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  • State examination bridges and transport tunnels. Department "bridges and transport structures" stu

    State examination bridges and transport tunnels.  Department
    for those wishing to become bridge engineers at the department "Bridges and Transport Structures" of the Saratov State Technical University, since 2011, training of railway engineers in the specialty 271501 "Construction railways, bridges and transport tunnels " Specialization No. 3 BRIDGES To enter this specialty, you need to have positive USE results on physics, mathematics, Russian. This year, the state budget enrollment is 15 people, the number of those wishing to get the specialty of bridge bridge on a commercial basis is not limited, and both the organization and the future student (or his parents) can pay for tuition. For all questions of admission to our specialty, you can contact the department "Bridges and transport structures" SSTU Tel (8452) 998905, E-mail: [email protected] Information about our specialty can also be obtained on the bridge website * * * * * Specialty 271501 "Construction of railways, bridges and transport tunnels" Specialization No. 3 BRIDGES Profession - railway engineer, specialization "Bridges"* * * * * Let's be frank, the specialty of bridge builder is rather complicated, but at the same time it is very interesting and necessary in our country, and in the whole world. The profession of a certified engineer, and even more so a bridge bridge, is very prestigious and respected all over the world, and the need for this profession will never disappear. It is enough to look at the map of our country to understand how there are still few roads in our country, and not a single road is complete without bridges. And it depends on you and me whether these bridges will be gray, ugly, short-lived, or whether they will be modern unique architectural and engineering structures that bring benefit and joy to people for a long time. When you choose a specialty for yourself, which you will study for 5 years, you need to analyze whether this specialty will be needed in 5 years, and whether the diploma you received will not turn out to be just evidence that you have unnecessary work higher education, as is often the case recently with managers, economists, lawyers, of whom there are too many in our country, and there is too little work for them. Bridge engineers are in great demand in all construction organizations in the country. The explanation for this is simple - in the process of training they are taught not only to design, build, operate bridges, but also iron and car roads , tunnels, buildings and structures for various purposes. It is believed that bridge builders have such good strength training that they can work on any construction site. Our graduates design and build unique bridges of amazing architecture across the rivers of Russia and other countries, through the straits and bays of the seas. You, too, can become a designer of the most beautiful artificial transport structures - bridges, viaducts, flyovers, overpasses, tunnels. Any city in our country from your work will become more beautiful and more convenient for residents. Do you know that if there is a bridge in the city, then it necessarily becomes the hallmark of the city, it is printed on all postcards. And the monetary unit of the European Union EURO is generally decorated with bridges. calculated by our graduates. Our graduates take part in the construction of unique bridges in Sochi, Moscow, Vladivostok, Siberia. All bridges across the Volga were built with the participation of our graduates. Mastering new materials, structures, technologies for the construction of bridges, tunnels and management methods await you in our specialty. The builder of bridges, tunnels - it sounds proudly! The heads of a number of the largest bridge-building organizations in Siberia are our graduates, and they are happy to hire our young graduates for practice and work. Bridge engineers are also needed to maintain bridges, tunnels and other engineering structures in working order. This is the area of ​​diagnostics, maintenance, repair and reconstruction of bridges and tunnels. Measuring equipment, modern methods of information processing, competent technical solutions and, as a result, reliable and safe unique bridge structures. If you are interested in science, then you have great opportunities. At the department that graduates bridge engineers, there is a postgraduate study in a number of scientific specialties, and after graduation you can choose a scientific specialty and become a famous scientist in the desired field of transport construction. Then your way in the university is a student - a graduate student - a doctoral student. Your qualification is an engineer - candidate of technical sciences - doctor of technical sciences. Your results: new calculation methods, designs, construction technologies, regulatory documents. You can start - from the first year of the university. Bridge building is your path in life. Good engineering knowledge base, commanding skills of the future leader, poetry of modern design and architecture. One of the leading departments in Russia "Bridges and Transport Structures" will give you your first ticket to an independent life. And then where? Design institutes, construction organizations, operating organizations, research laboratories of firms and universities are waiting for you. But, all this will be later. In the meantime, 5 years of an alluring student atmosphere: lectures, coursework, tests, exams, sports, amateur performances and a little bit of personal life. During industrial practices our students are the only ones in the university who manage to travel around half of the country, work at various facilities and choose a place of their liking for their future life and work. There is a great demand for the graduates of the department "Bridges and transport structures" - engineers - bridge builders, every year the number of offered jobs is twice the number of those who received an engineer diploma in our department. After all, if in Soviet time our university trained 75 - 100 bridge builders annually, but now we graduate only about 30 engineers. Applicants to our specialty - railway engineer - bridge builder should keep in mind that after 5 years of successful study you will receive an engineer diploma. When entering other areas of study after 4 years of study, you receive a bachelor's degree, with the owner of which they do not yet know what to do at our enterprises. Studying for 6 years gives you good knowledge, but as a result you also get an engineering degree. So, applying to us and obtaining the qualification of a railway engineer - a specialist in design, construction, operation, research of bridges, you most effectively use the part of your life devoted to training. To enter our specialty, you need to have positive USE results in physics, mathematics, Russian. This 2011, the state budget enrollment is 15 people, the number of those wishing to get the specialty of a bridge bridge on a commercial basis is not limited, and both the organization and the future student himself (or his parents) can pay for tuition. In view of the fact that the training of a qualified specialist - a railway engineer - bridge builder - is a lot of work, there is no abbreviated training in the specialty. For all questions of admission to our specialty, you can contact the department "Bridges and transport structures" SSTU Tel (8452) 998905, E-mail: [email protected] Information about our specialty can also be obtained on the bridge website

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      Institute of Business and Design

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      Russian State University of Tourism and Service

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      Moscow Poly Technical University

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      Russian State Social University

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      Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze

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      Moscow University of Finance and Law

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      Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis

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      Institute of Humanities Education and information technologies

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      All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

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      Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

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      Bauman Moscow State Technical University

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      State Institute of the Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin

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      A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

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      O. E. Kutafin Moscow State Law University

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      Russian State University of Justice


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      Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov

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      First Moscow State Medical University. I. M. Sechenova

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      Russian Customs Academy

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      Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas

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      All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)

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      Russian State University for the Humanities

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      State academic university humanities at the Russian Academy of Sciences

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      Gnessin Russian Academy of Music

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      Moscow state academy veterinary medicine and biotechnology named after K.I.Skryabin

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      Russian University Friendship between nations

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      D. I. Mendeleev Russian University of Chemical Technology

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      Academy of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation

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      National Research University "MIET"


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