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  • The king of spain felipe how tall he is. Philip VI is the new king of Spain. Spanish king loves Atletico Madrid

    The king of spain felipe how tall he is.  Philip VI is the new king of Spain.  Spanish king loves Atletico Madrid

    Summer 2014 King Juan Carlos I abdicated in favor his only son, Prince Felipe of Asturias... Spain, after many years of the reign of Juan Carlos - new king! Such news could not go unnoticed all over the world.
    Did this news come as a surprise to most of your subjects? Yes, it did. Bad news or good news? Here you can argue for a long time, but only time will tell whether Juan Carlos made the right decision and at the right time.
    Was he a good or bad king? In general, judging by the fact that during the years of his reign in Spain more good things happened than bad ones, then it is hardly worth blaming the monarch for all the negative, and attributing everything positive to the merits of someone else.
    Kings, although they are kings, they are also people.
    Juan Carlos is the man who was able to unite the nation after decades of Franco dictatorship.
    King Juan Carlos, who by the way comes from the Bourbon dynasty, is a living symbol of the modern history of Spain.
    The moment of his ascension to the Spanish throne is associated with an extremely difficult period in the history of Spain, in which a fire was blazing civil war, and extremely opposing views on the future of the country wreaked havoc on political life.
    And Juan Carlos had to reconcile the warring parties, extinguish this fire, so that there were no prerequisites for a new civil confrontation.
    Now Ukrainian recent history it clearly demonstrates to us that the solution of this problem sometimes seems simply impossible. It is not for nothing that historians compare the events of Ukraine with the events in Spain at the end of the 30s. How, in such a situation, to carry out democratic transformations so that it really is a democracy?
    Juan Carlos succeeded. And only for this, his name can already be included in the history textbooks forever. As a result, Spain can be considered a democratic country without reservations; it has entered the United Europe. Yes, some problems remain, as in any country in the world, even the most prosperous, but not a single Spaniard will say that the king made mistakes in the political arena and would like to go back 40 years.
    As for other areas of life, we are all not without sin. Juan Carlos is an ambiguous figure, but bright.

    On initial stages reign, such an image of a rake or a womanizer, a simple Spaniard, and not a king, brought him the love of the people. Now, on the contrary, he suddenly began to work against the monarch.
    Is it all the fault of age? And that too. What the people will understand, will not condemn and forgive because of their youth will no longer seem appropriate to them in old age. So, quite frequent trips "to the left" and novels on the side aroused in most Spaniards pity and sympathy for the Queen Sofia, who was practically impeccable in all respects.

    But it's not only that.
    The point is that one and the same technique can work differently at the time of a political crisis and at a time of an economic crisis. But it was precisely with the economic crisis that Spain, like the whole of Europe, had to fight in last years... And then it started spinning. The corruption scandal in which the son-in-law and the daughter of the monarch were involved, the ill-fated trip to hunt elephants, as they say, again for the sake of a new passion, unnecessary spending, while the people tightened their belts. After that hunt, animal defenders also became more active. As a result, the rating began to fall. It has never been oversized, but there have always been ardent admirers of Juan Carlos in the country, ardent opponents and hesitant, those who supported some decisions and actions and did not agree with others. But the economic crisis is a serious matter. And at this time, the monarch must weigh every step and even every word a hundred times. Yes, at the beginning of the royal path everything was with the country's economy, perhaps even more difficult, but then there were forces and still other times. And it is the solution of political problems that would make it possible to start solving economic ones. Now, the solution of economic problems will rather allow us to tackle political ones.
    And then my health disappointed. It has literally become difficult to calculate the next step. Either the monarch on the step at the sight of the cameras at the legs gets confused and his nose smacks, then he forgets the words of his speech, or else he finds himself in some comic situation, for example, with a funny ringtone on his royal phone. On the one hand, it can defuse the atmosphere of ripening discontent, especially from the perspective of older people. Like, the king is the same as we are, an ordinary person of advanced age. But on the other hand, what is allowed to a simple grandfather, from the point of view of many, is not allowed to the king. Citizens want to see on the throne a strong person who, without sparing his belly, can sacrifice much for them, for the sake of his subjects, including rest or health. When you are 76, you may sincerely want to make such a sacrifice, but every year it turns out worse.
    The monarch's health was in fact seriously damaged. In the media, readers only had time to follow the news about how he went to the operation, was discharged from the hospital, went back to the operation, was discharged again, etc. It's a pity? Of course. For almost 40 years, man bore the burden of the monarchy. And even if this is not ideal, the load, both psychological and physical, will be colossal.
    In many matters, Juan Carlos sincerely strove to be the ideal ruler, and this often worked out. It was possible, for example, to win love, respect, and most importantly - authority in many countries of the world, and in modern world this is extremely important.
    True, diplomacy sometimes had to learn on the fly, and there were some mistakes too, but in the end, science succumbed.
    One cannot fail to notice the obvious. When health fails, everyone understands that under such circumstances, the affairs of the state fade into the background. We are all sick and we know how difficult it is to focus on other things besides illness when we are not feeling well. Yes, and every reasonable person, and Juan Carlos is an intelligent person, it is embarrassing to expose his old age and weakness constantly for show. He is unlikely to say about it, but he cannot help but think. We are all made that way.
    Make way for the young? This is exactly what Juan Carlos decided. They say he made a decision back in January, but did not widely announce his decision.
    At first, the media named health problems as the reason for this decision. Does a person finally have the right to be just a pensioner and enjoy the pleasures that other Spanish cheerful old men enjoy - bask in the sun, read a good book, play a game of chess, go fishing or even hunt? Only the elephants are better left alone. And if you do not cross certain boundaries, no one will condemn. Well-deserved rest. Has every right.
    Then the same media began to emphasize that the reason for the liberation of the throne was political. They say that Juan Carlos himself said that modern politics is a very complicated thing, and it is necessary to give the young people an opportunity to prove themselves in this field.
    In this he is right. In his life there was already a difficult political exam, he passed. But then there was youth! So age and health, whatever one may say, matter. To get involved in regular political intrigues, when your rating is not very high, and the years make themselves felt, is a thankless task.
    Another thing is a handsome man of 46 years old, with an ideal reputation, a luxurious wife, whom not only he himself but also all Spaniards loves! Who are we talking about?
    About the only son of King Felipe and his charming wife Leticia.

    It was in his favor that the king of Spain abdicated the throne. Spanish and international experts note that the country's economy has risen from its knees and give rather optimistic forecasts. This means that we have managed to get through the most difficult stage of the economic crisis. It's time to put the reins of government in new hands.
    They say the son is like his father. However, apparently, he realized that in this case it is better to learn from the mistakes of others than from his own, and from a young age he realized that the moment of coronation would come one day, and it would depend on what baggage in terms of reputation you come to him with. much. And my mother's upbringing, too, probably bore fruit.

    So, if there are any skeletons in the closet, and there are a lot of closets in the Madrid courtyard, then the prince personally manages not to let his royal dynasty not everyone succeeds.
    True, it’s one thing to prepare for government, even if it’s all your life, but another thing is to rule directly. In general, Juan Carlos made the right decision. Why wait for the moment when power will be inherited in the literal sense of the word. The heavy burden of the crown amid the loss loved one- a difficult test. And so in a fatherly way it will still be possible to help, give helpful advice... Moreover, he, Juan Carlos, did not discover any America, just recently two monarchs of Europe of the same years set an example for him. Retire, enjoy life without the weight of a crown on your head.
    So Spain fell asleep with one king, and woke up with another. Juan Carlos is a large-scale and historical personality. You can respect him for a lot, for something to criticize, for something to regret, and for something to condemn. But almost 40 years cannot be erased from the history of the country, and all these years the Spanish monarch tried to carry his crown with honor, and what did not always work out - with whom does not happen. It's easy to dream of what kind of king I would be until I tried it. Now Felipe has to make his dreams come true.
    So was the king of Spain good or bad? In general, in the modern world, can you be bad for almost 40 years?
    So, most Spaniards will answer, most likely, that their king was not bad, even good, but not without sin. And then, more than three decades is a very long time! It depends on the merits of which times to evaluate and which generation will do it. Many of those who are judging the monarch now, in the distant 1975, were not even in the project, but he was already making difficult decisions.

    But thousands of journalists, reporters, writers, historians and ordinary people around the world will have to get used to the fact that for more than three decades has not changed. Many are already on autopilot, when it comes to the king and queen of Spain, they write or say, even wake up at night - Juan Carlos and Sofia. And Felipe and Leticia are prince and princess. It is possible that at first some will even be confused and mistaken. But they will get used to it in the end.

    They live in Spain for a long time. So the new king should have several decades in reserve to prove himself, and then it will be possible to draw conclusions who did more useful for the country - dad or son. By the way, about the sons. Having two simply adorable daughters is probably the best moment to think about the heir to the throne. Here, just boldly, you can repeat after dad - first two girls, then a son!

    In short, there is just a lot of work ahead.
    And I would like to wish Juan Carlos many more years, like his beloved wife, who is able to understand, endure and forgive. And, of course, let more often there is a reason to be proud of your son already as King of Spain.
    Now the former monarch will also be judged by what kind of son he gave birth to and how he prepared him for the reins of government. Well, dad is no stranger to assessing, and the son needs to do everything so that his father's rating in this matter is high.
    But he, just, is not particularly enviable, even despite the reputation and love of the Spaniards. It is becoming more and more difficult to preserve the monarchy in any form, even formal, in the modern world. It is a fact.
    The new king did not have time to take the throne, when the Spaniards took to the streets with a demand to make the country a republic and hold a referendum.
    Apparently, the word referendum will eventually be recognized as the most popular word in Europe in 2014. And if it's no joke, then everything is really not easy.
    Good luck, Felipe. More correct decisions, fewer mistakes.

    And a little about the frivolous, on the road. Although what woman would say that fashion is not serious? Princess Letizia sets the tone not only in women's but also in children's fashion (although only for girls so far, but not yet evening). She has a subtle sense of taste, style, color. And there are many imitators. Now these imitators can safely say that they dress not like a princess, but like a queen. And it will be true. And it is not necessary to have royal income, we do not know how in the status of the king's wife, but as a princess Leticia could acquire a thing and the publicly available brand "Mango", the main thing is that it should be stylish and to the face. It is easy for the whole country to fall in love with such a girl.
    As they said yesterday on one of the central Russian channels, the right wife is one of the most important steps in the king's life, influencing a lot, not only on his personal life. Well, ex-queen Sophia (how unusual this phrase is) fully justifies this postulate. The only surprise is that having such a diamond, its owner also pays attention to other jewelry. They are all fakes.
    King Felipe (you have to get used to the new turn) is not like that? Some argue, they say, that it is not evening yet, and “gray hair in the beard” is not enough for him yet, but he has to gossip about something. That's why they are the secrets of the Madrid court, so that there is something to solve. And there were rumors about a divorce, and a denial, everything is as it should be around people of this status.
    One thing remains unchanged - father and son will be compared constantly and for a long time. Long live the new king! And the old is not sick.

    • The full name of the Spanish monarch and honorary birthday man, given to him at the time of his baptism, is Felipe Juan Pablo Alfonso de Todos los Santos de Bourbon de Grecia. Felipe VI became King of Spain in June 2014, when his father Juan Kalos I resigned.
    • His maternal grandfather and great-grandfather were kings.
    • Felipe VI has an excellent education - he studied law at the University of Madrid and received a master's degree in international relations at Georgetown University in Washington. The king speaks fluently not only Spanish, but also English and French. And besides that he owns.

    As a prince, he was a member of the national sailing team and even competed in 1992 in Barcelona, ​​finishing sixth in the final race. Moreover, he big fan downhill skiing is a hobby that his wife does not share. Other hobbies include motorcycles, astronomy, squash and ping pong.

    • Due to his height - 1.97 meters - he entered as the tallest monarch in the world.
    • In 1993, People magazine included him in the list of the most handsome men on the planet, placing him between actor Tom Cruise and German footballer Lothar Matthäus.
    • Today's birthday boy is an avid dog lover. According to Spanish media reports, throughout his life there were always four-legged pets next to him - Pinuki, Baloo and the current favorite Pushkin (by the way, the owner never commented on this nickname, and its origin is unknown). Schnauzer was always so attached to Don Felipe that when the owner was going on a business trip, the dog, due to nervousness, invariably began to have stomach problems. Family harmony was destroyed by the future Queen Letizia: having settled in the palace, she strictly forbade the dog to sleep in the house - so Pushkin moved to the royal garden.
    • What is served in a palace in Madrid? Favorite dishes include soup, which is prepared several times a day; Turkish kebab, ham, pasta, meat and green salad. The monarch accompanies the Saturday lunchtime with a glass of white wine, while the rest of the family drinks the water.
    • Queen Letizia is known for her impeccable taste in clothing and loyalty to democratic brands. Even at special events, she. Unlike his spouse, all Don Felipe's costumes are sewn by court tailors - Jaime Gallo and Cecilio Serna.

    • The king, himself at the wheel, together with his wife, takes his daughters - Sophia and Leonor - to school every day. On the way, they usually discuss homework and test papers girls.
    • The monarch's favorite accessory is a watch. Favorites include Cartier and Royal Oak de Audemars Piguet. At the wedding, Brietling for 17 thousand euros flaunted on the groom's wrist.
    • The favorite gift that the spouse presented at one of the celebrations was the monarch's favorite book, "Satirical Sketches" by Mariano José De Larra, published in 1850.
    • According to rumors, having fallen in love with a journalist without memory, Felipe first of all consulted with his mother for a long time and only then told his father about everything. Before marriage, he had four formal brides. The couple spent their honeymoon traveling in Spain, Jordan, Thailand and China.
    • The official salary of the king for 2014 was 234 thousand euros per year (for comparison: the salary of his wife is 129 thousand).
    • This is for the whole world the king of Spain - Don (analogue of His Highness). For his older sisters, he is "Napoleon" (a nickname in childhood), and for his daughters just "papi".
    June 16, 2016, 13:25

    The stately handsome Felipe inherited the natural charm of his father, King Juan Carlos, and the noble manners of his mother, Queen Sofia.

    The personal life of the prince was constantly under the gun of journalists. One of the prince's first hobbies was Isabelle Sartorius, a girl from an aristocratic family and seemingly suitable in all respects, and he was in love. But the king and queen were against marriage due to the fact that her parents were divorced. They say the queen did not like Isabel and for a strong character and in general brightness.

    The second possible American princess, Gigi Howard, was disqualified for being a foreigner and not related to the nobility.

    Felipe then had a long and tumultuous affair with model Eva Sannum; they met in the fall of 1997, when the Norwegian was studying in Madrid. Spanish... Three months later, Eva returned to Oslo, but her romance with the prince soon developed and became public. In the fall of 2000, the Spanish magazine Hola! published a report on the joint trip of Prince Felipe and Eva to India in the summer of 1999. The article was accompanied by photographs in which Felipe and Eva posed together in front of the Taj Mahal and riding an elephant (the photographs were sold to the magazine by one of the friends who traveled with the couple).

    Eva Sannum was born on April 27, 1975 in the town of Lowenstad in northern Norway. She was seven years younger than the prince. When the girl was ten years old, her parents divorced, and Eva, along with her older sister, stayed with her father, the owner of a car paint shop. The father soon married a second time. From the age of 15, Eva worked on the catwalk, showing off her underwear. She later went to university in Oslo, where she studied advertising. The girl showed remarkable ability to study - as evidenced by the fact that she is fluent in six languages.

    After a trip to India, Prince Felipe and Eva have vacationed together more than once in Norway, in mountain resorts, in Madrid, and each time new photos appeared in the tabloid press. Naturally, the origin of the chosen one of the prince, and especially the fact that she worked on the catwalk, showing underwear, was not approved by the Spanish guardians of traditions. King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia also made no secret of their concern over the choice made by their son.

    A public opinion poll in the country testified to the negative perception of the ex-fashion model as a princess by the Spaniards. Almost 75 percent of Spaniards who voted against this marriage feared that the newly-born "Princess of the People" could seriously damage the reputation of the Spanish crown. Or, as the Spanish king's biographer Jose Luis de Vilallonga put it, who regarded the upcoming wedding as "putting us on a par with the British." Many prominent representatives of Spanish society appealed to Prince Felipe with an appeal "to show responsibility and understanding of the duty to the country." But the overwhelming majority of Norwegians supported the desire of newlyweds to enter into a legal marriage.

    As a result, the heir to the Spanish throne officially announced that his wedding with the Norwegian fashion model Eva Sannum would not take place. Despite the diplomatic words of Felipe that he and Eve came to a common opinion to end their relationship, and each of them, proceeding from "personal considerations", decided to "go their own way", such a turn of events was actively discussed in society.

    After Eve, the heir to the Spanish throne began a new romance.

    This prince Felipe fell in love with Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow. Gwyneth and Felipe met at the house of mutual friends and liked each other at first sight. The couple met in secret, not wanting to attract the attention of journalists. Gwyneth was so fascinated by her handsome prince that she even left the Venice International Film Festival ahead of time to go to Madrid to see Felipe. There he and His Highness spent a romantic evening, having dined at the house put at their disposal by a friend of the prince.

    Queen Sofia and King Juan Carlos approved of the infatuation of their son, whom they had long wanted to see married and settled down. Felipe's new passion, although it does not belong to a noble family, did not shock his parents as much as the previous love, the Norwegian model Eva Sannum. But in the end, the Spanish heartthrob Felipe left the Givenet networks. According to another version, Paltrow herself broke off the relationship. -she realized that she would not be able to live by protocol and bear the burden of royal duties.

    At various times, they talked about Felipe's novels with the daughter of the Spanish ambassador to Germany and the Austrian aristocrat Gabriela Sebastien:

    With Pakistani-born Canadian top model Yasmín Gahuri:

    Felipe also met with: Czech model Alicia Krezjlova, whom he met during his summer vacation in Mallorca;

    the niece of the Queen of the Netherlands, Beatrix Caroline de Bourbon;

    Mexican Marcela Cuevas:

    At one time, Felipe courted Princess Tatiana of Liechtenstein, but according to rumors, she refused him.

    also among the passions of Felipe was Diana Martínez-Bordiú.

    The prince of Spain was such a heartthrob. In one interview, Felipe said:

    "I understand my responsibility to the crown and dynasty when choosing a spouse. I will choose a woman who will understand how to represent royal family in Spanish society. But I will make this choice only for love. "

    In contact with

    By the time Felipe was born, his parents already had two daughters: Infanta Elena (b. December 20, 1963) and Infanta Christina (b. June 13, 1965).

    At birth, Felipe received the title of Infanta.

    He was baptized at the Zarzuela Palace near Madrid. The Infante's godparents were his grandfather, Count of Barcelona, ​​Juan de Bourbon, and great-grandmother, Queen Victoria Eugenia.

    From the day of the proclamation of his father king (November 22, 1975), the Infante Felipe became heir to the throne, and on November 1, 1975, he received the titles of Prince of Asturias, Prince of Gerons and Prince of Viana.

    Heralder, GNU 1.2

    On January 30, 1986, when he turned 18, Felipe took the oath of allegiance to the Constitution and the King in the Spanish Parliament, fully assuming the role of heir to the Spanish crown.


    Infant Felipe finished high school Santa Maria de los Rosales in Madrid in 1984

    He then spent a year in Canada at Lakefield College School.

    From September 1985 to July 1988 he studied at the Military Academy in Zaragoza, at the Navy School in Marina and at the Air Force Academy in San Javier.

    From October 1988 to June 1993 he studied law and economics at the Autonomous University of Madrid.

    Senat RP / Polish Senate, CC BY-SA 3.0

    In May 1995, he received a master's degree in international relations from Georgetown University (USA).

    Participation in the Olympic Games

    He was a member of the Spanish Olympic sailing team at the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona.

    He took part in the opening ceremony as the standard bearer of the Olympic team. In triple boat competition he took sixth place and was awarded an Olympic diploma.

    Interestingly, his father, mother, and younger sister Infanta Christina also participated in the Olympic Games in sailing, but at the same time Felipe achieved the highest success in the family - Juan Carlos took 15th place in 1972 in Munich, and Infanta Christina was 20th in 1988 in Seoul.

    In 1960 Sofia took part in the Olympic Games as an additional member of the Greek sailing team.

    State and public activities

    As an official representative of Spain, he visited many countries of the world, specializing in relations with the Middle East, North Africa, Latin America, problems of economic and social development, cultural issues.

    February 5-9, 2002, at the invitation of the Prime Minister Russian Federation M. M. Kasyanov, made an official visit to the Russian Federation. During his visit, he met with President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation M.M.Kasyanov, Chairman of the Federation Council S.M. Mironov, Speaker of the State Duma G.N. Seleznyov and Mayor of Moscow Yu.M. Luzhkov. As part of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the restoration of diplomatic relations between Russia and Spain, he opened a Spanish cultural center - the Moscow branch of the Cervantes Institute, and, together with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia I. S. Ivanov, opened an exhibition in the Russian State Library.

    Presidential Press and Information Office, CC BY-SA 3.0

    From June 23 to June 27, 2003, at the invitation of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, he again visited Russia. In the program of the 4-day visit, he visited Moscow and St. Petersburg. In Moscow, on June 23, 2003, he met with the President of Russia. In St. Petersburg, he visited the State Hermitage, one of the warships of the Baltic Fleet. He visited the center of the EMERCOM of Russia in Noginsk, Star City, opened a fair dedicated to the economic opportunities of Spain.

    Visited divisions Armed Forces Spain in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2002), Afghanistan (2008) and other countries.

    Military service

    It has military ranks: lieutenant colonel of the army and aviation,
    captain of the frigate of the fleet.

    He is qualified as a helicopter pilot of the army, aviation and navy. He is a member of the 402nd squadron of the Spanish Air Force.

    A family

    Prince Felipe is married. Spouse - Her Royal Highness Princess Letizia of Spain, Princess of Asturias, née Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano.

    On November 1, 2003, completely unexpectedly for everyone, the royal palace announced the upcoming engagement of Prince Felipe of Asturias and journalist Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano.

    On November 6, at 12:30 pm, a solemn engagement took place. Felipe gave the bride wedding ring from white gold, and Letizia presented Felipe with cufflinks made of white gold with sapphires and a book by the classic of Spanish literature Mariano José de Larra “The Page of King Enrique the Weak”. Then Felipe and Letizia took part in a press conference for 250 journalists from more than 10 countries.

    After the engagement, Letizia moved to the Zarzuela palace.

    The wedding took place on May 22, 2004 at the Cathedral of Santa Maria la Real de la Almudena in Madrid. This was the first royal wedding in this cathedral. The wedding was broadcast by television channels in many countries, and was thus watched by about 1.5 billion people around the world.


    On October 31, 2005, a daughter, Her Royal Highness Infanta Leonor, was born to the Princess and Prince of Asturias at the Ruber Clinic in Madrid. Leonor's christening took place on January 14, 2006. King Juan Carlos of Spain and Queen Sofia of Spain became godparents.

    On September 25, 2006, the Spanish royal palace announced that the Prince and Princess of Asturias are expecting another child in 2007. Their second daughter, Infanta Sophia, was born on April 29, 2007. The christening of Infanta Sophia took place on July 15, 2007.

    Photo gallery

    King John Charles I, Doña Letizia, Princess of Asturias, Infante Philip, Prince of Asturias, Queen Sophia on the day of the wedding of the Hereditary couple. Madrid, 22 May 2004

    Already on June 19, 2014, the Prince and Princess of Asturias will become the ruling couple of the Kingdom of Spain. In the light of the abdication of King John Charles I, discussions flared up about the need for the existence of a monarchy in this Pyrenean state. However, opinion polls show that the majority of Spaniards remain loyal to the Crown, and republican demonstrations in the country's cities are just the usual innuendo of the radical left.

    From 14 to 20 May 2014, La Razón conducted a survey in Spain on whether the Spaniards considered Infante Philip to be ready to access the Throne. Shortly before the King's abdication, 83.4% of those polled believed that the Prince of Asturias would be a good monarch. At the same time, among people over 65, the share of those who gave such an answer is 89.4%. At the same time, only 10.6% did not believe that His Royal Highness would be a worthy ruler, and 6% did not decide on this issue.

    As for the opinion about Dona Letizia, 68% of respondents consider their compatriot a worthy Queen of Spain, and 22.7% do not see her in this status. 9.3% were undecided in their opinion about the spouse of the Heir apparent. Such figures are rather related to the fact that many remember the journalistic past of the Princess of Asturias and still judge her in this light, although over 10 years of marriage it is clear that Her Royal Highness is showing all-round interest and attention to the problems of her compatriots and their needs.

    On the day of the abdication and the next day, the largest Spanish newspaper ABC conducted a survey on the future of the monarchy in Spain and its results did not diverge from the previous study.

    88% of the citizens surveyed think that the Infante Philip is ready to become King of Spain and only 4.1% disagree with this statement, and 7.9% do not know what to answer. At the same time, 71% believe that King John Charles I did the right thing by deciding to renounce the Crown, and only 6.6% of respondents do not think so. It is curious that 13.9% are not at all interested in this question, and 8.5% did not want to answer it. Well, there is a certain reason not to interfere and express your opinion about such important decision as a renunciation of the Throne is.

    Prince and Princess of Asturias with their daughters Infants Leonor and Sophia. Photo August 2012

    Center-right newspaper EL Mundo released its poll data on June 9 and compared it to this January's. One of the most authoritative publications in the country concludes that the monarch found the right moment to renounce the Crown. 76.4% of respondents support this decision King John Charles I, which correlates well with the data of other polls. 73% of citizens believe that the Prince of Asturias will be a good King, which in general does not differ from the data of other polls.

    In this survey, questions were asked about support for the monarchy as a form of government. If in January the monarchy was supported by 49.9%, now 55.7% of respondents are ready to vote for the power of the King. The authors of this study also asked about the political bias of citizens in order to determine the support of the monarchy among the supporters of one or another political party in the Kingdom. The result was extremely curious. Among the supporters of the center-right People's Party, the number of monarchists rose from 77.7% to 80.3%, and in the ranks of the Spanish Socialist Labor Party, the number of loyal subjects increased from 45.2% to 52.7%. The rejuvenation of the monarchy, about which King John Charles I spoke, really managed to play a role in the issue of supporting the monarchy. This wise step of His Majesty even affected the number of monarchists among such radicals as the United Left: the share of monarchists among their supporters increased from 14.1% to 22.6%, while the number of Republicans decreased from 84.7% to 72, 7%. Fun fact, after all, it was this green-red coalition that began anti-monarchist demonstrations throughout Spain on the evening of June 2, that is, a few hours after the abdication.

    Stanislav Pavlov
    bachelor of history