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  • Tesla: philosophical letters addressed to the lady. Peter Yakovlevich Chaaadayev, Andrei Tesla A.A.Tesl: Philosophical letters addressed to Dame Chaaadayev Augusta Poet Tsarsky Crown

    Tesla: philosophical letters addressed to the lady. Peter Yakovlevich Chaaadayev, Andrei Tesla A.A.Tesl: Philosophical letters addressed to Dame Chaaadayev Augusta Poet Tsarsky Crown

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    # study


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    Born in the family of the nobility of Chaadayev, the younger child. Early left the orphan - the father died a year after his birth, the mother was three years later. The elder brother Mikhail and Peter took the aunt, Princess Anna Mikhailovna Shcherbatova, who lived in Moscow in a silver alley. Guardian children became uncle, Prince D.M. Scherbatov, in whose house, young Peter received primary education.

    In 1807 - 1811 Peter Chadaev studied at Moscow University. He touched closely and friendly with A.S. Griboedov, I.D. Yakushkin, N.I. Turgenev.

    In May 1812, the Chayadaev brothers became Life-Steel in the Semenov Regiment.

    In 1813, Peter Chadaev moved to Akhtyrsky Gusar Regiment. During Patriotic War 1812 participated in the Borodino battle, took Paris, was awarded the Order St. Anna and the Prussian Iron Cross.

    In 1816, he was translated by the cornet to the Gusar Life Guard Regiment, quartered in the royal village.

    In 1817, he became an adjutant of the commander of the Guards Corps of General Adjutant Vasilchikov at 23.

    In 1819, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin met Peter Chaadaev in the house N.M. Karamzin compared with him Evgeny Onegin as a real dandy - "Second Chadaev, my Eugene ...". His contemporary Nikolay Turgenev wrote about him: "From the rest of Chaadaev, he was distinguished by an extraordinary moral and spiritual attituation ... His conversation and even one presence acted on others, as the spur on a noble horse acts. With it, somehow it is impossible, it was embarrassing to be given daily vulgarity. With his appearance, anyone somehow involuntarily morally and mentally examined, climbed and hurt. "

    In 1820, Peter Chaadayev filed a resignation and was fired from service in 1821, at the same time he joined the Northern Society of Decembrists. His resignation gave rise to version and legends in society that he was too engaged in his wardrobe or was late for the report to the emperor. Participation in the activities of the Decembrists did not accept, belonging to their activities restrained-skeptically.

    On July 6, 1823, due to the worsening health, Peter Chayadaev went on a trip to Europe and visited England, France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany. Before leaving, he divided the property with his brother, not going to return to Russia.

    Returning in 1826 to Russia, he was arrested in Brest-Litovsk on suspicion of participation in the activities of the Decembrists and released in 40 days. In the future, Peter Chayadaev negatively responded about the rebellion of the Decembrists, arguing that their attempted coup moved Russia to half a century ago. He settled in Moscow, extinguishing the departures, and in the village of His aunt, Princess A.M. Shcherbatov in Dmitrovsky county. It was during this period that they were written "philosophical letters" - "letters about the philosophy of history", addressed to Mrs. E. D. Panova, who since 1830 became distributed in the manuscripts in the educated society. A total of eight "philosophical letters" was written, last in 1831.

    In 1831, Peter Chaadayev began to be in society again.

    In 1836, the first "philosophical letter" was published in the journal "Telescope", which caused the big scandal and anger of the Emperor Nikolai I. The magazine was closed, publisher P.I. Nadezhdin Sylane in Ust-Sysolsk, Centorzor A.V. Boldrev is fired from service. Peter Chaadaev was called to the Moscow Ober-Policheister L.M. Tsynsky, who announced to him the official version of the government, that he is considered crazy, is under house arrest, every day should be examined by the doctor and go for a walk once a day. There is a legend that at the first visit, the doctor said to the observed: "If not my family, a wife and six children, I would show them who is actually crazy."

    Supervision was removed only on October 30, 1837 with a directive indication of the emperor Nicholas I "free from medical supervision under the condition not to mix anything." Peter Chayadaev could go to walk, but not to apply visits - he was doomed to loneliness, remaining "crazy."

    In 1837, Peter Chayadaev wrote an article by the "apology of the crazy", which became for some reviews by his self-character and excuse to the government.

    14 (26) April 1856, Peter Chaadayev died of inflammation of the lungs in Moscow. Buried at the Don Cemetery in Moscow.

    © Tesla AA, compilation, introductory article, additional materials, 2016

    © Edition, Design. LLC Ripol Classic Group of Companies, 2017

    Andrei Tesry
    Invariabry chahaadyev

    Chaadaev was a smart, Oster in tongue and sarcastic; He was unhappy with almost all that was done around him; He kept independently and lived outside the service; Finally, he was a friend of the Decembrists and the Opt Pushkin and the magazine was closed for his article. There are probably such data, and now it would be enough to make a reputation of liberal.

    M.O. Gershenzon, 1908

    Moscow old-timer

    When on April 14, 1856, in the Flegele at home on the new Basmannaya, which he held more than two decades, Peter Yakovlevich Chaaadayev, "Moscow Vedomosti" printed the following announcement:

    Died "One of the Moscow Old-timers, known in all the circles of the capital."

    The difficulty of the editor in the selection of words to determine the deceased is not difficult to understand - Chaadaev was one of the Moscow celebrities, but at the same time did not possess no ranks nor any official position that could be mentioned in the obituary; There is no time being consistent - by the end of his life, I barely had than living, and even more like the kindness of people who surrounded; Even it was impossible to call him the writer - after all, during his lifetime, only two of his articles were published, and the first - four pages, and the second one, which in comparison with the first one can be extensive, was fitted in less than half-length of a very small format.

    Chaadayeva knew the whole Moscow - that is, all those whom they called "good society", but outside this circle, his fame came down to the scandalous history of the publication of a "philosophical letter to the lady" and the highest declaration of crazy. However, the salon fame of Chaadaev was in many ways resounded on the same grounds: he was interesting, unusual, about the ideas of him, it was written - taking up to several replicas, as it usually happens - the grounds of which are easy to find in his own texts, but which are Repetitions and not very conceived interpretation went further from the initial content.

    Already in life, and in particular in the next decade after death, two main ways to understand the views of Chaadayev were prevailed. For some, first of all for Herzen, during the life of Chaadayev managed to write about him in his overseas, facing the European audience of Pamflet "On the development of revolutionary ideas in Russia" (1851), he entered the long list of freedom fighters - between the Decembrists and Herself Herzen:

    "[...] the letter broke the ice after December 14. Finally, a person came, with a soul, crowded sorrow; He found the terrible words to be with funeral eloquence, with oppressive calmness to say everything for ten years Gorky in the heart of the educated Russian. This letter was a testament of a person who donates from his rights not from love to his heirs, but from disgust; Surgo and coldly requires the author from Russia of the report in all the suffering caused by her to man, who dared to leave the Tsotsky state. [...] Yes, this gloomy voice sounded only then to say Russia that she never lived in human, that it represents "only a gap in human consciousness, only an instructive example for Europe." He told Russia that her past was useless, real in vain, and she had no future. "

    If the Herc is the religious content of the ideas of Chaadaeva explained as a consequence of a place and time, something that he hides a completely different content - it is also hiding from the author himself, - for the circle of "Russian Catholics" it was it predictably the main one. Chaadaev in interpretation of about. Ivan Gagarin (who published in 1862 in Paris in copies provided by M.I. Zhikharev, the first collection of writings Chaadaev, in half a century, which became the main source of information for those who did not want to be limited to brief information from the second and third hands) became a representative of the Catholic idea In Russia, moreover, those who dared not only recognize the correctness of Catholicism, but also to clearly declare this at the time of the approval of Orthodoxy as the first member of the National Triad.

    It should be noted that each of these interpretations was not deprived of the grounds: they were not delusion, but at the same time painted the appearance of a completely different person who does not match Chaadaev. Placing Chaadayev in the context of the "Development of Revolutionary Ideas", Herzen and his followers were offered to read the religious foundation of his thought - historical details, but with this approach, it was not about Chaadaev, but about the social meaning of his ideas, despite the fact that he had At the sight and sought to say the author himself. In the logic of "Russian Catholicism", it was even more remarkable: Chaadaev himself did not switch to Catholicism, that is, either between his words and his affairs was formed, or his words were not fully understood, if we assume that Chadaev was consistent enough At least in what announced the most important.

    The life of Chaaadayev in the eyes of the public was focused around the events of the last months of 1836, when he was not very popular, a relatively little readable Moscow magazine "Telescope" his article was published: "It was a shot, ranking out in a dark night; It was tone whether it was given to his death, whether it was a signal, call for help, the message about the morning or that he would not be, it would still be necessary to wake up. " Until this time, he knew not so much - after that, Chayadaev basically knew only this story.

    Peter Yakovlevich Chaadaev was the second (and the last) child in the family of Yakova Petrovich Chaadaeva and Natalia Mikhailovna, nee Princess Shcherbatova - So

    Mikhail Mikhailovich Scherbatov, a deputy of the commissioned commission and the author of the "History of the Russian", had to Petru Yakovlevich grandfather. Born on May 27, 1794, Chaadaev no longer found the CN. Shcherbatova, who died four years earlier, however, and his parents did not remember their parents: the father died next year, and two years later the mother died, so the upbringing of two brothers (Mikhail was born in 1792) took over Aunt, Anna Mikhailovna Shcherbatova, and Uncle, Dmitry Mikhailovich Shcherbatov.

    According to M.I. Zhikhareva, closest to Chaaadaev in the last period of his life, aunt, having received the news of his sister's death, "In the most adverse time of the year, in spring, in a flood, without losing a minute, I went for them, with a danger to life after two bottled rivers "The Volga and some other, who was on the road, got to the place, took the baby, brought to Moscow, where he placed with him, in a small house, formerly somewhere around Arbat." The aunt was destined to live until 1852 and later in deep old age (she was born in 1761), incessantly worrying (as can - she was a woman with good, but simple) about his nephews, of whom the eldest, Mikhail, certainly answered it respectful letters. In 1834, she, for example, wrote the last:

    "I thank the Almighty that I chose me to serve you in your childhood, and I find no nephews in you, but kind of sons; Your favor information proves to me your friendship, but also me, be sure that I love you all over; There is nothing good enough for me, and then I only find yourself happy when I can share time with you. "

    The state got them from parents more than enough - about one million rubles for two, the upbringing was obtained at first home, and then in 1808 they entered Moscow University, where they were made by A.S. Griboedov, D.A. Obuhukhov, Brothers L. and V. Pepovsky, I.M. Snegolev, N.I. Turgenev, I. D. Yakushkin.

    For that time and that environment, friendship meant a lot - the relationship found in his youth continued all his life. So, after the sentence in the Decembrists case, according to which Yakushkin, the intent on the queuity was sentenced to the death penalty, replaced by Katoroga, Chaadaev visits his family, like Mikhail's brother, and then, as the sons of Yakushkin, Vyacheslav (1823) and Eugene (1826) grown up, willingly accepted them on a basmann, and after the death of Chaadaeva Yevgeny Yakushkin collected materials about him, sorry that Peter Yakovlevich Peter Yakovlevich, published, published in "Bibliographic Notes" (1861, No. 1) a number of his letters and contributed to the research about Chaadaev M.N. Longinova, close to him bibliographer and Bibliophile.

    At the end of the spring of 1812, he, together with his brother, enlisted by the submarine in the guard, to the Semenov Regiment, is held by the campaign of 1812, and then the passage campaign of the Russian Army 1813-1814, having discouraged the friendship of colleagues and the respect of the elders. At the end of the hiking and return from France translated (now alone, without a brother who continued the service in Semenovsky) in the Life Guard Gusar Regiment, housed in the royal village - there, in the imperial residence, he often happens in the house N.M. Karamzin, where in June or July 1816 acquainted with A.S. Pushkin.

    Career Chaaadayeva is successful - on the outcome of 1817, he receives an appointment with an adjutant to c. I.V. Vasilchikov, one of the closest to the emperor, Alexander I, and from a general point of view, can count on a rapid further increase, being the face of the famous and appreciated top of the empire. But his own plans lie in another area - the brother already in early in the spring of 1820 comes into resignation and settled in Moscow, and Chadaev himself submits a resignation on the outcome of December of the same year and receives it in February 1821. So unexpected The circumstances of the act turns the mass of rumors and assumptions - F.F. Vigel will tell that the resignation will be out of the displeasure of the sovereign to be late for Chaadaev with the news about the uprising in the Semenov Regiment:

    "[...] Gusar and Ph.D. in the attitude towards along with the same coquette, he traveled by the toilet, cleaned his mouth, nails, washed off, washed, holished, jumped in spirits. Dear he indulged in the same exercises and was late with the arrival of two days. "

    The same story in abbreviated form will repeat, for example, a good Moscow acquaintance Chaadaev in later years, M.A. Dmitriev and who knew Chaadaev most of his life D.N. Experience. This story, however, is directly contrary to reliably famous facts, and to offer your version of what happened already, M.I. Zhikharev, forced, however, to build only hypotheses, as Chaadaev himself always refused to talk about it. According to Zhikharev, Chayadaev succumbed to a vain feeling, going with the report, but then it was forced to realize that he was a messenger and one of the guns, which should comprehend his former colleagues in the Semenov Regiment - to get the nearest honorable appointment, the outgun-adjutant For betrayal. Once in a dead end, Chaadaev on thinking and chose a resignation leaving his conscience and, which is much more important, his honor is clean. But this interpretation was challenged with a large set of arguments M.O. Gershenzon, who celebrated that the happened did not affect the reputation of Chaadaev among friends and acquaintances, colleagues in the Semenov Regiment and in the guard in general - without recalling in the correspondence, never mentioning: no one thought to put him in the guilt with the official report from Him Chief, gr. Vasilchikova to the sovereign. Another version suggested relatively recently Yu.M. Lotman, who believed that Chaadaev in his act focused on a literary sample - Marquis Posnu, the resignation was turned to the sovereign as a recipient, demonstrating selflessness, and thus giving the right to express his judgment and weight expressed