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  • When student's day November 17 is student's day holiday
  • Bonch military education

    Bonch military education

    On November 17-18, the St. Petersburg Educational Forum was held at Lenexpo. Friday, November 17, at grand opening Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets, Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North-West Federal District Lyubov Sovershaeva, Vice Governor Vladimir Kirillov, member of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture Dmitry Vasilenko, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Grigory Trubnikov ...

    In the first ten days of November, a delegation from SPbSUT visited India, where it took part in the International Education exhibition held by the international company Begin Group, a market operator educational services, and also visited the Sandeep University (Nasik). The delegation included the head of the international cooperation department I.I. Karimova and Dean of the Faculty of Digital Economy, Management and Business Informatics, Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. HELL. Sotnikov.

    On November 18, the VI University Kettlebell Lifting Championship took place. 35 people took part in the competition. In a bitter struggle, the IVO team took 1st place for the team, 2nd place - Faculty of IKSS, 3rd place - FFP, 4th place - Faculty of RTS, 5th place of IS&T, 6th place - GF.

    International Students' Day is celebrated on November 17. It was established in 1941 at an international meeting of students from countries that fought against fascism, which took place in London (Great Britain), but began to be celebrated in 1946. The date is set in memory of Czech patriotic students. Today, Students' Day is celebrated in many countries around the world, and although the programs for celebrating this day vary, it is very popular with student youth.

    On November 16, the Roskomnadzor Office for the Arkhangelsk Region and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug signed the Code of Good Practices on the Internet. The document was signed by representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Arkhangelsk Region, the Ministry of Communications and information technologies Arkhangelsk Region, Ministry of Labor, Employment and social development Arkhangelsk Region, Arkhangelsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Arkhangelsk College of Telecommunications, NArFU named after M.V. Lomonosov and other institutions.

    On November 14, a presentation of the 2017/18 Scholarship Program of the Vladimir Potanin Charitable Foundation took place, organized by the Department for Work with Enterprises and the Master's Degree of SPbSUT.

    On November 15, the head of the international cooperation department I.I. Karimova and leading specialists of the compulsory medical insurance A.A. Bespalova, T.N. Petrovets visited the North-West Institute of Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, where the national Erasmus + office in Russia held an informational and methodological session on "Capacity Building" and the Jean Monnet program. The participants were provided with information about the opportunities and conditions of participation in the programs, recommendations were given on the preparation of projects at the Capacity Building, and the issues of forming a project application for various types of Jean Monnet grants were considered in detail.

    On November 15-16, the "Days of ROSCOSMOS" started in St. Petersburg. More than one and a half thousand students and schoolchildren of the Northern capital were involved in the events. Teachers and students of the UVTs IVO SPbSUT accepted Active participation in the "Days of ROSCOSMOS" held in BSTU "Voenmekh". Within the framework of the "Days of ROSCOSMOS", students and schoolchildren met with interesting people from the space industry, attended lectures by specialists from enterprises of the rocket and space industry, master classes, lessons by profession, round tables and discussions. Russian cosmonauts of the International Space Station congratulated the participants of the Days of ROSCOSMOS from Earth orbit.

    SPbSUT hosted the WildCard Gwent Open tournament in the computer and board game Gwent in the universe of Andrzej Sapkowski (The Witcher series of books and games). More than 70 people attended the event. The participants who passed the distance qualifying games got to the final stage of the tournament held within the walls of Bonch. Eight players competed for the title of the best in the final.

    On the evening of November 15, a fire alarm went off in the SPbSUT dormitory at 71, Dalnevostochny Prospekt. A fire broke out in one of the living rooms on the 6th floor. Thanks to the well-coordinated work of the hostel staff and the help of caring students in as soon as possible managed to ensure the complete evacuation of people in the building through the main and fire exits. Several fire brigades came to the call and quickly managed to localize the fire source. None of the eyewitnesses needed an ambulance.

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    educational institution"class =" flag_search ">

    • Branch in St. Petersburg

      Branch in St. Petersburg

    • SPbGUP

      Saint Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions

    • Mining University

      Saint Petersburg Mining University

    • SPbGASU

      Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

    • Leningrad State University named after Pushkin

      Leningradsky State University named after A. Pushkin

    • University under the IPA EurAsEC

      University at the EurAsEC Interparliamentary Assembly

    • NWTU

      Northwest open Technical University

    • SPbUTUiE

      Saint Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics

    • MBI

      International Banking Institute

    • PSPbGMU them. ac. I.P. Pavlova

      First St. Petersburg State medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov

    • SPbAU RAS, Academic University

      Saint Petersburg National Research Academic University Russian Academy sciences

    • SPbSU

      Saint Petersburg State University

    • North-Western State Medical University named after Mechnikov

      North-Western State Medical University named after I.I.Mechnikov

    • Saint Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics

      St. Petersburg National research university information technology, mechanics and optics

    • RPGUP, North-West Branch

      Russian State University of Justice, North-West Branch

    • SPbGPMU

      Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

    • St. Petersburg Institute (branch)

      St. Petersburg Institute (branch)

    • St. Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee

      St. Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee Russian Federation

    • SZIU

      Northwest Institute of Management

    • SPbGEU

      Saint Petersburg State the University of Economics


      St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" named after V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin)

    • SPHFA

      St. Petersburg State Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy

    • Peter the Great SPbPU

      St. Petersburg politechnical University Peter the Great

    • SPbGIKiT

      St. Petersburg state institute film and television

    • SPGKhPA IM. A.L. Stieglitz

      St. Petersburg State Academy of Arts named after A.L. Stieglitz

    • VSHNI (I)

      graduate School folk arts (institute)

    • Russian State Pedagogical University named after Herzen

      Russian state Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen

    • SPbGUPTD

      Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design

    • SPbGIK

      Saint Petersburg State Institute of Culture

    • SPbGAVM

      St. Petersburg state academy veterinary medicine

    • Academy of Russian Ballet. AND I. Vaganova

      The Academy of Russian Ballet named after A.Ya. Vaganova

    • SPbGIPSR

      Saint Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work

    • GUAP

      Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation

    • SPbSUT them. Bonch-Bruevich

      St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Professor M. A. Bonch-Bruevich

    • RGISI

      Russian State Institute of Performing Arts

    • SPbGK them. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov

      St. Petersburg State Conservatory named after N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov

    • BSTU VOENMEH them. Ustinova

      Baltic State Technical University "VOENMEKH" named after D. F. Ustinov

    • SPbGU GA

      Saint Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation

    • SPbGTI (TU)

      Saint Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University)

    • PGUPS (LIIZhT)

      Petersburg State Transport University of Emperor Alexander I

    • RSHMU

      Russian State Hydrometeorological University

    • Repin Institute (St. Petersburg State Aviation Institute named after I.E.Repin)

      St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I.E.Repin at the Russian Academy of Arts

    • GUMRF named after Admiral S.O. Makarov

      State University of Maritime and river fleet named after Admiral S.O. Makarov

    • NSU them. P.F.Lesgaft

      National State University physical culture, sports and health named after P.F.Lesgaft

    In 1929, the Higher Courses for Communications Engineers were housed in house number 61 on the Moika River embankment, and since 1930 the Leningrad Institute of Communications Engineers (LIIS) has settled there. In the same year, the workers 'faculty (workers' faculty) and the technical school of communications were opened, which made up with the institute unified structure, named the Leningrad educational communications complex (LUKS).

    October 13, 1930 - Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the organization of the Leningrad Institute of Communications Engineers (662 people were admitted to the first year).

    1931-1941 - the evening department is open. Publishing and research sectors have been created.

    1941, June-August - 70% of the teaching staff, staff and students go to the front. The departments of the university were reorganized to fulfill military orders. More than 300 students and staff participated in the construction of defensive structures every day, 360 students worked at special military facilities in the Leningrad region. Training and production workshops fired shells, made devices for navy, radio stations. Courses for radio operators and telegraph operators have been created.

    1941-1942, winter - more than 50 teachers and employees of the university died of hunger and cold.

    January 1942-1945 - evacuation of LEIS to Kislovodsk, then to Tbilisi. In July 1942, classes at the institute resumed in Tbilisi. A branch of the institute was created in Leningrad. In January 1945 the Institute was completely re-evacuated to Leningrad.

    1945 - there are three faculties: radio communication and radio broadcasting, telephone and telegraph communication, evening training. The work of graduate school resumed. Created military department, television research laboratory.

    1947 - the first scientific and technical conference of the teaching staff was held, which later became annual. The Institute is entrusted with training specialists for foreign countries.

    1949 - the first in Russia research in the field of color and stereoscopic television began at the Department of Television.

    1959 - scientists and employees of LEIS designed and built the first experimental tropospheric communication line in the USSR. About 10 new departments have been created; 12 sectoral self-supporting research laboratories were organized. In the village of Voeikovo near St. Petersburg (Leningrad), a research and training ground has been created. In 1959, an experimental television center was created, which, together with the Leningrad television studio, conducted weekly broadcasts.

    1960-1966 - LEIS is entrusted with the release of Proceedings educational institutions communication. The radio engineering faculty and a branch of the university were organized - the Plant-VTUZ at the NPO. Comintern (1963) The second educational building and two dormitories for 700 and 600 places were put into operation. LEIS was granted the right to admit to the defense of doctoral dissertations. 89 Ph.D. theses were defended. In 1964, a dean's office for work with foreign students was formed. Specialized computers have been developed and created. The first domestic apparatus for copying drawings was made.

    In 1965 the Institute was awarded the Diploma of Honor of the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements for the exposition "The role of scientific research in improving the quality of the educational process."

    1966 - Head of the Television Department, Professor P.V.Shmakov was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

    1972 - two leading communication faculties were formed - MES and NPP.

    1978-1992 - LEIS is included in the list of the country's leading universities in scientific work(1978) LEIS was awarded the Challenge Red Banner of the USSR Ministry of Defense and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Communications Workers. The construction of an educational and laboratory building on Bolsheviks Avenue began (1978-1992).

    1992 The Faculty of Economics and Management was founded.

    1993 - the university received the status of a university. New name: St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications prof. M. A. Bonch-Bruevich (SPbSUT). The St. Petersburg College of Telecommunications is included in the SPbSUT. Arkhangelsk and Smolensk colleges of telecommunications became branches of the university. The state educational institution Lyceum at SPbSUT was established.

    In 2009, the Scientific Research Innovation Center for Telecommunications was established at SPbSUT.

    In November 2008, construction began on a new educational and laboratory building for the training of masters on Bolshevikov Avenue (university campus). On September 5, 2008, a solemn ceremony of its opening took place.

    On May 11, 2017, the rector of SPbSUT S.V. Bachevsky was detained by the FSB on charges of abuse of office.

    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education
    "St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Professor M. A. Bonch-Bruevich"
    original name

    St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich

    International name

    The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications

    Former names

    Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute of Communications (LEIS)


    Always in touch with the future!

    Year of foundation
    Type of



    Bachevsky Sergey Viktorovich



    Legal address

    191186, St. Petersburg, nab. Moika River, 61
    193232, St. Petersburg, Bolshevikov Ave., 22



    St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications prof. M. A. Bonch-Bruevich (SPbSUT), the former Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute of Communications ( LEIS) - a higher educational institution that trains specialists in the field of communications and telecommunications.

    Collegiate YouTube

    • 1 / 5

      The historical wind of change at the beginning of the twentieth century breathed new life into the house of M.F. Ruadze, - an old house number 61 on the Moika river embankment (Bolshoy Morskaya, 16), near Nevsky prospect. In 1929, this house housed the Higher Courses of Communications Engineers, and since 1930, the Leningrad Institute of Communications Engineers (LIIS) has settled there, in which the faculties of Telephone, Telegraph, Radio Engineering and Engineering and Economics were organized. In the same year, the workers 'faculty (workers' faculty) and the technical school of communications were opened, which formed a single structure with the institute, called the Leningrad educational communications complex (LUKS).

      Under the slogan of the party of the All-Union Communist Party of the Bolsheviks of the late 1920s - early 1930s: "The broad masses of the working people must have cheap and high-quality communications!" - the intensive development of telephone networks and the creation of a domestic industry for the production of telephone and telegraph equipment began in the USSR. The country was in dire need of young engineering and technical personnel.

      October 13, 1930 - Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the organization of the Leningrad Institute of Communications Engineers (662 people were admitted to the first year).

      1931-1941 - an evening department was opened (specialties: radio communication, telephony, telegraphy). Publishing and research sectors have been created.

      More than 40 research papers have been completed, more than 30 textbooks and monographs, 50 teaching aids, 19 scientific and technical collections of the institute, 152 scientific articles have been published, 2,155 specialists have been published, 21 postgraduate students have defended their dissertations. 1400 students studied at the institute (in 1941), 400 teachers and employees, 23 departments, 40 educational and scientific laboratories, training and production workshops worked.

      Together with the country (1941-1945)

      1941, June-August - 70% of the teaching staff, staff and students go to the front. The departments of the university were reorganized to fulfill military orders. More than 300 students and staff participated in the construction of defensive structures every day, 360 students worked at special military facilities in the Leningrad region. Training and production workshops fired shells, made devices for the navy, radio stations. Courses for radio operators and telegraph operators have been created.

      1941-1942, winter - more than 50 teachers and employees of the university died of hunger and cold.

      1942 January-1945 - evacuation of LEIS to Kislovodsk, then to Tbilisi. In July 1942, classes at the institute resumed in Tbilisi, 471 students studied. A branch of the institute was created in Leningrad (1943), where 181 students were admitted. In January 1945 the Institute was completely re-evacuated to Leningrad.

      Recovery (1945-1960)

      1945 - there are three faculties: radio communication and radio broadcasting, telephone and telegraph communication, evening training. The work of graduate school resumed. A military department and a television research laboratory have been created.

      1947 - the first scientific and technical conference of the teaching staff was held, which later became annual. The Institute is entrusted with training specialists for foreign countries.

      1949 - the first in Russia research in the field of color and stereoscopic television began at the Department of Television.

      1945-1956 - 83 doctoral and candidate dissertations were defended. 52 textbooks have been released and teaching aids... The total number of students enrolled in LEIS is about 5000 (as of 1956).

      1959 - scientists and employees of LEIS designed and built the first experimental tropospheric communication line in the USSR. About 10 new departments have been created; 12 sectoral self-supporting research laboratories were organized. In the village of Voeikovo near St. Petersburg (Leningrad), a research and training ground has been created. In 1959, an experimental television center was created, which, together with the Leningrad television studio, conducted weekly broadcasts.

      Leading university in the communications industry (1960-1993)

      1960-1966 - LEIS is entrusted with the release of Proceedings of educational institutions of communication. The radio engineering faculty and a branch of the university were organized - the Plant-VTUZ at the NPO. Comintern (1963) The second educational building and two dormitories for 700 and 600 places were put into operation. LEIS was granted the right to admit to the defense of doctoral dissertations. 89 Ph.D. theses were defended. In 1964, a dean's office for work with foreign students was formed. Specialized computers have been developed and created. The first domestic apparatus for copying drawings was made.

      In 1965 the Institute was awarded the Diploma of Honor of the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements for the exposition "The role of scientific research in improving the quality of the educational process."

      1966 - Head of the Department of Television, Professor P.V. Shmakov was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

      1972 - two leading communication faculties were formed - MES and NPP.

      1978-1992 - LEIS was included in the list of the country's leading universities in scientific work (1978) LEIS was awarded the Challenge Red Banner of the USSR MS and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Communications Workers. The construction of an educational and laboratory building on Bolsheviks Avenue began (1978-1992). More than 8500 students study at seven faculties in five specialties, including 300 foreign students (1980). The number of teachers is about 600 people, the teaching staff is more than 400 people. 1992 The Faculty of Economics and Management was founded.

      University status (since 1993)

      1993 - the university received the status of a university. New name: Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after prof. M. A. Bonch-Bruevich (SPbSUT).

      As priority scientific directions identified: the development of digital information transmission systems, the introduction of fiber-optic communication lines, the development of information networks, mobile communication networks. New departments have been created: digital signal processing; communication networks; information security of telecommunication systems; biomedical engineering; information control systems; global information technology; global infocommunication networks and systems.

      In 2009, the Scientific Research Innovation Center of Telecommunications was established at SPbSUT, which is designed to ensure the integration of science, education and business, as well as to create a domestic sector of manufacturers of telecommunications equipment and solutions in the field of digital media. Here, students study in parallel and improve the qualifications of already working personnel.

      In November 2008, the construction of a new educational and laboratory building for the training of masters began on Bolshevikov Avenue (university campus). On September 5, 2008, a solemn ceremony of its opening took place, which made it possible to organize studying proccess at a qualitatively new level. In 2014, another new educational and laboratory building was put into operation at Bolshevikov Avenue.

      In October 2012, St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after I. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich entered the TOP-10 effective universities of St. Petersburg.

      University today

      St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications prof. MA Bonch-Bruevich is a well-known university in the communications and telecommunications industry. Having a rich history and traditions, at the same time SPbSUT is one of the most innovative universities in Russia. SPbSUT offers the most demanded by the labor market programs for training specialists for the communications and telecommunications industry, economics and management, advertising and public relations.

      The university has 37 departments, 3 research centers and 18 research laboratories. The contingent of students is about 12 thousand students, including 7,000 students of higher professional education programs. and 5,000 people. on programs of secondary vocational education. The university has established scientific and educational centers (REC), whose work is aimed at integrating scientific research and educational programs. Training in scientific and educational centers contributes to the development of competencies in various scientific fields, and also allows you to study in practice modern technologies in the field of communications and telecommunications. 5 scientific and educational centers are successfully operating at SPbSUT: "Research of the problems of infocommunication technologies and protocols" educational systems"," Media center "," Programming laboratory ".

      The international cooperation

      The international cooperation SPbSUT carries out on the basis of contracts and participation of teachers and students in internships, seminars, conferences, symposia. For several years the university has been actively working under the International Integrated Education (IIS) "Double Degree" program in partnership with the Higher special school Deutsche Telekom Leipzig (Fachhochschule Deutsche Telekom). Some foreign higher educational institutions-partners of the university:

      • Donau-University (Austria)
      • Fachhochschule Leipzig (Germany)
      • Fachhochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft (Berlin, Germany)
      • Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland)
      • University of Helsinki (Finland)
      • ENST-Bretagne (France)
      • TELECOM Lille 1 (France)
      • Danderyds Gumnasium (Sweden)

      Students are sent to partner universities for "inclusive education", writing theses, for obtaining a master's degree in EUROMASTER. An exchange of graduate students and trainees was organized; exchange of teachers - for giving lectures, conducting joint research and seminars. Joint laboratories established and training centers on retraining of communication specialists with the participation of such foreign companies as - Hewlett Packard, Huawei and others.

      Since 2012, SPbSUT has been a member of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), which allows the university to participate in ITU events, to influence global solutions in the field of ICT, to popularize their scientific and educational developments.

      In 2014, SPbSUT hosted an international ITU conference "Kaleidoscope", where issues of convergence in modern world and a number of other questions.

      All conditions have been created for SPbSUT students to receive a quality education. Foreign and non-resident students of SPbSUT are accommodated in 4 dormitories of SPbSUT.

      University faculties

      • Faculty of infocommunication networks and systems of St. Petersburg State University of Transport (ICSS)
      • Faculty of Radio Technologies of Communication, St. Petersburg State University of Transport (RTS)
      • Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies, SPbSUT (ISiT)
      • Faculty of Economics and Management, SPbSUT (FEU)
      • Faculty of Humanities, SPbSUT (GF)
      • Faculty of Fundamental Training SPbSUT (FFP)
      • Faculty of Evening and distance learning SPbGUT (VISO)
      • Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Engineering and Pedagogical Personnel, SPbSUT (FPPK)
      • The Institute of Military Education, SPbSUT (IVO), which includes a military training center, a military department, a training (retraining) group for personnel in the field of special communications, a department of ecology and life safety, a basic department of special communications and a patriotic education group.

      Extracurricular activities

      The University has a Student Council, a Council foreign students... SPbSUT has created all the conditions for the comprehensive development of the student's personality. Throughout school year SPbSUT hosts many events: the SPbSUT School of Assets, the Rector's Cup, the Festival of National Cultures, the Game Center and many others. In SPbSUT there is a dance group "Bonch" YES, KVN teams "Bonchester United", a choir, a corporate newspaper "Svyazist.spb".

      The university is constantly developing sports education. At the city level, SPbSUT is the leader in basketball, minifootball and volleyball. Every year, additional sets are held for the national teams, each university student can come and try his hand at any sport.

      The most massive and interesting annual sports event of the university is the SPbSUT Spartakiad. Faculty teams compete in five sports: volleyball, basketball, minifootball and table tennis.

      The university also has sections for kung fu and wellness yoga.


      detailed information on admission to SPbSUT is posted on the official website for applicants.

      No later than February 1, SPbSUT publishes the following information on its official website for applicants:

      • a list of areas of training (specialties) for which SPbSUT announces admission in accordance with a license to carry out educational activities;
      • annual rules for admission to SPbSUT;
      • annual rules for admission to training in basic vocational educational programs secondary vocational education;
      • annexes to the admission rules for secondary vocational education programs;
      • scroll entrance examinations in general education subjects in each area of ​​training (specialty) in accordance with the List of entrance examinations in having state accreditation educational institutions higher professional education, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the List of entrance examinations);
      • list and information on the forms of entrance examinations for persons with higher education professional education, and the rules for their conduct;
      • a list and information on the forms of entrance examinations for training in master's programs and certification tests for admission to the second and subsequent courses and the rules for their conduct;
      • a list and information on the forms of conducting entrance examinations for persons with secondary vocational education and entering for training in a shortened bachelor's program of the corresponding profile, and the rules for their conduct;
      • programs of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently, and the rules for their conduct;
      • information on the forms of entrance examinations for foreign citizens and the rules for their conduct;
      • information on the possibility of accepting applications and necessary documents provided for by this Procedure in electronic digital form;
      • features of the entrance examinations for citizens with disabilities health;
      • information on the timing of the exam for passing the exam persons who do not have USE results.

      Students can be trained at the Faculty of Military Education, and also have the opportunity to get a second higher education in the specialties of SPbSUT. Upon graduation, students receive state diplomas.