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  • Electromagnetic radiation sources and exposure. Electromagnetic radiation causes serious illness. How to reduce the harm of electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation level

    Electromagnetic radiation sources and exposure.  Electromagnetic radiation causes serious illness.  How to reduce the harm of electromagnetic radiation.  Electromagnetic radiation level

    With the constant development of high technologies, an increasing number of sources of harmful rays appear that surround man and nature from all sides. The issues of electromagnetic radiation and its effect on the human body are being discussed today by world-class scientists.

    It is not possible to completely limit oneself from the effects of harmful radiation, but it is possible and necessary to prevent their excess, it is enough to understand what it is.

    One of the proven facts of the impact of the electromagnetic field is its negative impact not only on human health, but also on his thoughts, behavior and even the psychological component. Scientists came to this conclusion after examining the long-term interaction of waves with the human body. The sources of these waves are all kinds of electronic devices, computers, WI-FI, power lines and much more.

    Thus, based on research, experts have identified the theory that developing diseases and pathologies in the human body take place due to the influence of rays from the outside. Moreover, decay products can even cause poisoning of body cells. Fortunately, a person can protect himself and his loved ones from harmful waves, knowing the elementary methods of protection from electromagnetic radiation.

    Types of electromagnetic radiation are classified into radio waves, infrared (thermal) radiation, visible (optical) radiation, ultraviolet and hard radiation. IMPORTANT: in this case, the answer to the question "is visible light related to electromagnetic radiation" is positive.

    Radio wave sickness

    By the beginning of the 60s, specialists managed to discover a new trend in medicine - radio wave sickness. The spectrum of the spread of this disease is very wide - 1/3 of the population. It should be said that in most cases a person is exposed to waves against their will. However, radio wave sickness is already indicated by a number of symptoms, including:

    • headache;
    • dizziness;
    • increased fatigue;
    • sleep disturbance;
    • depression;
    • distraction of attention.

    Since such symptoms refer to many types of diseases, it becomes extremely problematic to diagnose the above. But, like any disease, radio wave is capable of developing and progressing.

    As a result of its spread throughout the body, a person runs the risk of developing cardiac arrhythmias, chronic respiratory diseases and even fluctuations in blood sugar levels. This happens through the destruction of the electromagnetic field of a person, affecting even the cells of his body.

    This disease manifests itself in different ways depending on the organ or system that it affects:

    1. Nervous system - we are talking about a deterioration in the conductivity of neurons - nerve cells in the brain that are susceptible to the effects of electromagnetic radiation that affects a person. Thus, a deformation occurs in their work, which leads to a violation of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes, deterioration in the functioning of the limbs, the appearance of hallucinations, irritability. There are known cases of suicide attempts against the background of a developing illness.
    2. Immune system - in this case, immunity is suppressed. And the cells responsible for its protection themselves succumb to the influence of electromagnetic waves, thus creating an additional negative influence from all sides.
    3. Blood - electrical frequencies provoke adhesion of blood cells to each other, contributing to the deterioration of blood outflow, the formation of blood clots. Thus, an excess release of adrenaline into the body can occur, which in itself is detrimental to health. There is no need to talk about impaired performance of the cardiovascular system - obvious arrhythmia, the development of plaques in the heart muscle and other types of heart failure, as a negative effect of electromagnetic waves on the human body.
    4. Endocrine system - Since this system is responsible for controlling the functioning of hormones in the body, the influence of electromagnetic fields speaks for itself. A derivative of this effect is the destruction of the liver.
    5. Reproductive system - women are often more exposed to electromagnetic radiation than men. Having an increased sensitivity to outside influences, the female body is able to literally "suck" harmful radiation. This effect is especially dangerous during pregnancy. In the first weeks, the fetus is not firmly attached to the placenta, so there is a high probability of losing connection with the mother with a sharp emission of radiation. With regards to later dates, the statistics are such that electromagnetic radiation affects a change in the genetic code of a child, a deformation of DNA.

    EMP consequences

    Radio wave sickness takes on new forms every year, expanding and progressing, depending on the number and level of radiation sources. Experts have identified a number of consequences, not only individually, but also in a large-scale sense:

    • Cancer is not a secret that oncological diseases manifest themselves when absolutely different conditions... However, scientists have proven to increase negative impact electromagnetic radiation to cancer cells. Thus, studies in Japan have confirmed the presence of an increased risk of childhood leukemia in people whose bedrooms literally "glow" from the presence of electrical appliances and their components.
    • Disorders of the psyche - in recent years, cases of deterioration in the perception of the surrounding world have become more frequent in those who have been exposed to excessive levels of electromagnetic radiation. We are talking not only about the so-called classic symptoms, but also about the developing fear of EMR. Such fear often develops into a phobia, a person begins to panic at the thought that any emission of radiation can provoke painful sensations in one or another organ or part of the body.
    • Stillbirth - according to official figures, today the risk of fetal death increases by 15%, provided that the mother is in constant contact with sources of electromagnetic radiation. In addition to stillbirth, the likelihood of developing pathologies in an unborn child, a slowdown in development, premature birth, and miscarriage increases. This is the effect of electromagnetic radiation on human health and future generations.

    In addition to the huge negative effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human body, these waves are capable of poisoning the environment. The most susceptible areas include areas with a large concentration of high-frequency power lines. Often they are located far from residential buildings, however, in individual cases, there is the presence of such power lines near settlements.

    Vegetable and animal world is also negatively affected by harmful rays. In turn, a person eats irradiated animals and foodstuffs and, as a result, receives an additional dose of radiation-contaminated particles into his body. Such a process is extremely difficult to control due to factors independent of a person, but it is still possible to influence it.

    Video: invisible enemy - electromagnetic radiation.


    To understand what the effect of electromagnetic fields on the human body is, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the following facts:

    1. Changes in the blood and urine of a 9-year-old child 15 minutes after sitting at the computer coincide with changes in the analyzes of a cancer patient. Teenagers are susceptible to this influence after half an hour of being near a computer. And an adult undergoes a change in analyzes after 2 hours.
    2. A signal from a portable radiotelephone can penetrate the brain up to 37.5 mm.
    3. Electricians are 13 times more likely to develop brain cancer than other professions. The magnetic field level of such workers is practically destroyed.
    4. A 13-year-old child who speaks on the phone for about 2 minutes undergoes a bioelectrical brain change that takes place several hours after the conversation.
    5. Animals, even slightly irradiated with a dose of electromagnetic radiation, began to lag behind in development, acquired pathologies in the body, as with radiation.

    The electromagnetic emission limits have the following meanings:

    • Radio waves - ultra-short (0.1mm-1m / 30MHz-300GHz), short (10-100m / 3 MHz-30 MHz), medium (100m-1km / 300kHz-3MHz), long (1km-10km / 30kHz-300kHz), extra long (more than 10 km / less than 30 kHz).
    • Optical radiation - ultraviolet (380-10nm / 7.5 * 10 at 14st Hz-3 * 10 at 16st Hz), visible radiation (780-380nm / 429THz-750THz), infrared radiation (1mm-780nm / 300GHz-429THz) ...
    • Ionizing electromagnetic radiation - X-ray, gamma. A more detailed table of calculations of EMI norms includes additional sources of propagation of harmful waves.

    It is not possible to completely protect yourself from the effects of harmful waves. However, today there are a number of factors that can prevent the excessive effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human body:

    1. Purchase of a special dosimeter. Such a detector will help to calculate the most dangerous radiation sources by calculating the frequency of their waves and, as a result, to reduce the time spent near such foci or to completely eliminate them. Devices for measuring electromagnetic fields are available at any home store.
    2. Separation of radiation sources by area. It is not recommended to operate electromagnetic devices in a close radius to each other, otherwise their negative impact on the environment and the human body increases, causing maximum harm.
    3. Isolation of radiation sources. This is, for example, a refrigerator. It is advisable to use it at a distance from the dining table. A similar situation with a computer or laptop: the distance to the place of deployment (sofa, bed) must be at least one and a half meters.
    4. Elimination of toys with EMP. Electromagnetic effect radio-controlled and electrical attributes for a child's room pose a serious threat to the health of an adult, and are extremely destructive for children. It is recommended to rid the room of radiated EMP toys.
    5. Isolation of the radiotelephone. This technique is capable of emitting harmful waves to a radius of up to 10 meters. It is imperative to remove such electronics as far as possible. This method of protection will protect against the main source of harmful radiation, since the radiotelephone operates 24 hours a day.
    6. Eliminate the purchase of fake phones. The low price of such products is primarily due to the harmful radiation of electromagnetic waves to humans.
    7. Careful selection household appliances... In this case, we are talking directly about devices with a steel case.

    In addition to the above factors, there are well-known simple ways protection against electromagnetic radiation, the observance of which will also allow you to protect yourself from EMP, reducing the risk of exposure to the lowest indicator:

    • It is not recommended to stay near a working microwave oven, as its waves have an extremely negative impact on the environment when compared to household appliances.
    • It is undesirable to be too close to the monitor.
    • The presence of nearby high-frequency power lines is excluded.
    • It is recommended to avoid excessive amounts of jewelry on the body, which should be removed before going to bed.
    • The presence of electrical appliances, analogue household appliances, equipment and wiring at a distance of 2 meters from the bed is approved.
    • A minimum amount of time is recommended around working electrical appliances and similar equipment.
    • It is undesirable to find inoperative devices in the on state.

    Often, people do not attach much importance to the harm caused by electromagnetic radiation from the most common household appliances and other factors surrounding them, since they are not able to see their waves. This feature makes EMP extremely dangerous for the life of all living things.

    Having the opportunity to accumulate in the body, harmful rays affect the vital systems, manifesting themselves in a variety of diseases and ailments. The whole scale of this problem, mankind will be able to discern a generation later - only then the specific impact on the health of those who happened to live their lives surrounded by EMP sources will be indicated.

    Electricity has firmly entered our life and has become an integral part of it. But technological progress is associated with an increase in the level of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), which has an adverse effect on all living organisms. Electromagnetic radiation is the vibration of electric and magnetic fields that travels through space at the speed of light. A person does not see or feel it, therefore he is not able to assess how it affects health. Meanwhile, doctors around the world are sounding the alarm that EMR acts on the body like radiation. Let's figure out how electromagnetic waves affect a person, whether there are ways to protect against adverse effects.

    Sources of electromagnetic radiation

    Throughout life, a person is exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMF). If people cannot change the influence of electromagnetic radiation from natural sources (the Sun, the magnetic and electric fields of the Earth), then they can reduce the impact from artificial sources.

    But actively using the achievements of scientific progress, a person, on the contrary, is increasingly experiencing the effect on the body of side effects caused by the operation of various devices and mechanisms - electromagnetic waves from artificial sources of radiation that surround us everywhere:

    • transformers;
    • cell phones;
    • medical equipment;
    • computers;
    • antennas;
    • elevators;
    • household appliances;
    • power lines.

    Energy emitted from sources varies in frequency and wavelength Are the main characteristics of the EMF. Scientists have discovered and investigated electromagnetic waves of all possible ranges, which are used in science or technology. The spectrum of electromagnetic radiation is formed from the totality of all waves.

    EMI spectral range

    The light that is perceived by the human eye is part of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, but only a small one. Other waves were discovered during his study. Electromagnetic waves include:

    1. X-rays and gamma rays - high frequency electromagnetic radiation (3 - 300 MHz).
    2. Infrared radiation, light visible to the human eye, as well as ultraviolet - medium-frequency radiation (0.3 - 3 MHz).
    3. Radio emission and microwaves - low frequency emissions (3 - 300 kHz).

    All electromagnetic waves are used by humans and have an impact on both living organisms and the environment. The biological activity of waves increases with decreasing wavelength.

    The radiation emitted from low-frequency and mid-frequency sources is non-ionizing. It means that harm to health at an acceptable level of exposure to EMR is minimal.

    A strong biological effect on the human body is exerted by medical equipment - sources of high-frequency radiation and ionizing electromagnetic radiation: X-ray machines and computed tomography machines. MRI and ultrasound are not dangerous for the body, because X-rays are not used in the diagnosis.

    The full spectrum of electromagnetic radiation by wavelength is subdivided into ranges:

    • radio waves (100 km - 1 mm) - used in the field of television and radio broadcasting, in radar;
    • microwaves (300 - 1 mm) - used in industry and in everyday life: satellite and cellular communications, microwave ovens;
    • infrared radiation (2000 microns - 740 nm) is widely used in forensic science, physiotherapy, for drying products or products;
    • optical radiation - 740 - 400 nm - light visible to humans;
    • ultraviolet radiation (400 - 10 nm) is widely used in medicine and industry: bactericidal and quartz lamps;
    • X-rays (0.1 - 1.01 nm) are widely used in medical diagnostics;
    • gamma rays (less than 0.01 nm) are used in the treatment of cancer.

    The boundaries between the spectrum ranges are considered very arbitrary..

    Electromagnetic radiation level

    Outgoing electromagnetic radiation from artificial sources of EMF is low-level and high-level. The power level of the source affects the degree of intensity of electromagnetic radiation.

    High-level sources include:

    • high-voltage transmission lines;
    • electric transport;
    • TV and radio broadcasting, satellite and cellular communication towers;
    • transformers;
    • electrical lifting equipment (lifts, funiculars).

    Low-level sources include all types of household appliances, devices with a CRT display and in-house wiring, sockets and switches.

    To determine the EMP level, a special device is used - a fluxmeter... It records the value of the electric field strength indicator, in accordance with which protective measures are taken if the norms are exceeded.

    The maximum permissible level of exposure of the population is the value of the EMR intensity, at which there is no harmful effect on the human body.

    There are special tables and formulas for calculating the radiation dose depending on the source, distance to it and size. A safe dose of electromagnetic radiation is 0.2 - 0.3 μT.

    How does electromagnetic radiation affect living organisms

    Numerous studies of scientists have led to the conclusion that the impact of electromagnetic fields on the human body and animals is negative, its consequences are disruptions in the work of internal organs and the development of various diseases.

    The influence of electromagnetic waves on a person depends on many factors:

    • intensity (level) of the field;
    • their lengths and frequencies;
    • time period of exposure;
    • human health status.

    Sources with high EMF levels have a stronger impact on human health. The depth of penetration into the body depends on the wavelength: long-wave fields act on internal organs, brain and spinal cord, short waves - only on the skin and lead to a thermal effect.

    EMFs increase the health risk of children and weakened bodies, as well as people prone to allergic diseases.

    Side electromagnetic radiation and induction, with constant exposure, disrupt the activity of all body systems and can lead to the occurrence of radio wave illness, the symptoms of which are observed by many:

    • chronic fatigue;
    • a state of apathy;
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • persistent headaches;
    • sleep and attention disorders;
    • frequent depression.

    If we take into account that the average city dweller is constantly exposed to the electromagnetic field throughout his life, then radio wave illness can be diagnosed in almost every city dweller and the symptoms that arise are explained by its development. If you do not take measures to protect against harmful EMF, then the risk of developing chronic ailments (cardiac arrhythmias, diabetes mellitus) and persistent viral respiratory diseases increases.

    After a short-term exposure to electromagnetic waves, a healthy body is able to fully recover and eliminate the changes that have occurred while in the zone of increased EMP.

    With prolonged exposure to electromagnetic rays, the bioenergetic balance of the body is disturbed, the changes accumulate and become stable.

    What harm do EMPs do to the human body?

    The harm to health from sources of ionizing radiation has been proven for a long time, and there is probably no person who would not know about the negative consequences of exposure to X-rays or gamma rays. The impact on human health of EMF from non-ionizing sources is still poorly understood, but scientists around the world have already proven its negative impact.

    The main types of anthropogenic electromagnetic radiation:

    • high voltage power lines;
    • microwave and radio emission from wireless communication devices and household appliances.

    Electromagnetic fields and radiation pose a threat to almost all systems of the human body
    ... Under their influence:

    • the patency of nerve signals from the brain to other organs worsens, which affects the activity of the whole organism: brain coordination is impaired, reflexes are dulled;
    • negative changes in the mental state are found: impaired memory and attention, in severe cases, the appearance of suicidal thoughts, delirium, hallucinations;
    • there is an adverse effect on the circulatory system: EMP can provoke adhesion of blood cells, which will lead to vascular blockage, arrhythmias, and increased blood pressure;
    • there is a decrease in the permeability of cell membranes, due to which the body experiences oxygen starvation and insufficient intake of nutrients;
    • the production of hormones is disrupted, since under the influence of electromagnetic fields there is a constant stimulation of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
    • immunity decreases (frequent ARVI, tonsillitis), and immune cells begin to attack their own cells (the occurrence of allergic reactions) due to a drop in the level of lymphocytes.
    • the risk of oncological diseases increases - there is evidence that intense exposure to certain frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum can have a carcinogenic effect;
    • there is a depression of sexual function in men (decreased potency) and women (menstrual irregularities, infertility).

    Electromagnetic radiation has a particularly harmful effect on the fetus in the womb.

    The constant excess of the permissible dose of EMR during pregnancy leads to a negative effect on the mother and to pathologies of the child's development at different periods, especially in the first trimester:

    • the formation of defects in various organs;
    • delayed development of the most important systems of the body;
    • stillbirth;
    • premature birth.

    In one of the studies of the effect of electromagnetic waves on pregnant women, a high probability of stillbirth and spontaneous abortion was found with an increase in the maximum allowable level of EMR. Those participants in the experiment who constantly wore an electromagnetic emitter had twice the risk of miscarriage. If a child is born, he has a high probability of developmental pathologies, since EMR affects the DNA structure, damaging it.

    The conclusion is disappointing - the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body negatively and negatively affects the activities of almost all of its systems. To avoid its destructive health effects, it is necessary to take care of life safety (BWS) and methods of protection against electromagnetic radiation.

    Methods of protection against the influence of electromagnetic fields

    Electricity permeates every corner of our life, from a simple incandescent light bulb to complex industrial installations. A modern person no longer imagines how he will manage without household appliances, communications and telecommunications. Completely stop using electric current and the benefits of civilization for most of us is not possible, but the implementation of some recommendations will minimize the devastating effects on health from the harmful effects of EMF.

    At enterprises where a person is forced to constantly face the action of high-level EMR, they are obliged to install protective screens and strictly comply with all sanitary and epidemiological requirements and rules of the Belarusian Railways.

    It is important to know that the level of EMF intensity decreases with distance from it at some distance. So, in order to protect yourself from the harmful effects of high-voltage lines on human health, you need to move a safe distance from power lines or other high-level sources by 25 meters.

    Never build residential buildings closer than 30 meters from sources with a high level of electromagnetic radiation
    and do not allow children to play near transformer booths or towers.

    In order for electrical equipment to make life easier for a person, and not shorten it, you must adhere to the following tips and rules.

    1. Find out the degree of danger that comes from various sources of electromagnetic radiation at home and at work using a special dosimeter.
    2. In accordance with the indicators, arrange electrical appliances in such a way that they are as far as possible from the recreation area and the dining table (at least 2 meters).
    3. The distance from the CRT monitor or TV must be at least 30 cm.
    4. If possible, remove all electrical appliances from the bedroom and children's room.
    5. Place an electronic clock with an alarm clock at least 10 cm from the pillow.
    6. Do not stay near a working microwave oven, microwave oven or heater.
    7. Cell phones are not recommended to be brought closer than 2.5 cm to the head. It is not bad to talk through the speakerphone, and keep the phone as far away from you as possible.
    8. You should not constantly carry cellular communications in your pockets - they belong in a purse or purse.
    9. Always switch off electrical devices that are not in use, as they emit a certain amount of radiation even in sleep mode.
    10. It is harmful to use a hair dryer before bed: EMR slows down the production of melatonin and disrupts sleep cycles. Do not use a computer or tablet less than 2 hours before going to bed.
    11. It is necessary to check the presence of grounding in the sockets for connecting electrical appliances.

    You should be aware that the steel case of electrical appliances well shields the radiation emanating from them, and electromagnetic waves are able to penetrate through walls: electrical appliances in the next room or neighbors can also affect the body.

    All recommendations must be strenuously followed by expectant mothers if they want to bear and give birth to a healthy baby. Excessive addiction to a computer or talking on a cell phone during pregnancy poses a threat to the health of an unborn baby.

    Technological progress has made life much easier for people and has presented a wide variety of equipment and electronics, medical devices that help us to be healthy, electric vehicles and elevators. But the negative impact on a person of electromagnetic radiation from electrical appliances and devices, power lines and communication towers cannot but worry specialists and scientists.

    Numerous studies lead to disappointing conclusions that without the use of protection measures against EMF, human health is in danger. Therefore, if there is no opportunity or desire to get rid of all the benefits of civilization and move to live in the forest, it is necessary to protect yourself and your loved ones from the harmful effects of EMP, following the simple rules of the Belarusian Railways for working with electrical appliances and follow the recommendations given above.

    Electromagnetic radiation refers to the divergence of electric and magnetic fields. The propagation of an electromagnetic field occurs with the help of electromagnetic waves, which in turn emit charge particles, molecules, atoms and other components. The harm of electromagnetic radiation has been officially proven and confirmed by relevant research by scientists, therefore, as far as possible, its effect on the human body should be limited.

    Formation and use of electromagnetic radiation

    Electromagnetic fields that are formed by radiation of the same name are usually divided into natural, that is, those that exist independently and anthropogenic (arise due to the human factor).

    Natural factors include magnetic and electromagnetic radiation, which are generated by the core of the globe. Human-created types of radiation include high-frequency and ultra-frequency waves, as well as light beams and laser radiation. Human exposure to electromagnetic fields and radiation of both natural and anthropogenic origin tends to negatively affect almost all organs and systems, as well as the body as a whole.

    How electromagnetic radiation affects a person, as well as what consequences it leads to, has been known for a long time, but it is almost impossible to limit its use. This is due to the fact that this type of radiation underlies the activity of television and radio communications, since it is thanks to electromagnetic pulses that it becomes possible to visualize the transmitted image from the television center to each television.

    This type of radiation is also widespread in the work of mobile phones, since connections between subscribers occur using electromagnetic pulses. The impact of electromagnetic networks on the human body also occurs when using computer technology, connecting to the Internet and much more.

    The generated electromagnetic radiation is widely used in modern society, since thanks to its generation we have access to radio and telecommunications, mobile communications, computer technology and much more.

    The area of ​​contact with the field (which has a detrimental effect on a person), the body's ability to resist and resistance are also taken into account. A circumstance that is worth paying attention to when determining such a phenomenon as electromagnetic radiation is the consequences of such an influence.

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    Influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body

    The influence of electromagnetic fields on the human body is manifested in a number of negative consequences for the body as a whole, as well as for its individual components.

    The consequences of such an impact depend on a number of external and internal factors, however, even the smallest effect of it disrupts homeostasis at the atomic-molecular level. With an increase in the intensity of influence, such changes can be expressed at the cellular, systemic or even organismic levels.

    The nervous system suffers the most, as well as the cardiovascular. First, symptoms such as headache and dizziness, general weakness, sleep disturbances, etc. appear. Pressure suffers, changes are also manifested in an increase or decrease in blood pressure. This is followed by a slowdown in the pulse, pain in the heart (may be accompanied by tachycardia or bradycardia), hair loss and fragility of the nail plates. In the early stages of damage, the effects of electromagnetic radiation are reversible. It is possible to get rid of such consequences by stopping the impact of a negative factor, as well as after symptomatic therapy.

    If the influence of the electromagnetic field on the human body had a direct connection with a violation of the main and medulla oblongata, which are especially sensitive to such radiation, changes in the nervous system are considered irreversible and cannot be leveled. They can manifest themselves in impaired coordination of movement, rarely cause abnormalities in the work of muscle tone in the form of a convulsive attack, etc.

    In addition to the harmful biological effect on the body, which is manifested by a number of systemic disorders, the effect of the electromagnetic field on a person also contributes to the emergence of charges when the body comes into contact with a metal object.

    This can manifest itself when a person (who is not touching the ground) touches a metal object (which is in direct contact with the ground). May cause discomfort or even minor seizures.

    If you find symptoms from exposure to electromagnetic radiation, you should immediately seek specialized medical attention. Termination of exposure to a negative source and self-administration of drug therapy will improve the patient's condition, but in any case, it is worth consulting a doctor.

    Methods of protection against electromagnetic radiation

    The effect of the electromagnetic field on the human body, as already noted, has significant tendencies towards negative effects. Therefore, the desire of people to protect their bodies from such radiation is fully justified.
    The main methods of protection are:

    So, we figured out how the electromagnetic field affects human health and what consequences the interaction of the body with radiation sources can lead to.

    Answering the question of how to protect against excess in an apartment, it is worth noting that compliance with all safety conditions and minimizing contact with sources of this type of negative impact will help reduce the risk of consequences.

    In recent years, due to the development of technology, the human body is exposed to a high level of exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR), which could not but cause serious concern throughout the world.

    What is the effect on living organisms? Their consequences depend on which category of radiation - ionizing or not - they belong. The first type has a high energy potential, which acts on atoms in cells and leads to a change in their natural state. This can be deadly as it can cause cancer and other diseases. Non-ionizing radiation includes electromagnetic radiation in the form of radio waves, microwave radiation, and electrical vibrations. Although it cannot change the structure of the atom, its effect can lead to irreversible consequences.

    Invisible danger

    Publications in the scientific literature have raised the issue of the adverse effects on individuals and society as a whole of non-ionizing EMF radiation emanating from power, electrical and wireless devices in everyday life, at work, in educational and public institutions. Despite the many challenges in establishing conclusive scientific evidence of harm and gaps in the precise mechanisms of harm, epidemiological analyzes increasingly suggest the significant potential for traumatic exposure to non-ionizing radiation. Protection against electromagnetic radiation is becoming more and more important.

    Due to the fact that medical education does not focus on the condition environment However, some physicians are not fully aware of the likely health problems associated with EMR, and as a consequence, the manifestations of non-ionizing radiation may be misdiagnosed and ineffectively treated.

    If the possibility of tissue and cell damage associated with exposure to X-rays is beyond doubt, then the effect of electromagnetic radiation on living organisms, when they come from power lines, mobile phones, electrical appliances and some machines, has only recently begun to attract attention as a potential threat. health.

    Electromagnetic spectrum

    Refers to the type of energy that radiates or radiates far beyond its source. The energy of electromagnetic radiation exists in different forms ah, each of which has a different physical properties... They can be measured and expressed in terms of frequency or wavelength. Some waves have a high frequency, others have a medium frequency and still others have a low frequency. The range of electromagnetic radiation includes many different forms of energy emanating from various sources. Their name is used to classify the types of EMP.

    The short wavelength of electromagnetic radiation, corresponding to high frequency, is a characteristic of gamma rays, X-rays and ultraviolet radiation. More spectrum include microwave radiation and radio waves. Light radiation belongs to the middle part of the EMP spectrum, it provides normal vision and is the light that we perceive. Infrared energy is responsible for human perception of heat.

    Most forms of energy, such as X-rays, ultraviolet light and radio waves, are invisible and invisible to humans. Their detection requires the measurement of electromagnetic radiation using special instruments, and, as a result, people cannot assess the degree of exposure to energy fields in these ranges.

    Despite the lack of perception, the action of high-frequency energy, including X-rays, called ionizing radiation, is potentially harmful to human cells. Changing the atomic composition of cellular structures, breaking chemical bonds and by inducing the formation of free radicals, sufficient exposure to ionizing radiation can damage the genetic code in DNA or provoke mutations, thereby increasing the risk of malignant neoplasms or cell death.

    Anthropogenic EMR

    The effect of electromagnetic radiation on the body, especially non-ionizing radiation, which is called forms of energy with lower frequencies, has been underestimated by many scientists. It was not believed to have an adverse effect on normal levels impact. Recently, however, there is increasing evidence that some frequencies of non-ionizing radiation can potentially cause biological harm. Most of the studies of their effects on health have dealt with the following three main types of anthropogenic EMR:

    • the lower scale of electromagnetic radiation from power lines, electrical appliances and electronic equipment;
    • microwave and radio emissions from wireless communication devices such as cell phones, cell towers, antennas, and television and radio towers;
    • electrical pollution due to the operation of certain types of equipment (for example, plasma TVs, some energy-saving devices, variable speed motors, etc.) that produce signals whose electromagnetic radiation frequency is in the range of 3-150 kHz (propagated and re-emitted by wiring).

    The currents in the ground, which are sometimes called wandering, are not limited by wires. Current travels along the path of least resistance and can pass through any available path, including earth, wires, and various objects. Accordingly, electrical voltage is also transmitted through the ground and through building structures through metal water or sewer pipes, resulting in non-ionizing radiation entering the surrounding environment.

    EMR and human health

    While studies examining the negative properties of electromagnetic radiation have sometimes yielded conflicting results, the diagnosis of reproductive dysfunction and cancer susceptibility appears to support suspicions that exposure to EMF may pose a threat to human health. Unfavorable pregnancy outcomes, including miscarriages, stillbirths, premature births, changes in the sex ratio, and congenital anomalies have all been linked to the effect of EMR on the mother.

    A large prospective study published in the journal Epidemiology, for example, reported the peak exposure to EMR in 1,063 pregnant women in the San Francisco area. The participants in the experiment wore magnetic field detectors, and the scientists found a significant increase in fetal mortality with increasing levels of maximum exposure to EMF.

    EMP and cancer

    Claims that intense exposure to certain frequencies of EMR may be carcinogenic have been examined. For example, " International magazine cancer "recently published an important case-control study on the link between childhood leukemia and magnetic fields in Japan. By assessing the level of electromagnetic radiation in bedrooms, scientists have confirmed that high levels of exposure lead to a significantly greater risk of childhood leukemia.

    Physical and psychological impact

    People with electromagnetic hypersensitivity often suffer from wasting, which can affect any part of the body, including the central nervous system, musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, and endocrine system. These symptoms often lead to persistent psychological stress and the fear of being affected by EMP. Many patients become incapacitated by the mere thought that an invisible wireless signal anytime, anywhere can provoke painful sensations in their bodies. Constant fear and preoccupation with health problems affect well-being, up to the development of phobias and fear of electricity, which make some people want to leave civilization.

    Mobile phones and telecommunications

    Cell phones transmit and receive signals using EMF, which are partially absorbed by their users. Since these sources of electromagnetic radiation are usually in close proximity to the head, this feature has led to concerns about the possible adverse effects of their use on human health.

    One of the problems in extrapolating the results of their application in experimental studies in rodents is that the frequency of maximum absorption of RF energy depends on the size of the body, its shape, orientation and position.

    Resonant absorption in rats is in the range of microwave frequencies and operating frequencies of mobile phones used in experiments (from 0.5 to 3 GHz), but on the scale of the human body it occurs at 100 MHz. This factor can be taken into account when calculating the absorbed dose rate, but presents a problem for those studies in which only the external field strength is used to determine the exposure level.

    The relative depth of penetration in laboratory animals is greater than the size of the human head, and the parameters of tissues and the mechanism of heat redistribution are different. Another potential source of inaccuracies in exposure levels is cell exposure to radio frequency radiation.

    Effects of high voltage radiation on people and the environment

    Power lines with voltages above 100 kV are the most powerful sources of electromagnetic radiation. Studies of the radiation exposure to technical personnel started with the construction of the first 220-kV transmission lines, when there were cases of deteriorating health of workers. The commissioning of 400 kV power lines led to the publication of numerous works in this area, which later became the basis for the adoption of the first regulations limiting the action of a 50 Hz electric field.

    Power transmission lines with a voltage of more than 500 kV have an impact on the environment in the form of:

    • electric field with a frequency of 50 Hz;
    • radiation;
    • magnetic field of industrial frequency.

    EMF and the nervous system

    The mammalian blood-brain barrier consists of endothelial cells associated with occlusion zones, as well as adjacent pericytes and extracellular matrix. Helps maintain the highly stable extracellular environment required for accurate synaptic transmission and protects nervous tissue from damage. Increasing its low permeability to hydrophilic and charged molecules can be harmful to health.

    The ambient temperature, which exceeds the limits of thermoregulation of mammals, increases the permeability of the blood-brain barrier for macromolecules. Neuronal absorption of albumin in various areas of the brain depends on its temperature and is manifested when it rises by 1 ° C and above. Since sufficiently strong radio-frequency fields can lead to heating of tissues, it is logical to assume that the effect of electromagnetic radiation on a person results in an increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier.

    EMF and sleep

    The upper scale of electromagnetic radiation has some effect on sleep. This topic has become relevant for several reasons. Among other symptoms, complaints of sleep disturbances were mentioned in anecdotal reports of people believing they were affected by EMR. This has led to speculation that electromagnetic fields could interfere with the normal flow of sleep, with consequent health consequences. The potential risk of sleep disturbance should be considered in the light of the fact that it is a very complex biological process controlled by the central nervous system. Although the exact neurobiological mechanisms have not yet been established, regular alternation of wakefulness and resting states is a prerequisite for proper brain function, metabolic homeostasis, and the immune system.

    In addition, sleep, it seems, is precisely that physiological system, the study of which will make it possible to find out the effect of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation on a person, since in this biological state the body is sensitive to external stimuli. There is evidence that weak EMFs, the intensity of which is much lower than that at which an increase in temperature can occur, can also cause biological effects.

    Currently, research on the effects of non-ionizing high-frequency EMR is clearly focused on cancer risk, due to concerns about the carcinogenic properties of ionizing radiation.

    Negative manifestations

    Thus, the influence on a person of electromagnetic radiation, even non-ionizing, takes place, especially in the case of high-voltage power lines and the corona effect. Microwave radiation affects the nervous, cardiovascular, immune and reproductive systems, including causing damage to the nervous system, changing its response, electroencephalogram, blood-brain barrier, provoking disturbance (wakefulness - sleep) by interfering with the pineal gland and creating hormonal imbalance , changes in heart rate and blood pressure, impairing immunity to pathogens, causing weakness, wasting, growth problems, DNA damage and cancer.

    It is recommended to erect buildings far from sources of EMP, and protection from electromagnetic radiation of high-voltage transmission lines should be mandatory. In cities, cables must be laid underground, and EMP neutralizing equipment must be used.

    According to the results correlation analysis, based on experimental data, it was concluded that it is possible to significantly reduce the effect on a person of electromagnetic radiation from power lines by reducing the distance of the sag of the wires, which will lead to an increase in the distance between the conductive line and the point of measurement. In addition, this distance is also influenced by the terrain under the power lines.

    Precautionary measures

    Electricity is an integral part of modern society. This means that EMP will always be around us. And in order for EMFs to make our life easier, and not shorter, some precautions should be taken:

    • Children should not be allowed to play near power lines, transformers, satellite transmitters, and microwave sources.
    • Avoid places where the density exceeds 1 mG. The EMI level of the devices should be measured in the off and operating state.
    • It is necessary to carry out the rearrangement in the office or at home so as not to be exposed to the field of electrical appliances and computers.
    • Do not sit too close in front of the computer. Monitors vary greatly in their EMP strength. Do not stand near a working microwave oven.
    • Move electrical appliances at least 2 m away from the bed. Wiring under the bed must not be allowed. Remove dimmers and 3-position switches.
    • Precautions should be taken when using wireless devices such as electric toothbrushes and razors.
    • In addition, it is recommended that you wear as little jewelry as possible and take them off at night.
    • It is also necessary to remember that EMP passes through walls, and take into account sources in the next room or outside the walls of the room.

    The interaction of external electromagnetic fields with the human body is carried out by directing internal fields and electric currents, the magnitude and distribution of which in the human body depends on the following basic parameters:

    size, shape, anatomical structure of the body;

    electrical and magnetic properties of tissues (electrical and magnetic conductivity and permeability);

    characteristics of the electromagnetic field (frequency, intensity, etc.).

    All this determines the complex nature of the effect of EMR on the human body, which is a specific volumetric-spatial composition of various organs and tissues made of dielectric and conductive material. This impact can be represented as follows.

    The human body consists of many cells with a liquid content and intercellular fluid, which is an electrolyte. Cell membranes are good dielectrics and reliably isolate the intracellular phase. As a result, ion currents arise in a constant electric field, which flow only through the intercellular fluid.

    In variable EMF, cell membranes lose their dielectric properties. With an increase in frequency, the intracellular environment is more and more involved in the total ionic conduction, which leads to an increase in energy absorption. At an EMF frequency of more than 10 6 ... 10 7 Hz, the ionic conductivity of the medium remains practically constant, and the absorption of energy continues to increase due to the vibration losses of the resulting dipole molecules of the medium (mainly water and proteins).

    Thus, the absorption of EMP energy in tissues is carried out due to the electrical resistance of the medium when conduction currents arise (loss of ionic conductivity) and due to friction (rotation) of dipole molecules in a viscous medium (dielectric losses). The thermal effect is a consequence of the absorption of EMP energy, i.e. heating of human tissues. The greater the field strength and exposure time, the stronger the indicated effect is.

    The absorption and distribution of the absorbed energy inside the body also significantly depends on the shape, size and ratio of the body's dimensions to the radiation wavelength. From these positions, 3 areas can be distinguished in the EMP spectrum:

    EMP with a frequency of up to 30 MHz;

    EMP with a frequency from 30 MHz to 10 GHz;

    EMP with a frequency of more than 10 GHz.

    The first region is characterized by a rapid drop in the absorption value with decreasing frequency (approximately proportional to the square of the frequency). The second region is characterized by the presence of a number of absorption maxima, at which the body, as it were, draws in the field and absorbs more energy than is accounted for by its cross section. This leads to the formation of so-called "hot spots". For a person, the conditions for the occurrence of local absorption maxima in the head take place at frequencies of 750 ... 2500 MHz, and the maximum due to resonance with the overall size of the body lies in the frequency range 50 ... 300 MHz.

    When the human body is exposed to EMR with a frequency of more than 10 GHz, almost all energy is absorbed in the surface layers of biostructures.

    The energy of the field that has penetrated into the body is repeatedly reflected and refracted in the multilayer structure of the body with different thickness of tissue layers. As a result, the energy of the EMF is absorbed unequally, which explains the unequal effect on different tissues.

    Thermal energy generated in human tissues increases the overall heat release of the body. Excess heat is removed to a certain limit by increasing the load on the thermoregulation mechanism. With an EMR intensity of more than 10 mW / cm 2, called the thermal threshold, the body cannot cope with the removal of the generated heat, and the body temperature rises.

    The most sensitive to radiation are human organs and tissues, which have poorly expressed thermoregulation (brain, eyes, kidneys, etc.). Overheating of tissues and organs leads to their diseases, and an increase in body temperature by 1 ° C and higher can lead to irreversible changes.

    When exposed to high-frequency EMF, and especially microwave, on a living organism, there is also a non-thermal effect, which is the result of a number of microprocesses occurring under the influence of resonant effects of the interaction of external electromagnetic fields with the internal fields of the organism.

    Exposure to EMR leads to various morphological and functional changes in the human body. With short-term exposure to low-intensity EMR, these changes are usually reversible, however, at high irradiation intensities or at systematic irradiation with low intensities, but exceeding the MPL, they are irreversible.

    The negative effect of EMF on a person is expressed in the form of inhibition of reflexes, changes in the bioelectroactivity of the brain, memory impairment, the development of chronic depression syndrome, a decrease in blood pressure, a slowdown in heart contractions, changes in the blood composition towards an increase in leukocytes and a decrease in erythrocytes, disorders in the liver and spleen, clouding lens of the eye, hair loss, brittle nails. The immune and reproductive systems are also sensitive to EMF.

    Recently, a number of works have been published on the possibility of developing autoimmunity under the influence of EMF, which is a serious pathology of the immune system. Autoimmunity is based on the fact that the body produces antibodies directed against its own tissues, cells and their constituents, which have a damaging effect.

    There are also data on the relationship of EMR with cancer incidence, and this applies to both microwave and ultra-long ranges. For example, a higher incidence of cancer has been found among military personnel serving radars. It is believed that EMR is also one of the causes of leukemia in children.

    Subjective criteria for the negative impact of EMF are headaches, increased fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbances, shortness of breath, blurred vision, increased body temperature.