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  • Samara Medical Institute "reaviz" (media "reaviz"). Samara medical institute "reaviz" (media "reaviz") Reaviz samara medical institute passing score

    Samara Medical Institute


    Samarsky medical institute"REAVIZ" ("Rehab, Doctor and Health") - organized in 1993 at the initiative of the Samara State Medical University, prominent medical scientists Samara region- Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences A.F. Krasnov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Laureate of the State Prize of Russia, Twice Laureate of the Prize of the Government of Russia G.P. Kotelnikov and Professor I.P. Balmasova. REAVIZ is one of the first non-state medical universities in our country, licensed to maintain educational activities and state accreditation, which allows, on a contractual basis, to issue state diplomas and certificates.

    Honorary Rectors of REAVIZ Mass Media - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Rector of REAVIZ Mass Media I.P. Balmasova; Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Russia, Chairman of the Council of Rectors of the Samara Region, President of the Association of Universities of Russia, President of the Association of Universities of the Samara Region, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Honored Scientist of Russia, Laureate of the State Prize of Russia, twice winner of the Russian Prize, Rector of Samara State Medical University, Professor G.P. ... Kotelnikov.

    For 16 years of its development, the university has passed a long, in many ways innovative way. The main distinguishing features of the institute are: development correspondence forms training and adaptation of curricula and programs to the level of educational training and individual needs of certain categories of students. These ideas were developed in the form of individual learning. Students undergoing such training do not attend fixed student groups. They work individually curriculum, when passing individual disciplines, they are united in "floating" groups of changing composition, consisting of 2 - 3 people. This form of training is also used for postgraduate training in "Master classes" of surgeons, obstetricians-gynecologists, immunologists and other highly qualified specialists.

    Another feature concerns the development of social rehabilitation programs for various categories of the population and public organizations.

    The Institute today is a modern multi-level system of continuous training of civilian specialists with higher medical, pharmaceutical and humanitarian education from general education educational institutions before graduate school. Currently, REAVIZ media is a genuine complex of the highest medical education providing students with the broadest opportunities for quality training. Our institute is a tradition multiplied by search, innovation, initiative.

    The structure of the institute includes 5 faculties and 12 departments. Today the Institute has high public and international recognition.

    The main mission of the REAVIZ Medical Institute is to improve people's health through training students and doctors latest achievements medical science and practice. The leading tasks along this path are: logistics educational process, innovative educational technologies, the development of scientific research, the search for effective forms of joint work with practical health care, the maximum use of the institute's potential to improve the main indicators of the health of the region's population.

    The university has created a consistent, phased, clearly delineated system of training medical personnel: pre-university training, basic diploma education, postgraduate and additional training.

    Rector of REAVIZ media is a member of the Council of Rectors of the Samara Region, Doctor of Medicine, Professor Nikolai Aleksandrovich Lysov.

    Preserving and developing the best historical traditions of the system Russian education, the team of the university is working - out of 115 teachers working in 12 departments, more than 70% of them are doctors and candidates of science. To ensure a high level of training for graduates, faculties and departments conduct a huge methodical work: publish monographs, teaching aids, develop educational and methodological complexes, methodological developments to lectures and practical exercises. The Samara Medical Institute, together with the Ministry and the bodies of practical health of the Samara region, successfully participates in the implementation of the main national Russian projects dedicated to improving the quality of health and education of the population of Russia.

    Honorary Professors of the Samara Medical Institute "REAVIZ": Head of the Department of Internal Medicine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Yu.S. Pimenov; Head of the Department of Surgical Diseases with a course of traumatology and orthopedics, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor V.I.Varguzina; Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Goryachev V.V.

    The emblem of the institute is inscribed with the word "REAVIZ", which means "Rehab, Doctor and Health", today it is decisive in the work of any doctor. The sail with the medical emblem, depicted on the left side of the figure, symbolizes the pursuit of science, knowledge, emphasizes the close relationship between practical medicine and a deep understanding of theory, free possession of scientific data. The blue color of the emblem elements reflects the fact that the Samara Medical Institute REAVIZ stands on the great Russian Volga River.

    1.8.1. Program entrance examinations in the media "REAVIZ" in biology

    1.8.2. The program of entrance examinations in the media "REAVIZ" in chemistry

    Anonymous review 05/07/2019 14:50

    About postgraduate studies

    I, Matyash Yana Sergeevna, was trained in full-time postgraduate study of the Medical University "Reaviz", Samara in the period from 2015 to 2016 at the Department of Clinical Medicine postgraduate education"In the specialty" Urology ".

    I would like to note the high professional level of the teaching staff of the university, which made it possible to fully master the entire volume of information that constitutes the course "Urology" within the framework of postgraduate education.

    Lectures and practical classes were held at a convenient time for the majority of working graduate students, in a friendly atmosphere, more often in the form of a discussion, which made it possible to fully assimilate the educational material during the training.

    The location of the clinical bases and lecture halls was convenient and thoughtful for the students.

    Within the framework of training course it was provided for the passage of practice with the possibility of classes with students of the medical faculty with the teaching of specialized disciplines. This has become an irreplaceable teaching base for my subsequent professional and research activities.

    I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the staff and teachers of the Reaviz Medical University:

    Moiseeva Tatyana Vasilievna - Vice-Rector for Continuing Education;

    Supilnikov Alexey Alexandrovich - First Vice-Rector for Scientific Activity;

    Prokhorenko Inge Olegovna - the first vice-rector;

    Bunkova Elena Borisovna - scientific secretary;

    Sergey Anatolyevich Stolyarov - Head of the Department of Surgery.

    Special thanks to the rector of the Medical University "Reaviz" Nikolai Alexandrovich Lysov for the opportunity to study and perform scientific work on the basis of the university.

    My postgraduate studies at Reaviz Medical University have ended successful defense Ph.D. thesis 09.06.2016 at the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Tomsk Research Institute of Oncology" on the topic "High-intensity focused ultrasound ablation in the combined treatment of patients with locally advanced prostate cancer", code 14.01.12 - oncology 14.01.13 - radiation diagnostics , radiation therapy.

    Shushanik Agayan 04/24/2019 14:24

    Hello! The university has established work on the line of migration legislation, posting the necessary information on the official Internet resource, explanatory work is being carried out with students. And also there is all the office equipment necessary for the work with the appropriate software and the opportunity is given to work on the new dental equipment in the clinics of the city.

    Oleg Svetly 04/22/2019 01:27 PM

    Hello! I would like to note that we are very pleased with the attestation and certification at the university. Convenient schedule, accessible material, and the atmosphere of business cooperation make REAVIZ very attractive for us, employees of a large network of pharmacies. We highly appreciate your kind attitude, you are doing a very important job. THANKS!!!

    Tatyana petrova 04/19/2019 14:48

    I am a 3rd year student of Reaviz. It is interesting to study, competent teachers and professors. There is a canteen, buffet, swimming pool, normal chemistry labs, and a computer lab. Classes are held at their own bases and clinics of the city, there is a music studio. The university actively participates in the public life of the city, organizes its own events. I am glad that I am studying at Reaviz, come, you will not regret it.

    Svetlana ivanova 04/16/2019 14:27

    Svetlana. I am a 4th year student of the Faculty of Dentistry, Reaviz Medical University. There is a luxurious computer class, chemical laboratories, and a library. Physical education is carried out in the pool, there is also a dining room and a buffet. The teaching staff is unique. Lectures and practical exercises are interesting. Many classes are held at the university's own bases and dental clinics in the city. Medical University... participates in all events of the city. There is a music studio. I really like to study here. Enter Reaviz, you will not regret it.

    Anonymous review 04/16/2019 13:11

    I am a 4th year student, I entered after a medical college, so I combine study with work ... though it is not always easy to do this, mostly the teachers are loyal and make contact. in general, I am satisfied with the training. True, the building is not very good, but they promise that we will move soon, although this is not important because now training takes place mainly at clinical sites.

    I would like to add a few words about the previous comment: I personally get very easily by tram from "Preobrazhenskaya Square".

    Blue Eyed Nosed 08/01/2018 01:04

    The Moscow branch is just a terrible place, an old building on the outskirts, a new one - in the middle of nowhere in the industrial zone. There is no dormitory and never has been, no matter what they enthusiastically write here. The quality of teaching does not stand up to scrutiny. And what to expect from them, if the institute in Moscow was opened by a Samara surgeon-businessman, who at one time killed the Vice-Miss of Russia Ekaterina Sumina in his clinic in Samara, and now has attached his relatives and acquaintances from Samara, who are frankly unfit for professionalism and are not responsible for words , but only taking bribes from students. What can we say about the rector-seller of slippers from Ivanov (the nephew of the Samara surgeon-businessman), who is not even a doctor ... ... With clinical bases, too, everything is not so simple, many exist only on paper, and doctors themselves come to lecture, there is no practice in the end (well, or for a lamb in a piece of paper to the rector's niece, who comes to put down a "practice" for students even with a month-old newborn, so as not lose profits). The diploma is not clear what type, and they say that in Moscow there is already an unspoken order of the Department of Healthcare in relation to the graduates of this educational institution. Parents, be careful! Think very hard before bringing your child's documents here.

    Anonymous review 06/29/2018 13:52

    I am a third year student of Reaviz, a student. Handed over entrance exams in 2016, I will say this, not simple, but solvable. The hostel was not provided, because it has been under renovation for a couple of years, but I rented an apartment not far away in order to easily get there. The prices for apartments in the district are reasonable, next to the university there is a restaurant "Yakitoria" where a student can have a good lunch with coupons, as well as a cafeteria and a coffee house "Sova" in the Reaviz building itself.

    The teachers are the same as in the state. universities and if a student wants to learn, he will find ways, and the teachers will help. They are far from condescending and to say that they do not care about students is not true. There are discounts on tuition if you study well.

    With regard to the postponement - the university provides it at will for the entire period of study, so there are no problems.

    The university is accredited every 5 years. The university does everything possible for students to make it more interesting for them to study.

    My review of the university is positive, there were no problems with admission, and now during my studies there are no problems either. And remember, when choosing a university, and even more so a medical one, knowledge depends not only on the teacher, but also on the student himself! Doctor is not an easy profession

    Rufer Ruferovich 07/21/2017 11:52

    I went to the waiting room of a university, where they explained everything to me. For translation, you need a request from Reaviz, then an agreement with an institute that will accept students is drawn up. Only you do not hope that the vile Reaviz will go to such extreme measures, it is not that no one wants to know about them, no one will transfer you and no one will accept you. Ultimately, I was refused transfer to a second year in the medical faculty.

    In Internet groups, their administration under false names is rubbed into the credibility of disgruntled students. Then he begins to correspond with them, ask for all the information, what they think about where they study. When the names and surnames of these students are found out, threats begin. That's right, they threaten, as many write. At the reception we were told that if we do not like something, we can leave. It was a direct order from the rector to respond with these words to all the indignant.

    Zloi Kot 05/24/2017 13:59

    Good afternoon everyone. I would very much like to post a review anonymously, but I am afraid for my safety. Aleksey Aleksandrovich Kolenkov - rector of REAVIZ - he repeatedly threatened me and a group of students. I transferred to REAVIZ from Pirogovka. It seems to exchange an awl for soap, but it is advised in the Second Honey itself and they assure that they will then easily transfer it back. They transferred me with a debt in philosophy, because of which I was forced to transfer in order not to be expelled. While studying at this private university, I realized that no one cares about students. They give zero information, there are no drugs other than bones and liver, but Tatyana Vladimirovna Gorskaya and Konstantin Eduardovich German, together with the vice-rector, regularly demand from all students. By the end of the year, I decided to return to Pirogov's alma mater and they told me that this pleasure would cost only 200,000 rubles. After talking with other students, I immediately realized that REAVIZ and Pirogovka, under the same patron, are in collusion, everyone already knows about this, how they rip off students. Realizing that this is a vicious circle, I decided to stay in REAVIZ for now, I don’t know how everything will turn out further. I intend to go to the police and collect signatures for the petition. I propose to all the deceived and thrown to unite and do the same. I was not surprised that there are more than 1000 cases on Pirogovka, and not less about REAVIZ.

    Svetlana Georgievna 04/17/2017 18:35

    In winter, the fifth-year students of Reaviz did their internship at the hospital where I work as a doctor. I hate to write bad reviews, but here it is simply impossible to remain silent. These "students" do not know anything, they did not answer a single elementary question of the doctor. Of course, they were repeatedly told that they do not smoke or drink on the territory of the hospital. Personally, I was extremely outraged by the fact that they were filming patients in intensive care with cell phones. A very strange organization. I ask parents and students themselves to think about studying at this "UNIVERSITY".

    It hurts me for our future: who will heal in the end? Reaviz students who don't know what rib and collarbone are?

    Artur Lyubimov 12.04.2017 00:19

    I was a 4th year student and I am very sorry that I spent so much time here. When everyone thought that Reaviz would be closed due to violations, more than half of the students left. Many realized that they could not wait for a respite from the army. When we wanted to transfer, we were told: we will never take students from Reaviz, you have educational programs not state standard, half of the items are missing. They just didn't want to bother with us. Yes, I attended classes once a month, I needed to work as a medical assistant. Instead of translating students, they are hanging on to the ears that they will win all the courts, which are there one after another. The rector told everyone: translate yourself, we will not deal with this. With grief in half, they took me to Cheboksary, others refused. You will have to pay extra for additional hours in subjects, live here in a rented room and earn extra money for a penny.

    Marina Serova 03/28/2017 21:06

    The state residency does not take me at the end of the re-visa, since it is private and there are not enough hours in subjects and skills. We made an appeal through Rosobrnadzor and the third honey agreed to give me a test to assess my knowledge, which I did not pass. In Tambov they agreed to arrange me as a therapist in a polyclinic. Now I am very sorry that all these years I was hoping for the best! In such an institute this cannot be, stop this lawlessness and deception of parents and students! Close this institute.

    Andrey Saveliev 06/01/2013 19:26

    Several years ago I graduated from REAVIZ, for a budgetary place in state university did not enter, so I was forced to go to contract training so as not to waste a year. The exams for me were quite simple, I entered easily, chemistry, physics, biology are always on the list of my favorite disciplines. Already in the first year, we were taken to the clinic to attend a real operation. It should be noted that the leadership of the university provided students with a decent material and technical base for training. A luxurious computer class, its own small laboratory, a dining room - far from the whole list of benefits that every student could use. We had a small group of fifteen people, we were very friendly with each other, we still maintain a warm relationship. I went to seminars with special zeal, since I could defend my own point of view, even if it did not coincide with the generally accepted one. Now I am an intern in a private clinic, preparing for a promotion. I really like working in the medical field, the university diploma came in handy, it became a pass to the healthcare sector.

    Anonymous review 05/31/2013 21:53

    judging by the quality of teaching in REAVIZ, this is a very special institute! Indeed, their own laws, they do not care about talented, literate children. I will definitely be in Moscow, I will report this to the president.

    Evgeniya Puchkova 04/25/2013 10:09 PM

    I was a student at the Non-State Samara Medical Institute, the abbreviated name of the media outlet "Reaviz". Since the institution is private, all laws and orders are accordingly different from government agencies... There are no problems during admission, since all places are only paid, budget places not provided. You can pass the entrance exam very easily or with minimum USE results... The institute is popular among visiting students, however, the hostel is not provided. On average, there are 20 people in a group, and there are about 3 groups in the stream. One dean is responsible for the entire stream, so it happens that he does not appear. Maybe there is student life, but we were not offered to live and participate in it. Another type of training at this institute is possible, the so-called "Individual training" for which you pay decent money. According to the idea, they study individually with you at a time that is convenient for you, but in fact you run and look for teachers, take an assignment and do it at home, and then you still run to pass it. If you miss a lesson not on a sick leave, then you pay extra for the missed hours and also take the task home, and then answer. Of course, all teachers are different, some work with students, while others do not, but this is the case almost everywhere.

    Medical University "REAVIZ" ("Rehab, Physician and Health") - organized in 1993 at the initiative of the Samara State Medical University, prominent medical scientists of the Samara region - Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences A.F. Krasnov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Laureate of the State Prize of Russia, Twice Laureate of the Prize of the Government of Russia G.P. Kotelnikov and Professor I.P. Balmasova. "REAVIZ" is one of the first non-state medical universities in our country, which has a license to conduct educational activities and state accreditation, which allows, on a contractual basis, to issue state diplomas and certificates.

    During its development, the university has passed a long, in many ways innovative way. The main distinctive features of the institute are: the development of correspondence forms of education and the adaptation of curricula and programs to the level of educational training and individual needs of certain categories of students. These ideas were developed in the form of individual learning. Students undergoing such training do not attend fixed student groups. They work according to an individual curriculum, during the passage of certain disciplines they are united in "floating" groups of a changing composition, consisting of 2 - 3 people. This form of training is also used for postgraduate training in "Master classes" of surgeons, obstetricians-gynecologists, immunologists and other highly qualified specialists.

    Another feature concerns the development of social rehabilitation programs for various categories of the population and public organizations.

    The Institute today is a modern multi-level system of continuous training of civilian specialists with higher medical, pharmaceutical and humanitarian education from general educational institutions to postgraduate studies. Currently, the medical university "REAVIZ" is a genuine complex of higher medical education, providing students with the broadest opportunities for quality training. Our university is a tradition multiplied by search, innovation, initiative.

    The structure of the university includes 5 faculties and 14 departments. Today the university enjoys high public and international recognition.

    The main mission of REAVIZ Medical University is to improve people's health through training students and doctors in the latest achievements of medical science and practice. The leading tasks on this path are: the material and technical support of the educational process, innovative educational technologies, the development of scientific research, the search for effective forms of joint work with practical health care, the maximum use of the institute's potential to improve the main indicators of the health of the region's population.

    The university has created a consistent, phased, clearly delineated system of training medical personnel: pre-university training, basic diploma education, postgraduate and additional training.

    Rector of the Medical University "REAVIZ" - member of the Council of Rectors of the Samara Region, Doctor of Medicine, Professor Nikolai Alexandrovich Lysov.

    Preserving and developing the best historical traditions of the Russian education system, the team of the university is working - of 162 teachers working in 14 departments, more than 72% of them are doctors and candidates of sciences. To ensure a high level of training for graduates, faculties and departments carry out a huge methodological work: they publish monographs, teaching aids, develop educational and methodological complexes, methodological developments for lectures and practical exercises. The Medical University, together with the Ministry and the bodies of practical health care of the Samara region, successfully participates in the implementation of the main national Russian projects dedicated to improving the quality of health and education of the population of Russia.

    Honorary Professors of the Medical University "REAVIZ": Head of the Department of Internal Medicine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Yu.S. Pimenov; Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases with a course of traumatology and orthopedics, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor V.I.Varguzina; Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Goryachev V.V.

    The emblem of the institute is inscribed with the word "REAVIZ", which means "Rehab, Doctor and Health", today it is decisive in the work of any doctor. The sail with the medical emblem, depicted on the left side of the figure, symbolizes the pursuit of science, knowledge, emphasizes the close relationship between practical medicine and a deep understanding of theory, free possession of scientific data. The blue color of the elements of the emblem reflects the fact that the Medical University "REAVIZ" stands on the great Russian river Volga.