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  • School stage of the Olympiad in the Russian language and literature. Materials for the teacher. Preparation for the Olympics in Russian Olympiad tasks in the Russian language (grade 10) Olympic tasks in the Russian language

    School stage of the Olympiad in the Russian language and literature. Materials for the teacher. Preparation for the Olympics in Russian Olympiad tasks in the Russian language (grade 10) Olympic tasks in the Russian language

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    1 All-Russian Schoolchildren Olympiad in Russian Team. G. School Stage. 10 class of tasks, answers and evaluation criteria 1. (8 points) in front of you phonetic proportion: b / n \u003d g / k. 1) Give the definition of a phonetic proportion and explain how it is built according to which principle. 2) Decide the following proportions and justify your decision. k / x \u003d t /? d / t \u003d g /? Of the resulting consonants, make a word according to the scheme 12 vowel 12 vowel, where 1 is the desired sound from the first proportion, 2 of the second. Phonetic proportion is the ratio of speech sounds in one or more signs (in this case articulating) 2 points, for solving each of the proportions (C, K) 2 points, for the restoration of the word fairy tale 2 points. Explanation. 1. From the content of the first fraci we find that its sounds are treated as "explosive" to "slotted". According to this principle, we define that the desired sound [C], since it is the correspondence of the explosive [t]. 2. In the second fraction, sounds include as "ringing" to "deaf". Consequently, the desired sound [K]. Total 8 points. 2. (2 points) Dan is the following excerpt from the novel "Eugene Onegin" A.S. Pushkin. (1) Onegin was, in the end of many (2) (judges of decisive and strict), (3) a smaller scientist, but the pedant, (4) he had a happy talent (5) without coordincing in a conversation (6) to touch everything slightly, (7) With a scientist view of the connoisseur (8) to keep silence in an important dispute, give interpretation of the word forced in line 5. Forced advocacy, unnatural, unnatural behavior, stiffness. Total 2 points. one

    2 3. (4 points) The following phrases with verbs are given: to transfer ten pairs of socks, transfer all criminals in the area, rewrite bad test work, kill all the pots in the house, launch a bunch of dirty sheets. All these verbs are formally formed in one way, but one of the verbs differs significantly from all others in meaning. 1. Specify the formal method of formation of these verbs. 2. Indicate the verb, different from others in meaning, and describe this meaning. 3. Describe the meaning of all other verbs. 1. Formal method of word formation Pottopyable (re): darling to move, fishing, writing to rewrite, beat to kill, wash to lap (1 point). 2. It differs from all others by the meaning of the verb to rewrite (1 point): it means "write something anew, again" (1 point). 3. The remaining verbs indicate the following: "Extend the action called the verb to a very large number or all many objects" (2 points). Total 4 points. 4. (2 points) suggestions are given, in one of which the phraseological turnover is encrypted. Phraseology corresponds to a really existing semantic and grammatical scheme (model) of the appearance of an expression in Russian. The current situation in our company, alas, unstable. And the worst according to analysts are predicted, it's still an icy, and the fish is ahead. We must prepare for serious difficulties. Guess which phrasenerism is meant, write it down and give an interpretation of its value .. The phraseology is also encrypted, and the berries (will) ahead (1 point) is currently still not so bad, it will become (maybe) 1 point). Total 2 points. 5. (16 points) Dan a number of words on -O: Dangerous, powerful, can be seen. Determine what parts of speech or in which syntactic function can be each of these words. Your answer is illustrated by examples. 2.

    3 Answers Dangerous Name Adjective: His behavior is dangerous. Instant: airplanes were dangerous. Status category: It is dangerous to ride a bad road. The authorities are adjective: time over the exploits is not powerful. Instant: He would rule the orders. The adjective name: from our window you can see a large lake. Seen the introductory word: it can see, will be at home tomorrow. Category of condition: It can be seen how the planes sit down in the distance. For each correctly defined part of speech and for indicating the syntactic function of the introductory word 1 point (there are only 8 points). For each adequate example 1 point (there are only 8 points here). Total 16 points. 6. (8 points) Syntax formulas (structural schemes) The method of designation of different types of simple supply in syntactic science. In the structural circuits, the capital letters of Latinen denote the abbreviated Latin names of different parts of speech. Digital indexes with letters of cases of cases of evidence and the shape of a grammatical person in the verbs. There are a number of characters that have their value in the syntax formula. Suggestions "Boots are great", "Ivan Ivanovich beautiful" are indicated by the scheme N 1 Adj 1 brief. The above examples of proposals, explain, based on what considerations, the syntax specialists decided to include in their structural schemes indicating the full or brief form of adjective. In the proposals of "Boots are great", "Ivan Ivanovich is beautiful" the brief form of adjective cannot be replaced with full. In the first case, the lexical meaning of the complete form of the adjective "great" is very different from the brief form of adjective "great" implemented in the proposal of the lexical value. In the second case, the complete form of adjective does not allow to implement a syntactic connection with a dependent word (""). 3.

    4 In the sentences "Winter temperatures here are the lowest", "these books of children's" full form of adjective cannot be replaced with a brief. In the first case, there is a form of an excellent degree of adjective, which does not allow for a brief form. In the second case, the relative adjective does not have a brief form. For the correct indication in each of the 4 examples of the cause that does not allow the use of the ADJ 1 symbol without additional instructions on the full or brief form of 2 points. Total 8 points. 7. (5 points) Read the excerpt from the school essay. Relying on the examples listed above, it can be said that the house of Oblomov is not there in which he lives, and then the dwelling that he dreams about and seeks. Specify all grammatical and speech errors and shortcomings in the text. Explain that these errors are. Rewrite an excerpt of the composition without errors and shortcomings, keeping in general its meaning. 1. A. "Relying on examples" grammatical error. The verb "Remult" requires when managing wines. P. B. "The house where he lives" is a grammatical error (it is possible to determine it and as a speech) associated with understanding the meaning of the word "house". If the "house" thinks in a broad sense, as a place of residence, then instead of the union word "in which" it is necessary to write "where". If the "house" in the passage denotes "dwelling", then the implies "there" is inappropriate (indicating the place, and not for the subject). B. "The dwelling that he dreams and seeks" a grammatical error in building a number homogeneous members with a total addition ( uniform faugored Require from the addition of different controlled forms). 2. Relying on the examples listed above, it can be said that the house of Oblomov is not a housing in which he lives, but what he dreams about. For each found and satisfactoryly explained by the mistake of 1 point. For a rewritten excerpt in which new errors, 2 points are fixed and not allowed. There are no more than 5 points. four

    5 8. (5 points) Read the text of the spelling rule. One letter H is written in suffixes .. ny communities. Two letters n are written in brief adjectives formed from full. Which arose as a result of the transition to them. Communions of the past time. 1. Restore the school spelling rule: Insert the missed fragments. 2. Give examples of its use. 1. One letter H is written in the suffixes of brief suffering communities. Two letters n are written in brief adjectives formed from the complete adjectives that arose as a result of the transition of the past time in them. 2. Examples: Error Fixed (Cr. Communion), Athletes are assembled (cr. Adjective). 1. For the correct restored rule 4 points. 2. For a sufficient number of examples of its use 1 point. Total 5 points. 9. (1 point) in combination of words (including quasisals) by rearranging letters in places (anadimation) linguistic term is encrypted. Example: Ethiopian Yaro (Orphoepium). Slide the linguistic term encrypted in angrum: Magda Paris. Paradigm. Total 1 point. 10. (9 points) Read fragments of texts and determine the lexical meaning of the lined words. (The text to translate is not required.) 1) Vylide (Noah) in the ark ... and the melt of the ark 40 ditney. 2) I can boil the bird through the swollen, so and fish through the water. 3) ELMA SAME WATER Floor for Earth, TMA and Musto Waters standing. 1) The melting was swimming: not sinking, sticking on the surface of water or any liquid (3 points). 2) Swim swims: move in the air, soar (3 points). 3) Swimmed float swim: spread, spread (3 points). Total 9 points. Maximum score for all completed tasks 60. 5

    All-Russian schoolchildren's Olympiad in Russian. 2016 2017 uch. G. School Stage. 7 class of tasks, answers and evaluation criteria 1. (8 points) Dan a number of words: excellent student, scrambled eggs, bakery, adventuristic,

    All-Russian schoolchildren's Olympiad in Russian. 2017 2018 uch. G. School Stage. 7 class of tasks, answers and evaluation criteria Time execution: 90-120 minutes. 1. (8 points) Dan a number of words: excellent student, scrambled eggs, bakery, adventuristic,

    All-Russian schoolchildren's Olympiad in Russian. 2016 2017 uch. G. School Stage. 8 class of tasks, answers and evaluation criteria 1. (6 points) Read the excerpt from the well-known ODD M. Lomonosov. Dare

    All-Russian schoolchildren's Olympiad in Russian. 2016 2017 uch. G. School Stage. 9 class of tasks, answers and evaluation criteria 1. (7.5 points) What kind of sound falls in the word Edinburgh? Why?

    Program of the entrance exam in the Russian language for applicants based on basic general secondary education for the specialty 44.02.02 Teaching in primary grades 39.02.01 Social work

    All-Russian schoolchildren's Olympiad in Russian. 2017 2018 uch. Municipal stage. 8 class of tasks, answers, evaluation criteria Task 1. (6 points) Read the excerpt from the "Diary" A. Druzhinin.

    1. (7 points) All-Russian Schoolchildren Olympiad in Russian. 2016 2017 uch. Municipal stage. 9 class of tasks, answers, evaluation criteria in front of you text in a special entry. Determine

    Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA Ministry of Justice of Russia)" St. Petersburg Institute (Branch) Program

    All-Russian schoolchildren's Olympiad in Russian. 2017 2018 uch. Municipal stage. 10 class of tasks, answers, assessment criteria Task 1. (8 points) phonetics of colloquial speech significantly different

    All-Russian schoolchildren's Olympiad in Russian. 2016 2017 uch. G. School Stage. 11 class of tasks, answers and evaluation criteria 1. (11 points) in one of the textbooks for elementary school is given

    Russian language. Tutorial: Russian language: studies. For grade 7 of general education institutions / M. T. Baranov, T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, L. A. Tostentsova et al.; Scientific ed. N. M. Shansky. M.: Education, 2007. Students

    Specification of the test of the learning subject "Russian language" for centralized testing in 2018 1. Purpose of test An objective estimation of the training level of persons with the overall average

    Federal State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia" Program of Introductory Test

    After receiving test tasks, pay attention to their completeness, check the quality of the printing execution of documents. During the test, all its participants must: after the announcement by the organizer

    2 I. The content of the phonetic program. Orphoepium vowels and consonant sounds. Syllable. Emphasis. Public shock and unast. The spelling of unstressed vowels. Deaf and ringing, solid and soft consonants. Feature

    I. Explanatory note 1. Abstract. The Introductory Test Program in the Russian language is intended to prepare applicants entering non-state educational institution Higher

    Description of the control measuring materials for the evaluation procedure in writing in the Russian language in the 7th grade for the first semester The appointment of work is to determine: the degree of learning learning

    Theoretical minimum in Russian language 2 quarter grade 1. What do you know about homogeneous members of the sentence? 2. In which cases are a comma between homogeneous members of the proposal, and in what no?

    Appendix 3.1. to educational program Basic general Education Working programm In Russian Grade 7 Basic Level 2016-2017 School year Developed: MO Teachers of Russian Language and Literature

    Introductory tests Russian language 2018 Foaming program Sound as a unit of language. Pronunciation rules. Vowels and consonant sounds. Classification of vowels and consonant sounds. The ratio of sounds I.

    The content is the base level in the Russian language for 7-8 classes. 3 profile level in the Russian language for 7-8 classes. 7 Basic level in the Russian language for 9-10 classes. 12 profile level in Russian

    Contents Basic level in Russian for 7-8 classes 3 Profile level in Russian for 7-8 classes .... 7 Basic level in Russian for 9-10 classes .... 12 Profile level in Russian

    Calendar-thematic planning in the Russian language 10 class 34 hours (1 hour per week) Volume of a control dictation 180 words Vocational dictation volume 40-45 words Date of lesson 1. Word about Russian (introductory

    All-Russian schoolchildren's Olympiad in Russian. 2017 2018 uch. Municipal stage. Grade 9 Task 1. (9 points) tasks, answers, evaluation criteria Before you text in a special entry. Determine

    Codifier of content elements, Russian, 10-11 classes Section 1. List of content elements that are checked when performing final testing in Russian in 10-11 classes, compiled

    The working program in the Russian language consists of 4 sections: 1. Planned results of the development of the training subject 2. The content of the study subject. 3.Matic planning (indicating the number of hours

    All-Russian schoolchildren's Olympiad in Russian. 2017 2018 uch. Municipal stage. 7 class of tasks, answers, evaluation criteria Task 1. (8 points) Dan a number of words: excess, yoke, egg, of course

    All-Russian schoolchildren's Olympiad in Russian. 2016 2017 uch. Municipal stage. 7 class of tasks, answers, evaluation criteria 1. (5 points) Determine the word (this is the name of a person) of the Russian language

    9 Working Program 1. Optional "Preparation of students to OGE in the Russian language" is intended for students of 9 classes and is designed for 34 hours of training load for one training. Programs related to requirements

    Approved at the meeting of the Examination Commission for the Russian language "11" November 2015. The program of the introductory test, conducted by the Academy independently in Russian I. General about language

    All-Russian School Olympiad in Russian Language 2015 2016 Uch. G. (School Stage) (Grade 9) Solutions and Evaluation System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Outcome 11 7 10 7 5 24 5 3 5 2 79 1. Rag (1 point), letter

    Comprehensive text analysis 6 Class Malyushkin Answers \u003e\u003e\u003e Complex Text Analysis Grade 6 Malyushkin Answers Complex Text Analysis Grade 6 Malyushkin Answers Write out of 3 deals relative adjective.

    2 includes open-type tasks, when performing which it is necessary to formulate a response and arrange it in the form of a word (phrase), numbers or combinations of letters and numbers. 6. Number of tasks in one embodiment

    All-Russian schoolchildren's Olympiad in Russian. 2017 2018 uch. Municipal stage. 11 class of tasks, answers, evaluation criteria Task 1. (11 points) phonetics of colloquial speech is significantly different

    Working program for academic subject Russian Language Grade 7 (abstract) umk Russian language 7 m.Т. Baranov, T.A Ladyzhenskaya, 1. Planned results of studying the educational subject Personal 1) Understanding the Russian

    Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Federal Agency of Railway Transport Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Samara State

    2 Program of Introductory Test on General Education "Russian Language" entrance tests According to the main educational program higher education. The program is drawn up

    Expayable planning of Russian lessons in grade 7 Tutorial: "Russian. Tutorial for grade 7 "(Authors compilers Natalia Beresneva, Natalia Nechunayeva). * Planning is drawn up with account

    Pochinkovsky Municipal District Municipal Budgetary General Education Institution Riped Secondary School Accepted at a meeting of the Pedagogical Council Approved by order of the Director of the Protocol from

    1. Planned results of studying the educational subject. As a result of the study of the subject "Russian language" in the 6th grade, the student will learn: to produce a word-forming word analysis with a clear structure, morphological

    Working program in Russian language 4 class Planned results on the learning subject "Russian language" Personal results The study of the Russian language in elementary school are: awareness of the language as the main

    1. Explanatory note The program is formed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Middle General Education, the Federal State Educational Standard

    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Orlovsky State University named after I.S. Turgenev "Program of Entrance Testing in Russian 28

    2 Contents of the subject Russian Language Grade 10 Russian language among the languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Wealth and expressiveness of the Russian language. Russian writers about the expressiveness of the Russian language. Russian as state

    Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Syktyvkarsky state University named after Pitirim Sorokina "(FGBOU in" SSU them. Pitirima Sorokina ")

    The program in the Russian language edited by G.F. HLEBINSK (0-class) Working program in the Russian language for 0-class developed on the basis of a program for general educational institutions. Russian language.

    Calendar and thematic planning for the _Russian language for grade 7 ( correspondence training) at the first half of 2018-2019 school year. Basic textbook: Russian language class 7. Textbook for general education institutions.

    Thematic planning with the definition of the main types of training activities P / p Theme of the lesson Type of students' activity in the lesson. Type of control of approximate homework 1 2 3 4 5 Role of language in society.

    Municipal autonomous general Education Cities Kaliningrad Middle comprehensive school 38 Considered at the meeting of MO Protocol 6 "30" May 2018. "AGREED" at the meeting of the PS Protocol

    Appendix 7 to order of 22-16 OD of September 30, 2016. Program of introductory testing in the Russian language and the rules for its implementation form of testing a written introductory test on Russian

    2 The entrance exam program on the Russian language discipline on the Russian language exam. Applicant should show: spelling and punctuation literacy, knowledge of the relevant rules, and

    Explanatory note The program is designed for students in grades. The content of the program is the selection of such a material from different sections of the Russian language, which can cause educational students

    Working program paid educational services "Tutoring. Preparation for the exam in Russian language »2015-2016 academic year Teacher Shapovalova G.V. The goal of the course: - expansion of the linguistic horizon of the trained

    Annex to the main educational program of secondary general education approved by order of the Director of the MBOU SOSH 5 of 01.06.2016 203 Working Program Subject: Russian Language Class: 10 Number of hours

    Ministry of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod region State budgetary educational institution of average vocational education Bogorodsky Polytechnic Technical School of Entrance Testing

    Program of the entrance test in the Russian language Explanatory note as an educational subject Russian language is of great importance when learning in the highest educational institutionsbecause it is not only

    2 1. Payments to the training level of students. Students should know the definitions of the main studied language units studied in the 7th grade, speaking concepts, spelling and punctuation rules, justify

    Requirements for the results of the development of the educational subject As a result of the study of the Russian language, students should know the definitions of the main studied language phenomenon, speaking concepts, spelling

    Phonetics sound as a unit of language. Pronunciation rules. Vowels and consonant sounds. Classification of vowels and consonant sounds. The ratio of sounds and letters. Designation of sounds on the letter. Syllable. Accent and rhythm.

    2 It is necessary to formulate the answer and arrange it in the form of a word (phrase), numbers or combinations of letters and numbers. 6. Number of tasks in one embodiment 40. Part A 30 tasks. Part of 10 tasks.

    Municipal budgetary educational institution School 13 of the city of Sarova is considered at the school meeting methodological association Teachers of the Humanitarian Cycle Protocol 1 of August 29, 2016 AGREED

    0 BGPU 1 Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation FGBOU in BGPU) of the QMS DP 4.2.3. 02 Documentation management "" ANLKSH ^ Yanvm ^ lishya ^^^ ^ Yayal kg 3 s) service station 7.3.-2.4.14-2016 Introductory program

    The working program in the Russian language in 0 and classes is based on the program "Goltsova N.G. The program to the textbook "Russian language. 0- Classes "(Authors: N.G. Goltsova, I.V. Shamshin, MA Mistherina) / N.G.

    013 G. 5 8 7 9 10 11 1 Name of sections and those section 3 phonetics, orphoepium, graphics, spelling content of educational material, laboratory work and practical classes, independent work of students,

    Answers to the Olympics Tasks in Russian

    school Stage of the All-Russian School Olympiad -2017 / 2018 school year

    Grade 10

    Maximum score -100 points



    1. Use and specify under the appropriate number, how many times there are sounds in the following sentences.

    Sample Record: A5 B4 B3

    A. [B]: The victory in the verbal battle Boris brought a rich fantasy.

    B. [Sh]: All of you, well done, are good: and female fit, and eat fun.

    V. [L]: The gentle sea lazily instruct the boat on the waves, in which people are already treated under the warm sun.

    Answer - A2 B3 B5 - 2 points for each right answer

    Total - 6 points

    2. It was so necessary that, unfortunately, the letter E is constantly in books and newspapers replace the letter E.
    No wonder forget to forget where it is written, where E.
    Specify, in which words it is written and is pronounced only.
    Okek, scam, chel, newborn.

    Answer: In a nutshell, he is written in: guardianship, scam.

    Total - 2 points

    3. From the above passages from poet poet Konstantin Skvortsov, write out phraseological units.

    1) We are all in captivity, we are in the dungeon from our own strings. 2) We haven't heard: there is no ruster in risen. But from the pitch darkness appeared on the light. 3) I have no other place in the world.

    Answer: 1) We are all in captivity , we are in the dungeon from our own strip. 2) We have heard more than once: Rus there is no messenger . But out ground darkness appeared Rus on light . 3) to me in the world no place Other.

    For each correct answer - 1 point

    Total - 3 points

    4. Read fragments of texts and determine the lexical meaning of the attached words. (The text to translate is not required.) 1) Vzhnide (Noah) in the ark ... andfloa the ark 40 dyni.

    2) I canfloating Bird through the swollen, so and fish through the water.

    3) Hells of waterplatter Under the Earth, TMA and Musphans on the waters of standing.

    Criteria:for each correct answer - 3 points

    Answer: 1) The melting - float - swim: not sink, stick on the surface of water or any liquid (3 points).

    2) swims - swim: move in air, soar (3 points).

    3) Platter - Swimmed - swim: spread, spread (3 points).

    Total - 9 points.

    5. Read the text of the spelling rule. One letter H is written in suffixes ˂ ... .˃ ˂ .... Two letters n are written in brief adjectives formed from full ˂ ....˃, which arose as a result of the transition to them ˂ .... "Successful time.

    1. Restore the school spelling rule: Insert the missed fragments.

    2. Give examples of its use.


    1. For the correct restored rule - 4 points.

    Total 5 points.

    Answers 1. One letter H is written in suffixes of brief suffering communities. Two letters n are written in brief adjectives formed from the complete adjectives that arose as a result of the transition of the suffering communities of the past.

    2. Examples: Error Fixed (Cr. Communion), Athletes are assembled (cr. Adjective).

    Criteria: 1. For the right restored rule - 4 points.

    2. For a sufficient number of examples of its use - 1 point.

    Total 5 points.

    6. In combination of words (including the "quasisals"), by rearranging letters, a linguistic term is encrypted by places (anapprimization). Example: Ethiopian Yaro (Orphoepium). Slide the linguistic term encrypted in angrum: Magda Paris.

    Answer: Paradigm.

    Total 2 points
















    1. The following phrases with verbs are given: to transfer ten pairs of socks, transfer all criminals in the area, rewrite bad test work, kill all the pots in the house, launch a bunch of dirty sheets. All these verbs are formally formed in one way, but one of the verbs differs significantly from all others in meaning.

    1. Specify the formal method of formation of these verbs.

    2. Indicate the verb, different from others in meaning, and describe this meaning.

    3. Describe the meaning of all other verbs.

    Criteria and Answers

    1. Formal way of word formation - Pottomasive (re): darling - to pass, catch - transfer, write - rewrite, beat - kill, wash - launch (1 point). 2. It differs from all others by the meaning of the verb to rewrite (1 point): it means "write something anew, again" (1 point). 3. The remaining verbs indicate the following: "Distribute the action called the verb on a very large number or all many objects" (1 point).

    Total 4 points.

    2. Dan a number of words on -o: dangerous, powerful, visible. Determine what parts of speech or in which syntactic function can be each of these words. Your answer is illustrated by examples.


    the adjective name: his behavior is dangerous.

    dangerous adverb: airplanes were dangerous.

    the adjective name: time over the exploits is not powerful.

    vlatively adverb: He would rule the rules.

    the adjective name: from our window you can see a large lake.

    introductory word: it can see, will be at home tomorrow.

    For each correctly defined part of speech and for the indication of the syntactic function of the introductory word - 1 point (there are only 8 points). For each adequate example - 1 point

    (here there are 8 points).

    Total 16 points.

    3. Select the desired form of the verb standing in brackets.

    Sample Record: 1B2B3B

    1) Sergey, looking back, has ever seen it for a long time, as she (a. Mashaws - b. Mahaets) to him after him.

    2) In this factory, flax only (a. True - b. Treplut), and for further processing it is sent to Smolensk.

    3) In the meadow, the horse (a. Pliplet - b. Plucket) grass.

    4) Lying on the sofa, Cat Boris (a. Purr - b. Mills) and pushed.

    5) As soon as I (a. I will recover - b. Recovery), I will continue to train.

    6) Having said the truth, I immediately (a. The opposition - b. Above the opposite), and forgive my career!

    7) Our cat is again (a. Meow - b. Mophet).

    8) Tourists did not wait until at all (as well as existently - b. Ensure) and lay down to relax.

    Answer. 1A 2B 3A 4B 5B 6B 7A 8A - 2 points for each correct answer

    Total - 16 points

    4. Determine the type of a single supply in the complex:

    A - called, B - definitely - personal, in - uncertain and personal, g - impersonal.

    Sample Record: 1B2B

    1) In the house again sank, and a violin made an impression of a human voice.

    2) The moon was just still boiled, and in the dark it was difficult to figure out.

    3) and night, and wolves wolves behind trees.

    4) Speak, or today I will tell you everything myself.

    5) Well, for example, the New York Marathon, to which two million people have anyway.

    6) Once we received an invoice for a book that was not ordered and did not receive.

    7) When you go on New York on the car, you never really know if you are in Manhattan, Bronx or already in some Connecticut.

    8) To the appointed hour, it was possible to find out that the movers were delayed at the facility.

    Answer: 1B 2G 3A 4B 5A 6B 7B 8G- 1 point for each correct answer

    Total - 8 points

    5. Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin, Hero of N. V. Gogol "Shinel", once had to do another document: "The case was only to change the title and change in some one to change the first person verbs in the third."

    What a rework of the document are we talking about and how does his genre change?

    Total - 4 points


    Since verbs in the form of a 1st person were used in the initial document, it could be a statement or complaint: I, Sokolov V. V., please understand the current situation ...

    If the forms of the 1st person in the text are replaced by the forms of the 3rd person, it means that the document becomes a service note, attitude, report, etc.: Mr. Sokolov V. V. appealed to figure out the situation ...

    Total - 4 points


    Creative task

      Read the fragment of the letter of the artist A.A. Plastov to son. What language means the author uses more precisely and expressively conveying his thoughts and feelings? Determine the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe passage, the communicative goal of the author of the letter, write down the trails (metaphors, comparisons, epithets), define their fine-expressive role in the text, based on what makes a written statement.

    "Today, when I got up after work on a sketch and looked around for a gentle velvet and the passage of the Earth, on the heaven with a ringing sunset, on the silhouettes of purples, for the entire universe, the universe, as if embroidered by the heads of Angels and Seraphim, as again, in which Once, I thought that our icon painters were only in this feast dilked all the unwanted and truly heavenly music of their creations, and we do nothing if not follow these single paths to the beautiful. "

    Maximum score -25 points

    When evaluated:

    3.1. Text informing, consistent and adequate disclosure, through specific observations made by text.

    Maximum 10 points. Valuation scale: 0-5-7-10

    3.2. Comprehensive slimming and expressiveness of speech.

    Maximum 10 points. Valuation scale: 0-3-7-10

    3.3. General language and speech literacy (lack of speech and grammatical errors)

    Maximum 10 points. Valuation scale: 0-1-3-5

    Note: If there is speech, grammatical, as well as spelling and punitive errors, which make it difficult to read and understand the text (on average more than three errors on the text page), work on this criterion receives zero points.

    (8 points)Before you, phonetic proportion: b / n \u003d g / k.

    1. Give the definition of a phonetic proportion and explain how it is built on what principle.
    2. Decide the following proportions and justify your decision.

    k / x \u003d t /?
    d / t \u003d g /?

    Of the resulting consonants, make a word according to the scheme 12 vowel 12 vowel where 1 is the desired sound from the first proportion, 2 from the second.

    Criteria and Answers

    Phonetic proportion - This is the ratio of speech sounds one or more signs(in this case, articulation) - 2 points, for the solution of each of the proportions (C, K) - 2 points, for the restoration of the word fairy tale - 2 points.


    1. From the content of the first troby, we find that its sounds are treated as an "explosive" to "slotted". According to this principle, we define that the desired sound is [C], since it is the correspondence of the explosive [t].
    2. In the second fraction, sounds include as "ringing" to "deaf". Consequently, the desired sound is [K].

    Total 8 points.

    Task 2.

    (2 points)Dan is the following excerpt from the novel "Eugene Onegin" A.S. Pushkin.

    Onegin was, in the end of many
    (Judges decisive and strict),
    Scientist small but pedant,
    He had a happy talent
    Without forced in conversation
    Touch everything slightly
    With a scientist of a construct
    Store silence in an important dispute ...

    Give interpretation of the word forcedin string 5.

    Criteria and Answers

    Forced - preferabity, unnatural, unnatural behavior, stiffness.

    Total 2 points.

    Task 3.

    (4 points)The following phrases with verbs are given: pereshtopatten pairs of socks, transfer all criminals in the area, rewrite bad test work, kill all the pots in the house, launch a bunch of dirty sheets.

    All these verbs are formally formed in one way, but one of the verbs differs significantly from all others in meaning.

    1. Specify the formal method of formation of these verbs.
    2. Specify the verb, different from others in meaning, and describe this meaning.
    3. Describe the meaning of all other verbs.

    Criteria and Answers

    1. Formal word formation - Plotted ( re): darling - to pass down, catch - transfer, write - rewrite, beat - kill, wash - launch(1 point).
    2. Different from all others by meaning verb rewrite(1 point): It means "write something anew, again" (1 point).
    3. The remaining verbs indicate the following: "Distribute the action called the verb on a very large number or all many objects" (2 points).

    Total 4 points.

    Task 4.

    (2 points)Proposals are given in one of which the phraseological turnover is encrypted. Phraseology corresponds to a really existing semantic and grammatical scheme (model) of the appearance of an expression in Russian.

    The current situation in our company, alas, unstable. And the worst - according to the forecasts of analysts, it's still an ICC, and the fish ahead. We must prepare for serious difficulties.

    Guess which phraseologism is meant, write it down and give the interpretation of its value.

    Criteria and Answers

    Encrypted phraseologism these are still flowers, and berries (will) ahead(1 point) at the moment, still not so bad, it will become (may become) even worse (1 point).

    Total 2 points.

    Task 5.

    (16 points)Dan a number of words on - about: dangerous, powerful, visible. Determine what parts of speech or in which syntactic function can be each of these words. Your answer is illustrated by examples.


    For each correctly defined part of speech and for the indication of the syntactic function of the introductory word - 1 point (there are only 8 points). For each adequate example - 1 point (there are only 8 points).

    Total 16 points.

    Task 6.

    (8 points)Syntax formulas (structural circuits) - a method for designation of different types of simple supply in syntactic science. In the structural circuits, the capital letters of Latinen denote the abbreviated Latin names of different parts of speech. Digital indexes with letters - the number of cases of the evidence and the shape of the grammatical person in the verbs. There are a number of characters that have their value in the syntax formula.

    Offers are indicated by the scheme N. 1 - ADJ. 1 brief. .

    Offers are indicated by the scheme N. 1 - ADJ. 1 full..

    Relying on the above examples of proposals, explain, based on what considerations, the syntax specialists decided to include in their structural schemes indicating the full or brief form of adjective.

    Criteria and Answers

    In suggestions "Boots are great", "Ivan Ivanovich is beautiful"the brief form of adjective cannot be replaced with full.

    In the first case The lexical meaning of the complete form of the adjective "Great" is very different from the brief form of adjective "great" implemented in the proposal of the lexical value.

    In the second case The complete form of the adjective does not allow to implement a syntactic connection with a dependent word (").

    In suggestions "Winter temperatures here are the lowest", "these books are children"the complete form of adjective cannot be replaced with a brief.

    In the first case There is a form of an excellent degree of adjective that does not allow for a brief form.

    In the second case Relative adjective has no brief form.

    For the right indication in each of the 4 examples of the cause that does not allow to use the symbol ADJ.1 without additional instructions on a complete or short form - 2 points.

    Total 8 points.

    Task 7.

    (5 points)Read the excerpt from the school essay.

    Relying on the examples listed above, it can be said that the Oblomov House is not there in which he lives, and then the dwelling that he dreams about and seeks.

    Specify all grammatical and speech errors and shortcomings in the text.

    Explain that these errors are. Rewrite an excerpt of the composition without errors and shortcomings, keeping in general its meaning.

    Criteria and Answers

    1. A. "Relying on Examples"- grammar mistake. The verb "Remult" requires when managing wines. P.

    B. "House - there in which he lives"- Grammar error (you can define it and as a speech), associated with understanding the meaning of the word "house".

    If the "house" thinks in a broad sense, as a place of residence, then instead of the union word "in which" it is necessary to write "where". If the "house" in the passage denotes "dwelling", then the implies "there" is inappropriate (indicating the place, and not for the subject).

    B. "The dwelling that he dreams about and seeks"- grammatical error in building a number of homogeneous members with a total addition (homogeneous fadies require from the addition of different controlled forms).

    2. Relying on the examples listed above, we can say that the house of Oblomov is not the dwelling in which he lives, but what he dreams about.

    For each found and satisfactoryly explained mistake - 1 point.

    For a rewritten excerpt in which new errors have been fixed and not allowed, 2 points.

    There are no more than 5 points.

    Task 8.

    (5 points)Read the text of the spelling rule.

    One letter H is written in suffixes ˂ ... .˃ ˂ .... Two letters n are written in brief adjectives formed from full ˂ ....˃, which arose as a result of the transition to them ˂ .... "Successful time.

    1. Restore the school spelling rule: Insert the missed fragments.
    2. Give examples of its use.

    Criteria and Answers

    1. One letter H is written in suffixes of short suffering communities. Two letters n are written in brief adjectives formed from the complete adjectives that arose as a result of the transition of the suffering communities of the past.
    2. Examples : Error corrected (cr. Combustivity), athletes are assembled (cr.
    3. For the right restored rule - 4 points.
    4. For a sufficient number of examples of its use - 1 point.

    Total 5 points.

    Task 9.

    (1 point)In combination of words (including "quasisals") by rearranging letters in places (anappriming), a linguistic term is encrypted. Example: ethiopian Yaro(orthoepy).

    Slip the linguistic term encrypted in angrum: Magda Paris.

    Criteria and Answers


    Total 1 point.

    Task 10.

    (9 points)Read fragments of texts and determine the lexical meaning of the attached words. (Text translate is not required.)

    1. Entide (Noah) in the ark ... and the melt of the ark 40 ditney.
    2. Jaco and Bo. floating Bird through the swollen, so and fish through the water.
    3. Hell of water platter Under the Earth, TMA and Musphans on the waters of standing.

    Criteria and Answers

    1. Floa - Swimmed - swim: do not sink, keep on the surface of water or any liquid (3 points).
    2. Swims - Swim: move in the air, soar (3 points).
    3. Platter - Swimmed - swim: spread, spread (3 points).

    Total 9 points.

    Maximum score for all completed tasks - 60.

    Consider, splashes, revealing, French, traveling, soldering iron, understanding. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (9 points)

    2. Read the dialogue. Dan is the following excerpt from the novel "Eugene Onegin" A.S. Pushkin.

    (1) He ran their conversation noisy.

    (2) their conversation is prudent

    (3) about Senokos, about wine,

    (4) about Psarn, about his own,

    (5) Of course, did not shine in no feeling

    (6) not poetic fire

    (7) neither sharpness, nor mind

    (8) neither hostel art ...

    Give the interpretation of the word hostel in line 8.


    3. Dana phrases with verbs:coming before dizziness, to get up to nausea, to agree on a meeting to ten o'clock, to surround before dislocation, to be done before deducting.All these verbs are formally formed in one way, but one of the verbs differs significantly from all others in meaning.

    1. Specify the formal method of formation of these verbs.

    2. Indicate the verb, different from others in meaning, and describe this meaning.

    3. Describe the meaning of all other verbs.

    __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (3 points)

    4 . A row of verbs is given: to drive, enter, fly away, depart, coating. One student considered all these verbs of the verbs of an imperfect species, and the other student - the verbs of the perfect species. Who is the right of rights? Justify the answer.

    _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (8 points)

    5. Dan a number of words on -o: dangerous, powerful, visible. Determine what parts of speech or in which syntactic function can be each of these words. Your answer is illustrated by examples.

    _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (14 points)

    6. Read the text of the spelling rule. One letter H is written in suffixes ˂ ... .˃ ˂ .... Two letters n are written in brief adjectives formed from full ˂ ....˃, which arose as a result of the transition to them ˂ .... "Successful time. 1. Restore the school spelling rule: Insert the missed fragments. 2. Give examples of its use.

    _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________(10 points)

    7 . In combination of words (including "quasisals") by rearranging letters in places (anappriming), a linguistic term is encrypted. Example: Ethiopian Yaro (Orphoepium). Sold up the linguistic term encrypted in angrim: But if the feast?

    ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2 points)

    8. Using your knowledge in the etymology, as well as in the area foreign languages, explain the spelling of the selected letters in the words listed below.(For example: Points - Eyes; Falletet - Falsetto (ITAL. Falsetto, from Falso - false). Explain the selection of the test word.







    _________________________________________________________________ (12 points)

    9. Determine which part of the speech is the selected word in the text and what its lexico-grammatical meaning is.

    1. Uzitra Lee. Si face of my brothers Mñshaago Glѣba?

    2. is not , Reta, Rukka Stagna; Hoodoo jet I am, farthers Fount the streams and rods, Rostra on the Kuste.

    3. Gogepiece (Feodosius) on Keels student his own, and in someone who is obscured by whom:lie big beano, Lie Understanding the tired of Odea or from IMNIA CEO, SIA ENVERY IN COME DISCHASH.

    4. In grades, in a murderer alive, and in Inѣh outflow Lie A single man is afraid of God ... whether such a man is around, it is no longer scroy.

    5. Yes, there is a ray on their land, and notlie In Chusus, it is glorious to be.



    _________________________________________________________________ (15 points)

    At the school, municipal and regional stages, all the tasks of the competition in writing. The final stage consists of three rounds: the first two of them are written, and the last - oral, schoolboy needs to prepare a speech on a given topic. Winners and winners of the final stage receive benefits when entering profile universities.

    "10 litas information for teacher"

    School stage.

    GRADE 10

    Additional task

    KE KE additional task: Heroes fishermen from stories A.P. Chekhov, father of the hero narrator from the "Notes on Fish Cool" S.T. Aksakova, Peter Petrovich Roosch from the 2nd Tom "Dead Souls" N.V. Gogol, etc.


    For ease of assessment, we propose to navigate the school four-tissue system. Thus, when evaluating the first criterion of 0 points correspond to "Double", 5 points - "Troika", 10 points - the "fourth" and 15 points - "fives". Of course, intermediate options are possible (for example, 8 points correspond to the "fourth with a minus").

    View the contents of the document
    "10 rus for teacher"

    All-Russian Olympiad Schoolchildren

    School stage. GRADE 10

    Tasks, answers and evaluation criteria

    1. (8 points) in front of you phonetic proportion: b / n \u003d g / k.

    1) Give the definition of a phonetic proportion and explain how it is built according to which principle.

    2) Decide the following proportions and justify your decision.

    From the resulting consonants, make a word according to the scheme 12 vowel 12 vowel, where 1 is the desired sound from the first proportion, 2 from the second.

    Criteria and Answers

    The phonetic proportion is the ratio of speech sounds in one or more signs (in this case, articulating) - 2 points, for the solution of each of the proportions (C, K) - 2 points, for the restoration of the word fairy tale - 2 points.


    2. In the second fraction, sounds include as "ringing" to "deaf". Consequently, the desired sound is [K].

    Total 8 points.

    2. (2 points) Dan is the following excerpt from the novel "Eugene Onegin" A.S. Pushkin.

    (1) Onegin was, in the opinion of many

    (2) (judges decisive and strict),

    (3) Scientist small, but pedant,

    (4) he had a happy talent

    (5) without a forced in conversation

    (6) touch everything slightly,

    (7) with a scientist view of the construct

    (8) keep silence in an important dispute ...

    Give the interpretation of the word forced in line 5.

    Criteria and Answers

    Forced is a guild, unnatural, unnatural behavior, stiffness.

    Total 2 points.

    3. (4 points) The following phrases with verbs are given: to transfer ten pairs of socks, transfer all criminals in the area, rewrite bad test work, kill all the pots in the house, launch a bunch of dirty sheets.

    All these verbs are formally formed in one way, but one of the verbs differs significantly from all others in meaning.

    Criteria and Answers

    1. Formal way of word formation - Pottomasive (re): darling - to pass, catch - transfer, write - rewrite, beat - kill, wash - launch (1 point).

    2. It differs from all others by the meaning of the verb to rewrite (1 point): it means "write something anew, again" (1 point).

    3. The remaining verbs indicate the following: "Distribute the action called the verb on a very large number or all many objects"

    Total 4 points.

    4. (2 points) Proposals are given in one of which the phraseological turnover is encrypted. Phraseology corresponds to a really existing semantic and grammatical scheme (model) of the appearance of an expression in Russian.

    The current situation in our company, alas, unstable. And the worst - according to the forecasts of analysts, it's still an ICC, and the fish ahead. We must prepare for serious difficulties.

    Criteria and Answers.

    An encrypted phraseology is still flowers, and the berries (will) ahead (1 point) - at the moment it is still not so bad, it will become (may become) even worse (1 point).

    Total 2 points.

    5. (16 points) Dan a number of words on -o: dangerous, powerful, visible. Determine what parts of speech or in which syntactic function can be each of these words. Your answer is illustrated by examples.

    For each correctly defined part of speech and for the indication of the syntactic function of the introductory word - 1 point (there are only 8 points). For each adequate example - 1 point (there are only 8 points).

    Total 16 points.

    6. (8 points) Syntax formulas (structural circuits) - a method for designation of different types of simple supply in syntactic science. In the structural circuits, the capital letters of Latinen denote the abbreviated Latin names of different parts of speech. Digital indexes with letters - the number of cases of the evidence and the shape of the grammatical person in the verbs. There are a number of characters that have their value in the syntax formula.

    The proposals of "Boots are great", "Ivan Ivanovich is beautiful" is indicated by the scheme N1 - ADJ1 brief.

    Suggestions "Winter temperatures here are the lowest", "these children's books" are indicated by the scheme N1 - adj1 full. F ...

    Relying on the above examples of proposals, explain, based on what considerations, the syntax specialists decided to include in their structural schemes indicating the full or brief form of adjective.

    Criteria and Answers

    In the proposals of "Boots are great", "Ivan Ivanovich is beautiful" the brief form of adjective cannot be replaced with full. In the first case, the lexical meaning of the complete form of the adjective "great" is very different from the brief form of adjective "great" implemented in the proposal of the lexical value.

    In the second case, the complete form of adjective does not allow to implement a syntactic connection with a dependent word ("").

    In the proposals "Winter temperatures here are the lowest", "these books of children's" full form of adjective cannot be replaced with a brief. In the first case, there is a form of an excellent degree of adjective, which does not allow for a brief form. In the second case, the relative adjective does not have a brief form. For the correct indication in each of the 4 examples of the cause that does not allow the use of the ADJ1 symbol without additional instructions on a complete or brief form - 2 points.

    Total 8 points.

    7. (5 points) Read the excerpt from the school essay.

    Relying on the examples listed above, it can be said that the Oblomov House is not there in which he lives, and then the dwelling that he dreams about and seeks.

    Specify all grammatical and speech errors and shortcomings in the text. Explain that these errors are. Rewrite an excerpt of the composition without errors and shortcomings, keeping in general its meaning.

    Criteria and Answers

    1. A. "Relying on Examples" - grammatical error. The verb "Remult" requires when managing wines. P.

    B. "The house - there in which he lives" is a grammatical error (it is possible to determine it and as a speech) associated with understanding the meaning of the word "house". If the "house" thinks in a broad sense, as a place of residence, then instead of the union word "in which" it is necessary to write "where". If the "house" in the passage denotes "dwelling", then the implies "there" is inappropriate (indicating the place, and not for the subject).

    B. "The dwelling that he dreams and seeks" - a grammatical error in building a number of homogeneous members with a total addition (homogeneous fadies require from adding different controlled forms).

    2. Relying on the examples listed above, we can say that the house of Oblomov is not the dwelling in which he lives, but what he dreams about.

    For each found and satisfactoryly explained mistake - 1 point.

    There are no more than 5 points.

    8. (5 points)

    One letter H is written in suffixes ˂ ... .˃ ˂ .... Two letters n are written in brief adjectives formed from full ˂ ....˃, which arose as a result of the transition to them ˂ .... "Successful time.

    2. Give examples of its use.

    Criteria and Answers

    1. One letter H is written in the suffixes of brief suffering communities. Two letters n are written in brief adjectives formed from the complete adjectives that arose as a result of the transition of the suffering communities of the past.

    2. Examples: Error Fixed (Cr. Communion), Athletes are assembled (cr. Adjective).

    1. For the correct restored rule - 4 points.

    2. For a sufficient number of examples of its use - 1 point.

    Total 5 points.

    9. (1 point) In combination of words (including "quasisals") by rearranging letters in places (anappriming), a linguistic term is encrypted. Example: Ethiopian Yaro (Orphoepium).

    Slide the linguistic term encrypted in angrum: Magda Paris.

    Criteria and AnswersParadigm. Total 1 point.

    10. (9 points)

    1) Vyida (Noah) in the ark ... and floa The ark 40 dyni.

    2) I can swimsb Bird through the swollen, so and fish through the water.

    3) Hells of water platter Under the Earth, TMA and Musphans on the waters of standing.

    Criteria and Answers

    1) The melting - float - swim: not sink, stick on the surface of water or any liquid (3 points).

    2) swims - swim: move in air, soar (3 points).

    3) Platter - Swimmed - swim: spread, spread (3 points).

    Total 9 points.

    Maximum score for all completed tasks - 60.

    View the contents of the document
    "11 liter information for teacher"

    All-Russian Olympiad Schoolchildren

    ON LITERATURE. 2017-2018 uch. G.

    School stage.

    GRADE 11

    Tasks, answers and evaluation criteria

    1. Creative task

    Read the three statements of famous writers about poetry (verbal art) and painting, as well as three proposals, theoretically explaining the difference between these two types of art. Below is the picture of the Russian artist - as a certain instant, as a space frozen in time. Your task is to revive the picture with the help of words, that is, a description of the events (or processes, mental experiences), which took place with the hero (heroes) of the picture before the start of the moment captured in the picture and after it. You can, besides the description, if necessary, compose a dialogue (monologue) of heroes (hero). Pay attention to the details of the picture. Include in your narrative also the moment depicted in the picture.

    Additional task

    Find and specify episodes (or characters) from the works of Russian literature, similar to those depicted in the picture. Name the work, author and heroes.

    For ease of assessment, we propose to navigate the school four-tissue system. Thus, when evaluating the first criterion of 0 points correspond to "Double", 5 points - "Troika", 10 points - the "fourth" and 15 points - "fives". Of course, intermediate options are possible (for example, 8 points correspond to the "fourth with a minus").

    Key to an additional task : Anna Karenina with her husband from the eponymous Roman L.N. Tolstoy, Tale A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky" (Prince Veresky and Masha Troekharova), Varnika Dobros, and a landowner of bulls from the novel "Poor People" F.M. Dostoevsky, Dunya Raskolnikova and Luban (as a hypothesis in case of another series of events in the novel "Crime and Punishment"), etc.

    Note: are given approximate options Answer, students can use their own examples.

    2. Holistic Text AnalysisChoose for analytical work or prosaic, or poetic text. Write connected, freely, understandable, evidence and competently. Recommended volume - 300-400 words.

    For ease of assessment, we propose to navigate the school four-tissue system. Thus, when evaluating the first criterion of 0 points correspond to "Double", 5 points - "Troika", 10 points - the "fourth" and 15 points - "fives". Of course, intermediate options are possible (for example, 8 points correspond to the "fourth with a minus").

    View the contents of the document
    "11 rus for teacher"

    All-Russian Olympiad Schoolchildren

    IN RUSSIAN. 2017-2018 uch. G.

    School stage. GRADE 11

    Tasks, answers and evaluation criteria

    1. (11 points) In one of the textbooks for elementary school, such an approval is given. What consonant sounds are unpaired by deafness / bells?

    Unpaired consonants:

    ringing: [th '], [l], [l'], [m], [m '], [n], [n'], [p], [p '];

    deaf: [x], [x '], [C], [h'], [sh '].

    Criteria and Answers

    The sound that denotes the letter th, in the scientific phonetic tradition is recorded as [J] - 1 point, it is always soft, and therefore it does not designate softness - 1 point, in [x], [x '], [C], [ H '], [sh'] exists wake-up - 3 points.

    Additionally - 1 point for reasoning that the concept of sound and phonemes is mixed in the wording.

    For example:

    the mixture [γ] was sliding ...

    about bo [γ "] e,

    once [DZ] was strict ...

    used [d "w] would be a cake ...

    dRO [F ":] and,

    (1 point for example).

    Total 11 points.

    2. (2 points) Dan is the following excerpt from the novel "Eugene Onegin" A.S. Pushkin.

    (1) He ran their conversation noisy.

    (2) their conversation is prudent

    (3) about Senokos, about wine,

    (4) about Psarn, about his own,

    (5) Of course, did not shine in no feeling

    (6) not poetic fire

    (7) neither sharpness, nor mind

    (8) neither hostel art ...

    Give the interpretation of the word hostel in line 8.

    Criteria and Answers

    Hostel - social life, life in society.

    Total 2 points.

    3. (4 points) The phrases with the verbs are given: we are following dizziness, to get up to nausea, to agree on a meeting to ten hours, to surround before dislocation, be cooked before deducting. All these verbs are formally formed in one way, but one of the verbs differs significantly from all others in meaning.

    1. Specify the formal method of formation of these verbs.

    2. Indicate the verb, different from others in meaning, and describe this meaning.

    3. Describe the meaning of all other verbs.

    Criteria and Answers

    1. A formal method of word formation - the subfixary-postfix (subfixtime) (up to- + - Xia): run - we have fun, smoking - to get up, say, to negotiate, jump - stop jumping, walking - to fit (1 point).

    2. It differs from all others in the meaning of the verb to negotiate (1 point): it means "achieving an agreement on what - either with anyone as a result of speaking, conversation" (1 point).

    3. The remaining verbs indicate the following: "bringing action to undesirable from the point of view of the speaker and pre-planned result" (1 point).

    Total 4 points.

    4. (2 points) Proposals are given, in one of which the phraseological turnover of "reailed" in Russian in Russian (for example: Baba with WHO - mare is easier - a lady with a diligence - pony easier).

    How Maria Vasilyevna arrived from vacation - immediately new job, in a new team. Right from the cruiser on the disco got.

    Guess which phraseologism is meant, write it down and give the interpretation of its value.

    Criteria and Answers

    This fee get from the ship to the ball (1 point) - after a long path (or difficult affairs, privacy) suddenly be in a new, unusual situation, in a crowded society (1 point).

    Total 2 points.

    5. (8 points) A row of verbs is given: to drive, enter, fly away, depart, coating. One student considered all these verbs of the verbs of an imperfect species, and the other student - the verbs of the perfect species. Who is the right of rights? Justify the answer.

    Criteria and answers.

    The right is both student (1 point). The type of verb data depends on the value of the consoles (1 point). If the prefix for - matters "Movement for the subject, inside or to the side", then the verbs to drive, submit an imperfect type (1 point).

    If the prefix for - has the meaning of "causing damage to the object as a result of a long work of action", then the verbs to drive, bring - perfect species (1 point).

    If the prefix is \u200b\u200bthe meaning of "separation, removal from the subject (more often for a short distance)", then the verbs fly away, depart - imperfect (1 point).

    If the prefix is \u200b\u200b"stopping (usually long-lasting) actions", then the verbs fly away, depart - perfect species (1 point).

    If the prefix u- matters "the removal of the item from anywhere", the verb to invite the imperfect species (1 point).

    If the prefix u- matters "causing damage to the revolution to the limit", then the verb to invite the perfect species (1 point).

    Total 8 points.

    6. (8 points) Syntax formulas (structural circuits) - a method for designation of different types of simple supply in syntactic science. In the structural circuits, the capital letters of Latinen denote the abbreviated Latin names of different parts of speech. Digital indexes with letters - the number of cases of the evidence and the shape of the grammatical person in the verbs. There are a number of characters that have their value in the syntax formula. Suggestions of the "House High", "Great Beautiful" can be in principle to designate the N1 - ADJ1 scheme, and the N1 scheme - ADJ1 brief. F ..

    Suggestions of the type "You are angry today", "the blizzard on the street is strong" can in principle designate the N1 - ADJ1 scheme, and the N1 scheme - adj1 is full. f. Nevertheless, the syntax specialists are in no hurry to refuse to indicate a full or brief form of adjective in the position of the fant. In the list below, specify those proposals that are permissible to describe with a more general scheme N1 - ADJ1, and those proposals whose scheme should indicate on the full / brief form of adjective. Explain how the need may be caused.

    The girl is good.

    Morning is fresh.

    These Finnish boots.

    Criteria and Answers

    Morning is fresh.

    This offer can be described by the N1 - ADJ1 scheme.

    In the schemes describing the remaining sentences, it should be indicated on the complete / briefness of the adjective.

    The girl is good.

    In this case, the lexical significance of the complete form of the adjective "good" is very different from the brief form of adjective "good" implemented in the proposal of the lexical value, in addition, the full form does not allow to implement a syntactic connection with a dependent word ("").

    These boots are Finnish .

    In this case, the relative adjective does not have a brief form.

    Moscow is the largest megalopolis of Europe.

    In this case, there is a form of an excellent degree of adjective.

    For the correct indicated proposal, which can be described by the N1 - ADJ1 scheme, - 2 points.

    For the right explanations of the time why to describe the rest of the proposals it is necessary to use a scheme with an indication of the complete / short form of the adjective, - 2 points.

    Total 8 points.

    7. (6 points) Read the excerpt from the school essay.

    Life goal of Mr. San Francisco was in material well-being, losing everything in his soul. People who have made a choice in favor of money are forgotten about true and real values, and not just false.

    Specify in the text all grammatical and speech errors and shortcomings. Explain that these errors are. Rewrite an excerpt of the composition without errors and shortcomings, keeping in general its meaning.

    Criteria and Answers

    1. A. "Concluded in material well-being" - grammatical error. The word "well-being" does not have a form of MN. h.

    B. "The goal ... concluded ..., losing everything in his soul" - a grammatical mistake. Incorrect consumption of particle turnover.

    B. "Forget about true and present values" - speech error.

    Unjustified semantic repeat.

    "" Forget about these values, and not just about false "- speech

    error. Inaccurate statement. About "false values", judging by the context, people like a person from San Francisco, do not forget.

    2. The life goal of Mr. San Francisco, which lost everything in his soul, was in material well-being. People who have made a choice in favor of money fall into the power of false values \u200b\u200band forget about the values \u200b\u200bof the true.

    For each found and satisfactoryly explained by the mistake of 1 point.

    For a rewritten excerpt in which new errors have been fixed and not allowed, 2 points.

    Total 6 points.

    8. (12 points) Using your knowledge in the field of these etymology, as well as in the field of foreign languages, explain the spelling of the selected letters in the words listed below (for example: Points - Opinals; Falcette - Falso (ITAL. Falsetto from Falso is false). Explain the selection of the verification word.

    shovel dependency charm engineer to organize a performance

    Criteria and Answers

    shovel - blade (etymologically related words)

    decision - to live (Art. Sl. from - Zhibi (live) Dalited in c. Sl. Izditi)

    charm - mighty (dr. Bayati - Cold, Talk)

    engineer - genius (etymologically both words go to the Latin Genius

    "Engineer" dates back to the Latin Ingenium - "The ingenious invention"

    "Congenital ability")

    organize - body (etymologically rising to the Greek "Organon" tools)

    the performance is a summary, avenue, spectrum (these is all the words is going up to the Latin "Specto" - watch)

    For checking and true explanation of each word, 2 points. Total 12 points.

    9. (1 point) In combination of words (including the quasisals) by rearrangement of letters in places (anapprimming), the linguistic term example is encrypted: Ethiopian Yaro (Orphoepium).

    Sold up the linguistic term encrypted in angrim: But if the feast?

    Criteria and AnswersApplication. Total 1 point.

    10. (15 points) Determine which part of the speech is in the text the highlighted word and what is its lexico-grammatical meaning.

    1. Does the si face of my Mjnshago Glѣba brothers?

    2. It is not, rummer, rѣka stogn; Hoodoo jet I am, farthers Fount the streams and rods, Rostra on the Kuste.

    3. Gogepiece (Feodosius) on Keliam's student's own, and whose cheaters who can be brotherfully, whether the tired of Odea or from Into, this should be dressed or from Into.

    4. In grades, in a sort of alive, and in the Inѣh drops, you have a single man being afraid of God ... Do such a man, then not Skrbby.

    5. Yes, there is a ray on their own land, and it's not enough to be in Chusus.

    Criteria and answers.

    1. Questionally in the literal question (3 points).

    2. A amplifier particle. It is used to underline the value of the most

    an important word in the sense of the word in the proposal is (3 points).

    3. Separation union - or, or ... or (3 points).

    4. Conditionally grabbing (conditional) Union - at least even (3 points).

    5. Comparative Union. Joins subordinate clause If there is a comparative degree in the main thing - rather than (3 points).

    Total 15 points.

    Maximum score for all completed tasks - 69.

    View the contents of the document
    "4 рус for teacher"

    All-Russian Olympiad Schoolchildren

    IN RUSSIAN. 2017-2018 uch. G.

    School stage. 4TH GRADE

    Tasks, answers and evaluation criteria

    1. (4 points) Re-read the 2nd sentence. Determine how the sounds are pronounced in the word "it turns out" if it is quick. Put the transcription of the word sound composition (make a phonetic analysis of the word). How many sounds happened in the word?

    Criteria and AnswersIt turns out [Pöbel'Atz], it can be right that the answer can be considered if the sounds are indicated on the site [A], the sounds [E, E, and] are indicated, on the site of the combination - [C] Long (permissible - Without a longitude).

    The sound should not be indicated [J], because in position between the vowels with the rapid pronunion it falls. For transcription - 3 points. 1 point is removed for each error.

    Number of sounds - 9 - 1 point.

    Total 4 points.

    2. (6 points) Re-read the 1st and 2nd suggestions. Explain how the word "Uglich" appeared from the word "corner" (where "buzzed" the letter "O", why the letters "ICH" were added; which part of the word was a combination - ICH). Give examples of words (at least two), in which in modern Russian stands out - IC with the value of belonging to the genus or terrain. One of such words is in Proposition No. 6.

    Criteria and Answers

    "Oh" - a runaway (fluent) vowel - 1 point. Sleep - sleep (example - 1 point).

    The letters "ICH" "added" because - ICH - suffix (1 point) with the value "related to the corner belonging to the corner." In the text there is a word Tsarev - ICH, you can give the words of Knyazhich, Kostromich, Korolevich. For examples - 3 points.

    Total 6 points.

    3. (5 points) In the "etymologic dictionary" of M. Fasmer states one of the words: "Praslav. * S b de "is formed from the site. "S b" (see this), how where from * K bDE from the question. Place. Kyto. " Guess what of the words of Proposition No. 5 is speaking.

    Why in modern Russian this word is written so? Find the word in the text that refers to the same spelling rule of such words.

    Criteria and Answers

    Here - 2 points.

    The letter is written, because in modern Russian З is part of the root - 2 points (the school "explanation of this rule).

    The building is 1 point.

    Total 5 points.

    4. (4 points)Dana Words: Side - Country. Find at least two words in the test, in which there is a full-eyed combination of ORO in the root. Choose the words with misfigure in the root.

    Criteria and Answers

    For example: city - hail (1 + 1 point);

    gold - golden (1 + 1 point).

    Total 4 points.

    5. (6 points) Some numbers in Russian are customary to write Roman numbers. What are these numbers? Correct them in the text by writing correctly. What else in Russian can be recorded by Roman numbers? Give one example.

    Criteria and Answers

    The number of the century is customary to write Roman numbers - 1 point.

    14th century - XIV;

    15th century - XV;

    16th century - XVI;

    19th century - XIX.

    One point for every fix.

    In Russian written speech Roman numbers are used, for example, in the following cases:

      century number or millennium: XIX century, II millennium BC. e;

      the sequence number of the monarch;

      corps number in the armed forces;

      sometimes the volume number in a multi-volume book (sometimes - rooms of parts of the book, sections or chapters);

      olympic game number, Olympiad number.

    For example - 1 point. Total 6 points.

    6. (6 points) Determine the lexical meaning of words in the text.

    Nabataya (bell) -

    Specific (prince) -

    Throne -

    Criteria and Answers

    Nabataya (bell) - a bell, in which they beat the Nabat - an alert or alarming signal for collecting people, supplied usually by blowing to the bell, less often by drumbo.

    Specific (prince) is a prince who owns the lot, that is, by the principality, put on.

    The throne - throne, reign; Here the heir to the throne is the heir to whom the right of reign, the country management should be transmitted.

    For the explanation of each word - 2 points.

    Total 6 points.

    7. (2 points) Specify the main members in the following sentence.

    The whole territory of the Kremlin is a unique architectural monument.

    Criteria and Answers

    Territory (subjectable) - 1 point, monument (led) - 1 point. Total 2 points.

    8. (1 point) Specify which part of the speech are the words three and eleven in this below the proposal. Three ancient acting monasters are preserved in the city, numerous churches, eleven museums are open.

    Criteria and AnswersThe name is numeral. Total 1 point.

    9. (1 point)

    From the text it is clear that

    1) residents of the city of Uglich did not forget about the fate of the unfair punished bell

    2) Tsarevich Dmitry was the son of King Boris Godunova

    3) In the main church of the Uglich - the Spaso Transfiguration Cathedral - the wooden carved iconostasis with icons of 15-16 centuries has not been preserved

    4) Tsarevich Dmitry is counted Russian orthodox Church To the village of Saints

    Criteria and AnswersThe correct answer is 1. total 1 point.

    10. (1 point) Select one or more response options.

    After reading the text, you realized that you could call this text "Cell Bell", because

    1) the bell skeiled

    3) The bell caused the death of Tsarevich

    4) The city was named after the unfairly punished bell

    Criteria and Answers

    The correct answer is 2.

    Total 1 point.

    Maximum score for all completed tasks - 36.

    View the contents of the document
    "5 liter information for teacher"

    All-Russian Olympiad Schoolchildren

    ON LITERATURE. 2017-2018 uch. G.

    School stage.

    Grade 5.

    Tasks, answers and evaluation criteria

    1. Librarian

    Select only those five that are suitable for the definition of "Folk Magic Tale" from the presented works. Write the names. Add your two examples to them. Specify the authors literary fairy talesIf such is among those listed.

    1. "Black chicken, or underground residents"

    2. "Seven Simeonov"

    3. "Soldier and Chert"

    4. "The fairy tale of a tender-removal, molar apples and living water"

    5. "Porridge from the ax"

    6. "Ivan-Tsarevich and White Polyanin"

    7. "Mary Morrevna"

    8. "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

    9. "Fox and Zhuravl"

    10. "Old Street Lantern"

    11. "Konon-Gorbok"

    12. "Gus-Swans"

    13. "Vazuza and Volga"

    14. "Silver Kopytz"

    15. "TEREM FLAY"

    Folk magic fairy tales: № 2, 4, 6, 7, 12.

    "Seven Simeonov"

    "The fairy tale of a well-deficent, molar apples and living water"

    "Ivan-Tsarevich and White Polyanin"

    "Swan geese"

    "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (A.S. Pushkin)

    "Silver Copytz" (P.P. Bazhov)

    "Old Street Lantern" (G.H. Andersen)

    "Black chicken, or underground residents" (Anthony Pogorelsky)

    "Konon-Gorbok" (P.P. Ershov)

    The rest is or household fairy tales, or fairy tales about animals.

    For the right selection - 1 point for each work (only 5 points).

    For adding its examples - 2.5 points for each (only 5 points).

    Total 15 points.

    Tip 2: Rhymes in the poem steam room.

    This door flies to lead

    Not for a hanging tenant

    Blue house at the gate.

    Not for protein, not for the mouse,


    The door is narrow under the roof -

    In all directions fly!

    Half an hour spend together.

    Will not lead a guest -

    Guess who lives in it.

    Blue house at the gate.

    Guess who lives in it.

    The door is narrow under the roof -

    Not for protein, not for the mouse,

    Not for a hanging tenant


    This door flies to lead

    Half an hour spend together.

    Will not lead a guest -

    In all directions fly!

    S.Ya. Marshak

    b) Indicate the genre of the poem that you restored. What is this genre called?

    2 points for the right answer.

    c) What kind of subject goes to the poem?

    Mailbox (3 points for the right answer).

    3. Working with text

    Read. Write an essay about this story, answering the questions set. Write to the connected text, freely, it is clear, proof and competent. Recommended volume - 100-150 words.

    For ease of assessment, we propose to navigate the school four-tissue system. Thus, when evaluating the first criterion of 0 points correspond to "Double", 5 points - "Troika", 10 points - the "fourth" and 15 points - "fives". Of course, intermediate options are possible (for example, 8 points correspond to the "fourth with a minus").

    Maximum score for all completed tasks - 70.

    View the contents of the document
    "5 rus for teacher"

    All-Russian Olympiad Schoolchildren

    IN RUSSIAN. 2017-2018 uch. G.

    School stage. Grade 5.

    Tasks, answers and evaluation criteria

    1. (8 points) Before you a number of words. From this row, write out the word (a), in which the number of letters coincides with the number of sounds. (Say words quickly, no apparent effort. Listen to how the word sounds). Briefly explain your solution.

    Yozh, go, knows hello, Jauza, Egor, toasted.

    Criteria and Answers

    Hi (1 point), knows (3 points), go (1 point).

    In the present time, the base of the verb "knows" ends on j (1 point), but in position between two vowels (1 point) is realized by zero sound (1 point), if the word is pronounced without visible effort.

    It is permissible: after a vowel letter E, it usually denotes two sounds (J + E), but here the vowel sound is unknown and similar to [and], in front of which, with quick pronunciation J, it does not hear (falls).

    If the word knows not written, points are not put.

    Total 8 points.

    2. (5 points) The phrases are given: free people, free space, loose dress, free vacancies, free evening.

    Word the adjective free value in each phrase. Find among these phrases such in which the adjective free excessive in meaning. Show it by interpretation of the noun value in this phrase.

    Criteria and Answers

    Free people - independent, not subordinate to anyone (1 point).

    Free place - nobody and no busy (1 point).

    Free dress is not a constant movement, not close, spacious (1 point).

    Free evening - not busy work, business (1 point).

    Adjective redundantly in meaning in phrase free vacancies (0.5 points). The vacancy is not busy with anyone, i.e. free position (0.5 points).

    Total 5 points.

    3. (3 points) There are couples of words denoting a man and a woman: Uzbek - Uzbek, Swiss - Swiss, Kazakh - Cossack, Croat - Croata. Which of these pairs does not fit into the model "Male sex by nationality - the face of female for the same nationality"? Justify your answer in the interpretation of words in the selected pair.

    Criteria and Answers

    Does not fit into the model of a pair of the Swiss - Swiss (1 point). The word doorman means "watchman, a gatekeeper in the entrances, entrances to the institution" (1 point), and the word Swiss is "a resident of Switzerland" (1 point).

    Total 3 points.

    4. (2 points)

    How many times did you say, so that he makes the lessons carefully - and he even though on the head of the Cheshi / Write / Tehi / Pasha!

    Write the correct option of the phraseological turnover and give interpretation.

    his values.

    Criteria and Answers

    The correct option is at least stake on the head of the Tehi (someone) (1 point).

    The phraseologism means "someone is completely unable or stubbornly does not want to do something or understand (no effort to force it or convince)" (1 point). Total 2 points.

    5. (5 points) There are vapors of nouns names.

    horse horse

    machine - machine

    basket - basket

    mouse - Mouse

    handful - Gorystka

    polyana - Polyanka

    night - Noah

    road - track

    The left word of the couple is a generating word, and the right word of the pair is a derivative word. Some pairs of words have the same grammar sign, and in other couples, the words differ on the same basis. Specify this grammar sign and divide the pairs into two groups depending on the attitude towards it.

    Criteria and Answers

    This grammar sign is declining (2 points). In some pairs, both words belong to the 1st decline (machine - machine) (1 point), and in other pairs producing the word of the 3rd decline (horse), and the derivative - the 1st decline (horse) (1 point). Nouns can be divided so (1 point):

    Total 5 points.

    6. (5 points) Nastya in a joke wrote a sentence from a fairy tale A.S. Pushkin in one word. Then she cut this word into pieces. Restore offer.

    tarota. Stalis Sedibes Trento to Kit

    Criteria and AnswersHere the neighbors disturb became the old king.

    Total 5 points.

    7. (10 points) Read the Fragment of the poem A. S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

    Princess with bed jumped,

    Gray Carlo per cap

    Haro quickly grabbed

    The trembling brought a fist

    And hung in fear so

    That all the arapists stunned.

    Trembled, the poor man

    Princesses frightened pale;

    Closed ears as soon as

    I wanted to run, but in the beard

    Confused, fell and beating;

    Gets up, fell; In such misfortune

    Arapov black swarm crushing;

    Noisy, pushed, run,

    Grab the sorcerer in a shirt

    And won dispelled,

    Leaving the hat from Lyudmila.

    Write down underlined words. Determine their lexical importance.

    Criteria and AnswersKarl - Dwarf. Arap - Negro. Football - bent.

    Mint - is in anxiety, excitement (maybe: excitedly and randomly moves).

    Won - out.

    For each correctly interpreted word 2 points.

    Total 10 points.

    8. (5 points) Read the text of the spelling rule.

    In order not to make a mistake in writing ˂ ... .˃ at the root of the word, you need to change the word or pick up such a single word, in which, after being checked ˂ .... ˃ It costs ... .˃ or consonants L, M, N, R.

    1. Restore the school spelling rule: Insert the missed fragments.

    2. Word the name of this spelling rule.

    3. Give examples of its use.

    Criteria and Answers

    In order not to make a mistake in writing consonant in the root of the word, you need to change the word or pick up such a single word, in which, after the verifiable consonant, there is vowel or consonant l, m, n, r.

    The rule is called: the spelling of the words being checked in the root.

    Examples: Oak - oaks, tooth - dental, etc.

    3. For a sufficient amount (at least 2) examples of its use - 1 point.

    Total 5 points.

    9. (1 point)

    Sold out the linguistic term encrypted in angrum: deputy.

    Criteria and AnswersPredicate. Total 1 point.

    10. (6 points) Read fragments of texts and determine the lexical meaning of the attached words. (Text translate is not required.)

    1. As the executioners were led by the kingdom, / he fought the song New, / Song a new one, because of the victorious.

    2. Toi Boy of Boyan ... Singing the glory RUSKIMY KNNYUZY: The first prince Rurik, Igor Rurikovich and Svyatoslav Yaroslavichu, Yaroslav Volodyimerovich, praising them with psmi and a holstered buoy of literacy.

    Criteria and answers.

    1) Song is a verbal-musical work performed by one voice or choir (3 points).

    2) Pѣsmi - Songs - Song: A song praise, glory, the glorification of someone - with something - either (3 points, if at least one of the selected words is called).

    Total 6 points.

    Maximum score for all completed tasks - 50.

    View the contents of the document
    "6 litas information for teacher"

    All-Russian Olympiad Schoolchildren

    ON LITERATURE. 2017-2018 uch. G.

    School stage.


    Tasks, answers and evaluation criteria

    1. Librarian

    Telect only those five stories and novels from the presented works that can be called fantastic. Write their numbers, specify the authors. Then, if possible, specify the authors of the rest of the works.

    1. "Iliad"

    2. "Girl from Earth"

    3. "Mistel"

    4. "Fifteen-year-old captain"

    5. "Silver Chair"

    6. "Three Musketeer"

    7. "Man-amphibian

    8. "451 Fahrenheit"

    9. "Kusaka"

    10. "Caucasian Captive"

    11. "Storeroom Sun"

    12. "Fat and thin"

    13. "Conmpit and Svwambra"

    14. "White Silence"

    15. "War of the Worlds"

    Fantastic novels and stories: № 2, 5, 7, 8, 15.

    "Girl from Earth" (Cyrus Bulychev)

    "Silver Chair" (K.S. Lewis)

    "Amphibian Man" (A.R. Belyaev)

    "451 Fahrenheit" (Ray Bradbury)

    "War of the Worlds" (J. Wells)

    For the right selection (true numbers) - 1 point (only 5 points).

    If the work is not related or incorrectly attributed to the fiction genre, but

    "Iliad" (Homer)

    "Misel" (A.S. Pushkin)

    "Fifteen-year-old captain" (Jules Verne)

    "Three Musketeer" (A. Duma)

    "Storeroom Sun" (MM Privine)

    "Kusaka" (L.N. Andreev)

    "Thick and thin" (A.P. Chekhov)

    Caucasian Captive (L.N. Tolstoy / A.S. Pushkin)

    "Conduit and Shvambra" (L.A. Kassil)

    "White Silence" (Jack London)

    (total 5 points).

    2. Celebrated string

    The poem is confused by the string.

    a) Restore the poem: rewrite the rows in the correct order.

    Tip 1: punctuation signs at the ends of the lines.

    Tip 2: The first line is in its place.

    Wolf and Zhuravl

    Wolf, Justle, never

    And asks for the sorrow.

    Bones does not disassemble

    Crane your nose on the neck

    He almost fed to the bone.

    Look, buddy, get away,

    It came at least to stretch!

    a) Restored text:

    Wolf and Zhuravl

    That wolves are greedy, everyone knows;

    Wolf, Justle, never

    Bones does not disassemble

    For that one of them came trouble:

    He almost fed to the bone.

    Can not cool the wolf or take a sigh;

    It came at least to stretch!

    Fortunately, the crane happened here.

    That's what signs became a wolf to manham

    And asks for the sorrow.

    Crane your nose on the neck

    Shoved to the wolf in the mouth and with difficulty bigger

    The bone pulled out and began to ask for labor.

    "Are you kidding! - the beast cried cunning, -

    Do you work for work? Oh, you, ungrateful!

    And this is nothing that your long nose

    And with a stupid head of the throat, it was hidden!

    Look, buddy, get away,

    Yes, you carew: I don't come forward. "

    (I.A. Wings)

    b) Determine the genre of recovered text.

    Fable. 2 points.

    c) Give 2-3 examples of the works of the same genre. Specify their author and name.

    Up to 3 points for true examples.

    3. Working with text. Read. Write an essay about this story, answering the questions set. Write to the connected text, freely, it is clear, proof and competent. Recommended volume - 150-200 words.

    For ease of assessment, we propose to navigate the school four-tissue system. Thus, when evaluating the first criterion of 0 points correspond to "Double", 5 points - "Troika", 10 points - the "fourth" and 15 points - "fives". Of course, intermediate options are possible (for example, 8 points correspond to the "fourth with a minus").

    Maximum score for all completed tasks - 70.

    View the contents of the document
    "6 rus for teacher"

    All-Russian Olympiad Schoolchildren

    IN RUSSIAN. 2017-2018 uch. G.

    School stage. 6TH GRADE

    Tasks, answers and evaluation criteria

    1. (5 points) What can be assumed about " geographical origin »Russian poet S. Yesenin, based on the phonetic features of the rhymes of the next lines? Explain your answer.

    And I'm in response to the Berezka:

    - Oh curious friend,

    Tonight Starry

    Here tears lilish shepherd.

    Criteria and Answers

    A bright language feature is the pronunciation of other [x]. We can assume it from the rhyme: a friend is a shepherd. In the dialects, where such a pronunciation is found, [x] is a deaf pair to the ringing slotiac (fricate) sound [γ], which is pronounced instead [g]: Other [x] - more [γ] a. Often this sound is considered to be a Ukrainian feature, in reality the area of \u200b\u200bdistribution of this sound is much wider. This is the most characteristic feature of South Russian govors. Indeed, Yesenin was born southeast from Moscow - on the territory of the modern Ryazan region.

    For the indication on other [x] - 1 point, for an explanation through rhythma - 1 point, for the restoration of [γ] (it is possible to simply a description of this sound as "Ukrainian g") - 2 points, for identifying with South-Russian counseling and with the origin of Yesenin - 1 point. The answer is not accepted if the student indicates Ukraine.

    Total 5 points.

    2. (8 points) Dana couple words.

    Almost all of these couples will be the right statement that they can be used in the following context:

    - What is what?

    - previously called B.

    But for one pair, this context will be incorrect. What pair will he be wrong? Explain why.

    Criteria and Answers

    The context will be incorrect for a pair of mail - body armor (1 point).

    Kolchuga is an old armor in the form of a metal rings (1 point) shirt (1 point), and the body armor is a special protective vest with armor, covering a man's torso from lesion with cold and firearms, as well as fragments (1 point). These words denote different, although in what are similar objects, while the other couples designate the same (1 point).

    If the student writes in explanation that Kolchuga is historicism - 2 more points.

    If the student writes that the remaining words of the column A - Archaisms are 2 more points.

    Total 8 points.

    3. (5 points) A row of words with a diminutive value is given: a boat, a plate, a vase, a squirrel, a sealer. One of these words is not formed as others.

    1. Specify this word and explain how it is formed.

    2. Specify how other words are formed.

    Criteria and Answers

    1. This word vase (1 point), which is formed by adding a vaz- (0.5 point) suffix - points- (0.5 point) (answer option: which is formed from the word vase using a suffix - ).

    2. All other words are formed from the basics of the boat -, Tarelk-, Belk -, Seleodk - (0.5 points) (answer option: from words Boat, plate, protein, selence) with a suffix - k- (0.5 points ).

    If students indicate that - in words the boat, plate, protein, selence - the suffix element (or former suffix having fun different degree Obvious: In the word, the selection is distinguished by suffix - K-, because there is a word Herring, in the rest of the words this suffix is \u200b\u200ballocated only etymologically) - 1 more score. If students indicate the alternation to / och - another 1 point.

    Total 5 points.

    4. (2 points) An offer is given, which consisted of a phraseological turnover (highlighted in bold).

    You came to talk with me, and the varnish itself / onions / Lyki / Ryka / junction not

    knit - How do I understand you?

    Write the correct option of the phraseological turnover and give interpretation of its value.

    Criteria and Answers

    The correct option is not knitting (the scroll does not knit) (1 point).

    Phraseologism means "to be completely drunk and not able to clearly and how to see the words" (1 point).

    Total 2 points.

    5. (5 points) A number of nouns are given: decanter, citizen, dolphin, Roman, vitamin, nobleman. From the point of view of the features of the form of a multiple number, the student has divided these nouns into two groups. What are these groups?

    Justify the answer.

    Criteria and Answers

    The first group is the noun city dweller, the Roman, the nobleman (1 point), which, in the formation of the forms of the plural, part of the foundation cuts off: part - in - suffix - annin - / - Yanin - (townspeople, Romans, nobles) (1 point). If the student adds that there is a non-standard ending in these words in the nominative case of a multiple number - E (townspeople) - another 1 point. The second group is nouns, dolphin, vitamin (1 point), which form molds of a plural without changing the base (decanters, dolphins, vitamins) (1 point).

    Total 5 points.

    6. (8 points) Specify, in the role of what members of the sentence is the word that.

    1. The wardrobe, which stood in the hallway, was decided to move to the living room.

    2. Tell me, who is Tatiana?

    3. A cake was served on the table, which was baked in honor of the holiday.


    Criteria and Answers






    Total 8 points.





























    Criteria and Answers









    8. (5 points) Read the text of the spelling rule.





    Criteria and Answers










    Total 5 points.

    9. (1 point){!LANG-4b179c006d1472fe1f2e8f899d942345!}


    Criteria and Answers{!LANG-7b23bbb0783789cdd7e7557473c43e50!}

    10. (6 points) Read fragments of texts and determine the lexical meaning of the attached words. (Text translate is not required.)



    Criteria and Answers



    Total 6 points.


    View the contents of the document

    All-Russian Olympiad Schoolchildren

    ON LITERATURE. 2017-2018 uch. G.

    School stage.


    Tasks, answers and evaluation criteria

    1. Librarian








































    For ease of assessment, we propose to navigate the school four-tissue system. Thus, when evaluating the first criterion of 0 points correspond to "Double", 5 points - "Troika", 10 points - the "fourth" and 15 points - "fives". Of course, intermediate options are possible (for example, 8 points correspond to the "fourth with a minus").

    Maximum score for all completed tasks - 70.