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  • Pirogov nikolay ivanovich short biography for children. Nikolay I. Pirogov. War in Crimea

    Pirogov nikolay ivanovich short biography for children.  Nikolay I. Pirogov.  War in Crimea

    Nikolay Pirogov - a surgeon from God

    The name of the Russian surgeon and anatomist Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov is known not only to doctors, but also to all cultured people. Pirogov in the history of surgery took the same place as Mendeleev in the history of chemistry, Pavlov in the history of physiology, Lobachevsky in the history of mathematics.

    Nikolai Pirogov was born in 1810 in Moscow into a poor family of a treasury official. He studied at the private boarding school of Kryazhev. The boy loved very much when a doctor came to visit them, uncle Efrem - a famous Moscow doctor, professor of Moscow University, surgeon, anatomist and forensic physician Efrem Mukhin. Mukhin treated the Pirogov family and paid special attention, of course, to little Kolya. After the beloved doctor left, the boy threw a white towel over his shoulders, took a tube in his hands and, posing as a doctor, began to treat his family. So, as a child, Pirogov chose his profession. Imperceptibly, children's amusements grew into a real hobby for medicine.

    In 1824, Nikolai, under the influence of Doctor Mukhin, decided to enter the medical faculty Moscow University. But the young man was only 14 years old, and he was accepted there from sixteen! He had to attribute two years to himself. Nikolai Pirogov successfully entered the medical faculty of Moscow University. The student years of the young man passed in conditions unfavorable enough for the development of surgery. Demands were publicly heard to stop "the vile and disgusting use of a person, created in the image and likeness of the creator, for anatomical preparations." In Kazan, it came to the burial of the entire anatomical study: the coffins were specially ordered, all the preparations were placed in them, and after the requiem with a procession, the coffin was taken to the cemetery. This happened in Russia in the 19th century, although at the beginning of the 18th century, Tsar Peter himself was engaged in anatomy and bought anatomical preparations abroad, which have been partially preserved to the present day. The teaching of anatomy at universities was not carried out on corpses, but, in particular, on scarves, twitching at the edges of which depicted muscle functions.

    In 1828 Pirogov graduated with honors from the university and defended his Ph.D. thesis. Among his teachers were the anatomist Kh. I. Loder, clinicians M. Ya. Mudrov, EO Mukhin. As the best graduate, Pirogov was sent to the University of Derpt (now Tartu) to prepare for professorship.

    Nikolay wanted to specialize in physiology, but due to the lack of this profile special training chose surgery. In 1829 he received gold medal Dorpat University for performing a competitive research in the surgical clinic of Professor Moyer. At 22, Pirogov defended his doctoral dissertation. In 1833-1835, to complete the preparation for professorship, he improved in anatomy and surgery in Germany, at the Langenbeck clinic. Upon returning to Russia, he worked in Dorpat, from 1836 he became a professor of theoretical and practical surgery at the University of Dorpat.

    In 1841, Pirogov created a hospital surgical clinic of the St. Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy and headed it until 1856, at the same time being the chief physician of the surgical department of the 2nd military land hospital, and since 1846 - the director of the Institute of Practical Anatomy created at the Medical-Surgical Academy ... When he was 36 years old, Nikolai Ivanovich became an academician of the Medico-Surgical Academy.

    In 1856, due to illness and domestic circumstances, Pirogov left his service at the academy and accepted an offer to take the position of trustee of the Odessa educational district; from this time began a ten-year period of his activity in the field of education. Since 1862, Nikolai Ivanovich has been leading young Russian scientists who were preparing for teaching in Germany.

    Since 1866, Pirogov lived on his estate in the village of Vishnya near Vinnitsa. But as a military medicine consultant, he traveled to theaters of military operations during the Franco-Prussian (1870-1871) and Russian-Turkish (1877-1878) wars.

    Scientific, practical and social activities of N.I. Pirogov brought him world medical fame, undeniable leadership in domestic surgery and nominated him among the largest representatives of European medicine in the middle of the 19th century. Nikolai Ivanovich worked in various fields of medicine. He made a significant contribution to each of them, which has not lost its significance to this day. Despite being almost two centuries old, Pirogov's works continue to amaze the reader with their originality and depth of thought.

    Pirogov's classic works - "Surgical anatomy of arterial trunks and fascia" (1837), "Complete course of applied anatomy of the human body" with drawings - descriptive-physiological and surgical anatomy (1843-1848) and "Illustrated topographic anatomy of cuts made in three directions through frozen human body "(1852-1859). Each of these works was awarded the Demidov Prize of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and was the foundation of topographic anatomy and operative surgery.

    Nikolai Pirogov was the first among Russian scientists to come up with the idea of ​​plastic surgery and was the first in the world to put forward the idea of ​​bone grafting. His method of connecting the supporting stump for amputation of the lower leg due to the calcaneus is known as "Pirogov's operation", he served as an impetus for the development of other osteoplastic operations. The extra-abdominal access to the external iliac artery (1833) and the lower third of the ureter, proposed by Pirogov, was also widely used in practice and was named after him.

    Nikolai Ivanovich played an exceptional role in the development of the problem of anesthesia. Anesthesia was proposed in 1846, and the very next year Pirogov conducted an extensive experimental and clinical test of the analgesic properties of ether vapors. He studied their effect in experiments on animals with various methods of administration and on volunteers, including himself.

    On February 14, 1847, one of the first in Russia, the surgeon performed an operation under ether anesthesia, which lasted only 2.5 minutes; in the same month, for the first time in the world, he operated under rectal ether anesthesia, for which a special apparatus was designed. Pirogov believed that the possibility of using ether anesthesia on the battlefield was undeniably proven.

    Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov made a significant contribution to the history of asepsis and antiseptics, which, along with anesthesia, led to the success of surgery in the last quarter of the 19th century. The surgeon carried out anti-putrefactive treatment of wounds using iodine tincture, silver nitrate solution, constantly emphasized the importance of hygienic measures for the treatment of the sick and wounded. Pirogov also tirelessly promoted the preventive direction in medicine.

    The reputation of Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov as a practical surgeon was brilliant. Even in Dorpat, the operations of the young doctor were striking with the boldness of the plan and the skill of execution. At that time, anesthesia was not carried out, so they tried to do the operations as quickly as possible. For example, Pirogov performed the removal of a stone from the bladder or breast in 1.5–3 minutes. During Crimean War On March 4, 1855, in the main dressing station of Sevastopol, in less than 2 hours, he made 10 amputations. The authority that Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov had among the international medical community is evidenced, in particular, by his invitation for an advisory examination to the German Chancellor Otto Bismarck (1859) and the national hero of Italy Giuseppe Garibaldi (1862). The best European surgeons could not determine the location of the bullet in the body of Garibaldi, who was wounded at Aspromonte. Pirogov not only removed the bullet, but also cured the famous Italian.

    Military medicine owes a lot to Pirogov: he created the scientific foundations of domestic military field surgery and a completely new section of military medicine - the organization and tactics of medical service. In 1854-1855, during the Crimean War, Nikolai Ivanovich traveled to the places of hostilities and took part in organizing medical support for the troops and in treating the wounded. He initiated the involvement of women in caring for the wounded at the front: this is how the sisters of mercy appeared. To get acquainted with the work of dressing points, infirmaries and hospitals in the conditions of hostilities, he later went to Germany (1870) during the Franco-Prussian war and Bulgaria (1877) - during the Russian-Turkish war. Later, Pirogov summarized the results of his observations in his works.

    Nikolai Ivanovich did not consider combat damage as a simple mechanical violation of the integrity of tissues, he gave great importance in the occurrence and course of combat damage, general fatigue and nervous tension, lack of sleep and malnutrition, cold, hunger and other inevitable unfavorable factors of the combat situation, contributing to the development of wound complications and the emergence of a number of diseases in soldiers of the active army. He talked about two ways of developing surgery (especially military field): expectant-saving and active-prophylactic. With the discovery and introduction of antiseptics and asepsis into surgical practice, surgery began to develop.

    Pirogov is the founder of the triage doctrine. He argued that triage of the wounded according to the urgency of the provision, the volume of surgical care and indications for evacuation is the main means of preventing "confusion and confusion" in medical institutions. For this, he considered it necessary to have in medical institutions designed to receive the wounded and sick and provide them with qualified assistance, sorting and dressing units, as well as a unit for lightly wounded, and on the evacuation routes - sorting hospitals.

    Pirogov's works devoted to the problems of immobilization and shock were of great importance not only for military field surgery, but also for clinical medicine in general. In 1847, in the Caucasian theater of military operations, for the first time in military field practice, he used an immobile starch bandage for complex fractures of the limbs. During the Crimean War, he also applied a plaster cast for the first time (1845) in the field. Nikolai Pirogov described in detail the pathogenesis, outlined methods of prevention and treatment of shock; the clinical picture of shock described by him is classic and continues to be mentioned in textbooks on surgery. He also described a concussion, gas edema of tissues, identified "wound consumption" as a special form of pathology, now known as wound exhaustion.

    An important merit of Pirogov in the medical education is the opening of hospital clinics for 5th year students. He was the first to substantiate the need to create such clinics and formulate the tasks facing them. In 1841, a medical-surgical clinic began operating at the St. Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy, and in 1842 - the first hospital therapeutic clinic. In 1846, hospital clinics were opened in Moscow, Kazan, Kiev and Dorpat universities with the simultaneous introduction of the 5th year of study for students of medical faculties. Thus, a reform of higher medical education was carried out, contributing to the improvement of the training of doctors.

    Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov sought to spread knowledge among the people, was a supporter of competitions that provide a place for more capable and knowledgeable applicants. He defended equal rights to education for all nationalities, large and small, and all classes, strove for the implementation of universal primary education and was the organizer of Sunday schools in Kiev. In assessing the merits of the head of the department, he gave preference to scientific rather than pedagogical abilities and was deeply convinced that science was driven by method.

    The outstanding surgeon died in 1881. After his death, in memory of Pirogov, the Society of Russian Doctors was founded, which regularly convened the Pirogov Congresses. In 1897, a monument was erected to Nikolai Pirogov in front of the surgical clinic on Tsaritsinskaya Street in Moscow. In the village of Pirogovo (formerly Vishnya), where the crypt with the embalmed body of the surgeon has been preserved, a memorial estate museum has been opened. More than three thousand books and articles are devoted to Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov. His works on general and military medicine, upbringing and education continue to attract the attention of scientists, doctors and teachers.


    Anatomy became a practical school for Pirogov, which laid the foundations for his further successful surgical activity. His works were the foundation of topographic anatomy and operative surgery.

    Pirogov is rightly called "the father of Russian surgery" - his activities led to the emergence of Russian surgery at the forefront of world medical science. His works on the problems of anesthesia, immobilization, bone grafting, shock, wounds and wound complications, on the organization of military field surgery and military medical service in general are fundamental. His scientific school is not limited to his immediate students: in fact, all the advanced surgeons of the 2nd half of the 19th century developed anatomical and physiological direction based on the provisions and methods developed by Pirogov.

    His initiative to involve women in caring for the wounded, that is, in the organization of the institute of nurses, played an important role in attracting women to medicine and contributed to the creation of the international Red Cross.

    Pirogov first

    - came up with the idea of ​​plastic surgery,

    - applied anesthesia in military field surgery,

    - applied a plaster cast in the field,

    - suggested the existence of pathogens that cause suppuration of wounds.

    What they said about him:

    “Pirogov created a school. His school is all Russian surgery ... it was built by a mass of surgeons - academic, university, zemstvo, city, was built by male surgeons, now it is being built by female surgeons - and all these surgeons are grouped around the figure of the genius Pirogov "(V. A. Oppel).

    "If only his pedagogical works were left of Pirogov, he would have remained forever in the history of science even then."(N. A. Dobrolyubov).

    “... In the gloom of the deep darkness of ignorance, in the gloom of the Russian night, the genius of Pirogov shone like a bright star in the Russian sky, and the radiance of this star, the radiant brilliance was visible outside Russia ... Even during Nikolai Ivanovich's lifetime, the learned European world recognized him, and recognized him not only as great scientist, but in certain areas his teacher, his leader "(V.I. Razumovsky).

    What did he say:

    “I believe in hygiene. This is where the true progress of our science lies. The future belongs to preventive medicine. This science, going hand in hand with healing, will bring undoubted benefits to mankind. "

    "Where the spirit of science prevails, there is great creation and by small means."

    "Every school is glorious not in number, but in the glory of its students."

    "War is a traumatic epidemic."

    "It is not medicine, but the administration that plays a role in helping the wounded and sick in the theater of war."

    "The rod corrects only the weak-minded, who would be corrected by other means, less dangerous."

    This text is an introductory fragment. From the book of 100 great mysteries of Russian history the author Nepomniachtchi Nikolai Nikolaevich

    Pirogov was starving to death After walking several dozen steps down the steep stairs, you find yourself in a cool and semi-dark room. Lamps snatch from the twilight a sealed sarcophagus made of glass, made at one of the military factories in Moscow, and in it -

    From the book In the Shadow of Victories. German surgeon on the Eastern Front. 1941-1943 by Killian Hans

    Surgeon-patient Ten degrees below zero. Continuously falling snow. Our northern group crossed the Volkhov River in two places and erected bridgeheads. In the south, our people were to occupy the lake plateau and the Valdai Upland. Reached the shore of a huge lake

    the author Sukhomlinov Kirill

    Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov 1810-1881 In the sarcophagus of an Orthodox church located near Vinnitsa, the brilliant surgeon, scientist and educator Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov has been buried for more than 130 years. The life that he generously gave to everyone - from a beggar peasant to a courtier,

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    The Surgeon and the System In 1956, the Greyhound dog with a second heart transplanted Demikhov within almost two months of its life after the operation became a world celebrity - numerous guests from different countries come to Moscow only to see her. And in 1958

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    Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov Professor, surgeon. After the Inkerman battle, the deplorable state of the treatment and care of the wounded and sick became clear. In view of the urgent need to urgently improve this matter, a well-known

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    Professor Pirogov The capture of Salt was Vorontsov's first victory over Shamil. But the viceroy's triumph was overshadowed by the fact that neither one nor the other took direct part in the battle. As well as huge material losses (more than 12 thousand artillery

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    Hero Soviet Union Guard Captain Pirogov V.V. "Free Hunt" Bombardor - Low Torpedo In December 1943, the German command, taking advantage of the length of darkness in the north, conducted transports in the Honningsvag - Kirkines section.

    From the book All had one destiny the author Skokov Alexander Georgievich

    SURGEON If tomorrow is war A child lives in anticipation of happiness, one Russian writer, wise by a long life, remarked, and the main thing in this happiness is, of course, the forthcoming choice of life path. In childhood, adolescence, everything is possible, you just need to be able to predict, feel with your soul

    From the book One Hundred Stories about Crimea the author Elena Georgievna Krishtof

    Pirogov and sisters She walked next to a tall wagon loaded with wounded. Quite recently, the dead were brought to the Grafskaya wharf in the same wagons, and then a non-commissioned officer, nicknamed Charon, transported them to the North side - to bury ... Now between the South and North sides

    Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov(November 13; Moscow - November 23 [December 5], Vishnya village (now within the boundaries of Vinnitsa), (Podolsk province) - Russian surgeon and anatomist, naturalist and teacher, creator of the first atlas of topographic anatomy, founder of Russian military field surgery, founder of the Russian school of anesthesia, Privy Counselor.

    Collegiate YouTube

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      Nikolai Ivanovich was born in 1810 in the family of the military treasurer, Major Ivan Ivanovich Pirogov (1772-1826), in Moscow, the 13th child in the family (in accordance with three different documents stored at the University of Derpt, N.I. Pirogov was born into two years earlier - November 13, 1808). Mother Elizaveta Ivanovna Novikova belonged to an old Moscow merchant family. He received his primary education at home, 1822-1824. studied in a private boarding school, which had to leave because of the deteriorating financial situation of his father. In 1824 he entered the medical faculty of Moscow University as a self-employed student (in a petition he indicated that he was 16 years old; despite the need for a family, Pirogov's mother refused to send him to state students, “it was considered as if something humiliating”). He listened to lectures by Kh. I. Loder, M. Ya. Mudrov, EO Mukhin, which had a significant impact on the formation of Pirogov's scientific views.

      In 1828 he graduated from the course with a medical degree and was enrolled in the pupils, opened at the University of Dorpat for the preparation of future professors of Russian universities. Pirogov studied under the guidance of Professor I.F. In 1833, after defending his thesis for a doctorate in medicine, he was sent to study at the University of Berlin together with a group of 11 of his comrades from the Professorial Institute (including F.I. Inozemtsev, D.L. Kryukov, M.S. Kutorga, V. S. Pecherin, A. M. Filomafitsky, A. I. Chivilev).

      After returning to Russia (1836) at the age of twenty-six, he was appointed professor of theoretical and practical surgery at the University of Dorpat. In 1841 Pirogov was invited to St. Petersburg, where he headed the department of surgery at the Medical-Surgical Academy. At the same time, Pirogov was in charge of the Hospital Surgery Clinic he organized. Since Pirogov's duties included training military surgeons, he began to study the surgical methods widespread at that time. Many of them were radically revised by him; in addition, Pirogov developed a number of completely new techniques, thanks to which he was able to avoid limb amputation more often than other surgeons. One of these techniques is still called "Operation Pirogov"

      In search of an effective teaching method, Pirogov decided to apply anatomical research on frozen corpses. Pirogov himself called it "ice anatomy". Thus, a new medical discipline was born - topographic anatomy. After several years of this study of anatomy, Pirogov published the first anatomical atlas entitled "Topographic Anatomy Illustrated by Cuts Through the Frozen Human Body in Three Directions", which became an indispensable guide for surgeons. From that moment on, surgeons were able to operate, causing minimal injuries to the patient. This atlas and the technique proposed by Pirogov became the basis for all subsequent development of operative surgery.

      In 1847, Pirogov went to the active army in the Caucasus, as he wanted to test the operational methods he had developed in the field. In the Caucasus, he first applied dressing with bandages soaked in starch; starch dressing turned out to be more convenient and stronger than previously used splints. At the same time, Pirogov, the first in the history of medicine, began to operate on the wounded with ether anesthesia in the field, having performed about 10 thousand operations under ether anesthesia. In October 1847, he received the rank of full state councilor.

      In 1855, Pirogov was elected an honorary member of Moscow University. In the same year, at the request of St. Petersburg doctor N.F.Zdekauer, N.I. consumption); Noting the satisfactory condition of the patient, Pirogov said: "You will both outlive us" - this predestination not only instilled in the future great scientist confidence in fate's favor to him, but also came true.

      Crimean War

      Operating on the wounded, Pirogov, for the first time in the history of Russian medicine, used a plaster cast, giving rise to the saving tactics of treating wounds of the limbs and saving many soldiers and officers from amputation. During the siege of Sevastopol, Pirogov supervised the training and work of the sisters of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross community of sisters of mercy. This was also an innovation for those times.

      The most important merit of Pirogov is the introduction in Sevastopol of a completely new method of caring for the wounded. The method consists in the fact that the wounded were subject to careful selection already at the first dressing station; depending on the severity of the wounds, some of them were subject to immediate operation in the field, while others, with lighter wounds, were evacuated inland for treatment in stationary military hospitals. Therefore, Pirogov is justly considered the founder of a special direction in surgery, known as military field surgery.

      For his merits in helping the wounded and sick, Pirogov was awarded the Order of St. Stanislav, 1st degree.

      After the Crimean War

      Despite the heroic defense, Sevastopol was taken by the besiegers, and the Crimean War was lost by Russia. Returning to St. Petersburg, at a reception with Alexander II, Pirogov told the emperor about the problems in the troops, as well as about the general backwardness of the Russian army and its weapons. The emperor did not want to listen to Pirogov.

      After this meeting, the subject of Pirogov's activity changed - he was sent to Odessa to the post of trustee of the Odessa educational district. Such a decision of the emperor can be considered as a manifestation of his disfavor, but at the same time Pirogov had previously been assigned a life pension of 1,849 rubles and 32 kopecks a year; On January 1, 1858, Pirogov was promoted to the rank of privy councilor, and then transferred to the post of trustee of the Kiev educational district, and in 1860 he was awarded the Order of St. Anna, 1st degree.

      Pirogov tried to reform the existing education system, but his actions led to a conflict with the authorities, and the scientist had to leave the post of trustee of the Kiev educational district. Pirogov remained in the position of a member of the Main Board of Schools, and after the liquidation of this board in 1863, he was a member of the Ministry of Public Education for life.

      Pirogov was sent to supervise Russian professor candidates studying abroad. “For his labors when he was a member of the Main Board of Schools,” Pirogov was given a salary of 5 thousand rubles a year.

      He chose Heidelberg as his residence, where he arrived in May 1862. The candidates were very grateful to him; this, for example, was warmly recalled by the Nobel laureate I. I. Mechnikov. There he not only performed his duties, often traveling to other cities where the candidates studied, but also provided them and their families and friends with any, including medical, assistance, and one of the candidates, the head of the Russian community of Heidelberg, raised funds for Garibaldi's treatment and persuaded Pirogov to examine the wounded Garibaldi. Pirogov refused the money, but he went to Garibaldi and found it unnoticed by others worldwide. renowned doctors bullet and insisted that Garibaldi leave the climate harmful to his wound, as a result of which the Italian government freed Garibaldi from captivity. According to the general opinion, it was N.I. Pirogov who then saved the leg, and, most likely, the life of Garibaldi, convicted by other doctors. In his "Memoirs" Garibaldi recalls: "Outstanding professors Petridge, Nelaton and Pirogov, who showed generous attention to me when I was in a dangerous state, proved that there are no boundaries for good deeds, for true science in the family of mankind ...". After this incident, which caused a furor in St. Petersburg, there was an attempt on the life of Alexander II by nihilists who admired Garibaldi, and, most importantly, Garibaldi's participation in the war of Prussia and Italy against Austria, which caused the displeasure of the Austrian government, and the "red" Pirogov was relieved of his official duties , but at the same time retained the status of an official and the previously assigned pension.

      In the prime of his creative powers, Pirogov retired to his small estate "Cherry" not far from Vinnitsa, where he organized a free hospital. He briefly traveled from there only abroad, and also at the invitation of St. Petersburg University to give lectures. By this time, Pirogov was already a member of several foreign academies. For a relatively long time, Pirogov only left the estate twice: the first time in 1870 during the Franco-Prussian war, being invited to the front on behalf of the International Red Cross, and the second time in 1877-1878 - already at a very old age - worked at the front for several months during the Russian-Turkish war. In 1873 Pirogov was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir, 2nd degree.

      Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878

      The last days

      At the beginning of 1881, Pirogov drew attention to pain and irritation in the mucous membrane of the hard palate, on May 24, 1881, N.V. Sklifosovsky established the presence of cancer of the upper jaw. N.I. Pirogov died at 20 hours 25 minutes. November 23, 1881 in the village. Cherry, now part of Vinnitsa.

      In the late 1920s, the crypt was visited by robbers who damaged the lid of the sarcophagus, stole Pirogov's sword (a gift from Franz Joseph) and a pectoral cross. In 1927, a special commission indicated in its report: "The precious remains of the unforgettable NI Pirogov, thanks to the all-destructive effect of time and complete homelessness, are in danger of undoubted destruction if the existing conditions continue."

      In 1940, an autopsy was carried out on the coffin with the body of N.I. the remains of the body were mummified. The body was not removed from the coffin. The main measures for the preservation and restoration of the body were planned for the summer of 1941, but the Great Patriotic War began and, during the retreat of the Soviet troops, the sarcophagus with Pirogov's body was hidden in the ground, while damaged, which led to damage to the body, which was subsequently restored and repeatedly rebalanced. ... EI Smirnov played an important role in this.

      Officially, Pirogov's tomb is called a "necropolis church", the body is located slightly below ground level in the crypt - the basement of an Orthodox church, in a glazed sarcophagus, which can be accessed by those wishing to pay tribute to the memory of the great scientist.


      The main significance of NI Pirogov's activity is that, with his selfless and often disinterested work, he turned surgery into a science, equipping doctors with a scientifically grounded method of surgical intervention. For his contribution to the development of military field surgery, he can be placed next to Larrey.

      A rich collection of documents related to the life and work of N.I. Pirogov, his personal belongings, medical instruments, lifetime editions of his works are kept in the funds of the Military Medical Museum in St. Petersburg. Of particular interest is the scientist's two-volume manuscript “Questions of Life. Diary of an old doctor ”and a suicide note left by him with an indication of the diagnosis of his illness.

      Contribution to the development of domestic pedagogy

      In the classic article "Questions of Life" Pirogov considered the fundamental problems of education. He showed the absurdity of class upbringing, the discord between school and life, put forward as the main goal of upbringing the formation of a highly moral personality, ready to renounce selfish aspirations for the good of society. Pirogov believed that for this it was necessary to rebuild the entire education system on the basis of the principles of humanism and democracy. The educational system that ensures personal development should be based on scientific basis, from primary to high school, and ensure the continuity of all education systems.

      Pedagogical views: Pirogov considered the main idea of ​​universal upbringing, the upbringing of a citizen useful to the country; noted the need for public preparation for the life of a highly moral person with a broad moral outlook: “ Being human is what parenting should lead to."; education and training should be in the native language. " Contempt for native language dishonors national sentiment". He pointed out that the basis of the subsequent vocational education should be broad general education; proposed to attract prominent scientists to teaching in higher education, recommended to strengthen conversations between professors and students; fought for general secular education; called for respect for the personality of the child; fought for the autonomy of higher education.

      Criticism of the estate professional education: Pirogov opposed the estate school and early utilitarian-professional training, against the early premature specialization of children; believed that it inhibits the moral education of children, narrows their horizons; condemned arbitrariness, barracks regime in educational institutions, thoughtless attitude towards children.

      Didactic ideas: teachers should discard old dogmatic ways of teaching and apply new methods; it is necessary to awaken the thought of students, to instill the skills of independent work; the teacher must draw the attention and interest of the student to the reported material; transfer from class to class should be carried out according to the results of the annual academic performance; there is an element of randomness and formalism in translation exams.

      The system of public education according to N.I.Pirogov:

      A family

      First wife (from December 11, 1842) - Ekaterina Dmitrievna Berezina(1822-46), a representative of an ancient noble family, the granddaughter of a general from infantry Count N.A.Tatishchev. She died at the age of 24 from complications after childbirth. Sons - Nikolai (1843-1891) - physicist, Vladimir (1846-after 11/13/1910) - historian and archaeologist

      Second wife (from June 7, 1850) - Baroness Alexandra von Bystrom(1824-1902), daughter of Lieutenant General A. A. Bistrom, great-niece of the navigator I. F. Kruzenshtern. The wedding was played in the Goncharovsky estate of the Linen Factory, and the sacrament of the wedding was performed on June 7/20, 1850 in the local Transfiguration Church. For a long time, Pirogov was credited with the authorship of the article "The Ideal of a Woman", which is a selection from the correspondence of NI Pirogov with his second wife. In 1884, thanks to the labors of Alexandra Antonovna, a surgical hospital was opened in Kiev.

      NI Pirogov's descendants currently live in Greece, France, the United States and St. Petersburg.


      The image of Pirogov in art

      N.I.Pirogov - the main thing actor in several works of fiction.

      • A. I. Kuprin's story "The Wonderful Doctor" (1897).
      • The stories of Yu. P. German "Bucephalus", "Drops of Inozemtsev" (published in 1941 under the title "Stories about Pirogov") and "Beginning" (1968).
      • Roman B. Yu. Zolotarev and Yu. P. Tyurin "The Privy Counselor" (1986).


      • A complete course in Applied Human Body Anatomy. - SPb., 1843-1845.
      • Anatomical images of the external appearance and position of organs, which are contained in the three main cavities of the human body. - SPb., 1846. (2nd ed. - 1850)
      • Report on the journey in the Caucasus 1847-1849 - St. Petersburg, 1849. (Moscow: State publishing house of medical literature, 1952)
      • Pathological anatomy of Asian cholera. - SPb., 1849.
      • Topographic anatomy by cuts through frozen corpses. TT. 1-4. - SPb., 1851-1854.
      • - SPb., 1854
      • The beginnings of general military field surgery, taken from observations of military hospital practice and memories of the Crimean War and the Caucasian expedition. Ch. 1-2. - Dresden, 1865-1866. (M., 1941.)
      • University question. - SPb., 1863.
      • Grundzüge der allgemeinen Kriegschirurgie: nach Reminiscenzen aus den Kriegen in der Krim und im Kaukasus und aus der Hospitalpraxis (Leipzig: Vogel, 1864.- 1168 pp.) (German)
      • Surgical anatomy of the arterial trunks and fascia. Issue 1-2. - SPb., 1881-1882.
      • Compositions. T. 1-2. - SPb., 1887. (3rd ed., Kiev, 1910).
      • Sevastopol letters of N.I.Pirogov 1854-1855 - SPb., 1899.
      • Unpublished pages from the memoirs of N.I.Pirogov. (Political confession of N.I. Pirogov) // About the past: historical collection. - SPb .: Typo-lithograph of B.M. Wolf, 1909.
      • Questions of life. Diary of an old doctor. Published by Pirogovskaya t-va. 1910
      • Works on experimental, operational and military field surgery (1847-1859) T 3. M .; 1964 g.
      • Sevastopol letters and memoirs. - M.: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1950 .-- 652 p. [Contents: Sevastopol letters; memories of the Crimean War; From the diary of the "Old Doctor"; Letters and documents].
      • Selected pedagogical works / Vstup. Art. V.Z.Smirnova. - M.: Publishing house Acad. ped. Sciences of the RSFSR, 1952. - 702 p.
      • Selected pedagogical essays. - M .: Pedagogika, 1985 .-- 496 p.

      Notes (edit)

      1. Kulbin N.I.// Russian biographical dictionary: in 25 volumes. - SPb. - M., 1896-1918.
      2. Pirogovskaya street // Evening courier. - November 22, 1915.
      3. Biographical dictionary of professors and teachers of the Imperial Yuryevsky, the former Dorpat University for a hundred years of its existence (1802-1902) Volume II. - P. 261
      4. , with. 558.
      5. , with. 559.
      6. When choosing candidates for the department of the same name at Moscow University, preference was given to F.I. Inozemtsev.
      7. Pirogov Nikolai Ivanovich on the site "Chronicle of Moscow University".
      8. Chronicle of the life and work of DI Mendeleev. - L .: Science, 1984.
      9. Sevastopol letters of N.I.Pirogov 1854-1855 - SPb., 1907.
      10. Nikolay Marangozov. Nikolay Pirogov V. Duma (Bulgaria), 13 November 2003
      11. Gorelova L.E. The secret of N.I. Pirogov // Russian medical journal. - 2000. - T. 8, No. 8. - S. 349.
      12. Shevchenko Yu. L., Kozovenko M. N. Museum of N.I.Pirogov. - SPb., 2005 .-- P. 24.
      13. Long-term preservation of N.I.Pirogov's embalmed body is a unique scientific experiment // Biomedical and Biosocial Anthropology. - 2013. - V. 20. - P. 258.
      14. Pirogov's last shelter
      15. Rossiyskaya Gazeta - Monument to the Living for Saving the Dead
      16. Location of the Tomb of N.I. Pirogov on the map of Vinnytsia
      17. History of pedagogy and education. From the birth of education in primitive society to the end of the 20th century: Textbook for pedagogical educational institutions / Ed. A. I. Piskunova. - M., 2001.
      18. History of pedagogy and education. From the birth of education in primitive society to the end of the 20th century: Textbook for pedagogical educational institutions / Ed. A.I. Piskunov. - M., 2001.
      19. Kodzhaspirova G.M. History of education and pedagogical thought: tables, diagrams, supporting notes. - M., 2003 .-- S. 125.
      20. He was a professor at the Novorossiysk University in the department of history. In 1910 he temporarily lived in

      Date of Birth:

      Place of Birth:

      Moscow, Russian empire

      Date of death:

      A place of death:

      Vishnya village (now within the boundaries of Vinnytsia), Podolsk province, Russian Empire


      Russian empire


      Prose writer, poet, playwright, translator

      Scientific area:


      Alma mater:

      Moscow University, Dorpat University

      Known as:

      Surgeon, creator of the atlas of human topographic anatomy, military field surgery, founder of anesthesia, outstanding teacher.

      Awards and prizes:

      Crimean War

      After the Crimean War

      Last confession

      The last days


      In Ukraine

      In Belarus

      In Bulgaria

      In Estonia

      In Moldavia

      In philately

      The image of Pirogov in art

      Interesting Facts

      (13 (25) November 1810, Moscow - 23 November (5 December) 1881, Vishnya village (now within the boundaries of Vinnitsa), Podolsk province, Russian Empire) - Russian surgeon and anatomist, naturalist and teacher, creator of the first atlas of topographic anatomy, founder of Russian military field surgery, founder of the Russian school of anesthesia. Corresponding Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.


      Nikolai Ivanovich was born in Moscow in 1810, in the family of a military treasurer, Major Ivan Ivanovich Pirogov (1772-1826). Mother Elizaveta Ivanovna Novikova belonged to an old Moscow merchant family. As a fourteen-year-old boy, he entered the medical faculty of Moscow University. After receiving his diploma, he studied abroad for several more years. Pirogov was preparing for professorship at the Professorial Institute at the University of Dorpat (now the University of Tartu). Here, in a surgical clinic, Pirogov worked for five years, brilliantly defended his doctoral dissertation and, at the age of only twenty-six, was elected a professor at the University of Dorpat. A few years later, Pirogov was invited to St. Petersburg, where he headed the department of surgery at the Medical-Surgical Academy. At the same time, Pirogov was in charge of the Hospital Surgery Clinic he organized. Since Pirogov's duties included training military surgeons, he began to study the surgical methods widespread at that time. Many of them were radically reworked by him; in addition, Pirogov developed a number of completely new techniques, thanks to which he was able to avoid limb amputation more often than other surgeons. One of these techniques is still called "Pirogov's operation".

      In search of an effective teaching method, Pirogov decided to apply anatomical research on frozen corpses. Pirogov himself called it "ice anatomy". Thus, a new medical discipline was born - topographic anatomy. After several years of this study of anatomy, Pirogov published the first anatomical atlas entitled "Topographic Anatomy Illustrated by Cuts Through the Frozen Human Body in Three Directions", which became an indispensable guide for surgeons. From that moment on, surgeons were able to operate, causing minimal injuries to the patient. This atlas and the technique proposed by Pirogov became the basis for all subsequent development of operative surgery.

      In 1847, Pirogov went to the Caucasus to serve in the active army, as he wanted to test the operating methods he had developed in the field. In the Caucasus, he first applied dressing with bandages soaked in starch. Starch dressing turned out to be more convenient and stronger than previously used splints. Here, in the village of Salta, Pirogov, for the first time in the history of medicine, began to operate on the wounded with ether anesthesia in the field. In total, the great surgeon performed about 10 thousand operations under ether anesthesia.

      Crimean War

      In 1855, during the Crimean War, Pirogov was the chief surgeon of Sevastopol besieged by the Anglo-French troops. Operating on the wounded, Pirogov, for the first time in the history of Russian medicine, used a plaster cast, giving rise to the saving tactics of treating wounds of the limbs and saving many soldiers and officers from amputation. During the siege of Sevastopol, to care for the wounded, Pirogov supervised the training and work of the sisters of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross community of sisters of mercy. This was also an innovation for those times.

      The most important merit of Pirogov is the introduction in Sevastopol of a completely new method of caring for the wounded. This method consists in the fact that the wounded were subject to careful selection already at the first dressing station; depending on the severity of the wounds, some of them were subject to immediate operation in the field, while others, with lighter wounds, were evacuated inland for treatment in stationary military hospitals. Therefore, Pirogov is justly considered the founder of a special direction in surgery, known as military field surgery.

      For his merits in helping the wounded and sick, Pirogov was awarded the Order of St. Stanislav, 1st degree, which gave the right to hereditary nobility.

      After the Crimean War

      Despite the heroic defense, Sevastopol was taken by the besiegers, and the Crimean War was lost by Russia. Returning to St. Petersburg, at a reception with Alexander II, Pirogov told the emperor about the problems in the troops, as well as about the general backwardness of the Russian army and its weapons. The emperor did not want to listen to Pirogov. From that moment, Nikolai Ivanovich fell out of favor, he was sent to Odessa to the post of trustee of the Odessa and Kiev educational districts. Pirogov tried to reform the existing system of school education, his actions led to a conflict with the authorities, and the scientist had to leave his post.

      Not only was he not appointed minister of public education, but they even refused to make him a comrade (deputy) minister, instead he was "exiled" to lead the Russian professor candidates studying abroad. He chose Heidelberg as his residence, where he arrived in May 1862. The candidates were very grateful to him, for example, the Nobel laureate II Mechnikov warmly recalled this. There, he not only performed his duties, often traveling to other cities where the candidates studied, but also provided them and their families and friends with any, including medical assistance, and one of the candidates, the head of the Russian community of Heidelberg, raised funds for Garibaldi's treatment and persuaded Pirogov to examine the wounded Garibaldi. Pirogov refused the money, but he went to Garibaldi and found a bullet unnoticed by other world-famous doctors, insisted that Garibaldi leave the climate harmful to his wound, as a result of which the Italian government freed Garibaldi from captivity. According to the general opinion, it was NI Pirogov who then saved the leg, and, most likely, the life of Garibaldi, convicted by other doctors. In his "Memoirs" Garibaldi recalls: "Outstanding professors Petridge, Nelaton and Pirogov, who showed generous attention to me when I was in a dangerous state, proved that there are no boundaries for good deeds, for true science in the family of mankind ...". After that incident that caused a furor in St. Petersburg, there was an attempt on Alexander II by nihilists who admired Garibaldi, and, most importantly, Garibaldi's participation in the war of Prussia and Italy against Austria, which caused the displeasure of the Austrian government, and the "red" Pirogov was generally dismissed from public service even without the right to retire.

      In the prime of his creative powers, Pirogov retired to his small estate "Cherry" not far from Vinnitsa, where he organized a free hospital. He briefly traveled from there only abroad, and also at the invitation of St. Petersburg University to give lectures. By this time, Pirogov was already a member of several foreign academies. For a relatively long time, Pirogov only left the estate twice: the first time in 1870 during the Franco-Prussian war, being invited to the front on behalf of the International Red Cross, and the second time, in 1877-1878 - already at a very old age - worked for several months front during the Russian-Turkish war.

      Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878

      When Emperor Alexander II visited Bulgaria in August 1877, during the Russian-Turkish war, he remembered Pirogov as an incomparable surgeon and the best organizer of medical service at the front. Despite his advanced age (then Pirogov was already 67 years old), Nikolai Ivanovich agreed to go to Bulgaria on the condition that he would be given complete freedom of action. His desire was granted, and on October 10, 1877, Pirogov arrived in Bulgaria, in the village of Gorna-Studena, not far from Plevna, where the main apartment of the Russian command was located.

      Pirogov organized the treatment of soldiers, caring for the wounded and sick in military hospitals in Svishtov, Zgalev, Bolgarena, Gorna-Studena, Veliko Tarnovo, Bokhot, Byala, Plevna. From October 10 to December 17, 1877, Pirogov drove over 700 km in a chaise and a sleigh, across an area of ​​12,000 square meters. km., occupied by the Russians between the Vit and Yantra rivers. Nikolai Ivanovich visited 11 Russian military-temporary hospitals, 10 divisional hospitals and 3 pharmacy warehouses deployed in 22 different settlements... During this time, he was engaged in treatment and operated on both Russian soldiers and many Bulgarians.

      Last confession

      In 1881, NI Pirogov became the fifth honorary citizen of Moscow "in connection with fifty years of work in the field of education, science and citizenship."

      The last days

      At the beginning of 1881, Pirogov drew attention to pain and irritation in the mucous membrane of the hard palate, on May 24, 1881, N.V. Sklifosovsky established the presence of cancer of the upper jaw. N.I.Pirogov died at 20 h 25 min on 23 November 1881. in with. Cherry, now part of Vinnitsa.

      Pirogov's body was embalmed by his attending physician D.I.Vyvodtsev using a method he had just developed, and buried in a mausoleum in the village of Vishnya near Vinnitsa. In the late 1920s, the crypt was visited by robbers who damaged the lid of the sarcophagus, stole Pirogov's sword (a gift from Franz Joseph) and a pectoral cross. During World War II, during the retreat of Soviet troops, the sarcophagus with Pirogov's body was hidden in the ground, while damaged, which led to damage to the body, which was subsequently restored and re-embalmed.

      Officially, Pirogov's tomb is called the "necropolis church", the body is located slightly below ground level in the crypt - the basement of an Orthodox church, in a glazed sarcophagus, which can be accessed by those wishing to pay tribute to the memory of the great scientist.


      The main significance of NI Pirogov's activity is that, with his selfless and often disinterested work, he turned surgery into a science, equipping doctors with a scientifically grounded method of surgical intervention.

      A rich collection of documents related to the life and work of N.I. Pirogov, his personal belongings, medical instruments, lifetime editions of his works are kept in the collections of the Military Medical Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia. Of particular interest is the scientist's 2-volume manuscript “Questions of Life. Diary of an old doctor ”and a suicide note left by him with an indication of the diagnosis of his illness.

      Contribution to the development of domestic pedagogy

      In the classic article "Questions of Life", Pirogov examined the fundamental problems of Russian upbringing. He showed the absurdity of class upbringing, the discord between school and life, put forward as the main goal of upbringing the formation of a highly moral personality, ready to renounce selfish aspirations for the good of society. Pirogov believed that for this it was necessary to rebuild the entire education system on the basis of the principles of humanism and democracy. An educational system that ensures personal development should be built on a scientific basis, from primary to higher education, and ensure the continuity of all educational systems.

      Pedagogical views: Pirogov considered the main idea of ​​universal upbringing, the upbringing of a citizen useful to the country; noted the need for public preparation for the life of a highly moral person with a broad moral outlook: “ Being human is what parenting should lead to."; education and training should be in the native language. " Contempt for the mother tongue shames national sentiment". He pointed out that the basis of subsequent professional education should be a broad general education; proposed to attract prominent scientists to teaching in higher education, recommended to strengthen conversations between professors and students; fought for general secular education; called for respect for the personality of the child; fought for the autonomy of higher education.

      Criticism of the estate professional education: Pirogov opposed the estate school and early utilitarian-professional training, against the early premature specialization of children; believed that it inhibits the moral education of children, narrows their horizons; condemned arbitrariness, barracks regime in schools, thoughtless attitude towards children.

      Didactic ideas: teachers should discard old dogmatic ways of teaching and apply new methods; it is necessary to awaken the thought of students, to instill the skills of independent work; the teacher must draw the attention and interest of the student to the reported material; transfer from class to class should be carried out according to the results of the annual academic performance; there is an element of randomness and formalism in translation exams.

      Physical punishment. In this respect, he was a follower of J. Locke, considering corporal punishment as a means of humiliating a child, causing irreparable damage to his morality, accustoming him to slavish obedience based only on fear, and not on understanding and evaluating his actions. Slavish obedience forms a vicious nature, seeking retribution for their humiliation. N.I. Pirogov believed that the result of training and moral education, the effectiveness of methods of maintaining discipline is determined by the teacher's objective assessment of all the circumstances that caused the offense, if possible, and the appointment of a punishment that does not frighten and humiliate the child, but brings him up. Condemning the use of the rod as a means of disciplinary action, he allowed the use of physical punishment in exceptional cases, but only by order of the pedagogical council. Despite this ambiguity in the position of NI Pirogov, it should be noted that the question he raised and the discussion that followed on the pages of the press had positive consequences: "The Charter of gymnasiums and progymnasiums" in 1864 abolished corporal punishment.

      The system of public education according to N.I.Pirogov:

      • Elementary (primary) school (2 years), study arithmetic, grammar;
      • Incomplete secondary school of two types: classical progymnasium (4 years, general education); real gymnasium (4 years);
      • high school two types: classical gymnasium (5 years general education: Latin, Greek, Russian languages, literature, mathematics); real gymnasium (3 years, applied character: professional subjects);
      • Graduate School: Universities Institutions of Higher Education.

      A family

      • The first wife is Ekaterina Berezina. She died of complications after childbirth at the age of 24. Sons - Nikolay, Vladimir.
      • The second wife is Baroness Alexandra von Bystrom.


      In Russia

      In Ukraine

      In Belarus

      • Pirogov street in the city of Minsk.

      In Bulgaria

      The grateful Bulgarian people erected 26 obelisks, 3 rotundas and a monument in Skobelevsky Park in Plevna to N.I.Pirogov. In the village of Bokhot, on the place where the Russian 69th military-temporary hospital stood, a park-museum “N. I. Pirogov ".

      When in 1951 the first emergency hospital in Bulgaria was created in Sofia, it was named after N.I. Pirogov. Later, the hospital changed its name many times, first to the Institute of Emergency Medical Aid, then to the Republican Scientific and Practical Institute of Emergency Medical Aid, Scientific Institute of Urgent Medicine, Multidisciplinary Hospital for Active Treatment and Ambulance, and finally - University MBALSP. And Pirogov's bas-relief at the entrance has never changed. Now in MBALSM "N. I. Pirogov ”employs 361 physicians-residents, 150 researchers, 1025 medical specialists and 882 people who are auxiliary personnel. All of them proudly call themselves "Pirogovites". The hospital is considered one of the best in Bulgaria and treats over 40 thousand inpatients and 300 thousand outpatients per year.

      On October 14, 1977, a postage stamp “100 years since the arrival of Academician Nikolai Pirogov in Bulgaria” was printed in Bulgaria.

      The image of Pirogov in art

      • Pirogov is the main character in Kuprin's story "The Wonderful Doctor".
      • The main character in the story "Beginning" and in the story "Bucephalus" by Yuri German.
      • The 1947 film "Pirogov" - in the role of Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov - People's Artist of the USSR Konstantin Skorobogatov.
      • Pirogov is the main character in the novel "The Privy Counselor" by Boris Zolotarev and Yuri Tyurin. (Moscow: Sovremennik, 1986 .-- 686 p.)
      • In 1855, when he was a senior teacher of the Simferopol gymnasium, D.I. Pirogov, who, stating the satisfactory condition of the patient, said: "You will both outlive us" - this predestination not only instilled in the future great scientist confidence in fate's favor to him, but also came true.
      • For a long time, NI Pirogov was credited with the authorship of the article "The Ideal of a Woman". A recent study proves that the article is an excerpt from the correspondence of N.I. Pirogov with his second wife A.A. Bistr.

      Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov is known as a great physician-scientist, thanks to whom surgery became a science, and doctors received a well-founded method of surgical intervention. We will also remember about the great son of Russia, we will tell those who do not know who Pirogov Nikolai Ivanovich is, short biography will help them correct this omission.

      In 1810, on November 27, in Moscow, the 14th (!!!) and the youngest child in the family, named Nikolai, was born into the family of a civil servant (treasurer) Ivan Ivanovich Pirogov. This was the future great surgeon.

      Until the age of 12, he comprehended science at home, teachers were invited to study, mainly students of Moscow University. During individual lessons with the famous Moscow doctor, Professor E. Mukhin, Nikolai heeded his advice and began intensive preparation for the university.

      In 1824, 14-year-old Nikolay Pirogov brilliantly passed entrance exams and was enrolled in the medical faculty of Moscow University.

      With his studies, Pirogov did not have any difficulties, but he also had to earn money to help the family. And so Nikolai finally managed to get a job as a dissector in an anatomical theater. He owes this work to the invaluable experience gained and the final choice of the surgeon's activity.

      Having successfully graduated from Moscow University, Pirogov was sent to continue his studies at the Yuriev University, the best for that time in Russia, in the city of Dorpat (Tartu). Here, after five years of work in a surgical clinic, Nikolai Pirogov brilliantly defended his doctoral dissertation, and at the age of 26 he was awarded the title of professor of surgery.

      On the way home, Nikolai Ivanovich, seriously ill, had to stop in Riga. In this city, he first began to operate as a teacher. Soon he received a clinic in Dorpat, where one of his most significant works, Surgical Anatomy of Trunks and Fasciae, appeared. He created a new science - surgical anatomy.

      Having a professorship, Nikolai Pirogov continued his studies in Germany under the guidance of Professor Langenbeck.

      In 1841, Nikolai Ivanovich was invited to the St. Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy as the head of the department of surgery. In addition to teaching in St. Petersburg, he managed to organize the first clinic of hospital surgery in Russia and directed it. In the course of training military surgeons and studying known surgical methods, he developed completely new techniques and radically changed many of the old methods. Another new direction in medicine was created - hospital surgery.

      Having worked for over 10 years at the Academy, Nikolai Ivanovich became known as a talented surgeon, public figure and progressive teacher.

      At the same time, Pirogov did not refuse the position of director of the Instrumental Plant, where he proposed making new instruments that would help surgeons perform operations quickly and well. He agreed to consult in various hospitals.

      In the second year after arriving in St. Petersburg, he married Ekaterina Dmitrievna Berezina, a girl from a noble but impoverished family. Four years later, she died, leaving Nikolai Ivanovich with sons: Nikolai and Vladimir.

      Pirogov devoted himself to work. A great event for him was the highest approval of his project for the first Anatomical Institute. Among his many merits - the method that retained the name "Pirogov's operation", the discovery of the discipline "topographic anatomy", the development of the Atlas for surgeons.

      October 16, 1846 was marked by the first test of ether anesthesia, which quickly conquered the whole world. Since February 1847, they began to practice operations with the use of this substance in Russia. During the year, in more than 10 cities of Russia, 690 operations were performed under anesthesia, and 300 of them were performed by Pirogov!

      In 1847, Nikolai Ivanovich went to the Caucasus, where he successfully practiced field surgery, applied his new developments: anesthesia with ether, dressing with starched bandages, and so on.

      During the hostilities in the Crimea, as the chief surgeon, on his own initiative, he operated on the wounded in besieged Sevastopol, and here he first applied the method of triage of patients, initiated honey. training women sisters of mercy, began to use plaster casts for the first time.

      Pirogov managed to create his own scientific school in the field of military field surgery and won great authority in medical circles throughout Europe.

      When Sevastopol fell, he arrived in St. Petersburg. While at a reception with Emperor Alexander II, he expressed his opinion, pointing out the mediocre leadership of the army. As a result, the doctor fell out of favor with the king.

      NI Pirogov was concerned not only with the issues of medicine, but also with education, public education. When, in 1856, he began to work as a trustee in the Odessa educational district, he began to introduce many new transformations. The existing education system did not suit him in many ways.

      An inevitable conflict with the authorities led to the fact that in 1861, due to complaints and denunciations against him, he was dismissed by decree of the emperor.

      A year later, Pirogov was again sent abroad to supervise the training of future professors. In 1866 he was dismissed from public service, and the group of young professors was disbanded.

      Now N. Pirogov resumed his medical activity, having organized a free hospital on his estate (Vinnitsa region). His famous "Diary of an Old Doctor" was written there.

      Sometimes he went out on invitations to give lectures at St. Petersburg University or abroad. By that time, N.I. Pirogov was an honorary member of several foreign academies.

      As a surgeon, he took part in the Prussian-French and Russian-Turkish wars.

      In 1881, in St. Petersburg and Moscow, the 50th anniversary of N.I. Pirogov's activity as a scientist and public figure was celebrated with great triumph. Many Western European scientific societies praised his scientific activities and awarded the title of honorary doctor. Pirogov was awarded the title of honorary citizen of Moscow. A few months later, the great scientist died on his estate, being himself terminally ill. Before his death, the great doctor became the author of another discovery - a completely new way of embalming the bodies of the dead. Until now, in the village church (Vishnyi village) his incorruptible body is kept, embalmed in his way. This concludes the short biography of the scientist - innovator.