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  • When British children start learning. English for children: When and how to start learning English with a child. What language skills can be developed from preschoolers

    When British children start learning. English for children: When and how to start learning English with a child. What language skills can be developed from preschoolers

    Daria Popova

    Everyone who wondered when to start, necessarily met the answer of specialists - the earlier, the better. However, many parents do not doubt anyway, and whether he needed - English to school? There are common myths and "confusing" of facts. Today we will consider in detail why it is more correct to start english classes at an early age.

    What are the pros and cons early learning foreign language?

    Arguments "For" Early Education English Children

    1. Half West

    The baby's brain is constantly growing and intensively changing. At the beginning of the child's life, there is no strong difference in the activity of the right and left hemispheres. But the child begins to grow up, and two halves begin to strictly distribute responsibilities, including those associated with speech.

    Left hemisphere - conscious and speech. It is in the "most important" speech. Its responsibilities include:

    • storage of the word
    • logics
    • grammar
    • reading
    • letter

    Right hemisphere is the unconscious and creative. In speech, it is responsible for:

    • pronunciation
    • intonation
    • mimica
    • gestures
    • and most importantly - language guess

    Thus, the right hemisphere is responsible for the unconscious understanding of the meaning of an unknown phrase from the context, "judging by what is happening."

    Up to 7 years later, the perception of speech by a child, including foreign, causes activity in both hemispheres of the brain, from 7 to 9 years old there is a focus of initiation in the right of hemisphere, and from 10 years, foreign speech is recorded only by the left.

    Thus, the child began to learn a foreign language in 8 years, as our school offers, not just difficult, and unnatural the nature of the brain, the ability to easily distinguish foreign words, overseas intonations and language guesses, that is, understanding the main essence of what has been said, even if you and Do not know the meanings of some words.

    2. Opinion of the English coach

    For me, the question "When to start learning English?" Sounds just like "when to start the child to engage in physical education?". The thing is that most parents perceive english Like physics or chemistry, that is, a set of knowledge that needs to be understood and apply where necessary. In fact, English is not mathematics, it is physical education.

    You can know a lot about the technique and the strategy of the game of basketball, but not to learn how to play it. Teaching English in the Russian school, as a rule, is reduced to gaining knowledge on how to jump and run, but not exercising with jumping and running. And now think - how successfully will your child be able to master the game in the ball, if you give him this sporty item only in 8 years?

    Remember english is not taught. He is trained. And the sooner workout started, the more perfect skill.

    3. The smart barrier does not jump over. He doesn't create it

    The best way overcome the language barrier - not to form it. In children who have begun to learn English at least 5 years, and even before, the language barrier is very rare. First of all, this is due to the fact that from the very beginning they have experience in success in English. Language tasks are so simple that children can easily cope with them. Moreover, than the younger child, the less he feels the difference in the success between the native and foreign speech.

    The kids and in Russian are not all words understand, so the situation is when they do not know the meaning of what is said, but they guessed - natural, daily and does not represent a large stress.

    The native speech of children is not yet sophisticated with sophistication and complexity. And the first dialogues that children learn to build in English are in their essence are a foreign copy of their usual daily daily role-playing games in mother's daughter, doctor or shop.

    5. Transfiction from dictionary in dictionary

    Usually for parents the main result teaching English children is how many words the child knows on it. In fact, much more important is not how many words the child says (active dictionary), and how much understands in the speech of the interlocutor (passive dictionary).

    In an adult, as a rule, these dictionaries almost do not differ. But the kids are first formed passive (remember how long the child pronounces only a few words, but it already understands almost everything you say), and then words from it go to the active dictionary, that is, in speech. Also with English - preschoolers for competent training formed into a huge passive vocabulary, which then colossomically saves time to study new words (they simply overflow in active speech)

    6. Globo-shaped memory

    It is known that children absorb everything like sponges. But there are few people who think that the sponge dries easily, if not to keep it constantly in the water.

    The child's memory, indeed, is able to learn a huge reservoir of the foreign language material, but only provided that the baby is regularly immersed in the language environment (hears a foreign speech, trying to speak on it, to understand what they say).

    Have you already guessed that with age, memory loses his gipfather?

    7. Difficulties of translation in teaching English children

    Adult man thinks words. Children from 7 to 12 years old - mostly pictures or images, but verbal thinking is already gaining momentum. From 3 to 7 years old - children think pictures, images.

    When the re-sector meets a foreign word, he primarily connects it with a translation, as it does this adult, but with a picture, toy, action, property of the subject, that is, something real. Thus, preschoolers have no mediocities-translators in the form of Russian words between English and reality (with the right organization of classes, of course).

    To be successful in English, you need to learn to think on it, and not think in Russian, and then what happened to translate into a foreign speech.

    The child learn to think in English is much easier than adult, because the child thinks like this:

    Before school:

    • The child thinks "Cat" \u003d the child is a cat.
    • The child thinks "A Cat" \u003d the child is a cat.

    From 7 years in increasing:

    • The child thinks "Cat" \u003d the child represents a cat and remembers its properties (animal, 4 paws, loves mice, etc.)
    • The child thinks "A Cat" \u003d the child remembers that it translates as a "cat" \u003d maybe then he will present a cat.

    But to translate the preschool to teach - the task is complicated. For them, this is a double job: remember what means the word, and then remember how this is called in Russian.

    Arguments "Against" Early Education English Children

    However, despite the convincing arguments in favor of early learning in foreign language, no less convincing and arguments "against":

    1. Children confuse languages. English interferes with the development of native speech.
    2. Bilingualism creates such confusion in the head in a child, which prevents the development of its intelligence.
    3. Children confuse the letters of Russian and English. English prevents learning to read in Russian.
    4. English is difficult. Children still will not understand grammatical rules. Do not deprive child childhood.
    5. For a speech therapy child (and there are many such many, unfortunately) English interferes proponunciation.
    6. Sense from English to school is not enough. Then, at school, everyone is aligned.
    7. English needs to teach "right": from the cradle or with a native speaker (a person who was born and grew up in an English-speaking country), and dive into English for a few hours a day, then the child will master English as relatives. And everything else is just "toilets" to school.

    Do you learn about your point of view in some point? I congratulate you on the debunking of another delusion! All these arguments are based on only myths and "confuse" of facts. But about it -

    How old is the child to start learning English? What are the most effective methods? Let's figure it out.

    The secret of success

    English for children is available from three to five years. If we teach English children yourself, it is not necessary to know it perfectly. It is simply important to take into account three factors:

    1. observe the mode;
    2. conduct classes in the form of the game;
    3. constantly repeat the studied.

    Remember that every occupation should bring joy to a child!

    What is the optimal age

    Linguists are united in the opinion that it is better to start since childhood. Every child has its optimal age from which it is worth starting to occupy. Be sure to start at that age when the child begins to show interest in foreign words. If we teach English with children yourself, it is important to adhere to the system.

    Consider more in more detail the pros and cons of each age period.

    Three to five years

    It is during this period that you can best teach the child to basic English. In addition, during classes, you can develop the most important skills.

    Such kids can already take on courses, and a tutor can come right into kindergarten or home. It is better to confine precisely professionals. English school for children will help learn the language correctly, interesting. If you want to observe how the crumb is coped, English classes for children can conduct in the presence of parents.

    It is important to take into account what the child likes. It can be games, cartoons in English for children. With the right approach, English lessons for children from scratch will bring the desired result in the first month.

    For this age, you can easily find English schools for children in Moscow and other cities. Using the Enguide platform you can quickly choose English courses for children in Moscow and any other settlement. You can also find an English camp for children in Moscow or other city.

    • language skills are partially formed;
    • the child perceives new information perfectly;
    • a small student assesses achievements, actions;
    • you can easily know the world through the game.
    • if classes are conducted not in gaming form, the child quickly loses interest;
    • if it is incorrect to organize English lessons for children, you can call a negative for study;
    • if you do not motivate the crumb, it will not perform tasks;
    • in three years, the child faces the first crisis, therefore it is undesirable to overload it.

    Five to seven years

    The best option is to study in the group. Remember - English should be clear for children!

    • the child already knows the native language well and can study English on this basis;
    • the study is already meaningful;
    • the baby is capable of self-organization;
    • grows the amount of memory.
    • the transition to school will bring stress;
    • the school will start learning English, but it will be standard.

    Eight - twelve years

    It is already worth deepening the study of English. This is the period when it depends on the knowledge of a foreign way, as a dozen years, a person will develop a career, how interesting solutions he can take. Without it, it is impossible to build international relations.

    At this stage, the child will have a certain luggage of knowledge. It is important not to overstat it, but to systematize. This is under the power teachers.

    In 10 years, learning will help expand the circle of child's communication, shapes the prerequisites for a successful career.

    • the basic knowledge system has already been formed;
    • the child knows how to learn;
    • the material is absorbed as consciously as possible.
    • children are already strongly loaded by homework on school subjects;
    • the child may not feel motivated in learning a foreign language.

    In 10-12 years, the success of such classes depends largely on the right motivation. It is important that parents describe all the prospects that will open the child.

    Effective learning methods

    Lessons need to be done daily or every other day at the same time. It is important to split 30-45 minutes of the lesson on blocks for 15 minutes. For example, after lunch, you can replenish vocabulary with new words or deepen the knowledge of grammar, and in the evening play games (desktop) or read exciting stories in English.

    Methods are fascinating such methods:

    • using flash cards;
    • online Games;
    • radiation of mysteries;
    • games for performing certain actions;
    • word games;
    • board games (in English).

    Be sure to read with a baby book in English with bright illustrations. Let him tell me what he sees.

    In whatever age, you have decided to introduce your beloved baby into the world of English, it is important to do this under the professional manual of a tutor or a teacher in the language school.

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    The question of when you need to start learning English to children, worries all conscious and loving parents. And if you are interested in techniques early Development, I probably heard the phrase: "After three years it is too late." The author of this methodology believes that learning languages \u200b\u200b(both native and foreign), read and so on for up to 3 years. According to the author, the child older than 3 years will be slower to "grab" new Material and produce habits and self-discipline. Let's consider with you every age group Children (up to 7 years old), as well as stumbling stumbling stumbling, with whom you and your children can face in the study process.

    1.5-2 years.

    Modern development centers and language schools open groups specifically for kids of the biennial age. At this age, the child's brain is aimed at learning languages \u200b\u200b(recently, often kids begin to talk in 1.5-2 years not only on a foreign one, but also native language). But there is a very serious minus such early study: if the incorrect approach, kids may be amended by a foreign language. Just begging you: it is not necessary to include a child with a cartooner in English. Understand that at such age he needs interaction. If you have a good knowledge in a foreign language, it is advisable to talk to the child not only in your native, but also in the language studied. You can resort to the method of parallel texts (on the example of fairy tales or lullabies).

    3-5 years.

    At this age, children are already more perfected and attentive, so English classes with a child will be more productive. Although the child is already able to concentrate on the learning process, do not forget that all lessons should be like in a game form. At this age it is better to choose classes with a tutor one to one.

    5-7 years.

    Children preschool age Even better grade information, have quite extensive, as for a child, vocabulary. At this age, children communicate well among themselves, so classes in the peer group are the most optimal option. In fact, it is very difficult to answer the question about Tom. When you need to start teaching the child English. We believe that the optimal age is 3.5-4 years. By this time, most of the kids speak well in their native language, so they will be able to apply various methods of learning English (for example, making up an associative series).

    Little children actively know the space around themselves, the world, try everything to taste in the literal and figurative sense. The baby does not know how to talk, but by the year it is capable of saying the first few words, and he will understand what they mean. We do not think about how to teach the child with their own tongue, but worry, how to teach English English. Although the principles are very similar here.

    The child does not need motivation to start talking, ask for something from parents or communicate with friends in the sandbox. Main motivation of children - development. Language development occurs regardless of whether parents are engaged in this purpose, or the child simply communicates inside the family. This is usually enough to speak and understand the speech of others without a translator.

    When a child is already talking, can answer questions and formulate his speech in the sentence, it's time to start learning the second language. According to domestic and foreign experts, the best age for this is five years. If language learning will be active and successful, the parents have every chance to raise a bilingual.

    Today there are many programs for teaching English and for the smallest. Literally - from three months. So far there are no accurate data as much as it is useful and more efficient to start training at a five-year-old age. And, of course, we are not talking about children who live in a Russian-speaking country or relatives of which communicate in another language.

    Many teachers, specialists in child Development And speech therapists believe that it is better to start learning the second language, when the child speaks well in Russian, most of the sounds are pronounced, and the phonderatic hearing is quite developed.

    How to teach baby english

    From how the study of a five-year-old child will be organized, a lot depends. At this age, children are non-verdict, the main thing is to keep their attention. It is unlikely to succeed if classes are uninteresting. In addition, the child is quickly tired. Therefore, the lessons should be short.

    The program cannot be similar to the program for which adults would study. For example, a five-year-old child is useless to explain the principles of building proposals, since at this age he does not know such subtleties and about his native language, which does not prevent him from talking.

    Therefore, the best thing is the best - it is easy to expand the vocabulary. To do this, you can listen to songs, look at English cartoons, read simple books. Use the rule"Minus two": For a seven-year-old child, use English books, calculated for five years, for five years - for three years.

    The older the child becomes, the harder the program should become.


    His essence in communication. The more the child will hear English, the better. Try to give such an opportunity to the child. Moreover, it is important not only to listen, but also to speak.

    Differentiation principle

    You can show the child the difference between oral and written speech, between the perception of speech on the hearing and the pronouncement of English words.

    Integration Principle

    This principle states that it is necessary to combine all the main components of the language - grammar, phonetics and vocabulary.

    Bilingual principle

    His main idea is to provide a child constant communication immediately in two languages. In this case, English will become the same as usual and simple for perception, like the native Russian.

    Whatever principle you have chosen the main thing, it is important that classes take place in a game form. Do not force to learn. But look for motivation so that the child learns with pleasure, on the contrary, it is worth it.

    Well, if the child will understand why he needs to learn the language. If there is no English native language for one of the parents, then the motivation does not have to seek. But it is possible to learn English to read your favorite books or watch cartoons that are not in Russian translation.

    How to teach baby baby at different ages

    5-6 years old

    Make the main emphasis on gaming methods of training. The child will be easy to learn English if the lessons succeed the world. Classes should be interesting and useful not only to learn language. If the child will receive pleasure from them, then in the future English lessons will be associated with pleasure.

    7-11 years old

    In elementary school, classes may become more complicated, but they must remain primarily interesting. And at this age, the child can perform mostly creative classes.

    At this age, children go to school, but very rarely the teacher turns out to be adapted school Program For this age, combine the game and training.Since the student elementary school Gets used to learn, not so quickly getting tired, you can arrange a child for good language courses. Also an excellent option for this age is online schools. It is very convenient, as it is not necessary to spend time on the road after lessons, and parents will be able to control the course of classes. In many online schools, for example, in Genius English, there are programs for children.

    Over 12 years old

    Start adolescence Changes the interests of the child. The teenager has favorite artists, music, films. If you use this for training, then motivation is not going anywhere.

    Blockbasers in English more interesting documentariesAnd the texts of favorite songs are more interesting to translate than texts about the history of London.Well, if parents, teacher or teachers in the language school understand this and think how to bring the pleasure of teenage school.

    Children easily master all new. If you teach English from childhood, the results can exceed all expectations.Use the immersion principle into the language environment and speak English themselves. You may want to pull up your knowledge. It will be not only an example for a child, you can do together.

    Be sure to make a program of classes, find high-quality resources and ways to study language. If you choose courses, make sure that they use the correct repetition system passed. According to statistics, in a month 80% of the new material is forgotten, and only 20% remain in long-term memory.

    It is unlikely that you will find free courses on which it is really good to teach English. Good language courses and online schools will give much more than just knowledge of the language. Studying English is still the best investment in the future.

    Ownership foreign language The right is considered one of the most important modern skills, which every loving and responsible parent wants to instill with his children almost from birth. We questioned an experienced Linguist teacher Julia Kureny on how and when the most correctly and effectively start learning children by a foreign language - that the development of "not native speech" brings the children and parents not only benefits, but also joy ...

    To approach the process of teaching children by a foreign language, it is necessary very responsible and at each stage of the child's adulthood, to contact those methods and teachers who will really give the result, and will not be a waste of time and money, as it often happens in reality ...

    Classes language and familiarity with the language - two big differences!

    When it comes to learning to foreign (most often - English), the parents must understand the principal difference between the concepts of "language classes" and "familiarity with the language". According to many modern teachers and linguistic tutoring, there is practically no sense to engage in languages \u200b\u200bwith children under 5 years old. The occupation, as such, implies a certain level of concentration and sequential execution of tasks. And for small children, it is not only not interesting and difficult, but can "ACCESS" in the future - often precisely early learning A foreign language can discourage the child and interest in this very language for the years ahead.

    Yulia Curtary, Professional Linguist, PUZZZLE English service teacher, Curator of the Tcher Method, which allows you to learn English from scratch to an advanced level in interactive mode:

    "I support the opinion of many of the most experienced teachers and psychologists that the serious full training of young children in foreign language is at least inffective.

    But acquaintance with the tongue, on the contrary, can be starting as early as possible. My child is still a month, but I already turn on the BBC transmission and I speak in a foreign language. Psychologists have proven that small children perceive all that hear around themselves, and subsequently use familiar soundness to build speech, understanding words. Thus, the presence of speech on different languages In early childhood, it will help the child in the future to learn English or other languages \u200b\u200bwith greater ease and joy. "

    But you should not worry if your baby is already, let's say, one and a half or two years old, but a foreign speech has never been heard in your house. Until three to four years, children are like a sponge. And start familiarizing with the language in such passive mode at any time. It should not be required from a child of something specific - repetition, correctness of phrases, pronunciation. If he wants, let him repeat some elements of words and speech or even just separate sounds - everything will benefit!

    One is good, but in the company - better

    Very well, if you can send a child to Nursery or kindergarten, where you have to get acquainted with a foreign language. In some institutions preschool education even working media language, and it is quite useful practice For a child - when he has the opportunity to hear foreign speech in living conditions during the day.

    And why children's groups in which the child hears a foreign speech daily, preferably a nanny or parent, who can also talk to a child in a foreign language? The fact is that the kids up to 4-5 years are quite special from the point of view of Community Community, in which children communicate with each other in "their" specific language. And extremely useful for the future successful mastering by a foreign language so that foreign speech will gradually "come" in daily life The child is not only always on the part of adults, but also from his peers. After all, it is no secret that children who have the opportunity to communicate daily in the group, learn to new skills much faster and more with each other than adults. It is enough to say a couple of new words to one kid, as by the end of the day these words will be fun to lose all group ...

    Serious classes begin ... from the game!

    Since 5 years old, you can already talk about more or less serious and systemic training in children in foreign language. But still they should be built exclusively in the game format. And it is important to take into account that the growing kids is very large physical activity. They need to move a lot and their preferabity, as well as the ability to concentrate - are still minimal.

    Therefore, all classes should be built in the form of moving games. Children can jump from the place, shout something somewhere to run. Nowadays, there is a huge number of methods of learning young children by a foreign language, available today for parents with any sufficiency and amount of free time, but the most important criterion when choosing one or another method of classes is always one - the baby must be fun and interesting in the process!

    For a 5-year-old child, learning a foreign language should be a fascinating and cheerful game. And only you, as a parent, have the right to believe that this is also part of the learning process.

    The first serious language classes with a child just over 5 years old should be based on the activities that the baby prefers and loves. If he loves colorful books - use them in your lessons, if he is a "passionate collector" toys, animals - it means that they will become your main assistants during the lessons. And if your baby is jumping from the morning to the evening, runs, spinning like a yula - it means that in the same rhythm should also pass your classes in foreign language. And who said that effective learning is possible only "at the desk"? Although!

    Up to 6 years should not have any speech about any cramp or systematic memorization of elements of a foreign language. In fact, at this age, the kids are already pretty easy to memorize useful phrases And words if they recognize them in the game of the game. Try, for example, the practice of cheerful charging and exercises with a child when the teams are given only on a foreign (for example, English): "Lay On The Floor!", "Jump Like A Frog!" etc.

    If you invited a teacher or a tutor to classes with a child, it is extremely important that he was competent, he understood the psychology of children of relevant age, knew how to attract their attention, but at the same time felt a face very clearly, outside which training for the baby turns into a routine and boring duty. Ideally, the highest quality teachers of a foreign language for adults and children are different people: a tutor, which has been successfully working with children, is never engaged in adults, and vice versa. At least because it is fundamentally different teaching techniques.

    If you invited a foreign language tutor to a child of younger age, do not hesitate to insist on your presence in the lessons, at least the first time. You must personally make sure that your baby receives not only knowledge, but also the pleasure of the game learning process.

    Applications to help

    So, about 5 years, the practice of child acquaintance with a foreign language begins to turn into while still gaming, but already classes. Keep in mind - all that the child absorbs in early childhood will remain with him forever. But only provided that the knowledge accumulated on them gradually, albeit well, develop into a more complex practice - without a break! But if you stop "feeding" a foreign language (in any form) at least half a year - the chances are great that the child will quickly lose those "pieces" of foreign speech, which he has already managed to learn.

    Promotion further in learning or at least not to forget already accumulated knowledge, your baby can help special interactive applications. For example, in the framework of the online project to study English Puzzle English, there is a program "Techer Method", where kids can play, but at the same time it is very successful to learn the alphabet and some other basic basics of English. Also in the AppStore, GooglePlay or Yandex.Market there are a lot of worthy applications with the possibilities of training with various foreign languages \u200b\u200bof children.

    Remember: for children of 5-6 years, when studying a foreign language, there should be no writing or grammar. Almost too early! Much better and more fun to teach songs and dancing.

    After 6 years, a great time comes to a foreign language in the group. This may be a group of preschool during a lying, in which you will do, or just a development team with a good teacher. In such groups, it is possible to integrate the study of language into a joint gameplay, such as, for example, the performance of the play in foreign language, team games and quests. It is important that children continue to play, not paying attention to the fact that they teach the language.


    Time for real linguistic knowledge comes closer to 7-8 years. Just at this age, children begin to seriously master the skills of writing and reading in their native language. In parallel, you can already start learning to read and write and in a foreign language too. However, while these exercises should take no more than 20 minutes - that is, only a small part of the usual gaming format of the classes.

    An experienced teacher understands that many country grounds are already interested in children aged 7-8 years - it is curious to learn about the distant countries and about people who live in them about natural phenomena, science and technology, etc. And it makes it possible for a deeper contextual learning language.

    "For the children aged 7-8 years, when studying foreign, for example, English, our so-called" Puzlov "concept is excellent. Children are already quite possible to give assignments to the alignment of words in the application, folding the suggestions from individual words as a puzzle. The essence of the idea is that the student listens a living speech, watching a video clip or a special animation, and after - folds heard from the source words. That is, the student is required to place members of the sentence in the correct syntactic and semantic sequence, but in a game form. For which the cards with words, magnetic boards or specialized applications are successfully used.

    All adult

    When a child reaches the age of 12-13 years old, enthusiastically to his games are already late and ineffective. If he had previously been promoting interest and love for a foreign language, to build an adequate learning model will simply be simple - at this age, sincere passion of foreign language and the awareness of the results already achieved forces children with interest to take themselves for the most complex linguistic tasks and easily perform them.