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  • The procedure for determining the eligibility of candidates for admission to a university for health reasons. Admission to a military university after school: features and conditions Medical examination at a military school

    The procedure for determining the eligibility of candidates for admission to a university for health reasons.  Admission to a military university after school: features and conditions Medical examination at a military school

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    N p / pNames of units of the services of the Armed Forces of the USSR, combat arms, military specialtiesCompleted by persons with a degree of restriction not lower than
    1. Parts for special purposes1
    2. Special-purpose units, operational and police units of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs2
    3. Border troops2
    4. Airborne, airborne assault units, marines2
    5. Submarines, surface ships3
    6. Drivers and crew members of tanks, self-propelled artillery installations, engineering vehicles based on tanks and tractors3
    7. Drivers and crew members of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and missile unit launchers4
    8. Other units of the internal troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, local rifle, guard units4
    9. Chemical parts4
    10. Missile, anti-aircraft missile units, ground units of the Air Force4
    11. Communication parts, radio engineering parts4
    12. The rest of the Armed Forces of the USSR5
    13. Military construction units (detachments), railway units5

    Not lower than 150 cm (surface ships, submarines of the Navy, universities);

    Not lower than 155 cm (training units, border troops);

    Not lower than 160 cm (groups of troops);

    Not lower than 170 cm (airborne units, marine units);

    Not higher than 175 cm (crew members of tanks and engineering vehicles based on tanks and tractors);

    150 - 180 cm (drivers and crew members of combat vehicles, infantry and missile launchers);

    180 - 185 cm (parts for special purposes).

    5. Persons with a degree of restriction of at least 4 are sent to recruit groups of forces and to serve in high mountain areas.

    6. For the crews of engineering vehicles based on tanks and tractors, the degree of restriction is set to 3.

    7. When determining the degree of restriction due to the state of health and physical development of persons called up for active military service, military personnel and entering military educational institutions, doctors are guided by tables.

    List of diseases, restrictions, article Schedule of diseasesDegree of restriction
    History of mental disorders in acute and chronic infections with full recovery of normal mental activity and the absence of phenomena of organic damage to the central nervous system5
    A history of a deferment from being drafted into active military service for treatment under BT. 6-in5
    Article 8-c5 B
    A history of a deferral from being drafted into active military service for treatment under articles 11-d, 12-d, 14-d, 15-d4
    Brain trauma in the last 3 years, confirmed by a medical (treatment-and-prophylactic) institution4-A, B
    Articles 11-d, 12-d, 14-d, 15-d4-B, C
    Condition after a meningococcal infection with an outcome in complete recovery and persistence of remission within 12 months4
    Articles 16-b, 24-c, 26-d, 28-b5
    Article 22d5-B
    Chronic gastroduodenitis5
    Conditions after acute inflammatory diseases of the cardiovascular system (myocarditis, vasculitis, etc.) with an outcome in complete recovery and persistence of remission within 12 months4-B, C
    Condition after acute inflammatory kidney disease with outcome in complete recovery and persistence of remission within 12 months4-B
    Conditions after acute infectious, infectious-allergic diseases of the musculoskeletal system with an outcome in complete recovery and persistence of remission within 6 months4-B
    Conditions after viral hepatitis, typhoid paratyphoid diseases with an outcome in complete recovery and persistence of remission within 12 months4-Z
    A history of a postponement from being drafted into active military service for treatment under Art. 33-g, 34-g, 39-g5-3
    Article 47-c4
    Article 62-b4-D
    Articles 36-d, 38-d, 40-d, 43-c, 44-d4-B
    Articles 50-d, 56-d4-B
    Flat feet II degree without symptoms of osteoarthritis in the talonar joint4
    Defects of fingers or toes not covered by the explanation of Art. 42 (point "c") and 43 (point "b")4
    Articles 55-c, 60-c4
    Osgood-Schlatter disease without dysfunction3
    Article 75-b5
    A history of a postponement from being drafted into active military service for treatment under Art. 765
    Articles 64-c, 65, 66, 71-b5-B
    Article 67-c5-B, C
    Section 734
    Article 77-c5
    Articles 78-b, 79-c4
    Six or more missing teeth in both jaws4
    Removable dentures4
    Bite anomalies II degree4
    Article 79d3
    Article 79-a, grade I occlusion anomalies2
    FOR Oculist
    Visual acuity, not lowerDegree of restriction
    without correctionwith correction
    0,7 / 0,7 1
    0,6 / 0,6 2
    0,5 / 0,4 3
    0,5 / 0,1 4

    For the first time, every young person in Russia is faced with the need to go through a military medical commission (abbreviated VVK) at the primary in the commissariat (at the age of 16-17). Repeated and subsequent examinations take place upon reaching the draft age and before direct dispatch to the place of military service.

    In addition, all young people (and girls) who go to military service on the basis of a signed contract pass through the IHC. The law also provides for the possibility of medical re-examination for the purpose of adjusting or confirming the category of suitability of persons in reserve. Finally, the passage of the military medical commission is required upon admission to military educational institutions and to work in the police (Ministry of Internal Affairs), the Ministry of Emergency Situations or the FSB.

    What is the military medical commission

    VVK is a special body of the military medical service, designed to determine the fitness of citizens for military service on the basis of a medical examination and on the basis of a list of diseases specified in an official document.

    Which doctors pass:

    • psychiatrist;
    • surgeon;
    • neurologist;
    • ophthalmologist;
    • dentist;
    • therapist;
    • dermatovenerologist.

    The decision on assigning one of the five categories of suitability to a citizen is taken collectively by the commission on the basis of the conclusions made by all specialists during the examination. Formally - the chairman and secretary of the commission. In cases where they cannot make a conclusion on their own, as a rule, new examinations are appointed.

    Do you want to be exempt from the army?

    Get advice from a military lawyer on your situation with the military registration and enlistment office. You will learn how to get a military ID step by step and not serve in the army.

    * we guarantee the confidentiality of your data

    Where are the IHCs

    Young people who have reached the age of 17 and conscripts undergo a military medical commission in the district and city military commissariats at the place of registration. During the autumn or spring conscription for military service, non-arrival for a medical examination can be interpreted as from the performance of civil duties and entails both administrative and criminal punishment.

    In order not to fall under the label of deviators, one must not forget

    How is the military medical commission

    Young people of conscription age (from 18 to 27 years old inclusive) are invited to undergo a medical examination on summons sent by military enlistment offices. The examination includes examination of citizens by specialists - members of the commission, as well as diagnostic studies:

    • general urine analysis;
    • blood tests;
    • fluorography;
    • cardiogram.

    How long does it take to complete a military medical commission, directly depends on the state of human health. As a rule, you can go through it without problems in 1 day. In some cases, the examination of citizens takes 2-3 weeks or more (if outpatient or inpatient diagnostics in medical institutions is required).

    1. Healthy, fit for military service without restrictions (A).
    2. Suitable for military service with an insignificant restriction (B).
    3. Limited suitability (B).
    4. Temporarily unfit (D), a control medical examination is carried out after 6 or 12 months.
    5. Not suitable (D).
    The only true reason not to do military service in the Armed Forces is incompatible with service. In other cases, there is a possibility of getting a fine or a term for evading the army.

    In rare cases, a decision may be made on the suitability of a conscript for military service, without being invited to the military registration and enlistment office. The opportunity to pass the IHC in absentia is provided only for persons who have received an exemption from conscription due to poor health.

    The procedure for admission to military school very difficult. Before going to the place of study, you need to look at the military registration and enlistment office with your parents. Why with your parents, if in the depths of your soul you already feel like an adult real military? The fact is that in the history of the educational institution there could be periods when almost completely kids were admitted there - this has been the case since then. And the leadership does not consider it necessary to abandon the idea of ​​coordinating with your parents not only the question of your admission to a military school, but also the question of your further compulsory education at a military university! And all this is not just in a conversation, but in a special report that parents must write. The position “now you will go to the Suvorovites, and then we’ll see” is unacceptable.

    At least in the year preceding admission, and even better - even earlier, try to study well and not spoil relations with either the class teacher or the headmaster, since you will be asked for a report card with grades for Last year school studies and a description from the school with signatures and official seal. At the same time, you need to indicate what language you learned at school, and do you know why? French, which is quite common in Russian schools, can become an obstacle to admission! For example, in secondary educational institutions of the naval profile, only those who studied English are taken, and in the military music school - those who studied English or German at school.

    When deciding to enter a military school, the most fundamental issue is health. You need to go through a detailed medical examination. The most unusual examinations may be required - from radiography of the paranasal sinuses with a description and pictures to one hundred percent sanitation of the oral cavity with the subsequent issuance of a certificate of this. Full list look at the required documents on two sites - the military educational institution you want to enroll in, and the military educational institution closest to you (it is possible that the military command will reconsider your choice, guided by the geographical principle). It happens that everything is mixed in this list - medical certificates, anthropometric data of the candidate (from height to the size of shoes and headgear), photos with a place for a seal in the lower right corner, a certificate from the place of residence of the parents indicating the composition of the family and living conditions, documents on possible benefits and much more. In general, there are enough benefits here - and at the same time, even more documents are required from orphans (they are taken without exams) - almost a court decision on the establishment of guardianship. Mothers of the children of the dead military (such children have the preferential right of enrollment) should also devote a lot of time to preparing the necessary papers.

    Based on the mass of documents submitted, the selection committee will decide whether to admit you to the entrance examinations. And if a negative decision in this case is still subject to appeal, then the results of the tests themselves are no longer.

    Secondary military competition educational institution can be 4 people per seat.

    Timing of the admission campaign

    Until June 20, the nominal lists of candidates admitted to the entrance tests are submitted by the admissions committee of the school to the central admissions committee.

    Until July 1, the central admissions committee forms nominal lists taking into account your place of residence (but regardless of which school you have chosen yourself) and in time sends them to the admissions commissions of schools for holding competitive entrance examinations(including with the use of visiting commissions).

    Until August 5, the competitive lists of candidates are sent to the central selection committee, which compiles a single set of lists, approved by the Minister of Defense. Lists of enrolled candidates are posted on the Internet on the website of the Ministry of Defense. However, with the withdrawal of military schools from under the wing of the Ministry of Defense and their reassignment to the respective branches of the armed forces, such a decision is likely to be made by the respective commanders.

    #military #health #education

    How is the medical examination carried out? Before the start of a medical examination, citizens, on the basis of requests from military commissariats, receive from organizations certificates and other documents characterizing their state of health, including about their state registered (observed) for mental disorders, drug addiction.

    Moreover, in accordance with the legislation Russian Federation, officials Those who work with these documents are not entitled to disclose information constituting a medical secret. Medical examination of candidates is carried out in two stages:. preliminary medical examination is carried out by medical specialists of military medical commissions of military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    The final medical examination is carried out by medical specialists of military medical commissions of higher military educational institutions.

    Before the start of a medical examination, citizens undergo compulsory diagnostic tests:

    Fluorography (X-ray) of the lungs in 2 projections (if it was not carried out or if there is no information about this study in the medical documents within the last 6 months) with a mandatory presentation during the examination of fluorograms (X-rays); ... X-ray of the paranasal sinuses;

    General (clinical) blood test;

    General urine analysis;

    Electrocardiography at rest and with exercise;

    Research on narcotic drugs; ... blood test for antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus, markers of hepatitis "B" and "C", serological reactions to syphilis.

    In addition, if necessary, on the direction of the military medical commission, a medical examination can be carried out in a medical organization at the place of residence. Based on the results of a medical examination, specialist doctors issue conclusions on the category of fitness for military service and fitness for admission to a specific higher military educational institution for a specific profile of training, which is recorded in the corresponding medical examination card.

    In which medical institutions is a medical examination carried out?

    Medical examination of candidates entering higher military educational institutions is carried out at the preliminary stage in the military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and at the final stage in higher military educational institutions, and citizens from among the military personnel doing military service in military medical organizations.

    Candidates are sent to medical organizations of the state and municipal health systems only for mandatory diagnostic tests and, according to indications, for medical examination.

    What are the requirements for the psychological qualities of candidates?

    A citizen entering military service must:... be disciplined and responsible, able to work in a team, effectively interact with comrades, respectfully treat elders and commanders, build their behavior in daily activities and extreme situations on the basis of mutual assistance and mutual assistance; ... have reasonable activity and initiative; ... have emotional stability in situations associated with a threat to life, endurance to physical and mental overload (neuropsychic stability); ... have stable motives for voluntary admission to military service (high military-professional orientation).

    Can a military commissariat (municipal department of a military commissariat, commander of a formation, unit) refuse to issue a personal file of a candidate for admission to a higher military educational institution?

    Only in case of non-compliance with certain requirements for candidates for admission (including the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation, education level, age, health status, professional suitability). Refusal to consider citizens as candidates due to the lack of assignments determined by the preliminary selection plan of candidates from among citizens who have passed and did not pass military service to complete the first courses of universities of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, as well as refusal to consider military personnel as candidates due to the lack of assignments determined by the plan for the preliminary selection of candidates from among the military personnel for completing the first courses of universities of the Ministry of Defense of Russia is not allowed.