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  • How to get rid of the thought of a bad person. How to get rid of bad thoughts that constantly creep into your head? Focus on your hobbies

    How to get rid of the thought of a bad person.  How to get rid of bad thoughts that constantly creep into your head?  Focus on your hobbies

    Thoughts have properties to be realized, and therefore it is worth surrounding yourself only with positive things, fantasies and dreams. In fact, it is sometimes not so easy to do this. To teach how to tune in to a good wave, excluding everything bad, there is a chance to improve your life a little.

    Ways not to think bad

    In any situation, you must be determined to complete it positively.... You should not expect anything, not hope, otherwise frustration cannot be avoided. This can be done by lowering the importance of the event in your head. You should always have a backup plan. For example, you started dating your chosen one, but you are afraid of losing him, there are some fears that you will not be able to find another. With these thoughts in mind, you start checking your phone, social networks your boyfriend. These checks will be destructive, with the result that your fates will diverge. But, if you are confident in yourself that you can date other men, then you will not spy and be jealous of the guy. This is the contingency plan!

    You should not think to yourself that this or that person, who offended you once, did it on purpose in order to hurt you. If you feel a lack of attention, it will say that this person means something to you. Therefore, your insult in many cases may be unfounded. A sense of humility will help in this situation. This can take a lot of time, sooner or later, you will come to terms with the situation. Typically, this will happen when your emotions have cooled down.

    Most of us think about the bad by remembering the past. There is even a category of people living in the past. They are unable to let go of grievances, not to remember the negative, and therefore they imagine their future in a similar scenario. Thoughts are born in my head to make a prank, to come up with a scenario for the development of a situation with a negative outcome even before it happened.

    You need not remember the past turn your attention to the present... Every new day will be tomorrow's past, so why not make your past positive. Understand why you are returning in the past, look for a way out.

    Most worries are simply in vain, and therefore it is worthwhile to treat everything more simply without exaggerating their significance.

    Vain anxieties that provoke thoughts of bad

    1. Cash and financial situation. Even if you do not complain about the lack of these benefits, there is a sense of fear that they will soon run out. In pursuit of money, our soul becomes callous, filling its unfilled shelves with depression. It is impossible to become richer than everyone!
    2. Aging and death. Natural youth or achieved through cosmetic efforts does not go out of fashion. But do not worry in advance that at the age of 25 you have the first wrinkle, grey hair... This is our nature, you cannot change this, you can just start taking better care of yourself, change your hairstyle.
    3. Lifestyle. We all want to live ideally, but do not forget - we are individuals, you cannot follow someone madly, losing your individuality. This is how you steal your moments of life thinking about how bad your life is. Don't worry about this.
    4. Diseases, accidents. People are suspicious, catching a cold, we begin to invent other ailments for ourselves, reading on the Internet a lot of similar symptoms with other diseases. But you need to rely on the doctor, because he is much more experienced in this area than you. And during the period when you are sick, you need to surround yourself with positive thoughts, and not aggravate your situation.
    5. Information flow. Try to keep abreast of news, but more positive ones, otherwise every explosion from fireworks will frighten you offensive military armies. Be aware of the news, but do not live by it, you should not worry about the fact that you suddenly did not read something, did not see it, did not understand.

    Preventing the elimination of negative thoughts

    The most commonplace way is to turn off the right hemisphere and think with the left. To do this, you just need to pick up a rosary or a chain. Take the selected item in your right hand and twist it for 5-10 minutes. After this time, the left hemisphere will begin to work, now you can tune in to positive thinking faster. You can think about anything - about a hedgehog in the fog, funny situations, the sea. The main thing is that thoughts can tune you to a positive wave.

    To relieve unnecessary anxiety, it is recommended to carry out a small set of exercises. If you detect an approaching feeling of panic, anxiety, you need to distract your brain - for this, do 20 squats. If you are not in the right place to squat, you can quickly clench and unclench your fists. It is recommended to wash with cool water, look at yourself in the mirror and relax a little. If you are at home, it is great to take a cool shower with a full dip in your head.

    In fact, it takes a long time to learn how to control your thoughts. Sometimes, this can only be achieved over the years. But by developing the skill, you can protect yourself from unnecessary worries and nervous breakdowns.

    Think about it, there is probably a ton of evidence that the outcome is not as bad as you thought. Connect your logic, keep the situation under control. If you can find even a couple of positives, you will notice how bad thoughts cease to be.

    Experts also advise to go on a trip with your loved one, turn your vacation into a fairy tale. For example, a great option to go to Georgia, to the mountains, climbing Gergeti all bad thoughts will go away.

    well and the best method is to fall in love... Just worry about being abandoned, feelings will pass and there is no need for other reasons. The magical feeling of falling in love is famous for the fact that it does not completely depend on our wishes, is alien to various concerns. If you have a close friend with a positive mindset, share your thoughts with her, maybe she can help you laugh at your worries together, and the panic will subside.

    Remember that our thoughts are only a play of the imagination, and therefore it is not a fact that this game will become reality. Then the question is ripe: "Why spoil your life?"

    Learn more about obsessive thoughts: what it is, treatment for OCD. Psychology

    Obsessive-compulsive thought syndrome - OCD. What is this mental mechanism, and how to get rid of obsessive thoughts and fears? Video


    This article is very important for me, because I am familiar with the problem of obsessive thoughts from my own experience.

    And if you are reading it, perhaps you yourself have encountered something like this and do not know how to deal with it.

    It will be not only about the knowledge of psychology, but also, what is even more important, about your own experience, sensations and important subtleties, which, in order to know, you need to go through it yourself.

    I want you to use and test what will be discussed in this article on your own practical experience, and not on someone's words that you heard or read somewhere. After all, your own experience and awareness are nothing and no one replaces you.

    Somewhere I will repeat myself in the course of the article, but only because these are very important points to which I want to draw your special attention.

    So, obsessive thoughts, what are they?

    In psychology, there is such a concept "mental gum". This name alone should tell you something - a sticky, viscous, addictive thought.

    Obsessive thoughts, obsessive states or obsessive internal dialogue - scientifically OCD (), in another way is also called obsessive-compulsive disorder.

    This is a mental phenomenon in which a person creates a painful feeling of the forced appearance in the head of some repetitive information (some thoughts), which often leads to obsessive actions and behavior.

    Sometimes a person, worn out by an obsession, is himself invents for myself some kind of behavior, action-ritual, for example, counting some numbers, numbers of passing cars, counting windows or pronouncing certain “stop words (phrases)” to oneself, etc. etc., there are many options.

    He invents this behavior (action) as a way of some protection from his obsessive thoughts, but in the end these "actions-rituals" themselves become obsessions, and the situation only gets worse over time, because these actions themselves constantly remind the person of his problem, reinforce and enhance it. While it can sometimes help in moments, it’s all one-off, short-term, and doesn’t cure OCD.

    Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

    No matter how strange it may seem to anyone, the main reason for the emergence and development of obsessive states, in whatever form it manifests itself, are: firstly, formed the habit of constantly conducting an internal dialogue with oneself, and in an automatic (unconscious) way on any exciting old or new occasion;secondly, it attachment to some of their beliefs (ideas, attitudes) and deep faith in these beliefs.

    And such obsessive thinking, to a greater or lesser extent, is present in many people, but many do not even know about it, they just think that this is correct, that this is a normal way of thinking.

    Having become habitual, the obsessive internal dialogue manifests itself not only in what is important for a person, but also in any everyday, daily and new situations. Just watch yourself carefully and you will quickly see it.

    But more often this is manifested in what a person is fixated on, that he has been worried for a long time.

    From the constant scrolling of a monotonous, restless (often frightening) and, in fact, useless internal dialogue, such fatigue can pile up that besides the desire to get rid of these thoughts, there is no other desire. Gradually, this leads to a fear of one's own thoughts, before their appearance, which only exacerbates the situation.

    A person loses freedom and becomes a hostage to an obsessive state. Insomnia appears, symptoms of VSD () and almost constant, increased anxiety.

    Actually, general internal anxiety and dissatisfaction for some reason led to the possibility of this problem, but this is the topic of other articles.

    Obsessions (thoughts) at their core.

    What exactly are obsessive thoughts in their inner essence?

    It is very important to understand that obsessive thoughts are those thoughts that, without our will, make us think about something. As a rule, it is stressful, monotonous (monotonous) scrolling internal dialogs the same mental plot, only in different ways. And this unconscious stream of thoughts in the head can so absorb attention that at this moment everything else that happens around almost ceases to exist.

    Obsessive state as a function of the brain, oddly enough, has its own natural task, it plays a certain role and is something like a "reminder", "signal" and "coercion" that push a person to something.

    Many of you may now be thinking, and there is some kind of "reminder" and "signal" here, because obsessive thoughts are just thoughts anyway.

    In fact, these are not just thoughts. And the main difference between obsessive thoughts and ordinary, logical ones is that these thoughts, despite all their often seeming rationality, do not contain anything healthy in their inner filling.

    These irrational, emotional thoughts, as a rule, are always associated with our fears, doubts, resentments, anger, or with something important and troubling us. These thoughts are always based on an emotional charge, that is, their basis is emotion.

    And what can be useful in this obsessive mechanism?

    An intrusive Signal is called a signal that informs us of something. This mechanism is mainly designed to automatically remind and focus our attention on what we consider important to ourselves.

    For example, if you have a bank loan, you have to pay off it, but you have no money now, and if you are a sane person, you will look for a solution. And obsessive thoughts that, whether you like it or not, will often or constantly, at any time of the day or night, remind you of the situation that has arisen so that you can resolve it.

    Another example of the use of this intrusive function.

    What is so vital a person can think about that can bring him to an obsessive state?

    About money, oh better work, better housing, personal relationships, etc. For example, a person has a goal, and he begins to constantly think about it, make plans, without stopping, does something and continues to reflect on it.

    As a result, if this is non-stop, continues for a long time, a moment may come when he, deciding to take a break, tries to switch and occupy himself with something else, but notices that he continues anyway unknowingly reflect on your important goal.

    And if he even tries with willpower and sound reasoning to say to himself “stop, I need to stop thinking about this, I need to rest,” this will not work right away.

    Obsessive thoughts, in this example, make a person think about important things. That is, they perform a completely useful role, not allowing a person to stop there, but at the same time, completely not caring about his health, because this is not their business, their only role is to signal, remind and push.

    The very emergence of an obsessive state - dangerous and harmful for us - is a sign that mental failures have begun.

    Just keep in mind: no matter what important you are doing, if you do not give yourself a good rest, this can lead to any disorders, chronic fatigue, increased anxiety, obsessions and neurosis.

    There is only one conclusion - no matter how valuable and useful what you are doing, and what important you think, you must always take breaks, stop and allow yourself to have a good rest emotionally, physically and especially mentally, otherwise everything may end badly.

    Obsessive thoughts about an alarming (frightening) reason

    Obsessive thoughts can be associated with something natural and completely justified, and with something completely absurd, frightening and illogical.

    For example, thoughts related to health, when a person, having felt some painful symptom, begins to worry, think about it, and the further, the more he scares himself. My heart stabbed or pounded strongly, immediately the thought: "Something is wrong with me, maybe my heart is sick." A person becomes obsessed with this symptom, worries, and obsessive thoughts arise about this, although in reality there is no disease. It was just a symptom caused by some anxious thoughts, fatigue and internal tension that arose.

    But you can't just take them and immediately ignore them. Perhaps it really makes sense to listen to these thoughts, because, you really may have some kind of physical illness. In this case, consult a doctor. If, after all the tests, you were told that everything is in order, but you still continue to worry, go to the second doctor, but if it is confirmed there that you are healthy, then you are, and you are now simply susceptible to OCD ...

    Other people are attacked by the obsessive thought to harm and even kill someone close to them or do something to themselves. At the same time, the person actually does not want this, but the very thought does not give rest and frightens that it comes into his head at all.

    In fact, this is a proven fact: there is no recorded case in the world that would lead to dire consequences. It is precisely the presence of these obsessive thoughts that keeps a person from such actions. And the fact that they arise suggests that you not inclined to this, otherwise it would not scare you.

    Those who are inclined to something like this, they do not worry inside themselves. They either act or wait, that is, they really want it and at the same time do not worry. Since this scares you, then you are not like that, and this is the main thing.

    Why are you having your problem? Something like the following happened to you. Once some crazy thought came to you, and instead of saying to yourself: "Well, stupid things can come to mind," and not attaching importance to this, you would have left yourself alone, scared and began to analyze.

    That is, at that moment some thought visited you, you believed it and believed that since you think so, then you are like that and you can do something bad. You trusted without solid reason this irrational thought, not knowing that such absurd and can visit any healthy person, it is quite an ordinary phenomenon. This thought, in turn, triggered an emotion in you, in our case the emotion of fear, and off we go. Subsequently, you became obsessed with this thought, because it scared you, began to analyze a lot and yourself endowed it with strength (attached importance), so you have a problem now, and not at all because you are some kind of abnormal or mentally ill, that you can and want to do something scary. You just have a disorder that is definitely being treated, and you definitely won't do anything wrong to anyone.

    Thoughts themselves cannot force you to do something, for this you need a real, strong desire and intention. All they can do is make you think, but nothing more. This, of course, is also very unpleasant, and how to deal with this, how to get rid of obsessive thoughts, will be below.

    In others, obsessions may be associated with everyday things, for example, "have I turned off the stove (iron)?" - a person thinks and checks a hundred times a day.

    Some are afraid of contracting something and wash their hands repeatedly or repeatedly in a day, wash their apartment (bath), etc.

    And someone can worry and obsessively think about their appearance () for a long time, or constantly worry and think about their behavior in public, control over themselves and their status in society.

    In general, everyone has their own, and no matter how scary or acceptable is what is imposed, all this is essentially the same - OCD only in different manifestations.

    An example of how obsessive thinking can manifest itself

    Let's briefly, with a simple example, see how the habit of compulsive thinking can often manifest itself, and what physically reinforces and reinforces this habit.

    If you have a conflict or an argument with someone, and some time has passed, and thoughts related to the situation do not let go.

    You keep on mentally, unconsciously, replaying this in your head, conducting an internal (virtual) dialogue with the opposing side, arguing about something and finding more and more justifications and proofs of your innocence or your guilt. You get angry, threaten and think: "You should have said this and that, or you should have done this and that."

    This process can go on for quite some time until something catches your attention.

    Over and over again you worry and get nervous, but in fact, you are doing the most real, very harmful absurd which is reinforced and automatically propelled emotional obsessive state and feeling of anxiety.

    The only right thing to do in this situation is to stop thinking about it, no matter how you want it and no matter how important you think it is.

    But if you succumbed, and this obsessive process dragged on, then it can be very difficult to get together internally and stop the internal dialogue.

    And you can aggravate the problem even more if at some point you realize that you are not in control of the situation at all, you are even more afraid of these thoughts, you start to fight them in order to somehow distract yourself, and you start blaming and scolding yourself for everything that is now is happening to you.

    But the guilt for everything that happens to you is not only yours, but also in the neglected mechanism, which has both a mental basis and a physical and biochemical component:

    • certain neurons are excited, and stable neural connections are created, at which it begins to be produced automatic reflex response;
    • the body produces stress hormones (cortisol, aldosterone) and a mobilizing hormone - adrenaline;
    • the vegetative nervous system(ANS), and somatic symptoms appear - the muscles of the body are tense; increased heart rate, pressure, tension, sweating, trembling in the limbs, etc. Very often there is dry mouth, fever, lump in the throat, shortness of breath, that is, all the signs of VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia).

    Remember: what to scold and be angry with yourself in this situation - the crime against yourself, much here simply does not depend on you, it takes time and the correct approach to stabilize all these symptoms, which will be discussed below.

    By the way, you should not be afraid of these symptoms listed above, this is a completely normal reaction of the body to your anxiety. The same as if there was real threat, for example, a huge dog would run at you, and you would naturally be afraid of it. Immediately, the heart would pound, the pressure would rise, the muscles would tighten, the breathing would become faster, etc. These unpleasant symptoms are the consequences of the blowout chemical elements and adrenaline, which mobilizes our body in times of danger.

    Moreover, notice and be aware of the fact that all this happens in our body, not only at the moment of a real threat, but also at contrived, virtual when there is no real danger now, no one attacks you, and nothing falls from above. The danger is only in our head - we think about something disturbing, we wind ourselves up with some disturbing thoughts and begin to strain and get nervous.

    The fact is that our brain simply does not feel the difference between what is happening in reality and the mental (mental) experience.

    That is, all these strong, unpleasant and frightening symptoms can be easily caused by disturbing (negative) thoughts, which will provoke some undesirable emotions, and these, in turn, unpleasant symptoms in the body. This is what many constantly do, and then, in addition, they begin to be afraid of these natural symptoms and even bring themselves to PA () and.

    Now, I think, it will be difficult for you to immediately realize this, because this moment of the relationship between the psyche and the body requires a more detailed and deep explanation, but this will be discussed in other articles, and now, so that you can slowly begin to understand yourself, I tell you again I suggest learning to observe yourself, your thoughts and emotions.

    Understand where and what comes from, how thoughts, emotions and other related sensations arise; what happens unconsciously and what we consciously influence; how much it all depends on us, and how your thoughts affect your current state.

    How to get rid of obsessive thoughts, fears on your own?

    First of all, you need to realize the fact that you cannot completely believe everything that comes into your head, and you cannot associate (identify) yourself, your “I” only with your thoughts, because we are not our thoughts. Our thoughts are only a part of ourselves. Yes, very important, intellectual, necessary for us, but only a part of us.

    Logic (thinking) is our main ally, it is a great tool given to us by nature, but this tool still needs to be able to use it correctly.

    Most people believe that ALL our thoughts are only our own thoughts, it is we who invent them, and then we think them over.

    Indeed, since some thoughts arise in our head, then these are, of course, our thoughts, but in addition to this, they are largely derivatives of various external and internal factors.

    That is, what we can experience, and what thoughts now come to our minds, does not depend only on us whether we like it or not. All this directly will be associated with our mood at the moment (good or bad) and will be a consequence of circumstances beyond our control and past experience.

    If we had other attitudes, a different mood, a different past, for example, we would have been born to other parents or now live in Africa - there would be completely different thoughts.

    If some negative moment had not happened to us in the past, there would be no bad experience, therefore, there would be no obsessive thoughts.

    When we associate ourselves, our "I" only with our thoughts, when we are sure that our thoughts are WE OURSELVES, then we have nothing to do but deeply believe everything that comes to mind, but it can come such ...

    In addition, it is very important to realize that we are able to observe our thoughts, comment on them, evaluate, condemn and ignore. That is, we are what can be attention outside thinking, be aware of yourself outside your thoughts. And this suggests that we are not only our thoughts, we are something more - something that can be called a soul or some kind of energy.

    This is very important point in solving this problem. You need to stop identifying yourself with your thoughts, stop believing that they are you, and then you will be able to see them from the outside (detached).

    Our body speaks to us all the time. If only we could take the time to listen.

    Louise Hay

    If you start observing yourself and your thoughts, you will quickly notice the fact that most of our thoughts in our head are nothing more than automatic thoughts, that is, they arise unconsciously, on their own without our desire and our participation.

    And what's most interesting is that most of these thoughts are repeated every day. These are 80-90% the same thoughts only in different variations.

    And this is not just someone else's words, it is confirmed scientific fact based on numerous studies. In fact, we think and replay the same things in our heads every day. And you yourself can trace it.

    Second step, about which I briefly wrote in the article ““, you cannot in any way fight with obsessive thoughts, resist and try to get rid of them, brush them off and forget.

    Watch yourself: if you are trying very hard not to think about something, then you already think about it.

    If you strive to get rid of thoughts, switch or somehow drive them away, then they will prevail even more strongly and persistently.

    Because by resisting you themselves give them even more emotional charge and only strengthen internal stress, you begin to become even more anxious and nervous, which, in turn, intensifies the symptoms (unpleasant physical sensations), which I wrote about above.

    That's why key moment - do not struggle with thoughts, do not try to somehow distract yourself and get rid of... Thus, you will save a lot of energy that you are now wasting on fighting them, without getting anything in return.

    How to stop obsessive self-talk if you can't fight?

    At the moment when obsessive thoughts visited you, and you realized that these thoughts do not tell you something really necessary (useful) - this is just from time to time, many times, like a worn-out record, a repetitive internal dialogue that you are then it is very disturbing and has not yet solved your problem - simply, impartially, indifferently begin to ignore these thoughts, without trying to get rid of them.

    Let these thoughts be in your head, allow them to be, and watch them. Look at them even if they scare you.

    In a different way, and perhaps it would be more correct to say, without entering into a dialogue with them, without analyzing You just contemplate them, gently trying not to think about them.

    Do not analyze what obsessive thoughts tell you, just observe them without going deep into their essence. Always remember that these are just ordinary thoughts that you don't have to believe in, and you don't have to do what they say.

    Don't avoid the sensations

    Also observe the emerging emotions and sensations in the body that cause these thoughts, even if they are very unpleasant to you. Take a closer look and feel what, how and at what moment is happening. This will give you an understanding of why your unpleasant symptoms are occurring and why at some point you start to feel worse.

    Just as with thoughts, do not try to get rid of these feelings, give in to them, even if you feel bad for a while. Remember that these are completely natural, albeit painful symptoms, and they have a reason. During the war, people did not experience that and after a long and healthy life.

    These sensations are necessary accept and live to the end... And gradually inside of you, at a level deeper than our consciousness (in the unconscious), a transformation of these sensations will take place, and they themselves will weaken until at some point they completely stop bothering you. Read more about the sensations in this one.

    Without struggling with internal processes, you can smoothly transfer your attention to breathing, make it a little deeper and slower, this will speed up the body's recovery (read more about proper breathing).

    pay attention to the world, people and nature - on everything that surrounds you. Consider the texture of various things, listen to sounds, and when doing something, direct all attention on this matter, that is, plunge into real life with full attention.

    Acting in this way, it is not necessary to do everything in the sequence I have described, do as you do now, the main thing is consciously and carefully observe everything.

    If thoughts return, let them be, but without mental analysis and struggle from your side.

    Your indifference and calm attitude without a struggle to these thoughts will significantly reduce or even deprive them of their emotional charge. With practice, you yourself will understand.

    Do not rush things, let everything go its natural course, as it should go. And these thoughts themselves will surely go away. And they will leave without consequences or without serious consequences for you. It turns out that you are calm and smooth, somewhere imperceptible to yourself, naturally transfer your attention to something else.

    By learning not to struggle with thoughts, you learn to live when those thoughts are and when they are not. No annoying thoughts - great, but if there are - it's also normal.

    Gradually, with a change in your attitude towards them, you will cease to be afraid of the appearance of any thoughts, because you realize that you can live peacefully without being afraid or tormented by them. And these thoughts in my head will become less and less, because, without running away from them, without endowing them with strength, they will lose their sharpness and by themselves will begin to disappear.

    Arguing with obsessive thoughts and finding a logical solution

    It so happens that you, trying to get rid of a constantly overwhelming, obsessive thought, are looking for some thoughts or mental solutions that would calm you down.

    You are thinking intensely, perhaps arguing with yourself or trying to suggest something to yourself, but by doing so, you only strengthen the problem from the inside.

    In a dispute with obsessive thoughts, you will not prove anything to yourself, even if you manage to find a thought that will calm you down for a while, soon the obsessive thoughts in the form of doubts and worries will return, and everything will start in a circle.

    Trying to replace thoughts or convince yourself of something with obsessions doesn't work.

    How to get rid of obsessive thoughts: mistakes and warnings

    Don't count on quick results... You could nurture your problem for years, and in a few days change your attitude to thoughts, learn to impartially observe them, not succumbing to their provocation - it will be difficult, and this really needs to be learned. Some will have to overcome intense fear, especially in the beginning, but it will get better further.

    You can do something almost immediately, and it will immediately become easier for someone, others will need time to feel how it all happens, but everyone, without exception, will have recessions, the so-called "kickbacks" or "pendulum", when the past state and behavior is returned. The important thing here is not to get discouraged, not to stop and keep practicing.

    Very harmful talk with someone about your condition, about what you are experiencing, share and discuss your experiences with a non-professional person.

    This can only ruin everything. Firstly, because you once again remind yourself, your psyche, your unconscious about what is happening to you, and this does not contribute to recovery in any way.

    Secondly, if the one to whom you are telling something, showing his initiative, begins to ask: “Well, how are you, is everything all right? Are you well already? " or “Never mind, all this is nonsense” - such questions and words can simply ruin the healing process. You yourself can feel what you feel at the moment when you were told something like that, take a closer look at the inner sensations, you clearly feel worse, you begin to feel sick acutely.

    Therefore, it is very important to exclude all conversations on this topic with other people, except for a specialist doctor. Thus, by not communicating about what you are experiencing, you will remove many reminders (internal messages) that you are supposedly sick, and you will stop developing your problem deeper.

    Trying not to fight with obsessive thoughts, you observe them, but at the same time you internally want and try to get rid of them, fight with them, that is, in fact, the same struggle takes place.

    Therefore, a very important initial step here will be to capture and fix itself a wish get rid of obsessive thoughts. Do not go on about this desire, just be aware of it within yourself.

    There is no need to wait impatiently for these thoughts to go away and that they will not appear again.

    This is impossible, because memory cannot be fooled, and it is unreasonable to induce amnesia, friends, well, it is unreasonable. If you wait all the time for some of your thoughts to disappear and never return, you are already creating resistance and struggle, which means that the problem will remain a problem, and you will continue to dwell on it.

    The key in solving it is not that these or similar thoughts will no longer exist, but in your correct approach - in change of attitude (perception) towards them... And then you just won't care much about what comes to your mind at times.

    Notice this fact when you have already plunged into an obsessive internal dialogue, or you have some kind of obsessive fear, sound logic completely stops working. You seem to be able to remember or think about something that is right and necessary at this moment, you can say sensible words to yourself, but if you did not succeed in following them right away, then the logic is no longer perceived, the obsessive state stubbornly dictates its own. Even understanding all the absurdity of this obsession (and many people understand), it is impossible to get rid of it either by willpower or by logic.

    Impartial(no evaluation) deliberate observation no logical analysis(because, in essence, obsessive thoughts are absurd, and even if in some cases they come on business, they only remind and signal that we need some practical steps to solve the problem, and not that these thoughts should be thought), without identifying with this state (that is, observe everything that happens inside you: the thought process and sensations from the outside, you are separate, the obsessive state (thoughts and sensations) is separate), and natural, soft, without resistance to these thoughts switching (when you do not try in every possible way, by an effort of will, to distract yourself, get rid of, forget, etc., that is, you accept everything that is happening to you now), is the most correct way out of the situation and the natural process of recovery (release from an obsessive state and thoughts), except.

    If you had done this initially, then you would not have this problem now.

    P.S. Remember always. In any case, no matter what the obsessive thoughts tell you, there is no point in going deep into them many times and replaying the same thing a hundred or a hundred times.

    Even if some obsession suddenly turns out to be justified and will inform you about a real case or some real problem, then you must solve it in a practical way ( actions), not thoughts. You just need to do what needs to be done; what the imposing thought informs you about, and then there will be no reason to worry and think about it.

    Best regards, Andrey Russkikh

    You cannot live your whole life happily. At least sometimes sad events will take place with us, which will generate negative thoughts. And that's okay. But if bad thoughts begin to haunt you all day long, then it's time to sound the alarm. Otherwise, you can easily get depressed. But how do you get rid of bad thoughts? And why do they arise at all.

    Sources of negative thoughts

    Even people who are doing great in life can have negative thoughts. A person lives quietly and calmly, and suddenly bad thoughts creep in. They are spinning in the head and after a while they take away all the attention. But where did they come from? Bad thoughts can come for the following reasons:

    1. Human inconsistency. Each person makes decisions in his life. There are unimportant decisions - what to eat for lunch, how to dress for a bachelorette party with your best friend. And there are decisions that significantly change the course of life. We are talking about changing jobs, moving, marriage, having children. And before deciding on an important step, a person begins to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages in his head. On the one hand, he may want to make a positive decision, but on the other hand, he is afraid that such a decision will lead to problems. And such reflections attract doubts that haunt day and night.
    2. Guilt. No human can always make the right decisions. Sometimes people are wrong. But some take a lesson from the mistake, and then move on. And others cheat themselves, think about how they could have done in that situation. Simply put, a person lives in the past. He can understand in his head that it is impossible to fix something, but he is not able to say goodbye to obsessive thoughts about that situation. Feelings of guilt not only destroy the nervous state, but are also a good tool for manipulators.
    3. Helplessness. Some problems need to be accepted and learned to live with. This is easier said than done. Even the strongest-spirited person gives up, he feels like a hostage in captivity high tower... His consciousness is filled with fear of an unknown future.

    Whatever the reason for the emergence of obsessive thoughts, they need to be driven away. Otherwise, you can fall into depression. How can one get away from bad thoughts?

    Why are bad thoughts dangerous?

    Many people do not understand why bad thoughts are dangerous. They reason like this: “What difference does it make what I think? The main thing is that it did not change my usual life. " Indeed, at first nothing globally bad will happen to a person. But soon he will fall into depression, and if the self-digging continues, then a neurosis begins. And there it is not difficult to get to the hospital for the mentally ill. But, in addition to the destructive effect on the psyche, bad thoughts:

    1. Do not allow to act correctly. When a person immerses himself in negativity, his brain is not able to correctly perceive the events that are happening around. It is difficult for a person to concentrate on performing even simple tasks. As a result, depression begins.
    2. They provoke disease. Most "clients" psychiatric hospitals- these are individuals suffering from psychological syndromes. But all their problems began from the fact that they were winding themselves up and did not want to change anything in the subconscious.
    3. They materialize. There are many known cases when a person's thoughts have materialized into life. For example, a person dreamed of a beautiful house and after a while such a house appeared in it. But he can program himself for a bad event. A person is afraid of getting sick with a terrible disease, and after a certain period, such a disease is diagnosed in him.

    Bad thoughts often become very intrusive. And in order to save yourself from them, you have to seek help from psychologists in order to get rid of nervous syndromes. But even they will not help if the patient is unable to understand why bad thoughts arise. Then how can one get away from bad thoughts? And how to independently identify a person with bad thoughts?

    What does a person with obsessive thoughts look like?

    People with obsessive thoughts are easily recognizable in the crowd. And this will help the analysis of the behavior of such persons:

    1. they are terrified of contracting some kind of disease. Obsessive thoughts about the disease creep into their heads and force them to constantly perform various hygienic procedures. Their fear pushes them to daily general cleaning and disinfection with the use of strong chemicals;
    2. they are always in emotional stress, because they fear sudden danger. Their thoughts are occupied with whether the iron is turned off, whether the tap in the bathroom is turned off, whether the door is locked with a key;
    3. they tend to think that everything can be done perfectly. At the same time, they constantly try to keep the commandments of God, forgetting about the sinful nature of man. And the slightest mess in the room provokes depression;
    4. they are too absorbed in the past. They store children's drawings, toys, school diaries, old clothes and other unnecessary things. And if these "precious" things are thrown away by someone else, then a terrible depression begins;
    5. in an emergency, they always think about the bad. If someone from the family is out of the access zone, then such a person forgets about the possible discharge of the phone, and begins to call morgues and hospitals, winding himself up.

    Such symptoms complicate the life of not only the patient, but also the people around him. To make life easier, you need to start fighting obsessive thoughts.

    To cope with the disease, you need to treat not the symptoms, but look for the root cause of the disease. The same can be said about obsessive thoughts. Sit in a quiet environment and think about what triggered these thoughts. In addition, psychologists advise using the following methods to combat bad thoughts:

    1. Avoid negative emotions. To do this, stop watching the news, start ignoring all the bad things that are said on the radio on the bus or whispered about by colleagues in the office. Find an activity that will please your soul - go fishing, plant flowers, read interesting books. Communicate with cheerful people, and preferably children. Children are stronger than adults who know how to enjoy good events.
    2. Finding positive moments in negative situations. On a piece of paper, in a column, write down all the events that make you think bad. On the contrary, write the pleasant emotions that you felt in those situations. Such an exercise can free oneself from bad thoughts and see the good.
    3. List the fears on the sheet and burn it. Burning the leaf that lists the fears will help get all negative thoughts out of your head. As you burn, imagine your anxiety and tension disappearing in the fire. To consolidate the effect, this procedure should be done several times. You can print your fears on a computer, and replace the burning ritual with the usual removal of the file into the trash.
    4. Build your confidence. You need to understand that only you are responsible for your life. Set small goals and do your best to achieve them. And when you reach it, praise yourself for it. In this case, the fears will quickly disappear.
    5. Use your own imagination. When you have negative thoughts and fears, imagine a picture of a landscape or other beautiful place. Consider this place in detail. This option helps to remove bad thoughts from your head on your own.
    6. Eat antidepressant foods. You don't have to take medication to throw out bad thoughts. Eat natural, mood-enhancing foods. These include chocolate, bananas, raisins, celery, and sea fish.

    Another important method in treating bad thinking is meditation.

    How is meditation useful in dealing with bad thoughts?

    Meditation is recognized by psychologists as the most effective way to clear bad thoughts. As a rule, it is used to concentrate attention or withdraw into the subconscious. For a depressed person, meditation makes it possible to forget about the bad thoughts that come to mind. It is worth starting meditation only after a detailed study of this method. At first, it must be carried out when you have previously tuned in to positive emotions.

    Very often, in order to get rid of obsessive thoughts from the head, a person uses false methods in solving this problem. He may think that meditation and other methods for treating bad thoughts are ineffective.

    What will not get rid of bad thoughts?

    Poor helpers in the treatment of obsessive thinking are:

    1. Self-pity or being too strict. After a series of troubles, a person begins to feel too sorry for himself, considers his persona to be unloved by fate. All of this causes fears even more. And sometimes a person subconsciously does not part with bad attitudes. Imagine that you have excess weight... On the one hand, you sob into your pillow every evening and think why you didn't get the figure of a top model, and on the other hand, you like it so much when others feel sorry for you, console you, convince you for hours that a person's weight is not the main thing. After such consolations, you get the legal right to go and seize your anxiety with cakes and other goodies. True, the nervous tension does not disappear from this. The problem will remain with the person until such time as his subconscious mind stops shielding itself from its solution.
    2. Thinking up bad consequences. To throw away negative thoughts faster, you should not imagine the dire consequences of your own mistakes. Imagine you have a vacation trip to Italy planned. You run and collect visa documents in your free time. And you seem to meet the deadlines, but the anxiety that you will spend your vacation not in the country of dreams, but in the country does not cease to torment. Get rid of nervous tension in such a situation, pronouncing the following text will help: “I am sitting in a comfortable chair. Everything is good in my life. I will spend my vacation in Italy, and all bad thoughts are just my fantasies. " After this exercise, your mind will be reminded of positive emotions.

    Every time a bad thought comes to visit you, keep yourself busy. Labor is the most The best way treating negative thinking and long-term depression.

    • Recently, a bad event happened to you, the consequences of which make themselves felt. Perhaps you could not solve that situation in any way, and now you know that additional difficulties await you ahead.
    • You feel overwhelmed. Nothing very bad happened in the recent future, but you have already been in a state of apathy for a long time, and it is difficult for you to switch to something positive.
    • Bad thoughts are your constant companions. You are often afraid that something bad will happen, and with several options for the development of the situation, you tend to the most unfavorable.

    Bad, bad or obsessive thoughts can appear in the head of every person for the most different reasons however, it is important to know that they are all easily fixable.

    Where do negative thoughts in your head come from?

    1. Self-doubt

    You are quite prejudiced against yourself - it seems to you that you are a failure in life, and it is unlikely that you will be able to get something good from fate. Trying to decide on some business, you many times think about what it can lead to, what obstacles you will meet on your way, whether you can do this task, whether you will not look stupid, humiliating, and so on. As a result, more often than not, you prefer not to stick out of your "shell", doing nothing, and the next point follows from this.

    2. Unfulfillment

    You understand that if it were not for your complexes and doubts, you could achieve a lot, but now you only have to regret the missed opportunities, and imagine how everything would have been if you acted more decisively. Nevertheless, you continue to miss your chances, and you get a kind of vicious circle.

    3. Powerlessness

    You are faced with an event that had a negative impact on you, but your main problem is that you could not resist these circumstances, and, perhaps, you cannot now. You do not know what to expect next, feeling completely powerless, being in your position.

    4. Feelings of guilt

    You consider yourself to be guilty of something. Perhaps you have let someone down or offended. These thoughts haunt you, forcing you to replay the situation in your head over and over again, exacerbating the feeling of guilt.

    How to remove a lot of bad thoughts from yourself

    First, you need to determine what exactly is the cause of negative thoughts. Don't hide from the situation, or try to play down it - be clear about what your problem is.

    • Take a piece of paper and write down what the most negative consequences await you if your worst assumptions come true. By admitting to yourself what can happen, you mentally prepare yourself for the worst, without trying to hide from it.
    • On the same sheet, write what you can do to change the situation for the better for you. The question is not whether you want to do it or not. You should be clear about what solutions are available, whether you like them or not.
    • Give yourself a little treat. For example, buy a bar of your favorite chocolate, which is not only a good antidepressant, but will undoubtedly be able to distract you at least a little from your current experiences.
    • It may make sense to start taking mild sedatives for a while. Some people prefer drops of valerian. You can take a short course for 15-20 days, since valerian has a cumulative effect. In the morning, afternoon and evening, dilute 15 drops of tincture in half a glass warm water... Of course, you should consult your doctor before applying this advice.

    How to abstract from negativity

    Forget an unpleasant situation

    It may seem to you that this is very difficult to do, but most likely you have not made enough attempts to achieve the desired result. It is important to realize that the event that disturbs you is really left behind, and no thoughts will make it so that this situation did not happen in the past. However, living those events over and over again, you leave them in your present, instead of turning this page of life and leaving it behind. Think about what you could spend your time on if you did not regularly give completely unnecessary thoughts.

    Get rid of vulgar thoughts

    To get rid of this kind of thinking, you should redirect them in a completely different direction. Think about the pressing household issues or tasks you need to solve at work. Also, a good option in such cases is watching some invigorating films - for example, comedies.

    How not to cheat yourself

    Remember how many times you expected catastrophic consequences from the situation, but in the end nothing much happened. What were you thinking in those moments? Surely they reproached themselves for "winding up". Think how unproductive this is! It turns out that nothing terrible happens, but you experience the whole "bouquet" of negative feelings as if the worst happened. It turns out that it makes no difference what the outcome will be if, anyway, you have already begun to undermine your nervous system.

    Make a rule for yourself: you will not think about the bad, and will do everything in your power to solve some painful issue. If the outcome turns out to be unsatisfactory, you will give vent to experiences, but until then there is no reason for them!

    1) Give yourself a respite. For example, if, in an unpredictable course of events, negative thoughts immediately overwhelm you, learn to change this tradition. Do not "flash" in any incomprehensible or negative situations. Switch your attention immediately to something else - call a colleague on any business, relatives or friends. Of course, do not discuss the problem with them. Talk about something else, listen to them. In the meantime, the first emotions will subside, and you will be able to think more sensibly about the situation.

    2) Think good. If you are faced with something unpleasant, and you have already had time to calmly think about how you can exclude this aspect from your life, then you no longer need to return to these thoughts again and again. Decide immediately what you can do and whether you can do it at all. After this reflections on sad topics, interrupt with some pleasant thoughts - about the past or upcoming vacation, about some pleasant event, and the like.

    How to clear your mind of unnecessary obsessive thoughts

    1. Relax

    Each person has an activity in mind that helps him clear his mind of unnecessary reflections. Someone just needs to eat their favorite dish in a cafe, meet for a cup of tea with a friend, go to the movies, visit the spa, swim in the pool, go shopping, and so on. Think about what brings relaxation specifically to you.

    2. Go in for sports

    Probably, many have heard that sport helps to keep oneself in good shape in many of life's troubles, but most often this advice is not taken into account. Meanwhile, it is one of the most effective! As you know, physical activity not only has a beneficial effect on physical health, but also significantly improve moral health. Believe me, the stress level will soon decrease, and your own improved reflection in the mirror cannot help but add positive thoughts to you.

    Prayer for evil thoughts

    If you are a believer, then, most likely, the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos will be able to bring you peace.

    It sounds like this:

    “My Most Holy Lady Theotokos, with Your holy and all-powerful prayers, drive away from me your humble and accursed servant of Thy despondency, oblivion, foolishness, negligence, and all nasty, crafty and crazy thoughts from my accursed heart and from my darkened mind; and extinguish the flame of my passions, as I am poor and cursed. And deliver me from many and fierce memories and ventures, and free me from all evil actions. For blessed art thou from all generations, and thy glorious name is glorified forever and ever. Amen".

    How to get rid of thoughts about a person from your head

    Realize that thinking about this person, you are clinging to the past, because if you do not want to think about some person, then he is not in your real life, or you do not want to. You know perfectly well that the past is unchanging, but you own your present and future! Think about what you spend it on? Are there really no people more dear to you in your life now, whom you could think of, and who deserve your attention and care?

    How and how to distract yourself:

    • The more you are busy with important and interesting things, the less time you will have for unproductive thoughts about the person you do not want to think about at all.
    • See your family or close friends more often. In conversations with him, you do not remember the past, which you are trying to forget. Spend time in a warm, cozy and positive atmosphere!
    • Take up interesting hobbies that have attracted you for a long time. This can include dance classes, gym workouts, painting lessons, vocal lessons, embroidery, horseback riding, and more.
    • Try signing up for a dating site or going to high-profile events more often. Your task is to start meeting other people, even if you don't feel like it right now. Gradually, new acquaintances will oust from your life all the remnants of the past that you have long been unwanted.
    • Traveling is one of the best and most enjoyable distractions. Give yourself a firm commitment to leave all bad thoughts in your hometown, going on a trip with a light heart and a bright head. Choose a tour according to your preferences - a beach holiday or numerous excursions. It will be great if you have some company close person... Surely, while traveling, you will accumulate so many positive emotions that upon arrival, the thoughts that previously disturbed you will seem distant and meaningless.