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  • Temple of the Library Trinity on Sparrow Mountains. Patriotic War Causes from France

    Temple of the Library Trinity on Sparrow Mountains. Patriotic War Causes from France

    First in the history of Russia Patriotic War It took place in 1812, when Napoleon I Bonaparte, following his bourgeois ideas, attacked the Russian Empire. Against the united enemy, all the segments of the population were risen, and old and young were fought. For such a raising of the People's Spirit and the entire population in the bayonet the war officially and dubbed the domestic.

    This event was firmly imprinted in the history of our country and the whole world. The bloody battle between the two great empires was reflected in literature and culture. Napoleon Bonaparte planned to quickly exeve the Russian empire, by fast and thoughtful blows in Kiev, St. Petersburg and Moscow. The Russian army, led by the greatest leaders, took the battle in the heart of the country and won, running the French back to the border of Russia.

    Patriotic War of 1812 at a minimum for the exam.

    At the end of the 18th century, in France, there was a thousand and thousands of lives and led to the throne of the overthrown dynasty of Napoleon's Burbones I Bonaparte. He glorified his name during the Italian and Egyptian military campaigns, approved by the glory of the valiant commander. Having enlisted support for the army and influential people, he accelerates Directory, the main ruling body of France at that time, and appoints himself as an consul, and soon the emperor. Taking power into your hands, the French emperor in short time Deploacions a campaign aimed at expansion of European states.

    By 1809, almost all of Europe was conquered by Napoleon. Only the United Kingdom remained unfortunate. The domination of the British fleet in the strait of La Mans made the peninsula almost invulnerable. Pulling the oil into the fire, the British are selected from France a colony in America and in India, thus depriving the empire of key trading points. The only right solution for France would be to deploy the continental blockade to cut off the UK from Europe. But to organize such sanctions, Napoleon needed support for Alexander I, the emperor of the Russian Empire, otherwise these actions would be meaningless

    Map: Napoleonic wars in Russia 1799-1812 "The path of Napoleonic Wars in front of the war with Russia."

    The reasons

    In the interests of Russia was concluded Tilzit Mirwhich was essentially a delay to accumulate military power.

    The main points of the contract were:

    • support for continental blockade of Britain;
    • recognition of all French conquests;
    • recognition of governors prescribed by Bonaparte in conquered countries, etc.

    The deterioration of relations was the non-compliance of the points of the agreement of the prisoner, as well as the refusal to marry Napoleon on Russian princes. His proposal was rejected twice. The French emperor was needed to marry to confirm the legitimacy of his title.


    The main reason for the Russian-French war was the violation of the border of the Russian Empire of the French troops. It should be understood that Napoleon was not going to conquer the whole country. His worst enemy was an impregnable UK. The purpose of the campaign to Russia was to apply a military defeat and conclude peace on its conditions against the British.


    "Twenty Language"Thus called the French troops captured by the French army. The name itself makes it clear that there were many participating countries in the conflict. From Russia, there were not so many allies.

    Goals of Party

    The main reason for this war, as actually all conflicts, was the problem of the section of influence in Europe between France, British and Russia. In the interests of all three it was prevented by the absolute leadership of one of the countries.

    Objectives were persecuted as follows:

    Great Britain

    Conclusion the world with Russia on their own terms.

    Throw off the army of the enemy for his borders.

    Send the colonies of Britain in India and win their own, passing through Russian Asia.

    To use the enemy, by tactics of constant retreat of the country.

    Hold Russia on your side, even after the Tilzite world.

    Weaken Russia's influence in Europe.

    Do not leave any resources on the path of the Napoleon's army, thereby exhausting the enemy.

    Provide support in war allied states.

    Use the Russian Empire as a source of resources.

    Do not give the opportunity to France to arrange a continental blockade of Great Britain.

    Return the old borders with Russia in the form, what they were before the Board of Peter I.

    To deprive France of absolute lead in Europe.

    Block on the island of Great Britain in order to further weaken and capture territories.

    The ratio of power

    At the time of the intersection of Napoleon of the Russian border, military power Both sides could be expressed in the following figures:

    At the disposal Russian army There was also a Cossack regiment who fought on the side of Russians on special rights.

    Commander and commander

    Commander-in-Chief of the Great Army and the Russian Army, Napoleon I Bonaparte and Alexander I, respectively, were in their disposal of talented tactics and strategists.

    From side France Main should be noted the following commander:

      Louis Nicolas Davu - "Iron Marshal", Marshal of the Empire, not losing a single battle. He commanded the Guards Grenaders during the war with Russia.

      Iohim Muut - King of the Kingdom of Neapolitan, commanded the backup cavalry of the French army. He took direct participation in the Borodino battle. It is known for its dustiness, courage and hot temper.

      Jacques McDonald - Marshal of the Empire, commanded the French-Prussian infantry corps. He served as the reserve power of the Great Army. She covered the retreat of the French military forces.

      Michelle Ne. - One of the most active participants in the conflict. Marshal of the Empire in battle deserved the nickname "Braveish from brave." Desperately fought in the Borodino battle, and after closed the retreat of the main parts of his army.

    Russian army I also had a lot of outstanding military leaders in your camp:

      Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay de Tolly - At the beginning of the Patriotic War, Alexander I gave him the opportunity to be the commander-in-chief of the Russian army, with the words - "I don't have another army". She held this post before the appointment of Kutuzov.

      Bagration Petr Ivanovich - General from infanteria, commanded the 2nd Western Army at the time of crossing the border by the enemy. One of the most famous students of Suvorov. Insisted on the general battle with Napoleon. In Borodino battle, he was seriously injured by a fragment of the scornful nucleus, died in flour in Lazarut.

      Tramasov Alexander Petrovich - Russian General who commanded the cavalry of the Russian army. In the south of the Empire, the 3rd Western Army was in his submission. His task was to restrain the allies of France - Austria and Prussia.

      Wittgenstein Peter Christianovich- Lieutenant-General, commanded the first infantry corps. Rose on the path of the Great Army, which moved to St. Petersburg. Skillful tactical actions intercepted the initiative in battle with the French and sowed three corps on the way to the capital. In this fight behind the north of the state, Wittgenstein was injured, but the battlefield did not leave.

      Glenchev-Kutuzov Mikhail Illarionovich- Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army in the War of 1812. An outstanding strategist, tactics and diplomat. He became the first fellow geeman of St. George's Order. During the Patriotic War, the French nicknamed him "Old fox from the north." The most famous and recognizable man of war 1812.

    The main stages and the course of the war

      Separation of the Great Army into three directions: South, Central, Northern.

      Marsh from the River Neman to Smolensk.

      March from Smolensk to Moscow.

      • Reorganization of command: Cutuzov's approval for the post of commander-in-chief of the Russian Army (August 29, 1812)

      The retreat of the Great Army.

      • Escape from Moscow to Maloyaroslavets

        Retreat from Maloyaroslavets to Berezina

        Berezina's retreat to Neman

    Map: Patriotic War 1812

    Peace treaty

    Being in a flaming Moscow, Napoleon I Bonaparte tried three times to conclude a peace agreement with the Russian Empire.

    The first attempt was carried out with the help of the prisoner Major General Tulline. Feeling his dominant position, Napoleon continued to demand the blockade of the UK from the Russian emperor, the Union and France and the refusal of the land conquered by Russia.

    The second time the Commander-in-Chief of the Great Army sent a letter to Alexander I with the same negotiator with the world's proposal.

    The third time Bonaparte sent his general Loriston to the Russian emperor with the words, - " I need a world, I need it absolutely, by all means, save only the honor».

    All three attempts were ignored by the command of the Russian army.

    Results and consequences of war

    The Great Army lost in the six months of war in the territory of the Russian Empire about 580 thousand soldiers. These include deserters, allied troops who fled to their homeland. Some fugitives from Napoleon's army in Russia, local residents and nobility sheltered about 60 thousand people.

    The Russian Empire, for his part, also suffered considerable losses: from 150 to 200 thousand people. About 300 thousand people were injured in varying degrees Severity and about half of them remained disabled.

    In early 1813 The foreign campaign began the Russian army, who passed through the lands of Germany and France, pursuing the remnants of the Great Army. Pressing Napoleon on its territory, Alexander I achieved his surrender and captivity. The Russian empire at this campaign joined the Duchy of Warsaw, and Finland's lands were again recognized by Russian.

    Historical value of war

    Patriotic War 1812. Empocheted in the history and culture of many nations. This event dedicated a large number literary works, for example, "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy, Borodino M.Yu. Lermontova, O.N. Mikhailov "Kutuzov". In honor of the victory, the Church of Christ the Savior was built, and in the cities of heroes there are memorable obelski. On the Borodino field every year the battle is reconstructed, where the impressive number of those who want to plunge into the era take part.


    1. Alexey Shcherbakov - "Napoleon. Winners do not judge. "
    2. Sergey Nechaev - "1812. Hour pride and glory. "

    Invasion of Russia Napoleonic troops. June 12, 1812 "Great Army" Napoleon (450 thousand people), crushing through Neman, invaded the limits of the Russian Empire. Later to Napoleon, the reinforcements approached with a total number of about 200 thousand people. In total, in this way about 650 thousand soldiers and officers acted against Russia. Essentially, it was the European Army, since it included German, Dutch, Italian and Polish Divisions and Corps. But the core "Great Army" The French troops are hardened in battles and devoted to their emperor.

    The Russian command had at his disposal three far from each other of the army with a total number of 590 thousand people. The biggest army, under the command of General Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclaya de TollyDirectly opposed Napoleon. At the headquarters of the first army was

    The second army was somewhat south, under the command of Peter Ivanovich Bagration. Even south, covering Kiev, there was a third army under the command of Alexander Petrovich Tormasov.

    « I am not putting weapons, no one will not have a single enemy warrior in my kingdom"," Said Alexander I. The harsh reality, however, was such that Barclay's army could not resist Napoleon's troops. I had to retreat. The Russian army was performed in perfect order, without leaving behind behind the backward parts, the lazarets, abandoned guns and wagons. The closest goal was the connection of Barclay and Bagration troops.

    Tightened reserves. The urgent formation of new military units began in the rear. On July 6, Alexander I issued a manifesto with a call to create a folk militia. On the same day, he left the army and drove into Smolensk.

    In Smolensk, the king met with local nobles, who requested permission to arm themselves and arm the peasants. I approved this petition, Alexander appealed to Smolensk bishop Irina, with a rescript, in which he laughed at him to convince the peasants so that they were armed, than only can, they did not give the enemies of herringbones and applied them "Great harming and horror".

    This rescript legalized the partisan war. But the peasants who went to the forest with the approach of the enemy did not know anything about it. Their struggle against the invaders unfolded independently of royal rescripts. In August, the first began to act on Smolensk Earth partisan detachments.

    At this time, Alexander I was already in Moscow. The population of the ancient capital was covered by patriotic lifting. " Napoleon can not win us- said ordinary Muscovites, - because for this you need to beat us all" At a meeting with the emperor, the nobility expressed a desire to put 10 people to the militia for every one hundred souls of his fortress. Moscow merchants gathered 2.4 million rubles on a subscription. The urban head, whose capital consisted of one hundred thousand, the first subscribed to 50 thousand, soles and speaking: " God gave them to me and I give them to Fatherland».

    Alexander those days behaved unusually modestly, even timidly. Passing along the Kremlin, bowed to the people, asked not to sweep the people crowded around him. Before going to the nobility and say, long " the spirit gained" The fate of his reign hung on the balance, but he had already caught the mood of the people, realized that the war acquires a folk nature and that only it can save him in a fight with Napoleon. Someone dared to ask what he intends to do if Bonaparte would capture Moscow. - " Make a second Spain from Russia"Alexander responded firmly. In Spain, a folk struggle against the French occupiers was followed.

    A. A. Arakcheev, who has already managed to conquer a unkind reputation, held in the shade in those days, but he followed the emperor relentlessly. Another Pavlovsky Promoter, Count F. V. Rostopchin, was appointed to the post of Moscow Governor General. Distinguishing Samoram and extreme suspicion, he was looking for spies everywhere and puzzled Muscovites with his antics. When in one of the Moscow palaces noblemen and merchants gathered at a meeting with the king, in the lateral exit, Providal Rostopchin had set up with two policemen, dressed in Road. Everyone knew that in this event they would go to Siberia the one who would say the unnecessary word.

    July 22. Smolensk has two main Russian army connected. Bagration voluntarily lost to Barclaw General Command. Now the enemy opposed the army of 130 thousand people. In the advanced parts of Napoleon there were about 150 thousand. "The Great Army"It became less and less, losing soldiers in fast marches and skirmishes with partisans, leaving garrisons in the occupied cities and barriers against flanking strikes. In addition, as Russian generals noticed, a suitable Napoleonic army greatly scattered its parts.

    July 25. At the Military Council in Smolensk there was a plan to go to the offensive, break through the central grouping of Napoleon and, without giving it to the buildings to connect, beat them in parts. Barclay de Tolly was against. He believed that the ratio of forces is still in favor of the enemy, and therefore should continue the rewinding strategy in the airship of the battles and the accumulation of own reserves. But under the pressure of Generals Barclay had to give up.

    The next day, the Russian armies moved to the West on two main roads from Smolensk. The third road (bypass, through the village of Krasnoy) was covered by a division under the command of General D. P. Neverovsky.

    Having learned about the actions of Russian troops, Napoleon quickly focused his corps and moved to Smolensk through the Red. He intended to go into the rear of Russian troops and impose a general battle with an inverted front.

    August 2the advanced French corps under the command of I. Murata came across the non-believers division. A self-confident marshal decided to dispel the Russian horse attack without resorting to artillery. Forty times rushed into an attack on this day, French cavalry - and did not succeed. The soldiers of the Nevelovsky shot himself from the enemy, fought off the bayonets and slowly moved away. To break through their defense and to seize Smolensk French and could not. Soon the Barclay de Tolly and Bagration returned to Smolensk.

    Battle for Smolensk A.Yu. Averianov, 1995.

    5th of Augustfrench parts captured the outskirts of the burning city. But by the evening of the same day, they were knocked out from there. And at night, Barclay gave an order to the general retreat.

    This decision caused bewilderment and ropes in the army and society. Barclay and did not really love very much. A far-sighted strategist and a courageous warrior, he was silent, closed, not allowed, almost never spoke to the soldiers. The completely opposite of Barclay was Bagration, a descendant of Georgian kings, a combat general, who was held by A. V. Suvorov's school. The lack of theoretical education is excessive torment prevented Bagration to become a major strategist. But he was a brilliant tactic, master attack and maneuver. From the very beginning of the war, Bagration called for active offensive actions. After Smolensk, his relationship with Barclay was completely broken. First, surrounded by Bagration, and then throughout the army and in society they started talking about the fact that Barclay " leads a guest to Moscow" Rumor rumors about treason.

    Barclay belonged to these rumors and the veracity of the stoic calm. He believed that the Russian army should retreat until the balance ratio change - maybe even to the Volga. However, his authority was undermined. The first and second armies were not always agreed, a long-lasting retreat lowered the fighting spirit of soldiers, the cases of looting. But Alexander I Medlil with the appointment of the commander-in-chief.

    In the meantime, she won the war with Turkey victoriously, M. I. Kutuzov returned to St. Petersburg. At that time he was 67 years old. A student and Sovor Suvorov, he possessed a wide strategic thinking, great life and military experience. In addition, he was known as a charming person and an excellent narrator. With the ladies, he talked in French, in letters to the spouse spoke at the old-fashioned language of the XVIII century, and in conversations with men and soldiers, he spoke in a simple Russian language.

    Immediately spoke as a single person who could take the post of commander-in-chief. The Moscow and St. Petersburg militia chose him with their boss, and in St. Petersburg he was elected unanimously, and Rostopchina went around in Moscow. Alexander disliked Kutuzov, knowing his negative attitude to the coup on March 11, 1801, but in the setting of the king had to give up. In the future, he was repeatedly thought about the replacement of Kutuzov, but it did not dare to do it.

    From the side of Alexander, this was a reasonable act - to give the leadership of military actions in the hands of Kutuzov. He himself focused on diplomatic work. He was a good diplomat. After conducting difficult negotiations with the Swedish king, Alexander managed to keep him from the Union with Napoleon. So another diplomatic victory was reached in this war.

    On the way to the army of Kutuzov often repeated: "If only Smolensk find in our hands, then the enemy will not be in Moscow". But it came to the news that Smolensk was left. For Smolensk, Russian troops did not have more reference point to Moscow. " The key to Moscow is taken"Kutuzov said with a chagrin. After that, his thoughts again and again returned to what choice he should do. "Not resolved another question - he wrote in one of his letters - lose army or losing Moscow ".

    August 17 At the village of Tsarevo, the Cheating Kutuzov arrived in the army encountered by shared flashes. The officers congratulated each other, and the soldiers quickly folded the saying: " Kutuzov came to beat the French. " "Is it possible to retreat with such wellms?"He said, examining the troops. With the help of decisive measures, Kutuzov improved the supply of the army, the presets of the ladder, pulled the discipline. High hopes, the commander-in-chief kept the militia on the allocated in Moscow.

    Moscow lived these days unusual life. Most of those who could wear weapons were recorded in the militia. Old men, women, children went on the road. After leaving Smolensk from Moscow, the Mireniths of Karet and strollers stretched. Then they were changed by carts and carts. And then went pedestrians.

    August 14 The solemniers of the Moscow militia took place. Wonderful Russian poet V. A. Zhukovsky left with a militia, although the person was not at all military. He said that " signed up for banners not for rank, not for the cross and not by choosing his own, but because at this time it should have been a military, even without hunting" Moscow militia participated in Borodino battle.

    FROM August 27 On three training areas of St. Petersburg, there were accelerated training of 13 thousand warrids for five days. Subsequently, the St. Petersburg and Novgorod militia was used to strengthen the troops covered by Petersburg. Other militia, as well as Kalmyk, Tatar and Bashkir shelves were somewhat later.

    Borodino battle and Moscow fire. At the end of August, the numerical advantage was still on the part of the French. But Kutuzov knew that it was impossible to restrain the army to fight too long. Moreover, the Russian society required decisive actions and was ready to do everything for victory.

    After the arrival of Kutuzov, the Russian army retreated five more days. In the evening August 22 She stopped at the village of Borodin on the new Smolensk Road, 110 km from Moscow. South of the village, kilometers in five, was the village of Utitsa - on the old Smolensk road. Expanded between them on the hilly terrain, the Russian army blocked the enemy to Moscow. When the commander-in-chief examined Borodino FieldHigh in the sky a giant eagle parked over him. " Where it is there and eagle", - recalled the ordinarist of Kutuzov. It was considered a good sign.

    The Russian army consisted of 132 thousand people (including 21 thousand poorly armed militias). The French army is 135 thousand. Kutuzov headquarters, believing that in the enemy's army about 190 thousand people, elected a defensive plan.

    The French approached Borodin on the next day, but were detained at the village of Shevardino. 24 August The enemy stormed Shevardinsky, defended by a small detachment of Russian troops. At this time, the Borodino field rarely built fortifications. In the center of defense, in a murdered height, a battery of 18 guns was deployed. She was part of the corps who were led by General N. N. Raevsky. Subsequently, she began to call Raevsky batteries. Lefter from her, not far from Semenovsky village, earthy fortifications (floss) were dug (floss), where they placed 36 guns. It was the key point of the defense of the left flank, which was commanded by P. I. Bagration. His name remains in the name of flush.

    August 26, 1812. In half the sixth morning began battle of Borodino. Napoleon intended to break through Russian positions in the center, bypass the left flank, to discard the Russian army from the old Smolensk road and release his way to Moscow. But the major maneuver failed: near the paste the French were stopped. The main blow to Napoleon wrapped on the Bagrations of Flash. Their assault continued almost continuously for six hours. Bagration received a difficult injury, the command of the flank passed to Lieutenant-General P. P. Konovnitsyn. At about noon, the price of huge losses, the French captured the fortifications. Russian troops moved to the nearest hills. An attempt by French cavalry to knock Russian from a new position did not have success.

    At the same time, two French attacks were beaten off Battery Raevsky. Together with the general on the battery there were two sons - 15 and 10 years. So far, the French prepared the third attack, they turned out to be a Russian cafia in the rear, headed by Cossack Ataman M. I. Platov and General F. P. Uvarov. Several hours passed until the French organized reversal. This time of Kutuzov used to transfer reinforcements to hot spots. The third, the decisive attack on the Battery of Raevsky was undertaken for about two hours of the day. The fight lasted more than one and a half hours. Under the pressure of superior forces, the Russians were forced to move away. Napoleon threw them after Cavalry. But the Russian cavalry responded with counterattack, and the French were stopped. In embedded in the defense of the Russian troops, they could not achieve a breakthrough. The path to Moscow was still closed. The day ended under the root of artillery. Cannonade Borodino battle was heard in Moscow. With the onset of darkness, Napoleon ordered to leave a number of captured points, including the Raevsky battery.

    The attacking party usually carries larger losses. In battle August 24-26. Napoleon lost 58.5 thousand soldiers and officers. But the losses of the Russian army were not much less - 44 thousand. It was explained by the fact that in the course of the combat of the army repeatedly changed roles - the Russians knocked out the French from the captured positions. Large losses Russian troops carried from enemy artillery. In the Borodino battle, the Russian army had a small advantage in the number of guns, but the French led more focused fire. The actions of Russian artillery affected the death in the midst of the battle of her commander of General A. I. Kutaisov. The Russian army lost about a thousand officers and 23 generals. Died from the wound brave Bagration.

    In view of the large losses and taking into account that Napoleon remained untouched reserve (Old Guard), Kutuzov ordered in the morning August 27 From the field of battle.

    The next day, the Russian army came out of Moscow.

    Leaving Moscow Kutuzov strongly reminded the remaining of Smolensk Barclay de Tolly. And again in the army and in society there were dissatisfied voices. But Kutuzov, in contrast to Barclay, did not think that it was necessary to retreat " to Volga itself" Coming out from Moscow along the Ryazan Road, he made his famous flank march maneuver. When Russian troops managed to break away from the enemy, Field Marshal ordered country roads, through Podolsk, to go to the Kaluga road. By this maneuver, Kutuzov made senseless Four movement of the French to the East and covered the provincial warehouses located in the Kaluga area, and at the same time - and the path to the rich food southern provinces. Napoleon did not immediately understand, in what trap he was.

    September 2 In the Russians left by Russian troops, terrible events took place. Marauders from "Writing everywhere Great Army"And ordinary robbers. The French command first did not give the meanings to the fires began in different places. But in dry and warm weather they quickly growled. And now the Arbat and Zamoskvorechye can already be lit up, wooden houses broke out on Mokhovoy. The fire covered the trading series of China-Cities. In huge bonfires turned the barges with hay on the Moscow River. The ring of fires was compressed around the Kremlin, where Napoleon stopped. Late in the evening, he left with a retinue from the Kremlin and in the burning Tverskaya moved to the Petrovsky Country Palace.

    Kutuzov drank tea and talked with peasants when he reported to fire. Having spoken, he said: " It is a pity that, however, but wait, I will change my head».

    Moscow burned six days. Three-quarters of urban buildings died. The fire destroyed and provincial warehouses. The French army immediately turned out to be on the verge of hunger.

    Document: I. T. Radozhitsky "Hiking notes of an artilleryman from 1812 to 1816"

    ... Borodino battle is described by many eyewitnesses and is also known for almost any; And therefore, avoiding repetitions, I will describe only some pictures and cases.
    With the ascent of the Sun, through the entire line from the left flank to the middle, a terrible cannonade from guns, haubs, unicorns opened. The shots were so frequent that there was no gap in shuffles: they continued continuously, like rolling thunder, producing an artificial earthquake. Thick clouds of smoke, sebble from Bat Rey, raised to the sky and overthow the sun, which was covered with blood pellena, as if changing from the fierce and human rage. We have long remained the calm viewers of this phenomenon for a long time on the right flank, and they were silent at their guns ... The enemy's cores reach us the last jumps or rolled on the delete; Grenades clapped in the air and, scattering with fragments, made scary sounds.

    The taller battle took place on the left flank; Russians courageously kept in the trenches. The French for each step forward paid out of the loss of people. It is impossible not to be surprised by despair, with which they climbed to death; It is impossible to be surprised by the presence of the spirit of Russians, with which they are protected, holding the desire of superior enemy forces.

    When the French in the middle of our line were traded for the first time by Kurgan Lunette and were overturned, while the infantry of the 4th corps move to reinforce the battlefare near Lune. The message about the exploits of our enemy who confused in this place, quickly spread through the line. Yeletsky regiment Major t ... The delight of the military spirit grew from the place of battle in our line, proclaimed to all that the French were broken and the Neapolitan king taken captive ... But this imaginary Murat was General Bonami. When the Russian grenader wanted him to prick, he cried to save him: "I am the king!" Then Usach, taking the king for the collar, dragged to the commander-in-chief. Prince Kutuzov immediately congratulated the ordinary Unter-Officer and rewarded him by the sign of the Military Order of St. George. The meeting near Lune was not cheap and cost us: here on the battery killed the head of all artillery of Count Kuttysov, General who promised a lot of his personal advantages.

    Gaubitiza - the type of artillery gun, was used for hinged firing at honest purposes.

    Unicorn - a Gaubitz with a long trunk, allowed fire through the head of his infantry. Named by the name of a fantastic beast.

    The infantry of the 4th case went to the center, but the artillery still remained in the reserve. The garbage with the Figner with the garbage would not be brought to us on the bloody feast ... We were ordered only to take to the guns from shrubs, put them together and be ready. From curiosity, I went to the nearest Kurgan, before the der. The slides from which the Russian battery shot in the enemy columns. It turned out in front of me the extensive battlefield. I saw our infantry in thick masses converged with the enemy; I saw, approaching one to the other, they launched a battle fire, deployed, crumbled and, finally, disappeared; Only the killed remained on the spot, and the wounded were returned. Other columns converged again and again disappeared in the same way. This is the spectacle of the extermination of people as struck me so much that I could not look at and drove to my cannons with a compressed heart ...

    It seemed that the commander-in-chief did not lose hope for a victory, the recent of the big lunet in the center of the line and the village Semenovskoye, on the left flank, were in our hands. Dejection, how much is the danger that increases on the left flank, he tried lost to return and all the forces to consume that the fluctuating victory to turn to Russian banners. To distract the attention of the enemy, he ordered Lieutenant General Uvarov with the 1st Cavalry Corps to go. Koloche and attack their left flank, open for the village. Borodin. We gladly watched the cavalry of our on the other side of the river with long lines of red, blue hussars and Ulanov moved forward, then hit the French cavalry and drove it far beyond Borodino; She attacked on the battery ... But four shelf of the enemy infantry, from Borodin, built in a square, went to our cavalry; She alternately attacked every square and, being unable to break any one, retreated. At this time, the Figner received orders with artillery to approach the slopes; On the way, we heard a strong rifle shooting, produced by the French against our cavalry, and suddenly several scattered hussars slipped past us. Some of them, rustled, immediately fell out of horses, including one beautiful officer, punched by a bullet in the chest, fell from a horse in two steps to us ... We saw two Don Cossack regiments, quite skillfully passed , under the nuclei, without any damage; Then they gathered and hit together on the French.

    Halfing, when the Italian vice king1 did the last attack on our mounded lunet, the battery and rifle fire, thrown from him in all directions, liked this Kurgan by the Furgent Zhero; Moreover, the brilliance of the saber, the grooms, bayonets, helmets and lat from the bright rays of the setting sun, all posed a terrible and majestic picture. We are from the der. The slides witnessed this bloody attack. Cavalry, ours prevented with the enemy in brutal siech: shifted, chuckled and break each other from all sides. Already the French came under the most lunet, and our guns after the final volley were silent ... Meanwhile, the enemy's infantry climbed onto the shaft from all sides and was overturnished by the bayonets of Russians in the ditch, which was filled with the corpses of those killed; But the fresh columns treated the places of broken and with the new fierce climbed to die; Our equal fierce met them and themselves fell with enemies. Finally, the French with rabies broke into Lunet and the prison of everyone who came across; Artilleryrs were especially victims, deadly acting on the battery. Then Kurgan Lunette remained in the hands of the enemy. It was the last trophy of the depleted forces of them ...

    They said that at the beginning of the battle over the head of the prince Kutuzov, an eagle was worn, and the prince, removing the hat, as if he was welcomed by the victory; But many doubted that the commander-in-chief began to engage in an eagle at the time when all thoughts and attention were directed to the action of the battle. Most likely it could be that the accidental appearance of an eagle during the battle seemed otherwise for something except. It is impossible to dispose of the fact that prudent commander does not miss the slightest cases to suggest the courage to their soldiers. So Napoleon, wanting to approve his hope of victory in the troops, when climbing the Sun on the day of the Borodino battle, cried: "This is the sun of the Austerlitz!"But he was cruelly deceived.

    The Vice-King Italian is Evgeny Bogarne, Napoleon's stepper, commander of the 4th Corps of the Great Army. The title of King Italy Napoleon assigned himself.

    The fire of European wars covered Europe more and more. At the beginning of the XIX century, Russia was involved in this struggle. The result of this intervention was unsuccessful overseas wars with Napoleon and the Patriotic War of 1812.

    Causes of war

    After the defeat of the fourth antifranzu coalition, Napoleon on June 25, 1807, a Tilzit peace treaty was concluded between France and Russia. The conclusion of the world made Russia join the participants of the continental blockade of England. However, none of the countries were going to comply with the terms of the contract.

    The main causes of the war of 1812:

    • The Tilzite world was economically unprofitable in Russia, so the Government of Alexander I decided to trade with England through neutral countries.
    • The policy held by Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte's policy towards Prussia was to the detriment of Russian interests, the French troops focused on the border with Russia, also rotating the points of the Tilzite Treaty.
    • After Alexander I did not agree to give my consent to the marriage of his sister Anna Pavlovna with Napoleon, the relationship between Russia and France deteriorated sharply.

    In the end of 1811, the main part of the Army of Russia was involved in the war with Turkey. To May 1812, thanks to the genius M. I. Kutuzov, military conflict was settled. Turkey folded the military expansion in the East, and Serbia received independence.

    Start of war

    By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, 1812-1814, Napoleon managed to concentrate on the border with Russia to 645 thousand troops. The composition of his army included Prussian, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and Polish parts.

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    Russian troops, despite all the objections of the generals, were divided into three armies and are located far from each other. The first army under the command of Barclay de Tolly has numbered 127 thousand people, the second army, which was led by Bagration, had 49 thousand bayonets and a saber. Finally, in the third army of General Tormasov, there were about 45 thousand soldiers.

    Napoleon decided to immediately take advantage of the mistake of the Russian emperor, namely, to break the two main armies of Barclaya de Toll and Bagration in border battles, without giving them to connect and move accelerated by the warrant of defenseless Moscow.

    At five in the morning, on June 12, 1821, the French army (about 647 thousand) began to move the Russian border.

    Fig. 1. Crossing the Napoleonic troops through Neman.

    The numerical advantage of the French army allowed Napoleon to immediately take a military initiative into his own hands. In the Russian army there was no other military service and the army was replenished due to obsolete recruit sets. Alexander I, who was in Polotsk, on July 6, 1812 issued a manifesto with a call to collect universal folk militia. As a result of the timely conduct of such an internal policy, Alexander I, various layers of the Russian population became rapidly driving in the ranks of the militia. The nobles were allowed to arrange their fortress peasants and join along with them in the ranks of the regular army. The war immediately became referred to as "domestic". Manifesto regulated and partisan movement.

    Military course. Main events

    The strategic situation required the immediate merger of two Russian armies into a single integer under the general command. The task of Napoleon consisted in the opposite - not to give to connect russian forces And as soon as possible, split them in two-three border battles.

    The following table shows the course of the main chronological events of the Patriotic War of 1812:

    date Event Content
    June 12, 1812 Invasion of Napoleon's troops within the limits of the Russian Empire
    • Napoleon intercepted the initiative from the very beginning, taking advantage of the serious miscarriages of Alexander I and his General Staff.
    June 27-28 1812 Collisions in the town of the world
    • The Ajegard of the Russian Army consisted mainly of the Cossacks of Platov faced an avant-garde of the Napoleonic forces in the town of the world. Within two days, the cavalry parts of the Platov were constantly repulsed by small shocks of Polish Ulan understood. Denis Davydov, who fought in the Gusar squadron, participated in these battles.
    July 11, 1812 Fight under Saltanovka
    • Bagration with the 2nd Army decides to cross through the Dnieper. To win the time to General Raevsky, the French parts of Marshal Davu are instructed into the counter fight. Raevsky performed the task set before him.
    July 25-28 1812 Fight near Vitebsk
    • The first major battle of Russian troops with French parts under the command of Napoleon. Barclay de Tolly until the latter defended in Vitebsk, because I was waiting for the approach of the troops of Bagration. However, Bagration could not break through Vitebsk. Both Russian armies continued to retreat and without connecting each other.
    July 27, 1812 Fight under the root
    • The first major victory of Russian troops in the Patriotic War. Troops under the leadership of Torramassov inflicted a crushing defeat of the Saxon Brigade of Klengel. Klengel himself was captive during the battle.
    July 29-August 1, 1812 Battle under the klyastitsy
    • Russian troops under the command of General Wittgenstein dropped the French army of Marshal Farty from St. Petersburg during three-day bloody boats.
    August 16-18 1812 Battle for Smolensk
    • Two Russian armies managed to unite, despite the obstacles to Napoleon. Two commander-Bagration and Barclay de Tollya was a single decision on Smolensk defense. After the stubborn battle, the Russian parts organizedly left the city.
    August 18, 1812 Cutuzov arrived in the village of Tsarevo-Compensation
    • Kutuzov was appointed a new commander of the retreating Russian army.
    August 19, 1812 Fight at Valtina Mountain
    • The fight of the Ariageard of the Russian Army covering the waste of the fixed forces with the troops of Napoleon Bonaparte. Russian troops not only beat the numerous attacks of the French, but also advanced
    August 24-26. battle of Borodino
    • Kutuzov forced to give the general battle to the French, since the most experienced commander wanted to maintain the main forces of the army for future battles. The largest battle of the Patriotic War of 1812 lasted two days, and none of the parties did not reach the battle. During the two-day battles, the French managed to take Bagration Flash, and Bagration himself was fatal. On the morning of August 27, 1812, Kutuzov decided to retreat further. The loss of Russian and the French were terrible. The Army of Napoleon lost about 37.8 thousand people, the Russian army of 44-45 thousand.
    September 13, 1812 Council in phily
    • The fate of the capital was solved in the simple peasant elevation of the village of Fili. So not supported by the majority, Kutuzov decides to leave Moscow.
    September 14 - October 20, 1812 Occupation of Moscow by the Frenchman
    • Napoleon after the Borodino battle was waiting for the Messengers from Alexander I with requests for peace and mayor of Moscow with keys from the city. Without waiting for keys and parliamentary, the French entered the empty capital of Russia. Robber began on the side of the invaders, numerous fires broke out in the city.
    October 18, 1812 Tarutinsky Boy
    • Occuping Moscow, the French put themselves in a difficult position, they could not calmly leave the capital to provide themselves with a provinet and fodder. Widely unfolded movement of the partisan was shot down all the movements of the French army. Meanwhile, the Russian army on the contrary restored the strength in the camp under Tarutino. Near the Tarutinsky camp, the Russian army unexpectedly attacked Murat's position and overturned the French.
    October 24, 1812 Fight near Maloyaroslavets
    • After departing from Moscow, the French rushed towards Kaluga and Tula. In Kaluga there were large food reserves, and Tula was the center of Armory of Russia. Russian army led by Kutuzov blocked the path to the Kaluga Road by French troops. During the fierce battle, Maloyaroslavets moved seven times from hand to hand. In the end, the French were forced to retreat and start the waste back to the borders of Russia in the old Smolensk road.
    November 9, 1812 Fight under Lyakhov
    • The French Brigade of Ozhero was attacked by the united forces of partisans under the command of Denis Davydov and the regular cavalry of Orlova-Denisov. As a result of the battle, most of the French died in battle. The Ozoreo himself was captured.
    November 15, 1812. Fight under red
    • Taking advantage of the stretchability of the retreating French army, Kutuzov decided to strike the invaders in the flanks in the village of Red near Smolensk.
    November 26-29 1812 Crossing with Berezine
    • Napoleon, despite the desperate position, managed to forward their most combed parts. Nevertheless, no more than 25 thousand combat-ready soldiers remained from the once "great army". Napoleon himself crossed over Berezina, left the location of his troops and left for Paris.

    Fig. 2. Crossing French troops through Berezina. Yanuaria Zlatopolsky ..

    Napoleon's invasion caused vast damage to the Russian Empire, many cities were burned, tens of thousands of villages were turned into ash. But the common misfortune brings people. An unprecedented scope of patriotism was swallowed by the central provinces, tens of thousands of peasants were recorded in the militia, went into the forest, becoming partisans. Not only men, but women fought with the French, one of them was Vasilisa Kozyin.

    Defeat of France and the results of war 1812

    After the victory over Napoleon, Russia continued the liberation of European countries from the neot of French invaders. In 1813, a military union was concluded between Prussia and Russia. The first stage of overseas trips of the Russian troops against Napoleon ended in failure due to the sustainable death of Kutuzov and the inconsistency of the actions of the Allies.

    • Nevertheless, France was extremely exhausted by continuous wars and requested peace. However, the struggle on the diplomatic front Napoleon lost. A regular coalition of Power has grown against France: Russia, Prussia, England, Austria and Sweden.
    • In October 1813, the famous Leipzig battle took place. In early 1814, Russian troops and allies joined Paris. Napoleon was lowered and at the beginning of 1814 exiled to Elba Island.

    Fig. 3. Entry of Russian and allied troops in Paris. HELL. Kivchenko.

    • In 1814, a Congress was held in Vienna, where the winner countries discussed questions about the post-war in Europe.
    • In June 1815, Napoleon ran from Elba Island and again ranked French throne, but after 100 days of the reign of the French were divided into the battle of Waterloo. Napoleon was exiled to the island of Saint Helena.

    Summing up the Patriotic War of 1812, it should be noted that the influence provided by her advanced people of Russian society was limitless. According to this war, many great works were written in great writers and poets. The post-war device of the world was short-lived, although the Vienna Congress gave Europe for several years of peaceful life. Russia acted as a savory of occupied Europe, however, the historical meaning of the Patriotic War by Western historians is accepted.

    What did we know?

    The beginning of the XIX century in the history of Russia studied in the 4th grade was marked by bloody war with Napoleon. Briefly about the Patriotic War of 1812, what was the character of this war, the main deadlines of hostilities tells the detailed report and table "Patriotic War of 1812".

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    June 12, 1812 More than 400-thousand Napoleon's army passed the Neman (river or city) and invaded Russia. The Patriotic War of 1812 began, it was the consequence of those events that Europe was covered from the end of the XVIII century. They were determined by the confrontation of the Napoleonic France and the Anti-Napoleon coalition striving to the world domination, in different years, I included England, Austria, Prussia, Russia. In 1807 Alexander I and Napoleon signed a Tilzite peace treaty, according to which Russia joined the continental blockade, obliged to interrupt trade relations with England. Participation in the continental blockade contradicted the economic interests of Russia and caused displeasure of the nobility and merchants. As for Napoleon, he understood that a successful war against Russia would allow him not only to deal with England, but also to achieve the main goal - domination in Europe and the world.

    The strategic idea of \u200b\u200bthe French emperor was to break the Russian army in a number of cross-border battles, to master Moscow, to force Alexander I to capitulate and thereby bring Russia from the war.
    Russian command began developing the general plan of hostilities in 1810. Three armies were concentrated on the Western borders of Russia: the 1st Army under the command of M. B. Barclay de Tolly covered the Petersburg direction; The 2nd Army under the command of P. I. Bagration was standing in the Moscow direction; The 3rd Army under the command A, P. Tormasov - in Kiev (the total number of 214 thousand soldiers). The idea was to, shocking from the general battle, retreat and force Napoleon to stretch the rear, remove from warehouses and bases. Weakening the "Great Army", the Russian command planned to move into counteroffensive. It should be noted that this plan was approved only in the spring of 1812 and did not have complete support (in particular, a number of influential generals, who adhere to the need for the need to give Napoleon the battle near the border).
    The events of the first one and a half months developed according to the scenario, close to the strategic plan of the Russian command. Napoleon rapidly moved deep into Russia, the 1st and 2nd Army under the command of Barclay de Tolly and Bagration, maneuvering and confusing the enemy, retreated. On June 22, both armies were connected in Smolensk. Here was given the first major battle, Napoleon, which suffered significant losses, managed to take the city. On August 6, Barclay de Tolly ordered to continue the retreat. The proposal of Napoleon on the conclusion of the world, made from Smolensk, was Alexander I rejected.
    In Russian society, meanwhile irritation increased, was talking about treason. In the army, the conflict between Barclary de Tolly and Bagration, who called on to stop the retreat and give Napoleon the general battle. In this setting, Alexander I went to meet the requirements of the Company and appointed the commander-in-chief of General M. I. Kutuzov, Assistant A. V. Suvorov, an experienced commander. This appointment reflected the most important circumstance that became more apparent: War with Napoleon acquired a nationwide, domestic character.

    Kutuzov took a difficult decision. The retreat was discontinued, the army began preparations for the general battle. It took place on August 26 (September 7), 110 km from Moscow from the village of Borodino. The battle lasted throughout the day. Forces were approximately equal as they were approximately equal to losses (about 44 thousand soldiers lost Russians, about 60 thousand - French). Almost 80 Russian and French generals died, a mortal injury received Bagration. In the evening, both commander announced the victory, the next morning the battle was to be renewed, but Kutuzov, having received information about losses, ordered to retreat.

    Who won in Borodina? Leaving the military aspects aside (neither Kutuzov, nor Napoleon, we would not have achieved goals, we note: the Russian army won a moral and political victory. As General A. P. Ermolov wrote, "the French army drove about the Russian army." This is a very accurate definition: the French have lost confidence in the final outcome of the war, they started, began to lose the strategic initiative.

    Kutuzov understood it better than others. On September 1, at the military council in the films, he accepted the striking decision on leaving Moscow. Napoleon entered empty, abandoned by the inhabitants a huge city. On the same day, a fire began, breathing three-quarters of the ancient capital. Napoleon was literally locked in ancient Moscow. The flame of the partisan war, which emerged spontaneously was gone around it (in history included the names of the peasants V. Koek, Kurin, etc.), but then headed by the Army's personnel officers (D. Davydov, A. Figner). "Dubube People's War" (L. N. Tolstoy) hurts on the French. Stretched rear, dangerous remoteness from the main bases disturbed Napoleon. He turned three times with peaceful suggestions and received a refusal three times.
    The military initiative was in the hands of Kutuzov. After leaving Moscow, he made a brilliant Tar Tinsky maneuver, suddenly changing the direction of movement and installing 80 km from Moscow from the village of Tarutino. Ways to Kaluga, Bryansk, Tula, the main military-raw materials of Russia, Napoleon were closed. New forces were collected in Tarutino, there was a preparation for further combat actions. Napoleon understood that to stay in Moscow and meaninglessly, and dangerous. In early October, the French army left the city. As expected to retreat, where and when to take battles - now the Russian generals dictated all this glorified commander. The fight under Maloyaroslavets made him retreat on the ruined Smolensk road. The retreat of the "Great Army" was the tragedy for her and the triumph - for Russia. The battle at the Berezine River delivered a victorious point in the history of the Patriotic War. Napoleon secretly fled from Russia. December 25, 1812 Alexander I in a special manifesto announced the exile of the enemy.
    The passage campaign of the Russian army began, which ended with the allies to Paris (March 1814) and the renunciation of the emperor Napoleon from power.

    Patriotic War 1812. It occupies a special place in the history of Russia. The victory over Napoleon applies to the number of rare events that have a decisive impact on the formation of the national identity of the people, help him to realize their purpose, awaken pride and historical responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland, a sense of human dignity, which is not determined by the estate, but personal advantages . "Children of the Twelfth Year" called themselves the Decembrists. During the Great Patriotic War, Roman L. N. Tolstoy "War and the World" reminded of courage, resilience, patriotic duty, that the victory is to give the inexplicable "feeling that is in me, in it, in every soldier."

    200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812

    22nd of June Napoleon He appealed to the troops, in which he accused Russia in violating the Tilzite agreement and called the attack on Russia of the Second Polish War.

    In the evening 11 (23) * June 1812 traveling life Guard Cossack Shelf I noticed a suspicious movement on Neman. When the company of French saphers crossed the river from the sublime and wooded shore, the company of French saprors crossed the river from the sublime and wooded shore to the Russian shore and ferries, the first shootout occurred. This happened in three versts up the river from Coveno, in Lithuania. After midnight, on June 24, 1812, the four-posted stamps began to cross the French troops through Border Neman.

    At 6 am 12 (24) June 1812, Avangard french troops Entered the Russian city of Kovna. Crossing 220 thousand soldiers of the Great Army under Kovno took 4 days. The river forced the 1st, 2nd, 3rd infantry hulls, guard and cavalry. On the evening of June 24, the emperor Alexander I. Balka was on Bennigsen to Vilna, where he was reported on the invasion of Napoleon.

    17 (29) JUNE-18 (30) JUST RESERVE South Kovno Neman moved another grouping (79 thousand soldiers: 6th and 4th infantry corps, cavalry) under the command of the vice-king of Italy Evgenia Bogarne. Almost at the same time, 18 (30) June is still south, near Grodno Neman crossed 4 buildings (78-79 thousand soldiers: the 5th, 7th, 8th infantry and 4th cavalry corps) under the general command of the King of Westphalia, Geroma Bonaparte.

    In the northern direction near Tilsita, Nemman Perepecking the 10th Corps of Marshal McDonald. In the southern direction from Warsaw through the Bug, the invasion of the individual Austrian Corps of General Schwarzenberg (30-33 thousand soldiers) began.

    The 7th Saxon Corps under the command of General Rainier (17-22 thousand) was to cover the right flank of the Main Forces of Napoleon from the 3rd Russian Army under the command of General Tormasov (25 thousand). Rainier took the location of the line Brest-Kobrin-Pinsk, spraying for 170 km and so small housing.

    In the military circles of Russia, before the start of Napoleonic invasion, the plan of conducting offensive actions on the territory of neighboring states was considered, one of which was Prussia. Supporter of such a plan was the Military Minister (Barclay de Tolly) of the Government of Alexander I. One of the positive conditions was considered a terrain for conducting hostilities in Prussia, and the presence of an abundant food. For the maintenance of offensive actions, large stocks were created materials in stores (supply bases) of the Belostok region, Grodno and Vilen provinces.

    However, the initial period of war was conjugate with the retreat of Russian armies deep into the country. Parts 1st Western Army They were scattered from the Baltic to Lida, the headquarters were in wine. The commander of the 1st army was general from infanteria M.B. Barclay de Tolly, head of his headquarters - Major General A.P. Yermolov; Land-Grayster General - Colonel of the Apartment Makesters Parts K.F. Tol.

    Due to the rapid offensive of Napoleon for scattered Russian buildings, a threat was created to be broken in parts. The Dashtur Corpus was in an operational environment, but was able to escape and arrive at the Svenazian team. The French cut off the equestrian detachment Dorokhov, who joined the army of P.I. Bagration. After the 1st Army connected, Barclay de Tolly began to gradually retreat to the wine and further to Drissa.

    On June 26, the army came out of the wine and on July 10 arrived at the DRISA fortified camp, in which, according to the Pfula plan, the Russian army was supposed to urge the enemy. The generals managed to convince the king in the absurdity of this plan, and on July 16, the army moved through Polotsk to Vitebsk, leaving the 1st Corps of Wittgenstein to protect St. Petersburg.

    In Polotsk, harm from the stay of Alexander I under the army was so obvious that in early July, the nearest trustees of the king (A.S. Shishkov, A.A. Arakcheev and A.D. Balashov) convinced him to leave under the pretext of the need for presence in the capital Preparation of reserves.

    The 1st Army continued to be a planned retreat.

    The 2nd Western Army (up to 45 thousand) at the beginning of the invasion was located under Grodno (in the West of Belarus) about 150 km from the 1st Army. At the chapter of the 2nd West Army stood P.I. Bagration, position Chief Staff held Major General E.F. Saint-at, Adjutant General Alexander I; General-Starmaister General - Major General M.S. Vistitsky 2nd; General - Colonel S.N. Marine.

    P.I. Bagration tried to connect from the main 1st army, but having reached the Lida (100 km from Vilna), realized that the French would not allow this. The 2nd army retreated south. Cossacks Ataman Platov, who were Avant-garde of the 2nd Army at the beginning of the war, and became her anrighard during the departure, joined the French to the border fight in Grodno.

    The battle between the ruled wing of the Great Army (Brigade of the General Alliksa de C) and the Avangard of the 2nd West Army (Corps of General [Ataman] Platov), \u200b\u200bone of the first battles at the initial stage of the Patriotic War of 1812.

    On 8 (20) June 1812, the shelves of the Cossack Corps of Ataman Platov (14 regiments) arrived in the surroundings of Grodno for the protection of borders. Four days at 130 kilometers north of Grodno at Coveno City (Kaunas), Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte with 220 thousand soldiers began crossing the Neman River for the offensive on Coveno.

    12 (24) JUNE 1812, from the city of Lomza (Poland) King Zherom Bonaparte pushes the right wing of the "Great Army" in 79 thousand soldiers across August to Grodno.

    14 (26) June 1812, in the evening cossack Case Ataman PlatovThe avant-garde of the 2nd Western Army was given an indication of Alexander I to act in the flank and rear of the enemy. The shelves of its Cossack building from cross-border settlements are discharged from borders to concentrate in Svlenhayan through Lida. Ataman boards begins the evacuation of the part of the garrison, imperial officials with their families and urban supplies (more than 1000 visits) in the direction of Minsk through Novogrudok. Cossack shelves are placed on the approaches to the city of boards.

    15 (27) June 1812, four kilometers west from Grodno on the Losyanka River, several Cossack regiments of Ataman Platov entered into battle with three shelves of the division of the gene. Dombrovsky, moving on Grodno. The Cossack River tied a shootout than the opponent's offensive detained.

    16 (28) June 1812, the Cossack positions were allocated to the bridge in Grodno, in the suburban suburb. In the morning with the approached by the reinforcement of General Kaminsky, under the general command of the allylery general of ALLCs DE, the French attacked the suburb in the direction of the bridge through Neman.

    The first to attack the outskirts went to cossack hundred. After a quick cavalry attack Ulan forward to the bridge, infantry went. Hold the bridge Cossack shelves helped city garrison. For Nemman Atamam Platov, a defense took the defense at the heights of the right bank of Nemman and from there the shelling of the upcoming parts of the 12 guns of the Rota artillery. The fierce shootout with the enemy lasted until the evening. Ataman fees without seeing the ability to delay the increasing Natios of the enemy's regiments only by the forces of the Cossacks, without standing by regular infantry, burned the bridge over Neman.

    16 (28) June 1812, in the evening, the Cossack Corps of Ataman Platov spoke from Grodno towards Lead through Shchuchin.

    * In brackets showing dates for a new style ( Grigorian calendar)

    1. Tarla E. V. Invasion Napoleon, 1959
    2. Kershnovsky A.A. History of the Russian Army
    3. Notes General A.P. Yermolov, head of the 1st Western Army, in the Patriotic War of 1812

    Compilation and presentation:
    Golovinsky V.V., Dorofeev R.A. website