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  • Reading aloud and to yourself which is better. When and how to start teaching a child to read aloud? How to make reading English texts aloud interesting

    Reading aloud and to yourself which is better.  When and how to start teaching a child to read aloud?  How to make reading English texts aloud interesting

    Reading aloud is one of the skills that a person should master at school age. Some will ask, is it really important to read aloud, because the main thing is to learn to read "to yourself." Today there is so much information that reading aloud only delays the process of its perception.

    This opinion is extremely erroneous. Reading aloud develops a person's speech, replenishes it with new words. After all, you must admit, reading "to himself" a person simply will not learn to pronounce many words, let alone use them in his speech. Therefore, pronouncing, correct pronunciation words are simply necessary to develop the ability to speak beautifully, clearly, clearly and intelligibly.

    Correct reading out loud technique

    Reading aloud should be done systematically, not occasionally. Only then will the necessary skills of competent speech be formed. It is good if such classes are held daily for 15-20 minutes.

    For reading, you need to choose different books: scientific, fiction, journalistic and alternate reading them every week. So a person will learn to pronounce not only common words, but also scientific terminology. Students for this purpose can read textbooks in physics, chemistry, history, biology and others.

    The first reading of the text must be done with a pencil in hand, along the way noting the words, the meaning of which you do not know or do not remember their correct pronunciation (stress).

    The next stage is working with dictionaries. Today it is very easy to do - you can find any dictionary on the Internet and learn pronunciation and stress in the online system.

    When reading aloud, it is not the amount of material read that matters, but the quality of the reading. Therefore, read by paragraphs or pages, but until a given passage of text is read without errors, clearly and beautifully. Only then proceed to the next part of the text.

    This technique has been tested by teachers and has positive results. So if you yourself or your children want to learn how to read aloud beautifully, use these tips. And you will feel the results soon.

    Perhaps the best form of introducing a child to a book can be family reading aloud. We note right away that organizing this turns out to be a rather laborious task. You need patience, even extraordinary endurance, to read aloud from evening to evening, and nevertheless you need to read, read a lot, forming in the leisurely process of this reading both the mind and soul of the child, establishing a lasting spiritual contact with him.

    It often happens: before school, a child was read a book, and a first grader is stopped reading at the very time when he, at the very least, has mastered literacy. And what? The child's appetite for books weakens. This is understandable. Reading for a six or seven year old is still a difficult process, technical difficulties prevent the child from assimilating the entire completeness of information. Reading is hard, uninteresting, boring for him. Parents who understand this read books aloud with their children in turn.

    Here is what the hero of the novel by I. Grekova "The Chair" Nikolai Nikolayevich Zavalishin recalls about his father, whose prototype, by the way, was the father of the writer: “In our family, reading aloud was a ritual, a holiday. For years in a row, every evening, before going to bed, when we children ... lay in our beds, the most important thing began: Pulin came and read to us aloud. He read splendidly, artistically, but not as a professional reader (such as I hate), but as an intermediary, an interpreter, introducing the most dear ones to the most dear to himself. His beautiful, rather deep voice changed, moving from role to role, from line to line. He seemed to be showing us a precious stone, turning it in different faces and admiring its caviar ... What have we not heard in his reading! All of Gogol, from Evenings on a Farm to Dead Souls, including the second part (read in excerpts), after which we were told the tragic story of the burning of the manuscript (I still cannot forget the pain I experienced then!). Tolstoy: Childhood and Adolescence, Sevastopol Stories, War and Peace. Dostoevsky: "Notes from the House of the Dead", "Crime and Punishment", "The Brothers Karamazov" ... And Goncharov, Turgenev, Pomyalovsky, Leskov! You can't count everything! Now I understand what a titanic work it was: to read all Russian classics to your children! And not only Russian: there were Mark Twain, and Dickens, and Hugo, and Conan Doyle ... ".

    Which books are best for reading aloud? First of all, ask yourself: what attracted you in childhood, adolescence, adolescence? Read to your child everything that you find appropriate, interesting, everything that you loved to read yourself at the same age. It is especially important to choose such classical works that, when reading on their own, reading to themselves, children cannot appreciate right away, they call it boring. If, for example, read aloud the story of N. V. Gogol "Old World Landowners", the listener will remember for a long time the magnificent description of the life of two old people, filled with care for each other. Reading aloud - always reading attentively, when every detail is given due credit, when not only the meanings of words are assimilated, but also the shade of meanings. The slow pace of presenting information when reading aloud makes the vision of everything depicted in the work more accurate and complete. N.V. Gogol belongs to the idea that only one clear reading can give a clear meaning. But it is not only about the distinguishability of the details. Our intonation is very important, the most natural one, our comment (no edification!), Our assessment. It is good if the children ask us what this or that word means. By revealing to the child its meaning, we kind of give him this word and thereby nourish his thinking.

    Sometimes, in the process of family reading, parents, as it were, put on the toga of teachers and immediately ask questions: “Did you like it? Why? Retell! " After reading the book, it is best to ask questions carefully, tactfully. Let the child ask you himself, be interested in your opinion, let him not rush to condemn the book if it seemed uninteresting to him, in short, let him think ... As for the "boring" books, the rule should be quite strict: if the book is started, it should be read to end, especially since the assessment of the book by the end of reading may change to the opposite. “Unfinished books, like half-eaten pieces on a plate, spoil people's character,” we read in M. Shaginyan's book.

    The older the children are, the more difficulties arise with the choice of the book. This also applies to the self-reading process. The position of parents on this issue is different. Here is an interesting excerpt from the memoirs of Vadim Shefner: “Mother demanded that I not read until nightfall, but she did not impose any other prohibitions in this sense and allowed me to read anything: she believed that there were incomparably more good writers in the world than bad ones, and that good books will defeat bad books in my head; if you keep the boy in blinkers and from the outside determine for him what can be read to him and what is not, then he may lose interest in the printed word ... "

    Here's a different approach. Doctor A. Andreev recalls his father: “He directed our reading. And if we took an empty book, then he just kept silent, did not want to talk about it - this silence was his review. " Note: in both the first and second cases, the parents avoided harsh, categorical judgments, did not express them openly to their children, showed tact, and perhaps this tact not only preserved and protected the interest in reading, but also stimulated the desire to figure it out, to understand , estimate.

    The root of the problem is how to read? The habit of reading attentive, saturated can be developed by reading aloud. The ability to evaluate a book also develops through reading and brainstorming. And what a brilliant opportunity for parents to talk to a child, no matter how old he is! Each book should be read as a textbook that will surely teach you something, most likely imperceptibly. You can even disagree with the author if the book is not accepted by the heart, argue, defend your own - all this is also useful and interesting.

    Is it necessary to adhere to the unity of subject matter when choosing books, will the genre diversity of what is read to him harm the child? Although these questions worry many parents, they seem far-fetched to us. Reading aloud (and not only aloud) should be quite diverse both in themes and genres of works of art.

    It is useful to listen to the requests of children in choosing a book. Many children love to return to books they already know. Do not be lazy to read the book the second, third, fourth time. This means that it is important for the kid, since he asks to repeat the reading. The reasons for such requests may not be very clear to adults. One girl, when she fell ill, asked her mother to read to her "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" by N. Nosov. In total, the book has been read seven times. Apparently, the meeting with Dunno, the anticipation of familiar events helped the young listener to cope with the illness.

    A talented teacher knows the cost of re-reading well. V. A. Sukhomlinsky tells how the cult of the book was created in his school: “Yes, the new, the unknown must also be read, and we read new books. But a work enters the spiritual world only when the child wants to read to his comrades what excited his heart, he wants to convey his feelings and experiences in a word. We read each book from the first section of our library aloud at least 10 times, and the interest in it did not weaken from repeated reading. The book was read 2-3 weeks ago, but the children do not forget it, they strive to read it again and come to school especially for this. 3-4 months pass, the children again want to read their favorite book - again, collective reading is dedicated to it ”.

    If your son or daughter has an expressive reading class at their school, convince your child to take it. One of the most useful activitiesexpressive reading- will help your child to penetrate the depths of the native word.

    Reading aloud in the family ... Given the various brainchildren of technical progress of father's, mother's or grandmother's, reading aloud may seem old-fashioned and ineffective. However, let's not rush to conclusions. The Personality is still created by the Personality, and to induce a young person to love books, communicate with his child, help him understand life - do we have a more important and necessary task? Probably not.

    Many people admit that they forget most of what they read, no matter how much they like the text. When reading, we use our visual paths to form memory connections. We remember the material because it was what we saw. People who have photographic memories are extraordinarily good. For the rest of us, relying on visual memory alone can leave a lot of gaps, and therefore we must find other ways to remember things. By reading aloud, we form auditory connections in our memory pathways. We remember how we said it out loud, and therefore not only form visual but also auditory connections.

    Art Markman writes on his Psychology Today blog about the production effect, which explains why reading aloud makes us remember better. Specifically, referring to a study in which students were presented with a list and asked to read half of it out loud and half of it silently. The students were able to remember the part of the list they read aloud much better than the part of the list they read to themselves. He adds that there are memory pathways for visual vision of words, as well as auditory pathways for hearing words, there is also a memory connection for the actual pronunciation of words, hence the production effect. Especially if the word or content is different, it makes it easier to remember.

    Keep in mind, however, that simply reading the entire textbook before the exam will likely do nothing for you. Why is this? This is because simple reading without categorizing, asking questions, and making connections does nothing to memorize the material in your mind. You will not be able to fix what you have read in your memory. Also, you don't understand what you are reading. You just need it for the exam and then forget about it.

    Half of the reader's brain is concentrated on pronunciation when he reads aloud. Some people will read with great skill, while others will try to understand the meaning. If half of the brain thinks about the meaning of the text, then it will not be able to make every effort to pronounce it. When we read aloud, we must think and pronounce every word in the text. But there are many words that we do not need to pronounce and or understand. When we read in silence, we can just skip them, which we think is too difficult or not important.

    Reading aloud is a great tool to help you learn to read correctly and build continuity and confidence skills. This will not only help you understand what you are reading, but also allow you to listen to your voice.

    - helps to improve diction and expression;
    - improves visual memory and the ability to memorize images in your mind;
    - improves spelling;
    Is a great exercise you can do to improve your own writing and speaking. This is a great practice for public speaking, speaking acting in the theatre.

    Benefits of reading your own text out loud

    After you finish writing anything - be it a letter, essay, story, book, or report - the best and most effective text editing process is to read your work out loud to yourself. This is how it works:

    - when reading your work out loud, you may hear grammar errors.
    - recognize the correct punctuation. For example, if you pause your reading, you may need to insert a comma at this point or complete a sentence;
    - when you read your work out loud and start to get bored, you probably need to shorten what you wrote. If a part of your text diminishes clarity, you need to rewrite it.

    When you read aloud, you are fully making the connection between your mind and your voice, which leads to greater concentration. When you read to yourself in your head, you only hear the inner words. Their influence on you is limited by how you interpret them. If you choose to read them out loud, you can find deeper meaning in the words.
    People learn in a variety of ways, visual, auditory, tactile, and so on. By reading aloud, you will have a better chance of assimilating and understanding the words of the text. Finally, this reading will make you more aware of the things that you read, hear. This skill does a lot to shape your interpretation.

    However, it has been suggested that reading aloud helps better understanding of the text read. The parts of the brain that control speech are activated when you read aloud. It can help those who rely on auditory memory to help them remember key things.
    Another disadvantage of reading aloud is that it doesn't attract people very much. Many students find it distracting them from their own understanding to listen to another person reading the text aloud.

    A person can read faster by looking at the whole text, rather than at individual words. Reading aloud focuses on pronunciation, so readers usually focus on each word and even each letter. This slows them down a lot. And there are some words in the text that are not critical to understanding it. These include links to words and articles.

    In our practical life, we mostly read silently. What are we doing in a cafe or restaurant? We study the menu in silence. We read many instructions in transport, hospitals and various public places. We do it naturally. What for? We do not want to disturb our neighbors. We just want to know the message from the written words. Reading like this helps us read faster. In terms of comprehension, such a process offers the ability to reread certain sections of the text, if necessary. This helps us connect words faster. Silence helps us focus and process information. When we read to ourselves, we can form mental pictures of the topic read.

    In general, any reading has its advantages. However, reading the text silently allows the person to read faster, and allows the person to reread the text as needed. Whether a person knows more by reading aloud or silently is unknown and likely depends on his or her learning.

    When American billionaire Warren Buffett is asked what the formula for success is, the investor replies: "I just sit in my office and read books." Despite the domination of ingenious gadgets and streams of visual content, in which printed text will be drowned in sight, thoughtful reading skills are at the head of the mental processes involved in information processing, as they did hundreds of years ago.

    What are the benefits of reading?

    Systematic reading is extremely important for the formation of the mental apparatus and the harmonious development of the individual. By building relationships between words and mental images, the brain forms neural networks responsible for cognitive functions - imagination, memory, concentration, logical thinking, analysis and systematization of data. Skills acquired in the process of thoughtful reading are automatically transferred to other areas of activity - oral counting, solving math problems, studying foreign languages and artistic creation. A person accustomed to reading from childhood thinks more effectively, quickly acquires new knowledge and even difficult situations makes the right decisions, not yielding to the pressure of stereotypes, emotions and authorities.

    Why read aloud?

    Previously, it was believed that reading aloud is necessary only in the early stages of learning, although even adults in the form of mental gymnastics would not hurt to regularly read aloud for at least half an hour a day. By reading aloud with expression, we learn to recognize the semantic accents of the text and improve our skills in managing diction and intonation.

    As your child reads aloud, invite them to voice the characters in the book. By trying on different roles, toddlers develop empathy and emotional intelligence. The effect will not keep you waiting: such children are much better at recognizing the feelings of the interlocutors and express their thoughts more coherently than peers who prefer to spend time playing computer games.

    What you shouldn't expect from reading aloud is help in memorization. teaching material... Listening to himself, the child is often distracted from the subject and will hardly be able to delve deeply into the text and accurately retell what he has read.

    Reading aloud is accompanied by hard work of the facial muscles. The little reader should be given a rest every 10-15 minutes.

    Why is reading "to yourself" useful?

    Addicted to books, children usually move on to reading "to themselves." When you don’t have to bother pronouncing sounds, it’s much easier to focus on the text. In addition, such reading develops visual and associative memory well. When reading "to oneself", imagination is actively working. Since the consciousness is completely focused on imaginary images, the imprinting of visual information about the spelling of words is imperceptible, at a subconscious level, and the feeling of fatigue, as with cramming, does not arise.

    The habit of reading "to oneself" creates the preconditions for the formation of intuitive literacy. A well-read child may not know a single rule, but he will write without mistakes, and as a bonus, he will receive a persistent habit of concentration and a trained memory.

    At the same time, the learning potential of reading "to oneself" is limited - it promotes deep assimilation of the material, but almost does not affect oral speech... A child who reads mostly "to himself" may have an amazing vocabulary, but he will make mistakes in the placement of stress, pronounce words incorrectly, so even high school don't stop reading aloud.

    Which way of reading is more effective?

    Reading aloud will benefit even an adult with an already formed intellect and developed speech practice. Such exercises at any age have a positive effect on cognitive function. Moreover, they are important in the process of teaching children.

    Reading "to yourself" plays an equally important role in overall development mental abilities of a person. During the training period, it is better to practice both methods - these skills will organically complement each other. Specially developed techniques are aimed at the maximum use of mental resources, in particular, the course of speed reading training by Andrey Spodin. Exercises that children do, activate both hemispheres of the brain and, importantly, help them master new skills without any stress. This ability is retained in a person who has undergone speed reading training, and in adulthood, extending to other types of mental activity.

    Children show noticeable results after a month of classes in the development centers "AMKids". They master what they read well, demonstrate excellent reading technique, deep understanding of the text, as well as a more harmonious perception of the world around them and a positive attitude. After all, reading not only helps develop the brain. It broadens the horizons, forms moral foundations, simply gives pleasure, allowing a person to travel to other countries and times, experience a variety of emotions and learn new knowledge.

    (1 vote: 5.0 out of 5)

    However, if you want the text of a fairy tale to sound beautiful, there are some recommendations on how to achieve this:

    • Speak the words clearly, do not swallow the endings.
    • Monitor your reading speed. Slow down the pace. Reading will never be "too slow".
    • Be sure to pause. Small ones - between sentences, longer - between paragraphs. It is slow reading and pauses that enable a child, especially a small child, to delve into what you are reading.
    • Feel free to add expressiveness to your text. Roar for the wolf, cry for the princess. The child will gratefully accept any of your manifestations of acting. After all, for him, this means that you are involved in the game.
    • Whether or not to explain incomprehensible words is up to you. To make sure that the child understands you, you can not ask about it, but pause a little longer and look at the little listener. If he is passionate, then there is no need to explain anything. Sometimes I myself add a small explanation or a synonym word to the text. For example: "He frowned, that is, pouted."

    Parents can learn a lot from audio stories. When my children listen to discs with fairy tales in the car, I pay attention to intonation, pauses, pronunciation of words, and then I try to copy good reading. I especially like the way the actors of the old school work with the text - Irina Muravyova, Leonid Kuravlev and others. They are attentive and gentle with the word, like with a newborn chicken, which is held out to the audience to admire together. Let it seem to you at first that your style is imitative. This is normal, because you are just learning!

    The benefits of reading aloud

    Every mother dreams that her baby is the smartest and has a wide outlook. For this, it is important from an early age to regularly read aloud to him.

    Children who are read aloud learn the world faster. To better understand unfamiliar things, the child thinks more actively, turns on his imagination.

    Plus, reading aloud is a great way to communicate with your child. You can discuss fairy-tale characters with him, ask the kid to show them in the picture.

    Children under 3 years of age have access to short stories described simple sentences, with repetitions and rhymes. At 4-5 years old, the child perceives stories consisting of several episodes related to the plot. Turn reading into a game: try to read in roles, act out scenes, invite your child to develop the plot in their own way.

    It develops oral speech, since the child hears himself, and perhaps even listens, which helps to remember how to pronounce words correctly, where to put semantic stress, and so on.

    If your child reads to you aloud, you have the opportunity not only to correct him when he says something wrong, but also to discuss what he read. In this way you develop critical thinking child, the ability to think logically, to find the most important and interesting in the text, which is especially useful in high school. And in general, a good understanding of the written text is a very important skill in almost any job.

    Research shows that material read aloud is much better for the reader. Not only in primary grades schools, but even some couples at the university are built in such a way that the student has to read aloud. And it often happens that a student, having read something aloud, joyfully exclaims: “Ah! I understood!" - because I read more slowly, thoughtfully, with punctuation marks, and I heard myself. Since you spend a lot of time with your children, you can ask them to read aloud what they were asked at school while you wash the dishes or cook dinner. Reading aloud helps your child remember what he read and better prepare for the lesson.

    Of course, it is not always possible to find what everyone likes. There is not always time for this. And sometimes you just want to sit and read in silence, in silence. And sometimes you don't want to read at all. There is no need to read aloud all the time. This kind of entertainment can quickly get bored, especially if you are listening to or reading something that you are not very interested in.

    For many children, bedtime reading is sacred. This gives them the opportunity to calm down (and parents too). But if you still sit in a rocking chair ... All worries (many, at least), if they do not disappear, then certainly fade into the background. In addition, during the day we are busy, we have very little time to sit down with the child and talk to him, and reading aloud is just such an opportunity. And when the fairy tales are read and the children are in their beds, I can safely go about my business.