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  • The Board of Ivan 3 and its meaning. Ivan III Vasilyevich. Biography. Governing body. Personal life

    The Board of Ivan 3 and its meaning. Ivan III Vasilyevich. Biography. Governing body. Personal life

    Prince Ivan Vasilyevich 3-I was the son of Vasily Vasilyevich 2nd Dark from the Rurikovsky dynasty. The Board of Ivan 3rd I was remembered by the unification around Moscow of the essential part of Russian lands, turning it into the center of the Russian state. In addition, an important achievement was the complete liberation of Russia from the power of the hated Golden Horde. A regulatory act or a court of state laws was adopted - the lawyer, and reforms were also carried out, which laid the local land tenure system, distinguished from behavior.

    Ivan the Great was born in January 1440. His direct name was Timofey, but in honor of John Zlatoust Princely, Ivan. The first mention of Ivan's 3rd as "Great Prince" falls at about 1449, and in 1452 he becomes the head of troops, which successfully freed the fortress of Kokshenga. The rule of short time by the state D. Shemyak was poisoned, and the bloody bloody unleashed without his participation was to decline.

    The Board of Ivan 3rd begins together with his father. He manages Pereslavl-Zalessky, who at that time was one of the key cities in the Moscow State. Military operations and hiking are influenced by the formation of his views. Being first the nominal commander, in the future he headed the army, which closed the path to Moscow by invading Tatars.

    In 1462, the years of the reign of Ivan 3rd, when after the illness and death of the father, he receives the right to inherit the throne and most of the state territory. He owns 16 cities, and Moscow belongs to him on a par with the brothers. Having fulfilled the will of the dying father, he divided the land in the will between all sons. At the Rights of the Elder Son, he joins the throne. The years of the reign of Ivan 3rd begin with the release of gold coins, which he marked the beginning of the reign.

    The foreign policy of the country during this period was aimed at uniting land of Russia (northeastern regions) to a single Moscow state. I would like to note that this particular policy was extremely successful for Russia. The Board of Ivan 3rd, which was noted in the history of the beginning of the unification of the Russian land, was not satisfied with all. For example, it contradicted Lithuanian interests, so the relationship with was tense, and the border clashes took place constantly. The successes that were achieved through the expansion of the country contributed to the growth and development of international relations with Europe.

    Another one an important point Announced the Board of Ivan 3rd. This is a design for the Russian state of independence. The nominal dependence on the Golden Horde was discontinued. The government concludes an alliance with Crimean Khanate, actively speaking on the side of the opponents of the Horde. Skillfully combined military power and diplomacy, Ivan 3rd successfully orients external policies in the east direction on

    It is worth noting a lot to mention a lot to unite the Russian principalities. Dani Oryan Khan was also completely discontinued, which brought considerable benefit Rus.

    Complex times began in 1480, when the Lithuanian prince entered the union with Khan Horde, and spoke at Pskov against the background of the Foreech of Lithuanians. The situation was resolved as a result of the bloody battle in favor of the Russian state, which was obtained by desirable independence.

    The Russian-Lithuanian war, which constitutes a confrontation between the two states, has been completed from 1487 to 1494, ended with the conclusion of a peace treaty, during which Russia switched to most of the conquered lands, including the fortress of Vyazma.

    It can also be noted the positive results of the government of Ivan 3rd in domestic policy. At this time, the foundations are laid in the management of the order and the local system, the centralization of the country and the fight against fragmentation is carried out. The epoch was marked by the cultural climb. The flourishing of chronicles, the construction of new architectural structures everywhere occurred during this period of time. This once again emphasizes that Ivan the 3rd was an outstanding ruler, and his nickname "Great" best describes it.

    But the Russian limits entered into the Grozny Militia Khan Golden Horde Ahmat, who was preparing for war with Ivan III since the beginning of his rule. Ivan, having gathered a 180,000 thousand army, made Tatars to meet. Advanced Russian detachments, having overtook the Khan in Aleksina, stood in mind, on the opposite shore of the Oka. Another day, Han took Alexin an attack, lit it and, crouching through Oku, rushed to the Moscow squads, who first began to retreat, but receiving reinforcement, they soon recovered and drove the Tatars back for Oku. Ivan expected a secondary attack, but Ahmat at the occurrence of the night turned into flight.

    Wife Ivan III Sophia Paleologist. Reconstruction of Skull S. A. Nikitina

    In 1473 Ivan III sent an army to help Pskovs against German knights, but Livonsky Master, frightened by the strong Moscow militia, did not venture out to go out in the field. Pressure dislikes with Lithuania, who threatened close to the perfect gap, also ended with the world. The main attention of Ivan III was drawn to the provision of the south of Russia from the raids of the Crimean Tatars. He accepted the side of Mengly Gurya, who rebuilt on his older brother, Khan Nordulatalate, helped him establish themselves in the Crimean throne and concluded with him a defensive and offensive treaty, which remained on both sides until the end of the government of Ivan III.

    Marfa Postener (Boreletskaya). Destruction of Novgorod Wehte. Artist K. Lebedev, 1889)

    Standing on the river Ugra. 1480.

    In 1481 and 1482, Ivan III shelves were fought by the Lionius in the ignition of Knights for the siege of Pskov, and there were large devastation there. Shortly before and shortly after that war, Ivan joined the Princess Vareusian, Rostov and Yaroslavl to Moscow, and in 1488 conquered Tver. The last Tver Prince, Mikhail, besieged Ivan III in his capital, unable to defend her, fled to Lithuania. (For more information - see the articles Association of Russian land under Ivan III and the association of Russian land in Moscow under Ivan III.)

    A year before the conquest of Tver, Prince Kholmsky, sent to humor the rebellious Kazan king, the alegama, took Kazan attack (July 9, 1487), captured the Alelegam himself and built a Makhmet-Amen to the throne of Kazan Tsarevich, who lived in Russia under the patronage of Ivan.

    1489 Announced in the reign of Ivan III conquest of Lands of Vyatka and Arskaya, and 1490 - the death of Ivan the young, the eldest son of the Grand Prince, and the defeat of the heresy of the jigging (Scharya).

    In an effort to government self-rescience, Ivan III often used unfair and even violent measures. In 1491, without any visible reason, he signed his brother, Prince Andrew, in the dungeon, where he later died, and he took him a lot. Sons of another brother, Boris, Ivan forced to give up Moscow his diets. Thus, on the ruins of the ancient specific system, Ivan created the power of updated RUSi. Slava about him was separated in foreign countries. Emperors Germanic, Frederick III (1486) and successor it Maximilian, sent to Moscow embassies, like the King Danish, Khan Jagatai and King Iversky, and the King of Hungarian Matvey Korvin Entered from Ivan III to related ties.

    Association of Northeast Russia Moscow 1300-1462

    In the same year, Ivan III, annoyed by violence that the people of Novgorod tolerated from the Rhizers (Tallins), ordered the Hanseatic merchants in Novgorod in Novgorod, and the goods to take them in the treasury. By this, he is permanent than the commercial connection of Novgorod and Pskov with Ganza. Soon, the Swedish war soon, with success, leading by our troops in Karelia and Finland, ended, nevertheless an uncommon's world.

    In 1497, new concerns in Kazan prompted Ivan III to send there the governor, who, instead of the people who were unloved by the people of Mahmet-amine, built the throne of his younger brother and took the oath with the Kazan in loyalty to Ivan.

    In 1498, Ivan experienced strong family troubles. At the court, the cope of conspirators was opened, mostly from prominent boyars. This Boyarskaya party tried to quarrel with Ivan III of his son Vasily, inspire that the Grand Duke intends to give the throne not to him, and his grandson Dmitry, the son of the deceased Ivan the young. Strictly punishing the perpetrators, Ivan III warmed up his spouse of Sophia Paleolog and Vasily, and in fact appointed Dmitry to the heir to the throne. But learning that Vasily was not so guilty, as was represented by adherents of Elena, the mother of the young Dmitry, he declared Vasily the Grand Prince Novgorod and Pskov (1499) and reconciled with his wife. (Read more - in the article The heirs of Ivan III - Vasily and Dmitry.) In the same year, the western part of Siberia, known in the old man, under the name of the Ugra Earth, was finally conquered by Ivan III, and since that time, our great princes accepted the title of state of the Earth Ugra.

    In 1500, quarrels with Lithuania resumed. Princes Chernigov and Rylsky enrolled in the citizenship of Ivan III, who announced the war to the great prince Lithuanian, Alexander for the fact that he forced his daughter (his wife) to Elena to the adoption of the Catholic faith. IN a short time Governors of Moscow almost without battle occupied the entire Lithuanian Rus hardly to Kiev himself. Alexander, Dotole remained in idle, armed, but his squads were completely broken on the shores Decorations. Han Mengly Garyre, an ally of Ivan III, at the same time devastated the podolia.

    Next year, Alexander was elected in the kings of Polish. Lithuania and Poland reinforced. Despite this, Ivan III continued the war. August 27, 1501 Prince Shuisky suffered a defeat during Syrian (not far from Izbork) from the Master of the Livonian Order, Plettenberg, Ally Alexander, but on November 14, the Russian troops operating in Lithuania won the famous victory near Mstislavl. In the ignition for failure in Syrian Ivan III, he sent a new army to Lionia, under the authorities, who ruined the neighborhood of Derpta and Marienburg, took many prisoners and headed knights during Helmet. In 1502, Mengly-Girey destroyed the remnants of the Golden Horde, for which he almost dissected himself with Ivan, as intensified crimean Tatars Now they claimed to unite all the former rational land under their own primacy.

    Soon after, the Grand Duchess Sophia Paleologist died. This loss has strongly affected Ivan. His health, they have a strong, began to upset. Singing the proximity of the death, he wrote the will, who finally appointed his successor to Vasily . In 1505, Makhmet-Amen again occupied by the Kazan throne, he decided to postpone from Russia, robbed the Ambassador of the Great and Merchants, who were in Kazan, and many of them killed. Without stopping at this villain, he from 60,000 the army invaded Russia and besieged Nizhny Novgorod, but the Habar-Symsky, who bombarded there, forced Tatars there to retreat with damage. Ivan III did not have time to punish Mahmet-Amen for treason. The illness was quickly intensified, and on October 27, 1505, the Grand Duke died on 67 years of life. His body was buried in Moscow, in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral.

    During the reign of Ivan III, the power of Russia was rapidly developed, bonded by the United Niider. Paying attention to the moral development, Ivan caused from Western Europe People skillful in art and crafts. Trade, despite the gap with Ganzo, was in a blooming state. At the Board of Ivan III, the Assumption Cathedral was built (1471); The Kremlin is obscured by new, more powerful, walls; the grain of the Chamber erected; It is arranged foundry, a gun yard and improved coin chasing.

    A. Vasnetsov. Moscow Kremlin under Ivan III

    Russian integrity is also a lot of Ivan III; All chronicles unanimously praise the device given by the troops. In his rule, they began to distribute to the children of the Boyarsky land to children, with the obligation in wartime to expose the famous number of warriors, and discharges were instituted. Not to suffer locality, Ivan III, Ivan III, strictly heated the guilty in him, despite their title. The acquisition of Novgorod, cities taken away from Lithuania and Livonia, as well as the conquest of the land of Ugra, Arsk and Vyatka, he significantly expanded the limits of the Moscow principality and even tried to assign Dmitry Titul Titul to his grandson. With regard to the internal device, the publication of laws known as the Fate Ivan III, and the establishment of the urban and Zemstvo administration (like the current police).

    Many of modern Ivan. III and new writers call him a cruel ruler. Indeed, he was strict, and the reason for this should be sought both in circumstances and in the spirit of the time. Surrounded by Kramoli, seeing disagreement even in his own family, still fragile himself in autocracy, Ivan was concerned about the treason and often for one unjudal suspicion of the punishment of innocents, along with the guilty. But with all that Ivan III, as the Creator of the greatness of Russia, was loved by the people. His government turned out to be an unusually important era for Russian history, which rightly recognized His Great.

    On March 28, 1462, Ivan III became the ruler of the Grand District of Moscow. The activities of the sovereign, all Russia carried a truly "revolutionary" nature for Russia's development. The activities of the sovereign All Russia.

    Collected land

    It is no coincidence that Ivan III fastened the nickname "Great". It was he who managed to collect the scattered principalities of Northeast Russia around Moscow. With his life, the United States includes Yaroslavl and Rostov principality, Vyatka, Perm Great, Tver, Novgorod and other lands.

    Ivan III The first of the Russian princes received the title "Sovereign of All Russia" and introduced the term "Russia" into use. His son, the Grand Duke handed the territory several times bigger than he was inherited himself. Ivan III made a decisive step towards overcoming feudal fragmentation and elimination of the specific system, laid economic, political, legal and administrative frameworks of a single state.

    Released Rus

    A hundred years after the Kulikov battle, the Russian princes continued to pay tribute to the Golden Horde. The role of the liberator from the Tatar-Mongolian yoke fell out Ivan III. Standing on the Ugra River, which happened in 1480, marked the final victory of Russia in the struggle for their independence. Ordans did not decide to cross the river and enter the battle with Russian troops. Dani payments stopped, the horde was mired in civil workers and to the beginning of the XVI century ceased to exist. Moscow once again approved itself as a center formed by the Russian state.

    Adopted a lawyer

    The judiciary Ivan III adopted in 1497 laid the legal foundations for overcoming feudal fragmentation. The lawyer established uniform legal norms for all Russian lands, thereby fastening the leading role of the central government in regulating the life of the state. The Code of Laws covered a wide range of vital issues and affected all the segments of the population. Article 57 limited the right to transition of peasants from one feudal to another week before and week after Yuryev. Thus, it was necessary to start the reassurance of peasants. The lawyer had a progressive character for his time: at the end of the 15th century, not every European country could boast of unified legislation. Ambassador of the Holy Roman Empire Sigismund von Gerberstein translated on latin language A significant part of the Cover. These records were studied by the German lawyers who compiled a communal law of laws (Carolina) only in 1532.

    Started the path to the empire

    The association of the country required a new state ideology and its foundation appeared: Ivan III approved the symbol of the bonded eagle used in the State Symbols of Byzantium and the Sacred Roman Empire. The capture of Sofia Paleologists - nieces of the last Byzantine emperor - gave additional grounds for the emergence of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe continuity of the grand permanent power from the Byzantine Imperial Dynasty. The origin of the Russian princes was also conducted from the Roman emperor of August. Already after the death of Ivan III, the theory of Moscow - Third Rome increased from these ideas. But it's not just an ideology. At Ivan III, the active statement of Russia on the European arena began. A series of wars, which he led with Lionia and Sweden for domination at the Baltic, marks the first stage in Russia's path to the empire, proclaimed by Peter I two and a half century.

    Provoked an architectural boom

    The unification of the land under the rule of the Moscow principality gave the soil for the heyday of Russian culture. Intensive construction of fortresses, churches and monasteries were conducted throughout the country. It was then that the Red Wall of the Moscow Kremlin was erected, and he turned into a strongest fortress of his time. In the life of Ivan III, the main part of the Kremlin architectural ensemble, which we can observe today was created. The best Italian masters was invited to Russia. Under the leadership of Aristotle Fiorovandi, a five-key Assumption Cathedral was erected. The Italian architects erected the Granuitu Chamber, which became one of the symbols of the royal majesty. Pskov masters built an Annunciation cathedral. When Ivan III, about 25 churches were built in Moscow only in Moscow. The flowering of Russian architecture convincingly reflected the process of creating a new one, a single state.

    Created a loyal elite

    The formation of a single state could not occur without the creation of a loyal state of the elite. The local system has become an effective solution to this problem. With Ivan III, a strengthened set of people, both for military and civil service, was conducted. That is why, accurate rules for the distribution of government lands were created (they were transferred to temporary personal ownership as a service reward). Thus, the estate of serve people who were dependent personally from the sovereign and are obliged to their well-being of the public service.

    Introduced orders

    The largest state, folded around the Moscow principality, demanded a unified management system. She was orders. The main government functions were focused in two institutions: palace and treasury. The palace conducted the personal lands of the Grand Duke (that is, state), the treasury was immediately and the Ministry of Finance, and the Office, and the archive. The appointment for posts occurred on the principle of locality, that is, depending on the knowledge of the genus. However, the creation of a centralized state administration apparatus was extremely progressive. Founded by Ivan III, the Ordering system was finally imposed on the board of Ivan Grozny, and existed until the beginning of the XVIII century, when it was replaced by Petrovsky college.

    Years of Life: January 22, 1440 - October 27, 1505
    Years of the Board: 1462-1505

    From the Rurikovsky dynasty.

    Son of Moscow Prince and Mary Yaroslavna, Daughters of Prince Yaroslav Borovsky, granddaughter of the hero of the Kulikovsky battle V.A. Serpukhovsky.
    Known as well as Ivan the Great, Ivan holy.

    Grand Prince Moskovsky from 1462 to 1505.

    Biography Ivan the Great

    He was born on the day of the memory of the Apostle Timofey, so in his honor he received a name for baptism - Timofey. But thanks to the nearest church holiday - the transfer of the relics of St. John of Zlatoust, Knyazhich received a name under which he is most famous.

    FROM young years Knyazhich became an assistant to his blind father. It taken active participation In the fight against Dmitry Shemyaka, went hiking. In order to legitimize the new procedure for the Prestiplock, Vasily II also called the heir to the Grand Prince. All the letters were written on behalf of 2 great princes. In 1446, Knyazhich was engaged in the 7th age with Maria, the daughter of Prince Boris Alexandrovich Tverskogo. This future marriage was supposed to become a symbol of reconciliation of eternal rivals - Tver and Moscow.

    Military campaigns play an important role in the education of the heir to the throne. In 1452, the young prince was already sent a nominee head of troops in a campaign to the Ustyuga Fortress Kokshenga, which was successfully completed. Returning from the campaign with the victory, he married his bride, Maria Borisovna (June 4, 1452). Soon, Dmitry Shemyaka was poisoned, and the last quarter of the century the bloody crossbar went to the wage.

    In 1455, Moloda Ivan Vasilyevich makes a victorious campaign against the Tatars who invaded Rus. In August 1460, he becomes at the head of the Russian troops who closed the way to Moscow with the coming Tatars of Khan Akhmat.

    Great Prince Moscow Ivan III Vasilyevich

    By 1462, when the dark, the 22-year-old heir was already a man a lot who caught seeing ready to solve various state issues. Different prudence, valit and the ability to steadily go to the goal. The beginning of the Board Ivan Vasilyevich marked the release of gold coins with the mined names of Ivan III and his son, the heir to the throne. Having received the right to the Grand Diction on the spiritual letter of his father, for the first time since the invasion of Batiya, the Moscow Prince did not go to the Horde for obtaining a label, and became the ruler of the territory about 430 thousand square meters. km.
    During the entire rule, the main goal of the country's foreign policy was the association of Northeast Russia to a single Moscow state.

    So, with diplomatic agreements, cunning maneuvers and force, he joined Yaroslavl (1463), Dimitrovskoye (1472), Rostov (1474) Principality, Novgorod Land, Tver Principality (1485), Belozerskoy Principality (1486), Vyatka (1489), part of Ryazan, Chernihiv, Severskaya, Bryansk and Gomel lands.

    The ruler of Moscow mercilessly fought with the princely-boyarskoy opposition, establishing the tax norms that were collected from the population in favor of the governors. The noble army and nobility began to play a major role. In the interests of the noble landlords, a restriction on the transition of peasants from one Mr. to another was introduced. The peasants received the right to transition only once a year - a week before the autumn Yuryev of the day (November 26) and a week after Yuriev's Day. With it appeared artillery as an integral part of the troops.

    Victory Ivan III Vasilyevich Great

    In 1467 - 1469. Military actions were successfully conducted against Kazan, eventually achieved her vassal dependence. In 1471, he made a campaign to Novgorod and, thanks to the blow to the city in several directions, perfect professional warriors, during the Shelney's battle on July 14, 1471, won the last feudal war in Russia, including Novgorod lands to the Russian state.

    After wars with the Lithuanian major principality (1487 - 1494; 1500 - 1503), many West Russian cities and land moved to Russia. According to the Annunciation truce of 1503, the Russian state includes: Chernigov, Novgorod-Seversky, Starodub, Gomel, Bryansk, Toropets, Mtsensk, Dorogobuzh.

    Successes in the expansion of the country contributed to the growth of international relations with European countries. In particular, a union was concluded with the Crimean Khanate, with Khan Mengyli-Gyrey, while the enemies were directly called the contract, against which the parties had to jointly act - Khan Large Horde Ahmat and the Grand Lithuanian Prince. In the following years, the Russian-Crimean Union showed his effectiveness. During the Russian-Lithuanian War 1500-1503. Crimea remained an ally of Russia.

    In 1476, the ruler of Moscow ceased to pay Dani Khan a big horde, which was supposed to lead to a collision of two long opponents. On October 26, 1480, "Standing on R. Great" ended the actual victory of the Russian state, having received the desired independence from the Horde. For the overthrow of the Goldenordin Iga in 1480, Ivan Vasilyevich received a nickname in the nickname.

    The combination of previously fragmented Russian lands into a single state urgently required the unity of the legal system. In September 1497, a judicial code was introduced into action, which reflected the norms of such documents as: Russian True, statutory letters (Dvinskaya and Belozerskaya), Pskov vessel gram, a number of decrees and orders.

    The time of the reign of Ivan Vasilyevich was also characterized by large-scale construction, the construction of temples, the development of architecture, the flourishing of the chronicle. So, the Assumption Cathedral (1479), the Granovy Chamber (1491), the Annunciation Cathedral (1489), built 25 churches, intensive construction of the Moscow and Novgorod Kremlin. The fortresses of the Ivangorod (1492), in Belozeror (1486), in the Great Luxe (1493) are constructed.

    The appearance of a double-headed eagle as state Symbol Moscow state for printing one of the leaders issued in 1497 Ivan III Vasilyevicheat I symbolized the equality of the elements of the Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire and the Grand Duke Moskovsky.

    Was married twice:
    1) from 1452 at Maria Borisovna, the daughters of the Tver Prince Boris Alexandrovich (died at the age of 30, he was poisoned): Ivan's son
    2) from 1472. On the Byzantine priniore, Sophie Fominichina Paleologist, niece of the last emperor of Byzantium, Constantine XI

    sons: Vasily, Yuri, Dmitry, Semen, Andrei
    Daughter: Elena, Feodosia, Elena and Evdokia

    Marriages Ivan Vasilyevich

    Marriage of the Moscow sovereign with Greek printed an important event In Russian history. He opened the way to the relations between Moscow Rus with the West. Soon after that, he first received a novel of the Terrible, because he was for the princes of the squad of the monarch, requiring unquestioning obedience and strictly punishing hearing. According to the first indication of the Terrible Head of dismissal princes and Boyar lay down on the fell. After marriage, he accepted the title "Sovereign of All Russia."

    Over time, the 2nd marriage of Ivan Vasilyevich became one of the sources of voltage at the court. There were 2 groupings of the courtestly known, one of which supported the heir to the throne - the younger (son from the 1st marriage), and the second is the new Great Princess Sophia Paleolog and Vasily (son from the second marriage). This family rushing, during which hostile political parties faced, intertwined even with the church issue - about measures against the jigid.

    Death of King Ivan III Vasilyevich

    At first, Grozny after the death of his son of the young (died of gout), crowned his son, and his grandson, Dmitry on February 4, 1498 in the Assumption Cathedral. But soon thanks to the skillful intrigue on the part of Sofia and Vasily stood on their side. On January 18, 1505, Elena Stephanovna died in imprisonment, Dmitry's mother, and in 1509, Dmitry himself died in prison.

    In the summer of 1503, the Moscow ruler was seriously ill, he blinded on one eye; There was a partial paralysis of one hand and one leg. Leaving things, he went on a trip along the monasteries.

    On October 27, 1505, Ivan the Great died. He called the Son of Vasily before his death with his heir.
    The Sovereign of All Russia is buried in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

    Historians converge that this board was extremely successful, it was with it that the Russian state took the honorary international situation to the beginning of the XVI century, standing out by new ideas, cultural and political growth.

    Years of life: 1440-1505. Years of the Board: 1462-1505

    Ivan III - the eldest son of the Grand Duke Moscow Vasily II Dark and great Princess Mary Yaroslavna, the daughter of the Serpukhov Prince.

    On the twelfth year of life, Ivan was combined with marriage with Maria Borisovna, Tver Prince, at the eighteenth year already had the Son Ivan on the nicknamed young. In 1456, when Ivan was 16 years old, Vasily II was a dark appointed him with his co-program, and at 22 he became the Grand Duke of Moscow.

    Ivan's later, Ivan participated in the campaigns against the Tatars (1448, 1454, 1459), a lot of people seemed to the time of entry into the throne in 1462, Ivan III had the previous character, was ready to take important state decisions. He had a cold, reasonable mind, a steep temper, an iron will, distinguished by special power. The character of Ivan III was secretive, cautious and rushed not quickly, but waiting for the case, elevated time, moving to it measured steps.

    Outwardly, Ivan was beautiful, thin, high and slightly narrowed, for which he got the nickname "humpback".

    The beginning of the Board of Ivan III marked the release of gold coins, on which the names of the Grand Duke Ivan III and his son Ivan the young, heir to the throne were explained.

    Ivan III's first wife died early, and the Grand Duke entered into a second marriage with the nephew of the last Byzantine emperor Konstantin XI, Zoe (Sofia) Paleologist. Their wedding passed in Moscow on November 12, 1472. She immediately joined in political activities, actively helping her husband. With Sofier, it became more severe and cruel, demanding and powerful, demanded full obedience and punishment for healing, for which Ivan III was the first of the kings called Grozny.

    In 1490, the son of Ivan III was unexpectedly died of first marriage, Ivan young. Dmitry's son remained from him. Before the Grand Duke, the question arose who to inherit the throne: the son of Vasily from Sophia or the grandson Dmitry.

    Soon the conspiracy against Dmitry was revealed, the organizers of which were executed, and Vasily was taken into custody. February 4, 1498 Ivan III walked grandson to the kingdom. It was the first coronuation in Russia.

    In January 1499, a conspiracy against Sophia and Vasily was revealed. Ivan III cooled to his grandchildren and came up with his wife and son. In 1502, the king imposed on Dmitry opal, and Vasily was declared the Grand Duke of All Russia.

    The great sovereign decided to marry Vasily on the Danish princess, but the Danish king donated from the offer. Fearing not to have time to find an overseas bride, Ivan III chose Solomon, the daughter of a minor Russian dignitary. The marriage took place on September 4, 1505, and on October 27 of the same year Ivan III the Great died.

    Internal policy Ivan III

    The cherished goal of Ivan III activity was the collection of land around Moscow, to end with the remnants of the specific disunity for the sake of creating a single state. Ivan III's wife, Sophia Paleologist, in every way supported the desire of her husband to expand the Moscow state and strengthen the autocratic power.

    One and a half century Moscow extorted the tribute from Novgorod, took the land and almost put Novgorod to his knees, for which they hated Moscow. Understanding that Ivan III Vasilyevich finally wants to subjugate the Novgorod residents, they freed themselves from the oath of the great prince and formed a society for the rescue of Novgorod, headed by Marta Worslet, a widowing town.

    Novgorod concluded an agreement with Kazimir, the king of the Polish and Grand Duke Lithuanian, according to which Novgorod passes under his supreme power, but at the same time retains some independence and the right to Orthodox faith, and Kazimir undertakes to defend Novgorod from the encroachment of the Moscow Prince.

    Two times Ivan III Vasilyevich sent ambassadors to Novgorod with good wishes to form and join the land of Moscow, Metropolitan Moscow tried to convince Novgorod to "correct", but everything is in vain. Ivan III had to make a campaign to Novgorod (1471), as a result of which Novgorod were broken first on the Ilmen River, and then Schend, Casimir did not come to the rescue.

    In 1477, Ivan III Vasilyevich demanded that the Novgorod fully recognized him with his master, which caused a new rebellion, which was depressed. On January 13, 1478, Velikaya Novgorod completely obeyed the power of the Moscow sovereign. In order to finally be addicted to Novgorod, Ivan III in 1479 replaced the Novgorod Archbishop of Ferofila, the unreliable Novgorod residents rearranged into Moscow lands, and Muscovites and other residents were settled on their lands.

    With the help of diplomacy and strength Ivan III Vasilyevich and subjugate other specific principalities: Yaroslavl (1463), Rostov (1474), Tver (1485), Vyatska lands (1489). Anna Ivan issued his sister to Ryazan Prince, thereby securing the right to interfere in the affairs of Ryazan, and later and got the city inherited from nephews.

    Inhumanly arrived, Ivan with brothers, take away from them the lotion and depriving them of the rights of any participation in state affairs. So, Andrei Big and his sons were arrested and imprisoned.

    Foreign policy Ivan III.

    During the reign of Ivan III, in 1502, the Golden Horde ceased to exist.

    Moscow and Lithuania often fought because of Russian lands located near Lithuania and Poland. As the government of the great sovereign, Moscow, more and more Russian princes with their lands passed from Lithuania to Moscow.

    After the death of Casimir Lithuania and Poland again divided between his sons, Alexander and Albrecht, respectively. The Grand Duke Lithuanian Alexander married the daughter of Ivan III Elena. The relationship between the son-in-law and the test was worse, and in 1500 Ivan III announced the war Lithuania, which was successful for Russia: Parts of Smolensky, Novgorod-Seversky and Chernigov principalities were conquered. In 1503, a truce agreement was signed for 6 years. Ivan III Vasilyevich rejected the proposal for the eternal world until Smolensk and Kiev are returned.

    As a result, war 1501-1503. The Great Sovereign of Moscow forced the Livonian Order to pay tribute (for the city of Yuriev).

    Ivan III Vasilyevich during his reign has taken several attempts to subjugate the Kazan kingdom. In 1470, Moscow and Kazan concluded the world, and in 1487 Ivan III took Kazan and built the Khan Makhmet-Amen to the throne, which was 17 years faithful novice of the Moscow Prince.

    Reforms Ivan III

    With Ivan III, the title of "Grand Duke All Russia" began, and in some documents he calls himself king.

    For internal order in the country, Ivan III in 1497 developed a civil law (judicial law). The main judge was the Grand Duke, higher Institution Fixed boyars. There have been an ordinary and local management system.

    The adoption of the lawsuit Ivan III has become a prerequisite for establishing serfdom in Russia. The law limited the yield of the peasants and gave them the right to transition from one owner to another once a year (Yuriev Day).

    Results of the Board of Ivan III

    At Ivan III, the territory of Russia was significantly expanded, Moscow became the center of the Russian centralized state.

    The Epoch of Ivan III is marked by the final liberation of Russia from the Tatar-Mongolian yoke.

    During the reign of Ivan III, the Uspensky and the Annunciation of Cathedrals, the Granovy Chamber, the Church of the county were built.