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  • What is known about the time traveler. Time Travelers tells of a dire future. Nobody believes them. Immortal Nicolas Cage

    What is known about the time traveler.  Time Travelers tells of a dire future.  Nobody believes them.  Immortal Nicolas Cage

    The most accurate ones do not leave evidence of their stay, but even among time travelers there are people who are not always cautious - it was in their footsteps that scientists realized that teleportation exists. If you're still in doubt, check out 15 of the most famous time travel cases!

    Cell phone in Chaplin's movie

    This phenomenon is recorded in the documentary about the premiere of Charlie Chaplin's film "Circus". The frame accidentally caught a strolling woman who holds her hand near her ear as if she were holding a mobile phone. Moreover, she also talks, although no one is observed next to her. But this is 1928!

    Hipster in the 1940s

    A photo with this person, whose identity has not been established, has spread all over the world. It shows a group of people who were present at the opening of the South Fork Bridge over the Shenandoah River in Arkansas. Most of the people in the picture almost merge together, but one of them is clearly not like everyone else. He is dressed in modern clothes, trendy sunglasses and a camera from the '40s. These things simply did not exist at the time. Naturally, this picture was checked, but the experts did not find the photomontage.

    TV presenter - time traveler

    Left - a snapshot of an unknown man from the United States of the 19th century. On the right - a photo of the famous American TV presenter of the early 21st century, Conan O'Brian. The similarity is striking! But that's not all. The press has repeatedly called the TV presenter a time traveler. His demeanor and appearance are strikingly different from anything they have seen before.

    Time traveler in the open air

    This picture was taken in 1917 at Cape Scott Park near Vancouver. Just take a closer look at how the young man in the middle is dressed: his rather modern shorts and T-shirt are clearly different from the prim clothes of people from the last century!

    Marilyn and the time traveler

    It's hard to take your eyes off Marilyn, but try and get accustomed to the woman in the background. What is in her hands? Digital camera? Miniature camcorder? Be that as it may, this technique simply did not exist at that time ...

    Is Andrew Karlssin a rogue from the future?

    This traveler was arrested in 2003 for stock exchange fraud. He claimed to have come from 2256 and knew all the information about the market. With 800 dollars, he made 126 successful deals and for short term increased his fortune to 350 million! As experts say, without exact knowledge of how the stock quotes will fluctuate, this is impossible to do.

    Flying through the years

    Pilot Victor Goddard (pictured left) claimed to have had a time travel experience in 1935. Flying over an abandoned airfield in the Scottish Sandman, he flew into a strange yellow cloud. Having got out of it, Victor saw that the airfield below was full of planes and people dressed in obviously military uniform strange colors. Arriving at his airfield, he shared a strange observation with friends. Four years later, the previously abandoned airfield in Drem was again given to military pilots, and after a while they changed their shape, giving out exactly the same one that Victor Goddard observed in his strange flight through time.

    Jay-Z, what are the fates?

    Jay-Z is a fairly famous singer, and he is also the husband of the singer Beyoncé. There is nothing strange about him, and it would be difficult to suspect a time traveler in him. But maybe this picture taken in 1930 will convince you?

    Through time through the plumbing

    Hakan got the opportunity to travel back in time when he went under the sink to fix a pipe. Yes, yes, you heard right! Arriving home, the man saw water on the floor. To fix the leak, he reached into the cabinet under the sink and saw a tunnel. At the end of it, as is customary, a light dawned. Hakan did not shy away and decided to check what was there at the end. He got out in his own kitchen, however, 36 years later. There, Hakan met himself a 72-year-old and made a video with him, showing the same tattoos.

    Cell phone in 1938

    A typical shot of a girl talking on a cell phone, isn't it? But this photo was taken in 1938. And again, the time traveler was given out by the modern technology beyond his years!

    And again cellular communication!

    This picture was taken in the early years of the 20th century. We cannot see exactly what the man in the vest is pressing to his ear, but this is clearly some kind of portable technique. How did she get there?

    Nicolas Cage and you ?!

    Actor Nicolas Cage also turned out to be one of these time travelers. Doubt? Then take a look at the picture taken a hundred years before Cage was born! Believe it now?

    Smartphone and Mike Tyson

    This picture was taken during Mike Tyson's fight with Peter McNealy in 1995. In the first row, a person is clearly visible filming what is happening on a smartphone or miniature digital camera. However, this technique will only appear on the market a few years later.

    Andrew Basiago

    In 2004, Andrew Basiago, a Seattle-based attorney, made a public statement that he was involved in a secret US government time travel program as a child. Most of the movements, according to the man, were carried out on the basis of documents of the famous engineer Nikola Tesla. Andrew allegedly made it to Ford's theater five or six times on the night that President Lincoln was assassinated. Each time he met his "copies" and changed the course of history.

    The mysterious world in which we live has unusually complex properties that have not yet been fully explored. Can time change its direction, allowing us to penetrate into the past or the future? Do time travelers actually exist? Can they change the past, and then return to their era? At the moment, many facts have been discovered that indicate what is real. This article describes some of them.

    Mobile phone in 1928

    The video, filmed on the day of the premiere of the film "Circus", starring Charlie Chaplin, captures an unusual woman. Judging by the material, she is holding something close to her ear that resembles a modern mobile phone. Now this does not surprise anyone, but in those days, no one even heard of cell phones. It could be assumed that the woman made a journey into the past.

    George Clarke, who first noticed this after a year of studying the material, never found a convincing explanation. A version was put forward that this is not a telephone, but a hearing aid. Although in those days, hearing aids of such a small size could not have been.

    Opening of the South Fork Bridge

    It happened in 1941. The picture showed people watching the opening of the bridge in Among them was an unusual looking person, as if he had made a trip to the past. He was dressed in a university T-shirt, which had no analogues at that time, as well as a fashionable sweater. The young man's sunglasses were modern model... In addition, the camera this man was carrying was very different from the 1940 models.

    The photo was carefully examined, during which it turned out that it had not been subjected to any processing, that is, it was recorded real event with real people... Is this proof that time travelers exist?

    Swiss watch in the tomb

    They were discovered in China while filming a documentary in a tomb that was empty for four centuries. The case back of the watch was engraved with “Swiss”. What time travelers left a Swiss watch in an ancient tomb has not yet been established. The fact that in the 17th century such a movement of such a miniature size could be created is out of the question.

    in France

    Another story testifies to time travel. In 2008, archaeologists from the University of Bristol excavated the French castle of Château Gaillard, during which they discovered something unusual.

    At a depth of 2.5 meters, iron objects were found, which are the protective armor of a warrior. A buried horse skeleton was discovered nearby. Coins found there also indicated that these findings date back to the reign of Richard I the Lionheart.

    Archaeologists were shocked after the fragments were carefully removed and cleared of soil. It turned out that the metal elements are parts of a knight's bicycle, which has been in the ground for almost nine centuries.

    All the fragments were well preserved, this was due to the fact that before burial they were processed with molten wax. In addition, the bike's parts were found to be made of steel.

    Programmer from the future

    Another case that may be proof that time travelers exist. In 1897, a man was detained in a Siberian town; he alerted the guards with his unusual outfit. During the interrogation, Sergei Krapivin told about himself, which surprised everyone present a lot. It turned out that his year of birth is 1965. He was born in the city of Angarsk. The profession of a PC operator was not familiar to anyone around.

    Krapivin could not say anything about his appearance here. He only noted that before the arrest, he felt a severe pain in his head, which led to a loss of consciousness. When he woke up, he saw an unfamiliar area around him.

    How this person ended up in the past has not been established. The doctor, who was called to the station, considered Krapivin insane and sent him to an insane asylum.

    Post-storm incident

    A mysterious incident happened to a resident of Sevastopol, a retired naval sailor Ivan Zalygin, after which he began to study the facts that help a person make a journey into the depths of time.

    This story took place at the end of the 80s of the last century, at that time Zalygin served as deputy commander of a diesel submarine. One of the training trips ended with the boat in a whirlpool of a thunderstorm.

    After the command to take the surface position, the sailor on duty discovered a rescue boat, in which there was a barely alive frostbitten man. He was dressed in the uniform of a Japanese naval officer during the Second World War. In addition, documents issued in 1940 were found with him.

    The incident was reported to the base command. By order, the boat headed to the port of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where counterintelligence was awaiting the rescued person. All crew members took this event for 10 years.

    Zalygin described another amazing case that happened in the Carpathians. Shepherd and his fifteen-year-old son were in the summer camp. One evening, the father suddenly disappeared right in front of his son, who immediately began to call for help. But not even a minute had passed when my father appeared in the same place, as if out of thin air. As it turned out, a bright flash appeared in front of the man, from which he lost consciousness. When he woke up, he found himself in an unfamiliar area with huge houses and cars scurrying through the air. Shepherd again felt bad, and he ended up in the same place from which he disappeared.

    Guest from "Titanic"

    In 1990, a human figure was seen on an iceberg in the North Atlantic by the crew of a Norwegian fishing trawler. Rescuers lifted a young lady aboard, who was wet and very cold.

    As it turned out, the woman's name is Vinnie Coates, and she ended up in the middle of the ocean after the wreck of the ship she was traveling on. The victim said that an urgent need to rescue the survivors. This story really surprised the captain, since there were no reports of the ship that was in distress.
    When asked about the ship's name, the woman showed the remains of a wet ticket from Southampton to New York. It was dated 1912, and the ship was called the Titanic.

    First of all, the captain thought that the woman had suffered severe stress and was simply delirious. In Oslo, a team of doctors was summoned to her, the victim was placed in a psychiatric hospital. But after all the studies, it turned out that the victim is mentally absolutely healthy and adequate, her intellect, memory and attention are well developed.

    During her stay at the clinic, some more details emerged. Vinnie Coates, 29, traveled with her two sons, her husband was supposed to meet them in New York, but the ship sank, and she ended up on an iceberg.

    The woman's account has been carefully documented. It turned out that her ticket was genuine, and her clothes corresponded to the fashion of the beginning of the twentieth century. Somewhat later, her name was discovered in the list of passengers of the sunken ship. At the time when Vinnie Coates was discovered, she was supposed to be 107 years old.

    For ten years, the woman was monitored by psychiatrists who were never able to classify her condition as a mental illness and logically explain the behavior.

    For a long time, scientists have been trying to solve the problem of time travel, but perhaps someday fantastic stories from films and books will turn into everyday reality for us.

    There are tons of different stories out there that should convince readers and listeners that time travel is indeed possible. Here are some of the most famous ones.

    Is the head of the emperor in Lenin's office?

    1. Mobile phone in the movie Charlie Chaplin

    Looking closely at some of the behind-the-scenes footage of Charlie Chaplin's "Circus," director George Clark noticed a woman who enters the frame holding a small slender device to her ear. If the film was shot today, then anyone could call this device a mobile phone. However, the action takes place in 1928! So what did George Clark see? A time traveler? Then how can she talk on a cell phone if there was no cell phone service in 1928? Or does she have some kind of apparatus in her hands with which she communicated with other time travelers? Also a rather absurd assumption - how was the connection made? Most likely, the woman was holding some other device in her hands, for example, a hearing aid, if the woman was hard on her ear. True, the woman is talking at the same time ... So maybe she is generally crazy? And is it a woman?

    2. Were there CDs in 1800.

    The painting shows a man holding in his hands what looks very much like a CD box. What is it? As you know, the form of gramophone records known today was invented only in the middle of the 18th century, and here is its very beginning. In general, the compact disc appeared only in the 80s of the 20th century. Who is this man with the CD box? Time traveller? Oh really? How well he got into the group depicted in the picture.

    3. The victim of a car comes from the past

    In mid-June 1950, a tragic accident happened: a car hit and die a young man of about thirty named Rudolf Fetz. The deceased was dressed in clothes that were in fashion in the 19th century.

    The police launched an investigation, and it was unexpectedly revealed that this man, aged 29, had disappeared in 1876. They found with him during the time: a copper beer marker, a bill for the care of a horse and a cart, a letter dated 1876, $ 70 and business cards. All of these things were without any signs of aging, which made it possible for the police to assume that they were in front of the body of a time traveler who came from 1876 straight to 1950. Another traveler? Somehow it becomes too much of them.

    4. Secrets of the Montauk project

    As the BBC once reported, Montauk's secret laboratory was able to create a passage through space-time. The so-called Montauk Project was allegedly carried out from 1943 to 1983 at a military base near Montauk, New York. As they say, in the course of the experiments, the subjects were irradiated the brain with high-frequency radio pulses, which led to the occurrence of various hallucinations in them. Many subjects reported that they visited in the future. After several subjects went crazy, the project was canceled. The project itself was linked by the names of Preston B. Nichols and Al Bielek, who, according to them, suddenly began to recall the long-standing events suppressed in the laboratory.

    5. Time-traveling hipster

    A photograph from 1941 shows the opening of the Golden Bridge in Canada. And here, too, they saw a time traveler. From the rest of the townsfolk, whom you can see in the photograph, he was distinguished by a T-shirt, sunglasses - everything did not correspond to the style of clothing that was worn at that time. In addition, the stranger saw a modern portable camera, which certainly could not have been in the 40s of the last century.

    This traveler is known as the "time-traveling hipster". Did he come back? Who knows - history is silent about this.

    6. The Philadelphia Experiment

    This is perhaps the most famous of the time-tunnel experiments. Also known as "Rainbow". The experiment was conceived as a top secret project that would decide the outcome of the Second World War. Project Rainbow, the forerunner of the current Stells ("low-visibility") technology, carried out technical experiments to ensure that ships were invisible to enemy radars. The experiment revealed an unexpected by-effect... The ship not only became invisible, but also suddenly appeared in Norfolk, Virginia, hundreds of miles away.

    While the ship was "moving" from the Philadelphia Navy base to Norfolk and back, the crew members completely lost their orientation. In the end, the team members were declared insane, and the project itself was quietly buried. Whether there was really a time travel or not is difficult to say. But the story itself was overgrown with various blood-chilling details and is still being told. For example - in Hollywood films.

    7. Flight into the future of Sir Victor Goddard

    In 1935, an officer of the British Royal Air Force flew by plane to an abandoned airfield in Edinburgh. Imagine his surprise when, taking off over the old airport to go back, he glanced down at the just abandoned takeoff field: the old airfield was completely renovated, mechanics in blue overalls walked around four parked yellow planes.

    Only four years later, in 1939, the Royal air Force began to paint planes yellow and mechanics' uniforms were changed to blue. Well, what is not a proof of Sir Goddard's journey through time?

    8. Evidence of time travel from a Chinese tomb.

    In December 2008, Chinese archaeologists uncovered the huge tomb of Emperor Xi Qing, which had remained completely intact for 400 years.

    When scientists cleaned the layer of earth around the emperor's coffin, they stumbled upon a small piece of iron, which, upon closer inspection, turned out to be a Swiss modern watch with an engraved lid and hands that stopped at 10:06. The tomb, according to archaeologists, has indeed been intact for 400 years. How do you explain a modern artifact? Not otherwise, as again the absent-minded time traveler lost ...

    Throughout its history, mankind has accumulated a lot of facts indicating the existence of such an inexplicable phenomenon as time travel. Emergence strange people, machines and mechanisms are recorded in the historical annals of the era of the Egyptian pharaohs and the time of the dark Middle Ages, the bloody period of the French Revolution, the First and Second World Wars.

    Programmer in the 19th century.

    The archives of Tobolsk have preserved the case of a certain Sergei Dmitrievich Krapivin, who was detained by a policeman on August 28, 1897 on one of the streets of this Siberian city. Suspicion of the police officer caused strange behavior and appearance middle-aged men. After the detainee was taken to the police station and interrogated, the police were surprised at the information that Krapivin sincerely shared with them. According to the detainee, he was born on April 14, 1965 in the city of Angarsk. His occupation - a PC operator - seemed no less strange to the policeman. How he got to Tobolsk, Krapivin could not explain. According to him, shortly before that he had a severe headache, then the man lost consciousness, and when he woke up, he saw that he was in a completely unfamiliar place not far from the church.

    A doctor was called to the police station to examine the detainee, who admitted that Mr. Krapivin was quiet insanity and insisted on placing him in a city insane asylum ...

    A shard of imperial Japan.

    A resident of Sevastopol, a retired naval sailor Ivan Pavlovich Zalygin has been studying the problem of time travel for the last fifteen years. The captain of the second rank became interested in this phenomenon after a very curious and mysterious incident that happened to him in the late 80s of the last century on Pacific, during his service as deputy commander of a diesel submarine. During one of the training cruises in the area of ​​the La Perouse Strait, the boat got into a severe thunderstorm. The submarine commander decided to take a surface position. As soon as the ship surfaced, the sailor on duty reported that the line on the course saw an unidentified ship. Soon it turns out that a Soviet submarine stumbled upon a rescue boat located in neutral waters, in which the submariners found a half-dead frostbitten man in ... the uniform of a Japanese naval sailor during the Second World War. When inspecting the personal belongings of the rescued person, a premium parabellum was found, as well as documents issued on September 14, 1940.

    After the report to the base command, the boat was ordered to go to the port of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where counterintelligence was already waiting for the Japanese naval sailor. The GRU officers took a nondisclosure agreement from the team members for the next ten years.

    Napoleon's troops against tanks.

    In Zalygin's file cabinet there is a case described by a certain Vasily Troshev, who fought in the third tank army of the North-Western Front. During the battles for the liberation of Estonia in 1944, near the Gulf of Finland, a tank reconnaissance division commanded by Captain Troshev stumbled upon a strange group of cavalrymen dressed in uniforms in a wooded area, which tankers had only seen in history textbooks. The sight of the tanks brought them to a panicky flight. As a result of a short pursuit through the marshy area, our soldiers managed to detain one of the cavalrymen. The fact that he spoke French greatly disposed to the prisoner Soviet tankmen, who knew about the Resistance movement and took the horseman for a soldier of the allied army.

    The French cavalryman was taken to the army headquarters, an officer who taught in his pre-war youth was found French, and with his help they tried to interrogate the soldier. The very first minutes of the conversation perplexed both the translator and the staff officers. The cavalryman claimed to be the cuirassier of the army of the Emperor Napoleon. At present, the remnants of his regiment, after a two-week retreat from Moscow, are trying to get out of the encirclement. However, two days ago they got into a heavy fog and got lost. The cuirassier himself said that he was extremely hungry and had a cold. When the translator asked about the year of birth, he said: one thousand seven hundred and seventy-two ...

    Already in the morning of the next day, the mysterious prisoner was taken away in an unknown direction by the arrived officers of the special department ...
    Is there a chance to return?

    According to I.P. Zalygin, there are a number of places on the planet where the facts of temporary displacements occur quite often. It is in these places that large faults are located. crust... From these faults, periodically powerful emissions of energies come out, the nature of which is far from being fully understood. It is during periods of energy emissions that anomalous space-time movements occur both from the past to the future, and vice versa.

    Almost always, temporary displacements are irreversible, but it happens that people who have moved against their will to another time, have the good fortune to return again. So, Zalygin describes a case that occurred in the early nineties of the XX century on one of the foothill plateaus of the Carpathians with one of the shepherds. A man with his fifteen-year-old son was in a summer parking lot, when one evening, in front of a teenager, he suddenly disappeared. The shepherd's son began to call for help, but literally a minute later his father reappeared as if out of thin air in the same place. The man was extremely frightened and could not sleep a wink all night. Only the next morning the shepherd told his son what had happened to him. As it turned out, at some point the man saw a bright flash in front of him, lost consciousness for a moment, and when he woke up, he realized that he was in a completely unfamiliar place to him. Huge houses, like pipes, stood around him, and some cars scurried about in the air. Suddenly the shepherd again felt sick, and he again found himself in the parking lot familiar to him ...

    For the second century, scientists have been struggling to solve the problem of temporary displacement, and, quite possibly, the day will come when the plots of science fiction films and books will become an everyday reality for mankind.

    This photograph was taken in 1941 at the opening of the South Fork Bridge in British Columbia, Canada. A person who clearly stands out from the crowd for his extraordinary appearance was captured in the frame. A short haircut, dark glasses, a knitted sweater with a wide neckline over a T-shirt with some symbols, a massive camera in his hands. Agree, the appearance is quite familiar to our days, but not for the beginning of the 40s! And he completely stands out from the others. This photo was under investigation. Found a participant in these events. But he absolutely could not remember this man.

    Looking at old photographs, one married couple drew attention to a young man captured in 1917 in clothes unusual for that time.
    Basically, they were embarrassed by the fact that every respected person of that time wore a hat; going out without a hat was considered the same as appearing in public without pants. And the T-shirt that he is wearing does not fit into the fashion of that time in any way, it looks too modern.

    In June 1936, during excavation work in the vicinity of Baghdad, builders discovered an ancient burial site from the era of the Parthian kingdom (250 BC - 220 AD). Among the items found in the tomb, an earthen vessel about 14 centimeters high attracted special attention. Its neck was filled with bitumen, through which a metal rod with traces of corrosion passed. The other end of the rod was in a copper cylinder hidden inside the vessel. The unusual find was shown to the Austrian archaeologist Wilhelm Koenig, who worked in the archaeological museum of the Iraqi capital. The perplexed scientist suggested that this is nothing more than an ancient battery.

    Later, his assumption was confirmed by Professor JB Perchinski from the University of North Carolina. The professor even managed to create an exact working copy of the "Parthian battery". He filled it with 5% wine vinegar and got a voltage of 0.5 volts. German Egyptologist Arne Egebrecht went even further. With the help of 10 such batteries and a salt solution of gold, he covered the statue of Osiris with a layer of precious metal in a few hours. Thus, the scientist proved that the Parthians knew the secret of galvanization.

    In June 1934, in the rocks near the Texas town of London, archaeologists found an ordinary-looking hammer - 15 centimeters long, three in diameter. It would seem, what's wrong with that? Yes, only this find literally grew into limestone. The wooden handle of the hammer has turned to stone on the outside, but inside it has completely turned into coal. It turns out that this object is older than the rock formed around it. This means that it is about 140 million years old! On closer examination, it turned out that the hammer itself was made of high quality metal, which even modern metallurgists could not get.

    In 1974, Romanian workers were digging a trench near the city of Ayud and stumbled upon three objects at a depth of 10 meters. Two of them turned out to be the bones of a prehistoric elephant, which are about 2.5 million years old.
    But the third object turned out to be the most interesting: an aluminum wedge. This find puzzled researchers, since aluminum was discovered only in 1808, and the age of the wedge, given that it was in the same layer with the remains of an extinct animal, cannot be less than 11 thousand years.
    Ufologists immediately announced this artifact as direct evidence of visits to Earth by "green men". Whether it is true or not, hardly anyone can say with complete certainty.

    This item, found in a tomb from the Ming Dynasty, has puzzled researchers. The tomb was opened in 2008 in the Guangxi region (PRC) during filming documentary... To the surprise of archaeologists and journalists. in the burial ... a Swiss watch was found!
    “When we were removing the soil, a piece of rock suddenly bounced off the surface of the coffin and hit the floor with a metallic sound,” said Jiang Yan, a former curator of the Guangxi Museum who participated in the excavation. - We picked up the item. It turned out to be a ring. But, having cleared it of the earth, we were shocked - a miniature dial was found on its surface ”.

    Inside the ring was an engraved inscription "Swiss" (Switzerland). The Ming Dynasty ruled China until 1644. There can be no question that such a miniature mechanism could have been created in the 17th century. But Chinese experts say the tomb has never been opened for the past 400 years.

    In 1900, off the coast of the Greek island of Antikythera, located between the Peloponnese and Crete, sponge catchers discovered the remains of a Roman merchant ship. Presumably, the ship sank in the 80s BC. on the way from the island of Rhodes to R them. A lot of gold jewelry, marble and bronze figurines, amphorae, ceramics and other antique items were raised from a depth of about 60 meters. And along with them - parts of a strange mechanism.

    For the first time, the archaeologist Valerios Stais took a closer look at this find. Sorting the precious exhibits in 1902, he noticed that some of the bronze objects very much resemble clock gears. The largest is 10-12 centimeters in diameter, two by five to seven centimeters, and many more smaller ones. The scientist suggested that all of these are parts of some kind of astronomical device. But colleagues scoffed at Stais. Objects dated back to 150-100 BC, while gears were not invented until 14 centuries later.

    They returned to Stais's theory only in the late 50s.

    The British historian from Yale University Derek de Solla Price, having studied in detail the gears from Antikythera, proved that they are all really fragments of the same mechanism. The parts were most likely housed in a wooden box measuring 31.5x19x10 centimeters, which crumbled over time. Price even sketched a rough diagram of this device. In 1971, a more detailed diagram was drawn up, and the British watchmaker John Gleave was able to assemble a working copy of the mysterious machine. The device consisted of 32 parts and simulated the movement of the sun and moon, displaying the results on two dials.

    The opening of Michael Wright, a specialist at the London Science Museum

    But the story did not end there. In 2002, Michael Wright, a specialist at the London Science Museum, made another discovery. It turns out that the ancient mechanism is also capable of simulating the motion of the five then known planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. And three years later, with the help of modern X-ray techniques, scientists were able to see about two thousand Greek symbols on the gears. The missing parts of the mechanism were also recreated. Now the device could perform operations of addition, subtraction and division, keep an astronomical calendar of 365 days, and every four years, making a leap correction for the day, and counting according to the calendar systems of several ancient peoples. The Antiky-Tersky mechanism was rightly dubbed the antique computer.

    On the remote Kamchatka Peninsula, 200 km from the village of Tigil, the University of Archeology of St. Petersburg discovered strange fossils. The authenticity of the find has been certified.
    According to archaeologist Yuri Golubev, the discovery surprised scientists by its nature, it can change the course of history (or prehistory). This is not the first time that ancient artifacts have been found in this region. But, at first glance, this find is encrusted in a rock (which is understandable, since there are numerous volcanoes on the peninsula). Analysis has shown that the movement is made of metal parts that appear to collectively form a movement, which could be something like a watch or a computer. The most amazing thing is that all the pieces were dated at 400 million!

    In May 2008, archaeologists from the University of Bristol, conducting excavations on the territory of the Château-Gaillard (France), made a sensational find. At a depth of two and a half meters, a complex of iron objects was discovered that made up the warrior's protective armor. Nearby, archaeologists discovered a second burial, a well-preserved skeleton of a horse. The excavation also found coins denier tournois (French denier tournois), a French type of denarius minted by Philip II Augustus (1180-1223), as well as coins of the Duchy of Aquitaine with the name of Richard, which suggests that the found armor belongs to During the reign of Richard I the Lionheart (1189-1199), the very arrangement of fragments of iron armor seemed unusual in this find. From above, they resembled the outline of a bicycle.

    The "Reports of the Academy of Sciences" for 1995 tells how geologists in Syktyvkar investigated strange finds during prospecting for gold-bearing rocks. They made pits, pulled out buckets of sand on a rope. Tungsten springs were discovered in taiga corners untouched by civilization at depths of 6-12 meters. And this corresponds to the Upper Pleistocene, or one hundred thousand years BC! .. “Technogenic contamination of samples is excluded, since metallic tungsten and its alloys were not part of any of the mechanisms, equipment and instruments used for drilling, and the prospecting area itself is located in distance from any industrial enterprises for many kilometers. At the same time, it is known that metallic tungsten alloyed with rare earths ... is used in plasma engines of space rockets. "
    So, the artifacts are clearly of artificial origin, they could not be brought to the Urals over the past 40 years together with the debris of current spacecraft, quite a lot of springs were found in three different places.


    which in this case suggests itself: the artifacts did not come from anywhere. Someone or something scattered them on the ground about 100 thousand years ago. Considering that the region of the Urals is rich in minerals, it can be assumed that in these places many millennia ago, there was some kind of metallurgical complex associated with rocketry, or a cosmodrome (or maybe something like that) ...

    Is there a more exciting topic for science fiction books than time travel? For example, I adore the writers Oscar Wilde and Ray Bradbury precisely for their unique ability to see the future and describe travel in it in the most talented way. Not everyone can do that! But, as you know, time travelers, if they exist, love to travel not only to the seductive future, but also to the past.

    The most accurate ones do not leave evidence of their stay, but even among time travelers there are people who are not always cautious - it was in their footsteps that scientists realized that teleportation exists. If you're still in doubt, check out 15 of the most famous time travel cases!

    Cell phone in Chaplin's movie

    This phenomenon is recorded in the documentary about the premiere of Charlie Chaplin's film "Circus". The frame accidentally caught a strolling woman who holds her hand near her ear as if she were holding a mobile phone. Moreover, she also talks, although no one is observed next to her. But this is 1928!

    Hipster in the 1940s

    A photo with this person, whose identity has not been established, has spread all over the world. It shows a group of people who were present at the opening of the South Fork Bridge over the Shenandoah River in Arkansas. Most of the people in the picture almost merge together, but one of them is clearly not like everyone else. He is dressed in modern clothes, trendy sunglasses and a camera from the '40s. These things simply did not exist at the time. Naturally, this picture was checked, but the experts did not find the photomontage.

    TV presenter - time traveler

    Left - a snapshot of an unknown man from the United States of the 19th century. On the right - a photo of the famous American TV presenter of the early 21st century, Conan O'Brian. The similarity is striking! But that's not all. The press has repeatedly called the TV presenter a time traveler. His demeanor and appearance are strikingly different from anything they have seen before.

    Time traveler in the open air

    This picture was taken in 1917 at Cape Scott Park near Vancouver. Just take a closer look at how the young man in the middle is dressed: his rather modern shorts and T-shirt are clearly different from the prim clothes of people from the last century!

    Marilyn and the time traveler

    It's hard to take your eyes off Marilyn, but try and get accustomed to the woman in the background. What is in her hands? Digital camera? Miniature camcorder? Be that as it may, this technique simply did not exist at that time ...

    Is Andrew Karlssin a rogue from the future?

    This traveler was arrested in 2003 for stock exchange fraud. He claimed to have come from 2256 and knew all the information about the market. With 800 dollars, he made 126 successful deals and in a short time increased his fortune to 350 million! As experts say, without exact knowledge of how the stock quotes will fluctuate, this is impossible to do.

    Is Vladimir Putin a time traveler?

    Vladimir Putin is subject not only to space, but also to time! Look at these decorated Soviet soldiers of the 1920s and 1940s - and you will understand everything yourself!

    Flying through the years

    Pilot Victor Goddard (pictured left) claimed to have had a time travel experience in 1935. Flying over an abandoned airfield in the Scottish Sandman, he flew into a strange yellow cloud. Having got out of it, Victor saw that the airfield below was full of planes and people dressed in obviously military uniforms of strange colors. Arriving at his airfield, he shared a strange observation with friends. Four years later, the previously abandoned airfield in Drem was again given to military pilots, and after a while they changed their shape, giving out exactly the same one that Victor Goddard observed in his strange flight through time.

    Jay-Z, what are the fates?

    Jay-Z is a fairly famous singer, and he is also the husband of the singer Beyoncé. There is nothing strange about him, and it would be difficult to suspect a time traveler in him. But maybe this picture taken in 1930 will convince you?

    Through time through the plumbing

    Hakan got the opportunity to travel back in time when he went under the sink to fix a pipe. Yes, yes, you heard right! Arriving home, the man saw water on the floor. To fix the leak, he reached into the cabinet under the sink and saw a tunnel. At the end of it, as is customary, a light dawned. Hakan did not shy away and decided to check what was there at the end. He got out in his own kitchen, however, 36 years later. There, Hakan met himself a 72-year-old and made a video with him, showing the same tattoos.

    Cell phone in 1938

    A typical shot of a girl talking on a cell phone, isn't it? But this photo was taken in 1938. And again, the time traveler was given out by the modern technology beyond his years!

    And again cellular communication!

    This picture was taken in the early years of the 20th century. We cannot see exactly what the man in the vest is pressing to his ear, but this is clearly some kind of portable technique. How did she get there?

    Nicolas Cage and you ?!

    Actor Nicolas Cage also turned out to be one of these time travelers. Doubt? Then take a look at the picture taken a hundred years before Cage was born! Believe it now?

    Smartphone and Mike Tyson

    This picture was taken during Mike Tyson's fight with Peter McNealy in 1995. In the first row, a person is clearly visible filming what is happening on a smartphone or miniature digital camera. However, this technique will only appear on the market a few years later.

    Andrew Basiago

    In 2004, Andrew Basiago, a Seattle-based attorney, made a public statement that he was involved in a secret US government time travel program as a child. Most of the movements, according to the man, were carried out on the basis of documents of the famous engineer Nikola Tesla. Andrew allegedly made it to Ford's theater five or six times on the night that President Lincoln was assassinated. Each time he met his "copies" and changed the course of history.