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  • Is it true that there is a UFO. Interesting facts and evidence of the existence of UFO. Where will alien life be found?

    Is it true that there is a UFO.  Interesting facts and evidence of the existence of UFO.  Where will alien life be found?

    The question of whether aliens exist has been of concern to mankind for many years. Enough time has passed since people began to study space, but even today no one is able to finally confirm or refute the fact of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. If there is no other life outside of our planet, then how can one explain the appearance of mysterious objects in the sky? And why are there no photographs and videos proving the presence of aliens on Earth? No one can give unequivocal answers to these questions today.

    The birth of interest in UFOs

    They started talking seriously about aliens in the 19th century. It was at this time that the first mention of visiting the Earth by incomprehensible creatures appeared. However, then no one called them aliens, and the cars on which they flew to our planet were UFOs. The question of whether there are aliens was of little concern to people in those days.

    What fell under Roswell?

    A detailed study of the question of the possibility of the existence of intelligent life outside the Earth began to be approached in the middle of the last century. In 1947, information appeared in the media about the crash of an unidentified aircraft near the American city of Roswell (New Mexico). It was even rumored that the bodies of aliens who were in UFOs fell into the hands of the military. The news caused an unprecedented stir in society, but the American authorities managed to reassure the public, saying that not a flying saucer, but a weather balloon, fell under Roswell. But many were skeptical about this statement, being sure that an object of extraterrestrial origin crashed in New Mexico, and the US government hid this information and classified it from others.

    What is behind the Roswell Incident?

    Was there contact with aliens in that distant 1947? History is silent about this, but over time, the news of the crash of a UFO has acquired new rumors. Witnesses of the disaster unidentified object they said that they noticed scattered bodies of aliens around the plate. Their number, according to various indications, ranged from three to five. The governor of New Mexico claimed to have seen four small male creatures after the crash, three of which were dead. They all had large heads, huge eyes, and thin mouths. The administrator of the hospital in Roswell also said that she looked at the bodies of the dead aliens and remembers exactly that they had 4 fingers on their hands. There was also an eyewitness who claimed that he personally observed the surviving alien when he was in a military hospital. In addition, some of the military who took part in cordoning off the crash site admitted over time that they promised not to disclose to anyone what they had seen near Roswell.

    Eyewitness accounts of the disaster largely coincided, but the US government has not confirmed the version of the crash of a UFO in New Mexico. People who are interested in whether aliens exist have not received an answer to their question to this day. It is unknown what happened to the surviving alien, if he really was. The story of the fall of a mysterious object was called the Roswell Incident and to this day attracts researchers of the unusual.

    Contacts of ancient people with aliens: versions

    Modern ufologists cannot fully confirm or deny the existence of intelligent life on other planets. But they have a lot of indirect evidence of the presence of mysterious creatures on Earth. Many scientists today are convinced that most of the ancient artifacts (Mayan complexes, pyramids in Egypt, Stonehenge, huge stone balls in Costa Rica, etc.) are of alien origin. They motivate their version by the fact that mankind in ancient times did not have the technologies and devices to create such structures.

    Did ancient people have contact with aliens? Ufologists, having examined the drawings, which are several millennia old, are inclined to the version that aliens used to actively visit our planet and repeatedly caught the eye of people. Otherwise, why are there so many images of creatures with large heads and short bodies among the examples of ancient art? Scientists are sure that unusual little men are aliens, because people in ancient times sketched everything that surrounded them. But it is clear that this is only an assumption, since ancient images cannot be direct evidence of the presence of aliens on Earth.

    Modern UFO Eyewitnesses

    If one can only guess about the visits of the inhabitants of other planets of the Earth in ancient times, then what about the statements of our contemporaries who prove that they saw a UFO? The news that flying saucers, objects of a spherical, cone-shaped or cylindrical shape were seen somewhere, now and then excites the minds of fans of the unknown. Can there really be doubts about the existence of aliens after this? Photos of UFOs taken by eyewitnesses are available today to anyone. They recorded mysterious aircraft or an incomprehensible glow in the sky. However, it often turns out that the captured object in the picture is a cloud, satellite or aircraft of an unusual design, and the mysterious light and flashes are a common atmospheric phenomenon. But it is possible that some of the photographs do contain flying objects of extraterrestrial origin.

    Encounters with Aliens

    But what about people who claim to have made contact with aliens and even been abducted by them? Practice shows that such statements are most often made by mentally ill people and should not be taken seriously. It is customary to endow representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations with great intelligence, therefore, even if they visit the Earth, then they are unlikely to make contact with a person and thereby reveal their existence. But even against the background of such disappointing conclusions, ufologists do not cease to carefully study all the information about UFOs and aliens that come to them. It is not known whether there are aliens on Earth, but scientists tend to believe that there are guests from other civilizations on our planet and even have their own bases here, one of which is located in the Crimea.

    So do you believe in aliens?

    Thanks to science fiction writers and films, people have formed the opinion that the alien looks like a small man with a big head, huge dark eyes, flabby skin and no genitals. But no one knows who the representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations really look like. How to understand if there are aliens? Photos of mysterious creatures now and then appear in the media mass media, but the authenticity of these images is questioned by scientists.

    Many are sure that ufologists today have much more information about aliens than ordinary citizens think. However, all information relating to life outside of our planet is classified, and therefore not available to the general population. The plausibility of this version can only be guessed at. Only one thing is obvious: scientists today cannot or do not want to give an answer to the question of whether aliens exist.

    Former UK Department of Defense official Nick Pope said the government does not have a program to protect against alien invasion. The issue of UFOs became relevant after astronomers told in February at a NASA press conference that they had found seven exoplanets outside solar system that may be habitable. The planets are 40 light years from Earth and are similar in size. According to scientists, there should be water on three planets.

    Shot from the film "Arrival"

    The lack of a program to protect the Earth is due to the multiple lag of human technology behind alien technology. And fortunately, the inhabitants of other planets do not have goals to enslave the Earth, experts are sure. One of them is Nick Pope, who worked from 1991 to 1994 in the British Ministry of Defense in a special department of incoming correspondence about contacts. air force with a UFO. Based on his experience and years of research, he is confident that the first official contact will not be like "War of the Worlds", but rather like the script for the movie "Arrival". The essence of the film is not to fight for the resources of the Earth, but to gain deep knowledge about the world order in the Universe. Unfortunately, the government is not interested in species and mentality, but in alien technology and plans for Earth, Pope notes.

    Shot from the film "Arrival"

    The impossibility of repelling alien attacks was also confirmed by former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer in interview channel Russia Today. He led the Department of Defense of Canada in the mid-1960s. “We have repeatedly tried to shoot down UFOs with aviation forces, but this has never worked. At the same time, if they decided to capture our planet, they would do it in one day. Fortunately, they do not have such a goal. On the contrary, they are worried possibility of use by earthlings nuclear weapons", - said the former Minister of Defense.

    With the advent of nuclear weapons, says Paul Hellyer, visits to Earth have become more frequent. The credibility of the words of the former minister is also confirmed by the Public Disclosure Hearing in Washington in 2013, at which Hellyer testified about contact with aliens. The Minister's belated statements on the subject of UFOs are linked to several decades of non-disclosure obligations. At the hearing, Hellier cited examples of the military's inadequate response to the appearance of UFOs in the sky. "In 1969, a whole flotilla of UFOs flew from the USSR into NATO airspace. Then the commander-in-chief of the combined forces of NATO was shocked. As soon as the military were about to launch a massive strike on targets, they immediately turned around and flew away towards the USSR. We mistook the UFO air fleet for Soviet Air Force".

    With the advent of nuclear weapons, alien visits to Earth have become more frequent.

    According to former Minister Paul Hellyer, the constant aggressive reaction of governments to aliens is confirmation low level development of mankind. He noted that the inhabitants of other planets do not consider us good masters of the Earth. They would like to cooperate and teach us a better life, but only with our consent. At the same time, the aliens themselves differ from each other like a Russian, a Chinese and an African. And this applies not only to appearance, but also to mentality, worldview. The most sensational was the statement by the former Minister of Defense of Canada at a hearing in Washington that aliens have long lived among people. There are different types of aliens, such as tall white Nordics. "You can meet someone like that on the street and take him for a Dane," Hellyer chuckles. Another race of aliens - gray short men with giant eyes, whose image was replicated by Hollywood.

    Photo: Global Look

    Hellyer's stories are reminiscent of the plot of the movie "Men in Black", where the characters serve in a secret department to catch illegally arrived aliens. But his words are confirmed by another high-ranking officer of the Russian Ministry of Defense - retired lieutenant general Alexei Savin. For 15 years, he headed the secret department for contact with aliens. "When meeting with aliens, to the question:" How many aliens live on Earth? "They answered us:" About 20 thousand. "At the same time, they are representatives of different civilizations and planets," says in a private interview Alexey Savin.

    In the early 1990s the government instructed him to establish contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. For these purposes, a group of "contactee" officers was assembled, who, according to the developed methods, established telepathic communication with the aliens. The fact is that more developed inhabitants of other planets use information fields, like people use radio waves. Therefore, they can easily communicate through these fields for communication at any distance. "Our goal was to negotiate the allocation of a piece of space for earthlings to explore. In fact, two tasks were solved: the development of superpowers for military specialists and the knowledge of the meaning of life for the formation state strategy"- recalls Lieutenant General Savin.

    According to the former head of the secret department, aliens do not even have weapons in our understanding, since they can manipulate consciousness and neutralize the threat. Aircraft are based on biotechnology, not mechanics. But most of all, Savin was struck by the state system of aliens. He reminded General "Anarchy" Kropotkin with a bias towards communism. A highly moral system of values ​​and morality helps them to exist in such a system. Thus, communism, according to Savin, was the highest point in the development of mankind, which could not be developed. Hellyer also indirectly confirms this when he speaks of the destructive influence of the capitalist system on humanity.

    The fact is that more developed inhabitants of other planets use information fields, like people use radio waves.

    Ex-Minister Hellier is sure that information about aliens is being hidden from the masses by the forces of the global banking cartel, which is trying to maintain the influence of hydrocarbon resources on the world economy. They are slowing down the adoption of clean renewable energy technologies for fear of losing control of the masses as the availability of new energy socializes societies. A similar "communization" has occurred with infotainment products at the expense of the Internet. You no longer need to buy audio recordings or movies, magazines. The information field has become free for the masses. People do not even pay for the Internet, but only for connection services and communication to local providers. At the same time, the cost is constantly decreasing, and the quality of the Internet is growing.

    How informed at a hearing in Washington, General Hellyer: "The group of bankers is a junta, which would be more accurately called the Kabbalah. It consists of" three sisters ": the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers and the Trilateral Commission. It also includes the banking and oil cartels, members of the intelligence organizations, who together became the shadow government not only of the United States, but of much of Western countries". The words of the ex-Minister of Defense, who served 23 years for three governments of Canada, caused a storm of applause in the hall. At such a high level, no one in power has ever recognized cooperation with aliens.

    Photo: wikipedia

    It is extremely difficult to believe in such stories, despite the many eyewitnesses. The problem is that 95% of people see in the sky not a UFO, but an earthly aircraft. Nick Pope in years military service processed all incoming eyewitness information about flying objects. About 80% were identified as satellites, taillights, balloons and even planets. For 15%, there was not enough information for conclusions. And 5% could not be identified, despite the presence of photo and video evidence. The witnesses were the military, police, pilots. Technical analysis found no traces of forged records, and the objects themselves were visible to the radar. "Such archives and data are in every defense department of any country, but are not disclosed for the security and defense of the state. Since publicity will give out the technical capabilities of radar systems, valuable sources of information," Pope explained in an interview with Ufology News.

    But Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev turned out to be closest to the people and more honest, who directly replied to the question of journalist Marianna Maksimovskaya about contact with aliens: “Together with the nuclear suitcase and codes, the president receives a secret folder on contacts with aliens labeled “Top Secret”. detailed information you can get by watching the chronicle-documentary film "Men in Black". Interestingly, people took the words of former President Medvedev seriously. In the comments under the video, most agreed that he was telling the truth. Thus the head Russian government admitted for the first time that aliens live and work in the country. True, he did not specify when they would leave Russia and where they would go.

    Quite a lot of attention is concentrated around everything unknown. Researchers, skeptics and sci-fi buffs are always arguing about the existence of UFOs. Ufologists all unanimously claim that they exist, but skeptics are asked to provide irrefutable evidence.

    Is there a UFO - facts

    The very first real evidence of the existence of UFOs is not only cave paintings of the 9th century AD, but also paintings by medieval artists. Where unprecedented ships and people of small stature are depicted, who descend from them to Earth.

    More than 60 years ago, the Churchill military archives mentioned how radars detected an unidentified object flying at great speed. At that time, aircraft moving at such a speed did not exist. At the same time, in the United States, employees of a military base observed a spherical object in the sky, and when they tried to catch up with the ball by fighters, it went up with lightning speed.

    In the Nevada military archives of the 50s, the crash of three flying objects in the desert is documented. As a result of the study of the crash site, not only "plates" were found, but also small humanoids in metal suits.

    The appearance of a round unidentified object in the form of a saucer over Washington DC was also recorded at the inauguration of US President Barack Obama.

    When asked if a UFO really exists, our compatriot, a professional ufologist from the city of Dalnorechensk, Valery Dvuzhilny, will answer in the affirmative. In his collection, which he has been collecting for more than 30 years, there are many different fragments and substances from unknown alloys that are not produced here on Earth. All of these samples have been carefully examined. According to Valery Dvuzhilny, all these are fragments from UFO vehicles.

    A professional photographer from the UK has no doubts that UFOs exist. Having made a night shot of the city of Hampshire, the young man, having come home, began to transfer all the pictures to, I was simply amazed to see an incomprehensible object on one of them. A picture of a UFO was sent for examination, they concluded that no manipulations were carried out on the frame and the alien plate was indeed visible in the photograph. Although the picture turned out to be the original, many skeptics questioned it.

    Skeptics look for a refutation of every piece of evidence. For example, Carl Jung famous psychologist I am sure that the image and vision of the unknown is a human unconscious projection that he longs to see. Therefore, even with a lot of evidence on hand, it is impossible to say unequivocally whether UFOs exist.

    Our humanity inclined to believe that it is not alone in the universe. Facts about aliens are increasingly found in our daily lives.

    But is the person ready? let go of self-confidence and chosenness as reasonable God's creation, even if aliens suddenly knock on the door, landing on his porch?

    Do aliens exist?

    Military admitted openly the facts of discovery flying saucer, but the locals were forbidden on pain of death to talk about what they witnessed.

    The daughter of the sheriff and the son of Braziel, recalling this crash, said that their parents, in addition to the wreckage of a UFO, saw an almost intact flying saucer, as well as four aliens with huge heads - one of them was allegedly still alive.

    The military later retracted their press release about the UFO find and told reporters weather balloon misinformation.

    The 1970s saw a new wave of interest in the Roswell UFO crash. The eyewitnesses of those events, the military, spoke up.

    So, Philippe Korsa, a former US military man, published the book "The Day After Roswell", which described the contents of the boxes brought to the base in Kansas from the crash site. The boxes looked like small coffins. When one of them was opened, it was discovered alien corpse.

    Aliens abduct people?

    The second place among the evidence of UFO visits to our planet is occupied by alien abductions.

    Quite a few people claim to have been abducted by aliens. Such statements were especially massively made in the 80s of the last century.

    Some abduction victims reported being subjected to research during abductions; some of them claimed that experiments were performed on them, that they were raped, implanted.

    Other victims are nothing after returning they do not remember, they simply do not have long periods in their memory.

    By the way, there is a video posted on YouTube that shows instructions on how to behave when abducted by aliens. A guide to action is set out by the author of the book, Galina Zheleznyak, in the Anomalous Zone series.

    Do aliens really abduct people?

    alien implants

    In some bodies of people who have been victims of alien abductions, from time to time find foreign elements implants that are made from materials unknown on Earth.

    Implants are considered the third most important fact of the presence of aliens on earth. So, since 1994, from the bodies of abducted people by aliens have been removed:

    • very strong threads
    • thin needles with balls at the end and thread-fibers sticking out in different directions. Such implants are usually removed from the ears, nostrils and depressions under the eyes.
    • implants that change arbitrarily the physical state or passing into a jelly-like state from a solid
    • implants create an electromagnetic field, being only in the human body. Field disappeared after extraction
    • implants with a shell of keratin and protein and with a metal core inside
    • other items in which they were found chemical elements, unknown on Earth.

    Unfortunately, most often foreign bodies are found in people who have been abducted. in the area of ​​the brain and, accordingly, the modern medicine of our planet cannot examine them, much less remove them.

    Ufologists believe that such implants correct human behavior and, perhaps, even control it.

    Implants that aliens implant in humans

    The appearance of a UFO

    Evidence of unidentified flying objects is in 4th place in the top 10 evidence of aliens visiting the Earth.

    The first facts of UFO evidence were recorded on 06/24/1947, when pilot Kenneth Arnold at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon discovered nine unknown flying objects, randomly moving at incredible speed in Washington State, in the Cascade Mountains.

    Soon other eyewitnesses began to report about the UFO. Arnold later clarified that the UFOs were shaped like crescents, and their movement was like diving saucers in the water. Since then, the term "flying saucer" has become entrenched in the everyday life of earthlings.

    UFOs have been repeatedly seen on Earth

    alien corpse

    The fifth piece of evidence in the top 10 alien visits to Earth is the film Autopsy.

    In 1995 was presented to the public a black-and-white film of poor quality, in which showing an autopsy an alien found on a crashed craft in Roswell.

    The film became an instant sensation as it showed classified information about the Roswell case and confirmed the hypothesis of the appearance of aliens on Earth, as well as the fact that the US government does not want to share information about aliens and UFOs with the public.

    Later there was a statement that this film is a falsification.

    Let's hope and believe that they come to us with good intentions and, in the end, they will teach us to overcome outer space to explore new planets.

    There is no story more mysterious in the world than the story of flying saucers. I don’t know if Shakespeare, the great Shakespeare, would have subscribed to this clumsy rephrasing if he had lived to this day, but millions of earthlings who believe in space aliens would definitely subscribe.

    Incredible phenomena in heaven, which have become obvious to many witnesses, have been “hanging” on the waiting list for many years, hoping to be somehow explained. Residents of the English town of Bonnybridge in Stirlingshire stubbornly refuse to believe their eyes, claiming that since 1992 they have been visited by more than 500 UFOs. 13,500 residents of Belgium, who observed mysterious celestial objects in March 1990, and thousands of Kharkiv residents, who observed "something" hovering over their heads for a long time in the early 1980s, agree with them. And what can we say about the pilots of aircraft, many of whom more than once met on their heavenly path a mysterious escort glowing with an unearthly light.

    What was all this?

    Only the weather is to blame

    A few days ago, the British Ministry of Defense declassified a UFO report. The document, drawn up in 2000 by experts from the military department, received such high category secrecy that they reproduced it only in a few copies, the name of the compiler was kept in the strictest confidence. The DoD report was based on a 4-year study called "UK Unidentified Aerial Phenomena".

    Making such a closely guarded document public would probably never have happened. But Britain's Freedom of Information Act forces secret keepers to release their secrets after a certain amount of time, especially if there is a public request to do so. In this case, the request came from Dr. David Clarke, a scientist at the University of Sheffield.

    The verdict of the four hundred page report is essentially unambiguous: no one flew to us, there is no evidence of extraterrestrial life forms. Here is how this sentence sounds in the language of a specialist from the Department of Defense: “There is no evidence that would allow us to judge that the phenomenon (we are talking about UFOs) is hostile in nature or is under any other control than forces of natural origin .. "There is no evidence that there are 'hard' objects capable of provoking a collision hazard (with them)."

    What, then, provoked the "collision" of earthlings with celestial aliens? Not otherwise than bouts of mass psychosis, or maybe hypnosis? And what kind of control of "forces of natural origin" is the report talking about? But about what.

    The specialists who compiled the document believe that we can talk about unidentified ... weather phenomena. About such specific tricks magnetic storms or atmospheric movements that can create a kind of veil morgana effect. That is, to make a person see a mirage.

    Here is what the document says on this score: “It can be assumed that some unidentified aerial phenomena are caused by well-known and probably little-studied effects of meteors ... A significant amount of evidence supports the thesis that events (UFOs) are almost certainly caused by physical, electrical and magnetic phenomena in the atmosphere, mesosphere and ionosphere. They manifest themselves in the presence of certain weather conditions and electric charge and are observed very infrequently, which allows observers to speak of their uniqueness. "

    A person who finds himself in the epicenter of the above-described "magnetic phenomenon" is subjected to a direct effect on the brain, experts conclude: "Proximity to the plasma field can have a harmful effect on mechanisms and even people ...

    It has been medically proven that this kind of local field can cause a reaction in the temporal lobe of the human brain. As a result, a person has a very clear idea of ​​​​events that actually did not take place.

    However, not everything is to blame for the weather. Sometimes earthlings are mistaken for alien ship aircraft with particularly bright sidelights or unusually shaped balloons. Or the reflections of a powerful lighthouse. But you never know now in the world of technical gizmos that can confuse the observer, especially if he suffers from a vivid imagination.

    The main thing is that from now on all these insanity has been clarified: there are no UFOs over the Earth. What is required to be taken as a basis.

    Why did the British hacker go to NASA and the Pentagon

    The "tradition" of the British Ministry of Defense regarding UFOs is fresh, but it is hard to believe in it. Commentators of all stripes, including pundits, paid tribute to the stated theory of "outrages" in the atmosphere, mesosphere and ionosphere, affecting the temporal lobe of the brain. But such an explanation, obviously, did not cause complete satisfaction. For a variety of reasons. Firstly, according to the theory of probability, someone would obviously have to observe us, or visit, or contact us. The universal "communal apartment" looks too crowded, so that for such a long period of neighborhood, its residents did not collide with each other. Secondly, there are too many inconsistencies in this whole mysterious story. Finally, there are too many bold "secret" stamps on thick folders of documents on "flying saucers" carefully collected and guarded by the security agencies of the leading powers. And that in and of itself is suspicious.

    My father-in-law, who worked in a responsible position in the Ministry of Defense, once told me that it is better not to pry into these matters. This advice was given at that time in the mid-80s, when the story of UFO sightings by the crew of a Tallinn passenger plane became a loud sensation. Due to someone's oversight, one of the most widely read newspapers in the country ("Trud") managed to give publicity to this story. However, I did not manage to get to the Tallinn crew in order to take more detailed "testimonies" for my own newspaper: the UFO story was tabooed. Meanwhile, the author of these lines was given to understand that the pilots could most likely observe the secret military development that was present in the sky. And that it was precisely this kind of test objects walking in the sky that more than once or twice were taken by witnesses for UFOs.

    So whose secret developments are guarded by the defense industry of all countries? Aliens or your own? And take it higher! - is there not a conspiracy of world governments leading " star Wars"secretly from the earthly people? British computer ace Gary McKinnon tried to answer these questions, whose excessive curiosity turned him into a hacker and for whom the prison is now crying. Gary McKinnon was arrested by British police in 2002, after he managed to hack into NASA computer networks and Just the other day, in an English court, hearings began on the extradition case of McKinnon to the United States, where a virtual hacker who has been excommunicated from using the Internet is expected to go to jail.

    On the eve of the trial, in a sensational interview with the BBC, Gary McKinnon revealed what he was looking for in the secret files - photographic evidence of existence aircraft and extraterrestrial energy sources. How serious evidence the British hacker managed to get, judge for yourself. Here is the interview.

    Direct speech

    BBC: Here is a list of your accusations: you hacked the army's systems, navy, Air Force, Department of Defense, NASA and others. What for?

    Gary McKinnon: I was looking for hidden technologies called UFO technologies. I think it's the biggest secret in the world because people usually laugh at it, but it's a very important thing. Old people don't have enough money to pay their bills, countries are being invaded in the name of oil contracts in the West, and meanwhile secret departments of the government are hiding free energy technology.

    BBC: How did you manage to get to what you were looking for in NASA, in the Department of Defense?

    G.M.: Unlike what the press feeds us, all this was not too smart. I looked for blank passwords, I wrote a tiny Perl program that connected other people's programs that were also looking for blank passwords, and in just eight minutes, 65,000 machines could be scanned.

    BBC: So you found computers that had administrator status, in which passwords were not set, that is, they were left the same as they were by default?

    G.M.: Exactly.

    BBC: How long have you been in these computers? Was it a one-time event or did it last for a week?

    G.M.: No, a couple of years.

    BBC: And no one noticed you for a couple of years?

    G.M.: Not. I trained myself to do this at certain hours ... I constantly juggled with the time difference. I went in at night, hoping that there were not so many people there. But there was a time when a network engineer saw me and asked me a question, and we talked to each other through WordPad - a very, very strange way of communicating. He said, "What are you doing?" - and it was amazing. I said that I was from the military computer security, and he sincerely believed it.

    BBC: Did you find what you were looking for?

    G.M.: Yes. There's a group called Project Exposure. They published a book that cites 400 eyewitness accounts from civilian air traffic controllers to military radar operators to guys deciding whether or not to launch nuclear missiles. These are very responsible people who can be trusted, and they all say: yes, there is UFO technology, there is anti-gravity, there is free energy and it is extraterrestrial in origin, and we caught the ship and studied it inside and out.

    BBC: And what did you find in NASA?

    G.M.: One of these people is a NASA expert in photography, and she said that in Building No. 8 at the Johnson Space Center they regularly "corrected" UFO pictures taken by high-resolution satellite cameras. She was talking like this: had folders called "filtered" and "unfiltered", "processed" and "raw" - something like that. I pulled out one picture from the folder, but the connection was through a telephone line, the speed was 56 kilobits per second, that is, a very slow Internet connection, this was in the days of telephone modems, and using the remote control program, I changed the color palette to 4-bit , and set the screen resolution to a very, very low mode, but even with all this, the picture trembled on the screen.

    But when it did show up, it was a miracle. The culmination of all my efforts. It was a picture of something that was definitely not human made. It hung over the earth's hemisphere. It looked like a satellite. In the shape of a cigar - and such geodesic domes on top, bottom, left, right and on both sides of it, and although the picture was low resolution, it was clearly taken from a very close distance. This thing was hanging in space, you can see the earth's hemisphere under it - and there are no rivets, no seams, nothing that is associated with normal human production.

    BBC: Could it be a drawing and not a photograph?

    G.M.: I don't know... For me it was more than a coincidence. This woman said, "That's exactly what's going on in this building, in this space center." I entered this building, this space center, and that's exactly what I saw.

    BBC: Do you have a copy of the picture? You have downloaded it to your machine.

    G.M.: No... When they cut me off, the picture disappeared.

    BBC: Were you cut off at the exact time you uploaded the picture?

    G.M.: Yes, I saw someone's moving hand.


    In response to Gary McKinnon's claims, the US aerospace agency denied that they had edited the images to mislead the public and stressed that NASA's policy was to be open. In addition, as the agency added, it does not have direct evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life.

    In 2002, the world's oldest ufology society announced its self-dissolution. Experts from the British Bureau of Flying Saucers noted with regret the absence of specific facts and evidence indicating that such a phenomenon as UFOs really exists. At the annual conference of ufologists held in London, which was held by the English magazine of paranormal phenomena "Fortin Times", the most regrettable statement for all the "expectants" was made: ufology ordered a long life.

    Explaining such a ruthless verdict, magazine editor Bob Rickard said the following: "Unidentified flying objects controlled by aliens have not discovered their existence. We hoped that the development of advanced technologies and the widespread use of video cameras would lead to concrete evidence of alien activity, but nothing like this happened" .

    There is, therefore, no irrefutable evidence and material evidence that aliens flew to Earth.

    Or they are hidden and destroyed. And it turns out that we are still alone. It remains only to wait and hope. The remarkable scientist Academician Ambartsumyan once said amazing words in defense of our most daring hopes, aspiring upwards: a man differs from a pig already by the fact that sometimes he tears his head from the trough and raises it to the stars.


    1. September 20, 1977 - mass observation of UFOs in Petrozavodsk and its environs. Hovering over the city center for 10-12 minutes.

    2. October 7, 1977 - 9 UFOs "attacked" the floating base of the Northern Fleet "Volga" in the Barents Sea. Radio communication was broken, restored after the departure of the UFO.

    3. January 29, 1986 - an accident or landing of a UFO in the area of ​​​​the hill 611 near the village of Dalnegorsk. Left material fragments of scientific interest.

    4. September 27, 1989 - UFO landing in Voronezh in a park on Mendeleev Street. Mass surveillance. Landing tracks left.

    5. August 16, 1991 - the city of Yeysk. Meeting in the air of the aircraft, piloted by cadet M. Churbakov, with a UFO. The pilot ejected. The plane is destroyed.

    6. 70s - multiple intelligence reports of the Pacific Fleet about the observation of UFOs above the water, as well as "diving" into the water or "emerging" from there into "space".

    7. December 1968 - Steppe station near Chita. Temporary paralysis of engineer Mironov, who fell into the "irradiation" zone of a UFO.

    8. March 1983 - UFO observation in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Remained material fragments of the span.

    9. 80s - repeated UFO flights over the submarine bases of the Northern Fleet.

    11. June 1977 - the city of Derzhavinsk, Kazakhstan. "Meeting" of pioneers from a pioneer camp with a giant humanoid from a UFO.

    12. July 1947 - the city of Roseville, USA. Version of the crashed "flying saucer" and the death of 4 humanoids. Scientific confirmation is not yet available.

    13. June 24, 1947 - the city of Seattle, USA. During a flyby of Mount Rainier, Kenneth Arnold encountered a "squadron" of UFOs. The beginning of the "flying saucer" boom.

    14. January 1961 - Fort Knox, USA. The flight commander of the fighters sent to intercept the UFO, Captain Thomas Mantell, pulled ahead, and his plane crumbled in front of the followers.

    15. October 30, 1989 - New York, Federal highway. The appearance of a UFO in front of many witnesses.

    16. December 7, 1990 - observation of a UFO by cosmonaut Gennady Strekalov, flying on the Soyuz over Greenland.

    17. October 27, 1954 - Florence, Italy The flight of a group of UFOs over the stadium during a football match. Fans were doused with a snow-like evaporating substance - "angel hair".

    19. 1980-90s - mass sightings of UFOs in Belgium (the so-called "Belgian Triangle").

    20. 70s - frequent appearances of UFOs in the area of ​​the island of Grenada, forcing the Prime Minister of Grenada to raise the issue of UFOs in the UN.

    21. 1985 - the mouth of the Amazon. Active manifestations of UFOs that caused trauma among the natives.

    23. 90s - Kalahari Desert. Version of a UFO shot down during an air battle. There is no scientific data.

    24. 1978 - Bass Strait, Australia. The death of pilot Valentich, who met a UFO in the air.

    26. 1979 - Kuwait, Asia. The landing UFO temporarily blocked the radio communication of the entire country with the outside world.

    27. 1976 - Iran. Unsuccessful phantom attack on a UFO. The electrical system of the aircraft is blocked.