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  • Vowels denoting two sounds table. Summary of the lesson in the Russian language Subject: Vowels. Letters denoting vowels. Prepared by Shulika Marina Vladimirovna

    Vowels denoting two sounds table. Summary of the lesson in the Russian language Subject: Vowels. Letters denoting vowels. Prepared by Shulika Marina Vladimirovna

      Theme:   Vowel letters denoting one sound.


    1. To acquaint with a group of vowels that denote one sound, to consider the role of letters

    in words.
    2. Develop speech and mental activity of students.
    3. To develop the ideological orientation of activity in the lesson through

    proposed tasks.

    During the classes

    I. Organizational moment.

    The teacher begins the lesson with a poem and uses it only to organize
    Ringing cheerful bell.
    Leave all your toys,
    We need to say hello together.
    And stand up at the tables.

    Ii. Update support knowledge.

    On the blackboard are the words: Speech, sentence, oral, math, written, word, sound, letter.
      What we see on the board?
    D: Words.
    U: What can you offer to perform with these words?
    D: 1. Read (read).
    2. Highlight an extra word (I think there is an extra word - mathematics, since all the concepts of literacy, and mathematics is not suitable.)
    3. You can put the words in a certain order (Children call, the teacher puts the cards).
    D: To communicate, a person uses speech. Speech is written and spoken. Speech consists of sentences. Sentences consist of words. The words in the letter are denoted by letters. In speech, we hear sounds. A scheme appears on the board:



    Iii. Perception, understanding the new material.

    U: Today, I wanted to bring a present for you to my lesson, but trouble happened to my present. Take a look:
    D: It is necessary to add these signs.
    U: What was this gift?
    Children argue. The answers are different: correct and inaccurate, but come to
    conclusion: These are letters.
    U: How can they be used in class?
    D: Come up with words with these letters. Divide the letters into groups. Call sounds
    which they designate (called).
    U: What is the difference between a letter and a sound?
    D: Sound - hear and pronounce, letter - see and write.
    W: How many sounds will we hear if we call a letter?

    D: We will hear one sound.
    U: What are these sounds?
    D: Vowels.
    W: Prove it. What feature did we notice in these vowels?
    Children call features of vowel sounds. These vowels give one vowel
    W: Let us call once again a group of these vowels.
    D: and, u, u, s, o, u.
    Conclusion: What unites them?
    W: I think there is one extra sound. On what grounds did I identify?
    Examples are given to the rumor and determine why excess I. If children
    find it difficult, the teacher helps himself.

    Iv. Consolidation studied.

    On the blackboard printed text prepared by the children chorus with the teacher.
    A lot with the letters of trouble
    Oh, they are such a people.
    But when wisely, sensibly,
    Put them in a clear row,
    Letters turn into a word
    And they will talk to you.
    : What is noticed? Are there letters in this poem about which we spoke?
    Try to find them in the first two lines.
    One student at the blackboard emphasizes the vowels, all others print them in
    notebooks or spread in split alphabets.
    A lot of letters with troubles.
    Oh, they are such a people.
    : Why does the author say that with the letters a lot of trouble?
    Children argue.
    U: Why do we need letters? And how did the author of the poem say about this?
    D: Letters stand in a row forming words.
    U: What happens if the vowels in the words disappear? In the text, where vowels were emphasized, they have now disappeared.
    Mn g with b square m hl pt
    h t to n n n r d
    Conclusion: There are no words without vowels.
    U: Listen to the story in the forest. But I need your help. Are you ready to help me?
    The teacher tells the story. Children - participants: read the words, can voice characters, show how they move.
    One day, the stork performed at competitions and won a medal in which one word was written: VICTORY. Tired stork lay down in a meadow and fell asleep. At this time, the hedgehog came running into the meadow. He sees the letters are. Like a hedgehog first letter. Glorious gate is obtained. He put it on his back and carried it. From nowhere bear. Gloomy, angry. Roars, nothing to understand what happened. "I haven't ..." - the bear roars. Well, the letters helped. They read and understood what the bear does not have: LUNCH. "Right!" - says the bear. My barrel fell apart. And here is a hoop for her. I grabbed the letter O and carried it away. Suddenly the bunny jumped out. He looked at the word and froze. What did he see? TUD - Oh, where the trouble!
    Flew the letter B, hit her, and she rolled into the bushes. From such noise and the stork woke up. Looked at the word and saw: FOOD. Delicious word, I decided to eat. He took the letter E, fastened it on a stick and began to look for worms in the grass like a fork.
    W: Do you like the story? Let's read what the letters say? YES. W: What does this story teach us?
    D: Letters play a big role. You can not skip them, clean up, because
    change the word.
    U: What word in our history began with a vowel? LUNCH (On
    teacher discretion. You can offer yourself to make new words from other
    Work with the textbook with 20
    U: What happens if you change the vowel alone? How does the letter change
    U: How to start a task?
    D: Name the item and insert the missing letter.
    Do: Compare items in one rectangle.
    D: Two letters С T are the same and at the end of the word is the letter L. They are marked with letters in
    in the middle of U. And. received two different items table and chair.
    Further work goes by analogy with other pairs of words.
    U: What are the letters you entered.
    D: Vowels (O, U, I, Y)
    W: What have we learned about these vowels?
    D: They give one sound (Children can name all the vowel signs learned)
    Read: from 20 (ABC)

    Children should see the pattern and continue the series (object, letter, with which the name of the object begins and vice versa). Children can use other letters, including those not learned in the lesson, you can use a group of vowels to which the lesson was devoted.

    In this article we will analyze vowels   and vowels, as well as such phenomena as weak   and strong reduction.

    10 letters of the Russian alphabet are called vowelsbecause transmit the sound, which is formed with the obligatory participation of the voice and without obstruction by the vocal apparatus, - a vowel sound. But the vowel sounds in Russian are not 10, as letters, but 6: [A], [I], [O], [Y], [Y], [E].   The remaining vowels are: E, Y, Y, I   - designate two sounds each; each one starts with a consonant Th   (yot), why is called yotirovannoy: Е = []] + []], Ё = []] + [О], = []] + [Y], = = []] + [A].

    Yotted vowels   denote two sounds in the following cases:

    1) after dividing b and b ( eat, cast, twist, family);

    2) after the vowel ( i will go, my, I sing, my);

    3) in the absolute beginning of the word ( if, tree, south, clear).

    However letters E, Y, Y, I   denote one sound (vowel), if they are immediately after the consonant ( deal, chalk, sit down). The very same consonant sound [TH]   can be transmitted not only by iotatized vowels in three positions, but also by the letter, if it stands at the end of a syllable ( barking, May, May, May) as well as sound [TH]   occurs after the vowel before the vowel I. Then, by analogy with the iotated vowels, its pronunciation is transmitted by the B: family - families, nightingales - nightingales.

    Russian vowels (as compared to phonetic systems of other languages) have original properties: a) they all form syllables ( mo th); b) three of them ([A], [O], [E]) in an unstressed position are not pronounced so distinctly as under the stress, i.e. reduced.

    Reduction   can be weak and strong. Weak reduction   observed:

    a) in the absolute beginning of the word: she [ana];

    b) in the first pre-syllable, i.e. syllable located in front of the shock: in the window [VAKNO]   (a word with a simple preposition is considered a phonetic integer).

    In these cases, the first letter O denotes a sound similar to [A], therefore in the transcription it is transmitted by the [A] icon. The sound [E] in this position resembles [AND] and is transmitted by the icon [AND]: forests [LʼISA] = fox [LʼISA]. Weakly reduced sounds [A], [O], [E] can be transmitted by letter and the corresponding letters A, O, E and the letters I, E, immediately after the consonant (E does not transmit the reduced sound, because always persistently, but alternates with E): ice - ice [LIDA], finely - to shallow [ABMʼILETS], the ball - of the ball [MEACH].

    Strong reduction   observed:

    a) in any stressed syllable (west, in the evening)

    b) in the second pre-stressed syllable (heaven, TV).

    Highly reduced sounds are pronounced almost equally, and the quality of their sound depends on the hardness or softness of the consonant preceding them. A strongly reduced vowel after a hard consonant is transmitted in the transcription by the symbol [B]; a strongly reduced vowel after a soft consonant is transmitted in the transcription by the icon [B].


    1) The vowels [I], [Y], [Y] are not reduced in Russian.

    2) Sounds that are not subject to reduction can be transmitted by letter I, Y, U, Y.

    3) The sounds [A], [O], [E] are reduced.

    4) Reduced sounds can be expressed by the letters A, O, E, E, I.

    5) The symbols [b] and [b] in the transcription do not mean that b and b in the letter.

    Summary of the lesson in the Russian language

    Theme: Vowels. Letters denoting vowels.

    Purpose:   To fix the ability to identify vowels and letters; Recall the main signs of vowel sounds.

    Universal learning activities:

    Personal : the formation of a positive attitude towards learning and their knowledge, the development of creative imagination.

    Regulatory : organization of students learning activities: goal setting, planning;control and self-control of the process and results of educational activities.

    Cognitive : the ability to analyze, compare, find the answer to a problem question.

    Communicative : the ability to listen and engage in dialogue, to participate in collective discussion of problems; provide mutual assistance.



      To fix the concept of vowels and letters;

      Learn to highlight the vowel sound in a word;

      Learn to find the differences between sounds and letters;


      to develop the thinking of schoolchildren through analysis, synthesis, reasoning;

      continue work on the development of speech, memory, attention;

      develop the ability to use previously acquired knowledge;

      develop phonemic hearing on the material of sounds [a], [y], [and]; [e], [s] [o];


      Strengthen the ability to listen to each other

      Maintain interest in and care for birds

    Equipment: Mayor of Accents, Good Wizard, Letters, the country of the ABC, a card with the wordphonetics.

    During the classes

    I . Organizing time.

    The long-awaited call is given,
    The lesson begins.
    Sounds with letters came,
    To bring order.
    Attention, girls!
    Attention, boys!
    Cook your pens,
    Mash fingers.

    Guys, today's lesson we will spend in a fairy tale. We are waiting for new friends, adventures, interesting tasks and much more.

    Ii. A repetition of sounds, letters, syllable, word.

    So, we begin ... And from what words do fairy tales usually begin?

    In a certain kingdom, in a certain state (or lived-were) sounds. This state was absolutely tiny, and there were few inhabitants in it - quite a few only 31. No one has ever seen these sounds, as they were invisible.

    But it was possible to hear them, because 6 of them were real singers: A, O, U, I, U, E. They sang very finely and beautifully: I, E, E, Y.

    The air goes freely through the mouth,
    No different obstacles
    A voice participates, a voice calls,
    The sound is ... (vowel)

    Vowels are drawn in a vocal song,
    They can cry and scream
    May be in the crib of the child to lull,
    But do not want to squeak and grumble.

    How many vowel sounds are there?(6)

    In order to distinguish between sounds and letters, sounds are recorded in square brackets.

    Name and write them in your notebooks? (a, o, u, s, and, uh)   (1 line.)

    All words consist of sounds that can be recorded with special icons - letters. The sounds of speech, or phonemes, are studied by science.phonetics . This name comes from the Greek word for background - sound.

    And how many vowels in the Russian alphabet?(10)

    Name the vowel letters of the Russian alphabet and write them in your notebooks.

    (and about you and s)(2 line.)

    Now we will be convinced of the melodiousness and meaning of the vowels in words by doing:

    1 task   “Insert the vowel into the word.” (To work, prepare a fan with vowels.)

    P _ to, d _ m, m _ p, d _ b, c _ p(3rd line.) (One student at the blackboard inserts in red chalk.)

    What are the letters that are inserted?   (and about and s)

    What are their names?(Vowels.)

    What is the extra letter? Why?

    Task 2 Work on unverifiable spellings.

    1 . Frontal work.

    Read the words on the board:

    Cabbage, tomato, apple, pea, tomato, apple, potato, berry, raspberry.

    What can you say about this group of words?

    What are these words?(Vocabulary.)

    2. Independent work

    Write out the words in which the first and last letters are vowels.

    What words are written out?(Apple, apple, berry.)

    What unites them?(There are 3 syllables in each word; the first syllable is a stressed, unchecked unstressed vowel in the second syllable; there are more sounds in all words than letters; all words begin with the vowel I.)

    Put an accent, underline the vowel letter, which means unstressed vowel sound.

    Perform sound-letter composition of the word berry. How many letters? How many sounds? Why?

    Berry - [th , a g a d a] 5b., 6zv. (Writing in a notebook.)

    In the word berry letter, I entrusted to play 2 roles, but not always she has such luck. In what cases the letter will play 2 roles?

    What vowel letters in the theater of sounds are also trusted to play 2 roles?

    Iii. Fizkultminutka

    So, with 10 people in the country you already know. The remaining 21 were also good and good sounds, but they absolutely could not sing. Listen to them:

    A prepared 2 student reads a poem:

    And the consonants agree,
    Rustle, whisper, creak,
    Even sniff and hiss,
    But they do not want to sing.

    There are 2 more invisible and inaudible inhabitants in the kingdom. Have you guessed who it is? Why are they not even heard? (ь and ъ - are used to denote the softness of consonants).

    Iv. Acquaintance with the alphabet.

    One day a wizard from another state appeared in that kingdom. He liked it so much that he immediately wanted to get to know its inhabitants closer. And when I learned that all the inhabitants were invisible, I was very upset. But he, nevertheless, was a kind magician and gave each sound a magical dress, moreover, none of them looked like the other. And it cost him to put on, as soon as the sound turned into a letter.

    Prearrangedpupil   reads a poem:

    33 sisters
    Friendly beauties.
    Holding hands, standing,
    All guys like it.

    And who usually rules in the kingdom? (King or Queen.)

    Our king has a beautiful name to this day. But, as in any fairy tale, an evil wizard appeared and encrypted his name in this puzzle:

    A * * a * and *(Alphabet.)

    The letters in their wonderful dresses are in front of you in a certain order, each in its place.

    To you they are in a hurry,
    Glorious sisters,
    Very asking for all the guys
    Make friends with them.

    Let's read the entire alphabet correctly.   (in chorus).

    Somehow an evil wizard came to the beautiful country of ABC. Vowels were sent to meet him. He bewitched them. So much so that they become similar to each other. (Letters )

    Letterabout began to look like a,e on andbut onoh and one. The sorcerer has disappeared, and the greatest confusion has begun in the country. Only good emphasis could help the letters. It was enough for him to strike the vowel with his hands, as the deceptive magic mask flew off from it and the letter became itself.

    The letter under the stress is clear and understandable. What is it called?   (Correct, shock vowel.) The sound in a strong position is heard clearly, clearly.

    And what are the vowels called, which the stress has not yet touched?(Unstressed vowels.)   In a weak position, the sound is unclear, unclear.

    The letters are still enchanted and waiting in the wings. You guys could help them. Remember the magic words.

    Emphasis on vowel
    May make the letter clear.(Memorize these magic words.)
    If the letter vowel caused doubt,
    You immediately put it under stress.

    And now the Mayor of Accent offers you his job.

    Vi. Work with words with unstressed vowels. (Read the words.)

    Od * rhenium, d * bro, ep * syd

    What letters are missing? How do we check the spelling of the missing letters? I see that 3 word caused you difficulty.

    Do you understand the meaning of this word?

    In order to open the door to the secret of this word, you need to turn to the kind, clever wizards, books with whom we have yet to meet very often. One of these wizards is the Ozhegov Dictionary of Explanation, where the interpretation of words is given. (The teacher is reading.)

    And now I suggest you look at a fragment from the explanatory dictionary in your scientific book on p.4

    The vowel in a weak position in this word caused difficulty. Try to pick a check word. Even the almighty Mayor of Accents cannot help. Such words live in another book in the spelling dictionary, where you can check the correct spelling of any word. What else is a wrong place to meet in this word?(Pair consonant at the end of a word.)

    Name the test words.

    Write the words in a notebook, remembering all the orthograms that we called.

    Turn again to the scientific book. View the illustrations on this page.

    Recall an interesting episode to the story of V. Dragoonsky “Enchanted letter”.

    VII. The result of the lesson.

    Among the residents of the state we visited today, there are 2 large groups.

    What kind?   (Vowels and consonants.)

    How many vowels, sounds?

    What vowels do 2 sounds mean and when?











    (On the desk.)

    What vowel letters in the theater of sounds are trusted to play 2 roles?

    All the heroes of our fairy tale with whom we met today, in my opinion, were kind and intelligent. I wish that only good tales always surround you in life, and that you believe in miracles as long as possible.