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  • Town in Tabakcoque watch read. "Town in Tabakcoque. For inquisitive readers

    Town in Tabakcoque watch read.

    N Amenka put a tobackerka on the table. "Look here, Misha, see," he said. Misha was an obedient boy; Immediately left the toys and went to Patek. Yes, and there was something to see! What a lovely tobacker! Penastic, from the turtle. And what on the lid something! Gate, turrets, a house, another, third, fourth, - and it is impossible to read, and all small small, and all the golden; And the trees are also gold, and the leaves on them are silver; And behind the trees there is a sun, and from him pink rays diverge throughout the sky.
    - What is this town? - asked Misha.
    - This is the town of Din-Din, - Patek answered and touched the spring ...
    And what? Suddenly, invisible where, music began to play. From where this music is heard, Misha could not understand: he went to the door - not from another room? And by the clock - not in hours? both to the Bureau and a hill; listened then in that in another place; I looked under the table ... Finally, Misha assured that the music was exactly playing in tobacco. He came to her, looks, and because of the trees, the sun comes out, quietly across the sky, and the sky and the town is all lighter and lighter; The windows are burning with bright fire, and from the turrets as shine. Here the sun passed through the sky on the other side, and below yes below, and finally, behind the hill, it was completely disappeared; And the town was darkened, the shutters closed, and the turrets were faded, only for a while. Here the star was shown, here's the other, that month the horned out of the trees looked out of the trees, and in the town it became lighter, the windows were sateclined, and blues were reached from the turrets.
    - Patenka! Patenka! Is it possible to enter this town? How would I like!
    - Wise, my friend: This town does not increase you.
    - Nothing, Patek, I am so small; Just let me go there; I would like to know what is being done there ...
    - Right, my friend, there and without you closely.
    - Yes, who lives there?
    - Who lives there? Bells live there.
    With these words, Papaque raised the lid on the tobackerka, and what did Misha saw? And bells, and hammers and rollers, and wheels ... Misha was surprised: "Why are these bells? Why are the hammers? Why roller with hooks?" - Misha asked Patek.
    And Papaque answered: "I will not tell you, Misha; look at the plenty of pleading but think: perhaps you are guessing. Only this spring does not touch, but otherwise everything breaks out."
    Pateka came out, and Misha remained above the tobacco. So he was sitting on her, looked-watched, thought, thought, why the bells ring?
    Meanwhile, music plays yes playing; That's all quieter and quieter, as if something clings for each note, as if something repels one sound from the other. Misha is watching: At the bottom of Tabakopkika, the door will fall out, and a boy with a gold boy runs out of the door and in a steel skirt, stops on the threshold and manits Misha.
    "Yes, why," Misha thought, "Paidka said that in this town and without me closely? No, it can be seen, good people live in it, you see, call me to visit."
    - If you please, with the greatest joy!
    With these words, Misha ran to the door and noticed with surprise that the door he had to get exactly in growth. As a well-educated boy, he worked the debt first of all to turn to his warmed.
    - Let me know, "said Misha, - with whom I have the honor to talk?
    - Din-Ding Ding, - a stranger answered, - I am a Boy-bell, a resident of this town. We have heard that you really want to visit our guest, and therefore decided to ask you to make the honor for us to come. Din-Ding Ding, Ding Ding Ding.
    Misha confessed himself; The boy-bell took his hand, and they went. Here Misha noticed that they had a arch, made from the Petroy-embossed paper with gold edges. Before them was another arch, only smaller; Then the third, even less; Fourth, even smaller, and so all other vaults - the farther, the less, so that the head of his spent could hardly go to the latter.
    "I am very grateful for your invitation," Misha told him, "but I don't know if it will be possible to use them." True, here I am freely passing, but there, on, look, what are your low vaults, - I, let me say frankly, I will not go crawling there. I am surprised how you go under them.
    - Ding Ding Ding! - Boy answered. - Walk, do not worry, go only for me.
    Misha listened. In fact, with each step, it seemed, the arches were risen, and our boys were fluent in everywhere; When they reached the last arch, then the boy-bell asked Misha to look back. Misha looked around, and what did he see? Now that the first arch, under which he approached, entering the door, seemed like him small, as if, while they went, the arch was sank. Misha was very surprised.
    - Why is it? He asked his conductor.
    - Ding Ding Ding! - The conductor answered, laughing.
    - We always seem so. It can be seen, you didn't look at the distance with attention; In the distance everything seems small, but come up - big.
    - Yes, it's true, "Misha answered," I still didn't think about it, and because it happened to me: the third day I wanted to draw, how Mama is near me playing the piano, and the papal on the other end of the room reads a book . Only this I could not do it: I worry, I worry, I do it as much as possible, but I will have everything on paper, that Pateka near Mama sits and his chair near the piano stands, and meanwhile I see very good that the piano stands near me , at the window, and the papal sits on the other end, by the fireplace. Mama told me that Pateku is needed to draw a little, but I thought Mama was joking, because Papyca is much more than its growth; But now I see that she truth said: Pateku was needed to draw a little, because he sat in the distance. You are very grateful for the explanation, very grateful.
    The Boy-bell laughed with all his might: "Din-Ding Ding, how funny! Do not be able to draw a papal with mammy! Din-Ding Ding, Ding Ding Ding!"
    Misha seemed annoying that the boy-bell over him was so much might of him, and he very politely said to him:
    - Let me ask you: Why do you all say to every word "Din-Ding Ding"?
    "We have such a saying," the boy-bell responded.
    - Proverb? - noticed Misha. - But Papnyka says that it is very bad to get used to sayings.
    Boy-bell climbed his lips and did not say any word anymore.
    Here are the other doors before them; They opened, and Misha found himself on the street. What a street! What kind of town! Bridge paved with a mother of pearl; The sky is Pystroeskoye, turtle; Golden sun goes across the sky; You will nim it, it will come off from the sky, the hands will go around and rises again. And the houses are steel, polished, covered with multi-colored shells, and a Boy-bell is sits under each lid with a gold head, in a silver skirt, and a lot of them, a lot and all small small.
    "No, now I'm not deceived," Misha said. - It only seems to me that I have been published, and the bells are all the same.
    - And here is not true, - answered the accustomed, - the bells are not the same.
    If everything was the same, then we would ring all in one voice, one as another; And you hear what songs we bring. This is because, who of us is more, the voice is thickening. Do you really not know that? You see, Misha, it's a lesson to you: Forward, do not laugh at those who have a bad saying; Other and with the saying, and something else knows, and you can learn something from him.
    Misha, in turn, bit the tongue.
    Meanwhile, the boards were surrounded by the bells, they were told Misha for the dress, ranging, jumped, ran.
    "You have fun," Misha told them, "the century would have stayed with you. All day you do nothing, you have neither lessons, nor teachers, and more music all day.
    - Ding Ding Ding! - shouted bells. - I found fun with us! No, Misha, the bad live us. True, we have no lessons, but what is the susceptible?
    We would not be afraid of lessons. All our trouble is that we have the poor, no matter; We have neither books, no pictures; There are no papans nor mama; have nothing to do; All day play yes play, and this is, Misha, very, very boring. Will you believe? Good Our turtle sky, good and golden sun and gold trees; But we, the poor, have seen enough of them, and all this very tired of us; From the town we are - neither step, and you can imagine what a whole century, doing nothing, sit in Tabakcoque, and even in a tobacker with music.
    "Yes," Misha answered, "you say the truth." This happens to me: when after the teaching you will not be for toys, then so fun; And when on the holiday all day you play everything, you play, in the evening and it will be bored; And for the one and for another toy you will not eat - everything is not cute. I did not understand for a long time; Why is it, and now I understand.
    - Yes, moreover, we have another trouble, Misha: we have uncle.
    - What are the uncle? - asked Misha.
    - Uncle-hammers, - the bells answered, - what evil! The fact and the matter what goes around the city yes we are tapping. Which is more, the even more rarely "Tuk-Tuk" happens, and it is much more hurt.
    In fact, Misha saw that there were some gentlemen on the street on thin legs, with the pregnant noses and whispered between themselves: "Tuk-Tuk-Tuk! Tuk-Tuk-Tuk, raise! Tough! Tuk-Tuk-Tuk! ". And in fact, the uncle-hammers are increful in fact, then on another bell tuk and Tuk. Mishet even sorry for them. He came to these gentlemen, very politely bowed to them and asked with good nature, why are they without unfortunately choking poor boys. And hammer to him in response:
    - Away to go, do not bother! There in the ward and in the bathrobe, the warden lies and tell us. Everything turns around, hurts. Knock-Knock! Knock-Knock!
    - What is your warden? - Misha asked the bells.
    - And this is Mr. Wolik, - they rangs, - the proper man, day and night with the sofa does not come together; We can not complain about him.
    Misha - to the ward. Watching: He really lies on the sofa, in a bathrobe and with a side turns on the side, only everything face up. And on the coat, he has hairpins, hooks apparently invisible; He just gets a hammer to him, he hooked him in the crochet first, then hesitate, and the hammer was knocking on the bell.
    Just a Misha came to him, as the warden shouted:
    - Hanky \u200b\u200bpanky! Who goes here? Who wanders here? Hanky \u200b\u200bpanky! Who does not go away? Who does not sleep to sleep? Hanky \u200b\u200bpanky! Hanky \u200b\u200bpanky!
    - This is me, - Misha's brave answered, - I am Misha ...
    - What are you needed? - asked the overseer.
    - Yes, I feel sorry for poor boys-bells, they are all so smart, such good, such musicians, and at your order the uncle are inconsistently tapping ...
    - And I care, Shura-Mura! Not I'm learning here. Let themselves knock the boys! What is the case! I am a good warden, I'm lying on the sofa and I don't look at anyone. Shura Mura, Shura Mura ...
    - Well, I learned a lot in this town! - Misha said to himself. - Here sometimes it happens annoying, why does the warder with me do not descend the eye ...
    Meanwhile, Misha went further - and stopped. Lookscing a golden tent with a pearl fringe; Upstairs the Golden Fluger is spinning, as if a windmill, and under the tatch, there is a princess spring and, as a snake, it will turn around, it will unfold and indiscriminately pushing the overseas.
    Misha was very surprised and told her:
    - Masseman Tsarevna! Why are you the warden under the side pushing?
    "Zitz-Zizz-Zizz," said Tsarevna. "You're a stupid boy, an unreasonable boy." You look at everything, you see nothing! Kaby I did not push the roller, the roller would not be spinning; Kaba roller not spinning, then he would not cling to the hammers, the hammers would not be knocked out; Kabab hammer did not knock, the bells would not ring; Kababi bells did not ring, and there would be no music! Zitz-Zizz-Zizz.
    Misha wanted to find out whether Tsarevna tells the truth. He leaned and pressed her finger - and what?
    In one instant, the spring with power developed, the roller was very spinning, the hammers quickly stood up, the bells played the backbone and suddenly the spring burst. Everything was fallen, the roller stopped, the hammers got, the bells rushed to the side, the sun hung, the houses broke down ... Then Misha remembered that Pateka did not order him to touch the spring, scared and ... woke up.
    - What saw Misha in a dream? - Patek asked.
    Misha could not be afraid for a long time. Watching: the same Paprenkina room, the same tobackerka in front of him; Patek and mamma sit near him and laugh.
    - Where is the boy-bell? Where is the dying hammer? Where is the princess spring? - asked Misha. - So was it a dream?
    - Yes, Misha, you mudukhal, and you descended here. Tell us at least that you dreamed!
    - Yes, you see, Papyka, "said Misha, rubbing his eyes," I wanted to find out why the music in Tabakcoque plays; So I began to diligently watch and disassemble that it moves in it and why moves; I thought, I thought and began to get, when suddenly, I watra, the door was dissolved in a tobackerka ... - then Misha told his whole dream in order.
    "Well, now I see," said Patenka, "that you really almost understood why music in Tabakcoque plays; But you will understand it even better when you learn mechanics.

    Town in Tabakerque. - Author Odoyevsky, a wonderful fairy tale with pictures, which can be read fully or listen online.
    Summary for reader's diary : Pateka showed Mishe beautiful tobacco, inside which was a whole city, and music played. The boy did not understand where this music was playing, and how the sun goes in Tabakcoque, the turrets are glowing, and then everything will be blinking and the horned month appears. He really wanted to enter the town and find out what was being done and who lives in it. So considering the tobackerka, Misha saw a bell boy in her, who called him with him. When the boy was inside, then I saw bells of different sizes, for which the unlock-hammers were killed. They ruled the warder Mr. Rolly, and the main thing was the princess spring. If the spring was not pushing the roller, he would not be spoiled and did not cling to the hammers, and they could not beat the bells, thanks to which the music was obtained. Misha decided to check if the mechanism actually works and pressed the spring with his finger. She burst, Music in Tabakerque was silent, the sun hung, and the houses broke. He was very frightened, and woke up. He told his sleep dad, and said that I figured out why music played in Tabakcoque. Dad advised to learn mechanics to better deal with the internal device of the mechanism.
    The main thought of fairy tales The town in Tabakerque is that everything in this world is interrelated, and ordered. Tabacakerka is a world of miniature. A large chain, where it is worth removing one link, and the connection to break. The hidden meaning of the fairy tale is that each detail is important in the mechanism, if one of them is faulty, then all the device will break.
    Heroes fairy tales Town in Tabakerque Boy Misha - inquisitive, kind, wondered by mechanisms, likes to explore new devices. Dad is kind, educated, teaches the Son to get to the truth with his mind. Boys bells - merry, carefree, friendly. Owls hammer - fulfill other people's orders, indifferent. Wardripers roller - lazy, misintermetative. The princess of the spring is important, decisive, pushes the roller.
    Audio stack Town in Tabakcoque like children of school age, you can listen to it online and discuss with the guys what this fairy tale? What does she teach? Divide into parts and make a plan.

    Town in Tabacakerk Listen

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    Town in Tabakerque Read

    Pateka put a tobacco table on the table. "Look here, Misha, see," he said.

    Misha was an obedient boy; Immediately left the toys and went to Patek. Yes, and there was something to see! What a lovely tobacker! Penastic, from the turtle. And what on the lid something!

    Gate, turrets, a house, another, third, fourth, - and it is impossible to read, and all small small, and all the golden; And the trees are also gold, and the leaves on them are silver; And behind the trees there is a sun, and from him pink rays diverge throughout the sky.

    What is this town? - asked Misha.

    This is a town of Din-Ding, - Patek answered and touched the spring ...

    And what? Suddenly, invisible where, music began to play. From where this music is heard, Misha could not understand: he went to the door - not from another room? And by the clock - not in hours? both to the Bureau and a hill; listened then in that in another place; I looked under the table ... Finally, Misha assured that the music was exactly playing in tobacco. He came to her, looks, and because of the trees, the sun comes out, quietly across the sky, and the sky and the town is all lighter and lighter; The windows are burning with bright fire, and from the turrets as shine. Here the sun passed through the sky on the other side, and below yes below, and finally, behind the hill, it was completely disappeared; And the town was darkened, the shutters closed, and the turrets were faded, only for a while. Here the star was shown, here's the other, that month the horned out of the trees looked out of the trees, and in the town it became lighter, the windows were sateclined, and blues were reached from the turrets.

    Patenka! Patenka! Is it possible to enter this town? How would I like!

    Wise, my friend: This town does not increase you.

    Nothing, papid, I am so small; Just let me go there; I would like to know what is being done there ...

    Right, my friend, there and without you closely.

    Yes, who lives there?

    Who lives there? Bells live there.

    With these words, Papaque raised the lid on the tobackerka, and what did Misha saw? And bells, and hammer and roller, and wheels ... Misha was surprised:

    Why these bells? Why do hammers? Why roller with hooks? - Misha asked Patek.

    And Paint answered:

    I won't tell you, Misha; Look at the plenty of myself. But think: perhaps you will be guessing. Only here this springs do not touch, but otherwise everything breaks out.

    Pateka came out, and Misha remained above the tobacco. So he was sitting on her, looked-watched, thought, thought, why the bells ring?

    Meanwhile, music plays yes playing; That's all quieter and quieter, as if something clings for each note, as if something repels one sound from the other. Misha is watching: At the bottom of Tabakopkika, the door will fall out, and a boy with a gold boy runs out of the door and in a steel skirt, stops on the threshold and manits Misha.

    "Yes, why," Misha thought, "Paidka said that in this town and without me closely? No, it can be seen, you live in it, you see, call me to visit. "

    Ensure, with the greatest joy!

    With these words, Misha ran to the door and noticed with surprise that the door he had to get exactly in growth. As a well-educated boy, he worked the debt first of all to turn to his warmed.

    Let me know, "said Misha, - with whom I have the honor to talk?

    Din-Ding Ding, - answered the stranger, - I am a Boy-bell, a resident of this town. We have heard that you really want to visit our guest, and therefore decided to ask you to make the honor for us to come. Din-Ding Ding, Ding Ding Ding.

    Misha confessed himself; The boy-bell took his hand, and they went. Here Misha noticed that they had a arch, made from the Petroy-embossed paper with gold edges. Before them was another arch, only smaller; Then the third, even less; Fourth, even smaller, and so all other vaults - the farther, the less, so that the head of his spent could hardly go to the latter.

    I am very grateful for your invitation, "Misha told him," but I don't know if it will be possible for me to take advantage. True, here I am freely passing, but there, on, look, what are your low vaults, - I, let me say frankly, I will not go crawling there. I am surprised how you go under them.

    Ding Ding Ding! - Boy answered. - Walk, do not worry, go only for me.

    Misha listened. In fact, with each step, it seemed, the arches were risen, and our boys were fluent in everywhere; When they reached the last arch, then the boy-bell asked Misha to look back. Misha looked around, and what did he see? Now that the first arch, under which he approached, entering the door, seemed like him small, as if, while they went, the arch was sank. Misha was very surprised.

    Why is it? He asked his conductor.

    Ding Ding Ding! - The conductor answered, laughing.

    Missed always it seems so. It can be seen, you didn't look at the distance with attention; In the distance everything seems small, but come up - big.

    Yes, it is true, "Misha answered," I still didn't think about it, and because it happened to me: the third day I wanted to draw, as Mama near me playing the piano, and Paint on the other end of the room reads a book.

    Only this I could not do it: I worry, I worry, I do it as much as possible, but I will have everything on paper, that Pateka near Mama sits and his chair near the piano stands, and meanwhile I see very good that the piano stands near me , at the window, and the papal sits on the other end, by the fireplace. Mama told me that Pateku is needed to draw a little, but I thought Mama was joking, because Papyca is much more than its growth; But now I see that she truth said: Pateku was needed to draw a little, because he sat in the distance. You are very grateful for the explanation, very grateful.

    Boy-bell laughed with all his might: "Din-Ding Ding, how funny! Do not be able to draw a papal with mammy! Din-Ding Ding, Din-Ding Ding! "

    Misha seemed annoying that the boy-bell over him was so much might of him, and he very politely said to him:

    Let me ask you: Why are you talking to every word "Din-Ding Din"?

    We have such a saying, "the boy-bell responded.

    Proverb? - noticed Misha. - But Papnyka says that it is very bad to get used to sayings.

    Boy-bell climbed his lips and did not say any word anymore.

    Here are the other doors before them; They opened, and Misha found himself on the street. What a street! What kind of town! Bridge paved with a mother of pearl; The sky is Pystroeskoye, turtle; Golden sun goes across the sky; You will nim it, it will come off from the sky, the hands will go around and rises again. And the houses are steel, polished, covered with multi-colored shells, and a Boy-bell is sits under each lid with a gold head, in a silver skirt, and a lot of them, a lot and all small small.

    No, now I'm not deceived, "Misha said. - It only seems to me that I have been published, and the bells are all the same.

    And here is not true, - answered the accustomed, - the bells are not the same.

    If everything was the same, then we would ring all in one voice, one as another; And you hear what songs we bring. This is because, who of us is more, the voice is thickening. Do you really not know that? You see, Misha, it's a lesson to you: Forward, do not laugh at those who have a bad saying; Other and with the saying, and something else knows, and you can learn something from him.

    Misha, in turn, bit the tongue.

    Meanwhile, the boards were surrounded by the bells, they were told Misha for the dress, ranging, jumped, ran.

    You have fun, "Misha told them," the century would have stayed with you. All day you do nothing, you have neither lessons, nor teachers, and more music all day.

    Ding Ding Ding! - shouted bells. - I found fun with us! No, Misha, the bad live us. True, we have no lessons, but what is the susceptible?

    We would not be afraid of lessons. All our trouble is that we have the poor, no matter; We have neither books, no pictures; There are no papans nor mama; have nothing to do; All day play yes play, and this is, Misha, very, very boring. Will you believe? Good Our turtle sky, good and golden sun and gold trees; But we, the poor, have seen enough of them, and all this very tired of us; From the town we are - neither step, and you can imagine what a whole century, doing nothing, sit in Tabakcoque, and even in a tobacker with music.

    Yes, - Misha answered, - you tell the truth. This happens to me: when after the teaching you will not be for toys, then so fun; And when on the holiday all day you play everything, you play, in the evening and it will be bored; And for the one and for another toy you will not eat - everything is not cute. I did not understand for a long time; Why is it, and now I understand.

    Yes, moreover, we have another trouble, Misha: we have uncle.

    What are the units? - asked Misha.

    Hammers, the bells answered, - what evil! The fact and the matter what goes around the city yes we are tapping. Which is more, the even less often "Tuk-Tuk" happens, and it is much more hurt.

    In fact, Misha saw that there were some gentlemen on the street on thin legs, with pregnant noses and whispered between themselves: "Tuk-Tuk-Tuk! Tuk-Tuk-Tuk, raise! Torch! Knock-Knock!". And in fact, the uncle-hammers are increful in fact, then on another bell tuk and Tuk. Mishet even sorry for them. He came to these gentlemen, very politely bowed to them and asked with good nature, why are they without unfortunately choking poor boys. And hammer to him in response:

    Rough go, do not bother! There in the ward and in the bathrobe, the warden lies and tell us. Everything turns around, hurts. Knock-Knock! Knock-Knock!

    What is your warden? - Misha asked the bells.

    And this is Mr. Pink, - they rangs, - the proper man, day and night from the sofa does not come together; We can not complain about him.

    Misha - to the ward. Watching: He really lies on the sofa, in a bathrobe and with a side turns on the side, only everything face up. And on the coat, he has hairpins, hooks apparently invisible; He just gets a hammer to him, he hooked him in the crochet first, then hesitate, and the hammer was knocking on the bell.

    Just a Misha came to him, as the warden shouted:

    Hanky \u200b\u200bpanky! Who goes here? Who wanders here? Hanky \u200b\u200bpanky! Who does not go away? Who does not sleep to sleep? Hanky \u200b\u200bpanky! Hanky \u200b\u200bpanky!

    This is me, - Bravely answered Misha - I am Misha ...

    And what is needed? - asked the overseer.

    Yes, I feel sorry for the poor boys-bells, they are all so smart, such good, such musicians, and in your order, the uncle is inconsistently tapping ...

    And I care, Shura-Mura! Not I'm learning here. Let themselves knock the boys! What is the case! I am a good warden, I'm lying on the sofa and I don't look at anyone. Shura Mura, Shura Mura ...

    Well, I learned a lot in this town! - Misha said to himself. - Here sometimes it happens annoying, why does the warder with me do not descend the eye ...

    Meanwhile, Misha went further - and stopped. Lookscing a golden tent with a pearl fringe; Upstairs the Golden Fluger is spinning, as if a windmill, and under the tatch, there is a princess spring and, as a snake, it will turn around, it will unfold and indiscriminately pushing the overseas.

    Misha was very surprised and told her:

    Maedryman Tsarevna! Why are you the warden under the side pushing?

    Zitz-Zizz-Zizz, - answered Tsarevna. "You're a stupid boy, an unreasonable boy." You look at everything, you see nothing! Kaby I did not push the roller, the roller would not be spinning; Kaba roller not spinning, then he would not cling to the hammers, the hammers would not be knocked out; Kabab hammer did not knock, the bells would not ring; Kababi bells did not ring, and there would be no music! Zitz-Zizz-Zizz.

    Misha wanted to find out whether Tsarevna tells the truth. He leaned and pressed her finger - and what?

    In one instant, the spring with power developed, the roller was very spinning, the hammers quickly stood up, the bells played the backbone and suddenly the spring burst. Everything was fallen, the roller stopped, the hammers got, the bells rushed to the side, the sun hung, the houses broke down ... Then Misha remembered that Pateka did not order him to touch the spring, scared and ... woke up.

    What saw Misha in a dream? - Patek asked.

    Misha could not be afraid for a long time. Watching: the same Paprenkina room, the same tobackerka in front of him; Patek and mamma sit near him and laugh.

    Where is the boy-bell? Where is the dying hammer? Where is the princess spring? - asked Misha. - So was it a dream?

    Yes, Misha, you Ubaul Music, and you jerked here. Tell us at least that you dreamed!

    Yes, you see, Patek, - said Misha, rubbing his eyes, - I wanted to know, why the music in Tabakcoque plays; So I began to diligently watch and disassemble that it moves in it and why moves; I thought, I thought and began to get, when suddenly, I watra, the door was dissolved in a tobackerka ... - then Misha told his whole dream in order.

    Well, now I see, "said Patenka," that you really almost understood why music in Tabakcoque plays; But you will understand it even better when you learn mechanics.

    Read 2 516 times (s) To favorites

    The city in Tabakerque is the work of V. Odoyevsky, with whom you need to introduce young researchers. It is told about how Papyk showed Mishe tobacker. She surprised the boy by making music. Misha wanted to find out how the melody was born, began to consider the purchase of his father and fell asleep for himself. In a dream, he walked along the miniature town of Tabakcoque, got acquainted with his inhabitants. What did Misha know in the music city? Read along with children from the fairy tale about curiosity, purposefulness and the search for truth.

    Reading time: 16 min.

    Pateka put a tobacco table on the table.

    "Look here, Misha, see," he said.

    Misha was an obedient boy, immediately left the toys and walked over to Patek. Yes, and there was something to see! What a lovely tobacker! Mondhnaya, from the turtle. And what on the lid something! The gate, turrets, a house, another, the third, fourth, and it is impossible to read, and everything is small small, and all the golden; And the trees are also gold, and the leaves on them are silver; And behind the trees there is a sun, and from him pink rays diverge throughout the sky.

    - What is this town? - asked Misha.

    "This is the town of Din-Din," Patek answered and touched the spring ... and what? Suddenly, invisible where, music began to play. Where this music is heard, Misha could not understand; He went to the door, is not another room? And by the clock - not in hours? both to the Bureau and a hill; listened then in that in another place; I looked under the table ... Finally, Misha assured that the music was exactly in Tabakcoque. He came to her, looks, and because of the trees, the sun comes out, quietly across the sky, and the sky and the town is all lighter and lighter; The windows are burning with bright flames and the turrets are shining. Here the sun passed through the sky on the other side, and below and below, and, finally, the hodgepid was completely disappeared, and the town was darkened, the shutters closed, and the turrets were faded, just for a long time. The stars will be shown, here's another, that month the horned out of the trees looked out, and in the city it became lighter, the windows were sateched, and bluetic rays stretched from the turrets.

    - Patenka! Papnyka, is it possible to enter this town? How would I like!

    - Wise, my friend. This town does not increase you.

    - Nothing, Patek, I am so small. Just let me go there, I would like to know what is being done ...

    - Right, my friend, there and without you closely.

    - Yes, who lives there?

    - Who lives there? Bells live there.

    With this, Pateka raised the cover on the tobackerka, and what did Misha saw? Both bells, and hammer, and roller, and wheels. Misha was surprised.

    - Why are these bells? Why do hammers? Why roller with hooks? - Misha asked Patek.

    And Paint answered:

    - I won't tell you, Misha. Look at the plenty of himself. But think: you can guess. Only here this springs do not touch, but otherwise everything breaks out.

    Pateka came out, and Misha remained above the tobacco. So he was sitting above her, looked, looked, thought, thought: why the bells ring.

    Meanwhile, music plays yes playing; That's all quieter and quieter, as if something clings for each note, as if something repels one sound from the other. Misha is watching: at the bottom of the tobackerka, the door will fall out and a boy with a gold head will run out of the door and in the steel skirt, stops on the threshold and manits Misha.

    Yes, which, Misha thought, Patek said that in this town and without me closely? No, it can be seen, good people live in it; See, the name is me.

    - Issue, with the greatest joy.

    With these words, Misha ran to the door and noticed with surprise that the door he had to get exactly in growth. As a well-educated boy, he worked the debt first of all to turn to his warmed.

    - Let me know, "said Misha, - with whom I have the honor to talk?

    - Din, Din, Din, - a stranger answered. - I am a Boy-bell, a resident of this town. We have heard that you really want to visit our guest, and therefore decided to ask you to make the honor for us to come. Ding, Din, Ding, Ding, Din, Din.

    Misha confessed himself; The boy-bell took his hand, and they went. Here Misha noticed that there was a arch on them, made from Petroy-peashed paper with gold edges. Before them was another arch, only smaller; Then the third, even less; The fourth, even less, and so all other vaults, the further, the less, so that the last one seemed to pass the head of his spent.

    "I am very grateful for your invitation," Misha told him, "but I don't know if it will be possible to use them." True, here I am freely passing, but it's next, see what you have low vaults; There I, let me say frankly, there I will not go crawl there. I wonder how you go under them ...

    "Din, Din, Din," the boy answered, "go, don't worry, go only for me."

    Misha listened. In fact, with each step, it seemed to be raised, and our boys were fluent in everywhere; When they reached the last arch, then the boy-bell asked Misha to look back. Misha looked around and what did he see? Now that the first arch, under which he approached, entering the door, seemed like him small, as if, while they went, the arch was sank. Misha was very surprised.

    - Why is it? He asked his conductor.

    - Ding, Ding, Ding, - Welded the guide laughing, - always every way it seems; It can be seen, you didn't look at the distance with attention: everyone seems small, but come up - great.

    - Yes, it's true, "Misha answered," I still didn't think about it and because it happened to me: the third day I wanted to draw, as Mama near me playing the piano, and Papa, on the other end of the room reads Book. Only this could not be done! I'm working, I worry, I draw as much as possible, and everything will be released on paper that Pateka near Mama sits and his chair near the piano stands; Meanwhile, I see very well that the piano stands near me at the window, and the papal sits at the other end of the fireplace. Mama told me that Pateku is needed to draw a little, but I thought Mama was joking, because Papyca is much more than its growth; But now I see that Mama truth said: Pateku was needed to draw a little, because he sat in the distance: I am very grateful for the explanation, very grateful.

    Boy-bell laughed with all his might.

    - Din, Ding, Ding, how funny! Din, Din, Ding, how funny! Do not be able to draw a papal with mammy! Din, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding!

    Misha seemed annoying that the boy-bell over him was so much might of him, and he very politely said to him:

    - Let me ask you: Why are you talking to every word: Ding, Ding, Ding!

    "We have such a saying," the boy-bell responded.

    - Proverb? - noticed Misha. - But Papnyka says it is not good to get used to sayings.

    Boy-bell climbed her lips and did not say any words.

    Here are the other doors before them; They opened, and Misha found himself on the street. What a street! What kind of town! Bridge paved with a mother of pearl; The sky is Pystroeskoye, turtle; Golden sun goes across the sky; You will nim him - it will come off from the sky, the hands will go around and raises again. And the houses are steel, polished, covered with multi-colored shells, and a Boy-bell is sits under each lid with a gold head, in a silver skirt, and a lot of them, a lot and all small small.

    "No, now I'm not deceiving me," said Misha, "it only seems to me that I found it, and the bells are all the same."

    - And it's not true, "answered the warmed, - the bells are not the same. If we were all the same, then we would ring all in one voice, one, as another; And you hear what songs do we bring? This is because which of us is more, that and the voice is thorough; Do you really not know that? You see, Misha, it's a lesson to you: Forward, do not laugh at those who have a bad saying; Other and with the saying, and more another knows and you can learn something from him.

    Misha in turn buried the tongue.

    Meanwhile, the boards were surrounded by the bells, they were told Misha for the dress, ranging, jumped, ran.

    - You have fun, "said Misha, - the century would have stayed with you; All day you do nothing; You have neither lessons, nor teachers, and more music all day.

    - Ding, Ding, Ding! - shouted bells. - I found fun with us! No, Misha, the bad live us. True, we have no lessons, and what is the point. We would not face lessons. All our trouble is that we have the poor, no matter; We have neither books, no pictures; There are no papans nor mama; have nothing to do; All day play yes play, and this is, Misha, very, very boring! Good Our turtle sky, good and golden sun, and golden trees, but we are poor, we have seen enough of them, and all this is very tired; From the town we are not me, and you can imagine, what is the whole century, doing nothing, sit in a tobacco with music.

    "Yes," Misha answered, "you say the truth." This happens to me: when after the teaching you will not be for toys, then so fun; And when on the holiday all day you play everything, you play, in the evening and it will be bored; And for the one and for another toy you will not eat - everything is not cute. I did not understand for a long time, why it, and now I understand.

    - Yes, besides that there is another trouble, Misha: we have uncle.

    - What are the uncle? - asked Misha.

    - Uncle-hammers, - the bells answered, - what evil! The point is that they go around the city and we are tapping. Which is more, the even less often Tuk-Tuk happens, and it is much more going to get it.

    In fact, Misha saw that there were some gentlemen on the street on thin legs, with pregnant noses and sided between themselves: Tuk, Tuk, Tuk! Knock-Knock! Raise, hurt. Knock-Knock! Knock-Knock!

    And in fact, the uncle-hammers are increful in fact, then on another bell tuk and Tuk, Indo Poor Mishe pledged. He came to these gentlemen, very politely bowed and asked with good nature: why are they without unfortunately chop the poor boys?

    And hammer to him in response:

    - Away to go, do not bother! There in the ward and in the bathrobe, the warden lies and tell us. Everything turns around, hurts. Knock-Knock! Knock-Knock!

    - What is your warden? - Misha asked the bells.

    "And this is Mr. Roller," they rangs, "the progressive person - the day and night from the sofa does not come together. We can not complain about him.

    Misha to the warder. It looks, "he really lies on the sofa, in a bathrobe and with her side turns over the side, only the face up. And on the coat, he has hairpins, hooks, apparently invisible, just getting a hammer to him, he hooked him in a crochet, then he will lower, and the hammer is knocking on the bell.

    Just a Misha came to him, as the warden shouted:

    - Hanky \u200b\u200bpanky! Who goes here? Who wanders here? Shura Mura, who does not go away? Who does not sleep to sleep? Hanky \u200b\u200bpanky! Hanky \u200b\u200bpanky!

    - This is me, - Misha's brave answered, - I am Misha ...

    - What are you needed? - asked the overseer.

    - Yes, I feel sorry for poor boys-bells, they are all so smart, such good, such musicians, and at your order the uncle are inconsistently tapping ...

    - And I care, Shura-Mura! Not I'm learning here. Let themselves knock the boys! What is the case! I am a good warden, I'm lying on the sofa and I don't look at anyone ... Shura-Mura, Shura Mura ...

    - Well, I learned a lot in this town! - Misha said to himself. - Now, sometimes it happens to me, why the warder does not descend with me! "Eco Angry, I think. - After all, he is not Paten and not Mama. What is his work, what am I chaley? I would know, sitting in my room. " No, now I see what happens with poor boys, when no one looks at them.

    Meanwhile, Misha went further - and stopped. It looks - a golden tent with a pearl fringe, at the top of the Golden Fluger spinning, as if the windmill, and under the tatch there is a princess-spring and, as a snake, it will turn around, it will unfold and indiscriminately pushing the overseas. Misha was very surprised and told her:

    - Tsarevna Sadam! Why are you the warden under the side pushing?

    - Zizz, Zizz, Zizz, - answered Tsarevna, - Stupid you boy, unreasonable boy! You look at everything - you see nothing! Kaby I did not push the roller, the roller would not be spinning; Kaba roller not spinning, he would not cling to the hammers, I didn't cling to the hammers, the hammers would not be knocked, the bells would not ring; Kababi bells did not ring, and there would be no music! Zizz, Zizz, Zizz!

    Mishe wanted to know whether Tsarevna tells the truth. He leaned and pressed her finger - and what? In one moment, the spring with power developed, the roller was very spinning, the hammers quickly stood up, the bells began to play the backbone, and suddenly the spring burst. Everything was silent, the roller stopped, the hammers got, the bells curled down, the sun hung, the houses broke down. Then Misha remembered that Pateka did not order him to touch the springs, frightened and ... woke up.

    - What saw Misha in a dream? - Patek asked.

    Misha could not be afraid for a long time. Watching: the same Paprenkina room, the same tobackerka in front of him; Patek and mamma sit near him and laugh.

    - Where is the boy-bell? Where is the dying hammer? Where is the princess-spring? - asked Misha. - So was it a dream?

    - Yes, Misha, you mudukhal, and you descended here. Tell me at least that you dreamed?

    - Yes, you see, Patek, - Misha said, rubbing his eyes, - I wanted to know why the music in Tabakcoque plays; So I began to diligently watch and disassemble that it moves in it and why moves; I thought, I thought and began to get, how suddenly, I look, the door in Tabakcoque was dissolved ... - Misha told all his dream in order.

    "Well, now I see," said Patenka, "that you really almost understood why music in Tabakcoque plays; But you still understand when you learn mechanics.

    Pateka put a tobacco table on the table. "Look here, Misha, see," he said. Misha was an obedient boy; Immediately left the toys and went to Patek. Yes, and there was something to see! What a lovely tobacker! Penastic, from the turtle. And what on the lid something! Gate, turrets, a house, another, third, fourth, - and it is impossible to read, and all small small, and all the golden; And the trees are also gold, and the leaves on them are silver; And behind the trees there is a sun, and from him pink rays diverge throughout the sky.

    - What is this town? - asked Misha.

    - This is the town of Din-Din, - Patek answered and touched the spring ...

    And what? Suddenly, invisible where, music began to play. From where this music is heard, Misha could not understand: he went to the door - not from another room? And by the clock - not in hours? both to the Bureau and a hill; listened then in that in another place; I looked under the table ... Finally, Misha assured that the music was exactly played in Tabakcoque. He came to her, looks, and because of the trees, the sun comes out, quietly across the sky, and the sky and the town is all lighter and lighter; The windows are burning with bright fire, and from the turrets as shine. Here the sun passed through the sky on the other side, and below yes below, and finally, behind the hill, it was completely disappeared; And the town was darkened, the shutters closed, and the turrets were faded, only for a while. Here the star was shown, here's the other, that month the horned out of the trees looked out of the trees, and in the town it became lighter, the windows were sateclined, and blues were reached from the turrets.

    - Patenka! Patenka! Is it possible to enter this town? How would I like!

    - Wise, my friend: This town does not increase you.

    - Nothing, Patek, I am so small; Just let me go there; I would like to know what is being done there ...

    - Right, my friend, there and without you closely.

    - Yes, who lives there?

    - Who lives there? Bells live there.

    With these words, Papaque raised the lid on the tobackerka, and what did Misha saw? Both bells, and hammer, and roller, and wheels ... Misha was surprised. "Why these bells? Why do hammers? Why roller with hooks? " - Misha asked Patek.

    And Pateku answered: "I won't tell you, Misha; Look at the plenty of himself. But think: you can guess. Only here this springs do not touch, but otherwise everything breaks out. "

    Pateka came out, and Misha remained above the tobacco. So he was sitting on her, looked-watched, thought, thought, why the bells ring?

    Meanwhile, music plays yes playing; That's all quieter and quieter, as if something clings for each note, as if something repels one sound from the other. Misha is watching: At the bottom of Tabakopkika, the door will fall out, and a boy with a gold boy runs out of the door and in a steel skirt, stops on the threshold and manits Misha.

    "Yes, why," Misha thought, "Paidka said that in this town and without me closely? No, it can be seen, you live in it, you see, call me to visit. "

    - Issue, with the greatest joy!

    With these words, Misha ran to the door and noticed in surprise that the door he had to be exactly in growth. As a well-educated boy, he worked the debt first of all to turn to his warmed.

    - Let me know, "said Misha, - with whom I have the honor to talk?

    - Din-Ding Ding, - a stranger answered, - I am a Boy-bell, a resident of this town. We have heard that you really want to visit our guest, and therefore decided to ask you to make the honor for us to come. Din-Ding Ding, Ding Ding Din.

    Misha confessed himself; The boy-bell took his hand, and they went. Here Misha noticed that they had a arch, made from the Petroy-embossed paper with gold edges. Before them was another arch, only smaller; Then the third, even less; Fourth, even smaller, and so all other vaults - the farther, the less, so that the head of his spent could hardly go to the latter.

    "I am very grateful for your invitation," Misha told him, "but I don't know if it will be possible to use them." True, here I am freely passing, but there, on, look, what are your low vaults, - I, let me say frankly, I will not go crawling there. I am surprised how you go under them.

    - Ding Ding Ding! - Boy answered. - Walk, do not worry, go only for me.

    Misha listened. In fact, with each step, it seemed, the arches were risen, and our boys were fluent in everywhere; When they reached the last arch, then the boy-bell asked Misha to look back. Misha looked around, and what did he see? Now that the first arch, under which he approached, entering the door, seemed like him small, as if, while they went, the arch was sank. Misha was very surprised.

    - Why is it? He asked his conductor.

    - Ding Ding Ding! - Removed guide laughing. - We always seem so. It can be seen, you didn't look at the distance with attention; In the distance everything seems small, but come up - big.

    - Yes, it's true, "Misha answered," I still didn't think about it, and because it happened to me: the third day I wanted to draw, how Mama is near me playing the piano, and the papal on the other end of the room reads a book . Only this could not be done to do it: I worry, I worry, I do it as much as possible, and everything on paper will come out that Pateka near Mama sits and his chair near the piano stands, and meanwhile I see very good that the piano stands near me , at the window, and the papal sits on the other end, by the fireplace. Mama told me that Pateku is needed to draw a little, but I thought Mama was joking, because Papyca is much more than its growth; But now I see that she truth said: Pateku was needed to draw a little, because he sat in the distance. You are very grateful for the explanation, very grateful.

    The Boy-bell laughed with all his might: "Ding Din-Ding, how funny! Do not be able to draw a papal with mammy! Din-Ding Ding, Din-Ding Ding! "

    Misha seemed annoying that the boy-bell over him was so much might of him, and he very politely said to him:

    "Let me ask you: Why do you all say" Din-Din-Din "to each word?

    "We have such a saying," the boy answered the bell.

    - Proverb? - noticed Misha. - But Papnyka says that it is very bad to get used to sayings.

    Boy-bell climbed her lips and did not say any words.

    Here in front of them the doors: they opened, and Misha found himself on the street. What a street! What kind of town! Bridge paved with a mother of pearl; The sky is Pystroeskoye, turtle; Golden sun goes across the sky; You will nim it, it will come off from the sky, the hands will go around and rises again. And the houses are steel, polished, covered with multi-colored sinks, and a Boy-bell is sitting under each lid with a gold head, in a silver skirt, and a lot of them, a lot, and all small small.

    "No, now I'm not deceived," Misha said. - It only seems to me that I have been published, and the bells are all the same.

    - And it is not true, - answered the warmed, - the bells are unequal. If everything was the same, then we would ring all in one voice, one as another; And you hear what songs we bring. This is because which of us is more, that and the voice is thickening. Do you really not know that? Here you see, Misha, this is a lesson to you: I don't laugh at those who have a bad saying; Other and with the saying, and more another knows, and you can learn something from him.

    Misha in turn buried the tongue.

    Meanwhile, the boards were surrounded by the bells, they were told Misha for the dress, ranging, jumped, ran.

    "You have fun," said Misha, "the century would have stayed with you. All day you do nothing, you have neither lessons, nor teachers, and more music all day.

    - Ding Ding Ding! - shouted bells. - I found fun with us! No, Misha, the bad live us. True, we have no lessons, but what is the susceptible? We would not face lessons. All our trouble is that we have the poor, no matter; We have neither books, no pictures; There are no papans nor mama; have nothing to do; All day play yes play, and this is, Misha, very, very boring. Will you believe? Good Our Turtle Sky, Good and Golden Sun, and Golden Trees; But we, the poor, we have seen enough of them, and all this very tired of us; From the town we - neither step, and you can imagine what a whole century, without doing anything, to sit in Tabakcoque, and even in a tobackerque with a music.

    "Yes," Misha answered, "you say the truth." This happens to me: when after the teaching you will not be for toys, then so fun; And when on the holiday all day you play everything, you play, in the evening and it will be bored; And for the one and for another toy you will not eat - everything is not cute. I did not understand for a long time, why it, and now I understand.

    - Yes, moreover, we have another trouble, Misha; We have uncle.

    - What are the uncle? - asked Misha.

    - Uncle-hammers, - the bells answered, - what evil! The fact and the matter what goes around the city yes we are tapping. Which is more, the even less often "Tuk-Tuk" happens, and it is much more hurt.

    In fact, Misha saw that there was some gentlemen on the street on thin legs, with pregnant noses and whispered between themselves: "Tuk-Tuk - Tuk! Knock-Knock! Raise! Torch! Knock-Knock!" And in fact, the uncle-hammers are increful in fact, then on another bell tuk and Tuk. Poor Misha even sorry for them. He approached these gentlemen, very politely bowed and asked with good nature, why are they without unfortunately choking poor boys. And hammer to him in response:

    - Away to go, do not bother! There in the ward and in the bathrobe, the warden lies and tell us. Everything turns around, hurts. Knock-Knock! Knock-Knock!

    - What is your warden? - Misha asked the bells.

    - And this is Mr. Wolik, - they rangs, - the proper man, day and night with the sofa does not come together; We can not complain about him.

    Misha - to the ward. Watching: He really lies on the sofa, in a bathrobe and with a side turns on the side, only everything face up. And in a bathrobe, he has hairpins, hooks - apparently invisible; He just came across a hammer, he hooked his crochet first, then hesitate, and the hammer was knocking on the bell.

    Just a Misha came to him, as the warden shouted:

    - Hanky \u200b\u200bpanky! Who goes here? Who wanders here? Hanky \u200b\u200bpanky? Who does not go away? Who does not sleep to sleep? Hanky \u200b\u200bpanky! Hanky \u200b\u200bpanky!

    "This is me," Misha's brave answered, - I, Misha ...

    - What are you needed? - asked the overseer.

    - Yes, I feel sorry for poor boys-bells, they are all so smart, such good, such musicians, and at your order the uncle are inconsistently tapping ...

    - And I care, Shura-Mura! I'm not the greatest here. Let themselves knock the boys! What is the case! I am a good warden, I'm lying on the sofa and I don't look at anyone. Shura Mura, Shura Mura ...

    - Well, I learned a lot in this town! - Misha said to himself. - Here sometimes it happens annoying, why the warder does not descend from me. "Eco Angry! - I think. - After all, he is not Paint and not Mama; What is his work, what am I chaley? I would have sitting in my room. " No, now I see what happens with poor boys, when no one looks at them.

    Meanwhile, Misha went further - and stopped. Lookscing a golden tent with a pearl fringe; Upstairs the Golden Fluger is spinning, as if a windmill, and under the tatch, there is a princess spring and, as a snake, it will turn around, it will unfold and indiscriminately pushing the overseas. Misha was very surprised and told her:

    - Masseman Tsarevna! Why are you the warden under the side pushing?

    "Zitz-Zizz-Zizz," said Tsarevna. "You're a stupid boy, an unreasonable boy." You look at everything, you see nothing! Kaby I did not push the roller, the roller would not be spinning; Kaba roller not spinning, then he would not cling to the hammers, the hammers would not be knocked out; Kabab hammer did not knock, the bells would not ring; Kababi bells did not ring, and there would be no music! Zitz-Zizz-Zizz!

    Misha wanted to find out whether Tsarevna tells the truth. He leaned and pressed her finger. And what?

    In one instant, the spring with power developed, the roller grieving strongly, the hammers quickly stood up, the bells began to play the backbone, and suddenly the spring burst. Everything was fallen, the roller stopped, the hammers got, the bells rushed to the side, the sun hung, the houses broke down ... Then Misha remembered that Pateka did not order him to touch the spring, scared and ... woke up.

    - What saw Misha in a dream? - Patek asked.

    Misha could not be afraid for a long time. Watching: the same Paprenkina room, the same tobackerka in front of him; Patek and mamma sit near him and laugh.

    - Where is the boy-bell? Where is the uncle - hammer? Where is the princess spring? - asked Misha. - So was it a dream?

    - Yes, Misha, you mudukhal, and you descended here. Tell us at least that you dreamed!

    - Yes, you see, Patek, - Misha said, rubbing his eyes, - I wanted to know why the music in Tabakcoque plays; So I began to watch and disassemble that it moves in it and why moves; I thought, I thought and began to get, when suddenly, I look, the door in Tabakcoque was dissolved ... - Misha told all his sleep in order.

    "Well, now I see," said Patenka, "that you really almost understood why music in Tabakcoque plays; But you will understand it even better when you learn mechanics.

    Father called to himself a little son Misha and showed him a beautiful turtle tobacco. On her lid was depicted a city with golden houses, turrets and trees. Above the city rose the sun, from which pink rays were diverged.

    Dad said that the town is called Din-Din, touched the springs, and then music began to play in Tabakcoque, and the sun began to move across the sky. When it went down for the hillock, the shutters in the houses closed, the stars shine in the sky and the month, and the blues were reached from the turrets. "

    Misha wanted to get into this town. He asked Pope, who lives there. He replied that the inhabitants of the city were bells, and lifted a tobacker cover. Misha saw a lot of bells, hammers and began asking her father, how tobackerka works. Dad suggested Mishe to think and guess himself, just asked not to touch the spring - if it breaks, the music will stop playing.

    Misha was sitting over tobacco and thought for a long time.

    Suddenly, the door opened at the bottom of Tabakcochka, a boy with a golden head ran out of her and in a steel skirt and angered Misha to himself. Misha ran up to the door and was surprised: she came to him exactly for growth. Boys-bells were the inhabitants of the town in Tabakerque. They found out that Misha wants to visit them, and decided to invite him.

    Boy-bell led Misha through the vaults made from the Petroy Embossed Paper. Misha noticed that far ahead the arches become quite small, and told her warrantly that he would not be worked out even crawling.

    Repeating "Din-Din-Din", the Boy-bell explained that it was published all the items seem to be small. Misha remembered how recently wanted to draw dad sitting in a distance from Mom, but he had nothing to do, because he did not know about the laws of perspective.

    The Boy-bell began laughing at Misha, it was annoying, and he said that it's not good to get used to sayings, even so beautiful as "Din-Ding Din". Now annoying the boiler-bell.

    Finally, the boys entered the town. Misha saw that boys-bells are sitting in the houses, and thought it seemed to him, and in fact they are all the same. But the bell boy explained that they really were different. In large bells, the voice is thorough, and the little ones are more ringing. Then he reproached Misha in the fact that he laughed at his saying: "It's different and with a saying, and something else knows, and you can learn something from him."

    Misha was surrounded by bookers and began to complain about their lives. They don't have anything, they can not go out of the town, and the whole day is very boring.

    And evil uncle-hammers are repulse - go around the city and tapping boys-bells.

    Misha looked around and saw the gentlemen on the street with thin legs and long noses. They walked and whispered: "Tuk-Tuk-Tuk! Raise! Torch! ". Misha came to them and politely asked why they were crushing poor boys-bells.

    The gamot units answered that the wardrifier would make it. Boys-bells confirmed that they have a warden, Mr. roller, but he is kind, all day lies in a bathrobe on the couch and does not touch them.

    Misha went to the ward and saw a lot of hooks on his bathrobe. He turned over with her side on the side and cling to these hooks of uncle-hammers, and those were knocked on the bookers. Misha asked Mr. Valik, why he did it, but he sentenced the "Shura Mura", replied that he had no reason to him.

    Misha went further and saw the Golden Tent, in which the princess of the spring was lying. She folded, unfolded, pushed in the side of the warder and sentenced "Zizz-Zizz-Zizz". Misha began to ask her, and Tsarevna explained: if she stops the push of the ward, he will not chain the uncle-hammers, they will no longer knock on the bookers, and the music will wiggle.

    Misha decided to check whether Tsarevna tells the truth, and pressed her with his finger. The spring immediately developed, the roller twisted, the hammers were careful and everything was silent. Misha remembered that Dad asked not to touch the spring, frightened and ... woke up.

    The boy told his wonderful dream to his parents. Dad piled the Son for almost understood the device tobackerka, and added that Misha would find out more when he would study the mechanics.