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  • The best books of Stephen King: list, rating, description. The best Stephen King books: list, rating, description The best Stephen King novels

    The best books of Stephen King: list, rating, description.  The best Stephen King books: list, rating, description The best Stephen King novels

    Stephen King is one of the most popular authors of our time. His books are distinguished by a great atmosphere and elaborate characters, which is why he was so loved by the public. Its bibliography is wide enough, however, which works are worth getting to know first if you have not read it yet? Today we will give an answer to this question through our top, which contains best books Stephen King - Reader Rating. Go.

    No. 10 - N.

    Opens our rating comparatively A new book called N. This short story will certainly keep you on your toes to the last. The main character of the book is an accountant who unexpectedly meets the most ancient evil trying to get into our world. Thus, a colossal responsibility for the salvation of all mankind falls on the shoulders of an ordinary office clerk.

    The book is really interesting. She intrigues from the very beginning and does not let go until the end. Throughout the plot, you will see how the character, who turned out to be the last hope of humanity, changes. Will he be able to cope with such a non-trivial task? Let's not spoil it, it's better to just read the book.

    Stephen King N.

    # 9 - Pet Cemetery

    Many fans of King's creativity call this work one of the best. The main characters of the book are members of the young Creed family, who move to a new home. At first, everything goes rosy for them, but after a while they find a highway not far from their home. Huge trucks are constantly flying over it at breakneck speed, one of which knocks down the family's cat to death. After that, the head of the family decides to bury the pet with all the honors in an abandoned Indian cemetery, which is located in the nearby vicinity. At that moment, he did not yet know how bad this idea was.

    Stephen King Pet Sematary

    # 8 - Kerry

    "Kerry" is a book that has earned Steven the Book a huge fee and has been filmed many times. It is interesting that the writer himself stopped work on the work several times because he did not like the plot. However, King's fans around the world were in luck, as he did complete work on the book, and it almost immediately became wildly popular.

    The book is named after the main character, who discovers her paranormal abilities and uses them to take revenge on all those who mocked her at school. An interesting feature works is the complete absence of monsters and monsters in their standard guise - their role is played here simple people... In Kerry, King showed his excellent understanding of adolescent psychology and made it clear that it is not fictional characters that should be feared, but ordinary people.

    Kerry's book

    # 7 - It

    Surely many have learned about "It" thanks to the recent Hollywood film adaptation. However, in narrow circles, this work is insanely popular. The book is set in Maine, which is King's hometown. Thanks to his comprehensive knowledge of the region, he managed to create an incredibly eerie and infernal atmosphere in his book.

    The main characters of the work are children who have to defeat the evil that terrorizes their hometown. The antagonist in the book is a monster in the guise of a clown. Before starting their investigation, the children did not even suspect that they were going to face such a mystical and sinister creature.

    Book Ono

    # 6 - Dark Tower

    The Dark Tower is a series of novels about a man wandering across time boundaries. Its goal is to restore the old order in a destroyed world, in which wars, diseases and other ailments rule. King managed to perfectly show the oppressive post-apocalyptic atmosphere, thanks to which the reader literally feels all the hopelessness that is in the air of the fictional world.

    The Dark Tower itself in the book is a location, having reached which there is a chance to restore and save the world. It is this task that is the main one for the hero of the work. However, the path to it is difficult, and in order to reach it, the hero will have to face a huge number of enemies and obstacles.

    The Dark Tower Book

    # 5 - The Shawshank Redemption

    The Shawshank Redemption is one of King's most unusual books. In it, he moved away from his favorite genre, which ultimately led to an unprecedented success. The work is one of the most popular in the bibliography, and its film adaptation has been at the top of all known ratings for many years and is the best film based on the book. The main character- a clerk whose life goes downhill literally in one evening. The police find his wife and her lover killed and the main suspect is her husband, as soon as possible placed in one of the strictest prisons in the country.

    After being imprisoned, Andy does not give up, even considering that he was convicted absolutely unfairly. He decides to fight and this whole process of struggle is perfectly reflected in the pages of the work. The book teaches that you cannot give up even in the most difficult situations, and this is done so smartly that the popularity of the novel seems to be quite reasonable.

    The Shawshank Redemption

    # 4 - Haze

    One step away from getting into the top three of our rating of books by Stephen King stops the story "Mist". She has won positive reviews from both critics and ordinary readers from all over the world. According to the plot of the work, the small town of Bridgetone is suddenly shrouded in fog. Everything would be fine, but sinister monsters are hiding inside it, killing people.

    The main character of the book, David Drayton, is hiding from monsters in a supermarket with his son and other survivors. He soon learns that monsters from the fog are not all that he should be afraid of. According to legend, the idea to write such a book came to King after he went to the store during a thunderstorm, and at that time he thought about how the supermarket was besieged by various monsters and monsters.

    Stephen King Haze

    # 3 - Misery

    The Bronze of the rating of the most popular books by Stephen King goes to "Misery". This work is about a writer who has gained widespread popularity and fame, which has become a real nightmare and test for him. After he gets into a terrible accident, he has a fan at his fan's house. Due to his injuries, the writer cannot move independently. Over time, clear consciousness returns to him and he realizes that his guardian is crazy, and the house is located many kilometers from civilization.

    In Misery, King perfectly managed to convey the atmosphere of fear and despair of a person who is alone with something terrible locked up. In the opinion of many, this is one of the most terrible works not only in King's bibliography, but in general of all existing ones. Certainly, over time, new books came out, but "Misery" always remains at the top of the ratings.

    Misery's Book

    # 2 - Green Mile

    The second place in the top goes to the Green Mile. The book got its name in honor of the path taken by prisoners of one of the prisons on their way to their death in the electric chair. The work became wildly popular almost immediately after its appearance, the same thing happened with the film adaptation, starring Tom Hanks.

    The main character of the book is the convicted John Coffey. His personality was so brilliantly described by King that after that no one had any doubts about the literary skill of the writer. The story is told on behalf of the prison warden. The Green Mile shows how poorly the law enforcement system works in modern world and also that justice does not always prevail.

    The Green Mile Book

    # 1 - Radiance

    The Shining tops Stephen King's top books. Like many of his works, she received a film adaptation, in which the incomparable Jack Nicholson played the main role, perfectly conveying the madness of the hero. The story is told on behalf of the head of the Torrens family. He is a writer who is in a state of crisis and cannot even feed his family. In order to somehow remedy the deplorable situation, in winter he, along with his wife and son, goes to a closed hotel, where the vacancy of a caretaker is open.

    After arriving, it turns out that the way back is impossible due to the elements, so the family becomes completely isolated from the outside world. This leads to unimaginable consequences - the head of the family and his relatives meet with all the horrors that the hotel keeps. Will they be able to survive them?

    Book of Shining

    A fascinating novel in which the plot is a bewitching plexus of mysticism and quite real events, it is rather difficult to find among the works of modern literature. In an effort to get a book that cannot be closed without feeling the final chords, it makes sense to turn to the eminent author. Stephen King's literary works won a loyal readership when the author, under American law, had not yet reached the age of majority. Subsequently, the writer presented new works with an enviable frequency. Each new novel deservedly and reasonably became a bestseller. However, the author constantly felt doubts, strived for perfection, constantly refining the finished original, and one of the popular novels was completely thrown into the trash bin due to uncertainty about the power of the main storyline. Despite all the pains of creativity, Stephen King's talent and his best books have received appropriate laurels. The current review will become a miniature guide to the key pillars of the work of an outstanding master who can only make you feel admiration, sympathy, genuine horror, and oppressive tension with just a word. Emotions will last much longer than the time spent reading. So, top 10 best books by Stephen King.

    10. Lot

    Opens the list of the best books by Stephen King "Lot". The mysterious disappearance of a person always leads to a heap of the most discouraging guesses. When there is not the slightest reason for building a chain of events that unfold sequentially and logically from the point of view of common sense and psychology, there is scope for creating versions that do not obey the laws of reality. In a small town in one of the American states, residents are beginning to disappear. Sometimes individual families are lost sight of as if they never lived next door. Sadness and a huge number of unanswered questions are depressing. The fading hope of relatives is replaced by surprise when the missing return to their homes, and then by horror from the realization of who really returned to the city.

    11/22/63 is an excellent science fiction novel by Stephen King, the pages of which allow us to estimate the scale of one of the main world tragedies of the twentieth century - the assassination of American President Kennedy. A bold idea allowed the author to form an exclusive idea into his most popular novel. The main character is an ordinary teacher. Unusual is the resource of knowledge, which suddenly opened up to him. Access to time travel has become for the teacher not a blessing and an outlet, but a tremendous responsibility: now he is able to save the life of a person, the leader of a world power. But what is the cost of deforming an entire segment of the country's history?

    Continues the list best works Stephen King's Misery. Every writer dreams of fame and recognition, fans and positive criticism. However, for the hero of the novel, popularity has become a real nightmare, real and inevitable. Having got into a car accident, the famous author of love novels finds himself in the house of his longtime admirer. The consequences of injuries do not allow him to move and take care of himself. A clear consciousness returns to the hero with a simultaneous horrifying understanding that his savior is deprived of the opportunity to reason sensibly, and her house, where the woman lives alone, is far from the city. King masterfully conveyed the fear and despair of being alone with madness and the absence of forbidden boundaries. Even dying in an accident would bring the hero less pain than trying to survive in a house shrouded in uncontrollable obsession.

    "Carrie" is a famous book by Stephen King, which brought its creator a fabulous fee and was filmed many times. It is noteworthy that the writer was not sure of the success of the plot and several times refused to bring the work to completion, trying to forget about the idea forever. Readers and viewers were in luck: the story of a girl from a dysfunctional family was published. She found a response from the audience, who perceived the creation as something personal and therefore intimate. The paranormal abilities discovered by the main character allowed her to enjoy the embodiment of her secret desires. She begins to brutally take revenge on everyone who constantly ridiculed and humiliated her. Compassion and forgiveness do not live on these pages. In the role of monsters and monsters are real people who meet every day at school, in houses, on the streets, shops. Stephen King demonstrates brilliant knowledge of adolescent psychology, warning not to be afraid fictional characters, but living people, cultivating and nourishing true evil in the soul with every unkind word and look from the outside.

    6. It

    The theme of a small town and its inhabitants, real and imperceptibly present, King takes as a basis in this work. Maine is the home of the writer. Combined with an exhaustive knowledge of the history and geography of this region, King's talent helped him create a truly infernal description of the atmosphere of one of the provinces, which for many centuries has been gripped by the power of a dark entity that changes its appearance. The reader begins to follow the events of the chronicle of the city of Derry, when there are many small children abducted and found dead. The locals behave aloof and cold-bloodedly, as if not noticing the horror happening in the neighboring houses. The main characters are teenagers who intuitively feel that numerous murders were committed by a man dressed as a clown who periodically appears on the streets. But is this a man? Monstrous events, cyclically repeating in their hometown, force friends to gather again after many years to resist eternal evil and cruelty together. But how many more people must die in order for the eternal chaos and bloody curse that penetrated every nook and cranny to disappear into oblivion?

    On the fifth line in the ranking of the best books by Stephen King - "Pet Sematary". Pets living next to a person become family members, and their untimely departure is a real tragedy. Stephen King went through a similar drama when his beloved cat died. Against the background of emotional turmoil, work began on an outstanding mystical novel, which later frightened the creator himself so that he thought about refusing to publish. The main actor around which the causes and effects of nightmarish phenomena accumulate, was Dr. Creed. After moving to a new place of residence, the hero was waiting for the blow of Fate - the death of a cat under the wheels of a car. Obeying the voice of grief, the doctor decides to say goodbye to the pet with all the honors. Creed's new house is located at a distance from the others in a small settlement, next to it is an old burial of animals belonging to an Indian tribe. Deciding that the long-deceased animals will not object to the new neighbor, Creed buries the cat in the territory of the ancient cemetery. Payback for what you have done will not make you languish in anticipation.

    The Shining is one of the most popular works by Stephen King. Sometimes it is not possible to fully recognize and understand the person with whom strong relationships and bonds of marriage are connected. When reservations are under the influence external forces turns into a destructive force, a threat to life and reason is formed. The head of the Torrens family has long sought to realize himself in the literary field, but so far he does not have enough funds even to provide for his wife and son. In winter, a couple with a small child goes to a closed hotel, where a caretaker is required. By the forces of the elements, the roads to this place are inaccessible, and the family is isolated from the outside world. Now the hotel is ready to present its hidden guests to the temporary employee, and the real face of the spouse to the caring and faithful wife.

    "The Dark Tower" opens the top three books by Stephen King. This is a full-fledged cycle of novels about a knight traveling across time boundaries. Its main purpose is to restore the former harmonious order in the world, for now it is dominated by destruction, epidemics, hunger, disease and war. The picture of the end of the world is quite comprehensive, but irreversibility has not yet embraced this once inhabited space. If you get to the center of concentration of world evil, there is a chance to meet the main enemy and engage in a righteous battle for the lost ideals. But the path to the Dark Tower is a tangled tangle of meridians and parallels, light years and unimaginable retrospectives.

    2. Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Rescue

    "Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Rescue" is the most famous book that Stephen King wrote in an unusual genre for himself, and its film adaptation has been leading the ratings for many years best films in the history of cinema. The unpredictability of Fate sometimes leads to fatal disasters. The life of a successful banking executive collapses in just one evening. His unfaithful wife and lover are discovered by the police, both are killed. Under suspicion is a deceived husband, who, after a quick trial, is placed in one of the strictest prisons in the country. Andy's successful professional and family life is instantly buried under the ashes of betrayal loved one and senseless murder, to which he has nothing to do. Now his immediate future is solitary confinement and a life-long confinement. However, the hero decides to fight. Among the primary and necessary things that will come in handy on the path to freedom, there is a poster depicting a stunning beauty and a saving Bible in all respects.

    The Green Mile tops Stephen King's Top 10 Best Books. The short path from life to inevitable death can be named in different ways, looking for suitable metaphors. In one of the prisons where the most notorious villains are kept, this road is called the Green Mile. She leads straight to the electric chair. The poignant story of a prisoner sentenced to death gained many fans when it was released on the screen in the format of a full-length film. Numerous awards of the Cinematic Academy and prestigious nominations have become yet another eloquent confirmation of the talent of the writer. The author carefully outlined not only the character of the protagonist - John Coffey, but also skillfully weaved other images into the narrative, including the main narrator, the warden behind the death row. The leitmotif of not always triumphant justice returns the public to the realities of modern mores and the law enforcement system, makes it once again understand that everyone will eventually go their own mile, and for some it will turn out to be longer than for the big Coffey.

    Stephen King: books for those who like to tickle the nerves

    Stephen King, whose list of the best books we offer you, is by far one of the most popular contemporary writers. First of all, it is associated with horror novels. It is not for nothing that Stephen King received the title of "King of Horrors", the books coming out from under his pen are filled with a mysterious and gloomy atmosphere, chilling events and exciting plot twists. In fact, among the works of this author, you can find a wide variety of directions, so the reader is free to choose what he likes best. If you like Stephen King, he has the best books in the genre of fantasy, thriller, drama, and mysticism.

    Stephen King: biography of the writer

    Stephen King, whose biography is very interesting, was born on September 21, 1947 in Portland (Maine, USA). He began writing at the age of seven, after finding at home a crate full of horror and science fiction novels. Later, King and his brother begin to make their own newspaper. Thus, even before graduating from school, the future writer acquires the experience of a journalist, writing articles for the school newspaper. Then he decides to become a writer. Stephen King works in a weaving mill to go to university and earn money for his studies. In 1966 he entered the University of Maine.

    Stephen King's main hobby and legacy is books, you can see a list of the best books in this section. The focus of the writer is on his home state of Maine. A distinctive feature of his work is the description of the life of small American cities, where everyone knows each other. King reveals family secrets, looks into the most hidden corners of human consciousness, which attracts most of the readers.

    Meanwhile, its popularity is truly enormous. Throughout his life, the author managed to sell more than 350 million copies. In addition, King is considered one of the most "prolific" writers of our time: he managed to publish fifty novels and does not stop there. Many films have been shot based on his novels, and comics have been created based on his plots. His work also affects popular science novels, which he wrote under the pseudonym of Richard Bachman. For his work, King received the Bram Stoker Prize and a number of other prestigious awards.

    If you are interested in Stephen King, the books, the list of which is quite extensive, you can find below.

    So, today we will take a closer look at the work of the world-famous American writer Stephen King. And also highlight the top 10 books with which you need to start this mystical acquaintance.

    Many admired and read the novels of the American science fiction writer. Others fell in love with him thanks to the most wonderful screen adaptations, among which there are real masterpieces of cinema, marked and awarded by the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts. We all know "The Green Mile", "The Shawshank Redemption", "Dreamcatcher", "1408" and others have become our favorite films a long time ago.

    In general, it should be noted that King is the author of about 200 novels, 40 of which have become myrrh bestsellers. In addition, he was awarded the Medal of Honor "Special Contribution to American Literature", which by the standards of the United States is considered a constellation of the classics. Moreover, it is very honorable, as the recognition happened during the life of the writer.

    Upon learning about such merits, achievements, curiosity immediately arises, they say, in fact, he is good, is it American lies? Well, let's satisfy your curiosity by offering 10 works of American classics of horror and mysticism.

    1. "Confrontation"

    Critics call it a post-apocalyptic novel, since the story is devoted to the description of events in the world, which is struck by a pandemic, after which almost the entire population of the Earth perishes. The reason for this was a mistake in a secret laboratory of the US Department of Defense, from where a deadly virus was released by unknown means. As a result of such a planetary tragedy, people were divided into two antagonistic sides, the first of which was the bearer of old values, the heir to the ideals of the past; the second followed a hitherto unseen Black Man, whose plans included only domination over the whole world. This is how the struggle began, the confrontation of values.

    Everything changes one day, when a young girl begins her first menstrual period during sports. Carrie was horrified to think that she was dying of profuse bleeding, but her classmates make it clear to her that everything is in order by throwing sanitary napkins at her. And just then, in a rage, in an extreme stage of irritation, resentment, anger, Carrie loses control ... and her long-forgotten childhood paranormal abilities - telekinesis - are revived, as a result of which her entire provincial town of Chamberlain is embraced by a deadly flame.

    4. "Kujo"

    The plot is violently awful. Fear reigns in the pages. The entire novel is riddled with nightmare and mortal danger. It's all the fault of the good-natured dog St. Bernard, named Cujo. The poor dog was infected with an unknown form of tale from an unknown monster that settled in a forest hole with a rabbit. And now Kujo is the personification of deadly horror and madness ...

    This novel was awarded a Britsh Fantasy Award in 1982.

    5. "Insomnia"

    Ralph Roberts sees waking leads that are too close to reality. They are bloody and cruel. He is tormented by grief over the loss of his beloved wife. He is awake, suffering from insomnia. From the nightmares that appear to him, he realizes that he is losing his mind.

    6. "Christina"

    Ernie Cunningheim is your typical acne teenager, insecure and pathetic. Friendship with girls does not shine for him. But one day he meets his love - a car that the former owner named Christina. She changed his life, he became confident and attractive, blackheads disappeared, and masculinity flowed in his veins. Ernie met a girl, they fell in love ... And from that moment Christina “reveals her true appearance” - a mad jealous woman who will fight to the last for her man.

    7. "Pet Cemetery"

    Louis and his family move to a new place, with them their favorite cat Church. Not far from their house, the kids established a cemetery for animals, and a little further there is an ancient Indian place of last rest. New lands promised a new life, but in the family misfortune - Church died. In grief and despair, Louis will decide to bury him in the Indian cemetery, which was notorious (it was rumored that the power there was able to revive the dead). And then one day the pet returns to its home ...

    Louis and his wife Rachel move with their children and their beloved cat to a new home. Local children have set up a cat and dog cemetery near their home. And further from their house is an Indian cemetery. It is there that the father of the family decides to bury his deceased cat.

    8. "Shooter. From the cycle" The Dark Tower "

    The Dark Tower series is a magnum opus of the writer, as he himself claims. The main plot of all seven novels is the journey of the archers to this very Tower - the center, which keeps everything in balance in this world, the guarantor of energy stability, the concentration of the Power of the Universe.
    In the meantime, the young man Roland awaits dangerous, but exciting adventures, during which portals to our reality are sometimes opened for him ...

    9. "Tomminokers"

    This is one of those novels that is not only the epitome of the horror genre, but also science fiction. The plot is pretty typical for this kind of work. The girl, Robbie Andereson, finds a metal object, part of a flying saucer. Excavation begins ... But at the same time, the alien ship will release into the atmosphere odorless and colorless gas, which gradually turns people into the creatures that inhabited that ship.

    10. "It"

    It is a terrifying greeting from childhood. It is the fiend of hell. It is a dumb fear that has no name. And all this boon falls on the city of Darry, Maine. What will happen to the locals?

    Despite such gloomy events in the novel, problems that are very important for the author himself are raised here: the strength of a united group with one single goal, the power of human memory, the influence of childhood traumas on the human psyche.

    Well, dear readers, have you chosen a book to read?

    Stephen King is a famous contemporary writer. The author has written thirty-five novels, nine storybooks and eight pieces from the Dark Tower series. In total, King's work includes more than 170 small works and more than 60 books. Many of his novels have been filmed.

    The best works of the writer

    In this article, we want to review the best Stephen King books. Of course, all the works of the authors are worthy of attention, but, unfortunately, all of them cannot be considered within the framework of one article. Therefore, we will try to describe only the best books by Stephen King, in our opinion. It is worth emphasizing that every admirer of the talent of a writer naturally has his own opinion as to which works should be included in the list of the best.

    1. "Confrontation".
    2. Skeleton Team.
    3. "Carrie".
    4. Kujo.
    5. "Insomnia".
    6. "Kristina".
    7. "Pet cemetery".
    8. “Shooter. The Dark Tower Cycle ”.
    9. "Tomminokers".

    To understand whether connoisseurs of the writer's work are right that the best books by Stephen King are those on this list, you need to be well acquainted with his work. If you have not yet read the works of the king of horrors and thrillers, then we advise you to pay attention to those works that we will consider in the article. Each of these books can be a great way to get started with King's work.

    Stephen King "Dreamcatcher"

    In 1999, the writer fell under the wheels of a campervan, after which he underwent a long period of treatment and rehabilitation. He even wanted to finish his literary career. But, fortunately, I found the strength to continue working. After all that happened, many noticed how much Stephen King had changed. "Dreamcatcher" became the first work after the tragic events in the life of the writer. Naturally, the changes in the writer's worldview were reflected in his work. The book "Dreamcatcher" has a very intricate plot and deep meaning. Oddly enough, but the admirers of the famous author were divided into two camps. Some consider this book to be the best in the writer's work, while others have very negatively assessed this work. Therefore, readers have the opportunity to form their own opinion about this work.

    The plot of the book

    The plot of the work is rather beaten. The book contains aliens who want to seize the earth, people who are fighting with them, and the long-awaited victory over the monsters. However, the book also describes the relationship of four friends who are the main characters. They have supernatural powers that help them in the difficult fight against aliens. It is this storyline that makes the book special and unforgettable. As a child, the main characters became friends with a boy named Daddis. It was he who rewarded them with a very special gift, which helped them cope with their enemies, when, as adults, young people fall into the epicenter of events.

    But who is the "dream catcher" that appears in the title of the book? It turns out that this is not even a person. According to Indian belief, this is a kind of totem that is able to drive away terrible dreams.

    Fantastic novel about the dome

    "Under the Dome" is another famous work by Stephen King. The book tells about the inhabitants of a small town who once found themselves cut off from the outside world by some invisible dome. Many residents die, including the sheriff, who maintained order in the city. Local politician Big Jim takes over the management of the city. He puts a completely incompetent person on the post of police chief. In such chaos, an officer nicknamed Junior begins to work in the police. And no one realizes that he is very sick, a brain tumor has a detrimental effect on his behavior. The younger one kills the girls in the city one by one.

    At the same time, Officer Dale Barbara finds himself in the whirlwind of events developing under the dome. In the telephone mode, he receives an order to reinstate him in the army with the rank of colonel and verbal permission for any action to restore order in the town. Big Jim is doing everything to make this situation worse. On his orders, Dale Barbie is arrested, after which Big Jim becomes a full-fledged master, increasing cruelty and tyranny. Barbie escapes from prison with the help of like-minded people. He becomes aware that the dome is the result of the activities of aliens. Meanwhile, explosions occur in the city, as a result of which many people die, and those who survived may soon suffocate, since there is no longer enough air under the dome. Will the inhabitants of the town be able to survive? You will learn about this by reading the novel. Under the Dome is an incredibly gripping book that echoes King's other work, The Confrontation. If you have not yet become an active admirer of Stephen King's talent, then Under the Dome will change your attitude towards the author.

    "Pet cemetery"

    If you want to experience the work of such a famous writer as Stephen King, "Pet Sematary" is a great piece from which to start your acquaintance with the master of horror and fiction. The entire work is permeated with mysticism and eerie scenes. The novel takes place in a small town in Maine, which passes by an expressway. A lot of domestic animals died on it. Locals bury them in the animal cemetery. The most terrible things happen to the heroes of the novel. They find that people and animals buried in the local Indian cemetery are alive. But what do they become and how do they behave? You will learn about this by reading the book. More than thirty years have passed since the novel was published, but it is still as popular as anything Stephen King writes. Pet Sematary is a spooky story that makes you think about many things. From the first moment of its appearance, the book became incredibly popular.

    P. Straub and Stephen King

    Black House is a novel that has received mixed reviews from admirers of Stephen King's talent. This book was co-authored with P. Straub. Some even consider "Black House" the most unfortunate work of the writer. According to readers, the novel is a sequel to "Talisman". However, it can be read as an independent work.

    The novel takes place in a small provincial town in America. Retired Lieutenant Jack Sawyer comes to live here. The measured way of provincial life gives way to horror when children begin to die in the town. An unknown murderer-cannibal dooms young creatures to a painful death. After the next disappearance of the child, Jack Sawyer decides to intervene in the case. Like many of King's other novels, Black House is the story of the confrontation between a lonely knight and the forces of evil.

    According to the readers, the work is rather difficult to read. It is overloaded with all sorts of details, side ramifications and completely unimportant details. But with all this, it is difficult to tear yourself away from reading the book. For all the criticism that has come down on this work, it is incredibly popular. The novel is a combination of mystery and police thriller.

    "Green Mile"

    Looking at the best books by Stephen King, it is impossible not to recall the work "The Green Mile". This is exactly the novel that every person should read. The work can rather be attributed to the genre of psychological thriller, in which Stephen King excelled. The Green Mile describes the terrible world of a prison block in which death row people live. From here they go to another world. It is here that they pass the green road of death. Why is it green? It's very simple ... Most of the death row is painted green. The protagonist recalls a story that happened when he was young and working in a prison. A man innocently convicted of the murder of two children falls on death row.

    At one time, the book was incredibly popular, many readers have probably seen the famous film adaptation of this novel, which was approved by Stephen King himself. The Green Mile is a work completely devoid of the horrors that are inherent in many of the author's books.


    If you are attracted to the master of creepy horror movies Stephen King, It is a piece you just have to read. This is the largest and best book by a famous author. There is also a film adaptation of this work of the same name. It was after the book's release that many began to dislike clowns. It was under the guise of a favorite of children that a terrible monster was hiding, which tormented children and adults.

    What's so unusual about the novel that made Stephen King so popular? It is a book about seven friends living in a small fictional town. The children created their own "Losers' Club", which included those who are trying to find and kill the monster. A terrible creature lives in the guise of a clown. But at the same time, the monster can take on a variety of guises. It is for this reason that young friends call him "it". Unfortunately, adults do not hear the pleas of children. Therefore, they decide to independently fight the evil that lives in their city.

    The novel takes place in different years: in 1985 and 1958. While reading the work, you can meet the children whom the monster tried to kill. Childhood realities and the memories of grown-up people appear in the book in the form of a holistic picture. The scenes and characters of the novel are so vividly spelled out that it seems that you yourself are next to the heroes. Stephen King touched upon a number of important topics in the novel, including the problem of childhood traumas and their influence in adult life.

    "The Dark Tower"

    The most sensational novel of recent decades is The Dark Tower. Stephen King created a whole epic about Roland, the last noble knight. The main character of the work certainly needs to find a place that is the center of the power of the universe. To find the Dark Tower, Roland will travel a long and dangerous road. On the way, ordinary people help him. Travelers have to resist the spell of a powerful sorcerer who once foretold the fate of Roland.

    I must say that the cycle of novels "The Dark Tower" Stephen King created on the verge of horror, fantasy, western, science fiction and many other genres. The series of books includes a variety of topics, a large number of characters and many storylines, sometimes completely unrelated to each other. It is worth noting that the epic about "The Dark Tower" occupies a special place in modern science fiction literature. There was nothing like this in this genre before the Stephen King saga.

    "Dark Tower 6"

    Song of Suzanne is the sixth book in the Dark Tower series. The numerous travels of Roland and his faithful friends are almost over. But on the way of the heroes there is new problem... The fact is that Suzanne has disappeared, who carries a demon child in her, who in the future should become a great shooter. It was he who was prophesied by the Forces of Darkness to become Roland's killer. Friends have no choice but to go in search of the mysterious Suzanne ...

    According to readers, this book, like the entire Dark Tower series, is incredibly interesting. And at the same time, "Song of Suzanne" is notable for its dynamic plot, thanks to which the novel keeps the reader in constant tension from beginning to end. Incredible turns of events make it impossible to predict the outcome.

    Continuation of the novel "The Shining"

    Perhaps every fan of the works of the famous Stephen King is familiar with the novel "The Shining", published for the first time in 1977. It has been translated into almost all languages. Many eminent directors have repeatedly filmed this novel. But the most successful film directed by Stanley Kubrick will forever remain in the memory of the audience. The inimitable Jack Nicholson starred in the title role of the best film adaptation.

    And now, many years later, King returns to his heroes. They come to life again in Doctor Sleep. The book tells about Danny, the son of the same writer who died under the influence of the dark forces of the Overlook Hotel. Danny has an unusual gift and is very burdened by it. It is this ability to periodically "shine" reminds of those terrible events that happened to him in his distant childhood. In a relatively normal state, Danny manages to survive only thanks to his work in the hospice. Here, his gift helps to alleviate suffering for people. Danny's life changes on the day when a girl comes to him, radiating a "radiance" of amazing power. Abra is in danger, she is being hunted. And only Danny can save a twelve-year-old girl.

    Many readers consider Doctor Sleep to be one of King's finest works. Perhaps the novel would not have been so interesting if it had not become a sequel to the famous "The Shining". Indeed, in the memory of the protagonist, pictures from the past constantly pop up, which excite the imagination of readers. In general, the work is worthy of attention, true fans of King will appreciate the novel.

    Instead of an afterword

    In the presented article, we tried to tell about the most famous and interesting works of Stephen King, which are worth paying attention to readers. Of course, there are many good novels in the writer's work that are worth reading. What creations of the author can be considered the best - it's up to you. Only after reading the works of Stephen King, you can figure out for yourself which of them you like. We wish you a pleasant reading of the works of the famous novels of the writer, which brought him worldwide fame.