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  • Penza Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors. Educational activities

    Penza Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors.  Educational activities

    Penza Institute advanced training for doctors was organized on July 7, 1977 in Penza in accordance with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 533 dated 07.07.1977. The organizer of the institute and its first rector is Nikolai Mikhailovich Khomenko. Per a short time the institute gained fame and took its rightful place among the 13 similar institutes that were in the USSR at that time. From the first days of work, the staff of the institute introduced modern research methods into health care, new methods of treating diseases and their prevention in various areas of clinical medicine. With the development of the research activities of the leading professors of the Institute in Penza, candidates and doctors of sciences, professors and associate professors from practical health care appeared, which raised the level of medical care to a new level.
    In the first years (until 1990) the administrative building of the institute was located in the former children's hospital on the street. Krupskaya, 3. In December 1977, two departments received the first students (Department of Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynecology). By September 1978, 12 departments and 4 courses had already been organized. In 1990, a new administrative and laboratory building of the institute was built, which currently houses the educational part, certification and scientific departments, administration, library, Central Scientific Research Laboratory, laboratory of medical informatics with two computer labs and a number of departments (clinical laboratory diagnostics, otolaryngology and audiology-otorhinolaryngology, a course of mobilization training in healthcare and disaster medicine, pulmonology and phthisiology, etc.). In 1981, a dormitory building for 630 places was put into operation, in which a sanatorium-preventorium for 50 places was organized. In the period from 1982 to 1992. In the sanatorium-preventorium, students, employees of the institute and medical workers of the city had the opportunity to improve their health in parallel with their studies. At that time it was the only dispensary in the USSR in medical schools.
    Currently, the institute has two faculties (therapeutic and surgical), 24 departments and a course for mobilization training in healthcare and disaster medicine, a Central Scientific Research Laboratory, a department of medical informatics with two computer labs for testing students, a training simulation center, a library, and a hostel.

    Educational activities are carried out in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated October 8, 2015 No. 707n "On approval of the qualification requirements for medical and pharmaceutical workers with higher education in the direction of training" Health and Medical Sciences "", by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated August 3, 2012 No. 66n "On approval of the Procedure and terms for improving professional knowledge and skills by medical workers and pharmaceutical workers through training in additional professional educational programs in educational and scientific organizations ", a license Federal Service on supervision in the field of education and science, series 90L01 No. 00009599, registration No. 2527 dated January 31, 2017.

    The institute has two faculties - therapeutic and surgical, uniting 23 departments, a course for mobilization training in healthcare and disaster medicine, as well as a center for the practical training of doctors, a central research laboratory, a department of medical informatics, a library, a hostel. The departments of the institute are located in the administrative and laboratory building of the institute and in 14 large health care institutions in Penza.

    Educational activities are carried out according to educational programs higher education- training of highly qualified personnel (graduate school, residency) and additional vocational education(professional retraining, advanced training, internship), including:
    - in full-time and part-time postgraduate study (in 5 specialties scientific works nicknames)
    - in residency (in 38 specialties)
    - professional retraining (in 42 specialties)
    - advanced training (in 48 specialties)

    Training in residency and postgraduate studies is carried out on a budgetary basis with the payment of a scholarship within the limit allocated by the Ministry of Health of Russia and on a contractual basis. Education of citizens in graduate school and residency is carried out from September 1.

    Training under professional development programs and professional retraining is carried out both on a budgetary basis for vouchers distributed through territorial and city health authorities, health care institutions of the Ministry of Health of Russia, upon request through the CME portal, and on a contractual basis with legal entities or individuals.

    Education of foreign citizens is carried out on a contractual basis.

    The development of professional retraining and advanced training programs for specialists is completed with final certification. Listeners completing the entire volume curriculum and who have passed the final certification, receive a diploma of professional retraining of the established sample or a certificate of advanced training. Individuals who successfully pass the certification exam receive a specialist certificate.

    For the period of training, students, graduate students, residents are provided with a place in the hostel. Payment for accommodation is made in cash in the administrative and laboratory building of the institute.

    Institute under license for educational activities conducts additional cycles of advanced training, professional retraining and internships, incl. on-site at the request of territorial health authorities and medical organizations, as well as on individual requests, both on a budgetary and on a contractual basis. Applications for training cycles are addressed to the director.

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    The Penza Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors was organized by the decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 000 dated 01.01.01. To date, there are only seven such institutions in Russia. Over the past 33 years, the intensive has adequately established itself as a major center for postgraduate training of doctors not only in the Volga region, but also in Russia. The institute trained 92,660 healthcare professionals, conducted 2958 training cycles, trained 847 doctors in clinical residency, 1292 doctors in internship, and certified 25443 healthcare professionals.

    Since 1987, the Penza Institute for Advanced Medical Studies was one of the first in Russia to begin retraining primary care physicians under the general practice (family medicine) program. Since 1997, the institute, also among the first, began to use the elements distance education based on information educational technologies.

    With the opening of the Institute in Penza, rich in its medical traditions, professors and associate professors, doctors of medical sciences and candidates appeared, which made it possible to qualitatively raise the level of specialized medical care in the region.

    In different years, 48 ​​doctors of medical sciences worked at the institute, at present - 27; 36 of them defended their doctoral dissertations, being teachers of our institute, 11 doctors of sciences began their scientific activities, studying in clinical residency and postgraduate studies at the departments of our institute.

    The scientific activity of our researchers is represented by 196 prepared and defended dissertations (of which 36 are doctoral dissertations). 124 copyright certificates and patents for inventions, 485 rationalization proposals were received. 57 monographs, 72 collections of scientific papers, 526 teaching aids and guidelines, 10 textbooks and manuals, 4685 publications (including articles in central domestic peer-reviewed journals - 776 and foreign editions - 22) have been published. 166 scientific and practical conferences were held. 2228 reports were made at congresses, congresses, conferences. The results of scientific developments have been repeatedly and successfully demonstrated at the All-Union, All-Russian (268) and International (38) exhibitions. Every year a number of our scientists participate in international scientific forums abroad.

    The teaching staff of the institute is 141 people, including 27 doctors of sciences (13 professors) and 75 candidates of medical sciences (34 - associate professors). Lecturers with a scientific degree make up 72.3%.

    The institute has 23 departments and 2 courses, there are two faculties (therapeutic and surgical), a Central Scientific Research Laboratory, two computer classes and three classes for practicing practical skills on simulators, a library, a dormitory for 630 places.

    The institute employs: 2 "Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation"; 55 "Excellences in Health Care", 9 "Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation", awarded the "Order of the Badge of Honor" - 4, "Order of the Red Banner of Labor" - 2.

    Educational activities are carried out according to 133 professional educational programs: residency - 34 each, internship - 20 each, professional retraining - 30 each, advanced training - 44 each, postgraduate study - 5 specialties. The Institute conducts more than 400 thematic cycles and professional retraining cycles of various names, lasting from 72 to 864 hours, using modern educational technologies.

    The fund of the scientific library of the institute has over 84,300 copies of books. During the period from 2006 to 2008, the library was replenished with modern educational literature (4806 copies); electronic information and educational systems (28 copies); electronic teaching aids(76 copies). Taking into account the accumulated experience, scientific Library Institute is preparing for the transition to remote access to its information resources via the Internet.

    Clinical departments are located on the basis of 14 leading medical institutions in Penza; the staff of the institute annually provides highly qualified assistance to more than 31,000 patients; annually, from 50 to 95 new and modern methods of diagnostics, treatment and prevention are introduced into healthcare practice.

    The first head of the Department of Ophthalmology, founded on November 22, 1977, was a professor and remained in this position until 1991. The department received a clinical base, the eye department of the Penza city hospital No. 3, which then had only 60 beds. As a result of the department's activities, the number of beds increased to 160, and an ophthalmological day hospital with 40 beds was opened there. The staff of the department annually perform about 1000 operations the highest category complexity, which is 30-40% of all operations performed in the hospital. Geography of patients undergoing treatment: Ulyanovsk, Tambov, Saratov, Astrakhan, Lipetsk regions, Mordovia. Until 2010, the department was headed by Professor - Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Excellence in Health Care, Member of the Board of the All-Russian Society of Ophthalmologists. Currently, the department is headed by an associate professor.

    In 1992, the Central Research Laboratory (CSRL) of the Institute gave impetus to the opening of the course of allergology and immunology, which in 1997 was transformed into a department. Since the establishment of the department, its head and founder is a doctor of medical sciences, professor - one of the students of the Kazan School of Allergists, a member of the European Association of Allergists and Clinical Immunologists (EAACI), a participant in a number of high-profile International Symposia. The direction of scientific research of the department: "Mechanisms of the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases and the development of optimal methods of specific and nonspecific immunotherapy" and the Central Scientific Research Laboratory: "Assessment of immune defense mechanisms in patients with pyoinflammatory diseases and substantiation of approaches to immunocorrective therapy", "Assessment of the significance of regulatory peptides , enzymes of their metabolism in the pathogenesis of cerebral circulation insufficiency and in allergic pathology "," Differential diagnosis of chronic urticaria and the effectiveness of the drug "Gabriglobin" in the autoimmune form of urticaria ". One doctoral and 11 master's theses have been defended at the department on this issue.

    In 1995, a course of children's infectious diseases was opened, which in January 2001 was reorganized into the Department of Infectious Diseases under the leadership of a professor who started at the Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology. Doctor of the highest category, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, in addition to heading the department, she worked as vice-rector of the institute for scientific (since 2001) and educational work(since 2003). Clinical bases of the department: State Institution "Penza Regional Center for Specialized Types of Medical Aid", the regional infectious diseases hospital (190 beds, 5 departments) and the regional children's clinical hospital named after (120 infectious beds).

    In 1992, the Institute organized a laboratory of medical informatics, headed by Professor of the Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, Dr. med. , assistant to the rector for information technology. In 2008, the laboratory was transformed into a department of medical informatics under the leadership. Currently, the department is the coordinator of the work of the institute on the use of information technologies, teaches medical informatics in the preparation of clinical residents, interns, graduate students and general practitioners.

    Classes in the computer class

    Leading scientists of the institute

    At the Penza Institute for Advanced Medical Studies, a strong teaching staff, with the help of the solid infrastructure of the institute, carefully nurtures and polishes medical personnel so that they can fully reveal their true potential in the field of people's health. More noble than this task is only the very treatment of the suffering.

    KislovAlexander Ivanovich

    Rector of Penza state institution advanced training for doctors, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

    August 5 "href =" / text / category / 5_avgusta / "rel =" bookmark "> August 5, 1946 in the Samara region. Children's Orthopedic-Surgical Hospital of the Ministry of Railways of the USSR In 1976 in Moscow he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic: “Treatment of a shortened lower leg with a supporting and non-supporting foot.” Since 1978 he worked as an assistant, associate professor of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Penza Institute for Advanced Medical Studies. year in Samara he defended his doctoral dissertation on the use of a new controlled distractor in the complex treatment of scoliosis. Became a professor in 2001, and in 2003 - for a professional approach to business - received the honorary title "Honored Doctor Russian Federation". Now she works at the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics., Head of the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Military Extreme Medicine medical institute Penza State University.

    Since 2004, Rector of the Penza Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors Federal agency on health care and social development of the Russian Federation. Elected a Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences of the Russian Federation in 1995.

    Research interests - compression-distraction osteosynthesis in traumatology and orthopedics, complex surgical treatment of severe forms of scoliosis (development of implantable devices), hip arthroplasty, rehabilitation treatment of children with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Under his leadership, two doctoral dissertations and one master's thesis were defended, he published 128 scientific works, including 27 copyright certificates and patents for inventions of the Russian Federation, one monograph, three teaching aids and five guidelines... Participated in All-Russian conference"The practice of health care reform at the regional and municipal levels: experience, results, problems" in Penza in 2006, and was also a member of working group the regional government, where, together with other specialists, he prepared documents. In years. took part in the editorial board for the preparation of materials of the State Council on health care with the participation of the President of Russia.

    Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Chairman of the Academic Council of the Institute. Deputy Chairman of the Penza Regional Association of Traumatologists and Orthopedists. Deputy editor of the journal Izvestiya Vuzov. Volga region ".