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  • What is the will of Prince Ivan Danilovich written? Spiritual charter of ivan kalita. Spiritual charter: the testament of Ivan Kalita

    What is the will of Prince Ivan Danilovich written?  Spiritual charter of ivan kalita.  Spiritual charter: the testament of Ivan Kalita

    Ivan Danilovich Kalita (c. 1288 - 1340) - Grand Duke of Moscow from 1325, Grand Duke of Vladimir in 1328-1340. The fourth son of the Moscow prince Daniil Alexandrovich, the grandson of Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky. He took part in the struggle against the princes of Tver for a shortcut to the great reign of Vladimir. In 1325, after the death of his elder brother Yuri Danilovich, Ivan Danilovich received the Moscow throne. In 1327, by order of the khan, he was the senior over the Russian princes in the "Fedorchukov army", which ruined Tver. By his participation in the campaign against Tver, Ivan Danilovich saved the Moscow lands from ruin. In 1328 he received a label for the great reign of Vladimir.

    Having become the Grand Duke, Ivan Danilovich in various ways “collected” the land under his rule - both bought and conquered. For his skillful rule and zealous attitude towards the inheritance he inherited, Ivan Danilovich received the nickname “Kalita” - a bag for carrying money, “purse”. Even in antiquity, Ivan Danilovich deserved another name - “The Gatherer of the Russian Land”. Ivan Kalita won the Horde the right to collect tribute to the Mongol-Tatars himself, and ensured its full and timely payment. Since then, the Baskaks were no longer sent to Russia. A skilled diplomat, he saved the Russian lands from the Tatar invasions for several decades.

    Ivan Kalita turned Moscow not only into a political, but also into a religious center of Russia. In 1325, Metropolitan Peter moved from Vladimir to Moscow. Metropolitan Theognost finally transferred the metropolitan residence to Moscow. In 1325, the stone Cathedral of the Assumption was laid in Moscow, later stone churches were built - the Transfiguration of the Savior, Michael the Archangel, John Climacus, which are under the bells. In the winter of 1339/1340, Ivan Kalita built a new Moscow Kremlin - from oak logs, which defended the city from enemy invasions for twenty-five years.

    He was married twice: to Elena (d. 1331) and Ulyana. He had three sons from his first marriage and two daughters from his second. The two eldest sons became Grand Dukes - Simeon the Proud and Ivan Krasny. The third son Andrei received the princely table in Serpukhov. Before his death, he took monastic vows under the name Ananias. Canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.


    Spiritual and contractual letters of the great and appanage princes of the XIV-XVI centuries. M .: L., 1950. No. 1. P.7, 9-11.


    Borisov N.S. Ivan Kalita. M., 2001.

    Kuchkin V.A. The wills of the Moscow princes of the XIV century. The first spiritual letter of the Grand Duke Ivan Danilovich Kalita // Ancient Russia... Questions of medieval studies. 2008. No. 1 (31). S. 95-108.

    Kuchkin V.A. The publication of the wills of the Moscow princes of the XIV century. (1339) The second spiritual letter of the Grand Duke Ivan Danilovich Kalita // Ancient Russia. Questions of medieval studies. 2008. No. 2 (32). S. 129-132.

    TEXT 1)

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, behold, the sinful thin servant of God Ivan, I am writing a spiritual letter, I go to the Vorda, no one needs it, with my whole mind, in my health. Even God will tell me what about my belly, I give a number to my son and his princess.

    They order their son to order their Moscow. And he made a split between them:

    Se gave the am to his big son Semyon 2): Mozhaesk with all the volosts, Kolomna with all the Kolomensk volosts, Gorodenka, Mezynya, Pesochna, and Seredokorotnu, Pokhryana, Ust-Mersk, Brosheva, Gvozdnu, Ivani, the villages Makovets, Levichin, , Gzhelya, Goretova, Gorki, the village of Astafyevskoe, a village in Seversets in the Pokhryansky district, the village of Kostyantinovskoe, the village of Orininskoe, the village of Ostrovskoe, the village of Kopotenskoe, the village of Mikulskoe, the village of Malakhovskoe, the village of Naprudskoe near the city.

    And with my belly I gave to my son Semyon: 4 chaps of gold, 3 belts of gold, 2 cups of gold from a zhenchug, a saucer of gold with a zhenchug with a stone, 2 a plague of gold. And from the judgments of silver gave him 3 dishes of silver.

    And I give this to my son Ivan 3): Zvenigorod, Kremichnu, Ruza, Fominskoe, Sukhodol, Great freedom, Zamoshskaya freedom, Ugozh, Rostovtsi, Okatieva freedom, Skirminovskoe, Trostnu, Neguchyu. And the villages: the village of Ryukhovskoye, the village of Kamenichskoye, the village of Ruzskoye, the village of Belzhinskoye, the village of Maksimovskoye, the village of Andreevskoye, the village of Vyazemskoye, the village of Domontovskoye, the village in Zamoshskoy freedom, the village of Semtsinskoye.

    And from gold I gave to my son Ivan: 4 chaps of gold, a gold belt of Bolshaya with zhenchyugom with a stone, a belt of gold with captors 4), the belt is heart-warming 5) bound with gold, 2 ovkach 6) gold, 2 cups of round gold, a silver dish from Izdnin 7 ), 2 menshii saucers.

    And he gave it to his son Andrey 8): Lopastnu, Seversk, Narunizhskoe, Serpohov, Nivna, Temnu, Golichichi, Shchitov, Przemysl, Rastovets, Tukhachev. And all the villages: the village of Talezhskoe, the village of Serpokhovskoe, the village of Kolbasinskoe, the village of Narskoe, the village of Peremyshlskoe, the village of Bitagovskoe, the village of Trufonovskoe, the village of Yasinovskoe, the village of Kolomninskoe, the village of Nogatinskoe.

    And from gold I gave to my son Andrey: 4 chaps of gold, a belt of gold from Fryaz 9) with a zenchyugom with a stone, a belt of gold with a hook on a chrvchat 10) silk, a belt of gold of the Tsarev's 11), 2 chchara gold, 2 a plague of gold less; and of the dishes - a silver dish, and two small ones.

    And I give the princess 12) my own with the younger children: Surozhik, Mushkov Gora, Radonezhskoe, Beli, Vorya, Chernogolovl, on Vori svobodka Sofronovskaya, Vohna, Deikovo ramenie, Danilishova svobodka, Mashev, Selna, Guslitsya, Rameneya, what was behind the princess. And the villages: the village of Mikhailovskoye, the village of Lutsinskoye, a village by the lake, the village of Radonezhskoye, the village of Deiguninskoye, the village of Tylovskoye, Rogozh, the village of Protasyevskoye, the village of Aristovskoye, the village of Lopastenskoye, the village of Mikhailovskoye on the Yauza, 2 village of Kolomenski.

    And from the city volosts I give my princess and osmniche. And my sons will share the tamga and other townships; the same is true for those who are in which county, then that one. And my sons should share the rent of the city's Vasiltsev knowledge. And what my beekeepers and obrochnik bought, which are painted, then that.

    And according to my sin, it’s a sin to seek the Tartars of which are the volosts, but to clean up, you, my son, and my princess, and divide you again with the volosts in that place.

    And the numerical people know my sons sobcha, and observe everything from one. And that my people are buying in a great bundle, and my sons will share them.

    And what is the gold of my princess Olenino, otherwise I gave my daughter Fetinya, 14 the hoops and necklace of her mother, mono new, that I have forged. And the brow and the hryvnia, I gave it with me. And what I got gold, what God gave me, and a gold box, otherwise I gave my princess and my younger children.

    And from my port to my son Semyon: a female black casing, a golden hat. And to Ivan, my son: the casing is yellow obir 13) with zhenchugom, kots 14) great with barmas. To Andrew, my son: a bogeyman 15) sable from a shoulder with a great woman with a stone, a scrolling 16) portico with barmas. And what I have now dressed up 2 shrouds from the alama 17) with zhenchyugom, otherwise I gave my youngest child Marya Fedosya a necklace.

    And what about my silver belts? And what is my 100 rubles. from Eski, otherwise they will be distributed among the churches. And what is left of my ships of silver, and that will be shared by my sons and my princess. And what should I leave my port, and then distribute to all the priests and in Moscow. And the dish is great about 4 rings, otherwise I give to the holy Mother of God Volodimerskoy.

    And what I gave to my son Semyon the herd, and the other to Ivan, and my sons and my princesses will share other flocks of mine.

    And away from the Moskovsky villages, I give my son Semyon a village of my own: the village of Avakovskoye in Novgorod on Oulal, another in Volodimeri Borisovskoye.

    And what I bought the village of Petrovskoye, and Oleksinskoye, Vsetobrich, and Pavlovskoye on Mas, I bought half, and I exchanged half with the Metropolitan ... 18) I bought on Mas that I bought from Athenaeus, I give to my son Ivan.

    And what I bought the village of Varvarskoye and Melovskoye from Yuryev, what I changed to the Matfeishovskoye village, I give to my son Andrey.

    And that the village of Pavlovskoye, the women are our purchase, and the New village that I have bought, and Oleksandr and the holy things that I have bought in Kostroma, I give my princess.

    And what I bought a village in Rostov, Bogorodichskoye, and I gave it to Borisk Vorkov, even to have my son to serve, the village will be behind him, and whether or not to serve as my child, the village will be worth it.

    And what I have bought a village on Kerzhachi from Prokofy from the abbot, another Leontievskoe, the third Sharapovskoe, otherwise I give Saint Oleksandr so in commemoration.

    And I order you, my son Semyon, your young brothers and your princess with your younger children, according to Bose you will be a sorrowful person to them.

    And whoever destroys this letter, God will judge him.

    And on this: my spiritual father Ephraim, my spiritual father Theodosia, my spiritual father, priest David.


    1) "Spiritual certificate ..."- the will of Ivan Danilovich Kalita, which he made in 1339, going to the Horde. This will was to be approved by Khan Uzbek. Two options have survived, with the second expanding the list of villages that were handed over to sons. In his will, the prince disposes of the Moscow lands proper, practically the same as Daniil Alexandrovich. However, the villages given to the sons went beyond the boundaries of the Moscow principality: this also included “bribes” in different lands.

    The text is published in the Old Russian language according to the publication: Spiritual and contractual letters of the great and appanage princes of the XIV-XVI centuries. M .: L., 1950. No. 1. P.7, 9-11. Preparation of the text and comments by S.V. Perevezentseva.

    2) Semyon Ivanovich Proud(1317-1353) - the eldest son of Ivan Danilovich Kalita and his first wife Elena, the Grand Duke of Moscow in 1340-1353. He received his nickname “Proud” for arrogance and audacity. Having become the Grand Duke, he continued the policy of “collecting lands” and strengthening the grand ducal power, begun by his father. In 1341 he led the princes' campaign against the Novgorod lands and without a fight established control over them. In the years 1350-1351. fought a war with Lithuania, went on a campaign to Smolensk. Forced the Lithuanian prince Olgerd to pay the ransom and make peace. During the reign of Semyon Ivanovich, the Trinity Monastery was founded, and Sergius of Radonezh was elected his abbot. Semyon Ivanovich was married three times, but only in his third marriage did he have children. In 1353, a "great pestilence" - a plague epidemic fell upon Russia. In a short time, all the children of the Grand Duke and himself died.

    3) Ivan Ivanovich Krasny,Gentle(1326-1359) - the second son of Ivan Danilovich Kalita and his wife Elena, the Grand Duke of Moscow and Vladimir in 1353-1359. He got his first nickname “Red” because he was born on Fomino Sunday, popularly called Krasnaya Gorka. The second nickname "Gentle" has earned due to his kind, gentle character. According to his father's will, he received the town of Zvenigorod as his inheritance and a third of the income from Moscow. He became the Grand Duke after the death of his elder brother Semyon Ivanovich and all his sons during the “great pestilence” - the plague. Ivan Ivanovich was married twice. In 1342, his first wife, Theodosia Dmitrievna, the daughter of Prince Dmitry Romanovich of Bryansk, died. His second wife was Alexandra, probably the daughter of the Moscow tysyatsky V.V. Velyaminov. In this marriage, Ivan Ivanovich had a son Dmitry, the future Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Donskoy, and a daughter Anna, who married Prince D.M. Bobrok Volynsky. During the reign of Ivan II, in 1354, Alexy, the future tutor of his son Dmitry Ivanovich, became Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia.

    4) Captorgi- metal decorations.

    5) Serdonic- decorated with carnelian.

    6) Ovkachi- bowls.

    7) Ezdninskoe- from the Persian city of Yezda.

    8) Andrey Ivanovich(1327-1353) - the third son of Ivan Danilovich Kalita and his wife Elena. According to his father's will, he took possession of Serpukhov and became the founder of the dynasty of Serpukhov princes. His son Vladimir Andreevich Serpukhovsky (Brave) was the closest associate of his older cousin, Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy. Andrey Ivanovich died in 1353 during a plague epidemic.

    9) Fryazskii- Italian.

    10) on chrvchat- on scarlet, red.

    11) Tsarevskii- Golden Horde.

    12) And I give this to the princess ...- I mean Ulyana, the second wife of Ivan Danilovich Kalita. There is no information about the second wife of Ivan Kalita, except that there were children in this marriage, most likely, two daughters. Apparently, it is them that Ivan Danilovich has in mind by "younger children."

    13) Obir- silk fabric.

    14) Kots - clothes.

    15) Bugan - outerwear.

    16) Skorlatnoe- Velvet.

    17) Alams- chest fastened to the dress

    18) Here the sheet is torn.

    As you know, the villages were settlements, in which there was a church, the villages where the landowner's house was located, and the village consisted only of peasant huts, belonged to the village. In Kamensk there is the oldest stone Nikolskaya church in the Moscow region. A prominent historian and architect at one time, researcher of Old Russian church architecture B.L. Altshuller (1926-1998), participating together with the historian and archaeologist M.Kh. Aleshkovsky (1933-1974) in large-scale archaeological research of this temple, it was determined that it was originally built of stone, referring the beginning of construction to the second half of the XIV century. But, as we see and what they wrote about earlier on the pages of the newspaper "City Center" in the essay "Nikolsky temple in the village of Kamenskoye" No. 50 (421) of 18.12.

    What was the will of Ivan Kalita written on?

    Relatively recently, in 2008, the text of the first version of the will appeared, in which all the "old" letters of the original are preserved, prepared for publication by Kuchkin, V.A., which I used for a brief analytical excursion, using also a snapshot of the second version posted in networks. The results of the excursion are as follows. Text. Fragment (introductory formula and the first three clauses).

    Date - not revealed (there are various dating of the will within the 1st half of the XIV century). In the name of o (t) * tsya and s (s) na and s (vyato) go d (y) ha, se yaz, gr (e) shnyi skinny rabb b (rev) ii Ivan, | I am writing d (y) sh (e) a clear letter, Ida into the Horde, no one needs it, my own mind, my health. Even b (og) what is the guess (ye) about my (ye) m | belly (e), I give a row with (s) n (o) my own and the princess of my own. I order | s (s) n (o) m his [o] ** d (chi) well his Moscow.
    And se (ye) smit im razd (e) l ouchinil.
    The will, or as they said at that distant time, the spiritual letter of Tsar Ivan Danilovich, nicknamed Kalita, was the last dying expression of the will of the sovereign, and therefore an official document of great historical significance. First of all, in this document, Ivan Kalita listed everything that he owned and confirmed his spiritual health at the time of drawing up the will. Then he wrote off all the property to his sons, for the first time introducing into practice the transfer of inheritance not to the eldest surviving brother, but directly to his descendants.

    The will was written in several copies on a fairly clean parchment and certified by the personal seal of Kalita, as well as the seal of Khan Uzbek.

    What was the will of Prince Ivan Danilovich written on


    The vertical bar denotes the end of one line and the beginning of another in the original. ** The numerical values ​​of the letters in square brackets are not taken into account (these letters were considered by Kuchkin as lost and "restored"). *** In the second version: ... Since my previous experience of familiarization with texts traditionally called “ancient” or “medieval” shows that dividing the text by lines is much more important than breaking it down by functional or thematic nodes, I chose the first five lines of the will as the subject of my initial analysis. This was all the more expedient since the first clause ends with the fifth line (with the word "ochinil"), it is of a general nature, and, in essence, continues the preamble.

    The final numerical value words of the first line 9, the second - 3, the third - 3, the fourth - 8, the fifth - 9, all five lines - 5.

    Virtual exhibition dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the birth of Russian statehood

    The Grand Duke transfers 15 items from his treasury to Semyon Ivanovich, the final numerical value is 6; the final numerical value of the names of objects is 4 (the sum of the series 389398), the sum of 6 and 4 is 10, or 1; 1 and 9 form a row 19 - the number of years of the methonic cycle. The lexeme of the "bowl" of the list of key three objects is broken by transferring the second syllable to the next line - an indication of the connection to the row of "chepi - belts" of the next, only, object - "saucer" (instead of bowls). As a result of this optional action, the number 431 is formed, or 431 BC - the date of the beginning of the Peloponnesian War.

    By itself, the set 4321 is also significant, in reverse order it is a progressively increasing simple number series, which was used by hoaxers in the Tale of Bygone Years. The remaining 2 chums and 3 dishes, in their total quantity, are correlated with 5 lines of the clause.

    Ivan Kalita's testament


    Important It was not observed in Europe, but belongs to the same 96 saros, which gave rise to the total eclipse on March 20, 1140, one of the first eclipses noticed by the "chroniclers" (Novgorod first "chronicle"). It was observed throughout Russia, neighboring countries, and probably made a strong impression on everyone who saw it. One more step The sum of the numbers of the primary value, if it is greater than ten, is the intermediate numerical value of the word, if it is two-digit (for example, 11 or 99), the sum of the two numbers of the intermediate value is the final numerical value of the word, if it is not more than ten (for example, 11 -2, but 99-18, the next conversion results in a final numeric value of 9).

    The numerical values ​​of phrases, sentences, and dates are counted in exactly the same way.

    Ivan kalita's testament of the olympic games

    When the author calls it golden and big, he recalls the great migration of peoples, one of the acts of which was the powerful movement of the Huns. The "plague" form is a reminder of the perception of "immigrants" in Europe, primarily by the Romans and Greeks. V. Kuchkin writes about the damage to the parchment on which the wills are written: “These examples make two conclusions clear.
    Firstly, if you simply reproduce only the preserved text of the princely wills of the XIV century, then it will not be read. Instead of words connected in sentences, in many cases there will be parts of words and even individual letters, and sometimes there will not even be them. The text will lose its meaning. Therefore, and this is secondly, when publishing the letters, the lost text must be restored.

    Ivan kalita's will on what is written

    For us, it, as well as the eclipse of 1050, are interesting primarily because the 96th Saros ended in 1374 (its last eclipse), that is, during 74 years of the XIV century. and, accordingly, during the life of Ivan Kalita, he "died" (eclipses 1302, 1320, 1338, 1356). The compiler of the will is not limited to a hint of a semantic connection between the "document" and saros, he almost directly points to this: the gap between the dates 950 and 1040, which he took care of, is 90 years, the anthroponym Ivan (7) Danilovich (2) is endowed with a finite numerical value 9 (zeros in verbal-numeric enigmatics are optional). The nickname "Kalita" also has a final numerical value of 9. In the second clause, the number of cities and villages assigned to Semyon Ivanovich is 27, in the final expression - 9. The final numerical value of all names is 6 (nomination “village on C (e) versts (e) in Pohryanskiy oy (e) zd (e) "is equated to the name).
    The set 4321 itself is also significant, in the reverse order it is a progressively increasing simple number series, which was used by hoaxers in the "Tale of Bygone Years." What was the testament of Prince Ivan Danilovich written on? The spelling of the same word in old or semi-antique texts can vary depending on what numerical value should be obtained through the use of one or another grapheme (graphemes) of the same phoneme Or deliberate mistakes 5. Cm. about him from Nikolai Morozov ( 6. The Metonic cycle is still used today in the calculations of Paschalia. See: 7.

    Ivan kalita testament on what is written

    The number 6 is correlated with the number of varieties of objects passed by the father to the eldest son. Third clause. The most striking element of the constructivist nature of the text of the "testament" in this fragment is 4 "chains of gold", 3 "belts of gold" and 2 "bowls of gold". The number 432 represented here is the date of the Olympic Games 432.

    BC, at which the Greek mathematician and astronomer Meton proposed his method of adjusting the calendar by introducing 7 years with 13 months into the 235-month synodic cycle. Already in ancient times, Meton's formula was called the "golden number". The final numerical value of all words of the five lines of the clause, including the remainder of the words of the preceding one, with which its first line begins, and the beginning of the next clause, which ends the fifth line, is 9, in the methonic cycle 6939 days (6 and 3 of this row together form 9, three times 9 - 27, or 9).
    In turn, Archimandrite Leonid Kavelin (1822-1891), on whose works we also rely in our studies of local lore, in the book "Moscow Zvenigorod and its district in church-archaeological terms", published by the synodal printing house in 1878, on the first page writes that the spiritual letter of Ivan Kalita "is usually attributed to the years 1328-1331." Of course, it may seem strange why Mikhail Nikolaevich Tikhomirov, in his work on ancient Moscow, did not refer to him as the most authoritative historian of his time. Undoubtedly, Tikhomirov himself could not have been unfamiliar with the book by Leonid Kavelin, published 15 years before his birth. But the explanation for this is given, apparently, by the very time of the struggle and opposition to Soviet power in the period Stalinist repression with the church. Find M.T.

    Spiritual charter: the testament of Ivan Kalita

    Spiritual letters are one of the most important sources of ancient Russian history. The peculiar wills of the princes make it possible to track the process of acquiring, owning and collecting or crushing certain lands. These documents were kept very carefully and carefully, so today they are carefully studied.
    The great Moscow prince Ivan Danilovich Kalita, who compiled his "Spiritual Charter", was no exception. Two versions of it have survived to this day, which differ from each other by the mention different numbers villages and volosts. Historians still do not know whether this is one document in duplicate or two completely independent ones, dated at different times. But, in any case, the letter was drawn up in advance, before Kalita's trip in 1339 to the Horde to the Khan Uzbek, who was distinguished by his special ruthlessness towards the Russian princes. Foreseeing the possibility of his death, Ivan Kalita took care of writing a will, which would sum up the results of princely power in the 14th century.
    The main purpose of creating this document was to consolidate the advantages of the Moscow grand ducal house, which required the preservation of the integrity of the inherited lands. The main mechanism for regulating this process was the new order of succession to the throne, introduced by Ivan Danilovich.
    According to the "Spiritual Charter", the younger sons of Kalita, Ivan and Andrei, had to obey in everything their elder brother Semyon, who remained the only commander of the military forces of the Moscow principality. In order to preserve and strengthen the political and economic unity, Moscow and the lands closest to it in the district of 40 km were to be jointly managed by all the heirs of Kalita, each of whom had his share of possessions in the city - "counties". This combination of individual and princely possessions made it possible to preserve and develop the statehood of the Moscow principality.
    All valuables (gold and silver dishes, jewelry, church vessels, weapons) were divided equally by the prince among his sons, his second wife and daughters. Such a division was intended to ensure the property interests of all parties, while eliminating possible disputes, and to initiate the creation of the great treasury of the Moscow princes. A significant amount of property was bequeathed to the clergy.
    Land holdings were distributed unevenly: most of them were given to the eldest son, while all others got about the same number of villages and volosts. Surprisingly, such a testament did not serve as the beginning of internecine strife, but, on the contrary, rallied the members of the princely house. Subsequently, the following Grand Dukes adhered to the principles of Ivan Kalita in relation to the division of inheritance.
    Many historians, speaking about the significance of the reign of Ivan Kalita in general and his creation of the "Spiritual Charter" in particular, rightly note that at this time the foundation was laid for the further might of Moscow.

    The series "Latest Research on the History of Russia" was founded in 2016.

    Design by the artist E.Yu. Shurlapova

    The maps for the book were made by S.N. Temushev, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian History, Belarusian State University


    The essence of the problem

    The history of the formation of a unified Russian state has always been one of the main subjects of attention of Russian historians. Nevertheless, it must be admitted that a number of important aspects of the process of centralization of the country still remain a kind of blank spot and need to be studied. One of these questions, which gave rise to a lot of all kinds of guesses and assumptions of researchers, for two centuries now is the question of the so-called "purchases" of Ivan Kalita.

    Its essence is as follows. While composing his second spiritual letter (testament) in 1389, Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy made the following orders: “And I bless my son, Prince Yurya, buy my grandfather, Galich, with all the volosts, and from the village, and with all the duties, and from those villages that were drawn to Kostroma, Mikulskoe and Borisovskoe. And I bless my son, Prince Andrew I will buy my grandfather, Belymozerom, with all the volosts, and Volsky with Shagot, and Milolyubskii ez, and with the suburbs that were my children. And I bless my son, Prince Peter I'll buy my grandfather, Let us coarse the field, and what was drawn to it, yes to Sickening and Syamya ”1.

    In the text of the will, our attention is attracted by the threefold indication that these cities were for Dmitry Donskoy "purchases" of his grandfather, who, as you know, was the Grand Duke Ivan Danilovich Kalita, who lived half a century earlier. His two spiritual letters have survived to this day, which, which is important, in the original. But there is not the slightest hint in them that Kalita owned the cities mentioned by his grandson 2. What did Dmitry Donskoy mean when he called Galich, Belo-Ozero and Uglich "the purchases of his grandfather"? Historians have been interested in this question since the time of N.M. Karamzin.

    Historians' opinions

    In an effort to somehow explain the above contradiction, N.M. Karamzin suggested that Kalita acquired these cities shortly before his death, and thus they simply did not fall into the will of the Moscow prince drawn up several years earlier. However, here another difficulty lay in wait for him: the spiritual letters of Kalita's sons, Semyon the Proud and Ivan Krasny, have come down to us, but they again do not contain a single word about Galich, Uglich and Beloozero 4.

    To explain this paradox, N.M. Karamzin found a rather witty way out. In his opinion, these cities, up to the era of Dmitry Donskoy, "were not yet completely annexed to the Moscow reign" 5. As you know, in the XIV century. Moscow princes simultaneously occupied two princely tables - the Moscow one, which was their ancestral possession, and the grand prince's in Vladimir, the right to which they received under the khan's label. According to the historiographer, by acquiring these three cities, Kalita was expanding not the actual Moscow possessions, but the grand-princely limits: "Until the time of the Donskoy, these inheritances were considered grand-ducal, and not Moscow: therefore, they are not mentioned in the wills of the sons of Kalitins." Indeed, although both Ivan Kalita and his sons were the great princes of Vladimir, their wills never determined the fate of the great reign, the order of which depended solely on the will of the khan, but only mentioned individual princely villages on its territory. And only Kalita's grandson, a few years after the famous Battle of Kulikovo, which marked the beginning of the decline of the Horde's influence, was able to include in the text of his 1389 testament a meaningful phrase: “And behold, I bless my son, Prince Vasily, with my fatherland, the Grand Duchess” 7. Right after it comes the text we quoted above about Galich, Beloozero and Uglich. Thus, Dmitry Donskoy clearly showed that now not the khan, but the Moscow prince has every right to dispose of both the entire great reign and its individual parts.

    However, this seemingly very logical and harmonious scheme, which seemed to fully explain the absence of mention of these three cities in the wills of Kalita and his sons, had one small flaw, which was pointed out by S.M. Soloviev: “Karamzin makes the assumption that these bribes did not belong to Moscow, but to the great reign of Vladimir. But how could Kalita buy into the great reign, which did not at all belong to the ownership of his family and, upon his death, could pass to the prince of Tver or Nizhny Novgorod? This would mean enriching other princes at your own expense. " He also drew attention to another circumstance - throughout almost the entire XIV century. Russian chronicles continue to mention as before the independent Galich and Belozersk princes, which inevitably creates the impression that Kalita did not make any purchases of their capital cities. In the opinion of the historian, “the case is explained by the fact that Kalita bought these cities from the princes, but left them some of the rights of the sovereign, subordinate, however, to the Prince of Moscow, and under Dmitry Donskoy they were deprived of these rights” 8.

    The opinion of S.M. Solovyov was supported by V.O. Klyuchevsky: “Buying villages and villages in foreign lands, Ivan Kalita bought as many as three specific cities with districts - Belozersk, Galich and Uglich, leaving, however, these lands for the time being for the former princes on any terms of dependence”. At the same time, he singled them out, along with appanage ones, into a special group of so-called payable princes, "from whom the Grand Duke bought their estates, leaving them to use their former estates with certain official obligations" 9.

    B.N. Chicherin tried to combine the point of view of N.M. Karamzin and S.M. Solovyov: “From the spiritual Dmitry Ivanovich, we learn that his grandfather bought whole principalities - Galich, Uglich, Beloozero, but the local princes remained in their possessions, it is not known on what rights, and only under the grandson of Kalita these lands were annexed to Moscow. Therefore, probably, they are not mentioned in the previous spiritual ones ”10.

    V.I. Sergeevich. Concerning the assumption of S.M. Solovyov that the Moscow prince, having acquired these lands, left some rights to the previous owners, he wrote: "It is possible that Kalita left his purchases for the princes-sellers, obliging them to serve themselves and their children" 11. And then he gives a similar example, found in the second spiritual letter of Kalita, when the prince gives the village bought in Rostov to a certain Boris Vorkov under the condition of serving himself and his children 12. But here an unavoidable obstacle arises - if Kalita in his will, "in which even the purchased piece of gold is not forgotten," mentions a separate purchased village, then how could he forget three whole principalities? 13

    Trying to find at least some logical explanation for this contradiction, V.I. On the whole, Sergeevich made the right move - it is necessary to trace the history of these principalities over the course of half a century, which has passed from the death of Kalita to the drawing up of the will of his grandson. This was done by him in relation to Galich. And here interesting details came to light. Under 1363 the Nikon Chronicle reports that Dmitry Donskoy drove Dmitry Galitsky from his reign 14. A few years later, in the early 70s. XIV century, a contractual letter was drawn up between Dmitry Donskoy and his cousin Vladimir Andreevich Serpukhovsky. And although it has come down to us in a very defective condition, nevertheless, from its text, one can find out that at the time of its compilation Galich was in the lot of Vladimir Serpukhovsky 15. Then, judging by the will of 1389 of Dmitry himself, Galich was again in the hands of the Moscow prince 16. Thus, it can be assumed that this city was acquired by Dmitry Donskoy in the interval between the beginning of the 70s. XIV century. and 1389

    Analyzing this news, V.I. Sergeevich came to the conclusion that the language of official acts (and this is what Dmitry's spiritual letter is) does not reflect the actual methods of acquiring property and can be explained by "the desire to disguise such actions that the princes themselves could not consider completely right." According to the historian, here "maybe it was not without some violence and, perhaps, perjury." Indeed, according to available sources, one might get the impression that at first Dmitry forcibly takes Galich away from the local prince, then gives it to his cousin, for whom he recognizes hereditary rights to him, and then again takes it away in his favor. By announcing Galich as “buying” his grandfather, Dmitry Donskoy thereby masked the true ways of acquiring him in an official document 17.

    The next to address this problem was A.E. Presnyakov, who devoted a whole paragraph of his monograph to the question, in the words of the historian, about the "notorious purchases" of Kalita 18. Due to lack of data, he could not solve this problem. He only drew attention to the internal division of the spiritual letter of 1389 by Dmitry Donskoy - after its first part, where the definition of the inheritance of Dmitry's five sons in their Moscow patrimony is exhausted, there follows a special part devoted to the territory of the great reign. For us, the new methodological approaches that he proposed to study the issue are important. It had to be studied not within the framework of "the traditional idea that Ivan Kalita's activities are aimed at" mosaic gathering of lands ", that the territory of the Moscow state is" the fruit of one and a half centuries of skopidom efforts of the Moscow princes to gather foreign lands ", in the words of V.O. Klyuchevsky ". According to A.E. Presnyakov, “not the land was collected by the Moscow princes, but the power; they did not expand the territory of their Moscow patrimony, but built a great reign, gradually and persistently turning it into their own 'state' ”19. He pointed out that not only private ownership, but also certain princely rights were associated with the land 20.

    The ideas of A.E. Presnyakov turned out to be very fruitful. Already in 1923 S.F. Platonov in his work "The Past of the Russian North", referring to the materials of I.I. Sreznevsky for the dictionary of the Old Russian language, pointed out the ambiguity of the word "purchase", which meant not only purchase, trade, but also a place of bargaining, as well as a contract and, finally, copulation, connection. Therefore, this term could designate both the acquisition of any things by bargaining for money or other values, and the form of voluntary annexation of the specific owner with his land holdings to Moscow. Sometimes these affiliations were "not even a conquest after an open and honest struggle, but a simple seizure by right of force." To them S.F. Platonov attributed "purchases" to Galich and Beloozero. It was very important to observe that these three principalities were by no means the only "purchases" of the Moscow princes. They continued to use this method of joining in the 15th century. In their subsequent wills, a lot of "prikup" and "baptismal font" flickered, the most famous of which were those acquired finally in the 15th century. Yaroslavl and Rostov 21.

    A rather curious version of the explanation of Kalita's "font" was given by the Cherepovets local historian G.I. Vinogradov. Trying to explain why in the wills of both Kalita himself and his sons there is not a single word about Beloozero, he suggested, as one of the possible, the hypothesis of a "preliminary deal", or, "as they say, for sale" 22.

    M.K. Lyubavsky tried to develop these thoughts. Following V.I. Sergeevich, he tried to trace the historical destinies of Galich, Beloozero and Uglich before their annexation to Moscow and put forward a hypothesis that “Kalita rescued the princes of Uglitsky, Galitsky and Belozersky, making the Horde arrears for them, but for that the named princes had to sacrifice their independence in his favor , to descend to the position of service princes, keeping their fatherlands by the grace of the prince of Moscow, under the condition of serving him. Since neither Kalita nor his successors before the Donskoy did not take the principalities into their direct possession and administration, these principalities do not even appear among the volosts denied by the spiritual letters of the Moscow princes. " As if polemicizing with V.I. Sergeevich, reminding that Kalita did not forget to add even the purchased piece of gold to his will, he put forward the assumption that “the actual possession of Kalita was much larger than the complex of cities, volosts and villages, which is indicated in his spiritual letters. The spiritual certificates of Kalita did not mean the distribution between his wife and children of everything that he owned, but only that which at the moment he could consider the common hereditary property of his family ”23. Indeed, he immediately found confirmation of his words. So, the second spiritual letter of the son of Dmitry Donskoy - Vasily I mentions “his great-grandfather (that is, Kalita. - K. A.) in the Bezhitsk Vereya Kistmu ", which, like Galich, Uglich and Beloozero, is not mentioned in Kalita's will 24.

    A.N. Nasonov, as well as A.E. Presnyakov, tried to look at the problem from the point of view of the form of the spiritual literacy of Dmitry Donskoy. In his opinion, she clearly distinguishes, on the one hand, the great reign itself, to which he refers to Kostroma and Pereslavl, and on the other, Galich, Uglich and Beloozero, about which he only says that they "bought Donskoy's grandfather." This rejects the assumption that these cities were annexed to the great reign. In addition, we see in

    Galicia and Beloozero are still local princes. In general, passing by the hypothesis of M.K. Lyubavsky, he was inclined to the conclusions of V.I. Sergeevich, pointing out that it was from the middle of the XIV century, with the beginning of the Horde troubles, that Moscow began to subjugate the Russian princes by force 25.

    Summing up in the 30s. XX century. the results of the study of the issue of "purchases of Ivan Kalita", E.F. Shmurlo, in his historiographic review, had to state that since the time of N.M. Karamzin, historians have not been able to solve this riddle 26. All this indicated the need to look for new approaches to solving the problem.

    A.I. tried to find them. Kopanev. Criticizing the views of V.I. Sergeevich and A.N. Nasonov, he wrote that the expression "buying grandfather" in relation to Galich in Dmitry Donskoy's will can hardly be interpreted as a kind of disguise of the forcible drive of the local prince from his reign in 1363. This does not find its confirmation in the sources. In 1362-1363. The Grand Duke drove out another petty prince, Ivan Starodubsky, from the reign and annexed his inheritance to his possessions. The fate of Starodub, thus, was the same as that of Galich, but Starodub is not mentioned among the "grandfather's font", that is, here the grand ducal authorities for some reason did not resort to such a convenient, seemingly, motivation for the fact 27.

    The merit of A.I. Kopanev was that he first translated from a theoretical plane into a practical question of whether Kalita actually owned his "purchases", or whether they became the property of the Moscow princes only under Dmitry Donskoy. To do this, he drew on genealogy data, in particular, the Anichkovs' genealogy tradition. It has come down to us as a postscript of the 17th century. to the Nikon Chronicle (in Obolensky's list). Judging by him, Tsarevich Berka, whom Metropolitan Peter baptized with the name Aniky, left for Ivan Kalita from the Big Horde. "... Great prince Ivan Danilovich Kalita gave him a lot of estates and estates and granted him White Lake under Mikuly Vorontsov and Mikuly granted him a living duty over him." Analyzing this source, A.I. Kopanev, although he found in it a number of inconsistencies with the chronology, on the whole found it trustworthy, especially in those details that did not make sense to come up with, in particular, about the addition of a living room duty when receiving feeding at Beloozero. In the opinion of the researcher, this source is important in that it shows the existence of the actual possession of the Moscow princes on Beloozero already at a fairly early period 28.

    But how did the Moscow princes gain a foothold in Beloozero? Studying the genealogies of paintings and legends, A.I. Kopanev found out that a contemporary of Kalita, the Belozersk prince Fyodor Romanovich was married to his daughter Fedosya. According to the historian, this marriage Kalita subdued the prince of Belozersk. “It is not known whether Fyodor Romanovich took any obligations upon himself at the time of the marriage. But one thing is clear, the marriage of the grand-ducal daughter to the prince of a weak inheritance meant even greater submission of the latter. The lot was subordinated to Moscow, its fate was predetermined "29


    In the name of father and son and holy spirit. I am a sinful, insignificant servant of God, Ivan, I write a spiritual letter, going to the Horde, we do not force anyone, in my right mind, in full health ... In case God decides what about my life, I give my will to my sons and my princess. I bequeath my fatherland to my sons, Moscow, and the partition caused them this. I gave my elder son Semyon: Mozhaisk with all the volosts, Kolomna with all the Kolomna volosts, Gorodenka, Mezynya, Pesochnaya and Seredokorotna, Pokhryana, Ust'mersk, Broshevaya, Gvozdnu, Ivani villages, Makovets, Levichin, Skulnev, Kanev, Gzhel, Goretova, Gorki the village of Astafyevskoye, a village on Seversk in the Pokhryanskoye district, the village of Konstantinovskoye, the village of Orinskoye, the village of Ostrovskoye, the village of Kopoteskoye, the village of Mikulskoye, the village of Malakhovskoye, the village of Naprudskoye near the city. And during my life I gave to my son Semyon: 4 gold chains, 3 gold belts, 2 gold bowls with pearls, a gold saucer with pearls, with precious stones, 2 large gold ladles; and from a silver dish he gave him 3 dishes of silver. I give to my son Ivan: Zvenigorod, Kremichna, Ruza, Fominskoe, Sukhodol, Velikaya Sloboda, Zamoshskaya Sloboda, Ugozh, Rostovtsy, Okat-Eva Sloboda, Skirminovskoe, Trostnu, Neguchu; and villages: Ryukhovskoye, Kamenetskoye village, Ruzskoye village, Belzhinskoye village, Maksimovskoye village, Andreevskoye village, Vyazemskoye village, Domontovskoye village, a village in Zamoshskaya Sloboda, Semchinskoye village. And from gold I gave to my son Ivan: 4 gold chains, a large gold belt with pearls, with precious stones, a gold belt with clasps, a belt decorated with carnelian, forged in gold, 2 gold ladles, 2 round gold cups, a silver Ezdinsky dish, 2 small saucers. I gave my son Andrey: Lopasnya, Severskaya, Narunizhskoe, Serpukhov, Nivna, Temna, Golichikha, Shchitov, Przemysl, Rostovets, Tukhachev; and the villages: the village of Talezhskoye, the village of Serpukhovskoye, the village of Kolbasinskoye, the village of Narskoye, the village of Peremyshlskoye, the village of Bityagovskoye, the village of Trufonovskoye, the village of Yasinovskoye, the village of Kolomenskoye, the village of Nogatinskoye. And from gold, I gave my son Andrey: 4 gold chains, a gold fryazh belt with pearls, with precious stones, a gold belt with a hook on crimson silk, a golden Horde belt, 2 gold bowls, 2 small small gold dippers, and from the dishes, a silver dish and two small ones. And I give my princess with smaller children: Surozhik, Mushkin Gora, Radonezhskoe, Beli, Voryu, Chernogolovl, Sofronovskoy settlement on Vorya, Vokhna, Deikovo, Ramenye, Danilishchev settlement, Mashev, Selna, Guslitsa, Ramenye, what was the princess; and the villages: the village of Mikhailovskoye, the village of Lutsinskoye, a village near the lake, the village of Radonezhskoye, the village of Deiguninskoye, the village of Tylovskoye, Rogozh, the village of Protasyevskoye, the village of Aristovskoye, the village of Topastenskoye, the village of Mikhailovskoye on the Yauza, 2 Kolomensky villages. And from the city revenues I give my princess to the master, and my sons will share the tamga and other city revenues; also the travel trade duties, which are in the district, then - to that, and my sons will share the dues of the city of Vasiltsev's knowledge. And as for my bee-keepers and obrochniks purchased, then who are in the list (appear), then that one. And if, due to my sins, the Tatars seek out what volosts and take away from you, my sons and my princess, you will share these volosts again instead of those. And let my sons know the number of people together, and my sons, bought in a large bundle, let my sons share. And the gold of my princess Elena, I gave my daughter Fetinya-14 hoops and her mother's necklace, a mono-new one, that I forged, and I gave the brow (headdress) and gryvna (hoop around the neck) with me. And what I got gold, what God gave me, and the gold box, I gave it to my princess with smaller children. And from my clothes for my son Semyon, a red pearl casing, a golden hat; and for my son Ivan, a yellow silk casing with pearls, a big cape with shoulder-straps; to my son Andrey-bugay (outerwear) sable with shoulder pads, with large pearls, with precious stones, woolen clothes with shoulder pads. And 2 casing with breastplates, with pearls, which I have now made, I gave to my younger children Maria and Fedosya with a necklace. And let my silver belts distribute them to the priests. And let Eska give my 100 rubles to the churches. And what remains of my silver dishes, let my sons and my princess share. And what remains of my clothes, then let them distribute to the priests in Moscow. I give a large dish with 4 rings to the Holy Mother of God of Vladimir. I gave a flock to my son Semyon, and another to Ivan, let my sons and my princess share my other flocks. In addition to Moscow villages, I give my son Semyon my own villages: the village of Avakovskoye in Novgorod on Ulal, and the other in Vladimir - Borisovskoye. And the villages that I bought, Petrovskoye, Aleksinskoye, Vsedobrich and Pavlovskoye on Mas (I bought half, and exchanged half with the Metropolitan) and the village on Mas that I bought from Athenaeus, I give to my son Ivan. And what I bought the villages of Varvarskoye and Melovskoye from Yuryev, what I exchanged for Matveishchevskoye, I give to my son Andrey. And the village of Pavlovskoye (the purchase of our grandmother) and the new village that I bought, and Saint Alexander that I bought in Kostroma, I give to my princess. And the village that I bought in Rostov, Bogoroditskoye, I gave it to Boris Vorkov, if he serves any of my son, the village will be his, and if he does not serve my children, let them take away (from him) the village. And the village on Kerzhach, which I bought from Abbot Prokofy, the other - Leontievskoe, the third Sharapovskoe, I give to Saint Alexander for my commemoration. And I will bequeath to you, my son Semyon, your younger brothers and my princess with younger children: after God you will take care of them. And whoever breaks this charter of mine, let God judge him.

    And there are witnesses to this: my spiritual father Ephraim, my spiritual father Theodosia, my spiritual priest David.

    Reader on the history of the USSR. T. I / Comp. V. Lebedev et al. M., 1940.



    From the history of Canaan and Arphaxad, the first descendant of Noah, born after the flood. With the blessing of Father Noah, the entire universe was divided into three parts between his three sons - Shem, Ham and Japheth. For negligence, Ham was deprived of his father's blessing, because he did not cover the nakedness of his father Noah, who was drunk with wine. When Noah sobered him up from wine and learned what his younger son had done to him, he said: "Cursed be Ham, that you be a slave to your brothers." And he blessed his two sons, Shem and Japheth, who covered their father, not looking at him, so as not to see his nakedness. And he blessed Shem, the son of Arphaxad, to dwell in the land of Canaan. And two twin sons were born to Arphaxad: the name of one is Mersem, the other is Hus, they were the founders of Egypt. And from them went forth numerous descendants according to their families. Hus went to the far reaches of the Indian country, and his descendants from there spread to the east; the descendants of Mers have spread right up to us. The descendants of Japheth inhabited the northern countries before far north... And one of the same family, by the name of Faris, reigned in the Calavrian countries and founded a city in his own name by the name of Arfax. His great-grandson, by the name of Gaiduvarius, was the first creator of astrology in Assyria, in the possession of the descendants of Shem, and after him was Seostr. This Seostr was the very first on earth to reign in Egypt, and many years passed by his descendants. Felix, who possessed the entire universe, also came from his family. After Felix, after many years, a certain king reigned in Egypt, descended from the same family, by the name of Nectanabus, he was a sorcerer, from him Alexander the Great was born to Olympias, Philip's wife. Alexander was the second ruler of the universe and possessed it for twelve years, and in total he lived thirty-two years; before his death, he handed over Egypt to his commander Ptolemy. Alexandrov's mother, after the death of her son, returned to her father Fola, the king of Ethiopia. Foul married her for the second time to Visa, a relative of Nektanav. Wiz gave birth to a daughter from her and named her Antiya; he founded a city in Sosveni and named this city, which is now called Constantinople, after his and his daughter's name, Byzantium. From Alexander the Great to Ptolemy the Leper, there are twenty-two Ptolemies.

    Ptolemy the Leper had a wise daughter named Cleopatra, she ruled the Egyptian kingdom together with her father Ptolemy. And at this time Julius, the Roman Caesar, sent his son-in-law Anthony, the Roman strategist, to fight Egypt. When Anthony came with a huge army on land and by sea to capture Egypt, Cleopatra sent her ambassadors with rich gifts to Anthony, the Roman strategos, saying: “Do you know, about the stratigus, about the Egyptian wealth? It is better to reign in peace than to shed human blood in madness. " Antony had mercy and took Egypt without bloodshed, and the wise queen Cleopatra married him; and Antony reigned in Egypt. And Julius, the Roman Caesar, hearing about Anthony's willfulness, put his brother Augustus as a stratigus over the governors and sent him with four other brothers and with all the power of Rome against Anthony. And, having come, Augustus conquered Egypt and killed his son-in-law Anthony, and he himself reigned in Egypt. He also took Cleopatra the queen, daughter of Ptolemy the Leper, and sent her to Rome in ships along with the great Egyptian wealth captured. She said: "It is better for me to die as an Egyptian queen than to be brought captive to Rome," and she killed herself with snake venom.

    On Julius, the governors Lie, Pompey and Crassus revolted and killed him in Rome. And soon the news of the death of Julius came to Augustus in Egypt, and he was greatly saddened at the news of his brother's death. And, without delay, he summoned all the governors, and the military leaders, and the numbers, and the prepositions, and informed them of the death of Julius, the Roman Caesar. They all, the Romans and Egyptians, unanimously exclaimed: "O glorious stratigus, Julius Caesar, your brother, we cannot resurrect, but we crown your Majesty with the crown of the Roman kingdom." And they clothed him in the robes of Seostros, the first king of Egypt: in purple and fine linen, and girded him with a dermlid sash, and placed on his head the miter of Porus, king of India, which Alexander the Great had brought from India, and threw the mantle of King Felix, who possessed the whole universe, and together they exclaimed in a loud voice: "Hail, Augustus, king of Rome and the whole universe!"

    In the year 5457 (51 BC) Augustus, Roman Caesar, went to Egypt, where rulers from the Egyptian family of Ptolemies reigned, with their governors. And Herod, the son of Antipater, met him, helping him with great hunting and soldiers, and food, and gifts. And God handed Egypt and Cleopatra into the hands of Augustus. August began to collect tribute from all over the universe. He made his brother Patricius king of Egypt; Augustalia, his other brother, made the ruler of Alexandria, and Herod, the son of Antipater, the Ascalonite, because he honored him, made him king over the Jews in Jerusalem; Asia he handed over to Evlagerd, his kinsman; And he made Ilirik his brother governor in the headwaters of Istra; and he established Peony as a ruler in the Golden Lands, which are now called the Ugric Land; and Prus, his kinsman, sent to the banks of the Vistula River to the cities of Malbork, and Torun, and Khvoin, and glorious Gdansk, and to many other cities along the river called the Neman and flowing into the sea. And Prus lived for many years, up to the fourth generation; and since then until now this place has been called the Prussian land.

    And at that time a certain Novgorod voivode named Gostomysl, before his death, summoned all the rulers of Novgorod and said to them: "O men of Novgorod, I advise you that you send wise men to the Prussian land and summon a ruler from the clans there." They went to the Prussian land and found there a certain prince named Rurik, who was from the Roman family of Augustus the king. And the envoys from all Novgorodians begged Prince Rurik to go to them to reign. And Prince Rurik came to Novgorod with two brothers; one of them was named Truvor, and the second was Sineus, and the third was his nephew named Oleg. Since then, Novgorod began to be called the Great; and the Grand Duke Rurik began to reign in it first.

    And the fourth knee from the Grand Duke Rurik is the Grand Duke Vladimir, who enlightened the Russian land with holy baptism in the year 6496 (988). And from the Grand Duke Vladimir the fourth knee is his great-grandson Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh. When he sat down for the great reign in Kiev, he began to consult with his princes, and with boyars, and with nobles, so saying: “Am I really more insignificant before me who reigned and ruled the banners of the kingdom of Great Russia, such as the great prince Oleg, who walked and took from Constantinople a large tribute for all his soldiers and returned home safely, or like Vseslav Igorevich, the great prince, who also went to Constantine-grad and imposed an even heavier tribute on it. And we, by God's grace, inherited the throne of our ancestors and the father of our Grand Duke Vsevolod Yaroslavich, and the heirs of the same honor from God. Now I am waiting for advice from you, my court of princes, and boyars, and governors, and from all the Christ-loving army; may the holy name be glorified life-giving Trinity by the strength of your courage with God's help and by our command; what advice will you give me? " This is how Grand Duke Vladimir Vsevolodovich was answered by his princes, boyars, and governors: "The Tsarevo's heart is in the hand of God, and we are all in your power." Then the Grand Duke Vladimir gathers the skilful and wise governors and places commanders over the military detachments - thousanders, centurions, Pentecostals; and, having collected many thousands of soldiers, sends them to Thrace, the region of Constantinople; and they conquered most of it, and returned with rich booty.

    At that time, the pious Tsar Konstantin Monomakh ruled in Constantinople, and then he fought with the Persians and Latins. And he made a wise royal decision - he sent ambassadors to the Grand Duke Vladimir Vsevolodovich: Neophytos, the Metropolitan of Ephesus, and with him two bishops, the militin and Mytilin, and the Antiochian strategy Antipas, the Jerusalem governor Eustathius and his other noble nobles. From his neck he took off the life-giving cross, made of the life-giving tree, on which Vladyka Christ himself was crucified. From his head he took off the royal crown and put it on a golden dish. He ordered to bring a carnelian cup, from which Augustus, king of Rome, drank wine, and a necklace that he wore on his shoulders, and a chain forged of Arabian gold, and many other royal gifts. And he handed them over to Metropolitan Neophyte with the bishops and his noble envoys, and sent them to the Grand Duke Vladimir Vsevolodovich, thus saying with a prayer: “Accept from us, O God-loving and noble prince, for your glory and honor these honest gifts, which from the very the principles of your family and your ancestors are the royal lot to be crowned on the throne of your free and autocratic kingdom. Accept what our messengers will ask you for - we ask for peace and love from your greatness: then the Church of God will be established, and all Orthodoxy will remain at rest under the rule of our kingdom and your free autocracy of great Russia; now you will be called a God-crowned king, crowned with this royal crown by the hand of His Holiness Metropolitan Kir Neophytos with the bishops. " And since then, the Grand Duke Vladimir Vsevolodovich began to be called Monomakh, the king of great Russia. And he stayed after that. all the time with Tsar Constantine in peace and love. Since then and until now, the Grand Dukes of Vladimir have been crowned with that royal crown, which was sent by the Greek Tsar Constantine Monomakh, when they are placed on the great reign of Russia.

    During the reign of Constantine, Monomakh excommunicated the Church of Constantinople and the Roman Pope Formosus departed from the true faith and deviated into Latinism. Then Tsar Constantine and His Holiness Patriarch Cyrus Ilarius ordered the Holy Patriarchs of Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem to gather for a council in the reigning city. And on their advice, the pious Tsar Constantine Monomakh with the holy Ecumenical Council of four patriarchs, metropolitans, bishops and priests excluded the pope's name from church memorials and excommunicated him from four patriarchs. And they fell away from the Orthodox faith, and from that time to this day they have been melting, that is why they are called Latins. We, Orthodox Christians, confess the Holy Trinity - the beginningless Father with the only begotten Son and with the most holy consubstantial and life-giving Spirit in one deity, and we believe in it, and we glorify and worship.

    Genealogy of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania. In the year 6830 (1322), a certain prince, named Vityanets, from the clan of Smolensk princes, captured by the godless Batu, escaped from captivity and settled in the Zhmud land with a bee keeper. And he took his daughter to wife and lived with her for thirty years, and they were childless. And killed him with thunder. And after Prince Vitenets took his wife for himself, his servant, the groom, by the name of Gegymenik. And he gave birth to seven sons from her: the first is Narimantik, the second is Eunutik, the third is Olgerdik, the fourth is Keistutik, the fifth is Skirigailik, the sixth is Coriadik, the seventh is Mantonik.

    In the year 6825 (1317), the Moscow prince Yuri Danilovich and the Tver prince Mikhail Yaroslavich went to sort out the dispute about the great reign of Vladimir. And the prince of Tver Mikhail Yaroslavich was killed in the Horde. Prince Yuri Danilovich came from the Horde, having received a great reign. And, seeing many cities desolate and a small number of people, he was seized with grief. After all, after the murder of Prince Mikhail of Chernigov, the Ishmaelites scattered throughout the Russian land, as if flocks of birds had flown in. And Christians - some were killed with swords, others were taken captive, and those who survived died of want and hunger. Such a misfortune of sins for our sake broke out over us.

    The Grand Duke began to send out to cities and villages in order to collect the surviving people. He sent this Hegymenik to the Volosh and Kiev lands and on this side of Minsk to restore order in the captive cities and villages, to collect tsarist tributes from the surviving inhabitants. And with him he sent a certain glorious man named Boreik and many others. This same Hegymenik was a very brave and great-minded man, he began to collect tribute from people and seek out hidden things and became greatly enriched. And he recruited a multitude of people, generously giving them everything they needed, and began to own many lands. And they began to call him the Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas the First, without the consent of the great sovereigns of the Russian princes and without permission.

    In the year 6859 (1351), the great prince Semyon Semyonovich sat down in the great reign of Vladimir and Moscow. In the same year, Gediminas the First, the Grand Duke of Lithuania, died. After him, his eldest son Narimant sat on the great reign of Lithuania. And he had a battle with foreigners, and he was captured by them. At that time, the Grand Duke Ivan Danilovich came to the Horde, and the great prince Narimanta ransomed from the Tatars and released him to Lithuania. He, according to this vow, did not reach his estate, was baptized, and was named in holy baptism by Gleb. Because of this, his brothers did not give him a great reign.

    His brother Olgerd sat in the great reign, and Narimant, his brother, went to Veliky Novgorod, Eunut settled where Vilna is now, and Skirigailo and his brother Keistut settled near a certain lake twenty miles from Vilna. And Skirigailo rose to his brother Keistut and killed him. But Keistut's son fled to the Germans and, having gathered there many friends, came from there and killed his uncle Skirigailo and his two sons. He settled in the place of his father and his uncle, and called this place "Troki", and entered into an alliance with his uncle Olgerd. This Olgerd did not drink wine and was endowed with great intelligence, annexed many lands and reigns to himself and possessed strong power.

    In the year 6858 (1350), the Grand Duke of Lithuania Olgerd sent his ambassadors to the Grand Duke Semyon Ivanovich in Moscow with many gifts, asking for peace and life for his brothers. The Grand Duke Semyon honored Olgerd and his brothers, Coriada and others, and let them go to him. And again Olgerd sent an embassy to the Grand Duke Semyon Ivanovich, asking his sister-in-law, the daughter of the Grand Duke of Tver Alexander Mikhailovich, to marry him. And the great prince Semyon, with the blessing of his spiritual father Theognost, the Metropolitan of All Russia, gave his sister-in-law, Grand Duchess Ulyana, for him. And seven sons were born from her: the first - Andrey Polotsky, the second - Vladimir Belsky, the third - Ivan Ostrozhsky, the fourth - Yakov, the fifth - Lugveniy Volynsky, the sixth - Vasily Chertorizhsky, the seventh - Olelko Kievsky.

    After a long time, Prince Olgerd fell into a serious illness and he began to distribute land to his sons: he loved his son Jacob more than anyone else and gave him a great reign and the city of Vilna, and established his other sons according to their inheritance. But the faithful grand duchess Ulyana, seeing her husband Olgerd with her last breath and taking care of his salvation, called her sons and her spiritual father, Archimandrite of Pechersk. And she persuaded her husband with good advice and with God's help to accept holy baptism. And he was named in holy baptism, Alexander. After that, he accepted the great monastic order and was adorned with the holy schema - the great angelic image, and instead of Alexander he was named Alexei; a few days later he reposed, and his body was buried in Vilna, in the Church of the Holy Mother of God, which he himself created. After that, his wife, the noble princess Ulyana, lived for a short time, died, and her body was buried in the same church.

    Yakov, the son of the Olgerds, fell into the Latin heresy - he became Jagail, the Grand Duke of Lithuania, and he was an advisor and friend of Mamai, who was defeated after the Don by the noble Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich. And Vitovt Keistutovich made an alliance with Jagail. After that, Jagiello was summoned to Krakow, and he was crowned king of Poland in Krakow, and in Vilna he imprisoned his brother Vitovt. Vitovt, having become the Grand Duke of Lithuania in Vilna, began to build many new cities, fortified Kiev and Chernigov and took Bryansk and Smolensk, and all the princes bordering with their estates joined Vitovt: from Kiev to the Fominsky principality itself. Here's what is known about them.

    Report of Muscovy

    The throne of this great Lord Basil, the Emperor and Sovereign of All Russia and the Grand Duke, is located in the city of Muscovy, the circumference of which is three and a half leagues, and which is mostly located in swamps, so that a significant part has to be passed on wooden decks, in which city there is a stone Kremlin, built already fifty years ago by some Italians, sent to please this Prince by the most luminous Lodovico, Duke of Milan, or built on the model of Castello Rocca in the city of Milan. It is very fortified and reliable, and inside it there is a palace, also made of stone, the residence and seat of the Prince. There is also a stone church in which divine services are performed. Throughout the state, despite the fact that it is so vast, there is perhaps one more stone church, and four or five houses [stone], all built by the same Italians. There is a navigable river in this city, called Muscovy, which washes it, like a significant part of the country much larger than Italy, from which the Prince receives the title of Grand Duke, unlike many other princes, his vassals who are under his rule ... [The city] has walls not of stone, but of wood, so well welded together that they can truly be called fortifications; divided into districts with their own partitions: so it is not at all easy for everyone to enter from one to another; and still less is it permitted for anyone to move from one city to another, or from one place to another, without the permission of the Prince or his servants. It is forbidden to leave the country for anyone, and especially for foreigners, since all exits are strictly guarded, and violators are subjected to the most severe punishments. Foreigners from any country are freely allowed to enter the country, and what is more, they are not only accepted, but also showered with favors; The prince immediately commands them to dress them in the best clothes and to make them comfortable; if they are artisans, they should be engaged in the corresponding art, but if they are soldiers, these are especially dear; Italians, on the other hand, are respected and loved above all. There is no written law here, but the Prince diligently follows his own customs. His will, however, is the only one revered as the law, and everyone is so subordinate to him that if he orders someone to go and hang himself, the poor fellow will not hesitate to immediately subject himself to such a punishment. No one can see such courage that someone would dare to say - this is my property; but he says - by the mercy of the great Emperor, I acquired this property. And, to tell the truth, all property, not only public, but also private, whatever it may be, belongs to this Prince, and he today gives to one and takes away from another tomorrow, and very often in an instant he raises one to the highest degrees and position and lowers the other to the very bottom and beggarly conditions. And the one who is deposed or from whom something has been taken away not only does not complain or grieves, but, prostrating himself, hits his forehead on the ground and praises the Emperor that he deposed him or took away from him the property that he owned so much time by his grace. Spiritual matters are sent both for the Prince and for his people by the Bishops, Priests and Monks in accordance with the Greek order and rite; the higher priesthood is elected by the Prince, and ordination and ordination are received from the Patriarch of Constantinople, or from his governors in this country. They refuse to obey the Pope, not because they do not regard him as the Vicar of Christ and the successor of Peter, but because - they say - that they deviated from the order of Christ and the customs of Peter.

    This Prince is very strong, even omnipotent thanks to money, silver and gold, for he constantly accumulates and spends little on wars and the protection of his cities, since he receives an annual tribute from the regions - which will then be discussed - in huge amounts, but not in gold or silver or money, which are unknown in many areas, but the skins of such animals as Sables, Martens, Snow leopards, Wolves, Ermines, Badgers, Dogs, and other animals different types , honey and wax; in the same way he receives not only tithes in cereals and fruits of the earth, but as much as he wants and as much as he likes, for it is not allowed to resist his will. The price of these skins is high, there are Sables, which cost a hundred ducats apiece and which are very much appreciated in particular by Poles, Lithuanians, Samogits, Masovites, Bohemians, Tears, Moldavians, Moravians, Hungarians, Valachs and Turks, Prusy, Livons, Swedes, Dans , English, Germans, French, Spaniards, Italians and finally all peoples, where the cold makes itself felt. Of these peoples, some acquire them for money, others - by exchanging their other things and goods, as do in particular those bordering the Baltic Sea, which are delivered to the markets in the city - the capital of Livonia, on the banks of the Dvina River - velvet, kamka, atlas and others. fabrics, and Muscovites bring Sable and other furs, come with signs and even interpreters to exchange goods. The prince is more than clever in these matters, having his own places and permanent representatives who are persistently engaged in this trade. I have already said that some peoples deliver the skins of dogs as tribute, for there are truly dogs of such whiteness and with a skin so shiny and long that these furs stand out for their beauty and value more than the furs of lynxes. Other dogs are so large and strong that they are trained to drag carts, or sledges, especially in the mountains, where they hunt Sables - in such a way that the hunters and archers who chase them on these sledges through the snow rise to the very tops of the mountains and from such dexterity, which conveniently injures Sables only in the nasal holes, since otherwise the fur would deteriorate. There is a great abundance of honey and wax; a special drink is prepared from honey, called Mead, which is used as a drink by all the noble population of the country. I dare say that I saw forests a hundred miles or more, full of bees, which by themselves, without the help of people, produce honey. This honey, mixed with various fruits and berries, especially with strawberries - which grows in huge quantities and in large sizes - makes the described drink so pleasant to these people that - as they say - it is incomparable; they consider it so pleasant that they are never fully satisfied, and what is more, they drink it, without any other food, until they are completely drunk. But not everyone is allowed to drink it; moreover, it is forbidden to all, except for the servants of the Prince, who, at the command of His Lordship, sell him and derive great profit from this. As for fish, this country has them in large numbers and of such size and such good quality that I have not seen or tasted anything like it in any other country. From the bones and teeth of these fish, they make bracers for weapons, ornaments for saddles, chess and other products that seem to be made of natural ebony. These countries have immense grain and forage - despite the fact that the land is covered with snow for almost nine months of the year, and due to such a long snowy period, almost all cloven-hoofed animals and animals - and especially Hares, Foxes, Bears and birds - are all white, like snow.

    This prince can put under arms about 400 thousand horsemen, mostly archers, as well as others - spearmen and wielding sabers, at very low costs, for they are fighting not for hire, but out of love, respect, fear and submission, and abundant food is their only reward. For two altins, you can get a large bag of grain, and an altyn, equal to about six Venetian soldo. Because of the great abundance of grain, there is also a great abundance of beer - a widespread drink in this country, which is made from grain. There is also a great abundance of meat, owing to the large number of oxen; the highest price paid for the best ox does not exceed the gold ducat.

    Dairy products are also abundant here, wild and domestic birds, and forest animals, which, with such a large number, are practically worthless.

    The payment for the valor of the warriors is the clothes, made of of various quality silk and cloth fabrics, with which the prince abounds, receiving them from different parts of the country, and I dare say that only in Moscow I have seen more than 200 thousand camisoles, embroidered with gold and silk, and camlots, at a lower price, lined with marten fur or badger; they are kept in many fur vaults, the quality of which [furs] is above the description, and which [vaults] occupy a main street longer than that from Rialto to San Marco. I want to note that every time we were invited to the prince and when we had to go to His Lordship, we saw from one side of the street from our dwelling up to the Kremlin, the seat of this prince, at a distance of half a league - which is two and a half Italian miles - people dressed in clothes received from the treasury, numbering more than 40 thousand, located as a sign of respect, and when they had to return home, at night, there were lighted torches about a step on both sides of the street two steps from each other and they created this lighting as if it were midday sun. As for the nourishment of our and our entourage, we did not use up absolutely anything, for the Prince did not tolerate — moreover, he directly forbade — that anything should be sold to us; but from his yard every day various kinds of food were sent to us and in such quantities that would be enough for two hundred people, so that we had to feed passers-by and neighbors and the poor with them, which we did both upon arrival and during our stay there and return Throughout the country and these products were usually wild roosters, partridges, pheasants, cranes, swans, wild ducks, hares and other animals.