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  • "Women's images in the novel of Standal" Red and Black. Characteristics of the heroes on the work of the Standal "Red and Black" characteristic de Renal before and after

    Characteristics of Panі de Renal "Chervona І Chorn" Served in Tsiy Statti. Quote to the image of Panі de Renal can be written in comments.

    Characteristic Pari de Renal

    Panі de Renal - Friend of Mist Mist Veier, Mati Trioch Sinіv. Life її Protіkuє Schokіino і Sometimes. Did not be tied up with the right of Cholovіka and Cerented Cooking. Ale Zhulian Soriet, returning to the Renali Budink in the Yakosti Mentor-Gooverner, Vіdsez w Wlyteє waha on the Panі de Renal, Yaka Vіdriznyyuyu "Inta Lyubila Grazіюu, clean I". "

    Lyja does not love a bark cholovik. Before Jules, I did not know the sight. Ale all-commercially soldering to the young governor stretching Mr. de Renal in the stick І Samovіddan Zhіnku. The power of Tsієї Lovі Sinilki is great, Shaho Vona Zdatna is to podolati Julian, soil the internal internal Svіt.

    ... I'm all - one sus_lna love to you. Navіt, Mabut, the word "Love" - \u200b\u200bthere is no weak. I have it to you like this, Yak Tіlki His to God can be gods: everything is all - the vigornynnya, І Lyubov, I Snump ...

    Julian Usvіdomlyuє, Shah, not just the speeding Z'In G. Joshno Zhіnkoy, Tsechok Bіlsh. Nyoma should be unwinding the temple of the secret. Ale's ambition of Julian sponsube yogo otkuchali from Panі de Renal.

    Sheet, creepy Lyja, Markiu De La La Pletus, miter a shocked zіnannune in a love letter from Julian Break. Sheets of drinking character, writing in the standard Agect, the Bouv of the VSI-on-VA, the Single Panі de Renal Pereshkoditi Singo Kohano People's Site Zhіnkoy.

    "Bіdnіst і Zhad_bnіti sponed by the people of people, building on neimіrna hypocriticness, shocks the weak і і Немновнна жінка і і such a shih Shattarii in the people ... vіn is not a visnoye law_gіgії. Talked on Sovіstі, I'm sriman of thinking, Scho alone іz methods to leisurely sucping є for my zvab Zhіkinka, Yaki kinstuzu in the Budinka Nab_l Mutt. "

    Lyja Nikogo cannot zmіniti at Vlasniy Doli, Alea Bazhannya to have repeatedly revealed. Love madness breakdown in Niy strength of the Spirit, I didn't pіdozruval about Yaku. Pisl Viroku Julien Panі de Renal DomaEngiєchі із із Засбуженим на оту кахинь. Julian turns out in their fearing to the Lyji yo in the Kіntz region, "I pledged to the innobivostі і simplicity."


    "TI Kohsnі Chasi, Koli Mi wandered in Verzhіiskіkh Lіisakh, I am Mig Bi Buti Taki Schchashivius, Ale Burkhliva I amxiciously snapped my soul in Yakіz Night Dali. Deputy Top Tin Printed to Sery Tsu Charіvnu Handle, Yak Bula is so blisco in the lips of my lips, I apply to the Maybatrum to take me to you; I am all the bouquet of the heading of the wrong battles, zone by MAV Viyti in a smoothed, the head of winning Jacques are richly becoming ... NI, I, singing, so Bie died, not to know, Shah, so on, Yakby Vi did not have before Meneier, in V. .

    Louise is the wife of the mayor of Verpera, the mother of three sons. Her life is calm and serene. She is not interested in her husband's affairs and impress the situation. But Julien Sorel, being in the reenali house as a tutor-goverr, immediately draws attention to Mr. de Renal, which is distinguished by "naive grace, clean and alive." Louise does not like her husband. She did not know passion to Julien yet. But the all-consuming feeling for the young governor turns Mr. de Renal in a dusty and selfless woman. The strength of this love is so great that it is able to overcome the egoism of Julien, to improve his inner world. Julien realizes that this is not just a fleeting connection with a married woman, it is more. It originates a response high feeling. But the ambitious ideas of Julien encourage him to part with Ms. de Renal. A letter that Louise sends the Marquis de La Pletus, contains shocking recognition in love with Julienne Sorel. A semi-confusion letter written in a state of affect was just a attempted Mr. de Renal attempt to prevent her marriage of his beloved man with another woman. Louise can not change anything in his own destiny, but the desire for happiness is needed. Love madness awakens the strength of the Spirit, which she had never suspected before. After the sentence, Julien Ms. de Renal seeks to meet with a convicted person in the beloved execution. Julien returns in his feelings to Louise him at the end of the life path "pulled to the innovation and simplicity." Julien seems to be approved by Ms. De Renal: "In those former times, when we wandered with you in the Three Forests, I could be so happy, but a stormy ambition fascinated my soul into some unknown gave. Instead of pressing the heart of this adorable handle, which was so close to my lips, I allowed the future to carry me away from you; I was all absorbed in countless battles, of which I had to leave the winner to conquer some unheard of the situation ... No, I will probably die, without learning what happiness, if you didn't come to me here, in prison. It is to Ms. De Renal Julien addresses to take care of his child who must give birth to Matilda de La Mol. Julien foresides that the fate of this child will be unenviable: Matilda will forget about him, as the time will forget about Julien. The feeling of grief and loss is so great that three days after the execution of Southell, Ms. De Renal dies, hugging her children.

    The writing

    Roman Standal "Red and Black" diverse over the theme, interesting and instructive. The instructive and fate of his heroes. I want to tell you what two heroines have taught me - Mrs. de Renal and Matilde where La Mol.

    So that we are understandable inner world these heroines, standal gives them a test of love, because, in his opinion, love is a sense of subjective and in more than It depends on who loves than from the very object of love. And only love can disrupt the masks behind which people hide usually present their nature.

    At the beginning of the novel, Mrs. de Renal could be given thirty years old, but she was still very pretty. High, osanistic woman, she was once the first beauty on the entire district.

    The rich heiress of God-fearing aunt, she was brought up in the Jesuit Women's Monastery, but managed to forget those nonsense that she was taught in this institution. She was married at sixteen years for the elderly, Mr. de Renal.

    Smart, intelligent, emotional, she was at the same time timid and more, simple and slightly naive. Her heart was free from coquetry. She loved loneliness, loved to walk in his wonderful garden, shied out that Veriere was called entertainment, because Mrs. de Renal began to call the Garde and say that she was too proud of his origin. She didn't have this in his thoughts, but she was very pleased when the townships of the town began to be less likely.

    A young woman could not sick, deceive, behave, as they talked in Veriera, a policy about his man, because she was considered "stupid" among the local ladies. The courtship of Mr. It liked that she liked, only scared her. Life Mrs. de Renal was devoted to a man and children.

    And here in her soul there was a new feeling - love. She seemed to be woken up from long sleep, began to get involved in everyone, did not understand herself from emotions. The feeling that Ms. de Renal lied, made it energetic and decisive. Here it, as if convicted to death, to save his beloved, goes to the room Julien, to pull out the portrait of Napoleon from the mattress. That, by all truths and inconsistencies, Introduces Juliene, a person of low origin, the staff of the guard. It is thinking out an anonymous letter.

    Mrs. de Renal is all the time in spiritual tension, two forces are struggled in it - a natural feeling, desire for happiness and a sense of debt regarding the family imposed by society, civilization, religion. Therefore, she is constantly going to extremes. When her son of Xavier-Stanislav fell ill, she perceives the disease as the punishment of God for married infidelity. And almost immediately after the threat to the health of the boy passed, again is given to his love. Apparently, in one of those minutes of fierce repentance she, from the incitement of the Abbot Castaneda, and sent the Marquis de La-pray a review about the behavior of a siphel, who played such a fatal role in the fate of Julien. Hence again she returned to her beloved, now finally. She can no longer go against himself, of their nature, nature. She tells Zhulien: "My duty is primarily to be with you." Since then, she has completely ceased to reckon with moral condemnation. The last days she was next to Zhulien. Life without a beloved for her became meaningless. And three days after the execution of Julin, Mrs. De Renal died, hugging her children. She quietly, imperceptibly lived, sacrificing her for children, family, beloved, and just as quietly died.

    Matilda de la Mol is a female character of a completely different type. Proud and cold beauty that reigns on points where the entire brilliant Paris world is going, extravagant, witty and mocking, it is above his surroundings. A sharp mind, education - she reads Voltaire, Rousseau, is interested in the history of France, the heroic epochs of the country - the active natura of Matilda forces her with contempt to treat all the notable fans who claim her hand and heart. From them, and in particular from Marquis de Croaznu, the marriage with whom Matildadi the Ducal title would be to bring, about whom her father dreams - it feels boredom for her. "What could be in the world more banal from such a gathering?" - Expresses her "blue, like heaven", eye.

    Modern reality does not cause any interest in Matilde. She is everyday, sulfur and not heroic. Everything is bought and for sale - "Title Baron, a title of viscont - all this can be bought ... Ultimately, to get wealth, a man can marry with Rothschild's daughter."

    Matilda lives the past, which appears in her imagination, shrouded in romantic of strong feelings. She regrets that there is no more courtyard like the courtyard of Catherine Medici or Louis XIII.

    Matilda draws attention to Julien because it feels unusual nature in it. Just like the Count Altamir with his romantic fate ("Obviously, only the death sentence and allocates a person ... This is the only thing that cannot be bought"), Zhulen causes her interest and respect as such that "... not born to crawl." Matilda is striking the gloomy fire, which flares in his eyes, his supreme look. "Nowadays, when all sorts of determination is lost, his decisiveness scares them," Matilda thinks, opposing Juliene to all young venels, which are bangible in the salon of her mother, who can dress except exquisite manners. The view of the sacrament, who Juliena kicks himself, cannot deceive it. Despite his black suit, which he does not shoot, "on the Popovsky mine, with which the poor fellow has to go, not to die of hunger," His Highness scares them, "Matilda understands.

    To dare to love Zhulien, the one who stands below on social steps is responsible for its character, whose mystery is the need to risk. But her love is hard. She, too, like Mrs. de Renal, is in constant spiritual tension. She also continues the struggle between the natural desire for happiness and "civilization", the views that the society indulges from her birth. Hesitating between love and hate to Zhulien, contempt for himself, she pushes him, he is given with all the power of passion. Juliena will have to subordinate it. Having loved finally Julien, Matilda is ready to sacrifice and its reputation, and title, and wealth. She would save Julienne from execution if he wanted it. After the death of her beloved, she fulfilled him last request - buried in a cave on a high mountain, which raises over Viery. "Thanks to the efforts of Matilda, this wild cave decorated with marble statues, which she ordered in Italy for big money."

    Both heroines are beautiful, every one in its own way. Both of them cause, on the one hand, sympathy and pity, on the other hand, their altruistic, sacrificial love is surprising and honor. With her love, they teach us to love disinterested and selflessly. It is a pity that their happiness lasted for a long time, but they are not guilty of them as much as society with their unfair laws.

    Other writings on this work

    Julien Sorel - characteristics of the literary hero The image of Zhulien Sororost in the novel "Red and Black" Soul struggle Julien sorel in the novel of Standal "Red and Black" Internal struggle Zhulien Sorieta and his insight Character and Fate Julien Sailor

    Louise is the wife of the mayor of Verpera, the mother of three sons. Her life is calm and serene. She is not interested in her husband's affairs and impress the situation. But Julien Sorell, being in the house of Renali as a tutor-goverr, immediately draws attention to Ms. de Renal, which is characterized by "naive grace, clean and alive." Louise does not like her husband. She did not know passion to Julien yet. But the all-consuming feeling for the young governor turns Mr. de Renal in a dusty and selfless woman.

    The strength of this love is so great that it is able to overcome the egoism of Julien, to improve his inner world. Julien realizes that this is not just a fleeting connection with a married woman, it is more. It originates a response high feeling. But the ambitious ideas of Julien encourage him to part with Ms. de Renal. A letter that Louise sends the Marquis de La Pletus, contains shocking recognition in love with Julienne Sorel. A semi-confusion letter written in a state of affect was just a attempted Mr. de Renal attempt to prevent her marriage of his beloved man with another woman. Louise nothing

    it can change in his own destiny, but the desire of happiness is needed. Love madness awakens the strength of the Spirit, which she had never suspected before. After the sentence, Julien Ms. de Renal seeks to meet with a convicted person in the beloved execution. Julien returns in his feelings to Louise him at the end of the life path "pulled to the innovation and simplicity." Julien seems to be as well as Ms. De Renal: "In those former times, when we wandered with you in the versic forests, I could be so happy, but the stormy ambition fascinated my soul into some unknown Dali. Instead of pressing the heart of this adorable handle, which was so close to my lips, I allowed the future to carry me away from you; I was all absorbed in countless battles, of which I had to leave the winner to conquer some unheard of the situation ... No, I will probably die, without learning what happiness, if you didn't come to me here, in prison. It is to Ms. De Renal Julien addresses to take care of his child who must give birth to Matilda de La Mol. Julien foresides that the fate of this child will be unenviable: Matilda will forget about him, as the time will forget about Julien. The feeling of grief and loss is so great that three days after the execution of Southell, Ms. De Renal dies, hugging her children.


    - Red and black characteristics of heroes

    - Characteristics of the heroes of red and black

    - Chervone I. Chorni Characteristics of Heroїv

    - Mrs. de Renal characteristic

    - Characteristics of Panі de Renal

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