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  • I met you and everything is a former genre. I met you tyutchev. Artistic - expressive means "I met you - and all the past ..."

    I met you and everything is a former genre.  I met you tyutchev.  Artistic - expressive means
    Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev worked during the golden heyday of Russian literature, when many poets wrote about feelings and love. But the most wonderful lines about love, undoubtedly, belong to the pen of Tyutchev. His poetic works are so deep, lyrical and melodious that many have taken a worthy place in the field of singing culture, becoming romances that are performed all over the world.

    These verses contain everything: infatuation, falling in love, admiration, tragedy, suffering. The poet viewed love from all sides, both an ardent lover and an observer wise by life experience.

    And in this lyrical chorus of Tyutchev's works a special place is occupied by the poem "I met you - and everything is past ...".

    The history of the creation of the poem

    The text of the poem "I met you - and all the past" occupies a special place in the entire poetry of the poet, since the main character conveys the feelings that many people experience during their love. The emotional experiences and searches of the main character make it possible to express those emotions and feelings that are understandable to everyone. But let's dwell a little on what is the history of this Tyutchev's work, where the dedication to "KB" was given. Who is this mysterious stranger?

    This Tyutchev work was created by the author at a fairly late age. It is believed that it was written by a lyricist in 1870, and at that time Fyodor Ivanovich was sixty-six years old. There is also a version of what served to create such a beautiful text. According to this historical version, it is known that in July the poet rested in Carlsbad, where there was a boarding house for rest and treatment. There, on July 26, he unexpectedly meets with Amilia Krudener, who in her maiden name bore the surname Lerchenfeld and was a baroness. Hence such a strange dedication to "KB" - Krudener, Baroness. This meeting was unexpected and very touching, since Tyutchev had known this woman for a long time.

    Their first acquaintance took place at a young age, when young people met by chance and fell in love. But the position in society, and the girl's parents insisted that Amalia marry a very rich man - Baron Krudener. They then had to part. And now, decades later, this meeting took place unexpectedly. In the soul of the lyrics, past experiences and feelings flared up.

    For a long time, this version was the only one that explained the writing of a poem. But more recently, another version of the history of the creation of Tyutchev's poetic creation was put forward. Suddenly, a version was announced that this text was not addressed to Amalia, but to a completely different woman - Clotilde von Botmer, who was the sister of his first wife. According to some literature, the lyricist was familiar with her even before he met his wife. And she lived, according to the memoirs of contemporaries, not far from the place where the poet-philosopher rested. This version now exists, but so far it is not as widespread as the previous one.

    I met you - and everything is old
    In an obsolete heart revived;
    I remembered the golden time -
    And my heart felt so warm ...

    Like late autumn sometimes
    There are days, there are hours
    When suddenly the spring blows
    And something will stir in us, -

    So, all wrapped in spirits
    Those years of spiritual fullness
    With a long forgotten rapture
    Looking at cute features ...

    As after a century of separation,
    I look at you, as if in a dream, -
    And now - the sounds became louder,
    Those who have not been silent in me ...
    There is more than one memory, Here life spoke again, - And the same charm in us, And the same love in my soul! ..

    Today, based on the memoirs of poets and contemporaries of Tyutchev's time, it is customary to consider the official version of the story of the creation of a poetic masterpiece dedicated to Baroness Amalia Krudener.

    Analysis of Tyutchev's poem

    The main theme of Tyutchev's poetic work is the resurrection in the human soul of the desire to live and be happy, as well as the most wonderful memories of happy days that, unfortunately, have already passed. The main thing actor- this is a man who is already in adulthood, but his life, like autumn, lasts so long that he is even tired. From this fatigue, all the feelings in him were dulled and weakened, they have long ceased to have that fire that was before. In life, he no longer experiences any joys, but only calmness. It seems to this hero of a lyrical work that he already had everything beautiful in his life, now it has remained somewhere in the past, and the present will not bring any changes.

    And here, quite unexpectedly for the protagonist himself, an incredible meeting takes place with a girl with whom he was once passionately and tenderly in love. This meeting is like meeting his youth when he was young and when he could experience the full range of feelings and emotions. This meeting changed his life so much that he even began to worry, and his blood, which, as it seemed to the poet himself, froze, began to rush through his veins, giving him even greater excitement. The author, who is a subtle psychologist, manages to perfectly describe the agitated state of his hero. So, already in the second line of poetry, the poet uses an oxymoron so that the reader can imagine what is happening in the heart of Tyutchev's hero, which has already outlived, and now has come to life again.

    But it is worth paying attention to the metaphors that help to draw certain images conceived by the lyricist. For example, the season in Tyutchev's poem resembles a person's age. So, the poet-philosopher compares autumn with the old age of the protagonist, and spring is the young life of a lyrical character. The same poetic images help to understand how unexpected this meeting is and how incredible the transformations that are taking place in his soul. Memories, like waves, washed over the person so strongly that they awakened in him the desire for life. He can now feel joy again, feel all the shades of life. The lyrical hero of Tyutchev has a hope for the future, which inspires him.

    Now let's turn to the fourth poetic stanza of Tyutchev, where the author uses the motive of a dream:

    "I look at you as if in a dream."

    It is not only interesting, but also necessary in order to indicate the importance of what is happening, to emphasize the element of a certain surprise. It becomes clear that the hero is still so full of strength that he is open to any emotion, especially love. He has not changed, he has remained the same, his heart can still love and suffer.

    Artistic - expressive means "I met you - and all the past ..."

    The lexical structure of Tyutchev's poem "I met you - and everything is old ..." is also interesting.

    So, the poetic masterpiece of Tyutchev itself is very easy to read, the mood is light and light. Changes in the hero's soul are conveyed by such words as spring blows, golden time, tender rapture, warm charm, and the lyric's sadness is also special. It is both age-old and late. Uses a poet-philosopher and sublime vocabulary. A special place is occupied by verbs that convey a light and quick movement of the soul: she spoke, roused herself, came to life. Using verbs allows you to draw an image of a breeze, light and airy, the breath of which awakens forces for movement and transformation.

    The text is dominated by a large number of artistic and expressive means, which just allow you to convey the full depth of feelings of the main character. The following types of trails are used:

    ★ Metaphors and personifications: the lyricist's heart revived, but such that it becomes warm from the memories, and the life of the poet-philosopher began to speak.

    ★ Comparisons: the meeting of the lyricist happened as if they had been apart for centuries.

    ★ Epithets: the poet calls the time golden, his separation becomes age-old, and to the feminine features that he recognizes and which are so dear to him, he picks up the epithet cute.

    ★ Inversion: the poet swaps the subject “sounds” and the predicate “louder than steel”. "Days", and in the first place brings out the predicate "are".

    ★ Anaphora: The first words are repeated in the last line of poetry, which allows you to highlight those parts where there is more emotion.

    The sound structure of the poetic work is also interesting. The following means of expression are used, such as:

    Assonance: sounds o and e are repeated.
    Alliteration: uses repetition soft sounds n and v, as well as p.

    This gives the whole poem a lightness and melodiousness that can be compared with the freshness of a light breeze. The human soul begins to revive and the reader can see these stages of revival. There are five lines in the composition, which reflect the five stages of the hero's experience, from the first impression after the meeting and to the full awakening of feelings.

    The rhyme in Tyutchev's poem is precise, cross. So, the first and third lines, which refer to the female rhyme, are interesting, but the second and, accordingly, the fourth can be attributed to the male. Among the different sentence constructions, one exclamation is found, and it also uses ellipsis. The poem itself is written in a two-syllable meter - iambic.

    Romance "I met you - and all the past ..."

    Tyutchev's poem is characterized by melodiousness and musicality. Therefore, many composers tried to transfer it to music. But the most popular and successful is the performance of this romance by Ivan Semyonovich Kozlovsky to the music of Leonid Dmitrievich Malashkin.

    This romance has already turned one hundred years old, but it continues to be popular and interesting for listeners. This is what the power of love, creativity, art means!

    The poem “I met you - and everything is old” was written by F. I. Tyutchev in 1870. It is one example love lyrics poet, created in the late period of his creative career. You can read brief analysis“I met you - and everything is old” according to plan. This analysis can be used when studying a work in a literature lesson in grade 9.

    Brief analysis

    History of creation- the poem was written in 1870, when Tyutchev was already 67 years old, this is one of the examples of works about love.

    The theme is a poem about feelings forgotten by the poet, but flared up again when they met after a long separation.

    Composition- linear, the author informs the reader about his sudden meeting with a woman he once loved, compares it with a short-term feeling of spring in late autumn, describes his feelings, eventually coming to the realization that all this is true love.

    genre- the points of view of researchers differ on the issue of genre: some are inclined to attribute this poem to an ode, others to an elegy.

    Poetic size- the poem is written in iambic, exact, masculine and feminine rhymes are used, and the latter alternate, the rhyme method is cross ABAB.

    Epithets"In an obsolete heart", "Golden time", "Mental completeness".

    Hyperbola"Like after a century of separation ...".

    Impersonations"... all the past ... came to life", "... life spoke again".

    Metaphors"All covered with a breath", "My heart felt so warm".

    Alliteration- repetition of sounds “z”, “s”, “d”, “t”, “b”, “p”.

    Assonance- repetition of vowel sounds "o", "a", "e".

    Anaphora"There is more than one ...", "There is life ..."; "And the same in you ...", "And the same in the soul ...".

    Gradation"There are days, there are hours ...".

    History of creation

    The love lyrics of Fyodor Tyutchev are especially remarkable in the later period of his work. The verses reflected his feelings, disappointments and dreams. He wrote the poem "I met you" in 1870 at an already mature age. But, despite this, the work is filled with deep, vivid emotions, the living force of a loving heart. This was caused by a meeting with a woman whom the poet loved in the past. Her name was encrypted by him in the letters KB.


    The lyrical hero meets his past love, which reawakens his old feelings in him. The memories are pleasant to him: “I remembered the golden time - and my heart felt so warm ...”.

    The image of the beloved is not accurate, only the feelings of the poet are conveyed. We cannot imagine what this woman looked like, what “lovely features” she had, but we understand that Tyutchev loved her.


    The poem consists of five stanzas, each of which carries a certain meaning, and together they create a single chain of the poet's thoughts. From the first, we learn about the hero's meeting with his beloved, whom he has not seen for a long time. The past times associated with it, he calls - "golden time", they are dear to him. From a mental return to them old feelings come to life - “and the heart became so warm”.

    In the second stanza, the poet compares his life with autumn, and the sensations that have again reminded of themselves - with spring.

    The following stanzas are a gradual increase, an influx of feelings: “the sounds that have not ceased in me have become more audible ...”. And already at the end of the poem, he boldly calls it love: "life spoke again."


    The genre in which the verse was written, scholars define in different ways. On the one hand, it looks like an ode, on the other, like an elegy. Now everyone is also familiar with the beautiful, melodic romance of the same name, which was obtained as a result of the imposition of a poem on music.

    The poem is composed of five stanzas of four lines and is written in iambic. Are used different types rhymes, their alternation takes place: in the first and third line - feminine (the past is golden, sometimes - in the spring), in the second and fourth - masculine (came alive - warm, hour - us). All lines are characterized by an exact rhyme: breath - ecstasy, fullness - features. The rhyme method is cross (the lines are rhymed according to the ABAB principle).

    Expression tools

    The means of expression used in the poem are quite diverse. Their combination creates a feeling of empathy for the lyric hero, his feelings. Tyutchev uses epithets: "In an obsolete heart", "golden time", "spiritual fullness", metaphors: “All covered with a breeze”, “my heart felt so warm”.

    Also interesting impersonations: “… All the past… came to life”, “… life spoke again”, hyperbola: "Like after a century of separation ...".

    A special melody and melodiousness is given to the poem due to the repetition of sounds: "z", "s", "d", "t", "b", "p" ( alliteration). For example, the sound “t” appears seven times in the first stanza. And also assonance is used - the repetition of the sounds "o", "a", "e".

    To enhance the effect produced on the reader, the poet also uses such artistic means as anaphora("There is not one here ...", "There is life ..."; "And the same in you ...", "And the same in the soul ..."), and gradation(“There are days, there are hours”).

    Poem test

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    I MET YOU...

    Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev wrote his famous poem

    "I met you…"

    August 7, 1870

    Mysterious K.B. - Amalia Lerchenfeld,

    Fyodor Tyutchev's first love

    I met you - and everything is old
    In an obsolete heart revived;
    I remembered the golden time -
    And my heart felt so warm ...

    http: //

    Fedor Tyutchev

    On August 7, 1870, in Karlsbad (now Karlovy-Vary), the Russian poet Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev wrote his famous poem "I met you ...".

    It was dedicated to K.B. - 62-year-old Baroness Krudener, whom the 67-year-old poet met on the waters after almost half a century of separation.

    Before her marriage, the baroness bore the name Amalia Lerchenfeld and was the subject of the young poet's passionate feelings. Amalia struck Tyutchev with her beauty, education, depth of feelings. Tyutchev was fascinated. However, the lovers were not destined to tie their lives. In 1826 Tyutchev married Eleanor Peterson, and Amalia became the wife of the first secretary of the Russian embassy in Munich, Baron Krudener.

    The last meeting of Tyutchev and Amalia took place in March 1873, when the love of his youth appeared at the bed where the paralyzed poet lay. Tyutchev's face brightened, tears appeared in his eyes. He looked at her for a long time, without uttering a word from excitement ...

    Many composers wrote music based on Tyutchev's poems. However, the most famous was the melody composed by Ivan Kozlovsky.

    Set to music, this poem became a popular romance that delights listeners to this day.

    You are looking print version. Full version descriptions of this holiday can be found at

    Analysis of the poem

    1. The history of the creation of the work.

    2. Characteristics of the work of the lyric genre (type of lyrics, artistic method, genre).

    3. Analysis of the content of the work (analysis of the plot, characteristics lyrical hero, motives and tonality).

    4. Features of the composition of the work.

    5. Analysis of the means of artistic expression and versification (the presence of tropes and stylistic figures, rhythm, size, rhyme, stanza).

    6. The meaning of the poem for the entire work of the poet.

    The poem "I met you - and all the past ..." was written by F.I. Tyutchev in 1870 in Carlsbad. It is dedicated to Countess Amalia Lerchenfeld (married to Baroness Krudener). It was first published in the Zarya magazine in 1870. The work belongs to love lyrics, its genre is a lyrical fragment, which combines the features of a spiritual ode and elegy, the style is romantic. The main theme is the awakening of love and life in a person, the memory of the heart.

    The first stanza conveys the hero's joy from an unexpected meeting with his beloved woman. His feelings, it turns out, are alive in his heart. At the same time, the characterization of the hero is also given here. This is a man who has experienced a lot and is tired of life, his heart is dead, as if frozen:

    I met you - and everything is old
    In an obsolete heart revived;
    I remembered the golden time -
    And my heart felt so warm ...

    The tautology deliberately used by the poet creates here a semantic oxymoron: "In an obsolete heart revived." Here is also the author's reminiscence from the poem "I remember the golden time" ("I remembered the golden time"). The feelings resurrected in the soul are compared with the breath of spring that a person suddenly feels in the middle of late autumn. Here the poet uses the method of antithesis. And something resonates in the human soul. The hero associates spring with youth, with spiritual completeness, with the ability to love ardently and selflessly:

    So, the whole is covered with a breath
    Those years of spiritual fullness
    With a long forgotten rapture
    I look at cute features ...

    Tyutchev's hero does not seem to believe his eyes, a wonderful meeting after many years of separation seems to him a magical dream. Feelings take over his soul more and more:

    And now - the sounds became louder,
    Those who did not stop in me ...

    The hero's heart thawed, the ability to feel the joy and fullness of life returned to him:

    There is more than one memory
    Then life spoke again, -
    And the same charm in you,
    And the same love in my soul! ..

    Tyutchev's work has something in common with the poem by A.S. Pushkin "I remember a wonderful moment." Note the similarity of the lyrical plot, reminiscence from Pushkin ("cute features"). However, the images of the lyrical characters in these works are different. The soul of Pushkin's hero "fell asleep", immersed in the bustle of everyday life, love dispelled "storms of a rebellious gust." However, his heart is alive, the experience has not cooled him down. His separation from his beloved woman is fragmentary - this is a certain period of time when life passed "without a deity," "without inspiration," "without love." But then She appeared again - "and the soul was awakened." The image of the heroine in Pushkin, for all its generalization, leaves a feeling of constant presence in the work. For Tyutchev, the central is the image of the hero, his life, his feelings and experiences. The heroine is outlined with only two strokes: "cute features", "And the same charm in you." Behind the shoulders of the hero Tyutchev is a whole life and, obviously, a difficult fate: his heart is "obsolete", dead. But an unexpected meeting also awakens in his soul "and deity, and inspiration, and life, and tears, and love." Let us also note the common motive of the dream, sounding in both poets. With the dreams of youth we associate Pushkin's epithet "fleeting vision", the hero "dreamed of cute features", finally, life itself "without a deity", "without inspiration", "without tears" and "without love" for him is nothing else, like a dark dream. The same motive of sleep sounds in Tyutchev: "I look at you, as if in a dream ..." past life seems to him a hard dream.

    Compositionally, the work is divided into two parts. The first part is a description of the hero's meeting with the "past", an experience of seemingly gone love, a comparison of the happy moment of life with the breath of spring (stanzas I and II). The second part, as it were, contains a consequence of the first. The memory-experience awakened in a person a sense of fullness and joy of life (stanzas III, IV, V).

    The poem is written with iambic tetrameter, quatrains, rhyme - cross. The poet uses various means of artistic expression: epithets ("golden time", "cute features"), metaphor and personification ("everything that was past In an outdated heart came to life", "life spoke again"), the comparison is simple and detailed ("Like after a century of separation , I look at you, as if in a dream ... "," As in late autumn sometimes ... "), anaphora (" There is more than one memory, Here life spoke again "), inversion (" wrapped in a breath of Those years of spiritual completeness "), syntactic parallelism ("And the same charm in you, And the same love in my soul! .."), alliteration ("I met you - and everything is old ..."), assonance ("Like late autumn sometimes ...").

    The poem "I Met You" is a masterpiece of Tyutchev's love lyrics. It amazes us with its melody, musicality, depth of feeling. A magnificent romance was written on these verses.

    It was largely devoted to the theme of love, reflecting the personal life of the poet himself full of passions and disappointments. TO late period creativity belongs to the poem "I met you", rightfully included in the treasury of Russian love lyrics. The wise life Tyutchev wrote it in his declining years (at the age of 67), on July 26, 1870 in Carlsbad.

    The poem, created under the impression of a meeting with the poet's former love, the "young fairy" Amalia Lerhenfield, describes the feelings of a person who has again met his happy past. The addressee of the poem is encrypted with the initials "KB", which mean the woman's name rearranged in places - Baroness Krudener.

    In a romantic poem, the poet combines odic and elegiac intonations. The poem is related to the elegy the image of a lyrical hero, with an ode - the spiritual problems of the work and active use high book vocabulary ( "Freak out", "Will blow"). Iambic tetrameter with pyrrhic lends amazing melody to the poem. Tyutchev uses cross rhyme, alternating between feminine (1st and 3rd lines) and masculine (2nd and 4th lines) rhymes.

    For a work of small volume, written in the form of a lyrical excerpt, the poet chose a two-part composition... In the first part, Tyutchev says that after an unexpected meeting, ice melted in his heart, and his heart plunged into a surprisingly wonderful world of happiness, "During golden time"... Line "I remembered the golden time" refers to an early poem by the poet "I remember the golden time"(1836), also dedicated to Amalia.

    In the second stanza, a description of nature in the spring appears, compared with the youth of man. Tyutchev contrasts autumn (his age) with spring (youth). As spring awakens nature from hibernation, so love awakens the poet to life, filling him with energy and love of life. With a meeting with his beloved, spring revives the soul to the poet.

    The image of the beloved who inspired the poet in the poem is implicit, blurred. Only a feeling of admiration and gratitude is caught, permeating the entire work.
    The poem is distinguished by a rich sound organization built on contrast. Alliteration (z-s, d-t, b-p) and assonance (o, a, e) used in the work convey the subtlest movements and impulses of the human soul, reflecting all the tenderness, spiritual awe and depth of the poet's feelings.

    Rhythmic pauses and dots leave space for the unspoken, giving a special intimacy to the poem. The work is distinguished by the richness of poetic intonations characteristic of Tyutchev and the emotional coloring of the vocabulary. Despite the presence of words painted in sad tones (late autumn, obsolete, forgotten), the poem "I met you" is dominated by a gentle, emotionally uplifted vocabulary ( charm, cute, ecstasy).

    The work is full of stylistic figures and trails... The poet uses anaphora ( There is more than one .. // There is life ... And the same ... // And the same ...), repetitions, antithesis "spring-autumn", parallelism, gradation ( there are days, there are hours).

    Tyutchev's lyrical world is surprisingly rich: metaphors ( "All covered with a breath", "My heart felt so warm"), epithets ( "Obsolete heart", "Secular separation"), impersonations ( "Here life spoke again", "Everything that was past in an obsolete heart came to life") give a special artistic expression to the poem. Tyutchev masterfully juxtaposes the world of nature and the world of the human soul, spiritualizing all manifestations of life.

    Memories give inspiration and hope, while love revives the feeling of "the fullness of life." Tyutchev's surprisingly pure and sincere poem proves: regardless of age, the human heart and soul do not age. The great and eternal power of love revives a person: "Life spoke again", which means that life will go on.

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