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  • Organization and conduct of a psychological pedagogical consultation. Psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation

    Organization and conduct of a psychological pedagogical consultation. Psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation

    The consultation is a small collection of people responsible for the successful education and development of the child in school.

    Mandatory participants   councils are a psychologist, head teacher and class teachers (in primary school - the main teachers). Extremely desirable presence at the consultation school doctor   - a doctor or a nurse.

    The psychologist brings to the consultation the results of his diagnostic activities - observations, expert surveys of teachers and parents, examinations of schoolchildren themselves. At the same time, the consultation is not subject to the primary data themselves, but to certain analytical summary.

    In these materials, information about the child or his family

    firstly, presented in a form that does not violate the right to confidentiality ,

    secondly formulated accessible and understandable language for teacher and physician .

    .Form   providing psychological data to the consultation may be attachment   to the protocol of the psychological examination filled out by the psychologist on the eve of the consultation.

    The protocol itself records the results of all surveys both in primary numerical form and in the form of some qualitative level indicator. In the application form   to the protocol data can be summarized as follows way:

    1. The description is given psychological characteristics of learning, behavior and well-being    schoolchild during the collection of information. The description is given in free form, but based on the content of the psychological and pedagogical status of the student. More precisely, those of its components that have been investigated by a psychologist.

    2. Named those areas of the mental life of a child or adolescent in which certain violations or deviations from age, mental or social norms    and specific manifestations of these disorders are described. These are phenomena such as mental decline in relation to the age norm, mental disorders manifested in personality accentuations or deviations in behavior, asocial manifestations, etc.. If possible and necessary causes    existing violations.

    3. Named those areas of mental life of the student, the development of which is characterized pronounced individual characteristics    and their real manifestations are described.

    4. Listed are adequate from the point of view of a psychologist escort forms.

    Presenting a specific child at the consultation, the psychologist can rely on the primary data of the protocol, however, only the texts of the applications are provided to other participants in the consultation for familiarization and work.

    We cite as an example   one of the possible text options for such an application.

    F.I.O. student   Nikolay K., Grade 1 “A”

    Date of examination   February 1996

    Inclusion of several individual meetings in the POCRR correction and development group aimed at removing fear of learning activities, developing a pedagogical assistance program, advising parents on issues intellectual development   a child.

    In general, the whole informationwhich the psychologist prepares for the consultation may be divided into two groups:

    1-information about specific schoolchildren

    2- generalized information by class or parallel. It is a summary table of indicators studied in this psycho-diagnostic minimum. At the consultation, the psychologist talks about those general trends in the state of schoolchildren that he discovered when analyzing these tables.

    Information provided to the consultation teacher and medic. The class teacher, relying on the results of his own observations and conversations with subject teachers, gives a pedagogical description of the learning activities and behavior of specific students and classes in general. The information provided should relate, firstly, to the difficulties that the student experiences in various pedagogical situations, and, secondly, to the features, individual characteristics of his learning, communication and well-being. The characteristics of the student can be made up of the following indicators:

    Qualitative characteristics of educational activities:

    Difficulties and features that appear in the preparation of homework

    Difficulties and features that appear with oral and written answers in the lesson, especially answers at the blackboard

    Difficulties and features that arise when performing creative tasks and routine laborious work

    Difficulties arising in the process of mastering new material or repeating the lessons learned

    Types of assignments or training material that cause the greatest difficulties

    The alleged causes of the described difficulties and features.

    Quantitative indicators of educational activity:

    Performance in core subjects

    Estimated Reasons for Low or Uneven Performance

    Indicators of behavior and communication in educational situations:

    Description and assessment of behavior in terms of learning activity and interest

    Description and assessment of behavior in terms of compliance with generally accepted rules

    Individual characteristics and difficulties arising in the process of communication with teachers and peers

    Indicators of emotional state in educational situations:

    Description of a “typical” emotional state for a student in a lesson

    Description of situations that cause the student various emotional difficulties (crying, irritation, aggression, fear, etc.)

    Giving a characteristic to a specific student, the class teacher and teacher stops, naturally, only on those indicators that contain information important for the work of the council.

    The questioning of subject teachers and the preparation of pedagogical characteristics is carried out directly by the class teacher with organizational and administrative support

    The participation of a medical professional in a consultation is highly desirable. But if it is difficult to organize technically, participants in the consultation must necessarily have certain information about the health status and physical characteristics of students. Three main indicators stand out:


    Compliance of physical development with age norms

    The state of the organs of vision, hearing, musculoskeletal system

    Tolerance of physical activity (based on data from a physical education teacher)


    The presence in the past of diseases and injuries that may affect the development of the child

    Risk factors for major functional systems, the presence of chronic diseases


    Information about the child is provided for those items characteristics that contain important information to accompany.

    The main stages of the consultation and their content .

    The preparation of the consultation is carried out by each participant separately.

    -Psychologistprocesses the data of the psychological minimum and in-depth diagnostics, prepares applications for individual students and information on the class as a whole. His tasks also include determining which students need to be discussed separatelyhaving devoted a lot of time to this, and which children, being psychologically prosperous, will not become the subject of a separate discussion at the consultation (or it takes a little time to develop their support).

    -Teacher(the class teacher in the middle and senior parallel) collects and processes information from subject teachers, systematizes their own observations.

    -School Mediclooks through medical records, if necessary receives additional information from parents or from the clinic, and also prepares extracts for discussion at the consultation. The teacher and the doctor also each according to their information identifies children who need serious discussion at the consultation.

    -   Head teachercollects information about those students for whom there is an individual discussion, and develops a consultation scheme. On average, three to four meetings are needed to discuss data on one parallel.

    When planning work, the head teacher primarily takes time

    1. to discuss the strategy of supporting those students who, according to the psychologist, teacher, physician, or all of them together, are the most “problematic»,

    2. then - to discuss information on students with partial problems,

    3. Lastly, strategies for developing support for “psychologically prosperous” students are being developed.

    4. At the end of its work, the council discusses the situation in parallel in general and develops specific recommendations for class teachers and the school administration.

    The functions of the head teacher at the preparation stage may also include the preparation of the necessary documentation - forms of protocols of the consultation.

    Council meetings are held on a certain fixed day, once or twice a week. The leader of the consultation is the head teacher or psychologist.   The facilitator sets the order of discussion, monitors compliance with the rules of discussion.

    The participants in the consultation can also be a social worker and social teacher.

    As noted above, the work of psychological pedagogical consultation   according to the results of the survey, a certain parallel begins with a discussion of the most difficult cases.

    The order of the consultation   in the discussion of one case.

    1.First of all, carried out information exchange   between its members. The order of presentation of information is not of fundamental importance. At this stage, we are talking about “assembling a holistic portrait” of a schoolchild (A. L. Wenger). The participants in the consultation receive the opportunity to see their student in the whole variety of his school behavior, as well as to understand the causes of his problems, no longer being limited by their professional school tasks.

    2. The second task, solved at the consultation during the discussion of a specific case, is development of an escort strategy   this student.

    The activity of the consultation in relation to a particular child consists in responding to several consecutive of issues:

    What is the psychological, pedagogical and medical status of the student at the time of the examination?

    What features and problems are characterized by the development of the student as a whole at the time of the survey?

    In what forms and in what time period will a psychologist, a school physician and a class teacher take part in the accompaniment of the student?

    Does the content of the consultation of the participants of the consultation with the teaching staff or individual teachers, parents of the student and the school administration be envisaged and what content?

    What social dispatching activities are also planned?

    3. Answers to all the questions posed above involve establishing timing   the performance of a particular work, the specific responsible and forms of control.

    4. The work of the consultation with an individual case ends with filling out the final document   - conclusions of the consultation, in which the answers to the main of the above questions find their brief description.

    5. The next stage of work is analysis of data on the parallel as a whole and the development of relevant recommendations.

    6. So, the consultation ends distribution of dutiesbetween the participants in the consultation on the maintenance and advisory work, indicating the approximate deadlines.

    We give a possible form of such a conclusion.

    F.I.O. student, age and grade

    Psychological, medical and pedagogical status at the time of the examination:

    Current status:


    Date of completion:

    Signatures of participants:

    We will take advantage of a specific case, which we have already cited as an example in this section, and show how to work with it in the framework of a consultation.

    Once again, we list the data provided by the psychologist:

    F.I.O. student: Nikolay K., Grade 1 “A”

    Date of examination: February 1995

    The phenomenon of development at the time of the survey:

    The boy has problems with the assimilation of educational material. The arbitrariness of intellectual activity is poorly developed: it hardly retains and fulfills the conditions of the educational task, is often and quickly distracted, an internal action plan is not formed at the level of the rest of the class: poorly copes with tasks performed without relying on the sample. Efficient, educational motivation is quite high. Relations with classmates are friendly, practically does not enter into communication with teachers: he looks shy, timid. Anxiety is high, self-esteem is not sustainable.

    Development abnormalities or abnormalities:

    Certain violations in the intellectual sphere have been identified related to low arbitrary regulation of mental activity, low awareness and insufficient knowledge and ideas (“pedagogical delay”). The reasons are partial violations of intellectual development (compensated) at an early age, lack of social and pedagogical conditions for development: from 3 to 7 years old, was in kindergarten   on a five-day trip, he lived with his grandmother (currently lives with his parents).

    Features of mental development identified in the survey:

    High personal and situational anxiety: strongly worries about educational failures, worries about grades. Reacts to an alarming situation with the withdrawal of oneself.

    Possible forms of escort:

    Inclusion in a correctional development group after several individual meetings aimed at removing fear of learning activities, developing a program of pedagogical assistance, advising parents on the intellectual development of the child.

    Teacher   based on the results of his own observation and conversations with subject teachers, he provided the following information:

    Qualitative characteristics of educational activities:

    When doing homework and in the process of class work, difficulties arise in understanding the educational material: in mathematics - when writing down conditions and formulating questions of the problem, in Russian - when applying the rules, finding errors in your own texts. Homework is done with a lot of small mistakes.

    He does written work better than oral: it is difficult to formulate his thoughts. Performs creative tasks worse than routine, while performing simple tasks can be very diligent and able-bodied.

    The greatest difficulties arise when performing tasks that require logic, developed speech and creativity.

    The alleged causes of the described difficulties and features: they do not work with the boy at home, the only form of help is punishment for poor grades.

    Quantitative indicators of educational activity:

    Performance in the main subjects: mathematics - 3, Russian language - 3, reading - 3, labor - 5, drawing - 4.

    Indicators of behavior and communication in educational situations:

    He practically does not show activity in the lesson; he is interested in developing game exercises with interest, even if he cannot cope with them, he carefully performs technical work in the lessons.

    Rarely violates discipline in a lesson.

    Very timid in relation to teachers: practically does not address questions, speaks in a whisper, looks away. Often does not answer questions. Relations with the guys are good: he plays at breaks with everyone, but never leads, obeys the decisions of others.

    Indicators of emotional state in educational situations:

    In the lesson, he is often absent-minded, looks away, but can quickly get into work after a remark. By the end of the lesson, he often clearly gets tired, stops working.

    In response to comments, he is most often silent, clenching, sometimes tears appear or fists clench.

    Medical information about the boy:

    The physical condition of the child at the time of the consultation:

    The development corresponds to the age norm, according to physical education it is engaged in the main group, it is well tolerated

    Developmental risk factors:

    Birth injury, encephalopathy in infancy, chronic pharyngitis.

    The incidence rate for the last year.

    Virtually not sick.

    Based on the results of the discussion, the following information and decisions are recorded in the protocol:


    Current status: Poorly assimilates educational material, absent-minded, inattentive, tasks requiring logical understanding, creative imagination cause particular difficulty. The boy has poorly developed oral and written speech, the emotional state is not stable, anxious. Public response situations are alarming.

    Trying not to enter into communication with teachers, communication skills with adults are poorly developed. Raised, neat.

    : there are certain violations in the cognitive sphere (low randomness, lack of formation of the internal plan of educational actions, the formation of logical operations in the framework of the requirements of the first class program), which can be compensated for when organizing special work. The boy is “pedagogically neglected” due to the lack of proper attention to his development in the family.

    Council member


    School psychologist

    Inclusion in the correctional group of first-graders with difficulties in behavior.

    Individual lessons aimed at the development of the cognitive sphere

    Development and implementation of the assistance strategy: organization of special additional classes, creation of favorable conditions for the boy to work during the lesson: friendly atmosphere, a temporary decrease in educational requirements, the predominant use of written surveys or oral answers outside the lesson.

    Providing methodological assistance to the teacher in the organization pedagogical work

    Council member


    School psychologist

    Informing teachers about the features and problems of the child in a group consultation, assistance in developing strategies for pedagogical assistance and support

    Conducting an individual consultation with the family (the first meeting can be held jointly with the teacher)

    Conducting an individual consultation with the family

    Providing methodological assistance to subject teachers in organizing work with a child

    So much detail in the framework of the consultation to consider the strategy of accompanying all children is possible only in a small school. Unfortunately, a detailed discussion can only be held for children experiencing severe learning and developmental problems. The time allotted for discussion of the concept of escorting “psychologically prosperous” students is insignificant. Very often, work with them is planned not individually, but for the group as a whole, and only those features are recorded in the protocols that teachers should pay attention to. Teachers are informed about these features during a group consultation. In this case, only the first part of the conclusion relating to his school portrait is personally filled out for the child.

    For example: Alexey K., b. 1983, 8 “A”:

    Psychological, medical and pedagogical status at the time of the survey:

    Current status: “Psychologically prosperous”

    The presence of deviations and developmental features: very slow when performing almost any work, but performs it efficiently; he learns new teaching material more slowly than most classmates, but the knowledge he acquires is strong and systematic. Attempts to rush it at work do not lead to a faster pace, but may cause a protest

    In addition to such “shortened” versions of the protocol, a separate sheet can be filled in which the content and directions of psychological, medical and pedagogical work with children who do not have pronounced problems of education, upbringing and mental well-being are recorded.

    For example, in parallel 10 classes.

    O. V. Kryuchkova

    OGBOU "School number 10"

    G. Ryazan



    Interdisciplinarity - borrowing and flowing approaches and methods of various disciplines.

    Consolidation   (from con - together, solido - strengthen ) - strengthening of something, unification, rallying of individuals, groups, organizations to strengthen the struggle for common goals.

    Currently among students secondary school   there is an increase in the number of children in need of comprehensive care. This determines the need to consolidate the efforts of specialists in various fields.

    The category of children with severe speech impairment (hereinafter referred to as TNR), due to the various etiology of the impairment, as well as their severity - from mild and rapidly resolving conditions to persistent deviations requiring the creation of special conditions, dictates the need for educational services and special support by specialists of various profiles. In our school created special conditions   for children with TNR. Program corrective work   is a component of the adapted core general education program   (AOOP) of school No. 10 in accordance with the federal state educational standard (hereinafter referred to as the Standard) and is aimed at ensuring correction of deficiencies in physical and / or mental development   children with TNR, helping children in this category to master this program.

    According to the Standard, one of the main mechanisms for the implementation of correctional work is the optimally structured interaction of specialists of various profiles, providing systemic support for children with disabilities   health (HIA).

    Despite the specially created conditions in our school,   there is an increase in the number of children in need of additional comprehensive care

    Thus, for students who need additional comprehensive assistance, it is necessary to unite and rally specialists of various profiles general educational organization   to strengthen the struggle for common goals, i.e. requires an integrated approach, integrated work, based on the principle of interdisciplinary interaction of a team of like-minded people in the framework of a child assistance service. In our school there is such a service - this is a school psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation (hereinafter ShMPK). It includes a teacher-psychologist, teacher primary school, speech therapist, teacher of the Russian language and literature, mathematics teacher, pediatrician, social teacher.

    The main goal of ShMPK   - the creation of a holistic system that provides optimal pedagogical conditions for children with learning difficulties in accordance with their age and individual characteristics, the level of current development, the state of somatic and mental health.

    Fundamental to the work of ShMPK are the following principles:

    - respect for the personality and reliance on the positive qualities of the child: interviews with students during the sessions are aimed at recognizing to the same extent both the developmental deficiencies and the positive potential of the child;

    - maximum pedagogization of diagnostics, which determines the priority of pedagogical tasks of ShMPK and suggests that the meaning of consilium is in the integration of psychological and pedagogical knowledge. Each identified developmental feature should be consistently comprehended from the point of view of the tendencies of the nearest development and, taking this into account, transformed into a specific educational measure;

    - confidentiality of information involving strict observance of ethical principles by the participants of ShMPK. Concretization and detection of contradictions in developmental difficulties should not lead to a decrease in the student’s self-esteem, or to deepen the problems of relations with peers and teachers. The secret of psychological, medical and pedagogical diagnosis must be strictly observed. Information about mental pathology, an unfavorable status in the team, and other data, the disclosure of which may harm the child, are not subject to public discussion outside the meeting of ShMPK.

    Tasks of the psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation:

    1. Timely identification and comprehensive examination of children with deviations in physical, intellectual and emotional development, difficulties in learning and school adaptation in order to organize development and training in accordance with their individual capabilities.

    2. Identification of the reserve capabilities of the child, the development of recommendations for the teacher to ensure reasonable differentiated approach   in the process special education   and upbringing.

    3. Choosing the best curriculum for the child.

    3.1. In the absence of positive development dynamics within one year, resolving the issue of re-passing the program of this class or choosing the appropriate type of training.

    3.2. Given the positive dynamics and compensation of deficiencies, the definition of ways to integrate children into the relevant schools working in basic general educational programs.

    3.4. Making a collegial decision on the selection of optimal teaching methods and training of the student.

    3.5. Prevention of physical, intellectual and emotional overloads and breakdowns, organization of medical and recreational activities.

    3.6. Development of a plan of joint psychological, medical and pedagogical activities in order to correct the educational process.

    3.7. Consultations in the solution of difficult, conflict situations.

    Organization of the activities of the school psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation:

    1. ShMPK is created in an educational organization by order of the director.

    2. Meetings of ShMPK are held as necessary and when the diagnostic and analytical materials necessary for solving a specific psychological, medical and pedagogical problem are ready.   The meeting of ShMPK may be convened by its leader on an emergency basis.

    3. Organization of meetings is carried out in two stages:

    - preparatory:   collection, synthesis of diagnostic, analytical data, formation of preliminary conclusions and recommendations;

    - main:   discussion of analytical data and preliminary conclusions, development of collective recommendations.

    4. Schoolchildren are admitted to ShPMPk both on the initiative of their parents (legal representatives) and on the initiative of a teacher and psychologist. In the case of the initiative of the school staff, written consent of the parents (legal representatives) is obtained for the examination of the child and the presence of the parent (legal representative).

    5. Based on the data obtained, a protocol and recommendations are collegially compiled on the conditions and type of correctional developmental education and upbringing of the child, taking into account its individual capabilities and features.

    6. In case of absencethe child’s developmental dynamics ShMPK sends him to the specialists of the regional psychological, medical and pedagogical commission (hereinafter PMPC) or a medical institution with a profile where he provides the following documents:

    Psychological, medical and pedagogical characteristics of the child;

    Written works on the Russian language, mathematics, drawings and other types of independent work of the child;

    Application for examination at the regional PMPK parents (legal representatives).

    Thus, the school psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation represents a holistic system of work of specialists of an educational organization, based on the principles of interdisciplinary interaction and aimed at providing comprehensive assistance to students with difficulties in adaptation, training, education, development, and socialization of children with TNR.

    Appendix No. 1

    Psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation.

    The Consilium (PMPk) is an independent organizational form of the methodological work of the teaching staff and the interaction of specialists, uniting for psychological, medical and pedagogical support of pupils with developmental disabilities in the conditions of educational institutions, with a specific range of diagnostic and educational tasks. This is a systematic action, with a constant composition of participants, vested with the right to recommend and control a meeting of persons participating in educational work.

    Regulatory framework

    The consultation carries out its activities in accordance with:

    • International Convention on the Rights of the Child;
    • The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”;
    • By the letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 27 / 901-6 dated 03/27/2000, “On the psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation (PMPC) of an educational institution;
    • Charter of MADOU No. 25;
    • The agreement between PMPk and the territorial psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation;
    • An agreement between DOW and parents (legal representatives).

    PMPk is created on the basis of a preschool educational institution by order of the head of an educational institution, if there are appropriate specialists.

    The Council carries out its activities in collaboration with medical, speech therapy and psychological services   DOW, the pedagogical council of DOW and all the links in the educational process.

    The main activities of PMPk.

    The consultation is convened to make a pedagogical diagnosis and develop a collective decision on the measures of pedagogical impact;

    Advises parents, carers, specialists of a preschool institution on the issues of prevention, treatment, as well as organization of assistance and pedagogical support for children with special needs;

    Prepares documents for TPMPK in the event of an unclear diagnosis or in the absence of positive dynamics in the development and upbringing of the child.

    The diagnostic function of the consilium includes the development of a project of pedagogical correction in the form of a number of educational measures recommended to educators, parents, teachers (Recommendations), and the Program of individual correctional work with the child. The main activities of the consultation are:

    Formation in pupils of an adequate assessment of pedagogical phenomena in general and children's problems;

    Comprehensive impact on the personality of the child;

    Advice on corrective developmental education and training;

    Social protection of the child in cases of adverse living conditions under traumatic circumstances;

    Protection and strengthening of somatic and psychological health, preventive treatment and physical hardening in accordance with the individual needs and capabilities of the child.

      Tasks of the consultation:

    1. In the work of the consultation, it is not so much the qualification of the child’s condition that matters, the main thing is the determination of the main directions, forms and terms of the correctional development process.

    2. The tasks of the consultation include:

    Organization and conduct of a comprehensive study of the personality of the child using diagnostic methods of psychological, pedagogical, clinical examination;

    Identification and early diagnosis of deviations in the development and (or) state of decompensation;

    Identification of the level and features of development cognitive activity, memory, attention, performance, emotional and personal maturity, the level of development of speech of pupils;

    Identification of the reserve capabilities of the child, development of recommendations for educators and other specialists to ensure an individual approach in the process of education and training;

    Determining the nature, duration and effectiveness of special (correctional) assistance within the framework of the opportunities available in the DOW;

    The choice of differentiated pedagogical conditions necessary for the correction of developmental deficiencies and for the organization of the correctional development process;

    The choice of educational programs optimal for the child’s development, corresponding to his readiness for learning, depending on his state of health, individual characteristics of his development, adaptability to his immediate environment;

    Ensuring the general corrective orientation of the educational process, which involves the activation of cognitive activity of children, their level of mental and speech development, normalization of activity, correction of deficiencies in emotional and personal development;

    Approval and approval of the work plans of various specialists, development of a single work plan for the DOE;

    Determining ways to integrate children into groups working according to basic educational programs, with positive dynamics and compensation for developmental deficiencies;

    Prevention of physical, intellectual and psychological overload, emotional breakdowns, organization of medical and recreational activities;

    Preparation and maintenance of documentation reflecting the current development of the child, the dynamics of his condition, the level of his educational success, a detailed conclusion on the development status and health of the pupils for presentation in psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation.

    Organization of the consultation and documentation

    1. Examination of the child by specialists of the PMPk is carried out at the initiative of the parents (legal representatives) or employees of the preschool with the consent of the parents (legal representatives) on the basis of the Agreement between the preschool and the parents (legal representatives) of the pupils.

    2. Meetings of the council are divided into scheduled (at least once a quarter) and unscheduled and conducted under the guidance of the chairman. The frequency of meetings of the PMPk is determined by the real request of the DOE for a comprehensive review of the problems of children with developmental disabilities.

    A meeting of PMPk specialists can also be convened urgently due to urgent need.

    Discussion of the results of dynamic observation and corrective work is carried out by the specialists of PMPk at least once a quarter.

    3. Organization of meetings is carried out in two stages. At the first preparatory stage, preliminary diagnostic data are collected, which must be clarified and differentiated at the meeting.

    At the second, basically, stage, a consultation is held, at which the child and his parents are invited.

    4. For the period of preparation of the PMPk meeting and the subsequent implementation of the recommendations, a leading specialist is appointed: the educator or other specialist conducting corrective and developing training or conducting special (corrective) work.

    The leading specialist monitors the dynamics of the child’s development and the effectiveness of the assistance provided to him, and comes up with the initiative for repeated discussions at PMPk.

    5. According to the survey, each specialist who participated in the examination and corrective work with the child draws up a Child's Opinion, Recommendations (medical, psychological, speech therapy, pedagogical), which are provided to the meetings of the Council.

    6. The procedural outline of the meeting includes the following:

    Organizing time;

    Hearing of the characteristics, Representations (Conclusions) of specialists, their addition by the leading specialist, nurse, other members of the Council;

    Interview with parents (legal representatives);

    Interview with a child;

    Pedagogical diagnosis;

    Exchange of opinions and suggestions on the correction of development;

    The choice of educational programs optimal for a given child;

    Development of a program of individual corrective work with a child.

    7. The results of the examination and dynamic observation are recorded by the defectologist (psychologist) in the Protocol of the initial examination of the child.

    8. The Collective Opinion of the PMPK specialists contains a generalized characteristic of the structure of the child’s psychophysical development (without a diagnosis) and a Special Correctional Assistance Program summarizing the recommendations of the specialists; signed by the chairman and all members of the PMPk.

    9. The protocol of the initial examination, the conclusions and recommendations of specialists, the collegial Conclusion and the Special Correctional Assistance Program are an integral part of the Journal of Comprehensive Dynamic Monitoring of a Child (maintained by a psychologist, speech therapist, and a member of the PMPK).

    Priority correction tasks and the choice of ways to solve them are also recorded in the Journal of comprehensive dynamic observation of the child.

    11. Changing the conditions for obtaining education (within the framework of the opportunities available in the DOE) is carried out according to the conclusion of the TPMK, PMPk and the statement of the parents.

    12. In the absence of DOE conditionsadequate individual features   child, as well as the need for in-depth diagnostics, to resolve conflicts and disputes pMPk specialists   recommend that parents contact the territorial psychological, medical and pedagogical commission (TPMPK).

    13. When referring a child to TPMPK, a copy of the collegial Conclusions PMPk   issued to parents, copies of the expert opinions are sent only with the accompanying representative of PMPk.

    Copies of expert opinions and a copy of the collegial Opinion of PMPK can be sent to other institutions or organizations only upon official request.

    The composition of the consultation

    1. The following are introduced into the composition of the permanent members of the Council on the orders of the head of the preschool educational institution:

    Head (Chairman of the Council)

    Art. educator (may be the chairman of the Council);

    teacher speech therapist;


    art. nurse;

    educators of compensatory groups;

    invited experts.

    2. The composition of the Council is quite flexible, it includes permanent and temporary members. Permanent members of the Council are present at each meeting, participate in its preparation, followed by monitoring the implementation of recommendations. The functions of the specialists of the Council include the prevention of psychophysiological overload, emotional breakdowns, creating a climate of psychological comfort for all participants in the pedagogical process.

    3. The head of the Council carries out general management of the correctional and pedagogical work of the team, the continuity in the work of specialists, educators, parents, schools; organizes verification and systematic discussion of the effectiveness of the Council. The chairman of the PMPk informs the parents and specialists of the PMPk about the need to discuss the problems of the child and organizes the preparation and conduct of the meeting of the PMPk. The leader is responsible for the general organization of meetings; ensures their consistency, forms the composition of the members of the Council for the next meeting, the composition of children and parents invited to the meetings, it also coordinates the relations of the Council with other parts of the educational process; organizes control over the implementation of the recommendations of the Council; can direct meetings of the Council.

    4. The examination of the child is carried out by each specialist PMPk individually, taking into account the actual age-related psychophysical load of the child.

    5. The nurse informs about the state of health of the child, his abilities; on the recommendation of the Council, ensures its referral to a consultation with specialists. During the consultation gives recommendations on the mode of life of the child.

    6. The duties of a speech therapist include informing the specialists of the Council about the features of the speech development of the pupil, developing programs for frontal correctional development work; maintaining documentation of the Council; Journal of integrated dynamic monitoring of the child.

    7. The duties of a psychologist include an in-depth study of the characteristics of the intellectual development of children, personal and behavioral reactions, the provision of methodological assistance to specialists and educators in assessing the intellectual development of a child, the basic qualities of his personality, revealing the problems of self-esteem, motivation, cognitive and other interests, emotional sphere; to build joint program   actions aimed at the development of certain qualities or the elimination of identified difficulties and developmental deficiencies.

    8. Specialist consultants are invited as necessary to directly monitor the children and help in making the right decision.

    9. The teacher gives the child a characteristic, formulates in a generalized form the meaning of difficulties in his education and training, actively participates in an interview with parents and the pupil himself; compiles a program of frontal correctional development work with his group; is planning individual work   with pupils.

    Interaction of TPMPK and PMPk

    1. TPMPK of the city of Berdsk is the main educational institution in the city in relation to the PMPk and operates on the basis of an agreement with the founder.

    2. The constituent documents are: the founder’s order on its creation, as well as the Regulation on TPMK approved by the founder.

    3. TPMKK exercises control and methodological support of special (correctional) classes and groups in educational institutions for in-depth examination of children, dynamic differential diagnostics, testing of new examination and training methods, etc.

    4. PMPk educational   institutions:

    Created by order of the head of the educational institution; general management of the PMPk is assigned to the head of the educational institution or his deputy;

    They are one of the forms of interaction between specialists of an educational institution, uniting for psychological, medical and pedagogical support of pupils with deviations in development and / or decompensation states;

    Provide diagnostic and corrective psychological, medical and pedagogical support to pupils with deviations in development and / or decompensation states, based on the real capabilities of the educational institution and in accordance with special educational needs, age and individual characteristics, the state of somatic and psychological health of the pupils;

    Conducted at least once a quarter.

    5. In the absence of this educational institution   conditions adequate to the individual characteristics of the child, as well as the need for in-depth diagnosis and / or resolution of conflict and controversial issues, PMPK experts recommend that parents (legal representatives) contact the territorial psychological, medical and pedagogical commission (TPMPC).