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    You say one implies another scientific term. Flight fantasy. Acquired and congenital

    Good evening.
    Apparently, reviews finally turned into a night session. Nevertheless, we will assume that now the evening, and for sure it is good.
    Today we will talk about the most, probably complex and important subject in all poetry. About that turns simple text in lyrical. About metaphors.
    It is sometimes very difficult for a person to explain what is a metaphor, and what is a mistake. It came across this and continue to face almost everything, including me. Today we will try to find several rules that can help deal with this difficult theme. And will help us in this page of the user ursamin. .

    What is the metaphor?
    When I ask this question, most often the answer sounds approximately as "A .... Nuuu ... Eeee ......"
    In rare cases, I manage to knock out a more accurate definition: "Well, this is when you say one thing, but imply another ... like that"
    In such a veiled form, a person is trying to convey the basic idea of \u200b\u200ba metaphor. This is an allegorical expression. And even more so: the metaphor is a word in a figurative value, which is based on an unnamed comparison. However that it can say normal man? Never mind.

    Stringing a lot complex words, You can get about the following:
    0. Creating a metaphor is a two-stage process.
    1. The essence of the metaphor is to replace one concept to others. This is done in order to explain a more complex phenomenon of simpler images. Visualize it.
    2. The necessary condition for the application of metaphor is its validity. Explanation of why it is used and why it is possible.

    And if the point 1 remembers often a lot, then no one knows about item 2. Although it is as important as the first. And as a result, it turns out something like:

    ... from the lost finals
    Non-shift remains:
    The hundredth of the share is perplexed
    before the victorious committee,
    And now serve last -
    how to try to get to Mars
    Exhausted garbage farce
    Or complain about fatigue.

    You surrendered, and the fault remained
    Turn inside out
    Castle overuled vaults
    where in the shakes of the sedentary
    You dream of horseback hiking
    and in the arquence of cozy
    live to absolute
    Atrophy of the soul and body.

    Why did you still want?
    Is it really a little comfort? ..

    It is impossible to say that the poem is bad. You can wander along the lines and search for errors associated with spelling, punctuation, morphology - and nothing to find. However, attempts to make a poem more shaped and beautiful leads to a terrible error - unjustified use of metaphor. And it is also good that in this case it is quite easy to understand that the castle is a symbol behind which a man's soul is hidden. And if everything was not so obvious? In this case, the critic would say: "Why do you have windbreak castle vaults? And what do they turn inside out? Are they cut? And how does all this makes wine?" I would call all this violation of objective reality. And would be absolutely right. Because the locks are really not so often turned inside out.

    What is required in order for the metaphor to be completed?
    It is necessary to add a justification.
    If we compare the soul and castle, then you need to show that there is some kind of similarity between them. Suppose it is worth reminding the reader about Jesus, who called the soul of man by the temple. Or tell me that "Soul as an abandoned castle. It is the same empty". It is only in my words looks ugly. In fact, such structures are simple, while quite beautiful and spectacular. As, for example, in the poem A.

    It seems to me that I go in a circle ...
    originally taken on the lie
    Again rejected, expelled, discarded ...
    Fourth of nine peasors
    Bead driving
    Fell on the floor, breaking away from the rope.
    My "sorry" is always on manufacture,
    I will not be back.

    I believe the truth of bitter coincidences.
    not you are the second, not you and the penultimate
    In my cycle of shortfast.
    And our meeting, stupid partly, -
    Unnecessary hook
    someone who is a straight trope
    Earth life will take up to half -
    in the ninth round.

    Important remark. Before text there is an epigraph:
    "- CHA circles also had nine ...
    - Yes? And what then?
    - And then purgatory ... and paradise ...
    (From the conversation with I.) "

    Phrase "Remove Bead" It is immediately perceived as it should be due to the fact that the text refers to beads and rope .. In this case, the definition of the subject is already deciphered by the metaphor. The same with "Hook". It has the full right to be at this place, as the text is mentioned, and for "Hook" It becomes possible to use in this context.
    Little comprehensive situation Cost Wheel in a circle. Usually in such cases it is worth adding where a person walks: on fate, around the house or in a cage. However, this poem uses another way of justifying the metaphor - outside the text. This can be done, and even moreover, the uncommon comments to metaphors are considered special chic. Most often they are taken out in the title. Sometimes - to footnote, however, due to an ugly species and an uncomfortable position, such a reception is considered a beamless and bad tone. There are often epigraphs in verses of today's user. Not only is this - another possible reception. At the same time, they allow you to simultaneously set the right mood and bring to the necessary thoughts, that is, they are also an excellent trick that adds the verses of originality and freshness.
    There is also another way to assign metaphor - the creation of poems that use allys and images from the previous ones. However, such a reception most often already enjoy the well-deserved waters of literature, and it is very difficult to use this technique: there is a risk to ride endless self protestors. Although, I somehow tell about them in more detail.

    In general, a very big risk is associated with imagery. Poems require figurative speech, but unreasonable images turn into semantic garbage, and the reader misses their eyes.
    I just said terribly incomprehensible phrase, because I will try to explain what I meant. Images are not what is well in itself. They are good only if used in the case. Suppose when you need to show something that words do not describe. If the process is fully described without an animation of the active object or voicing the hidden motives, the image becomes unnecessary.
    This is especially dangerous if it is no longer used anywhere. If one day a definite property is not repeated, not described and does not disclose. Then the beautiful phrase obtained with all his beautifulness does not carry any semantic functions. And naturally, the reader will not remember this phrase, after which it most likely misses the rhyme to her, and maybe all the storm or even most of the poem. At the same time, the poem itself can be excellent and full of all sense. As, for example, freedom poem:

    Freedom! Freedom! - claimed posters,
    hanging on the streets from under lamps,
    squatted on towers and overpass,
    In the rampant march of the tired, but strong paws.

    Freedom! Freedom! - shouted bridges and roofs,
    Wipers cars, called pillars,
    put the trams on the tricky
    River, bombarding the pier steel foreheads.

    Freedom! Freedom! - rang over all channels,
    Freedom! - buzzed on the radio, on the phone,
    Freedoms asked, put out, desired,
    She was lined up, basically and not easy!

    Freedom appeared. Passed through bridges and towers,
    I looked at the river, picked posters ...
    On the radio with it somehow twisted the boors,
    Yes, much did not come out: the prostitability did not give.

    Persians picked out other people,
    Behind them came to civilian clothes and taken away.
    On the streets spoke about her, as a miracle,
    But more preferred it in spill.

    Freedom had - and more could not be cleaned.
    Do not! - Zhonarii urgent and Hangi.
    Do not! - Put Ivanushki and Emeli,
    Do not! - Dragged glass and stained glass ...

    Buzz cars. Rocked trams.
    Hang posters. Among single bodies
    on the streets, smooth and nagaya,
    Freedom walked.

    Nobody wanted her.

    Yes, phrase "shouted bridges and roofs" Very bright and beautiful. However, this image does not make sense until he received an explanation. And therefore, the first two or three stuffs fall out of memory. Maximum that I remember - only the first lines of each quatrain. Of course, no one forbids to compare the roofs with someone who can shout. However, their properties emerging from the metaphor are not shown. What follows from what they scream? Why was the image used? Was there any need? Yes, the phrase is interesting. But she is meaningless. Despite the fact that if every image is justified and disassembled, the poem could be considered excellent. After all, both the logic is in place, and the relationship is good, and the images are beautiful.

    And here are a lot of these texts of our author. Beautiful, slender, good. But there is no metaphor. Instead of metaphor logical errors. At the site of violation of the laws of objective reality.
    Yes, the need to describe metaphors is a terrible rule. Honestly, I will say: I still fight him, most often to no avail. And nevertheless, it is this rule that stands on the way from the pellery to excellent poems.

    However, it is worth praise the author. Another two thousand tenth poems in terms of metaphors were much worse than now. The situation is gradually improving. In addition, in verses there are many positive moments. These are extraordinary solutions. (like allusions on the execution of Christ in the poem "City" or very good plot poems), and slim, logical narration, and. And it pleases! Because people who own speech, much more important than bankers or managers.

    Briefly repeat everything we learned today.
    First, it should not mindlessly replace some concepts with others in order to simply add a poem of the image. It is possible that it does not need it in these images.
    Secondly, metaphors should be not only beautiful, but also justified. The author wants to say that life is like a faceted glass? Let them immediately explain that "It can be filled with both vodka and nothing".
    Thirdly, it is not necessary to explain the image in the same line where it was used. You can make an explanation in the epigraph, the title, present in the form of allyusia or copyright style.
    And in fourth, the more the metaphor is twisted, the text is considered steeper. It is only important to be sure that the metaphor is if curious reader Find an interesting image, not emptiness. Otherwise, he will cease to be your reader, and maybe even inquisitive. And this descendants will not be formed.

    And I apologize with the author and readers for the fact that the review turned out for the most part negative. The fact is that images are one of the most difficult phenomena in poetry, and therefore many people have problems with them. But if you ever learn how to contact them, you will not be equal to the whole of white light.

    Small update.
    As the heroine of our today's release rightly noticed,
    "You can write very good (as you think) verse, thoroughly thinking every word in it, to take each line - and no one will notice it. You can write a verse for 3 minutes, without any" frills ", techniques, means of expressiveness, etc. . - And it will be read, praise and admire your talent.
    short poems written in 3 minutes can be very good, as they are concise and simple (and at the same time - are not banal!), There are no unnecessary problems in them, they are easy to read and perceive. Long verses written in the same three minutes, as a rule, are fingered by incoherent "streams of consciousness" "

    I was completely forgotten by my shame about this phenomenon. Let's call it paradox metaphor.
    In short and fast-written verses, huge carefully painted images are rarely fit. Therefore, they are much clearer and natural. If the author sits on the text above the text, coming up with beautiful words, the probability of the compilation of the metaphor increases to orders. And someone then will read and think: "What about nonsense?".
    That's for this I love short poems.

    what is the name of the literature when we say one thing, but mean the other? And got the best answer

    Answer from Valentina [Guru]
    In terms of psychology, such a speech is called double transaction. Part of the transaction is verbal, and the fact that it is implied is non-verbal (mimic, gestures, intonation). In the literature, this allegory, subtext, between the lines.
    (We say "Party" - I mean Lenin. Mayakovsky. Joke.)

    Answer from Pavel Ivanekin[expert]
    Pis * Eat

    Answer from Peter Pisigunov[guru]
    IRONY. The traditional understanding of the irony reduces it to antiframsis, i.e. Using words in a negative sense, just the opposite literal, type: yes you are a hero! (when evaluating a non-aggative act); Hey you, tireless worker, go here! (in relation to Liegegock, leaning from work), etc. This type of comic is based on violation of the postulate of truth. The essence of the irony (as a more caustic and gloomy variant - sarcasm) is that "someone or something is attributed to the trait that is absent, and thereby its absence is emphasized."

    Answer from PSEVDO Padonok.[newcomer]

    Answer from Nikita Rudakov[active]
    IRO (from Dr. -Grech. ???????? "pretense") - a satirical admission, in which true meaning is hidden or contradictory (opposed) to obvious meaning. The irony should create the feeling that the subject of the discussion is not as it seems.
    The irony is the use of words in a negative sense, just the opposite literal. EXAMPLE: "Well, you are the brave!", "Smile-smart ...". Here, positive statements have a negative subtext.
    Content [show]
    History of Irony [edit | edit wiki text]
    It is believed that the irony appeared in Ancient Greece. So in ancient Greek "ironization" began to mean "talking lies", "mocking", "pretend," and "Ironik" is a man, "deceiving with the help of words." Socrates used irony in disputes with the sofhists, exposing their self-conceit and claims to the all-knowing. She opposed the complacency and the limitedness of the ordinary consciousness of antiquity. Certain development irony received in the ancient comedy and satirical genres of literature. She also played an important role in folk laughter. In the Middle Ages, irony was most often used in folk laughter. The irony of folk laughter culture has a dual character, since laughter is directed at the laughs themselves. In the era of the revival, the irony was used in the traditions of laughter, festive folk culture, jesters at crowded, as well as in everyday speech. Irony is beginning to use as a speech, as a turnover of speech, helping to expose to some kind of ridiculous in the form of a "hidden hint". So, the jesters often laughed at their owners. But Irony acquired a special role in the Baroque era, because in its philosophy there was a desire to compare various and unexpected identification of the similarity of non-integrity, which was considered the most significant in this culture. IN late XIX. The century there was a further complication of the painting of the world, to which the consciousness of society was not ready. This caused a contradictory response. Some were passionate about the relevant opportunities of scientific and technological progress and with delight welcomed the new century. Others were alarmed by the destruction of the usual foundations of the simple and clear values \u200b\u200bof the world. Hence the fatigue, lethargy and unnaturalness of irony. Thus reviewing the whole "history of the existence of irony" one can conclude that the irony existed from the early times and had great importance Both psychological and literary. With her, the great ancient Greek philosophers tried to hurt their colleagues, pointing to their stupidity and using the self-ironya to turn more attention to themselves, the jesters tried to make ity their owners, so that they did not understand that they were actually insulting. Writers in their texts tried to show their dissatisfaction with power, using Irony, or just brighter to describe the character or the situation.
    Forms of irony [edit | edit wiki text]
    Direct Irony is a way to remake, give a negative or ridiculous nature of the described phenomenon.
    Anti-iron is opposite to direct irony and allows you to submit an object of anti-brief undervalued.
    Selfaronia - irony aimed at his own person. In self-irony and anti-iron, negative statements may imply a reverse (positive) subtext. Example: "Where can I, fools, drink tea."
    Socrates Irony - the form of self-irony, built in such a way that the object to which it is addressed, as if independently comes to the natural logical conclusions and finds the hidden meaning of an ironic statement, following the parcels of the "not aware of the truth" of the subject.
    The Ironic worldview is the state of the soul, which allows not to take on the faith of the statement and stereotypes, and not belong too seriously to various "generally accepted values".

    Ambivalence, frustration, rigidity - if you want to express your thoughts not at the level of the fifth grader, you will have to understand the meaning of these words. Katia Shpachuk explains everything available and understandable, and help her in this visual gifs.
    1. Frustation

    Almost everyone experienced a sense of unrealizations, met obstacles to the achievement of the goals that became an unbearable cargo and the reason for anything not bad. So this is frustration. When everything is tired and nothing happens.

    But you should not perceive such a state in the bayonets. The main way to overcome frustration is to realize the moment, accept it, and tolerantly treat. The state of dissatisfaction, mental tension mobilize the human strengths to combat the new challenge.

    2. Procrastination

    - So, from tomorrow I sit on a diet! No, better from Monday.

    Let's finish then when the mood will be. There is still time.

    A ..., I will write tomorrow. Not anywhere.

    Familiar? This is a procrastination, that is, postponement for later.

    The painful state when it is necessary and do not want.

    Accompanied by a torment itself for not fulfilled the task. This is the main difference from laziness. Laziness is a pofigistic state, procrastination - experienced. At the same time, a person finds pretexts, the classes are much more interesting than the fulfillment of specific work.

    In fact, the process is normal and inherent in most people. But do not abuse. The main way to avoid - motivation and correct prioritization. Time Management comes to the rescue.


    In other words, self-surveillance. The method with which a person explores its own psychological inclinations or processes. The first introspection applied Descartes, studying his own spiritual nature.

    Despite the popularity of the method in the XIX century, the introspection is considered to be a subjective, idealistic, even unscientific form of psychology.

    4. Beheviorism

    Beheviorism - the direction in psychology, which is based on not consciousness, and behavior. Man's reaction to an external incentive. Movement, Mimic, gestures - in short, all external signs have become the subject of studying behaviorists.

    The founder of the American method John Watson assumed that with the help of careful observation, you can predict, change or form proper behavior.

    A lot of experiments were conducted that investigated human behavior. But the next one became the most famous.

    In 1971, Philip Zimbardo held an unprecedented psychological experimentwho got the name of the Stenford prison experiment. Absolutely healthy, mentally stable young people were placed in a conditional prison. Students divided into two groups and distributed tasks: Some had to play the role of warders, other prisoners. Garden inclinations began to manifest themselves with the supervisors, while prisoners were morally depressed and accepting with their fate. After 6 days, the experiment was stopped (instead of two weeks). In the course, it was brought that the situation affects human behavior more than its internal features.

    5. Ambivalence

    Many scenarios of psychological thrillers are familiar with this concept. So, "ambivalence" is a dual attitude to something. Moreover, this attitude is absolutely polar. For example, love and hatred, sympathy and antipathy, pleasure and displeasure, which is experiencing a person at the same time and in relation to something (someone) one. The term introduced E. Bleiler, who considered the ambivalence of one of the signs of schizophrenia.

    According to Freud "Ambivalence" acquires a slightly different meaning. This is the presence of opposing deep motivations, which is based on the attraction to life and death.

    6. Insait

    Translated from English "Insight" is an insight, the ability to penetrate the essence, insight, sudden finding a solution and so on.

    There is a task, the task requires a solution, sometimes the simple, sometimes difficult, sometimes solved quickly, sometimes takes time. Usually in complex, labor-intensive, at first glance, insight comes insight. Something non-standard, sudden, new. Together with the insight, the previous character of action or thinking is changing.

    7. Rigidity

    In psychology under "rigidity" understand the unaware of a person act not according to plan, fear of unforeseen circumstances. Also, the "rigidity" refers to the unpretentiousness of the abandonment of habits and installations, from the old, in favor of the new and so on.

    The rigid man is a hostage of stereotypes, ideas not created by independently, but taken from reliable sources.
    They are specific, pedantic, they are annoyed by uncertainty and disadvantaged. Rigid thinking is trite, stamped, uninteresting.

    8. Conformism and non-conformism

    "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority - time to stop and thinking" wrote Mark Twain. Conformism - key concept social psychology. It is expressed in changing behavior under the real or imaginary influence of others.

    Why is this happening? Because people are afraid when not like everyone else. This is a way out of the comfort zone. This fear will not like it, look stupid, be out of mass.

    Conformist is a person who changes his opinion, beliefs, installations, in favor of society in which is located.

    Nonconformist - the concept of the opposite of the previous one, that is, a person who defends the view, different from most.

    9. Qatarsis

    From the ancient Greek word "katharsis" means "cleansing", most often from the sense of guilt. The process of long experience, unrest, which at the peak of development turns into liberation, something maximum positive. It is human practicing to worry different reasons, from the thought of not turned off Iron, etc. Here you can talk about the domestic catharsis. There is a problem that reaches your peak, a person suffers, but he doesn't suffer indever. The problem begins to move away, the anger (who has something), comes the moment of forgiveness or awareness.

    10. Empathy

    Are you experiencing with a person who tells you his story? Do you live with him? Do you support the emotionally person who are listening to? Then you - Empat.

    Empathy is an understanding of people's feelings, willingness to provide support.

    This is when a person puts himself in place of another, understands and lives his story, but, nevertheless, remaining with his mind. Empathy is the process of feeling and responsive, somewhere emotional.


    "The term" proof "has a special definition (based on logic demonstration of the fact that some conclusions come from some prerequisites), which does not correspond to the same sense in the usual conversation (" an indisputable testimony of something "). There are great discrepancies between what scientists say and what people hear: scientists are inclined to give clear definitions. And from this it follows that science never proves anything! So when we are asked: "What do you have evidence that we happened from other species?" Or "Can you really prove that climate change is a consequence of human activity?" We will rather wash in response than say: "Of course, we can!" The fact is that science does not prove anything a hundred percent, but simply produces all the more believable and complete theories of how the world is arranged, which constantly require improvements and adjustments. And this is one of the reasons why science is so successful, "explains the physicist Sean Caroll.


    "When people in a wide society hear the word" theory ", they interpret it as an" idea "or" assumption. " We are more and more interesting, "says Astrophysic Dave Goldberg. - Scientific theory is the whole system of tested ideas, which can then be refuted or at the level of the theory, or during the experiment. The best theories (theory of relativity, quantum laws or evolution) withstood hundreds of years and many tests both from those who wanted to prove that he is smarter than Einstein and from those who simply do not like to launch all this metaphysics in their lives . Finally, the theories are plastic, but not infinite. Theories may be incomplete or false in some prerequisites, but it will not destroy them to the end. The theory of evolution, for example, for many years has changed quite a lot, but not so much so that its main idea cannot be recognized today. The whole problem with the phrase "just the theory" is that it contains an assumption that scientific theory is some small thing, but it is not so. "

    Quantum uncertainty

    Even sad, according to Goldberg, the case when physical concepts are used for spiritual purposes: "At the heart of quantum mechanics is the measurement. When the observer fixes the time, position or energy of the system, it causes a collapse. But the fact that in this sense the Universe is not deterministic, does not mean that you control it. It is alarming that in some circles quantum uncertainty is increasingly associated with the ideas of the soul, the subjective universe or another pseudonauk. In the end, we are really made of quantum particles (protons, neutrons, electrons) and we are part of the quantum universe. This is, of course, cool - but only in the sense, in which the cool and the whole physics. "

    Acquired and congenital

    "One of my" loved ones "(in the sense of misconceived) are the question of congenital or acquired human qualities or other oppositions from the category" Nature "-" Education, "- says the evolutionary biologist Marlene Zhuk. - The first question, which I usually ask, when it comes to behavior, is it "all about genes? Not?". What, of course, speaks of misunderstanding, because all the signs are always the result of the action and genes and the environment. Only the difference between the features, and not the signs themselves, may be genetic or acquired - as if the twins were placed in different wednesday and they did something different (spoke on different languages), this is the influence of the medium. And the fact that a person speaks French or in Italian or something else in this way can not depend on the environment, because it is obvious that everyone at the beginning, at the genetic level, should be this ability to foreign languages. "


    "The word" natural "appeared so many values \u200b\u200bthat they are already impossible to distinguish them, - explains the synthetic biologist Terry Johnson. - The most basic of them allocates phenomena that exist only due to humanity, thus separating a person from nature in some way. That is, our products are not natural, but products, let's say, bees or beavers - quite. With regard to food, the word "natural" becomes completely vague. In Canada, corn is sold under the "Natural" tag if during its cultivation cost without treating special substances. But corn itself is the fruit of millennial selection, a plant that would not exist in modern form, do not be a man. "


    Even more Johnson is concerned about the use of the word "gene": "25 scientists argued two days before reaching the modern definition of genes: this is a discrete DNA bit, which can be specified with the words" it produces something or regulates production. " This formulation leaves space for maneuver, but in daily language Problems begin when the word "gene" is "responsible for". For example, we all have genes responsible for hemoglobin, but not all of us suffering from sickle cell anemia - only certain versions of this gene call it or, as they are called, alleles.

    Nevertheless, when we say "responsible for", it means something like "This gene causes heart disease," while in reality everything looks different: "People with such a hen allele seem to have a higher level of heart disease, but We do not know why, and maybe it is compensated by some advantages, which also gives the same allele and which we have not searched. "

    Statistically significant

    Mathematics Jordan Ellenberg wants to place a point over this idea: "This is one of those terms that scientists would really like to rename. After all, the test for statistical significance does not measure the importance or size of a certain effect, it only determines whether it is possible to identify it with the help of our statistical instruments. Therefore, it would be better to use "according to statistics noticeable" or "according to statistics".

    Natural selection

    PaleoEgologist Jacklin Gill says that often people do not understand the basic concepts of evolutionary theory: "My list is heading" survives the most adapted. " First, it is not quite the original words of Darwin and, secondly, people misunderstand what is "most adapted". Evolution is often mistaken to be directed or even meaningful for some organisms (but no one has canceled sexual selection! And hence both random mutations). "

    Natural selection does not imply the survival of the strongest or smart. We simply remain organisms that have better adapted to the environment, and this may mean anything: from the "smallest" or "poisonous" and to "best of all weeks without water." In addition, creatures are not always developing in such a way that we can call adaptation. Often the evolutionary path of the animal is random mutations and new signs that are attractive to other individuals of his appearance.

    Geological scale of time

    "I often come across the fact that people do not have enough understanding of the geological scope of time. All prehistoric shrinking in their consciousness, and people think that 20 thousand years ago we had a completely different Flora fauna (no) or even dinosaurs (no three times). Tuba with small plastic figures of dinosaurs, among which mammoths often come across and cave people, here, of course, only interfere. " - Adds Gill.


    The entomologist Gwen Pearson says that there is a whole constellation of terms that travel along with the word "organic": "natural", "without chemicals": "Technically, all the food is organic, because it contains carbon. But some products can be natural, "organic" and at the same time very dangerous. And others are synthetic, artificially produced, on the contrary, safe. For example, insulin - it produces gennometric bacteria, and it retains life. "