graduate schools (66% of the defense of candidate dissertations). The university cooperates with 33 international organizations and institutions. 30% of graduates by 23 years received the second diploma of the partner university abroad: in the USA, France, Ireland and the United Kingdom, some defend the dissertations in Russia and ph.d. abroad.

    Sgreeh students are repeated winners of the Olympiad, Spartakiad and Competitions of the City, Regional, Russian and International Levels. For example, for the first time in the history of Samara province, students of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences went to the final of the International Championship in Informatics (Los Angeles) and took a prize, leaving the St. Petersburg University, Harvard, and others; have become champions of the Debatam (Poland); occupied 1st place at the International Literary Championship (Japan). In international sports competitions, the university has an honorable place in the "Small" niche and extreme forms: among us there are 9-fold world champions, for example, by universal battle. A lot of victories and in the field of arts: at international festivals, in popular Russian competitions, including in the final of the Star Factory, etc.

    Already in 1999, Sgreeh entered the number of 12 best universities in Russia and on the rating of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Career journal, the government and public awards were noted. The created and existing educational model is of practical interest, since today all stages of continuing education are implemented. In addition, it represents the experience of a meaningful solution to those problems that take place when moving from one educational stage to another. Thanks to this built-in system, it was possible to reduce the total periods of training and, as a result, the rejuvenation of a graduate specialist, both for science and for the Russian and international labor market as a whole:

    In 19-20 years - a diploma of higher education;

    22-23 years - degree of candidate of science;

    When choosing an option to participate in international programs:

    21-22 years - a foreign diploma of higher education;

    24-25 years old - degree of candidate of science and phd.

    Conditions of receipt

    The State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "The Samara State Regional Academy (Nazhanova)" (hereinafter - the Academy) are accepted by citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons living in the Russian Federation.

    In accordance with the Charter of the Academy and the current license, in 2016/2017 academic year Reception is carried out on the following educational programs implemented in the Academy:

    1. - general education (II-IV educational stages in accordance with the Charter of the Academy) on the Primary General Programs, the main general, average general Education;
    2. - Higher education (V educational stage in accordance with the Charter of the Academy) under the undergraduate programs:

      03/01/02 Applied mathematics and informatics - for a full-time formation;

      06.03.01 Biology - for full-time education;

      03/27/02 Quality management - for full-time education;

      38.03.01 Economics - for full-time and absentee forms of education;

      40.03.01 Jurisprudence - for full-time and absentee forms of education;

      43.03.02 Tourism - for full-time education;

      47.03.01 Philosophy - for full-time education;

    1. higher education (V educational stage in accordance with the Charter of the Academy) according to Master's Programs:

      38.04.01 Economy - for full-time education;

      40.04.01 Jurisprudence - for a full-time formation;

      45.04.01 Philology - for full-time education;
      - Higher education (VI Educational stage in accordance with the Charter of the Academy)

      according to the training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school:

      06.06.01 Biological sciences - for full-time education;

      09.06.01 Informatics and computing equipment - for full-time education;

      38.06.01 Economics - for a full-time learning;

      40.06.01 Jurisprudence - for the full-time formation;

    • 47.06.01 Philosophy, ethics and religious studies - for full-time education.

    Reception for basic general education programs is carried out at the site of training at the expense of the budget allocations of the Samara region budget.

    Reception for higher education programs - undergraduate programs, graduate studies, programs for the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school - is carried out at places in the framework of the control numbers of admission at the expense of the budget allocations of the Samara region budget (hereinafter - budget places) and to places under education contracts concluded when admission to training at the expense of physical and (or) legal entities (hereinafter referred to as extra-budgetary places; contracts for the provision of paid educational services).

    Within budget places on undergraduate programs, the following quotas are allocated:

    • bachelor's program training quota, specialist programs at the expense of budget allocations of children with disabilities, persons with disabilities I and II, persons with childhood, persons with disabilities due to military injury or diseases obtained during military service under the conclusion federal institution Medical and social expertise is not contraindicated training in relevant educational organizations, orphans and children who are left without parental care, as well as persons from the number of orphans and children left without parental care (hereinafter referred to as a special quota). A special quota is established by the Academy in the amount of at least 10% of the total volume of control figures, allocated by the Academy for 2016, for each specialty and (or) direction of preparation;
    • quota target reception For training (hereinafter - target quota).

    The number of students taken to the Academy on the main general education programs is determined depending on the number of submitted applications and conditions created for implementation educational process, taking into account sanitary standards and control standards specified in the license.

    Control figures of admission to higher education programs are established by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara region. The founder takes into account the results of analytical research on the development of demand and proposals in the labor market in specialists in various areas of training at the Academy represented by the rector. As part of the reception's control numbers, by each educational program, the Order of the Academy Rector is determined by the number of places to receive persons continuing to study on continuing education programs (graduated by the IV Educational Stage).

    The number of extrabudgetary places is determined by the order of the Academy Rector separately

    each educational program for each form of learning. In this case, the total number of students in the Academy should not exceed the number of contingent established in the license for the implementation of educational activities.

    Reception is carried out in the first classes (II Educational stage in accordance with the Charter of the Academy), at the first course under the programs of undergraduate and magistracy (V educational stage in accordance with the Charter of the Academy), in graduate school (VI educational stage in accordance with the Charter of the Academy) of the Academy on applications entering or their legal representatives. In the presence of vacant locations Basic learning secondary programs, selection committee Announces a good to the relevant educational stages (III-IV in accordance with the Charter of the Academy), in the relevant classes.

    For the Primary General Education Programs of the Academy (II Educational Stage), children aged six years and six months are accepted in the absence of contraindications for health states, but not later the achievement of eight years, who are ready for the development of general educational programs of primary general education implemented in the Academy. In exceptional cases, at the request of parents (legal representatives), the Academy may take children earlier with the permission of the founders.

    The reception of citizens to the Academy is carried out on the personal statement of parents (legal representatives) of the child upon presentation of the original document certifying the identity of the parent (legal representative), or the original document certifying the personality of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation in accordance with Art. 10 of the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 NO115 - FZ "On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation".

    The number of students taken to the Academy for the II Educational Stage is determined depending on the number of applications of citizens and conditions created for the implementation of the educational process, taking into account sanitary standards and control standards specified in the license.

    In the III-IV, the educational stages of the Academy are accepted by children who are ready for the development of basic general and secondary general education programs implemented in the Academy, in the presence of vacancies.

    Persons with secondary general education are allowed to master the undergraduate programs. Persons having a higher education of any level are allowed to master the magistracy programs. The development of training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate schools are allowed by persons who have an education at least higher education (specialty or graduate).

    The incoming submits a document certifying the formation of an appropriate level (hereinafter referred to as a specified sample document):

    • the document on education or on education and the qualifications of the sample established by the federal executive body that performs functions to develop public policy and regulatory management in the field of education, or a federal executive body that performs functions to develop public policies and regulatory regulation in health care, or federal executive authority, performing functions to develop public policies and regulatory regulation in the field of culture;
    • a state-owned document on the level of education or the level of education and qualifications received before January 1, 2014 (a document on primary vocational education confirming the acquisition of the average (complete) general education, and a document on the initial vocational education obtained on the basis of the average (full ) general education, equal to the document on medium vocational education);
    • -document on education and the qualifications of the sample established by the Federal
    • state budget educational institution Higher Professional Education "Moscow state University named after M.V. Lomonosov "(hereinafter - Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov) and the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education" St. Petersburg State University "(hereinafter - St. Petersburg State University), or a document on education and the qualifications of the sample, established by decision of the collegial control authority educational organizationif the specified document is issued to a person who has successfully passed the state final certification;
    • a document on education or education and qualifications issued by a private organization carrying out educational activities On the territory of the Innovation Center "Skolkovo", in accordance with Art. 17 of the Federal Law of September 28, 2010 N 244-FZ "On the Innovative Center" Skolkovo ";
    • the document (documents) of a foreign state on education or education and on qualifications, if the education specified in it is recognized in the Russian Federation at the level of relevant education (hereinafter referred to as a document of a foreign state on education).

    Training in the following educational programs of higher education is obtaining a second or subsequent higher education:

    • under undergraduate programs - persons who have a diploma bachelor, a specialist diploma or a master's degree;
    • according to the Master Programs - persons who have a diploma of a specialist or a master's degree (for the exception of persons having higher professional educationconfirmed by the qualifications of the qualification "certified specialist");
    • according to the training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel - persons who have a diploma of graduate school (adjuncture) or a diploma of the candidate of science.

    Acceptance of these persons is possible for extrabudgetary places, if there are such places on relevant educational programs.

    Admission to training under higher education programs is carried out on a competitive basis on all categories of places. The terms of admission to training on major professional educational programs are guaranteed to comply with the right to education and enrollment from among incoming, having an appropriate level of education that are most capable and prepared for the development educational program appropriate level and appropriate direction of persons.

    Admission to training under undergraduate programs is carried out on the basis of the results of united results state exam (hereinafter - the USE) recognized as results entrance tests, and (or) according to the results of the academy of independent entrance examinations in cases established by these Rules. Admission to training on graduate programs and training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school is carried out according to the results of entrance examinations, the establishment of a list and which is carried out by the Academy independently.

    In accordance with paragraph 2.2 of these Rules, the right to receive without entrance tests on undergraduate programs have:

    • winners and winners final stage The All-Russian School Olympiad (hereinafter referred to as the winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad), members of the national teams of the Russian Federation participating in international competitions on general educational subjects and formed in the manner established by the federal executive body that performs functions to develop public policies and regulatory legal regulation in the field of Education (hereinafter - members of the national teams of the Russian Federation), by specialties and (or) areas of preparation corresponding to the profile of the All-Russian Olympiad of Schoolchildren or International Olympiad, - for 4 years, following the year of the relevant Olympiad;
    • winners and winners of the IV stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympics, members of the national teams of Ukraine participating in international competitions on general educational subjects - for 4 years following the year of the relevant Olympiad, if the specified winners, prize-winners and members of national teams are among:
    1. persons who are recognized by citizens of the Russian Federation in accordance with "part 1 of article 4" of the Federal Constitutional Law of March 21, 2014 N 6-FKZ "On adoption of new subjects to the Russian Federation of Crimea and Education in the Russian Federation - Republic of Crimea and City the federal value of Sevastopol "(hereinafter - persons recognized by citizens);
    2. persons who are citizens of the Russian Federation who have permanently residing for the day of adoption in the Russian Federation of the Republic of Crimea in the territory of the Republic of Crimea or in the city of the federal significance of Sevastopol, and studied in accordance with the State Standard and (or) curriculum general secondary education approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (hereinafter - persons permanently residing in the Crimea);
    • champions and winners of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Surdlympic Games, World Champions, European Champions, Persons who have taken first place in the world championship, European Championship by sports included in the Olympic Games Programs, Paralympic Games and Surdlympic Games (hereinafter - Champions ) in the field of sports), by specialties and (or) areas of training in the field physical culture and sports.

    The Academy accepts admission to undergraduate and magistracy programs on the following flow conditions:

    • separately by full-time and correspondence formas training;
    • separately according to the undergraduate programs and graduate programs, depending on their orientation (profile) in accordance with the rules specified in paragraph 1.14 of these Rules.

    For each combination of receipt conditions, individual lists of incoming and conducting separate competitions are being carried out on the following grounds for admission to training (hereinafter referred to as the basis of admission):

    1) on budget places:

    • to places within a special quota;
    • to places within the target quota;
    • to places within the framework of control numbers less than a special quota and target quota (hereinafter referred to as the control numbers);

    2) for extrabudgetary places.

    The Academy holds a single contest for persons entering the training of undergraduate in the database of various levels of education on the same receipt conditions and the same intake grounds.

    Acceptance of scientific and pedagogical personnel training programs in graduate school is carried out at the following set of conditions:

    • separately by full-time and correspondence forms of training;
    • for each program within the direction of preparation in accordance with paragraph 1.14 of these Rules;
    • separately on budget places and extrabudgetary places;
    • separately on budget places for a common competition and places within the quota of the target reception.

    Admission to training depending on the direction (profile) of educational programs of higher education is carried out according to the undergraduate programs for each undergraduate program within the direction of training, according to the Master's Program for Each Magistracy Program within the direction of training, according to scientific and pedagogical personnel programs in graduate school for each The program is within the direction of preparation.

    Dear incoming and parents!

    Academy for gifted children (Nyanova) - State budget unptic general education

    an organization that has the right to implement the main and additional educational programs is not

    related to the type of such an educational organization, in order to identify and support persons showing

    outstanding abilities, as well as persons who achieved success in learning activities, scientific (scientific

    research) activities and creative activities.

    Acceptance of training in the Academy is carried out on a publicly available basis, with the exception of persons in

    according to the legislation of the Russian Federation provided special rights (benefits) when

    acceptance of training.

    Reception of applicants is carried out on the following educational programs:


    Primary general education;

    - basic general education;

    - secondary education;


    Additional education children and adults;

    Additional vocational education.

    Reception for basic general education programs is carried out in the field of training at the expense

    budget allocations of the budget of the Samara region. The number of students accepted into the Academy

    for training on the main general educational programs of the initial general, basic general and medium

    general education is determined depending on the number of submitted statements and conditions created for

    implementation of the educational process, taking into account sanitary standards.

    The right to extraordinary, priority and preferential reception on educational training

    programs to the Academy are provided to citizens in accordance with the legislation of the Russian


    Reception for training on additional general educational overall programs in the Academy

    exercised on a publicly available basis. Reception of children for additional training

    general education overall programs is carried out in accordance with age-related

    requirements established by the relevant educational program. Inconsistency of age

    child The conditions for the implementation of the educational program is the basis for refusing to receive