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  • Many go to another world. Three rules of a "good death": scientists have learned how most people would like to go to another world. See what "Go to another world" is in other dictionaries

    Many go to another world.  Three rules of a

    Go to another world

    Book. Die. ZS 1996, 180.

    Big dictionary Russian sayings. - M: Olma Media Group. V. M. Mokienko, T. G. Nikitina. 2007 .

    See what "Go to another world" is in other dictionaries:

      Go to another world

      Book. Die. F 2, 29, 229 ...

      Go to another world- TO LEAVE INTO THE OTHER WORLD. GO TO ANOTHER WORLD. Book. The same as Leave in better world, go to a better world. The Prime Lieutenant ignominiously and very quickly passed his earthly path ... This rake, apparently, did not value his childhood friends too much and hurried ... ... Phrasebook Russian literary language


      GO TO ANOTHER WORLD- who Die. It means that the earthly life of a person, less often a group of persons (X) has ended. speech standard. ✦ (1) Active beginning of the situation: X went to the next world. Nominal part unchanged In place of the verb. components can be controlled. others close in meaning ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

      Bring someone out into the world. Prikam. Help to achieve a strong or high position in life. MFS, 21. Cheap world. Zharg. injection. Nebr. People of no interest to the criminal. HOUSE, 48. The Lost World. Zharg. shk. Shuttle. School toilet. / i> By ... ... A large dictionary of Russian sayings

      encyclopedic Dictionary

      1. WORLD, but; pl. worlds, s; m. 1. The totality of all forms of matter in terrestrial and outer space; Universe. The origin of the world. 2. A separate part of the Universe; planet. Distant stellar worlds. Explore the Martian world. 3. Globe, Earth with everything ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

      WORLD, ah, pl. s, s, husband. 1. The totality of all forms of matter in earth and outer space, the universe. The origin of the world. 2. A separate area of ​​the Universe, a planet. Star worlds. 3.units Globe, Earth, as well as people, the world's population. ... ... Explanatory dictionary Ozhegova

      I’ll leave, you’ll leave; gone, gone, gone; gone; leaving and (colloquial) gone; St. 1. To leave, to leave what l. place what l. society, treading, moving by step. Fast at. W. from the movie. W. from friends. I went a long distance. U. forward. U. unexpectedly ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


    • If I stay, Foreman Gale. The book has been compared to Alice Siebold's The Lovely Bones, the most striking bestseller of the early 21st century by critics unanimous. Although they have only a common outline: here and there the soul ...

    Sooner or later, death necessarily comes to everyone, and we often find ourselves completely unprepared for it: we do not understand what to do, how to behave. Young and old, in the prime of life and terminally ill people die in different ways, and their posthumous paths are different. Today we will talk about how the sick die. We will use Orthodox Christian sources, the advice of the Australian doctor P. Kalinovsky and some non-traditional materials (not rejected by the Church).

    On the eve of

    It is difficult to die in any conditions, but in an uncomfortable hospital environment, in bright light and noise, among strangers and indifferent people, it is especially difficult. Therefore, after a necessary hospital stay, it is better for the patient to return home. It is easier to die at home, in a familiar environment, surrounded by loving people. A person wants to maintain his dignity until his death. Therefore, if possible, extend his stay in his native walls, support his participation in solving some family issues, fulfilling some desires and requests. Sometimes they ask: is it necessary to give medicine to a knowingly hopeless patient? The answer is dictated only by mercy - try to eliminate his pain. Of the pain relievers, pills and potions are better than injections. If there is no sharp agitation, no sedatives (tranquilizers) should be given, the patient's head should remain clear. Don't be afraid of his drug addiction. Forcing a person to suffer pain on the brink of death for this reason is cruel and unnecessary.

    What to talk about with a hopelessly sick person, can we talk about illness and death? It is possible, but not always. Sometimes, especially at the beginning, when he learned about his incurable illness, the sufferer is in a state of shock and refuses to understand the terrible truth for him. At this time, you cannot talk about death. Better try to maintain and strengthen the patient's hope of recovery. This is not cheating. There are known cases of recovery even of hopeless cancer patients. Tell him about them.

    Later, when the patient partially accepted the inevitable, it is possible and necessary to speak openly about illness and death. You can tell what science now knows about life after the death of the body. That there is no death, but only a transition to another, reasonable state. If he can read, it’s a good idea to let him read some material about it himself.

    Loneliness is often weighed down by weakened patients, especially on long nights in the hospital. Try to be close. Even if the patient is asleep, forgotten or unconscious, he still feels that you are close. Talk to him even if he doesn't seem to understand you. Do not urge the sick person to endure the oppressive truth, hold on and be strong. He doesn't need it. Better sympathize - he really needs it. It is good if the patient cries. Sometimes it is helpful for the sick person to be angry with someone, even you.

    There is another reason not to leave a dying person alone. It is difficult to predict the moment of death. The patient may die when you are not around, and then you will reproach yourself for this.

    The dying person's consciousness is gradually torn away from our world. Eyesight weakens, hearing weakens, everything around moves away somewhere, becomes unimportant. Attention is turning more and more to new images, he sees and perceives something alien. He has already reconciled, is ready to leave this world and go to another.

    Children know that they are dying, but they know it with their heart, not with their head. They are not afraid and die very calmly. Facial features shortly before death take on an expression of calm, abstraction and as if attention to something. This is a sign that heralds the nearness of death. Children at this time can see the already dead, especially those they loved. If the child's parents are already dead, tell him that they are expecting and will meet him.

    Christian literature strongly advises on the eve of death to pray, better to relatives and the patient together. Try to provide confession and sacrament for the dying person. If he has achieved peace of mind, ask him to pray for you in the afterlife.

    The Tibetan "Book of the Dead" advises the dying person not to struggle, not to try to do something, but to calmly observe his transition to another state, to wait for the appearance of light. With calm expectation and observation, there will be no unreasonable fear of death.

    The ancients advised the dying person at the time of death to do his best to get the soul out of the body through the upper part of the head, through the crown of the head. This greatly facilitates her posthumous fate.

    Here is a person close to you died. How to help him after death?

    The first day or two should be fully devoted to the deceased, seeing him, even talking to him.

    If you were with him when dying, close his eyes, tie his jaw and fold your arms over your chest. The body must be removed and dressed. Try to do it yourself one last time. If it's too difficult for yourself, let someone you know do it. And then you stay by the body. Our ancestors, as a rule, kept the body in the house, spent the night nearby, praying or just sitting next to it. Children, too, must certainly see the deceased and say goodbye to him.

    There is wisdom in how they used to say goodbye to the deceased: they did not hide their feelings, cried and grieved openly.

    Once the Prophet Muhamed, in whose eyes his son, the only male descendant died, said with tears in his eyes: sorrow, are a balm that heals the heart, and are sent to us as mercy. "

    After the death of a loved one, grief, if it is very deep and prolonged, can affect mental balance and undermine health. Sometimes people, feeling sorry and not knowing how to help, try to save a loved one from unnecessary worries and persuade them not to accompany the body to the cemetery. It is not right. It is impossible to hide from grief, it must be experienced. The loss should be perceived not only with the mind, but also with the heart, emotions. Without this, the grief will be long lasting, can lead to chronic depression and serious illness.

    We need a decent farewell and funeral. The last kissing, participation in filling the grave - all this helps the relatives to overcome their grief. Think that the soul of the deceased continues to live, that at this time it is near the body and sees everything that happens!

    The first stage of grief is shock, insensitivity. It is still impossible to realize the loss, everything is done automatically. There is no sleep, no appetite, there is only absent-mindedness and despondency, everything is empty and unnecessary. Think about it - the deceased would hardly want you to grieve all the time. Accept Active participation in the implementation of all formalities. Ask for a memorial service in the temple. The coffin should be simple. An expensive coffin sometimes serves as expiation of guilt from relatives. If there is such a feeling, it is better to atone for guilt differently - by participating in the burial, by prayers.

    Try to pray for the soul of the deceased - both he and you need this. If for some reason you had to bury without a priest, take some earth from the grave and bring it to the priest for the funeral service, and then return the earth to the grave.

    It will take some time, and gradually the emotional balance will begin to be restored. The commemoration will help to get rid of grief and loneliness, to return to everyday life.

    After that, you can continue to grieve and pray, but you need to start working, be in public, not retire. You need to grieve openly.

    It is not necessary to store the belongings of the deceased for too long. You can donate some things to a church, charitable foundation, society of the blind, or just people.

    The deceased should not be forgotten, one must learn to live without depression, without constant "bitter grief", preserving oneself for life with others. Of course, constant "meetings" with some things, household items will remind you of a dear, irrevocably departed loved one. You should come to terms with this, not taking everything too personally.

    Ask the priest to serve a memorial service on the 3rd, 9th, and 40th days, and then on each anniversary of death. On the same days (and not only on these) try to go to the grave. Days - the third, ninth and fortieth.

    What are these days, about which you can hear from the most different nations?

    It is believed that the "ethereal person", together with the soul and Spirit at the time of death, is separated from his dense (physical) body. After some time, the soul and Spirit, still connected to each other, separate from the etheric body, ascending into the more subtle invisible energy spheres of the Earth. In order not to collapse from the powerful energy of the higher planes, the astral body rises "up" not immediately, not abruptly, but along the steps: 3-9-40 days.

    What are these steps? The soul finally leaves the etheric body on the 3rd day after death. On this day, the ties of the deceased with the earthly environment are destroyed. His astral double "rises up", and the soulless etheric body left by him "below" gradually disintegrates.

    On the 9th day, if we count as earthly standards (the time is different "at the top"), the "astral man" is disconnected from the defining moment of his earthly life (they simply say - from his zodiac sign), because of the chord of cosmic energies that was "imprinted" in person at the moment of his birth and helped throughout his life to gain the missing qualities of the Spirit.

    From the 9th to the 40th day, the processing of the experience that the soul received during its earthly life takes place. Most often, this process is very painful - there is a kind of “burning out” of negative information acquired over a lifetime. After all, a purified and enlightened soul must enter the Lord's high heights.

    A deceased person usually stays in the "astral body" for about 40 days. The Christian tradition speaks about the same stages. St. Macarius of Alexandria left us an "angelic revelation" about the posthumous fate of the soul.

    According to his testimony, during the first two days after death, the soul is still on Earth and, accompanied by angels, visits its usual places. On the third day, she ascends to heaven to worship God. On this day, which is called tretins, they commemorate the deceased, pray for his soul (they serve a requiem) and bury him. On the same day, the soul has to go through the so-called "ordeals" - the fallen spirits ("tax collectors") try to intercept the soul ascending to God, exposing it to perfect and imperfect sins. During the realization of its sins, falls and deviations from the path of the righteous, during a kind of judgment on itself, it is very important for the soul not to surrender in despair to the fallen spirits - the mentors of all evil on Earth. Therefore, she so much needs defenders, not only heavenly, but also earthly ones - people who love the deceased, remember his good deeds. Prayers of relatives and friends with a request for forgiveness of the sins of the deceased help the soul to more easily pass these tests in the "heavenly land."

    After such a difficult ascent, worship of God follows. On his instructions, for the next six days, the soul is pacified, surveying the "heavenly abodes" and for a while forgetting all the sorrows of its earthly existence. On the ninth day after separation from the body, she again appears before God. Those who remained on Earth, thanks to their prayers, again act as intercessors before the Lord. After the second worship of God, the soul for thirty days is shown hell with all its torments.

    On the fortieth day, the soul for the third time appears before the Almighty, and the righteous Judge for earthly affairs determines its further abode. Thus, the fortieth day, or "sorochina," is the day of fair judgment, on which the fate of the soul in the afterlife is determined. On this day, the departed complete their life path and receive retribution - their afterlife lot. On this day, the help of the Church and relatives is very important to them.

    Hello, my dear. Today I want to talk with you about a deep topic - about death. About the acceptance of the inevitable transitions to another world of our loved ones - friends, relatives ...

    This topic, of course, is purely individual in its perception, because the attitude towards death is the maturity of Life. However, time is running out, and many will now have to rapidly "mature", I hope my experience will be useful to someone.
    I was lucky very early, at the age of 14, to experience the experience of being present at the instant death of a loved one. I was lucky, because from the unexpectedness of what was happening, I did not have time to evaluate anything with my mind, but only
    plunged into a wave of bliss and love that touched me with the last exhalation of a living body settling at my feet. Not many are gifted with such a death in old age - ask for a pill of validol, put your hand to your chest and just leave the body. It is surprising that no one else in the family - and everyone was at home - did not feel the beauty of the moment, the situation caused shock and panic in everyone, the ambulance arrived very quickly, but to no avail, and I was in a split. The joy that filled me, that exultation from the freedom and boundlessness of the World, which was present in me, contradicted the "normal" attitude towards this "tragic" event from everyone around. I was ashamed and embarrassed, I covered my radiant face as best I could, but the Gift I received is the confidence that there is no death, and Life is endless and varied , - determined my whole future life. Many thanks to my dear Soul, who gave me this experience!
    The fear of death and everything connected with it is worthy of respect and was necessary for us practically for eons. Otherwise, we would simply run away from here - from physical incarnation, because the intensity of the spiritual path in the human body on Earth is very high. I think that few of you did not feel at certain moments of your life the feeling “why am I here? ..” And if we knew about the infinity of life, about the variability of our incarnations and that we are free to finish this performance or leave it in the middle, we simply would not be able to implement the ideas of our divine core. A
    our task was, as you already know, to raise this planet into a new frequency of Love before plunging it into polarity as much as possible with our souls
    The knowledge of immortality cannot be conveyed in words, you need to feel it from within yourself ... Therefore, some people, still deeply immersed in their lessons, are unable to believe it, despite the abundance of information on this topic.
    But for you - those who have already passed the Rubicon and have ceased to perceive themselves as a separate person in a separate story; those who have been convinced from their own experience how deep are the connections of your Soul with your ancestors, with your loved ones, what tremendous creative powers you possess as a manifested particle of God on Earth - I want to show the beauty of the inevitable transition of our loved ones to another world.

    It has been known since ancient times that death takes not the old, but the mature... And a baby can also be mature, if his soul has gathered the whole harvest on its way and can return to other, more tall forms its existence. High - not in the sense of better, but in the sense of lighter and thinner.
    Therefore, a person's exit into another world is a great happiness. No posthumous retribution in new energies awaits him, since he comes out only when he is ready, when everything that was possible has been done, when all debts are closed at this stage. .
    Not a single death happens by accident or through someone else's fault. It's always
    soul choice of the person who leaves. And there are always reasons why a person is leaving the Game right now.
    Of course, for those who remain, the departure of a loved one from life is a tragedy. It seems to us that we did not give it enough, it seems to us that we did not like it, we could be more attentive, more sensitive, etc. But I want to tell you honestly: the greatest share of our suffering in loneliness is not sadness that we have not given love, it is self-pity that we are deprived of support.

    Any ridiculous deaths - the death of young people, the death of children, unexpected accidents that carry men and women in their prime - always carry a very deep meaning for those who remain. These events are a tremendous accelerator for freeing those left from selfishness, false illusions and self-pity.
    Remember that life is endless. AND Your loved one continues his journey even after death. But it is very difficult for him if you constantly, as it were, pull on the strings of your pity for yourself and for what has already passed .
    When your close person goes on an unpredictable journey, the best thing you can do for him is not to wait for a call from him with a report on how he is doing there, but to believe that everything is fine with him. In the same way, we must believe that everything is fine with the souls of our loved ones.
    We must free them from earthly attachments so that they can move and develop further.
    The more we cry about the one who left, the more we harm and interfere with him. The more we are sincerely grateful and happy with what he gave our life, and we release him from the bottom of our hearts for the best, we wish him an easy and bright road, the easier it is for him not only to go where his soul planned, but also to keep his heart with us. connection.

    Our departed loved ones are often ready to help and support us. Believe me, if you remember the departed person happy, contented, smiling, in those moments when you were in good understanding and cooperation, if you focus your attention on gratitude to yourself and him, on the recollection of all the best - in other words, if you will remember his bright memory, you will be amazed at how much strength will be added in your life to solve everyday problems. You will kind of get the invisible help of a guardian angel
    There are many examples when loving people experienced such emotional support. At the meeting of the “Doors of Spring” in Moscow, I received a gift from a beautiful woman in all respects, a book describing her path to establishing a truly cordial contact with her dearly beloved husband. And in this book it is very clearly shown that when establishing this contact (and contact is possible only when you reach a certain degree of harmony; you cannot, out of confusion, despair and grief, feel the presence of your dear person on the other side) you simultaneously establish contact with your with your own soul. You begin to receive answers from your higher self and to be, frankly, in harmony with God.

    And this experience - the preservation of grateful, harmonious vibrations in relation to the departed - is their great help to us, so that we, being alive, establish unity within ourselves as soon as possible, in the space of our heart. Thus, any departure of a loved one is an amazing opportunity to open our heart.
    The book I recommend is called “The Invaluable Gift of My Loss,” and is posted on our website. Please do not rush to evaluate and judge anything, just read personal experience a person who, like each of us, with great difficulty, blood and losses, pulled out of his illusions, but found true harmony in the fact that he sincerely wanted to be in touch with his beloved.
    Now let's talk about the elderly. The bodies of older people (astral, mental, causal) are often so cluttered with blocks that it is easier for them to leave the body and, being born again, continue their evolution in the new world. In addition, the soul of an elderly person often gets tired of living in a sick physical body. The person himself may not understand this, his ego can cling to life, but the soul really wants to free itself. Therefore, death is a kind of renewal for such people.
    Usually, a person on the path of dying goes through several phases. The first is the disbelief that he will die; the second is anger at those who are left to live; the third is trade with God: I am ready to do this and that in order to stay alive. At this phase, someone desperately prays, someone completely trusts medicine and performs a bunch of procedures, forcing themselves ... Ie. it is the struggle of biological consciousness for survival.
    And finally, the fourth stage comes when a person resigns himself, realizes that everything is hopeless, and begins to lose interest in his surroundings - the so-called deathbed depression. Those close to you are trying with all their might to return this interest, to remind the person of his past life, please him with something ...
    But in fact, this is a great time, because the egoic consciousness is finally weakening, the work of passions, the inner “red buttons”, is finally decreasing. There is no need to interfere with a person at this time, no need to dissuade him, "return to reality." He needs to go through this phase too. At this time, with our “insensibility” and regret, we only burden the path of our relatives. If their soul has already entered this road, we can be colossally useful to them if in this process of dying we are as close as possible to ourselves. It is our resource state that allows us to take care of loved ones not only technically, but by surrounding with unconditional love their last dates on earth.
    Your memory of the best in this person, your gratitude to him for the lessons that he brought, your conscious ability to deal with your resource and only in a resourceful state to be close to the dying allow you to hold like a bright lamp in your heart, which is visible to the heart of a departing person. And then it is easier for a person to refocus on entering his own heart. When you can be close to your loved one in a high state of mind, in a state of goodness and gratitude for life, in a state of accepting and praising the Creator, his soul has the opportunity to complete its affairs as comfortably as possible and easily free itself from the body.
    I remind you once again that life is one, it develops many times and multi-layered.
    And very soon the time will come when we will be able to interact with those who, on the subtle planes, continue their development for the benefit of all. Because no one goes to no one knows where, we all create the same Love.
    I wish you courage, confidence in yourself and peace in your heart.

    There are situations when a dying person, before leaving, needs to forgive himself and emotionally let go of his family members, but consciously he cannot do this due to his heavy nature, physical or mental disability. You can do the following ritual of forgiveness and letting go for him in your inner world.

    Forgiveness (for "difficult" people)

    Meditate first. Invite the whole family to your Sanctuary (Safe Place), to the jobsite. If this person has very much offended or tormented you during your life, have each family member express their feelings to him and ask him to answer. The conversation should help each of you to lighten your heart; but make sure he doesn't get into a squabble.

    After a while, this person will be ready to ask you for forgiveness, and by this moment you will also be ready to forgive him for all past grievances. Forgive him and ask him for forgiveness. Forgiveness does not mean approving of his behavior. This is an emotional release for each of the participants. You will experience an incredible sense of freedom and joy. The emotional content of the situation will dissolve, but the experience itself will remain with you as life wisdom.

    If you decide not to forgive this person, know that you will "drag" his energies in your aura throughout your life. Even worse, resentment karmically chained people to each other for many lifetimes.

    Say, "We forgive you at all levels and lovingly let you go!"

    The next step is forgiving yourself. Ask the person if they can forgive themselves. Do not rush him, give him time to comprehend everything. In the end, he will say "Yes." Forgive yourself too. Each of you acted according to your level of consciousness.

    You can add: "Most High, forgive us - just as we forgive each other, for You are Forgiveness itself."

    Think about what energetic Gift (gift) you could give this person now. The gift materializes instantly in any form. Give a Gift to this person. Usually people are very happy to receive the Gift. Probably, the Gift meets the energy needs of the person who receives them.

    Let the person go: "Go in peace!"

    This is a modified and abbreviated method of emotional release used in hypnotherapy. It can be used to forgive “difficult” people in all situations of life.

    Ekta writes:
    “I learned from Julia a very interesting method of working with my negative emotions. After that, I taught him many other people - both spiritual and a few spiritual. And each person said that it helps. This forgiveness technique not only helped me normalize my relationship with my boss, but my friend was able to forgive his ex-girlfriend in one go. " (Ekta, New Delhi, February 2011)

    Pranic Procedure for Facilitating the Transition of Dying People (by Master Choa)

    1. Look to Hashem for blessings.

    2. Internally contact the departing authorization.

    2. Cut all threads from the front and back, on all chakras and the energy body, on all levels.

    3. Perform general cleaning:

    • Light green prana - 3 times.
    • Light lilac prana - 7 times.
    • Electric violet prana - 2 times.

    4. You can gently cleanse all the main chakras to facilitate the exit of the Soul from the body.

    5. Release energy.

    6. Thank the Almighty.

    Repeat the procedure once a day for 3 days, if necessary.

    You can very softly, almost inaudibly, play Master Choa's OM disc in the room to raise the vibrations and / or light a lamp of soft violet light.

    (Julia Pal, February 2011)