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  • The opening of the Ramenki station is scheduled. Seven thousand meters under the ground. How is the construction of the western plot of the Kalininsky-Suntess line

    The opening of the Ramenki station is scheduled. Seven thousand meters under the ground. How is the construction of the western plot of the Kalininsky-Suntess line

    Today we are completing a walk through new stations of Kalininsky Solntsevskaya lineThat should soon open and make an affordable subway for people living along Michurinsky Avenue. Completing the station "Ramenki". From our past at the Ramenki station, there were changes, which is not surprising, for two months have passed. I like the station more than the rest in this area. Probably because of the total color of the finish. He is green, fresh, summer. For some time, the station "Ramenki" will finite and then the next site will be opened. The growth rate of the "yellow" line will probably become the fastest, commensurate with the increase in the "Salad" Lublin-Dmitrov line. I want to believe that with the opening of the stations will not be tightened until the next new year and everything will not go according to the scenario. "Kotelniki"
    1. Let's start as always from the surface. From the southern lobby. Let's see the pavilions on the odd side of Michurinsky. There is one typical pavilion over the staircase.

    2. The water removal system will be hidden behind the facing panels.

    3. Almost everything is ready, it remains to attach the letter "M" and a sign with the name of the station. It is a pity that a black panel was sticking over the doors, which is not at all to the place, according to architecture, it should be stainless.

    4. Slightly further another pavilion. It is combined with elevator and a ventshah.

    5. From behind Ventcamera section of the ventlala.

    6. There is a landscaping - a stone is saw.

    7. The elevator section is on the right. The pavilion is similar to the same on Art. ""

    8. In the elevator Tambour, the glass is transparent, and then the technical room toned into it is toned.

    9. Everything is done as it should, thermopropille in the place where the insulation is going.

    10. Cute room ... without windows and lighting, but insulated.

    11. It remains to install several glasses and a pavilion ready.

    12. Cute color.

    13. On the other side, another pavilion pavilion. A little later, too, I will see how you look.

    14. Entrance group of the pavilion. Here all the facing panels hang, it remains to finish the base and add navigation items.

    15. In the middle of Michurinsky Avenue there is a Ventkiosk. Busy.

    16. We will move to the other side of Michurinsky Prospect. There are two identical pavilions over staircases, and between them elevator. As a result, at the station 5 of the same typical pavilion over staircases, like these. Another combined with an elevator, we saw him earlier. There will also be a staircase, which is somewhat wider and the most interesting pavilion - a rest building of locomotive brigades. But it will not open first of all, there is even no concrete base for him and even the charge project. But now is not about it.

    17. There is already hanging plate with the name station. Yes, it will now look like this. I would do the name of the station much larger. I would generally have made a separate sign on the entrance to the pavilion in the brand beech. It should contain an inscription that is much larger and readable.

    18. Elevator.

    19. The territory around the pavilions under construction is already open, people are free here, no fences are no longer.

    20. Here, too, almost everything is completed.

    21. Looks good.

    22. Go down and see.

    23. The finish is completed, the walls in the stone, the panels on the ceiling are present, even the railing is installed. At least open tomorrow.

    24. Finish some little things.

    25. Go further towards the northern lobby.

    26. Here is the same story. Two pavilions over staircases - they are identical to what we have seen before, and between them is an elevator pavilion. It is slightly different here, in the back he has a selection of ventsmen, the back part is taken by vertical lamellas.

    27. The side is also a small ventrete, there is still some kind of pipe.

    28. The pavilions remained to finish the binder at the top.

    29. Inside everything is fine.

    30. Even navigation is already hanging.

    31. But what does an elevator tambour look like at the level of the purse. Here, too, some little things left to finish.

    32. Let's see another interesting facilities on the surface. A little further, in the direction of the st.m. Michurinsky Avenue is a pavilion in the Stupika area. On the way, we met another Ventshach.

    33. The pavilion is almost all of the concrete, it will be lined with a stone and only an upper honor, where the metal structures will be finished with green panels.

    34. He sits quite deeply in the ground, it will be abandoned.

    35. Funny, here the concrete was not faded, as it goes on the pit. The border of the work ended and cut off the knife.

    36. Therefore, the racks of the metal structures hang in the air. Never seen this.

    37. Inside no finish. Probably it will not. There will be deaf iron doors, and not pendulum transparent.

    38. View to the side of Art. "Michurinsky prospekt".

    39. Look down - interesting.

    40. Opposite the ROC builds his pavilion. The subway affordable is a necessity, and the temple in walking distance is Blaz.

    41. Now let's go down and see the lobby. Northern. Readiness is very high everywhere. Workers are very small below. Almost everything is done.

    42. Prints with trees on a green background very cool look. I like it.

    43. The lobby is the same as on Lomonosovsky Prospect, the difference in the prints only.

    44. After a number of police bang turnstiles.

    45. Escalators are conducted on the platform, perhaps this is the only difference from the "Minsk" and "Lomonosovsky Prospect", where it is necessary to descend on the platform on the stairs.

    46. \u200b\u200bOver the escalators, a luxurious panel with trees. In my opinion, prints on "Ramenki" cooler than in neighboring stations. However, everywhere there is some kind of interesting topic. "Minsk" - the topic of technology and red bright color, "Lomonosovsky Avenue" blue with numbers symbolizing sciences, but on the "Ramenki" the theme of nature is fine. Looking ahead, the next "Michurinsky Avenue" will also get a finish associated with nature.

    47. Look at the next lobby. It was closed by the horror member from the zombies that were climbed to the station.

    48. In the Tamburo, the Ceiling Ceiling and Linear Lighting Lights, everything like "Lomonosovsky".

    49. This lobby is a mirror image of the neighboring. Everything is absolutely the same here.

    50. The finish is exactly the same.

    51. The same transparent stained glass window in the Avanzala before the lobby, which is in front of the boxes of the Cass. Busy, if you look closely, behind the decorative lattices of radiators ... not visible by the radiators themselves.

    52. Ticket sales machines are still wretched square design and without inscriptions on english language, Honestly, it is not clear to me.

    53. But the fact that the automata has found a place in niches where people buying a ticket will not intersect with passengers moving to the entrance - a great solution.

    54. Above the ruler of the turnstile information plate with the name station. This is a new trend, definitely.

    55. There is no left of the passage, and you can go on the right - navigation is done well. In the background, on the left, the "Globe Metro" is visible. Looks like these three stations will be open ... without lowest in the navigation plan. Thank God, and then "Technopark", "Rumyantsevo" and "Salaryevo" unpleasantly struck by the lack of normal capital navigation at the time of discovery.

    56. Here also escalators. Right elevator to the level of the platform.

    57. Here is the same panel over the escalator. And here are very steep lamps on balustrades.

    58. Suddenly cool. In my opinion there were no such.

    59. Well, finally walk along the platform. There is already a new scheme. Three new stations are indicated here as open.

    60. New high-quality navigation.

    61. The platform is almost ready. Someone there is no bodies on the seats, and everything is fine.

    62. A scheme is already hanging on the travel wall.

    63. View in the direction of escalators.

    64. Look at the tunnel.

    65. Facing columns from sides of stainless panels. Panels are solid to the entire height of the column without seams - it is very cool, the same large panels and on the way wall. Large format panels are always very good.

    66. And on other faces again print with trees. Beauty. From all three stations this is the most nice.

    67. Shop. All we have seen on Art. "Zhulebino". Good architectural chips put on flow.

    68. But the signs indicating the direction of movement along the line is poor, the font is not readable, very finely.

    69. Somehow so. We are waiting for the discovery.

    Still about p promination of the station "Ramenki":

    At 23:17 the last train with passengers went from Art. "Kashirskaya" at Art. "Warsaw". Movement with passengers on the "Kashirskaya" section - "Warsaw" stopped before entering the part of the site ring line. Kakhovskaya line ceased to exist. Station "Warsaw" temporarily removed from passenger operation. The total number of operating stations of the Moscow metro decreased to 229.

  • 03.10.2019
    St. Petersburg - at 16:46 the first train with passengers went from Art. "International" to Art. "Shushary". From the second attempt to be commissioned by a section of the Frunzen-Primorsk line with stations: "Prospect of Glory", "Danube" and "Shushary". The total number of stations of the St. Petersburg metro increased to 72.
  • 09.09.2019
    Moscow - URST JSC began the penetration of a two-way tunnel on a plot of a large annular line from Art. "Karamyshevskaya" to Art. "Many people." The penetration is carried out using TPMK Herrenknecht S-956 lily with a diameter of 10.85 m.
  • 05.09.2019
    St. Petersburg - at 11 am the opening ceremony of the Frunzen-Primorsk line "International" - "Shushary" took place. Already after departure at 11:29, the first train with passengers from Art. "Shushary" to Art. "Prospect of Glory" (without landing on the "Danube") solution of BP. and. about. Governor A. D. Bulbova The discovery was canceled, the station was not entered into permanent operation.

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    Do you know that...

    Until 1979, there were no other stations in the Nevsky-Vasileostrovsk line of the Leningrad metro station, except for closed stations without landing platforms ("horizontal elevator"). Thus, overlooking the shift, the driver of the train during the entire working time saw only the tunnel in front of him.


    March 16, 2017, at 11 h 52 min, the first train with passengers
    went from Art. "Ramenki" at Art. "Lomonosovsky Prospect".
    The 204th, 205th and 206th stations of the Moscow Metro were opened:
    Minsk, "Lomonosovsky Prospect" and "Ramenki"!

    Sketch st. "Ramenki".

    Station "Ramenki" Sutsevsky radius of the Kalinin-Suntess (PC 0159 + 56), following Art. "Lomonosovsky Prospect" is located in the south-west of Moscow, in the Ramenki Ramenki area administrative District, along Michurinsky Avenue, in the place of the adjoining to him Vinnitsa st. "Ramenki" - the final station of the launcher of the radius. The station is located two deadlocks with PTO for turnover, sludge and maintenance of compositions.

    The station is a column two-fellow embedding, with two underground lobby with outlets into the sublica transitions on both sides of Michurinsky Prospect. Each of the lobby is connected to the station platform with three escalators and elevator. Constructed by typical project from monolithic reinforced concrete in open pit. The general contractor for the construction of the site - OJSC TRANSINZHSTROY. General Designer - Metrogiprotrans OJSC. The architectural project was created by the author's team under the leadership of L. L. Borzenkova.

    The construction of the station "Ramenki" remained in the plans since 1965, when the project of the Solntsevsk radius was presented for the first time, at the time of the continuation of the Arbatsky-Pokrovskaya line from Art. "Kiev". However, on the General Development Scheme of the Moscow Metro 1938, there is a promising station of Frunzen radius, marked in approximately in the same place.

    According to the Decree of the Government of Moscow of May 4, 2012, the station was to be built in 2017, but in the fall of 2012 it was decided to accelerate the construction with the new estimated term for commissioning the site in September 2015

    In October 2012, work began on building a construction site. In March 2013, the disclosure of the mounting chamber of the tunnel recruitment complex began, and May 31, 2013, OJSC TRANSINZHSTROY began the penetration of the left distillation tunnel with a length of 1189 m on the site from Art. "Ramenki" to Art. "Lomonosovsky Prospect". The penetration was carried out using TPMK Herrenknecht S-328 Svetlana, and was completed on October 30, after which TPMK was transported back to the installation chamber Art. "Ramenki", from where December 17 began the penetration of the parallel right distillation tunnel to Art. "Lomonosovsky Prospect". The subference of the second tunnel was completed on April 29, 2014.

    On the night of the 25th to the 26th of December 2016, by the first path from Art. "Victory Park" to Art. "Ramenki" passed the overall wagon, and then a trial train. By mid-January 2017, recent work was completed in deadlocks, and on January 22, the trial train passed on both ways.

    March 16, 2017, at 11 am 27 minutes a train arrived at the station with the mayor of Moscow S. S. Sobyanin, the leadership of StroyKompleks and builders. At 11 h 52 min, the first train with passengers went from Art. "Ramenki" in the direction of Art. "Lomonosovsky Prospect". The 206th station of the Moscow metro entered into operation.

    Plan Art. "Ramenki".

    Last update in March 2017

    The name of the Ramenki region occurred from the word "framework". So in the past they called a dense dense forest, the place of exit from the dense forest to the glade. More often this belonged to a spruce forest or a forest with a predominance of coniferous. Now in the place of the construction of the metro station Ramenki has long grown "forests" of residential buildings, next to which "pines" point of point building appear.

    The metro station is framed under the forest, but with a surprise in the first days. With the discovery, so long pulled that the station was covered with dust. Or maybe it was a thick fog from the dense forest? And what, it is very suitable.

    1. Ramenki became the 206th station of the most paint in the world. Its design is similar to the neighboring Minsk and Lomonosovsky Prospect: two-feet, gray with color design of columns and lobby. Here Michurinsky Prospect and Ramensky Boulevard are intersect. Winnitskaya Street is suitable for the station, in honor of which they wanted to call the station. But it was a long time ago and only at preliminary stages.

    2. To call the Vinnitsa station would be strange. In the Ramenki district near Ramensky Boulevard and Ramenki Street and the Ramenki Station should be near the Ramenki River. Everything is logical.

    3. Registration is typical. All colored elements of different shades of green.

    4. On my personal taste, this is the most pleasant eye of a new station on the site that opened on March 16. One of the passengers even worship her! :-) Just kidding! Understand the colleague photographer in the desire to make unique perspectives on unreasonable stations.

    5. But it would not be decided to remove from the bottom. It was not just dirty here, but very dirty! Per last years This is the most dirty outdoor stations! If you watched and read all my reports about new stations, you could see a photo with workers who were pulling their detergents on the Minsk. They would be here. And you should not be shy by the cleaner's work on the first day: gradually it would become cleaner.

    6. Local residents gladly came to photograph a new station. Photographed each other, parents with children, first trains.

    7. Catch the station without passengers is very difficult.

    8. It was amazing to see intervals. Sometimes trains showed only 4 minutes. But why? To stand then at Victory Park?


    10. Scheme of the entire line until the end of the year. The next will change again.

    11. And people go and go. I think the next day after the discovery here was even more people.

    12. Places are already preparing to hang pointers to the next site of Ramenki-Raznikovka, if it is opened entirely. Until now, the option of divisions into two parts of Ramenki-Govorovo and Govorovo-story stories are not excluded. Yes, and promising extension to Pynyno and Vnukovo in the desires of the urban leadership is increasingly and more often.

    13. Raise the platform and ...

    14. ... We see a new design of the output pointer! But! Bright big light, visible from afar, with people with not very good eyesight. It is organically inscribed in the design. If you submit to the design, for example, in the lobbies of typical forty-eyed or other standard stations of past years - it would be very convenient. Not everyone will look at the wall with the map, and here you can see everything.

    15. And on the other hand, a huge red "no passage". But ... Why is the inscription closed by a single pillar?

    16. MDA. * Phrase Sergey Lavrov *

    17. Very cool!

    18. Registration in gray-black-metal-green shades I like most of the new stations. I repeat, but the fact. At the same time and bright and not annoying.

    19. The first passenger studies the outputs.

    20. Registration of the underground transition.

    21. The map seems to come to the green boulevard.

    22. Our expectations are definitely not justified.

    23. Some more transition and pointers.



    26. Ramenki - the first full-fledged finite Solland line. This is the first stage of the redirection of Solntsevo passengers and Novoprederkino to its new line. Solntsets comes here at 788 route, and Novopelylkino is exported by expressing 902.

    27. And around the whole horror. Roads killed, construction, dirt. At best, the city's day will be order.

    28. In the same year, the narrowing will be removed here.


    30. Entrance pavilions and fence - the only green around the entire station.

    31. Cashiers sit in the bushes.

    32. Once again, the design and navigation element. Excellent!

    33. It's time to summarize this station and the entire new line.

    34. Ramenki is the most necessary and most correct station on the line. You can argue as much as you argue about the bends and other things, but the locals will enjoy it in a huge amount. A bunch of outputs. A bunch of transport. For the first time you can quickly get to the center, albeit while with a transplant.

    35. About the entire section is controversial. The bends are too much, but the speed of trains is large. Any specialist will tell you that entering a smooth turn at high speed is also possible. I expected that the time on the way would be more.

    36. Congratulations to Moscow with the emergence of a new full-fledged radius!

    Thanks for attention! Stay in touch!

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    Do not forget to indicate that Thank you for the report about the new metro station!

    Other MY MOSCOW METRO records:

    04. Field line.

    " The transport support of Moscow City, Victory Park, MSU and hundreds of thousands of Moscow residents, who live in the area of \u200b\u200bthese stations, has improved Sergey Sobyanin.

    Lomonosovsky Prospekt station is located at the intersection of Michurinsky and Lomonosovsky Prospects. The design uses graphic elements in the form of intersecting rows of numbers. They symbolize accurate sciences and reflect the connection of the station with near Moscow state University and scientific activities Mikhail Lomonosov. The station is equipped with elevators for low-cattle citizens.

    This was the construction of her:

    "Lomonosovsky Prospect" is a small embedding, its depth is 15 meters. The station has two underground lobby: the southwest, which leads to the Indira of Gandhi Indira, and the Northeast - he displays to the building of the Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

    As previously stated Deputy Mayor of Moscow on urban planning policies and construction Marat HusnulinThe station will have an additional output.

    "The third output will be built through a lively avenue, which will allow passengers not to move the street on the ground. For this, a tunnel-transition of about 200 meters long, "said M. Khusnullin.

    The Minskaya station is located under the same street between the Memorial Mosque and the railway overpass. She is also small down.

    That's the same she was still recently:

    In the Minsk "interesting design - in the style of high-tech, it is made in gray and metal tones.

    "The Minskaya station is important in that the victory park is located, and for large events it is necessary. There is an agreement with the leadership of Russian railways on the construction of the platform in the Kiev direction railway. Thus, a TPU is formed between the subway and the radial railway, "said Sergey Sobyanin earlier.

    Station "Ramenki" began to build in 2013 on the "yellow" subway branch. The peer is decorated with trees silhouettes on a green background. They resemble oak groves once in this area.

    Here are some stages of construction station:

    Considered weeks remained before starting. Very soon, three stations will open its own doors: "Ramenki", "Minsk" and "Lomonosovsky Prospect". They will be a real salvation for hundreds of thousands of Muscovites and delight passengers with an unusual design.

    Bright white-green drawings and brilliant metal: such in a few weeks of Muscovites. There is no noise drill, no welding flashes. Workers make the last strokes in appearance Lobby and Perron. It is not enough for shimers. Cashs, turnstiles, escalators, lighting, pointers - everything is in place.

    Already soon on these rails from the station "Ramenki" in the direction of the "Victory Park" will go first trains - first in the test, then in constant mode. At the same time, they will create noise than other stations of the Moscow Metro, thanks to the cellular aluminum panels, which are covered with the walls. Panels, by the way, Russian production, like all other structures at the station.

    "New for the Moscow metro is metal-ceramic columns. Their feature is that it is an anti-vandal material. This is a metal panels covered with icing - in essence, as ceramics," says Leonid Borzenkov, head of the workshop of the architectural department of Metrogiprotrans.

    Such columns neither the coin nor the key scratch. No one spoil the drawing on them.

    "Here, we have a very cunning drawings here, we have a picture from one column to another, on the third, and this is a solid image. Here we have the most oaks that have once grew in the Ramen area," says Borzenkov.

    In a similar style, two other stations are built, which will be launched simultaneously with "Ramenkov" - "Minsk" and "Lomonosovsky Prospect". Only the color and theme of the drawings differ: on the first - red and military equipment, on the second - blue and different numbers.

    For the residents of Ramen, the whole line is like a line of life. More than 100 thousand people are living in the area, near MSU and Mosfilm, and to get the nearest metro stations for a long time and uncomfortable.

    "This will help unload especially the subway" University ", because it was very difficult to get from here - up to 45 minutes, and even more than an hour you could get," says one of the local residents.

    "Wherever you get up - there is a traffic jam and to the" University ", and to the" Prospectus of Vernadsky ", and to Kiev for a long time, and here - just wonderful! Just from the entrance came out - and here, the subway!" - Another rejoices.

    Station "Ramenki" will be the ultimate on the Kalinin-Suncake line - but only for a while. By the end of the year, this thread should be stretched towards Novoprederkina to the village of Torzovka. And in the foreseeable future, it will be possible to get to the airport of Vnukovo.

    Text: "Vesti-Moscow"