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  • Internal stress nerves fear. How to relieve nervous tension without visiting a doctor. The main manifestations of the disease include

    Internal stress nerves fear.  How to relieve nervous tension without visiting a doctor.  The main manifestations of the disease include

    In what situations is it necessary to relieve stress and nervous tension, as well as how to do it medically, the article below tells. After reading it, the reader will not only find answers to these questions, but also learn about the possible causes of stress, which will help him avoid situations that provoke depression of the nervous system.

    How to relieve stress and nervous tension depends on what caused this state of mind.

    Based on the data obtained in the course of psychological surveys of patients, it can be concluded that most often people experience stress:

    Causes of stress Stress Relief Techniques
    At work (routine monotonous actions that a person is forced to perform on a daily basis; conflict with colleagues; difficult relationships with management; lack of career growth etc)
    • watch some funny videos on the Internet;
    • resort to performing breathing exercises;
    • for a while, focus your gaze and thoughts on what is happening outside the window at the moment;
    • start looking for a new job (an extreme measure, the feasibility of which should be assessed at the moment of minimal emotional tension)
    Before going to bed (an upcoming significant event; an overabundance of emotions during the past day; unfulfilled plans; failures at work; general overwork, etc.)
    • ventilate the room;
    • read your favorite book;
    • completely immerse yourself in thoughts, imagining your dreams that have become reality;
    • play in your head the ideal scenario of an upcoming important event;
    • resort to meditation or aromatherapy.
    After separation from a loved one
    • immerse yourself in your hobby;
    • cry out to a loved one by describing your emotions in as much detail as possible;
    • start working more actively;
    • workout;
    • change your image;
    • change environment
    Due to exam stress
    • arrange yourself a vacation by flying to rest at sea;
    • go shopping;
    • celebrate the event with a small feast in the family circle

    30 ways to improve your well-being

    How to relieve stress and nervous tension will help you decide the right choice of method, since it depends on individual characteristics person.

    Anyone experiencing psychological discomfort will be able to find a suitable solution for themselves from the options below:

    Physical exercises

    Exercise performed on a regular basis can help relieve stress and get rid of nervous tension, as well as transforming outwardly.

    Lower torso rolls

    Initial position (IP):

    • you need to lie on your back, sitting on a hard surface;
    • hands in a free position lie on the sides perpendicular to the body;
    • the legs are bent at the knees;
    • the feet are slightly apart.
    • Raise your legs, making sure that their lower part is parallel to the floor.
    • Place your legs touching the floor of one of the lateral surfaces of the thigh.
    • Slowly return to the starting position and trace a small circle in the air with your feet. At the same time, the eggs are kept together.
    • Perform the exercise in the same way on the other side.

    Body turns

    Cat dog

    Breathing exercises

    How to relieve stress and nervous tension with the help of breathing exercises has long been known to doctors. The following exercises are considered the most effective.

    • stand up straight;
    • slightly spaced feet apart;
    • arms along the body;
    • the spine is maximally extended.
    • Take a deep breath and at the same time raise your hands up, looking at your palms.
    • As you exhale, bend forward and touch the floor with your fingers.
    • Make a combination of inhalation-exhalation 2 times, while maintaining the accepted position of the body.
    • With the last exhalation, it is necessary, as it were, to "push out" the air remaining in the lungs and return to its original position.

    Second exercise: it is necessary to take a vertical or horizontal position in which the lungs will be straightened and it will be possible to draw in air to the maximum.

    Take a deep breath and hold your breath for 4 seconds. Exhale slowly and do not breathe again for 4 seconds. Such a cyclicity will help to saturate the body with oxygen as much as possible, which will provoke a significant increase in the release of endorphin into the blood. Thanks to this, nervous tension will be minimized.


    Aromatherapy is a method of dealing with stress, which implies a positive change in the mental and physical condition a person by inhaling special aromatic oils or applying them to the skin.

    It is important to note that aromatherapy is not a panacea and is not capable of short term guarantee relief from stress or emotional exhaustion.

    The duration of the course of aroma procedures, as well as its specificity, should be determined by a specialist, based on the reasons that provoked the onset of such a condition. It is important to breathe in the necessary aroma regularly, and during the procedure, try to have extremely positive thoughts in your head.

    Music therapy

    When using music for therapeutic purposes, it is important to understand that it can not only tune a person in a positive way, but also throw out the negative energy accumulated from troubles in the life of a particular person. To get rid of aggression and anger, it is necessary to choose dynamic pieces of music, for example, Rimsky-Korsakov's overture "The Woman of Pskov".

    While listening to music, you should pronounce the moments that provoke the emergence of negativity and oppression of the psyche. To get rid of a stressful and depressive state, it is recommended to select musical fragments in such a way that each of them corresponds to a different mood of a person.

    For example:

    • first the stage should illustrate sadness;
    • second- joy (neutralizes the negative);
    • third, in turn, should be as expressive as possible and express the greatest number of emotions (sets the necessary tone for the psychological state).

    Don't force yourself to listen to classics if they aren't your favorites. The choice of music should be based on a person's personal preferences and deliver extremely positive emotions. Only then will music therapy be effective and the result of its influence will be noticeable after 3-4 weeks of regular use.

    Water procedures

    Water is the strongest conductor of energy. If you feel unwell and have a tense emotional state, it is recommended to take a shower. If the simplest hygiene procedures do not relieve stress, it is worth trying to have a more significant effect on the damaged human psyche. Psychologists in such a situation recommend lying in a bathtub with essential oils for 10-15 minutes.

    For a soothing effect on the body, the water should not be hot, no more than 40 degrees.

    In addition to the healing power for the human psyche, such a procedure significantly strengthens his immune system, as well as improves blood circulation and normalizes the functioning of vital systems and organs. Upon completion of water procedures, you should not make sudden movements. Get out of the bathroom slowly and carefully. The frequency of this kind of therapy should not exceed 2-3 times a week.

    If it is impossible to fully take a bath, it is recommended to do local baths for hands and feet, as well as regularly wipe your face with water.

    Soothing pills

    If the above methods are not effective in relieving stress and nervous tension, neurologists and psychotherapists recommend considering the use of sedative pills.

    Among the most effective medicines used to stabilize the patient's condition are:

    Vitamins to support the state of the nervous system

    The most effective vitamin complexes of the segment under consideration are recognized:

    • Magne B6;
    • Multi-Tabs-V-Complex;
    • Vitrum-Superstress;
    • Magnelis B6 Forte;
    • Milgamma;
    • Folic acid;
    • Magnesium + B Vitamins from DoppelHerz.

    Ways to reduce nervousness during pregnancy

    During the period of carrying a baby, a woman should avoid stressful situations, due to their negative effect not only on the body of the expectant mother herself, but also on the baby in the womb. In the event of emotional stress, a pregnant woman can turn to methods of relaxing the nervous system.

    They are:

    • valerian extract;
    • motherwort broth;
    • Glycine;
    • drugs high in magnesium;
    • a number of homeopathic medicines.

    Juice and tea treatment


    For the preparation of juices capable of stabilizing psycho-emotional state, can be used:

    It will be possible to relieve stress and nervous tension both for a person who practices work with his own body, and for those who are far from psychology.

    It is important to start acting in time, and not hope that the state of the psyche will normalize on its own.

    Article design: Lozinsky Oleg

    Stress Relief Videos

    How to quickly relieve tension and relax:

    The modern daily rhythm makes not only the legs run, but also pretty strain the brains and nervous system... I must say that it is the nerves that suffer most from psychological and mental stress.

    Constant tension, noise and pace of city streets, family problems, interpersonal relationships, deadlines - all these factors affect the internal state. They are the ancestors of stress, which is felt only at the end of the day.

    The negative impact of stress was noted by Tajik doctors as early as the 11th century. The body naturally tries to deal with such loads and turns on a defense reaction. We want to forget and relax. Therefore, we often resort to the help of antidepressants and alcohol.

    But there are many other ways that will relieve the symptoms of nervous tension and not harm the body.

    Where does the feeling of constant nervous tension come from?

    To understand the nature of this destructive feeling, you need to understand what stress is in itself. First of all, this feeling has a purely internal nature. It is not born externally. No wonder there is an expression "stress tolerance"... Life rages around, and the body and psyche react to them in one way or another.

    Thus, stress is the body's response to external situations. Hence the difference in the ability of people to endure certain adversities: for someone it is enough to accidentally step on his foot in a minibus, and another, even in disaster situations, reacts calmly.

    Thus, destructive emotions are a consequence of only an internal reaction, and not an external aggressor. Of course, every day there are a lot of situations that undermine patience, but they do not cause an unequivocal reaction on your part. As they say, you cannot change the situation, change your attitude towards it.

    How to relieve stress without medication every day?

    So it was a busy day. Every hour, more and more problem situations arise: the boss is unhappy, there are problems at home, the phone is broken. How, in this case, to relieve tension and not break down on loved ones? How not to get a headache until the evening?

    The first thing that comes to mind is to take an anti-stress pill, drink it and all the problems of the world don't care. It would also be nice to come in the evening and drink a couple of glasses of strong wine for relaxation and blissful oblivion. But these are far from the only and not the most correct ways.

    Anti-stress drugs are, of course, quick and effortless. However, it is worth considering getting used to them. In addition, it’s not a matter of swallowing pills every time a situation pisses you off. They remove the effect, but they absolutely do not eliminate the cause. And the reason lies precisely in you - in your individual reaction to everyday things. All kinds of vitamins do the same. Of course, they strengthen the nervous system and the body, in principle, will not harm. But don't rely on them alone.

    To cope with the situation and prevent her from gaining control over you, it is recommended:

    • engage in meditation. You don't have to be a yoga guru to do this. It is enough to pick up relaxing music and clear your thoughts, throw all unnecessary things out of your head and plunge into yourself for a few minutes. Get in the habit of starting and ending your day with meditation. It's especially good if you can find a way to distract yourself with a little meditation during your lunch break. This will remove the accumulated negative and streamline thoughts, release all negative emotions and make you more resistant to stressful situations;
    • walk in nature or at least in the fresh air. Do not be lazy to walk before and after work, or take a short walk at lunchtime - an abstract state strengthens the nervous system and increases resistance to stress;
    • go in for sports. In principle, anyone should devote some time to their physical training in order to strengthen the immune system and the body in general. In addition, physical activity is great for letting off steam. No wonder some offices have a gym or a punching bag. And the Japanese also have a photograph of their boss on the same pear.

    It is worth remembering that the accumulated stress affects both mental and physical health... The more you allow anger to boil on the inside, the more it destroys you on the outside.

    Tips for choosing exercise and vitamins for mental stress and nervous tension

    # 1 Clean head - healthy body.

    For a day, and sometimes for an hour, thoughts sometimes become so chaotic that it is not possible to organize them. And if unpleasant situations are also added, then getting rid of the feeling of hysteria inside is incredibly difficult. You can resort to the help of medicines, although everything is much simpler.

    Clear your head from unnecessary mental junk and from the fact that you are not able to decide at the moment.

    Firstly, it is often impossible to find a way out precisely because extraneous and unpleasant thoughts interfere with concentration. And secondly, there is a law of the psychology of thinking - the decision comes through the so-called insider.

    You can twist the problem this way and that, but there is still no way out. And at one moment, as if an inspiration happens - this is the solution! Often this happens just when you let go of the obsessive thought and just shift your attention. The mechanism is similar to how if you do not see the error, and a stranger who has barely approached, immediately shouts out: "This is it!" ...

    Also, our perception tends to exaggerate what is happening, especially if the problem is urgent. This creates internal tension and at the same time does not allow finding a way out of the situation. In the morning, a lot of things seem small and insignificant, but the solution turns out to be simple and comes somehow by itself.

    But how can you deceive the mind, which flatly refuses to postpone the decision until tomorrow? It's very simple - negotiate with him and make a substitution. Make a sincere promise to yourself that you will tackle the solution with barely opening your eyes. And again, minutes of relaxation and meditation will teach you to turn off your mind and switch attention, thereby removing negativity.

    # 2 A healthy mind is in a healthy body.

    Sport is not only a medicine, but also a fuse for many problems in the body. A shattered nervous system, especially with prolonged mental stress, is no exception. The safest and most effective way to influence its strengthening is to start playing sports. First, fatigue accumulates not only in the head, but also in the body.

    Exercise helps to loosen and activate "stagnant" muscles, improve blood circulation, strengthen the heart muscle and tone the body. And secondly, the entire unbalanced emotional background is transferred to the strength category of exercises.

    For example, you are angry and in earnest. The day turned out to be that one! Put on your sneakers and run a couple of kilometers - all internal tension will be relieved as if by hand.

    Can't or don't want to run? Do 20 push-ups or do a couple of sets of abs. You will see the result even before the end of the exercises. None of the existing drugs for relieving stress will not give such an effect. From sports, the brain does not calm down and becomes dulled, but on the contrary, it activates, while the physical load displaces the psychological one.

    No. 3 Quick counter of art.

    This is all good, you say, but how to relieve nervous tension if there is no strength and desire for anything? Water is a healer for everything. Take a contrast shower! This activates blood circulation and regulates heat exchange, not to mention the fact that it tones the body. Contrasting water treatments promote the production of endorphins, also known as happiness hormones. And this is not enough for you on a day full of worries and stress, isn't it?

    The basic rule is that constant stress is more difficult to relieve than simply not to allow it. Therefore, prevent the appearance of the "enemy" in advance, choosing for yourself a daily relaxant before the critical tension of the nervous system appears.

    • How to strengthen the nervous system
      • Get distracted
      • Count in your mind
      • Use your fingers
      • Breathe
      • Method one
      • Method two
      • Method three

    Short-term nervous shocks and adrenaline rush are the legacy of our ancient ancestors: they mobilize the body and help to get away from the predator. A child, running away from the dog, jumps over the fence in one motion; in danger, even an unsportsmanlike person easily climbs a tree.

    However, in modern life, anxiety often interferes: we react with an adrenaline rush to political news and currency surges, to the anger of bosses and upcoming exams. Unpleasant factors do not disappear, and constant nervous tension at home, on the road, at work, albeit at "low speed", it causes great harm to health.

    What is stress, in essence? This is the second step of nervous tension, which is not far from depression, hypertension and even a heart attack. Stress has several distinct symptoms:

    • Things that could have been ignored earlier began to get annoying. Events and people that you didn't particularly like are incredibly enraged. And more and more every day.
    • Children's habits of biting nails, twisting a pen in their hands, and biting their lip returned. Perhaps there are new ones that show concern.
    • I would like to be alone: ​​to retire even from people with whom you used to spend time with pleasure.
    • Nothing pleases, not even something that once seemed cute: playing kittens, a sunny bunny, a nice elderly couple for a walk. You really don't understand: what are those around you looking at?
    • Often you take offense or cry over trifles, feel sorry for yourself.
    • Sleep worsened. You wake up for no reason in the middle of the night and lie awake for a long time, and in the morning, naturally, you cannot wake up at the usual time.
    • Appetite has changed. You either stopped eating altogether, or you constantly run to the refrigerator and look for something tasty there, especially harmful to the body: sweet, smoked, flour.

    Do not bring the body to stress: watch yourself, love yourself and your body.

    How to relieve nervous tension and get rid of stress

    It is impossible to live your whole life without anxiety. On the way, a car may break down, a very cunning or, on the contrary, a stupid seller will come across in a store, tights will tear at a crucial moment - anything can happen. Try to follow the advice on our list regularly, and the words "nerves", "stress" and, moreover, "depression" will appear less often in your life.

    1. Don't overdo it. A couple of hours of processing is not a big deal, the main thing is that this does not happen systematically.
    2. On your lawful weekend, forget about work, switch to something else, and help your body recover.
    3. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a day and no later than midnight. Does the body refuse to go to bed? Drink a glass of warm milk, which is a great mild sleeping aid.
    4. Coming home, change into home clothes, wash off makeup, remove jewelry - at home you need to relax and get distracted from work.
    5. Dress at home not only in comfortable, but also in beautiful clothes; surround yourself with things that make you happy.
    6. Regularly empty your home from unnecessary trash: it subconsciously causes irritation. Minus two or three packets of junk - and even breathe easier, although such a trifle, it seems.
    7. Try to stay away from sources of anxiety, or learn to ignore them. It is difficult to remove a nasty neighbor from your life without crime or moving, but you can laugh at especially caustic phrases, avoid her or not take what is said to heart. If you are uncomfortable in the company, and you are physically able to leave, say goodbye and leave: your nerves are more valuable than someone's good opinion of you.
    8. If you are not satisfied with something in relationships with loved ones or colleagues, talk about it. An adequate person will listen. If not, see point 7.
    9. Allow yourself to be weak: a couple of chocolates or a pretty trinket. There are people who find shopping relaxing. If this isn't about you, really eat something delicious.
    10. Does experience tell you that trouble can happen? Arrange your auto prevention, take a spare pair of tights, have a pack of wet and dry wipes with you - in general, get ready in case of the apocalypse.
    11. Listen to yourself. Sometimes the body directly hints that today it is worth arranging a felting day with a book or a movie. And postpone the cleaning until tomorrow.

    How to relieve stress at home

    Move... To stop your anxiety, choose the kind of physical activity that suits you, such as jogging, dancing, or boxing. Characters (edit) children's writer Gianni Rodari, living on a fictional planet, broke dishes and broke furniture. A Japanese man can beat a boss face dummy. And you - sign up for a tai-bo or look for a gym with a punching bag.

    Sleep off finally... Don't go anywhere, spend all day in your pajamas, and don't berate yourself for it. But don't make lazy weekends a habit either.

    Take L-theanine... It can be taken in tablets, or as a regular drink: this amino acid is found in green tea. L-theanine reduces anxiety, promotes the synthesis of serotonin and dopamine, while not causing drowsiness. The body becomes more active and you can easily cope with daily activities.

    It is very helpful to take this remedy before important negotiations or during a session: L-theanine speeds up mental processes. In addition, by reducing daytime anxiety, the amino acid improves nighttime sleep and allows for proper rest.

    Take yourself a hot bath... Take a break from all the problems: hot water excellent stress reliever, especially if you add foam or a dozen drops of your favorite aromatic oil. Shower, bath or, at worst, dishwashing are no less effective.

    How to strengthen the nervous system

    Special forces soldiers, athletes who are engaged in hand-to-hand combat or wrestling, "security guards" must be able to quickly get out of stress and concentrate: human lives depend on it. This is an important part of training. But anyone can learn the techniques of complacency.

    You can train your nerves every day and everywhere: at the checkout in a supermarket, in transport, in conversations with colleagues. If you know how to quickly get distracted with such small afflictions, then in a serious situation you will not be at a loss and will quickly pull yourself together.

    Get distracted

    As soon as you feel that you start to get angry, think about something nice... An interesting movie or book, for example. Or turn on a turntable with a nice melody in your head. Having calmed down, you will be able to express your claims without emotion and not slide into an ugly scandal.

    Count in your mind

    Psychologists advise you to count to ten if, for example, you really want to shout at a child. And we will add: do not just count, but physically feel each number. Imagine its shape, color and texture, watch it appear and slowly disappear.

    Use your fingers

    Clench your fists with force, stretch your fingers. It is very useful (and imperceptible to others) to pick up a small object - a pen, pencil - and twirl it. Pay attention to what you are doing. Feel your movements and think of a pencil (or pen).


    As you inhale, tense every muscle in your body. Walk through the muscles in your mind - have you forgotten anything? Now exhale and relax.

    How to calm down quickly. Correct breathing techniques

    Wrapping a roll in a blanket, drinking tea and watching your favorite movie after a busy day is undoubtedly pleasant. If you are sitting at home. And in the office of an angry boss you can't relax, from there you still need to get out on your own feet and work productively until the end of the working day. Extra adrenaline is removed most quickly by oxygen; All calming techniques are designed to re-flow air into the lungs and help you breathe calmly and regularly again.

    Method one

    Inhale through your nose three to four times and exhale through your mouth quickly and deeply. Hold the exhale for 5 seconds. Breathe in your usual rhythm. Repeat the entire cycle up to 5 times. The task is to quickly saturate the body with oxygen. If the anxiety factor has disappeared, you can quickly calm down.

    Method two

    Ideal if you cannot remove the annoying factor yet. Imagine: you are still in the office of the authorities and already on your nerves, and the flushed chief has not said everything yet and will not let you go. Your task now is how to calm yourself down imperceptibly. Breathe a little deeper than usual, concentrating on inhaling and exhaling. You only need to breathe slightly deeper: if you try to fill your lungs completely, you may feel dizzy. Correct breathing will calm you down, and concentration will help you look at the situation more calmly and "from above".

    Method three

    Combine breathing with muscular effort. With a sharp breath, clench your fists so that your nails dug into the palm of your hand. As you exhale, throw your fingers forward. Repeat 10-15 times. Think about your hands in the process.

    By the way, breathing practices (both by themselves and combined with movement) are practiced in yoga. If troubles in your life are frequent and inevitable, buy a subscription to the nearest yoga studio: believe me, this is an excellent investment in health!

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    The expression "all diseases from the nerves" is used by the people for a reason. Regular stay in a state of stress leads to poor sleep, loss of appetite, a change in complexion not for the better, of course, and constant irritability... Nervous tension affects performance, relationships with friends, colleagues, family members suffer.

    In order to improve your psychological and emotional state, it is not necessary to resort to medication. The following methods will help tone the inner spirit.

    25 ways to relieve stress

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    Calm and pleasant music leads to relaxation and inner harmony. Having a player or its analogue with you, you can combine business with pleasure. For example, listening to music on the way to work.

    Distraction from past adversity... You should remember only the positive moments of the past years. If in the present period only negative episodes come to mind, you should not think and talk about the past at all. To create the impression of a full-fledged, fulfilled personality and believe in it yourself, you should live in the present day.

    Stop referring to the same experiences... Working in nature helps to get rid of obsessive thoughts. It is enough to switch your attention to something else, and the obsession with an obsessive thought, idea, emotion goes away by itself.

    Calm breathing. Excessive excitement leads to increased breathing and heart rate. Slowing down your breath, you can start reverse process and calm the nervous system.

    Count to ten promotes curbing emotions and acceptance constructive solutions... Also, you can count from ten to one in reverse order before continuing an important dialogue with your interlocutor.

    Positive assurances when speaking with yourself will help to control your inner state and tune yourself to a positive wave.

    Don't judge yourself for an action already taken. Reproaches for the deed done will not change the situation, but will aggravate nervous experiences.

    A couple of hours of sleep during the day... The growing fatigue sooner or later leads to overstrain, as a result of which the mental state suffers.

    Chat with friends... A calm, confidential conversation with a loved one brings out the state of depression and prolonged stress, and wise advice a reliable friend will help you get out of a difficult situation.

    Avoiding excessive consumption of caffeinated beverages... Coffee is a powerful stimulant that not only leads to increased stress, but also worsen the heart muscle.

    Visiting massage sessions. The adoption of procedures that promote body relaxation will help relieve tension not only from the muscle, but also from the nervous system.

    Time management... Managing time and doing things in order of priority will help you not to worry about forgetting about something, and not to be nervous in vain.

    Life without haste... Allocation of doing things for the required amount of time. Haste will not help solve a hundred piled up issues in one minute, and stress will only exacerbate your condition.

    Rational load distribution. A balanced division of work and rest will help to avoid the overload caused by the sudden accumulation of tasks requiring immediate decisions. Also, do not forget about the time that you need to devote daily to family, friends and family. This will be the key to strong and healthy relationships within the family.

    Recourse. If a situation arises that you cannot get out of on your own, you should involve those you trust in solving the problems. Close people will always be happy to come to your aid.

    A humorous attitude towards everything that happens. Laughter is the best cure for depression. Therefore, sometimes doing funny and eccentric actions, you can not only help yourself, but also prolong the life of those around you.

    Put off until tomorrow what can wait today. Having unloaded your working day, you can set aside the necessary time for rest.

    Keeping a diary. If the negative experiences that have accumulated during the day do not want to go out of your head, you can give them to paper and forget.

    Friendship with a smile. Once again, it is worth advising to laugh and smile. A visit to a funny show, a comedy session, an entertainment club will cheer you up, relieve fatigue and nervous tension will disappear by itself.

    Forget the minor annoyances... Losing a tiny amount of money is not worth the nerve damage. If after a conversation with a person an unpleasant aftertaste remains and it is not possible to resolve the conflict, it is enough just to limit communication with him.

    Cleaning. The order in the head begins with the cleanliness in the house. When each thing finds its place, thoughts are also ordered and life becomes easier.

    Look at everything with optimism... The only person with whom you will spend your whole life is you and only you. And it depends only on you who you have to see in the mirror every day.

    Be yourself... You should always strive for perfection and work on yourself. But overzealous self-development will not give the expected results and will lead to the development of low self-esteem.

    Don't take responsibility for things you can't control... No one can control every situation, so you should accept the fact that some events can develop without your participation and desire.

    V modern world all people are subject to excessive mental stress. Less resilient individuals become depressed, which can last for years. But don't despair. Laughter therapy, communication with people, exercise and creativity help to get out of the state of depression and restore inner balance.

    Take care of yourself and be happy!