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  • The letter c is an occupation. Today we will learn a new sound. This sound is in paints, in cats, in caramels, in sneakers, in a computer, in cabbage and even in crocodiles.

    The letter c is an occupation.  Today we will learn a new sound.  This sound is in paints, in cats, in caramels, in sneakers, in a computer, in cabbage and even in crocodiles.

    Primer- the first book to start teaching literacy. We bring to your attention the best option in Runet Online Primer... During the development of the Primer, the time-tested developments of the psychological center Adaline were used. The primer contains multimedia interactive ...

    Materials for ABC classes Not all preschoolers willingly study the Primer. Suggested materials contains 750 cards and forms with interesting and various tasks... They will definitely help make learning the ABC book a fun experience. ...

    Development of phonemic hearing In this article, we'll walk you through the games that prepare your child to learn to read and write. It will be about special exercises for the development of phonemic hearing in preschoolers. Preschooler with well-developed phonemic hearing it will be much easier to master reading and writing ...

    Letters. Exercises and games. Exercises and educational games from this section will help you to repeat and consolidate the material covered in the Primer. Our educational games will allow the preschooler to remember the image (spelling) block letters of the Russian alphabet, they will teach to identify sounds by ear and ...

    Syllables. Syllable reading lessons Our syllable reading lessons have several types of assignments and exercises. In the tasks and exercises for the lessons, words well known to the child, consisting of 2-3 syllables, are used. Syllables are composed of two letters, a vowel and a consonant. As a rule, the child does not ...

    Learning to read words It is recommended to proceed to the lessons on teaching the reading of words after classes in our Primer and on the assignments of the subsections "Games with letters", "Lessons in reading syllables". The ability to read words correctly is not enough for a child. He must understand the meaning of what he has read. In previous ...

    Learning to read games. Toy book If your little student is already more or less good at reading two- and three-syllable words, then you can move on to reading simple sentences with him. But, you must admit that it is very boring to read banal phrases like "Mom washes the frame". How can you make learning to read more fun? ...

    Reading lessons The section contains 20 computer online reading lessons. Each lesson includes 6 reading games. Some of the games are aimed at development general abilities necessary for a child to learn to read. Other games teach sounds, letters and syllables, help ...

    In the section "Teaching to Read" you will find a lot of interesting educational materials for children of preschool and primary school age. Here you will find various printable teaching materials designed to teach preschoolers to read, as well as to test the child's level of knowledge in the humanitarian field. These tasks are suitable for regular homework with the child, developing his speech and intellectual abilities, as well as fully preparing him for the school curriculum.

    Also in this section you will find classes on the development of reading skills and verbal-logical thinking. This category contains printable assignments that educators can use as didactic material to work with a group of children. Learning to read for preschoolers always goes faster and more efficiently when it arouses interest in the child. So do not neglect the variety of materials presented in order to make activities with your child more fun and interesting.

    Games and tasks for teaching reading for preschoolers:

    In this section you will find many tasks, in each of which you need to make a word from letters. In some tasks, you need to make words from the given letters, and in some, you need to learn the letters yourself (by the first letter of each word-picture). There are also tasks in which you need to make words from mixed letters or find hidden words among many letters.

    Stories with pictures instead of words for children

    Here you can download short stories for children with pictures instead of words for preschool and primary school children. When reading the presented stories you need to insert the right words instead of pictures. Learning to read in this way is very interesting for children who are learning to read.

    Here we will study the Russian alphabet in order, from the letter A to the letter I. On each sheet of the task, two letters are given. Several pictures correspond to each letter. You need to circle only those picture words that begin with the given letter.

    In this section you can download materials that will help you learn the Russian alphabet easily and easily. There are special tasks for teaching the Russian alphabet, and cards with letters for printing and much more ...

    In these colorful tasks for teaching reading, the child needs, guided by pictures, to find a word by letter in a special square, where the letters are arranged in a chaotic order. Each search word corresponds to one picture outside the square. The order of letters in words can be horizontal, vertical and diagonal. Here you need not only to be able to read the words, but also to be very careful to find them ...

    We read by syllable - these are tasks and materials for printing, in which children learn to make words from syllables. Here you can download various tasks, print on a printer and engage with the child following the instructions for each task.

    Here you have to complete semantic reading tasks. Working with text is a very important stage in teaching children to read. In these tasks, the child will practice finding synonyms and antonyms for words, understand and interpret the meaning and meaning of words and sentences, generalize and name the signs of objects, analyze the text read and respond to questions asked to him, learn to make sentences and stories, write dictations and much more ...

    In this section learning to read for preschoolers presented in the form of interesting game tasks that need to be downloaded and printed on a computer. Here the child can practice his ability to hear words and find their visual representation on paper, learn phrases and tongue twisters, guess words, recognize words from pictures and much more ...

    2. "Gifts"(idea spied)
    Pumps love to inflate tires on a bicycle. When the pumps are running, they "sing" their favorite song - the sound [S]: S-S-S. The pumps have a birthday today! Let's give them those gifts that have the sound [S] in their names! What will you give?

    3. Gymnastics.
    It's cold outside, the wind is blowing, it's snowing. Show how cold you are, shriveled up! Let's depict how we make a snowman on the street (simulate movement). We worked, warmed up, relaxed.

    4a. "Traps"(very good !)
    I'll call different sounds, but if you hear the sound [S] among them, you must "catch" it by clapping your hands.
    = mm-rrr-sss-t-s-p-f-sh-f-s
    = mma-rrra-ta-ssa-fo-tu-pu-ky-su

    4b. When you hear the words with the letter "S" - clap your palms!
    = pine, vase, fox, Vasya, hare, lake, aspen

    5. Ball game "Echo"(spied)
    I will "throw" letters to you, and you return the syllables to me!
    = c, a - ca
    = s, and - si
    = s, y - su
    = c, o - co

    6. Hard and soft "C"
    * Read the syllables! ()

    * Determine yourself in which words C is hard, and in which - soft! (you can ask the child to knock hard and weakly on the table, or stamp your foot and clap your hands, or put balls in different cups, or build a pyramid out of cubes, etc.)
    - garden, crucian carp, rice, beads, blue, soup, titmouse, bullfinch, fox, Seryozha, forest, lilac, sour cream, middle, meat

    7. Find the hidden letters "C". Circle them. ()

    8. Color the bell with the letter "C".()

    9a. Circle the outline of the letters "C".()

    9b. The letter "C" ()

    9c. Capital letter "C" ()

    10. Find the letters "C"(taken)

    11a. Worksheet on the letter "C" ()

    11b. Worksheet from "Memorizing Letters"(found)

    11c. Worksheet from Speaking Correctly

    11d. Worksheet from "Learning Letters Playing"

    12. Game "Echo"(spied)
    I will pronounce the words, and you are the end of the word (these individual words will begin with the letter C) (it is best to prepare slides).
    = badger (bitch), place (one hundred), sand (juice), barrier (elephant), sucker (nipple), eight (seven).

    13. Game "Snail"
    You can simply ask the child to name all the words in the snail in order, paying due attention to the sound C, or to roll the dice and move to the appropriate number of cells, naming objects along the way.

    14. Game "Magic Figures".
    Invite the child to look at pictures depicting objects, name these objects. Then circle objects in the name of which the sound "Ш" is heard, in the SQUARE those objects in the name of which the sound "S" is heard, in the TRIANGLE - with the sound "Ж". (spied)

    15. Words starting with the letter "C"
    Let him name the words with an asterisk in the plural.

    16. "What do you see in the picture?"()
    Answer: mask, helmet, bowl, pussy

    17. Game "Footprints".
    Determine whose these footprints are in the picture.

    18. Find in the picture 20 words starting with the letter "C"(taken)

    19. Adventure game with the letters C and Z(taken

    Today we studied the sound "a".
    So the lesson proceeded:

    Find "a", where did you hide?

    Learn a rhyme

    Among the stickers, we are looking for a word that begins with the sound "a" (watermelon) and stick it

    We carry out tasks

    From the set of letters we look for "a", cut out "a" from the book, color in "a" - and everything on the board.

    We spread from matches and mosaic "a" (I make one letter, the other - my daughter)

    Find behind which fence "a" is hidden

    Connect the numbers. What happened? Mountain? And how to turn a mountain into the letter "a"?

    The letter "a" was lost in the word "mom". Let's help her find her way and Mom will have a smile!

    Find all the letters "a", underline and count how many of them.

    Now hocus pocus

    It seems that that's all, but then the child protested: "Mamaaaaa, we haven't molded plasticine yet !!!"

    Well, for the night we had a puppet (doll gloves) performance. The idea is this:
    Koschey the Immortal became bored. He decided to steal the letter "a". All the animals began to speak words without the sound "a". That was nonsense (the child laughed as the animals spoke). Then the wolf went to the fairy for advice and magic, so that she returned everything to its place (the magic of Koshchei does not work on the fairy). But the fairy could not help the wolf, because magic alone cannot help, knowledge is also needed. And the fairy sent the wolf to the wise lion. The wolf asks the lion for help. The lion and the wolf go to Koshchei to save the letter "a". But the bullshit Koschey laughs at them, says that he will return "a" if they can guess it. Then alternately Koschey takes out different letters and asks: "Is this the letter" a "?". The wolf asks to help Alice (daughter), and the wise lion comments on the names of the letters that Koschey shows (used letters-magnets). We save the letter "a" by our common efforts. Everyone is happy !! Everyone worked so hard that they were tired. They go to bed, wish good night, express their gratitude, say that Alice is a very smart girl. Happy end! And sleep

    Today we studied not only the letter "a", but also with the help of the above tasks, we developed logic, motor skills, repeated counting, developed creative skills, imagination, and experimented.

    Here's our first lesson. -