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    What documents do the medical pedagogical commission need? The list of documents submitted to the school (student)

    The list of documents submitted to PMPK (student)

    Pedagogical documents:

    1.   Pedagogical characteristics of the student, reflecting data on the duration of his studies at school, a detailed analysis of academic performance and behavior, measures taken to increase his academic performance (individual assistance, treatment).


    1. - it is obligatory to indicate in which class the child is studying and in which school year;

    2. - date of compilation of the characteristic;

    3. - whether it was previously examined at PMPK and when;

    4. - is trained with or without knowledge, recommendations PMPK;

    5. - if it has negative grades in the report card, then this should be reflected in the characterization and vice versa, if the characterization indicates that it does not learn the program, then grades must be negative.

    2. Student Report Card   for this academic year, quarterly and current grades, the class and the school year are required.

    3. Extract from the protocol   psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation educational institution. (strictly in a special form).

    4. Written work   in mathematics and Russian (native) language, drawings and other results of independent activity of the child.

    Medical documents:

    Extract from the history of the child’s development, signed by the chief physician of the children's clinic and certified by the seal (in a special form);

    The local pediatrician; psychiatrist ENT specialist (ENT); ophthalmologist; neurologist. surgeon (orthopedic surgeon, if the child is registered with him); The conclusion of a speech therapist (if the child is engaged with him).

    General documents:

    1. A copy of the birth certificate of the child with the original; 2. Identity document of the parent (legal representative); 3. Copy pMPK conclusions (primary, secondary, etc.), if it has been examined before; 4. Power of attorney (in form, printed text, seal of the institution, all data); 5. Copy of the passport of the authorized person; 6. For guardianship children: a guardianship agreement, a copy of the guardian's passport; 7. Responsible specialists of the education committee also apply for the examined children.

    The list of documents submitted to PMPK (preschooler)

    Pedagogical documents:

    1. If a child attends preschool, then pedagogical characteristics of a preschoolerreflecting data on the duration of his training and education in preschool, a detailed analysis of development and behavior, measures taken to increase his education and upbringing (individual assistance, treatment).

    2. Drawings and other results of independent activity of the child.

    Medical documents:

    Extract from the history of the child’s development, signed by the chief physician of the children's clinic and certified by the seal (in a special form);

    local pediatrician;


    eNT specialist (ENT);



    surgeon (orthopedic surgeon, if the child is registered with him);

    The conclusion of a speech therapist (if the child is engaged with him).

    General documents:

    1. A copy of the birth certificate of the child with the original;

    2. Identity document of the parent (legal representative);

    3. A copy of the conclusion of the PMPK (primary, secondary, etc.), if previously examined;

    4. Power of attorney (in form, printed text, seal of the institution, all data);

    5. Copy of the passport of the authorized person;

    6. For guardianship children: a guardianship agreement, a copy of the guardian's passport;

    7. Responsible specialists of the education committee also apply for the examined children.

    Drawing up the characteristics for the child- This is one of the most popular, effective and affordable ways to identify and identify individual psychological characteristics of children. Only a well-written description helps to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe personal qualities of the child, to determine the optimal conditions for development.

    In different periods, the requirements for compiling characteristics on children were determined by certain aspects of the socio-historical process and almost directly depended on the level of development of psychological science about the individual characteristics of the personality of the child. In practice, you can meet many characteristics compiled by teachers, both in free form and on the recommendations of pedagogical science. These forms differ significantly from each other in terms of distinguished indicators and have both advantages and disadvantages.
    By comparing and analyzing the forms of characteristics existing today and the student assessment criteria used in them, we can distinguish basic requirements to which the prepared characteristic should correspond:

    The characteristic should reflect the individual psychological characteristics manifested by him in the process of education, training and behavior; results of interim certification from a student report card. identify the predominance of certain features; show the attitude of the teacher to the child; the characteristic should be compiled according to the standard scheme; It should be easily “readable” and understandable for teachers, specialists who are not familiar with the characterized child; The characterization process does not have to be time consuming.

    It is important to remember that a child is a specific object of research, his psyche is in formation, development, therefore, when studying it, certain principles should be guided.

    The principle of humanism and pedagogical optimism translates into the demand “Do no harm!”. Any research should help the development of the student, and not slow him down. You need to believe in the future of the child. The diagnosis involves not only the establishment of the present level of development, but also the identification of its reserves.

    The principle of objectivity and scientificness suggests that mental development should be disclosed in its own laws, explained in terms of developmental psychology.

    The principle of complexity, systematic and systematic assumes that the study of the student is carried out sequentially. At the same time, it is not individual parameters that are studied, but all aspects of development that are traced in order not only to control but also to predict its course and set pedagogical tasks.

    III. The physical condition of the child: (Changes in physical development: growth, fatness, etc.). Movement disorders (stiffness, disinhibition, paralysis, paresis, stereotypical and intrusive movements). Fatigue.

    IV. Features of the cognitive sphere:

    1) Cognitive interests, curiosity.

    2) Features of attention: (Is attention easily attracted? Sustained attention, is it easy to switch from one type of activity to another? The degree of development of voluntary attention.).

    3) Features of perception and thinking (Perception of the shape, size, color, spatial arrangement of objects. Features of perception of time. Accuracy and meaningfulness of perception. Understanding the main thing in the perceived. Understanding of texts. The ability to generalize and draw independent conclusions. The ability to compare objects in order to identify similarities and differences between them. The level of assimilation of general and abstract concepts. The establishment of causal relationships.)

    4) Features of the imagination (liveliness, activity, creative nature).

    5) Features of memory. (The predominant type of memory: visual, auditory, motor, mixed). Speed \u200b\u200band durability of memorization. What better remembers: numbers, facts, descriptions. The use of techniques of remembering, remembering, individual characteristics   memory.

    6) Features of speech activity. (Voice and speech, volume. Speed, pitch, coloring, tone, rhythm, intonation and melody, articular features). (Speech behavior: speech, silence, speech readiness, stylistic features, content and culture of speech, features of pronunciation, phonemic perception, features of vocabulary and grammatical structure of the language, understanding of oral and written speech).

    7) Writing (individual features of handwriting, maturity and organization of writing, characteristic errors in writing).

    8) Reading (reading method, mindfulness, emotional coloring, characteristic errors).

    9) Mathematical representations (does he own the account abstractly, recounting objects, does he know the numbers, the composition of the number, is the number series formed, the use of the concepts “equally-so many”; the level of arithmetic operations and counting operations: does he use a tabular account, knows the digits of numbers, performs score on the basis of arithmetic knowledge or with the help of visual material (support), whether orientation is possible in the conditions of tasks (the level with which the solution of typical tasks it copes (what difficulties it experiences).

    10) The ability to learn. (Organization, fulfillment of the requirements of the teacher, independent work with the book, self-control. Features of the assimilation of educational material. Ability to apply the learned material, choose your own examples for the studied rule).

    11) Relation to individual subjects. Motives for educational activities.

    12) Review of performance, especially in core subjects. (with 1 cl.)

    13) The emotional-volitional sphere. The prevailing mood of the child. The presence of affective outbreaks. Ability to volitional force, suggestibility, manifestation of negativism.

    14) Personality Features

        The main features of behavior (activity / passivity, communication / avoidance of communication, organization-randomness and its violation) Relationships to oneself (to one’s body, health, appearance, self, disadvantages, advantages, opportunities, personal things, and the future, to prospects). Behavior in relation to the rest (position in the team: popularity, inspiration, independence, dominance, behavior in relation to individuals: to parents, brothers and sisters, peers, managers and subordinates, older and younger, sick, to the other sex, the way to establish contact.). Actions in psychologically significant situations (socially and ethically important, when receiving a task, in conflict: calm, chaos / prudence, resistance). Behavior in relation to educational means, reaction to collective behavior (obedience, self-criticism, indifference, resistance, negativity, improves - worsens, etc.).

    1 5. Pedagogical findings.

    The characteristic is signed by the director of the school, institution, the class teacher is sealed.

    Date of compilation of the characteristic.

    Extract from the protocol

    psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation of an educational institution


    from «______ »   ___________________ 20 ___ g.

    Full Name_____________________

    Date of birth _________________ Home address _______________________________________

    Mother tongue of a child _______________________ Class (type of class) ___________________________

    Re-trained in the classroom: ____________________________________________________________

    Academic performance


    Annual estimates for current years

    Estimates for the current year


    Head of an educational institution _______________________________________________

    Chairman of the psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation ________________________________

    Members of the psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation (position, surname, name, patronymic): ______




    By this power of attorney __________________________________________________________________ (name of institution)

    represented by the director ___________________________________________________________________________ (F. I. O.)

    acting on the basis of the Charter, trusts __________________________________________________ (to whom: position, F. I. O., passport data)

    represent "______" ________________ 20 ___ years

    on behalf of__________________________________________________________________________________

    __________________________________________________________________________________________ (institution name)

    at the Regional Psychological and Medical pedagogical commission   pupil (pupil) ____________________________________________________________________________

    _________________________________________________________________________________________ (F.I.O., year of birth)

    I certify the sample signature _______________________________________________________.

    "_________" ___________________________ 20 ____ year. Head ___________________________

    for examination of children in PMPK

    Director: (seal, signature)

    Director: (seal, signature)

    Recording to PMPK is carried out upon submission of documents required for PMPK. PMPK keeps a register of children for examination. Informing the child's parents (legal representatives) about the date, time, place and procedure for conducting the examination, as well as about their rights and the rights of the child related to the examination, is carried out by the commission within 5 days from the date of filing the documents for the examination. Important: for recording at PMPK, a mandatory referral from kindergarten, schools, clinics, enough desire of parents to pass PMPK.

    To conduct a survey of the child, his parents (legal representatives) present to the commission a document proving their identity, documents confirming the authority to represent the interests of the child, and also submit the following documents (paragraph 15 of the Regulation on the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and science Russian Federation   dated September 20, 2013 No. 1082):

    a) an application for or consent to an examination of the child in the commission;
      b) a copy of the passport or birth certificate of the child (provided with the original or a certified copy in the prescribed manner);
      c) the direction of the educational organization, the organization providing social services, the medical organization, another organization (if any);
    d) conclusion (s) of the psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation of the educational organization or specialist (specialists) providing psychological-medical-pedagogical support to students in the educational organization (for students of educational organizations) (if any);
      e) the conclusion (s) of the commission on the results of a previous examination of the child (if any);
      f) a detailed extract from the history of the child’s development with the conclusions of the doctors observing the child at the medical organization at the place of residence (registration);
      g) student characteristics issued by educational organization   (for students of educational organizations);
      h) written work in the Russian (native) language, mathematics, the results of independent productive activity of the child.

    If necessary, the commission requests additional information about the child from the relevant authorities and organizations or from the parents (legal representatives).

    If you have been required (and received) medical reports or pedagogical characteristicstransferred in sealed envelopes - you can safely open them. Parents as legal representatives of the child have the right to information about what conclusions are made regarding the child (this right is guaranteed by Article 22 of the Federal Law "On the Basics of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation" and Article 44 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation") . Another question is whether it is worth presenting at PMPC only those conclusions that seem biased to us and describe only the difficulties of the child, without revealing his abilities and capabilities. In such a situation, it is advisable to present alternative conclusions, including those from specialists of non-governmental organizations. Do not believe the words that the conclusions of non-governmental organizations are not taken into account. In the event that there is a need to appeal the opinion of the PMPK, it is important to provide information that there are different opinions of specialists and these opinions were presented at the PMPK.

    In Moscow, the "medical" part of the psychological-medical-pedagogical pMPK surveys   isolated from the process of psychological, medical and pedagogical examination PMPK. IN PMPK child   should come already with the conclusion of a special medical commission on whether he has limited opportunities   health, and with recommendations about the conditions of education. The procedure for obtaining such a medical opinion in Moscow.

    Do not forget to attach to the package of documents the recommendations of specialists that were received at the initiative of parents in the process