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  • Stationander Duncher and Father. Retelling the story "Stationander" Pushkin A.S. When you have to accept

    Stationander Duncher and Father. Retelling Test

    We present to your attention a selection of the main options for a brief content of the story A.S. Pushkin from the cycle "Taste of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin" is a stanitone caretaker. This product is considered one of the bright samples of creativity of the Great Pushkin. In the "stannaya caretaker" a brilliant writer sensually and unresolved his personal position on a number of social and everyday problems of the Russian man.
    Below are 2 options for a short content of the story, as well as corruses of retelling and a small analysis of the work.

    Basic actors:

    The narrator is a small official.

    Samson Vynein - station caretaker.

    Dunya is his daughter.

    Minsk - Gusar.


    Vanka is a boy who spent a storyteller on the grave of the caretaker.

    The story begins with reasoning about the unclean share of the station caretaker.

    Half gentlemen, unquestionable help, eternal discontent and swearing in their address - brief list The burden and deprivation of the station caretaker.

    Next, the reader appears the story of how a small official stays at the station. He asks for tea. Samovar puts Dunya - incredibly beautiful, blue-eyed girl is 14 years old. As long as the caretaker rewrite the rewrite, he considered illustrations with biblical history About the prodigal son. Then everyone together began to drink tea and sincerely talk, like a good acquaintance. When the traveler was leaving, Dunya kissed him for goodbye. Only after 3-4 years later, the narrator again turned out to be at this station. However, in the house of the caretaker, everything changed, but the main thing was not to Duni.

    The caretaker told the storytellor of the tragic story about how a kind of hussar Minsk deception stole the Dunya. Some time ago, this hussar arrived at the station in a very painful state. He was accepted and invited him Heaster. Minsk about something briefly talked to Lekarem in German. After that, the doctor confirmed that the hussar is really sick and needs some treatment.

    However, the same day, the "patient" had a big appetite, and his unhealthy seemed not so serious. After recovering the hussar, I was going to leave, and for one he suggested to give the Dunya to the church to dinner. Instead, Rothmist Minsk kidnapped the girl and taking into account in St. Petersburg.

    Without finding a rest, the unfortunate old man went to search for her daughter. He found Minsk and tearfully begged him to return his daughter. However, the hussar kicked the old man, and as a sputter for the Dunya, gave him several assignments. Cattleless Samson win made this handout.

    A few days later, walking down the street, Samson Vyrin accidentally saw Minsk. He traced himself and found out that in the house that they stopped, Dunya lives.

    Samson entered the house. His gaze appeared Dunya, dressed in expensive fashionable clothes. However, as soon as Minsk saw Osina, he immediately drove him again. After that, the old man returns to the station and drinks in a few years. His soul did not cease to torment the thoughts about the unfortunate fate of his daughter.

    When the story is profitable for the third time, he learned that the caretaker died. Vanka is a boy who knew the caretaker well, spent a storyteller on Samson's grave. There, the boy told the guest that the Dunya came with three children this summer and looked long on the grave of the caretaker.

    At the beginning of the story, we get acquainted with a brief author's departure about the unenviable fate of station caretakers - worthy of the compassion of the 14th grade officials, in which everyone who travels considers his duty to indispens her anger and irritation.

    Hellovyoving all vigorous Russia, the narrator will be familiar with many station caretakers. Samson Vyrina, "Caider of a respectful class", the author and decided to enjoy his story.

    In May 1816, the narrator drives through a small station, where Dunya, the beauty of the daughter of the caretaker, treats him. On the walls of the room hang pictures depicting the history of the prodigal son. The narrator and a caretaker with daughter drink tea together, before leaving, passing kisses the Dunya in the Seine (with her consent).

    After 3-4 years, the narrator again turns out to be at the same station. There he meets very aged Samson sculp. First, the old man is silent about the fate of his daughter. However, drinking a punch, the caretaker becomes talkative. He told the storytellor a dramatic story that 3 years ago, a certain young hussar (Rothmist Minsk) spent several days at the station, pretending to the patient and bribing the hell. Dunya cared for him.

    Correcting health, Gusar is going on the road. Incountable Minsk suggests the Tutor to the Church and takes it with him.

    Having lost his daughter, the old man's father falls from grief. After recovering, he goes to Petersburg to seek the Dunya. Minsk refuses to give a girl, puts the money to an old man, he throws the sources. In the evening, the caretaker sees the jodge of Minsk, followed by them and thus finds out where the Dunny lives in fainting, Minsk runs the old man. The caretaker returns to the station and no longer tries to search and return the daughter.

    After some time, the narrator for the third time drives through this station. There he learns that the old caretaker opened and died. Vanka - a local boy, accompanies the author to the grave of the caretaker, where he says that in the summer the beautiful lady came to the grave with three children, ordered prayers and distributed generously tips.

    In 1816, a storytellor happened through "some kind of" province, and on the road he was covered with rain. At the station, he hurried to change clothes and pour tea. I put a samovar and covered the caretaker's daughter on the table, the girl of the age of fourteen by the name of the Danie, which struck the story of his beauty. While the Dunya was having trouble, the traveler considered the decoration of the hut. He noticed on the wall pictures depicting the history of the prodigal son, on the windows - geranium, there was a bed behind a motley curtain in the room. The traveler suggested Samson Vyrina - so called the caretaker - and his daughters split my meal with him, and a relaxed atmosphere arose, which had to sympathy. Already the horses were filed, and the traveler did not want to part with his new acquaintances.

    After 3-4 years, the storytellor again happened to go through this path. He was looking forward to meeting a long-standing acquaintance. "Entered the room," where he learned the previous situation, but "all the turns showed with a circle and negligence." And most importantly - it was in the house of the Duni.

    A pretty aged caretaker Vyrin was sullen and undiscoverable. Only a glass of Punch checked him, and the traveler heard a sad story of the disappearance of the Duni. This happened three years ago. A young hussar arrived at the station. He was in a hurry and was angry, which is not served by horses for a long time, but seeing the Dunya, softened and even stayed to dinner.

    When finally got horses, Gusar unexpectedly affected very ill. Caused by the German doctor, after a brief conversation, the content of which was present was unknown, diagnosed in a patient with hot and prescribed full peace.

    Already on the third day, Gusar Minsk was quite well and was going to leave the station. It was a Sunday day and Gusar offered the Duna to take her along the way to the Church. Samson, although he felt a kind of worry, but still let go daughter with Husar.

    However, very soon on the soul, the caretaker began to be completely painful and he ran to the church. Arriving in place, he saw that the prayers had already disperse, and from the words of Dyachka, the caretaker found out that the Duni was not in the church.

    In the evening, the banyer returned, who was visiting an officer. He said that Dunya went with Husar to the next station. Here the caretaker realized that the ailment of hussara was deceiving to stay next to his daughter. And now the sicter just kidnapped the Dunya at the unfortunate old man. From sincere pain, the caretaker runs down in strong married.

    Referring, Samson raised his vacation and went on foot to St. Petersburg, where, as he knew from Zaporzhennaya, Rotmist Minsk was driving. In St. Petersburg, he found Minsk and appeared to him. Minsk did not immediately recognize him, and having learned, began to assure Samson, that he loves the Dunya, never leaves her and makes happy. He gave a caretaker with several assignments and paid out of the house.

    Samson really wanted to see her daughter again. The case helped him. On the foundry, he accidentally saw Gusar Minsk in the sickle trembling, which stopped at the entrance of the three-storey house. Minsk entered the house, and the caretaker learned from a conversation with Kucher, which Dunya lives here, and also entered the entrance. Once in the apartment, through the wearing door of the room, saw Minsk and his dunny, perfectly dressed and with an ambiguity looking at Minsk. Seeing his father, Dunya lost consciousness and fell on the carpet. The angry Minsk drove the unfortunate old man, and he went to the ravoisi. And now for the third year, he does not know anything about the Dunya and is afraid that her fate is as the fate of many young disasters.

    And for the third time, the storytellor happened to pass these places. The stations were no longer, and Samson "since the year as died." The boy, the son of the brewer, settled in the house of the caretaker, held a storyteller on Samson's grave. There he briefly told the guest that in the summer a beautiful lady came with three barcats and was lying on the grave of the caretaker for a long time, and he gave me a plot with silver, a good lady - concluded a boy.

    Pushkin's attitude to the main hero of the story "Stationander" Samson Vyrina can be understood in two ways. At first glance, the author's position in this work is absolutely clear: the author sympathizes his hero, compets him, depicting the grief and the suffering of the old man. But with such an interpretation of the author's position, the Stationeryer loses his whole depth. The picture is much more difficult. Pushkin is not in vain in the story the image of the narrator, from whose person there is a story. He is his thoughts, reasoning, as it would be closing the true attitude of the author to the main hero. To understand the author, it is impossible to rely on the surface impressions of the text of the story: Pushkin has veiled his point of view in smaller details that are visible only with detailed learning text. That is why we recommend not limited short content Tale, and read it in the original.

    "Stationander" is the first work in the Russian literature, which created the image " little man"In the future, this topic becomes typical for Russian literature. It is represented in the work of such writers as Gogol, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Goncharov, etc.

    Creating an image of a "little man" is also a means of expressing a copyright position. But each author in his own way solves this problem. The author's position of Pushkin is undoubtedly expressed in condemning the limitity of the station caretaker, but, condemning, Pushkin still does not despise this "little man", such as, for example, Gogol and Chekhov (in "Sintels" and "Official Death"). Thus, in the "station caulier" Pushkin directly does not express his copyright position, hiding it in detail, which are very important for understanding the whole work as a whole.

    1) What is characteristic of the life of the station caretaker told the author? What feelings is the painted this story?
    2) What do you think, why a story about the fate of the Duni, started by Samson Vyrin, is leading from the face of the author-narrator?
    3) What is the artistic meaning of pictures on the walls of "humble, but tidy abode", depicting the history of the prodigal son? Is there a connection between them and the destiny of the Duni? Give a detailed answer to this question.

    caiders who, in order to have the most necessary for the content of their family, were ready to listen silently and silently demolish endless insults and reproach to their address. True, Samson's family Worina was small: he is yes beautiful daughter. Samson's wife died. For the sake of Duni (so called the daughter) and lived Samson. At fourteen, the Dunya was a real assistant to the Father: in the house, to boil, cook dinner, to serve the roadway, - on her all she was mastering, everything in her hands aroused. Looking at the Dinine beauty, the kinder and graciousness became even those who had a rude treatment with the station caretakers took over the rule. "- This is not suitable. Thank you)

    in 2 episodes? How did the appearance of the station caretaker changed? What happened to Samson Vyrin and his daughter? Comment the behavior of Hussar Minsk since 1 minute of his appearance? Why did Samson Vyrin go to St. Petersburg? Why did he not be able to return his daughter? How do we find out On the further fate of the caretaker and his daughters? Is it possible to call the finals happy? Parable about the prodigal son. Were there any pictures of nature in the parables of the prodigal son?

    1. Theme of the work:
    a) the tragedy of "little man"
    b) love True and false
    c) relations between parents and children
    2. I'm talking about station carsers, Pushkin:
    a) condemns them
    b) folded to them
    c) despises them
    3. Pictures that adorned the abode of the caretaker are:
    a) evidence of religiosity and piousness of the hosts
    b) modest decoration of poor housing
    c) an omnation of future tragic circumstances
    4. Minsk samson samson scan, because:
    a) Tutorial said that her father died
    b) believed that he gave a caretaker enough money for the Dunya
    c) was a rude and uncompatible person
    5. The fate of the Duni has developed:
    a) happily
    b) tragic
    c) Suitable
    6. The carriage of the official was sorry for money, spent on the trip, because:
    a) he learned about the fate of the Duni and her repentance
    b) he was rich, but he knew the bill
    c) not in money happiness
    7. Phrase "Serious tuchs covered the sky: the cold wind blew with the united fields, carrying out the red and yellow leaves from the oncoming trees" - is:
    a) reasoning
    b) Description
    c) narration

    Plan Revet Ochaw

    1. A storyteller reflects on the fate of station caretakers.
    2. The first meeting with the caretaker and his daughter.
    3. The narrator after years meets Samson Wyrina and recognizes the history of the Duni from him:
    a) Dunya deceived with the Rothmistrome Minsk in St. Petersburg;
    b) the caretaker rides to the capital to return his "lost sheep";
    c) Minsk drives Samson sculp.
    4. The narrator learns about the death of the caretaker and the repentance of his daughter.


    A lot of traveling in Russia has happened to a storytellor: I saw a lot of stations and stationary caretakers. But only one caretaker remembered him forever.

    Once the narrator hit one of the stations. The house was distinguished by purity and comfort. The caretaker ordered immediately to put a samovar, and the girl appeared in the room (Dunya) of ages of fourteen, unusually beautiful. She soon brought samovar. At the table, all the three of them were talking, "as if the ages were familiar." When going to leave, the narrator asked permission to kiss the girl, and she agreed.

    After years, the circumstances of life again led the narrator on this station. But it was waiting for disappointment - there was dirty and launched in the house. The caretaker served the same Samson scan - now gray and angry. The storytellor asked about the Duni, the answer was this story.

    Somehow a young man appeared in the house in the house. He was in her overcoat and in the Circassian hat. He wanted to warm up that there were no horses, but the appearance of Duni softened his intention. For dinner, the owners saw the guests better than: it was a beauties-hussar. Meanwhile, horses returned to the station, but the hussar did not go, referring to the headache. In the morning of another day, the young man was still worse. Sent for Lekarem. Dunya sat at the bed of a patient who drank coffee with cups, but dove ordered decent. The doctor carefully examined the patient, received money for his visit, prescribed peace, promised recovery in a couple of days and left.

    A day later, the officer was much easier. He had fun and joked with the Duna, talked to the caretaker. On Sunday morning, Gusar began to say goodbye to everyone. The Duna was allowed to take him to the nearest church ... The father was waiting for his daughter's return, but did not wait. I was looking for her everywhere, asked the Dyachka about the girl, whether she was on dinner, but no one could say anything about her. In the evening, the caretaker learned from the glamor that Dunya escaped with the young hussar. The old man with longing and bitterness was sick. Reflecting on what happened, he realized that there was no illness at the guest. From the documents that were with the "Mimic Pattern", the caretaker found out that Gusar Minsk - Rothmistra, holding the way to St. Petersburg. The old man decided to look for his daughter exactly there.

    The caretaker really found Minsk and asked him to return to him the daughter, to which Minsk answered that he could not live without the Duni. Gusar asked not to worry about her. Vinin got money and was put up at the door. But the caretaker did not calm down. He began to follow Minsk and eventually recognized where his daughter. The servant did not want to let the caretaker, but he broke into the apartment. Dunya, seeing his father, fainted, and hussar kicked the old man. The caretaker had to return home with anyone since then he began to drink bitter.

    After some time, driving along the same road, the narrator learned that the screamed and died, and the station was destroyed. Now the Bivewar family lived in the caretaker's house. The boy spent the storyteller to the cemetery, to the grave of the caretaker. On the way, he said that the "beautiful lady" came here with children. When she found out that the caretaker died, she went to the cemetery and crotted bitterly, lying on the grave. Then he gave money to the ass and left.

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    Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is not only the National Russian poet, whose poems have been worried about two centuries and the minds of people, but also a talented prose, master of words. In the list of its legendary works, short stories occupy a special place. One of them "Stationander" was written in 1830. Here for the first time, life adversity, suffering and pain of poor defenseless people are depicted. To understand what I wanted to say by this product, you need to get acquainted with the short content and main characters.

    The main characters of the story

    The narrator- A person, on behalf of whose story is being conducted. I got acquainted with the station caretaker and his beautiful daughter named Dunya and to some extent made friends with them. He explored the facts after what had happened to the troubles with a friend.

    Stationery- In the story, he is named Samson, but the name is mentioned extremely rare. Loving and kind father who just loves his daughter of the Danior. After her sudden disappearance is experiencing a real tragedy. Prematurely dies from alcohol abuse. In the story is shown as a positive hero, but, unfortunately, who did not manage to overcome the difficulties of life.

    Dunya- Daughter of the station caretaker. Good, meek and very beautiful girl who kidnapped visitors hussar, the truth from his father. Her life is contradictory: On the one hand, the love of Pope, whom she betrayed, on the other - the inability to resist feelings to the young man, so unexpectedly appeared in her fate. Subsequently, she became a lady, gave birth to children, and was happy with her husband. That's just the father died untimely, and the Dunya, finding the place of his burial, looked for a long time on the grave, pouring longing and sadness.

    Young Gusar, or Rotmist Minsk- A young man who decided to take possession of the heart of the daughter of the station caretaker. For this purpose, it is resorted to a tricky method - pretends to the patient, and then, under the guise of what the girl will take the church, performs its plan on its abduction. Subsequently, it is shown as a loving wife, but trying to get rid of her father with all their mights, forbidden him to see the Duni.

    Trying grief old man

    The bitter news plunged the poor Father of the Duni into such despair that he immediately fell ill and run into bed. And recovering a little, weighed all the options, how to help your beloved daughter, and went on foot to look for her.

    Meeting with Rothmistrome Minsk in St. Petersburg

    First, he stopped in St. Petersburg, thinking to start searching from there. "He knew from Zaporozhnaya that Rothmist Minsk was driving from Smolensk to St. Petersburg." After a short study, the old man realized that the hussar lives in the Demete Tractor. He came to him and with tears asked to "give the poor Dunya." The young man felt that he was to blame for this rooted with an elderly man, asked for forgiveness, but he assured that the Dunya would be happy with him and that he would not allow him to see. Then "Sunning something for the sleeve" opened the door. Poor caretaker did not understand how it was on the street. He did not accept money from Gusar, and in despair threw out on the road. Then, however, thought was and wanted to pick up, but it was too late.

    The second attempt to see her daughter

    The heart of the old man did not calm down, and, after two days, he decided to take an attempt to see the Duni again. For the first time he pushed him out of the anterior lacquer, but on the second, it would seem, luck smiled at the poor Father. He noticed the sickle trees approaching the dwelling of Minsk, and Gusar, running on the porch of her house. Immediately the plan was ripe in the head, as they still see his native blood blood. Covered by the fact that it wants to attribute the dowe not a note from Barin, the father of the girl penetrated the hall. Finally, he saw her daughter. Beautiful, "dressed with all the luxury fashion", it seemed to be very happy. But, turning around and seeing his native father, who looked at her, lost his feelings.

    Is it worth saying how Minsk responded? He in rage kicked the old man away.

    When you have to accept

    An attempt to see from the Duni was unsuccessful, and it was even more staged an old man. He realized that absolutely nothing helps to return the lost daughter, and decided to accept. "For the third year now," he concluded, "as I live without the Duni and, as it does not have a hearing or spirit." Such a disappointing speech sounded from the fall of one who used to bloom and complete hopes with a man. He clearly disappeared, thinking that his daughter would not always live in good conditions, her beloved husband. For some reason, the heart of the old man said that he would throw a hussar of the Dunya, and he shared these doubts with a teller with a glass of a glass of a bump.

    What happened next?

    The narrator remembered his friend, and decided to visit the village where the postal house was once stood. It turned out, I had to listen to sad news: the old caretaker sparkled and died, and the house went to the brewer and his wife. And I wanted to see Barina, where the former friend was signed. There was a teller teller, a broken boy named Vanya, from whom he learned that he visited the cemetery of the Danny, the daughter of the caretaker, and Lying the grave for a long time, longing for his father. "Beautiful lady" - responded to her Vanya.

    Reflections on the finals of the story

    Contrary to the fears of his father, his daughter became happy with Husar. Oh, if he did not indulge in despair, if his humility was not external, but internal! Maybe then the old age of the station caretaker was rich and more calm, and the final of life was not so sad?

    The college registrar or station caretaker - the lowest civilian chin of the fourteenth grade in the table of ranks in Russia of the eighteenth-nineteenth centuries, as well as an official who has such a rank; Head of the postal station. Their primary task was to give horses travelers, to care for these animals, contain and repair the station, which most often was a log house, where there were several rooms and a stable.

    In this regard, I want to remind the wise, but still not the estimated words of Satirik Shchedrin on the fundamental property of human nature and a high duty of art. "This property flourished and encouraged under the rays of the Sun, no matter how we are weak, proves that for everyone in general people the light represents something desirable. It is necessary to maintain this instinctive thirst for light in them, we must remind that life is a joy, and not the indefinite suffering, from which only death can save. No death should resolve the bonds, but a restored human image, enlightened and purified from those lesions that lay down on it of the century of the suburbs. This truth naturally follows from all the definitions of the human being, which cannot be allowed even a minute doubt about its coming celebration "

    "In the room, perfectly cleaned, Minsk sat in thought. Dunya, dressed with all the luxury of fashion, sat on the handle of his armchairs like a rider in his English saddle. She looked at Minsk with tenderness, winding his black curls on his sparkling fingers. Poor caretaker! Never daughter did not seem to him so beautiful; He unwittingly admired her. "Who's there?" She asked, not rising heads. He was silent everything. Without receiving a response, Dunya raised his head and dropped on the carpet with a scream. "

    Pushkin psychologist ascetic. The writer does not reveal psychological experiences, does not show from inside the boosal of passions and thoughts of his heroes. Pushkin always introduces us with the results of a spiritual storm, which splashes out and freezes in gesture, facial expressions, movement. Happy Dunya, seeing his father, falls unconscious - such is the power of the shrill feeling of his guilt before her.

    The suffering of the Duni was a manifestation of her deep humanity, who passed through bitter tests. Duni's wines are involuntary, it is imposed on it with new conditions for its existence. And yet, her fate testified that a person can both in oppressing circumstances, although with defeats - bitter and heavy, to fight for his happiness. The rebel of the Duni and was the key to preserving her personality, her humanity, her happiness of love and motherhood.