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  • Opening of the ramenki station in March. Moscow metro: the line to Ramenki is open to passengers. How is the construction of the western section of the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line proceeding

    Opening of the ramenki station in March.  Moscow metro: the line to Ramenki is open to passengers.  How is the construction of the western section of the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line proceeding

    A few weeks were left before the launch. Very soon, three stations will open their doors at once: "Ramenki", "Minskaya" and "Lomonosovsky Prospekt". They will become a real salvation for hundreds of thousands of Muscovites and will delight passengers with an unusual design.

    Bright white and green drawings and shiny metal: Muscovites like this in a matter of weeks. There is no longer the noise of the drill, no flashes of welding. Workers are putting the finishing touches on appearance lobby and platform. So far, there are not enough benches. Cash desks, turnstiles, escalators, lighting, signs - everything is in place.

    Soon, the first trains will run along these very rails from the Ramenki station towards the Victory Park - first in test mode, then in constant mode. At the same time, they will create less noise than at other stations of the Moscow metro, thanks to the honeycomb panels made of aluminum, with which the walls are sheathed. The panels, by the way, are of Russian production, like all other structures at the station.

    "New for the Moscow metro are metal-ceramic columns. Their peculiarity is that they are vandal-proof material. These are glazed metal panels, in fact, like ceramics," says Leonid Borzenkov, head of the studio of the Architectural Department of Metrogiprotrans.

    Such columns cannot be scratched with a coin or a key. Nobody will spoil the drawing on them.

    "Here we have very cleverly arranged the drawings, the picture flows from one column to another, to the third, and so the whole image is formed. Here we have just these same oaks that once grew in the Ramenki area," says Borzenkov.

    Two other stations have been built in a similar style, which will be launched simultaneously with Ramenki - Minskaya and Lomonosovsky Prospekt. Only the color and theme of the drawings differ: on the first one - red and military equipment, on the second - blue and various numbers.

    For the residents of Ramenki, this whole line is like a line of life. More than 100 thousand people live in the district, near Moscow State University and "Mosfilm", and it is long and inconvenient to get to the nearest metro stations.

    "This will help to unload especially the Universitet metro station, because it was very difficult to get to it from here - it took 45 minutes, or even more than an hour, to get there," says one of the local residents.

    "Wherever you get up - there is a traffic jam to the" University ", and to the" Vernadsky Prospect ", and to Kievsky it takes a long time to get, but here - it's just wonderful! - the other rejoices.

    The Ramenki station will become the terminus on the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line - but only temporarily. By the end of the year, this line should be extended in the direction of Novoperedelkin to the village of Rasskazovki. And in the foreseeable future it will be possible to use it to get to Vnukovo airport itself.

    Text: "Vesti-Moscow"

    Since March 16, three more stations have become available for passengers of the Moscow metro. After the completion of the main part of the start-up and adjustment work, traffic was opened along the section of the Solntsevskaya line from the Park Pobedy station to the Ramenki station with intermediate stops Minskaya and Lomonosovsky Prospekt.

    The stations opened their doors to passengers and accepted the first trains on the new section of the Moscow metro at about 11 am.

    The opening of the stations became very long-awaited for the local residents. It was also violated, given by the management of the capital's construction complex on March 4, about the opening of the station within 10 days.

    Not all exits from the new stations were open today. Thus, construction work continues at the southern exits of the Lomonosovskiy Prospekt station.

    Traditionally, public transport routes do not change on the first incomplete day of operation of new stations.

    New names in honor of the open metro stations were assigned to ground transport stops:

    • "Metro" Ramenki "" - to the stops "Vinnitskaya street" and "Ramenki" trolleybus routes № 17 and buses №№ 57, 447, 494, 572, 661, 715, 845 , "Vinnitskaya street, 2" bus routes №№ 394, 806 ;
    • "Metro" Lomonosovskiy Prospekt "" - the group of stops "Indira Gandhi Square" of trolleybus routes No. 7, 17, 34, 34k, buses №№ 1, 57, 58, 67, 103, 130, 187, 260, 447, 464, 470, 487, 572, 661, 714, 845, 902 .
    • route № 113 from the Profsoyuznaya metro station to the Universitet metro station follows the same route, then a two-way along Lomonosovsky Prospekt, Lebedev Street, Akademika Khokhlova Street and then goes to the Lomonosovsky Prospekt metro station by a one-way ring along Mendeleevskaya Street, a backup of Lomonosovsky Prospekt, Michurinsky Prospect, Universitetsky prospect and Mendeleevskaya street;
    • route № 788 from the 5th microdistrict Solntsev to the intersection of Michurinsky Prospekt with Lobachevsky Street, it will follow the same route, then instead of the Prospekt Vernadsky metro station, it will go along Michurinsky Prospekt to the Ramenki metro station;

    In addition, a new semi-express bus route is being organized № 908 "Metro Kashirskaya - Metro Filyovsky Park" along Marshal Shestopalov Street, Kashirskoye Highway, Nakhimovsky Prospekt, Lomonosovsky Prospect and Minskaya Street with stops from Metro Kashirskaya (embarkation - on Kashirskoye Highway, disembarkation - on Marshal Shestopalov Street) , "Library named after Tolstoy", "Simferopolsky Boulevard - Medical College", "Metro" Nakhimovsky Prospect "", "Weaving factory", "Metro" Profsoyuznaya "" (at 40 on Nakhimovsky Avenue and opposite it), "Metro" Profsoyuznaya "" (Near houses 46 and 57 on Nakhimovsky prospect), "Cheremushkinsky market", " Leninsky prospect"," Metro Universitet "," Library of Moscow State University "," Metro "Lomonosovsky Prospekt" "," Romain Rolland Square "," Metro "Filyovsky Park" ". Departure from the metro station "Kashirskaya" from 5:47 to 23:03, from the metro station "Filyovskiy park" - from 5:06 to 22:22. The interval of movement during peak hours is five minutes, the rest of the time - up to 10 minutes.

    Among the nearest plans of the Moscow metro is the opening of the renewed metro station "Kutuzovskaya" of the Filyovskaya line, scheduled for May, which will become a transfer to the MCC station of the same name.

    ADDITION from 12:45 on 03/16/2017
    The second lobby of the Park Pobedy metro station has also been opened today. Now the exit to the city can be made from both station halls, without using the connecting passage between them. A new escalator passage connects the northern station hall with Victory Square, where trains of the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line stop in the direction of the Pyatnitskoe highway station and the Solntsevskaya line in the direction of the Ramenki station. The old lobby can, as before, be used to enter and exit the southern station hall, where trains of the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line stop in the direction of the Shchelkovskaya station and the Solntsevskaya line in the direction of the Delovoy Tsentr station.

    SUPPLEMENT from 14:55 03/16/2017
    From March 17, the route of the route is changed No. 715k, which, as before, will work on weekdays during peak hours on the busiest section of the route № 715 ... The buses will run in both directions along Ramenki Street and Michurinsky Prospect to the new Ramenki Metro terminus. Traffic on parts of Udaltsova Street and Michurinsky Prospekt with the stops "Michurinsky Prospekt, 58" and "Exhibition Hall" is canceled.

    ADDITION from 13:40 03/17/2017
    Since March 17, the number of buses on the routes has been significantly increased №№ 788 and 793 , which made it possible to reduce the intervals on them by an average of half. In addition, with the extension of the Solntsevskaya line, the train intervals on the Park Pobedy - Delovoy Tsentr section have been reduced from ten to six to eight minutes.

    Station "Ramenki" is the 206th station of the Moscow metro, which opened as part of the "Victory Park" - "Ramenki" section of the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line on March 16, 2017. It is located in the residential area of ​​Ramenki at the intersection of Vinnitskaya Street and Michurinsky Avenue.

    The theme of the design of the Ramenki station is inspired by the history of the region: the silhouettes of trees against a green background remind of the oak groves that used to be in this area.

    Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin opened three new stations on the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya metro line. Now the metropolitan subway passengers have access to the following stations: Minskaya; Lomonosovsky prospect
    The length of the new section is 7.25 kilometers. All three new column-type stations - with one row of columns in the center of the platform.

    Station length - 163 meters

    There are two pairs of benches in the center of the platform.

    Exits to Michurinsky prospect and Vinitskaya street

    Train interval 6 minutes

    The station has two underground lobbies connected to the platform by escalators

    There are three escalators on each side of the station

    Having risen from the escalator, we see the police station, to the right of it there are turnstiles for entering the metro

    and here on the left are the exit turnstiles. Excellent know-how to designate over the turnstiles to which numbers to enter the city

    Silhouettes of trees on a green background


    Staircase exit to the city

    Accessibility to low-mobility passengers is provided by lifts from the platform to the level of the lobbies

    and from underpasses to ground level, also providing the ability to cross the avenue

    Underground passage under Michurinsky prospect

    When approaching the turnstiles, security frames are installed

    Entrance turnstiles

    Glass panel with oak grove, placed above the escalators

    The Solntsevsky radius of the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line is being built in stages:

    The first section "Business Center" - "Victory Park" was put into operation in early 2014 (3.4 kilometers, two stations). Until March, trains ran here in shuttle mode, through one ferry tunnel. The construction of the second running tunnel was completed in 2016;

    The second section "Park Pobedy" - "Ramenki" was completed in December 2016 (7.3 kilometers, three stations);

    The third section "Ramenki" - "Rasskazovka" (with an electric depot) is in the active stage of construction (15.3 kilometers, seven stations) until 2020

    It is expected that the construction of the Solntsevsky radius of the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line will improve transport services for 600 thousand Muscovites living in the areas of Ramenki, Prospekt Vernadsky, Ochakovo-Matveevskoye, Troparevo-Nikulino, Solntsevo, Novo-Peredelkino, Vnukovo and Moskovsky. Thus, the new metro stations will be within walking distance of the residential buildings of about 300 thousand citizens living in these areas.

    Congratulations to the residents of Ramenki with the arrival of the metro to their area!

    Three new metro stations open

    The stations of the capital's subway - "Minskaya", "Lomonosovskiy prospect" and "Ramenki" of the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line (KSL) - will open to passengers this week. According to Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, about 300 thousand people will receive the metro within walking distance. According to experts, the capitalization of housing will grow by 10–20% near new facilities.

    “Construction of the section from Delovoy Tsentr to Ramenok is fully completed. It has already been run-in and will soon be open to passengers. The length of this metro section will be 7.3 km, ”said Marat Khusnullin, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Urban Development Policy and Construction. Thus, the work, which lasted about three years, came to an end. As a result, 300 thousand Muscovites will receive a subway within walking distance. It is expected that in the very first days of operation of the new section it will become freer not only on the Sokolnicheskaya line, but also on the adjacent roads, because some of the drivers will prefer public transport personal.
    Trains on this section of the metro, albeit without passengers, have been running since the end of last year. In order to start transporting people, it was necessary to run the line, check the rails, the readiness of the rolling stock, and turnaround dead ends. In addition, for the first time in the Russian capital, gates will appear here, which will be combined and open together with the doors of the train, as is done at some stations in St. Petersburg. The designers believe that this will improve the safety level of the subway.
    The station "Minskaya" opens on the street of the same name at the intersection with the Kiev direction railroad and the junction of Starovolynskaya street. "Lomonosovsky Prospekt" - in the Ramenki area along Michurinsky Prospekt near its intersection with Lomonosovsky Prospekt. The Ramenki station is located in the residential area of ​​the same name at the intersection of Vinnitskaya Street and Michurinsky Prospect. It will become a temporary terminal station until the extension of the Narrative branch.
    All stations are made according to individual design projects. According to the chief architect of Moscow, Sergei Kuznetsov, the architectural solution is subject to a single concept. In the design of "Lomonosovsky Prospekt" will be used graphic elements in the form of a series of numbers, which symbolize the exact sciences and reflect the connection of the station with the nearby Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov. The design of the Ramenki station will remind you of the history of the region and the oak groves located on this place. The design will use silhouettes of trees on a green background. It is planned to depict military equipment of the 40s of the last century on the columns of "Minskaya", since the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War is located nearby.
    Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line is one of the largest long-term construction projects in Moscow. Its history began in the pre-war years, when the first plans for its construction began to appear. However, the plans came to fruition only in the late 1970s.
    The first stations of the line were opened for the Moscow Olympics in 1979 on its eastern radius. But the construction stopped, reaching the center of the capital. Only in 2010, it was decided to start construction of the western radius, which runs from the Pobedy Park station to the Solntsevo area. The Park Pobedy - Delovoy Tsentr section was opened in 2014, three stations will be launched this week and seven more in December. These will be the platforms Michurinsky Prospekt, Ochakovo, Govorovo, Solntsevo, Borovskoe Shosse, Novoperedelkino and Rasskazovka. “Today about five thousand people work here, in the next month we will mobilize another thousand workers here,” said the head of the construction complex. In the future, along this line it will be possible to reach the Vnukovo airport. Another section on the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line will pass through the historic center of the city. Three stations will appear on it: Volkhonka, Plyushchikha, Dorogomilovskaya, it will connect Delovoy Tsentr and Tretyakovskaya. However, this will not happen soon. Due to problems with the release of construction sites and the most difficult soil, the city authorities are in no hurry to start construction.
    Until the central part of the KSL is built, the line is planned to be integrated with the section of the Third interchange metro circuit, which is also due to open in the near future. It includes Delovoy Tsentr, Shelepikha, Khoroshevskaya, CSKA, and Petrovsky Park stations. Thus, trains will move from Rasskazovka to Petrovsky Park by the end of this year.
    However, locals will appreciate the opening of new metro stations near their homes, not only in terms of saving time on city trips. According to Marat Khusnullin, transport infrastructure facilities increase housing capitalization by 10-20%. It is not surprising that the supply of apartments in new buildings near new buildings has been growing recently. The smallest number of proposals in the project is near "Minskaya", which is understandable, the area as a whole has been provided with an underground for many years, and the development has long been established. The stations "Slavyansky Boulevard", "Pionerskaya", "Filevsky Park" are located here. But around Lomonosovsky Prospekt and Ramenok, according to the analytical and consulting center of the investment and real estate company Est-a-Tet, there are seven proposals with an area of ​​about 100 thousand square meters. meters. This is mainly business and comfort class. The average cost per square meter is almost 385 thousand rubles.
    As a reminder, 19 new metro stations are planned to be launched this year. In addition to the already mentioned platforms of the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line and the Third interchange circuit, this is the Khovrino station on the Zamoskvoretskaya line and three in the extension of the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya

    The long-awaited extension of the Solntsevskaya line to the Ramenki station took place. The launch section, 7 km long, includes three stations: Minskaya, Lomonosovsky Prospekt and Ramenki itself. The preliminary launch dates were announced at the end of last year, but the dates were constantly postponed. And finally, on March 16, 2017, these stations were opened.

    1. The first section of the Solntsevskaya line was the Delovoy Tsentr - Pobedy Park section, which operated in shuttle mode. Now it is a full-fledged line, but the intervals on it have been increased, since the turnaround dead end is located between the "Delovoy Tsentr" and "Pobedy Park", so now we have to change the cab 3 times to change direction. In the future, when there is a connection with the Kalinin radius, this will greatly facilitate the organization of traffic

    2. In general, there are a lot of plans, some of them are changing, but with regard to the Solntsevskaya line, everything is unambiguous, it will be, and the new site is the best confirmation of this

    3. Perhaps the prospects are no less interesting than the new stations themselves

    4. The first after the "Victory Park" passengers are met by the station "Minskaya"

    5. The decoration is associated with the nearby Velikaya Patriotic War, where the artillery railway installation is located, which is depicted on the columns

    6. However, all the same, I'm sure many will continue to believe that this is a steam locomotive

    7.Adds this feeling to the red and gray color scheme used by Russian Railways.

    8. Although the station does not look gray and boring, it looks more like steel. And thanks to the peculiarities of construction, because of which it was necessary to narrow down the dimensions, it looks compact and cozy

    9. "Lomonosovsky Prospect". After the publication of the renders, heated debates flared up about the numbers on the columns, as if they had descended from arithmetic textbooks.

    10. However, this is a reference to Moscow State University and in particular to the science park. Visually, they create a sense of endless code.

    11. The stations are made according to a standard design similar to Zhulebino, but everything is perceived differently



    14. And at the new stations there are very original lamps on escalators.

    15. The lobbies are everywhere in the same vein as the station itself

    16. It was at Lomonosovsky Prospekt that a solemn meeting dedicated to the start-up of the site took place. Traditionally, the stations were opened by the mayor of Moscow

    17. The solemn delegation arrived unexpectedly on the wrong path (movement in the opposite direction)

    19. In general, this entire launch site is perceived as "Ramenki", partly because two of the three stations are located in that area, partly because the name is so sonorous and capacious.

    20. Ramenye - so in the old days they called a dense dense forest

    21. Actually, this is played up in the title

    22. All stations look very modern

    23. At the same time, the individuality of each is preserved, which is important

    24. The opening of the metro is always a holiday

    25. So I would like to congratulate everyone, starting from the creators: Igor Georgievich Zemlyanitsky, chief architect of the project (on the left) and Leonid Leonidovich Borzenkov, head of the Metrogiprotrans architectural studio

    26. Engineers

    27. Builders

    28. And everyone who has to work at the stations