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  • The greatest mass in nature. Chemical records. Most black substance

    The greatest mass in nature. Chemical records. Most black substance

    Metals humanity began to actively use another 3000-4000 BC. Then people met themselves with the most common of them, it is gold, silver, copper. These metals were very easy to find on the ground surface. A little later, they knew chemistry and began to distinguish from them such species like tin, lead and iron. In the Middle Ages, very poisonous types of metals were gaining popularity. In everyday life was arsenic who was poisoned more than half of the Royal Court in France. Also, which helped cure various diseases of those times, ranging from angina and to the plague. Already up to the twentieth century, more than 60 metals were known, and at the beginning of the XXI century - 90. Progress does not stand still and leads humanity forward. But the question arises, what metal is hard and surpasses everything else? And in general, what are they, these are the hardest metals in the world?

    Many mistakenly think that gold and lead are the heavier metals. Why exactly? Many of us grew up on old films and saw how the main character uses a lead plate for sewn from evil bullets. In addition, and today, lead plates use in some types of body armor. And with the word Gold, many float the picture with heavy slopes of this metal. But think that they are the hardest - mistaken!

    To determine the heavy metal itself, it is necessary to take into account its density, because the more the density of the substance, the harder it is.

    Top 10 of the most heavy metals in the world

    1. Osmia (22.62 g / cm 3),
    2. Iridium (22.53 g / cm 3),
    3. Platinum (21.44 g / cm 3),
    4. Rhenium (21.01 g / cm 3),
    5. Neptune (20.48 g / cm 3),
    6. Plutonium (19.85 g / cm 3),
    7. Gold (19.85 g / cm 3)
    8. Tungsten (19.21 g / cm 3),
    9. Uranus (18.92 g / cm 3),
    10. Tantalum (16.64 g / cm 3).

    And where is lead? And it is located much lower in this list, in the middle of the second ten.

    Osmia and Iridium are the hardest metals in the world

    Consider the main heavyweights that divide 1 and 2 places. Let's start with Iridia and at the same time say the words of gratitude to the English scientist Smithson Tenat, who in 1803 received this chemical element From platinum, where attended with the osmium in the form of impurities. Iridium from the ancient Greek can be translated as "Rainbow". Metal has white color With a silver tint and it can be called not only heavy, but also the most durable. On our planet, it is very small and for the year it is made only up to 10,000 kg. It is known that most of the Iridi fields can be found in the fall of meteorites. Some scientists come to the idea that this metal was previously widespread on our planet, but because of its weight, he constantly squeezed himself closer to the center of the Earth. Iridium is widely in demand in industry and is used to produce electrical energy. Paleontologists also like it, and with the help of iridium, the age of many finds are determined. In addition, this metal can be used to cover some surfaces. But it is difficult to do it.

    Next, consider osmium. He is the most difficult in the periodic table of Mendeleev, well, respectively, the most difficult metal in the world. Osmium has tin-white with a blue tint and also opened by Smithson Tennat simultaneously with Iridium. Osmia is almost impossible to process and, mostly, it is found on the floor of the fall of meteorites. It smells unpleasantly, the smell is similar to a mixture of chlorine and garlic. And with ancient Greek translated as "smell". The metal is quite refractory and used in bulbs and in other instruments with refractory metals. For one gram of this element, you must pay more than 10,000 dollars, from this it is clear that the metal is very rare.


    How not to twist, the most heavy metals are big rarity and therefore they are expensive. And you need to remember for the future that neither gold nor lead is not the hardest metals in the world! Iridia and Osmia - Here are the winners in weight!

    It is said that for each type of substance there is a "most extreme" option. Of course, we all heard stories about magnets, strong enough to be injured in injury to children, and acids that will pass through your hands in a matter of seconds, but there are even more "extreme" their options.

    The most black matter known to man
    What happens if you put on top of the edge of carbon nanotubes and alternate layers of them? It turns out the material that absorbs 99.9% of the light that falls on it. The microscopic surface of the material is uneven and rough, which refracts the light and is a bad reflective surface. After that, try using carbon nanotubes as superconductors in a certain order, which makes them beautiful light absorbers, and you will have a real black storm. The scientists are seriously puzzled by potential options for the use of this substance, since, in fact, the light is not "lost", the substance could be used to improve optical devices, such as telescopes and even used for solar batteries operating almost with 100% efficiency.

    The fierce substance
    Many things are on the striking speed, for example, the eraphom, napalm, and this is just the beginning. But what if there was a substance that could be covered with fire? On the one hand, this is a provocative question, but it was asked as the starting point. Chlorine trifluoride has doubtful glory as a terribly fuel, despite the fact that the Nazis believed that this substance was too dangerous for work. When people who discuss genocide believe that the purpose of their life is not to use anything, because it is too fatal, it supports cautious treatment of these substances. It is said that one day a ton of matter was shed and a fire began, and 30.5 cm concrete burned down and the sand meter with gravel, until everything subsided. Unfortunately, the Nazis turned out to be right.

    The most poisonous substance
    Tell me, what would you like the least, what could get to your face? This could well be the most deadly poison, which rightfully will occupy 3rd place among the main extremal substances. Such a poison is really different from what concrete burns, and from the most severe acid In the world (which will soon be inversion). Although not quite so, but you all, without a doubt, heard from the medical community about Botox, and thanks to him the most deadly poison was famous. Botox uses botulinium cellin, generated by the Bacteria "Clostridium Botulinum" bacterium, and it is very deadly, and its quantities equal to the grain of salt, enough to kill a person weighing 200 pounds (90.72 kg; approx. Mixednews). In fact, scientists calculated that it was enough to spray only 4 kg of this substance to kill all people on Earth. Probably, the eagle would have arrived much harm with the rattling snake than this poison with a man.

    The hottest substance
    There are very few things in the world known to man as something more hotter than the inner surface of the newly preheated in the microwave Hot Pocket, but this substance seems to beat and this record. Created atoms of gold at almost light velocity, the substance is called a quark-gluon "soup", and it reaches the crazy 4 trillion degrees Celsius, which is almost 250,000 times the hot substance inside the sun. The magnitude of the energy emitted in the collision would be sufficient to melt protons and neutrons, which in itself has such features that you have not even suspected. Scientists say that this substance could give us an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat was like the birth of our universe, therefore it is worth considering that tiny supernovae are not created for fun. Nevertheless, really good news is that the "soup" occupied one trillion centimeter and lasted for a trillional one trillion second.

    The most caustic acid
    Acid is a terrible substance, one of the most terrible monsters in the cinema ended with acid blood to make it even more terrible than just a murder machine ("someone else's"), so inside us was rooted that the effect of acid is very bad. If "strangers" were filled with fluorine-antimony acid, they would not only fail in deep through the floor, but the pairs emitted from their dead bodies would kill everything around them. This acid is 21019 times stronger than sulfuric acid and can leak through the glass. And she can explode if you add water. And during its reaction, poisonous evaporations are allocated that can kill any indoors.

    The most explosive explosive
    In fact, this place is currently divided by two components: octogen and heptanitrocuban. Heptanitrocuban mainly exists in laboratories, and is similar to octogen, but has a denser structure of crystals, which carries booster in itself the potential of destruction. Otogen, on the other hand, exists in sufficiently large? X quantities, which can threaten physical existence. It is used in solid fuel for missiles, and even for detonators nuclear weapons. And the latter is the most terrible, as despite the fact that it takes place in the cinema, the beginning of splitting / thermonuclear reaction, which leads to bright luminous nuclear clouds, similar to the fungus, is not a simple task, but octogen copes with it perfectly.

    The most radioactive substance
    Speaking of radiation, it is worth mentioning that the glowing green rods "Plutonia" shown in the "Simpsons" is just a fiction. If something is radioactive, it does not mean that it glows. It is worth mentioning this, since "Polonium-210" is so radioactive that it glows blue. The former Soviet spy, Alexander Litvinenko, was misled when he was added to the food of this substance, and soon after that he died of cancer. This is not the thing with which you want to joke, the glow is caused by air around the substance that affects radiation, and, in fact, objects around can be heated. When we say "Radiation", we think, for example, about a nuclear reactor or an explosion, where the fission reaction really occurs. It is only the release of ionized particles, rather than the splitting of atoms out of control.

    Most heavy matter
    If you thought that the most severe substance on Earth is diamonds, it was a good but inaccurate guess. This is technically created diamond nanoster. This is actually a totality of nano-scale diamonds, with the smallest degree of compression and the most severe substance, famous man. In fact, it does not exist, but what would be quite by the way, since this means that someday we could cover our cars with this material and just get rid of it when a clash with the train (an unreal event) occurs. This substance was invented in Germany in 2005 and, possibly, it will be used in the same degree, as well as industrial diamonds, excluding the fact that a new substance is more resistant to wear than ordinary diamonds.

    Magnetic substance
    If the inducer was a small black piece, then it would be the most substance. The substance developed in 2010 from iron and nitrogen has magnetic abilities that are 18% more than the previous "record holder", and is so powerful that he forced scientists to revise how magnetism works. The person who discovered this substance was distanced himself with his studies so that none of the other scientists could reproduce his work, as it was reported that a similar connection was developed in Japan in the past in 1996, but other physicists could not have been able to inject it, so Officially, this substance did not accept. It is not clear whether Japanese physicists must promise to make a "sepuk" under these circumstances. If this substance can be reproduced, it can mean a new century of effective electronics and magnetic engines, possibly reinforced by power by an order.

    The strongest superfluidity
    Superfluidity is a state of matter (like solid or gaseous), which takes place at extremely low temperatures, has high thermal separability (each ounce of this substance should have exactly the same temperature) and no viscosity. Helium-2 is the most characteristic representative. A cup of "helium-2" spontaneously raises and poured out of the container. "Helium-2" will also be leaning through other solid materials, since the complete absence of friction force allows it to flow through other invisible holes through which ordinary helium (or water for a given case could not be found). "Helium-2" does not come in needed condition Accounting 1, as if he had the ability to act at his discretion, although it is also the most effective thermal conductory on Earth, a few hundred times better than copper. The heat moves so quickly through the "helium-2", which it is rather moved by waves, like the sound (in fact, as a "second sound"), which is dissipated, while it simply moves from one molecule to another. By the way, the forces that control the possibility of "helium-2" crawl along the wall are called the "third sound." You hardly have anything more extreme than a substance that demanded a definition of 2 new types of sound.

    Space. There is nothing more interesting and mysterious. From day to day, mankind increases his knowledge of the universe, at the same time expanding the boundaries of the unknown. Having received ten answers, we will ask more than a hundred questions - and so constantly. We collected the most interesting facts about the universe, in order not only to satisfy the curiosity of readers, but also to ignore their interest between the universe with a new force.

    Moon runs away from us

    The moon is distinguished from the Earth - yes, our satellite "runs away" from us at a speed of about 3.8 centimeters per year. What is it fraught with? With an increase in the radius of the lunar orbit, the size of the moon disk observed from the Earth is reduced. And this means that under threat, such a phenomenon as a complete solar eclipse.

    In addition, some planets rotate from their star at a distance suitable for the existence of water in a liquid state. And this makes it possible to detect planets suitable for life. And already in the near future.

    What they write in space

    American scientists and cosmonauts have long thought over the handle's device, which could be written in space - while their Russian colleagues simply decided to use the usual stiffelen pencil in weightlessness, without changing it and without spending huge amounts for the development of concepts and experiments.

    Diamond rains

    According to Jupiter and Saturn there are diamond rains - in the upper layers of the atmosphere of these planets, thunder is constantly raging, and lightning discharges release carbon from methane molecules. Moving to the surface of the planet and overcoming hydrogen layers, exposed to gravity and huge temperatures, carbon turns into graphite, and then in diamond.

    If you believe this hypothesis, up to ten million tons of diamonds can accumulate on gas giants! At the moment, the hypothesis still remains controversial - many scientists are confident that the share of methane in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn is too small, and with difficulty transforming even in soot, methane, most likely, simply dissolves.

    These are just a little of the huge number of mysteries of the universe. Thousands of questions remain unanswered, we are not known about millions of phenomena and secrets - our generation is, what to strive for.

    But we will try to tell more about space on the pages of the site. Subscribe to updates so as not to miss a new issue!

    Osmia today is defined as the most severe matter on the planet. Only one cubic centimeter of this substance weighs 22.6 grams. It was opened in 1804 by the English chemist Smithson Tennant, while dissolving gold in the test tube there was a precipitate. This happened due to the features of Osmia, it is insoluble in alkalis and acids.

    The hardest element on the planet

    It is a bluish-white metal powder. In nature, it is found in the form of seven isotopes, six of them are stable and one unstable. The density is slightly superior to Iridium, which has a density of 22.4 grams per cubic centimeter. Of the materials found for today, the most severe substance in the world is the Osm region.

    It refers to a group such as Lantant, Yttrium, Scandium and other lanthanides.

    More precious than gold and diamonds

    Its produces very little, about ten thousand kilograms per year. Even in the largest source of Osmia, the Jazkazgan field, contains about three decimal million dollars. The exchange rate of a rare metal in the world reaches about 200 thousand dollars per gram. At the same time, the maximum purity of the element during the cleaning process is about seventy percent.

    Although the Russian laboratories managed to get a purity of 90.4 percent, but the amount of metal did not exceed a few milligrams.

    Matter density outside the planet Earth

    Osmis, undoubtedly, is the leader of the most difficult elements of our planet. But if we turn our eyes into space, then our attention will open many substances more severe than our "king" of heavy elements.

    The fact is that there are several other conditions in the universe than on Earth. The gravity of the row is so large that the substance is incredibly compacted.

    If we consider the structure of the atom, it will be found that the distances in the interatomic world are reminded by our visible space. Where planets, stars and others are at a fairly high distance. The rest takes emptiness. It is such a structure that atoms have, and with severe gravity, this distance decreases quite strongly. Up to "indulgence" of some elementary particles to others.

    Neutron Stars - Space Superphoto Objects

    In search of Outside of our Earth, we will be able to detect the most severe substance in space on neutron stars.

    These are quite unique cosmic inhabitants, one of the possible types of evolution of the stars. The diameter of such objects is from 10 to 200 kilometers, with a mass equal to our sun or 2-3 times more.

    This cosmic body mainly consists of a neutron core, which consists of fluid neutrons. Although on some assumptions of scientists she should be in solid stateThere are no reliable information today. However, it is known that it is neutron stars that reaching its redistribution of compression, subsequently turn into with a colossal emission of energy, about 10,43 -10 45 joules.

    The density of such a star is comparable, for example, with the weight of the Mount Everest placed in the matchbox. These are hundreds of billions of tons in one cubic millimeter. For example, it makes it more clear how much the density of the substance will take our planet with its mass of 5.9 × 1024 kg and "turn" into the neutron star.

    As a result, in order to be equal to the density of the neutron star, it should be reduced to the size of an ordinary apple, a diameter of 7-10 centimeters. The density of unique stars increases with moving to the center.

    Layers and density of matter

    The outer layer of the star is in the form of a magnetosphere. Immediately under it, the density of the substance already reaches the order of one ton on the cubic centimeter. Given our knowledge of Earth, at the moment, this is the most severe matter of the discovered elements. But do not rush with the conclusions.

    We will continue our research of unique stars. They are also called pulsars, due to the high speed of rotation around their axis. This indicator of various objects ranges from several tens to hundreds of revolutions per second.

    Proceed further in the study of super-densite cosmic bodies. Then follows the layer that has metal characteristics, but most likely it is similar to behavior and structure. The crystals are much smaller than we see in the crystal grille of the earth's substances. To build a line of crystals in 1 centimeter, you will need to lay out more than 10 billion elements. The density in this layer is one million times higher than in the outer. This is not the most severe stars. Next follows a layer rich in neutrons whose density is a thousand times higher than the previous one.

    Neutron Star core and its density

    Below is the kernel, it is here that the density reaches its maximum - twice as high than the above layer. The core substance of the heavenly body consists of all known physics of elementary particles. On this we reached the end of the journey to the star of the star in search of the most heavy substance in space.

    The mission in search of unique substances in the density in the universe would seem completed. But space is full of mysteries and unopened phenomena, stars, facts and patterns.

    Black holes in the universe

    You should pay attention to the fact that today is already open. These are black holes. Perhaps it is these mysterious objects that can be applicants that the most severe substance in the universe is their component. Please note that the gravity of black holes is so great that the light cannot leave it.

    According to the suggestions of scientists, the substance tightened into the area of \u200b\u200btime is compacted so much that the spaces between the elementary particles do not remain.

    Unfortunately, behind the horizon of events (the border is so called, where the light and any object, under the action of gravity forces, cannot leave the black hole) follow our guesses and indirect assumptions based on particle thread emissions.

    A number of scientists suggest that space and time is mixed behind the event horizon. There is an opinion that they can be a "pass" to another universe. Perhaps this corresponds to the truth, although it is possible that another space with completely new laws opens over these limits. Area where time is swapped "place" with space. The location of the future and the past is determined only by the choice of following. Like our choice go to the right or left.

    It is potentially permissible that civilizations exist in the Universe, which mastered travel travel through black holes. Perhaps in the future people from the planet Earth will open the mystery of travel through time.

    The world around us will lose many mysteries in themselves, but even long-known scientists, phenomena and substances do not cease to amaze and delighted. We admire bright colors, enjoy tastes and use the properties of all sorts of substances that make our lives more comfortable, safer and more pleasant. In search of the most reliable and strong materials, a person has committed a lot of enthusiastic discoveries, and before you a selection is just 25 such unique connections!

    25. Diamonds

    This is exactly known if not all, almost everything. Diamonds are not only one of the most revered precious stones, but also one of the hardest minerals on Earth. On the MOOS scale (the scale of hardness, in which the estimate is given by the reaction of the mineral on the scratch), the diamond is listed on 10 stitching. In total, in the scale of 10 positions, and the 10th is the last and most firm degree. Diamonds are solid that it is possible to scratch them except with other diamonds.

    24. Decisions of the Washing Type of Caerostris Darwini

    Photo: Pixabay.

    It's hard to believe, but the Caerostris Darwini spider network (or Darwin Spider) is tightly and hard as Kevlar. This web was recognized as the most solid. biological material In the world, although now she has already had a potential competitor, but the data has not yet been confirmed. The spider fiber was tested on such characteristics as the destructive deformation, the shock viscosity, the strength limit and the Jung module (the property of the material is resistive to stretching, compression with elastic deformation), and for all these indicators, the web has shown an amazing way. In addition, the trapping network of Pauka Darwin is incredibly easy. For example, if the Caerostris Darwini fiber wrap our planet, the weight of such a long thread will be only 500 grams. There are no such long networks, but theoretical calculations are simply amazed!

    23. Aerograph

    Photo: Brokensphere.

    This synthetic foam is one of the easiest fibrous materials in the world, and it represents a network of carbon tubes with a diameter of just a few microns. Aerograph is 75 times lighter than foam, but it is much stronger and plastic. It can be squeezed to sizes, 30 times smaller initial species, without any harm for its extremely elastic structure. Due to this property, the aircraft foam can withstand the load, 40,000 times higher than its own weight.

    22. Palladium Metal Glass

    Photo: Pixabay.

    The team of scientists of their Californian Technical Institute and Lab Berkeley (California Institute of Technology, Berkeley Lab) has developed the new kind Metal glass, combining a practically perfect combination of strength and plasticity. The reason for the uniqueness of the new material lies in the fact that its chemical structure successfully plundes the fragility of existing glass-like materials and at the same time retains a high endurance threshold, which ultimately significantly increases the fatigue strength of this synthetic structure.

    21. Tungsten carbide

    Photo: Pixabay.

    Tungsten carbide is an incredibly solid material with high wear resistance. IN certain conditions This compound is considered very fragile, but under heavy load, it shows unique plastic properties that manifest themselves in the form of sliding bands. Thanks to all these qualities, tungsten carbide is used in the manufacture of armor-piercing tips and various equipment, including all kinds of incisors, abrasive discs, rolled, cutters, drilling chisels and other cutting tools.

    20. Silicon carbide

    Photo: Tiia Monto

    Silicon carbide is one of the main materials used for the production of combat tanks. This connection is known for its low cost, outstanding refractory and high hardness, and therefore it is often used in the manufacture of equipment or equipment, which should reflect the bullets, cut or grind other durable materials. Silicon carbide obtains excellent abrasives, semiconductors and even inserts into jewelry, imitating diamonds.

    19. Bora Cubic Nitride

    Photo: Wikimedia Commons

    Bohr's cubic nitride is a superhard material, by its hardness similar to a diamond, but possessing a number of distinctive advantages - high temperature stability and chemical resistance. Bora cubic nitride is not dissolved in the gland and nickel, even under the influence of high temperatures, while the diamond in the same conditions enters chemical reactions fast enough. In fact, it is beneficial for its use in industrial grinding tools.

    18. Ultra High Density Molecular Polyethylene (USPE), Mark Fiber "Daimin" (Dyneema)

    Photo: Justsail

    Polyethylene with a high modulus of elasticity has an extremely high wear resistance, low friction coefficient and high viscosity of destruction (low-temperature reliability). Today it is considered the most durable fibrous substance in the world. The most amazing thing in this polyethylene is that it is lighter than water and at the same time can stop the bullets! Cables and ropes from fibers are not drowning in water, do not need lubrication and do not change their properties during wetting, which is very relevant for shipbuilding.

    17. Titanium alloys

    Photo: Alchemist-HP (

    Titanium alloys are incredibly plastic and demonstrated amazing strength during stretching. In addition, they have high heatproof and corrosion resistance, which makes them extremely useful in areas such as aircraft, rocket building, shipbuilding, chemical, food and transport engineering.

    16. Liquidmetal alloy

    Photo: Pixabay.

    Designed in 2003 in the California Technology Institute (California Institute of Technology), this material is famous for its strength and durability. The name of the compound is associated with something fragile and liquid, but at room temperature it is actually unusually solid, wear-resistant, not afraid of corrosion and when heated is transformed as thermoplastics. The main spheres of application are still making hours, golf and coatings for mobile phones (Vertu, iPhone).

    15. Nanocellulose

    Photo: Pixabay.

    Nanocellulose is isolated from wood fiber, and it represents a new type of wooden material that even became stronger! In addition, nanocellulose is also cheaper. Innovation has great potential and in the future can make serious competition with glass and carbon fiber. Developers believe that this material will soon be in great demand in the production of army armor, super-flexible screens, filters, flexible batteries, absorbing aerogels and biofuels.

    14. Teeth Snails of the View "Marine Saucer"

    Photo: Pixabay.

    Earlier, we have already told you about the catchery of the Darwin Spider's network, which once recognized as the most durable biological material on the planet. However, the recent study showed that it was the sea saucer - the most durable of famous science Biological substances. Yes, yes, these teeth are stronger Caerostris Darwini web. And it is not surprising, because the tiny sea creatures feed on algae, growing on the surface of the harsh rocks, and to separate food from rock, these animals have to work out. Scientists believe that in the future we will be able to use an example of the fibrous structure of the seashest teeth in the machine-building industry and begin to build cars, boats and even the aircraft of increased strength, inspired by an example of simple snails.

    13. Martensite-aging steel

    Photo: Pixabay.

    Martensite-aging steel is a high-strength and high-alloy alloy with excellent plasticity and viscosity. The material is widespread in rocket industry and is used to make all kinds of tools.

    12. Osmis

    Photo: PeriodictableRu /

    Osmia - an incredibly dense element, and due to its hardness and high temperatures Melting it with difficulty can be machined. That is why osmium is used where durability and strength are valued most. Osmami alloys are found in electrical contacts, rocket lights, military shells, surgical implants and are still applied in many other areas.

    11. Kevlar

    Photo: Wikimedia Commons

    Kevlar is a high-strength fiber that can be found in automotive tires, brake pads, cables, prosthetic and orthopedic products, body armor, tissues of protective clothing, shipbuilding and in detail unmanned aircraft. The material has become practically synonymous with strength and is a type of plastic with incredibly high strength and elasticity. Kevlar strength is 8 times higher than that of the steel wire, and it starts to melt at a temperature of 450.

    10. Ultra-high-molecular polyethylene high density, brand of spectrum fibers (Spectra)

    Photo: Tomas Castelazo, / Wikimedia Commons

    HVMPE is essentially very durable plastic. The spectrum, the MARK OF GHMPE, is, in turn, the light fiber of the highest wear resistance, 10 times superior to the steel on this indicator. Like Kevlar, the spectrum is used in the manufacture of body armor and protective helmets. Along with ELMPE, the Dainimo spectrum brand is popular in shipbuilding and transport industry.

    9. Grafen.

    Photo: Pixabay.

    Graphene is allotropic modification Carbon, and its crystal lattice thickness of only one atom is so strong that it has been harder than 200 times. The graphene looks like a food film, but to break it - almost an impossible task. To break through the graphene sheet through, you will have to stick in it a pencil, which will have to balance the cargo weighing with a whole school bus. Good luck!

    8. Carbon nanotubes paper

    Photo: Pixabay.

    Thanks to nanotechnology, scientists managed to make paper, which is 50 thousand times thinner of the human hair. The sheets of carbon nanotubes are 10 times lighter than steel, but the most amazing thing is that, by strength, they are superior in as much as 500 times! Macroscopic plates from nanotubes are most promising for the manufacture of electrodes of supercapacitors.

    7. Metal microrehet

    Photo: Pixabay.

    Before you the easiest metal in the world! Metal microrette is a synthetic porous material that is 100 times lighter than foam. But let it be appearance It does not mislead you, because these microrekeepers at the same time and incredibly durable, so they have great potential for use in all sorts of engineering areas. Of these, you can make excellent shock absorbers and thermal insulators, and the amazing ability of this metal is compressed and returning to its original condition allows you to use it for the accumulation of energy. Metal microrekeepers are also actively used in the production of various parts for aircraft of the American company Boeing.

    6. Carbon nanotubes

    Photo: User Mstroeck / En.Wikipedia

    We have already told about superproof macroscopic plates from carbon nanotubes. But what is this material? In fact, it is rolled in the tube graphene planes (9th item). As a result, it turns out incredibly lightweight, elastic and durable material of a wide range of applications.

    5. Aerograph

    Photo: Wikimedia Commons

    Also known as graphene aerogel, this material is extremely lightweight and durable at the same time. In the new form of the gel, the liquid phase is completely replaced by gaseous, and it is distinguished by sensational hardness, heat-resistance, low density and low thermal conductivity. Incredible, but graphen aerogel is 7 times lighter than air! A unique compound can restore its original shape even after 90% compression and can absorb such an amount of oil, which is 900 times the weight of the airbrush used for absorption. Perhaps in the future, this class of materials will help in the fight against such environmental catastrophes, as oil spills.

    4. Material Untitled, Development of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

    Photo: Pixabay.

    While you read these lines, the team of scientists from MIT is working on improving graphene properties. Researchers stated that they had already been able to transform the two-dimensional structure of this material into three-dimensional. The new graphene substance has not yet received its name, but it is already known that its density is 20 times less than that of steel, and its strength is 10 times higher than the similar characteristics of steel.

    3. Karbin

    Photo: Smokefoot.

    Although it is only a linear chains of carbon atoms, carbin has 2 times a higher strength limit than graphene, and it is 3 times tougher diamond!

    2. Bora Nitride Wurcitic Modification

    Photo: Pixabay.

    This recently open natural substance is formed during volcanic eruptions, and it is 18% harder diamonds. However, diamonds are superior to a variety of other parameters. Wurcitic Bora nitride is one of the total 2 natural substances found on the ground, which is harder than diamond. The problem is that there are very few such nitrides, and therefore they are not easy to study or applied in practice.

    1. Lonsdaleit

    Photo: Pixabay.

    Also known as diamond is hexagonal, Lonsdaleit consists of carbon atoms, but in the case of this modification, atoms are somewhat different. Like a Wurcitic boron nitride, Lonsdaleit is superior to a diamond hardness. Natural substance. Moreover, this amazing mineral is harder diamond by as much as 58%! Like a nitride of Bora Wurcitic modification, this connection is extremely rare. Sometimes the lansdalet is formed during the collision with the land of meteorites, which include graphite.